Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend
Week of Friday, May 16, 2014 | Vol. 2, No. 20
WALK FOR A CAUSE Saturday at the Visitor Industry Charity Walk
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2 | TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014
Top picks for the week
3. ENTERTAINMENT: Charity Walk
Taste of Kauai
7. FASHION: Fashion Show
8-9. CHECK DA SCENE: KHS 100th anniversary
10. COMEDY: Harlem Ambassadors
Contact Us: @thegardenisland
OUT & ABOUT: TOP PICKS FOR THE WEEK FRI SAT SUN A FEW GOOD MEN 7 P.M. PUHI THEATRICAL WAREHOUSE Kauai Community Players presents “A Few Good Men,” by Aaron Sorkin and directed for KCP by Dennis McGraw. Tickets cost $20.
CHARITY WALK 7 A.M. HISTORIC COUNTY BUILDING This is the 36th Annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk Kauai.
MAY DAY 8:30 A.M. KALAHEO SCHOOL Family, friends, and the community are welcome to come and enjoy the students’ festive celebration of Aloha. 332-6801.
SPRING CONCERT 7:30 P.M. KAUAI COMMUNITY COLLEGE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER The Kauai Chorale presents their spring concert, Journeys. Tickets cost $12 in advance, $15 at the door.
PROJECT VISION 10 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M. HANAPEPE SALVATION ARMY CORPS COMMUNITY CENTER This is a series of 9 free health-screening events around Kauai.
A FEW GOOD MEN 7 P.M. PUHI THEATRICAL WAREHOUSE Kauai Community Players presents “A Few Good Men,” by Aaron Sorkin and directed for KCP by Dennis McGraw. Tickets cost $20.
This is a series of 9 free health-screening events around Kauai. PAINT OUR GARDEN 9:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M. NATIONAL TROPICAL BOTANICAL GARDEN’S SOUTHSHORE VISITOR CENTER
Two painting classes with professional Kauai artists. 631-9173
‘Legend of Koolau’ 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Waimea Historic Theater.
MON TUE WED KISS CONCERT 7 P.M. OHANA SPORTS BAR Kauai Island Singers Showcase featuring the Songs of Springtime performed by 10 local singers accompanied by a live combo. 822-0545 COMMUNITY YOGA 6 TO 7:30 P.M. NAWILIWILI YACHT CLUB Hosted by the Kauai Sailing Association, weekly on Monday. Bring your own yoga mat or towel. 346-7671
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Bill Buley | | 245-0457 TGIFRIDAY EDITOR/CALENDAR: Chloe Marchant | | 245-0451 ADVERTISING: | 245-0425 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: | 246-0325
ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS LECTURE 5:30 P.M. KAUAI COMMUNITY COLLEGE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER A free public talk with NTBG director of Southshore Gardens, Andy Jasper. WEIGHT WATCHERS 5 P.M. ST. JOHNS EPISCOPAL CHURCH HULA CLASS 4 P.M. KOLOA NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Halau Hula O Leilani is having hula classes for ages 4 to 12. 651-0682
HOW TO START A BUSINESS 5:30 TO 8:30 P.M. LIHUE PLANTATION BUILDING VA RURAL HEALTH OUTREACH 9:30 A.M. HANAPEPE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Veterans who are not currently using VA services are encouraged to stop by and check-out what the Kauai VA Clinic can provide. Veterans are asked to bring a legible copy of their military discharge paper unless already enrolled with VA. 246-0497.
‘CHOICES’ 4 TO 5:15 P.M. LYDGATE BEACH PARK CSL Kauai, a new and growing spiritual community is reaching out to teens ages 13 through 17 with their youth program “Choices.” It’s purpose is to nurture your teen’s emotional, intellectual, creative and spiritual life through art, theater, literature, community sharing and physical activity. Choices will meet weekly on Thursdays. 755-9177 KUGA DANCE CLASS 5 P.M. ISLAND SCHOOL Learn hip-hop, drop in fee is $10.
TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014 | 3
You’ll ďŹ nd us in the Heart of Hanalei... Jane F. Abramo PRINCIPAL BROKER
P.O. Box 475, Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii 96714 Bus: s Fax: 808-826-7665 JANE NAPALIPROP COM s NAPILIPROP COM
BLUE TIKI TATTOO Kauai’s Premiere Tattoo Shop in Historic Hanalei Town
Give, walk and pig out on gourmet food at the 36th annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk Set your alarm early for the Tourism Charity Walk Saturday. Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association’s Visitor Industry Charity Walk organizers are hoping to beat last year’s turnout when 2,100 people walked and raised more than $200,000 at the 36th annual event that starts at 7 a.m. “We’re predicting a big turnout,� said David Sosner, event chairman. The 2.9-mile walk starts at the Historic County Building. All entrants paying a $35 fee will receive a T-shirt and breakfast on the lawn, including hot malasadas and coffee. At the end of the walk, participants will have a chance to eat again, with food prepared by some of Kauai’s finest hotel chefs. Among the offerings for participants will be misoyaki
salmon tempura, kalbi steak with egg omelets, edamame konbu rice, and Kim Chee vegetables and beef stew. “It’s the single biggest fundraising day on Kauai,� Sosner said. “For all the islands participating we’ve raised $26 million since 1978. All the money raised on Kauai, stays on Kauai.� In 2013, proceeds from the walk were donated to 46 different organizations on Kauai including the Boys and Girls Club, Child and Family Services and Easter Seals. “The money raised from the event doesn’t go to support anything but the projects the organizations are trying to fund,� Sosner said. There will be individual prizes awarded this year for the largest donors. The prizes include a 40-inch LED television
and two round-trip tickets to Oahu plus a two-night stay in a hotel. “Anybody who wants to can participate in this healthy exercise event,� Sosner said. All walkers should have minimum donations regardless of age. Registration forms are available at Ace Hardware and Menehune Food Mart or register in advance on the event Facebook page. Registration begins at the Historic County Building on Rice Street and Hoolako Street at 6:30 a.m. Participants under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and walkers under the age of 18 must have their application signed by a parent or guardian. No pets will be allowed at the Charity Walk. Info:
For dads and grads or for that special someone. Hours Daily 11am - 6pm 5-5190 Kuhio Highway, #B9, Hanalei
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The mouth paintings of Moses Hamilton “Art That Soothes the Soul�
(808) 652-2314 Self taught, Moses “Mo� rediscovered his passion for art and started painting by mouth after an accident Join his fan page moses.hamilton
in 2002 left him paralyzed. He paints in an expressive and loose style with a touch of impressionism, using bold colors to create strong, colorful pieces of art inspired by Love of Life and Music. Mo, along with a display of his artworks, is at Ching Young Village Shopping Center on Weekends.
4 | TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014
ost people think that if they work out, they’ll look like a body builder,” says Brett Gold, a personal trainer at the Kauai Athletic Club in Kapaa. He’s responding to my grumblings about not having
lost more weight in the last four months. “Only about 1 percent of the population has the level of discipline needed to maintain an intense diet and exercise regimen,” he says. With a black belt in karate,
(formerly in Koloa and owners used to operate
La Bamba)
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Gold is tough. Not with a drill sergeant approach, but in a manner that pushes me way beyond my comfort zone. He wrenches every wisp of energy from my quaking muscles. Right now, my triceps quiver as I place my hands on the
bar, push down until my arms are extended, hold, and give a little squeeze. “It’s not about looking like a model,” continues Gold, winner of the 1993 Mr. USA Masters Division for body sculpting. “It’s about being healthy. A strong
body keeps you from getting hurt as you age. Strong legs give you good balance, so you won’t fall.” It’s true. Besides losing five pounds and three inches from my waist, I stand taller and sit straighter. In the first week, I
Lunch Special Grand Buffet Combo Plate Wednesday Night
$ 95 $ 99 15% OFF Kama‘aina Discount
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(Not including specials and not valid with other offers.)
