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Week of Friday, May 10, 2019 | Vol. 7, No. 19

Kauai Dance Theatre’s spring fling is coming

• INSIDE: Kauai Chorale concerts coming

Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend Check da Scene


2 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, May 10, 2019


OLDER AMERICANS MONTH FESTIVAL 9 a.m. to noon, Kukui Grove Center “SWEENEY TODD — THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET” 7 p.m. Puhi Theatrical Warehouse Tickets: NORTH SHORE DANCE PARTY Church of the Pacific, Princeville, 6:30 p.m. potluck, 7 p.m. dance lessons, cha chas with Morgan Peters. 7:30 to 10 p.m. social dancing, swing, Latin, ballroom music $5. All levels welcome, no partner necessary. Benefit for North Shore Dance Club. SATURDAY

“SWEENEY TODD — THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET” 7 p.m. Puhi Theatrical Warehouse Tickets: MAY DAY BY THE BAY 10 a.m to 5 p.m. Wai‘oli Beach Park, Hanalei off of He‘e Road Music, hula, crafts, cultural demonstrations, community displays, ono food and a silent auction. Park and shuttle at Wai‘oli Town Park. $5 admission fee, children under 5 are free. AARP DRIVER SAFETY CLASS 8 a.m. to noon, Lihue Civic Center Mo‘ikeha Building first-floor conference room AARP members get discount 41ST ANNUAL KAUAI VISITOR INDUSTRY CHARITY WALK 6:30 a.m. Vidinha Stadium soccer fields Food, prizes, entertainment. SUNDAY


4 p.m. Puhi Theatrical Warehouse Tickets:

WALK THE 88 SHRINES Lawai International Center, guided tours at 10 a.m., noon and 2 p.m. Donations welcome. Info: 639-4300, LM@hawaii.,



KIMONO AND OBI DRESSING WORKSHOP 6 to 7:30 p.m. Kapaa Hongwanji Mission Free. Bring a kimono, obi and accessories. Learn to dress for bon dance season. Info: 822-5353 or SUMMER GOLF CLASS REGISTRATION Wailua Golf Course, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Classes open to those ages 7 to 15 are being offered, to run Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to noon, Friday from 1 to 5 p.m., with three, two-week sessions. Info: 241-4111, drego2@ TUESDAY

KAUAI RESILIENCE PROJECT GATHERING: 3:30 to 6 p.m. Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall “Creating Hope Together.” Hear about the work being done to help young people. Guests include Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami. Free. Pupu. WEDNESDAY

KAUAI HIGH SCHOOL SPRING CONCERT 6:30 p.m. Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall Performances by the Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Ukulele Band and Chorus. Free. Donations accepted. AED AND CPR CLASSES 5 p.m. Princeville Public Library Free, open to the public. Registration, info: bit. ly/2ZLpGEJ, 826-4310 or visit the library

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Bill Buley | | 245-0457 ADVERTISING: | 245-0425 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: | 246-0325

Disc Golf at Puakea! Saturday - Tuesdays 9:00AM - 1:30PM Just $25 per person includes 18 holes of disc golf with a shared cart. Call for Disc Times: 808.245.8756

Courtesy Janie Crane

The Kauai Dance Theatre’s Queen of Hearts Court piece includes, kneeling from left Kari Iguchi, Jacy Burris, Lehiwa Harper and Alexandria Zenger (Queen’s Attendants); second row from left Alexis Grossman, Amaya Kali, Caidyn Robinson and Zoe Gray (Queen’s Cards); back from left Mackenzie Franks (Cheshire Cat), Allison Etrata (Alice), Dru Myerson (Queen of Hearts), Jada Lau (White Rabbit) and Natalie Etrata (Executioner). ON THE COVER: The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party scene includes, kneeling from left Zoe Gray (March Hare) and Alexis Grossman (Dormouse); seated from left Mackenzie Franks (Cheshire Cat), Allison Etrata (Alice) and Jada Lau (White Rabbit); standing from left Caidyn Robinson and Amaya Kali (Tweedledee and Tweedledum), Jeianna Iguchi (Mad Hatter), Dru Myerson (Lady Luck) and Natalie Etrata (Lucky Lady).