,UNCH AM PM $INNER PM PM Closed Tuesday We Do Catering
TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014 | 5
Left page: Brett Gold, Maris Manzano, Marta Lane and Joshua Nations enjoy a Power Breakfast Burrito on Healthy Thursday at Verde. Above: Verde’s Power Breakfast Burrito. Right: Kauai Pasta’s brown rice penne with marinara sauce and a side salad. noticed things became easier. I could steadily lift and carry laundry baskets and grocery bags. My legs quickly carry me up stairs. I have more energy, so I get more stuff done. I’m less stressed, so I’m in a better mood and I’m able to sleep through the night. When I started this journey, I asked Jane Riley, a KAC trainer and contributing writer for The Garden Island newspaper, if it was possible for a food writer to lose weight. She told me that 70 percent of significant weight loss is due to a proper diet. It’s been daunting, but I’m determined. “I eat out between six and eight times a week,” says Joshua Nations, owner of KAC. “I get to know the staff at a restaurant and I’m nice to
them. As a result, I can ask a lot of questions about how they make food and they don’t mind customizing my order.” When Nations scans a menu, he’s looking for lean proteins such as chicken or fish, lots of vegetables and whole grains. If the description says creamy or fried, he moves on until he finds something grilled, steamed or lightly sautéed. “When I call JJ’s Broiler, Kalapaki Joe’s or Olympic Cafe and say, ‘Hey it’s Josh,’ they know to make me a spinach salad, they’re going to leave off the bacon and they’re going to put the dressing on the side.” A typical restaurant will ladle two to three tablespoons of dressing on an otherwise healthy salad. Nations says all
you need is one tablespoon, which spares me about 160 calories on my 1300-caloriea-day-diet. “I love Kauai Pasta,” says Nations. “I usually go there to pig out, but when I’m eating healthy, I go for the whole grain pasta with tomato sauce and add a grilled chicken breast.” At Verde, Nations orders the ahi tacos with guacamole because healthy fats are necessary for good nutrition. Besides using fresh avocados and little else, there are plenty of gluten-free and vegetarian options. Owner Maris Manzano is a fitness buff who sweats it out in the “Bodypump” class at KAC. She created Verde’s Healthy Thursday and every week customers can order a meal that’s less than 400
calories and loaded with local ingredients. This month, it’s the Power Breakfast Burrito with Makaweli Meat Company grass-fed beef, purple sweet
potatoes, Govinda Farm spinach and Kauai Fresh Farm eggs. My husband Dan and I have committed to one year. You can follow our progress in
the next installment, which will offer tips for making healthy meals at home. In the meantime, we’ll see you at the gym!
Sueoka’s Snack Shop Now Open Tuesday to Sunday - 9:00am to 5:00pm Closed Monday
Birdie’ s at Kukuiolono Park
LIVE MUSIC Sat & Sun | 3-5pm, Make Reservations Hours: 8:30am-6pm | 854 Puu Road, Kalaheo | 332-5792
Fresh s ada Malas
Breakfast Lunch Private Parties
Rese rv Your e Clam bake
Host: Ron Horoshko
Old Koloa Town
6 | TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014
Chilling ‘Godzilla’ reboot upholds legacy
No one can blame Gareth Edwards for admittedly feeling nervous when asked to helm a remake of the biggest monster movie of all time. Sure, the only other film he had directed happened to be 2010’s “Monsters.” But this time, it was Godzilla. Well, the latest iteration of the 60-year-old franchise is in capable hands. Edwards’ “Godzilla” is a pleasingly paced 3-D spectacle that pays chilling homage to the artful legacy of the original 1954 film — Ishiro Honda’s “Gojira” — while emerging as its own prodigious monster movie. Created as a symbol of the nuclear threat following America’s atomic attacks on Japan in World War II, Godzilla’s reappearance suggests the nuclear tests conducted by the U.S. in the Pacific after the war were really meant to hold the radioactive dinosaur back. This story begins in Japan
in 1999 as nuclear physicist Joe Brody (Bryan Cranston, edgy in an unbearable wig) investigates questionable seismic activity at the Janjira nuclear power plant. When a team at the plant, including his scientist wife, Sandra (an underused Juliette Binoche), dies in what everyone believes is a natural disaster, Joe dedicates his life to proving that what caused the devastation was anything but natural. His obsession creates a rift between himself and his son, Ford. Fifteen years later, we catch up with Ford (played by a placid but sexy Aaron Taylor-Johnson) in San Francisco, where he lives with his wife (Elizabeth Olsen) and their son. Serving in the U.S. Navy, Ford disarms bombs, a skill that later helps him save the planet from MUTOs — “Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism” — that emerge from a long dormancy and begin traveling the globe,
feeding on radiation. Screenwriter Max Borenstein, working from a story by Dave Callaham, doesn’t bombard us with multiple narratives or a multitude of characters (Ken Watanabe and Sally Hawkins play scientists, and David Strathairn plays an admiral). Instead, the film focuses on Ford’s family story, which Borenstein takes his time de-
veloping. When we finally see Godzilla — just shy of an hour into the film — the anticipation has built to such a degree that we expect to be awe-struck. And we are. The tallest of any Godzillas before him, this one stands 355 feet high — about 30 stories — with glistening, scaly skin and dorsal fin spikes down his back. His terrifying yet textured
roar shakes the theater. Aiming for a realistic take on how we might react to an invasion by giant creatures, Edwards makes sure our view of them rarely shifts from the human perspective. Honoring the eerie music of the original, this film’s score by Alexandre Desplat (“Argo”) is equally menacing, rich with horns that complement the consistently serious tone of the movie. In the original film, made using stop-motion photography, an actor stomped around a miniature Tokyo in a latex suit. But in the hands of visual effects guru Jim Rygiel (“The Lord of the Rings” franchise), the contemporary take looks incredibly fluid and Godzilla’s movements appear far more natural. But we’re not bombarded with excessive CGI here. Godzilla isn’t oversold, although for some, his lack of screentime
won’t be satisfying enough. However, the balance between the family-focused story line and intense action sequences is bound to please others. A threat to the planet in the ‘50s version, Godzilla isn’t out to take the world down this time. He’s here to be its hero and his massive showdown — fiery radioactive breath and all — against the MUTOs is the highlight. He’s more than a catastrophic beast and we’re on his side when he swims off into the sunset. While the predictable sequel has not yet been confirmed, one thing is clear: Edwards’ version of “Godzilla” remains the ultimate monster movie. The legacy has been upheld. “Godzilla,” a Warner Bros. release, is rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for “intense sequences of destruction, mayhem and creature violence. Running time: 123 minutes.
Still just as cool
TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014 | 7
Recycled but trendy clothes headline fashion show
euse, but still just as fresh. The theme for the third annual Storybook Theatre fashion show is recycled clothing and accessories, but done up in style. “Everything can have a second life,” said Shannon Hiramoto, owner of Machine Machine in Hanapepe. Her recycled designs will be featured along with rice bag clothing and vintage aloha shirts from Jacqueline Viennes, and children’s fashions by Renee Uliana of Keiki Kovers. “I like taking junk and making it interesting and fun,” Hiramoto said. A clutch bag created using old blankets, a trucker hat with a hand-stitched fishing net Hiramoto found at Mahaulepu Beach and shorts designed using vintage fabrics from thrift stores are among Hiramoto’s recycled designs. Mark Jeffers, producer of this weekend’s Polka Dots and Stripes Family Fashion show, said the