Kauai Dance Theatre brings ‘Alice in Wonderland’ to life with shows at 2:30 and 5 p.m. at Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall. lice in WonderDelight in the antics of land,” Kauai Dance the White Rabbit, Cheshire Theatre’s spring concert, is Saturday, May 18, Cat, Mad Hatter, Queen of TGIFR!DAY


Hearts, and all the characters as Alice weaves her way through Wonderland. Told through dance and SEE MAGIC, PAGE 3

TGIFR!DAY | Friday, May 10, 2019 | 3

several times, the YMCA, Boys & Girls Club, Kauai Humane Society, Menehune Chef, Hale Opio and others have also been recipients over the years. Our December showcase has usually

benefited the Zonta Club Christmas Fund. It is a privilege to be able to share my love of dance with students, and it is a privilege for the students to be able to study dance. Not

all families are so fortunate, so it is important for KDT to be a supporting member of our Kauai community. For more information, visit or contact Crane, 332-9737.

Courtesy Janie Crane

The Kauai Dance Theatre performers in the Sassy Flowers Shun Alice in the Garden scene are, from left, Natalie Etrata, Dru Myerson, Mackenzie Franks, Jada Lau and Allison Etrata (Alice).


Activity Shack

Hanalei River Healing

Na Pali Properties

Aloha from Hanalei

Hanalei Surf Backdoor

Northside Grill

‘Alice in Wonderland’ ... lends itself well to

Aloha Juice Bar

Hanalei Strings

Ohana Shop

Alo La‘a Yoga & Dance

Honua Engineering

On the Road to Hanalei

interpretation through dance and mime.”

Big Save

Hot Rocket

Pat’s Taqueria

Janie Crane Director, Kauai Dance Theatre


Hula Moon Gifts of Hanalei

Pedal and Paddle

Blue Tiki Tattoo

Infinite Arts

Reside Kauai LLC

Chocolat Hanalei

Jo-Jo Shave Ice

Seahorse Boutique

DeCamp Construction

Kalypso Restaurant

Spinning Dolphin

Divine Planet

Kauai Vacation Rentals

Styles Studio Hanalei

Chicken in a Barrel BBQ

Kokonut Kids

Sunrise Emporium

Hanalei Bay Pizzeria

L&L Hawaiian BBQ

Timeshare Resales

Hanalei Cafe

Lee Acupuncture

Tresor Rare

Hanalei Poke

Na Pali Catamaran

Village Snack & Bakery

Continued from Page 2

mime, the concert’s story is based on the characters, scenes and settings of Lewis Carroll’s classic tales. Temporarily suspend your disbelief and enjoy the magic! Tickets at the door are $12 with children ages 3 and younger free. A portion of the concession proceeds will benefit St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church’s Loaves and Fishes food pantry. TGIFR!DAY visited with Janie Crane, director of Kauai Dance Theatre, about the performance. Can you share a few comments about this production, why you wanted to do “Alice in Wonderland,” what you like about it, what this means to you and your dancers? ‘Alice in Wonderland’ can be perceived as a puzzling story with odd situations, but for that reason it lends itself well to interpretation

Shops, Restaurants & Services at Ching Young Village:


through dance and mime. Students enjoy putting on story productions, so from time to time we do that. While the situations in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass” seem rather bizarre, life lessons can be recognized. The Sassy Flowers shun Alice until a tiny Pink Posy scolds them, tells them that bullying is not OK, then demands they apologize and invite Alice to dance with them in the garden. The Cheshire Cat’s statement (paraphrased from the book), “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there,” encourages us to take con-

trol of the direction of our lives to reach our goals. The Queen of Hearts, while portrayed as a self-absorbed character, does exude confidence, and exclaims (in the book), “…remember who you are!” You give all proceeds to St. Michael’s. Have you always given the proceeds to nonprofits, and could you share a comment about why that’s important to you as well? We do give a portion of the spring concert proceeds to a local nonprofit organization. While the Loaves and Fishes food pantry has been the recipient of show proceeds

You’ll find us in the Heart of Hanalei... Jane F. Abramo


808-639-3773 P.O. Box 475, Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii 96714 Bus: 808-826-7272 • Fax: 808-826-7665 •

4 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, May 10, 2019


Kauai Chorale concerts set for May 18 and 19 at Kauai Community College BILL BULEY TGIFR!DAY


auai Chorale will be performing “Silver Screen Favorites” May 18 and 19 at Kauai Community College Performing Arts Center. S. Morris Wise, artistic director, will be guiding the singing group. Special guest will be Kapaa Middle School Choir and Ukulele Band. Photos by Dennis Fujimoto / TGIFR!DAY TGIFR!DAY asked a few quesABOVE: Members of the Kauai Chorale, including Artistic Director S. Morris Wise, seated front row center, are in their concert dress before a recent retions of Wise in advance of the hearsal at Island School’s main hall in Puhi. BELOW: Wise directs a chorale rehearsal. Members of the soprano section are seated in the background. shows. “Rent,” a medley of songs from choir bring to the performance? “The Sound of Music,” and more! I What is the theme/title and What do they add? have fond childhood memories of why did you select that? What I have great respect for Mary and watching “The Sound of Music” (on does it mean to you? her program. I knew as soon as I TV) so that might be my favorite took the reins of the chorale that The theme or title for this from this concert, and the chorale I wanted to work with Mary and concert is “Silver Screen Favorites.” really brings it to life! her students. The students bring It continues our year of popua fresh, young spirit to our show, lar music drawn from movies. I Can you talk about some selected the Silver Screen theme and I am looking forward to seeing as a fun way to make my acquain- the upcoming show and what them perform both with and for us. people can expect? Are there tance with the members of the a few highlights we can look Kauai Chorale and to provide the Anything else you would like forward to? audience with memorable conto add about the show? One of the things I love about certs. I hope the audience leaves This is going to be a really fun the concert reminiscing, humming this show it that the chorale is show! There are some stunning doing so many different kinds of the tunes, and with wonderful moments of beauty and I love music, so they get to use different memories reacquired. that we get to share that with our vocal techniques and showcase audience. I look forward to seeing become more familiar and they As the director, do you diff erent styles of singing, from everyone there! What are some of the songs always work really hard to accombelieve the chorale is coming sublime to sassy. We are very exTickets are $15 in advance and the chorale will sing? Are these cited to have students from Kapaa together as you hoped? Are you plish our goal of presenting a fine $18 at the door, $6 students. Buy among your favorites? performance. A fine performance seeing the chorale thriving as Middle School Choir & Ukulele them at The chorale will cover a broad starts with real WORK at rehearsals you expected? Band under the direction of Mary Info: 337-1882 range of numbers including and the chorale is always up to the ••• This is still my first year, but it is Lardizabal join us. They are doing “America” from “West Side Story,” task! my second concert. The chorale music from “The Greatest ShowBill Buley, editor-in-chief, can “Some Enchanted Evening” from man” and will join us for two of our and I are still getting to know be reached at 245-0457 or bbu“South Pacific,” “One” from “A ChoWhat does the middle school each other, but every rehearsal we numbers. rus Line,” “Seasons of Love” from

TGIFR!DAY | Friday, May 10, 2019 | 5



he Biggest Little Farm” (two and a half stars out of four) is a documentary with the title, and much of the ••• rosy fantasy, of REVIEW a picture book. John and Molly Chester didn’t, like Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson, buy a zoo. But they got start-up investors to help them purchase a 213-acre farm just north of Los Angeles. “Not just any farm,” John says of their ambitions for an oldschool, biodiverse plot. “We’re talking about something out of a children’s book.” When they excitedly survey their new land, the couple, newly liberated from day-jobs and a cramped Santa Monica apartment near Los Angeles, bubble with anticipation. “I wonder if we can grow bananas,” says Molly. The imagined romance of agrarian life has long been the stuff of daydreams, from “Anna Karenina” to “Shaun the Sheep.” ‘’The Biggest Little Farm,” which

Neon via AP

A farmer tends to a pig in this scene from “The Biggest Little Farm.”

chronicles the eight years that followed for the Chesters, captures what happens when two city folk try to really do what many urbanites only imagine before determining that we could never, really, bring ourselves to wear overalls. The steep learning curve for the Chesters is steeper, still, because they aren’t merely dipping their toe into farming. Unlike the mono-crop farms all around them, their Apricot Lane Farms will be a restorative farm with its own self-perpet-

wildfires. uating ecosystem that, once Capturing those pains was up-and-running, coasts on nature’s own cycles. There will be always part of the plan. Molly ducks and chickens and a bull and John, who’s also the film’s and over 70 varieties of fruit. “Diversify, diversify, diversify,” says their consultant Alan York, a surfer dude-type who speaks mystically about riding a farm like you would a wave. Harmony, of course, proves elusive. Their bliss is constantly interrupted by the toil of daily farm life and a host of invaders: coyotes, snails and birds, not to mention drought and

director and narrator, began their quixotic journey documenting every step of the way, leading to previous segments on Oprah’s OWN network. Their lives are laid out here for inspiration and envy, much like Joanna and Chip Gaines on HGTV’s “Fixer Upper.” The Chesters are about soil the way the Gaines are about shiplap. “The Biggest Little Farm” can at times feel like a larger, better-produced version of the kind of viral video that spreads on Facebook, equal parts uplifting and self-congratulating. It’s a self-contained film about a self-contained paradise. But John, a former cameraman for Animal Planet, documents the place with “Planet Earth” specificity, with

views from the microscopic to the aerial. And “The Biggest Little Farm” is most invested in capturing not the Chesters’ renewal, but the rehabilitation of their land, from dried-out hillside to lush, recycling idyll. And as much as it might seem silly to say about a longterm documentary composed significantly of people doing yard work, “The Biggest Little Farm” couldn’t be more urgent. The United Nations, in its first comprehensive biodiversity report, on Monday said extinction is looming for more than 1 million species of plants and animals. On a planet overwhelmed by habitat loss, the Chesters managed to build an ark. We’re going to need a lot more of them.

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6 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, May 10, 2019


Tuesdays — “Motivation” Wednesdays — “Writing Class” Thursdays — “Editing” Fridays — “Biography” f you’re looking to write better Saturdays — “Books to Read” (aren’t we all?), this book is for you: Sundays — “Writing Prompt” “The Writer’s Devotional: 365 InspiSo many writers overwrite. They rational Exercises, Ideas, Tips & Motiuse unnecessary words. They want to vations on Writing,” by ••• Amy Peters, published be creative, clever and colorful, and BOOK too often they come across as trying in 2012. REVIEW to be someone they are not. Less is It’s how writing should be: Clear, clean, more. Good writing, at the end of direct and simple. Oh, it’s hard work, the day, comes from within. It comes too. Any good writing doesn’t come from your experiences, your life, what easy. But this takes you along, step by you’ve done. You can’t fake it. Here, from “The Writer’s Devotionstep, on a journey that will, if you’re al,” are what some fine writers had to disciplined, end with you being a better writer. And you will enjoy your say about their craft: ◗ “Fill your paper with breathings writing. of your heart.” — William WordEach week is dedicated to a sworth certain area. ◗ “The ideal view for daily writing, Mondays — “Writers on Writing”


hour for hour, is the blank brick wall of a cold storage warehouse. Failing this, a stretch of sky will do, cloudless if possible.” — Edna Ferber ◗ “I just kept on doing what everyone starts out doing. The real

question is, why did other people stop?” — William Stafford ◗ “The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.” — Thomas Jefferson And here’s some motivation to write, per “The Writer’s Devotional:” ◗ “I’m a slow writer: five, six hundreds words is a good day. That’s the reason it took me 20 years to write those million and a half words on the Civil War.” — Shelby Foote ◗ “It’s so easy to fool yourself into thinking that you’re working hard. It’s so easy not to write. So you use any trick you can to make yourself know there’s work to be done. That’s why I wear a jacket and tie when I sit down to write.” — Robert Caro ◗ “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking

five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven today and we don’t know where she is.” — Ellen DeGeneres In the end, you should write about what you know. Write about what you love. Readers know the difference between a writer pretending to understand their subject and a writer who has a passion or it. The key, as any writer will tell you, is to write. I love this bit of motivation by James Patterson: “I’m always pretending that I’m sitting across from somebody. I’m telling them a story, and I don’t want them to get up until it’s finished.” ••• Bill Buley, editor-in-chief, can be reached at 245-0457 or bbuley@


unapologetic, Those familiar ••• steadfast and with the work of BOOK DiFranco — a Gram- REVIEW vulnerable. It’s as if DiFranco my Award-winner has invited you into the who founded her own ni DiFranco has living room of her New record label and has a spent decades Orleans home to have career spanning over challenging the status quo, standing up 20 albums — know she a long discussion about how she got to where is not one to shy away for what she believes she is_from creating her from her opinions. and creating honest, first record to meeting It is not uncommon raw music. Her memoir Prince and recording in when listening to her is an extension of these work to hear a verse that his home. passions. Readers who are speaks out against patriLooking at her lyrics archy, the death penalty already DiFranco fans over the years, it has are offered a window or the government’s always been clear: She imperialism. So it comes through which to better cherishes the written word. In the pages of her as no surprise that in her understand her music (just in case you’ve ever memoir, DiFranco does memoir, “No Walls and wondered about the stonot hold back. the Recurring Dream” ry behind “Untouchable “No Walls and the (Viking) she carries on Face”). She gives you the Recurring Dream,” is this love affair.


rich context of her past and passions that have culminated in emotional verses and honest storytelling through the years. The book also stands alone, for those who haven’t before encountered DiFranco. She is vulnerable in a way that is brave_she recognizes the imperfect moments in her existence just as she acknowledges her own triumphs. The honesty of her introspection encourages the reader to look internally as well. “Whatever the thing is that you are resisting the most, whatever thing

will be the most painful, that is the thing you must do,” she writes. To her credit, DiFranco meets the reader where she or he is. Yes, she has strong opinions, but she makes it clear from the onset that she is not just someone who talks; she is also someone who listens. You don’t have to be a staunch liberal or feminist to appreciate what she has to stay and the stories she has to tell. DiFranco does a brilliant job of walking this line. She won’t sugarcoat her own opinions, but she also leaves room for a conversation to unfold.

CHECK DA SCENE Erin Hofmann, Nick Kaneakua, Kelly Kauai, Celina Baliaris, Ryan Samio, Megan Taylor, Lani Figaroa

TGIFR!DAY | Friday, May 10, 2019 | 7


Maya Tayal, Kevin Lowry, Jordyn Nuivo, Kristi Sumida Adriana Vidal, Lorealle Vidal, Danielle Sadler


Isaac Castillo, Ron Margolis

Vicki Braman, David Braman, Erin Gaines

Daphne Therese, Jade Moss, Birdie Mackin, Sarah Neal-Spears

Mona Valdez, Maia Valdez, Xyleiah Valdez, Jaslen Valdez

Melony Theis, Char Ravelo, Marilyn Solatre

Gabby Gregorius, Cara Brosius, Sofia Brosius, Nicola Sherrill, Scarlet Sherrill

he Kauai Visitor Industry Charity Walk launches Saturday, starting with registration from 6:30 a.m. at the Vidinha Stadium soccer fields. A final push for the annual event where proceeds are shared among Kauai’s nonprofits was hosted by Kukui Grove Center and the Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Association Kauai Chapter, where more than 40 of the recipient nonprofits came to showcase their programs during the Countdown to Charity Walk. The event featured entertainment, many of the groups active in the walk themselves, and a silent auction. It also provided an opportunity for participating groups to network and exchange ideas on how they could better serve the people of Kauai. The annual Kauai Visitor Industry Charity Walk has a goal of raising $410,000 and more than 2,000 walkers.

Malakai Tapiai

8 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, May 10, 2019

April is credit union youth month open a keiki

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