event will unveil several dozen fashions to be modeled by local children and adults. “We believe families enjoy looking good and having a good coordination of color and style,” Jeffers said. Hiramoto has been designing with recycled goods for more than 20 years. As a teenager, she found it easier to take something from a thrift store or garage sale and deconstruct and reconstruct it. “On this island, it’s nice to have something very different to wear, an outfit nobody else would have,” Hiramoto recalled. “It’s fun to push yourself to see any old, junky thing, and then turn it into something unexpected.” Those “junky” finds include hats made by Hiramoto’s father out of paper bags from local grocery stores and the post office. He designs and folds them and she sells them for $20 each. The show will be held at Sparky’s Garden Stage at the Storybook Theatre space. The
stage is named after former U.S. Sen. Sparky M. Matsunaga, a Hanapepe-raised politician who founded the U.S. Institute of Peace. Besides fashion, Janet Carafa, a mime trained by the world renowned Marcel Marceau and a member of the American Mime Theatre, will be conducting a two-hour workshop for 8- to 16-year-olds. After the workshop, the participants will be the hosts of the fashion show. Magenta Billet, a local wedding seamstress and film costumer will be emceeing the event. The event will be from 5-7 p.m. Saturday at Storybook Theatre of Hawaii on Sparky’s Garden Stage, 3814 Hanapepe Road in Hanapepe. Tickets are $12 for adults and $5 for keiki. Admission will include pupus and drinks. The mime experience will be offered from 2 to 4 p.m. and will cost $12 per person. Info: 335-0712 or email director@
The Kauai Chorale
,OIS 2ICCIARDI #ONDUCTOR s 6IRGINIA 3HEPHERD !CCOMPANIST `Õ ÌÃÊqÊf£ÓÊ Ê>`Û> Vi]Êf£xÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊ` ÀÊUÊ-ÌÕ`i ÌÃÊqÊfx Call 337-1882 or 822-5633 for more information
Ê*iÀv À }Ê ÀÌÃÊ i ÌiÀÊUÊÇ\ÎäÊ* -Õ `>Þ]Ê >ÞÊ£n]ÊÓä£{ÊUÊ ÀÌ Ê- ÀiÊ À ÃÌ > Ê ÕÀV ÊUÊxÊ* ÕiÃÌÃ\ Dan Spriggs, *iÀVÕÃà ÊUÊMike Odo, >ÃÃÊUÊDr. Monty Downs, Harmonica / V iÌÊ"ÕÌ iÌÃ\ Kalaheo Café & Coffee Company, > > i ÊUÊKauai Music and Sound, Kapaa Lappert’s Ice Cream, *À ViÛ i]Ê Õ Õ Õ >ÊUÊNorth Shore Pharmacy, Kilauea Pictures Plus Kukui Grove, LihueÊUÊ* Ê >À iÌ]ÊKapaaÊUÊ-V ÌÌÞ½ÃÊ Õà V]ÊKalaheo Talk Story Bookstore, > >«i«iÊUÊWrangler’s Steakhouse, Waimea
8 | TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014
2742: 30 B24=4
Olivia Gegen, Emily Melchor
Amy Iglesia, Roxanne and Tom Fitzsimmons
Jayna Shaffer
Linda Kaialoa, Renee Thronas
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Jay Furfaro, Ali Arakaki, Darrellyne Caldeira, Eddie Topenio
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808.822.3791 4-796 Kuhio Hwy Kapaa, Kauai 96746
TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014 | 9
History celebrated at KHS 100th anniversary
Amy Iglesia, Wilma Bumanglag, Marj Valenzuela
Nicole Morris, Joel Patricio
Michelle Harrington, Sandee Mattson
Nikki Ishibashi
istory, culture, and lifestyle took center stage, Saturday when the Kauai Historical Society celebrated its 100th anniversary at the Historic County Building. Jay Furfaro, the Kauai County Council Chair, hosted free tours of the historic building, which formerly housed the Office of the Mayor in the location currently occupied by the Kauai Historical Society. Different ethnic groups manned tents symbolizing the different plantation camps offering a variety of food, cultural artifacts, and discussions on how their culture contributes to the multi-cultural lifestyle we enjoy today. Ka Lei Mokihana O Leinaala, returning recently from an award-winning performance at the 51st Merrie Monarch Hula Festival, continued the story-telling, the halau’s Merrie Monarch dancers, performing the kahiko number they performed in Hilo, speaking of the ancient Hawaiian village which was dedicated last year in Poipu. Nikki Ishibashi, the halau’s Miss Aloha Hula candidate who finished with a fifth place in the competition, offered her hula rendering about Queen Liliuokalani and the development of medicine in the Islands.
Chauncy Mancia, Sandi Kato-Klutke, Pearl Shimizu
Keone Tango, Emily Melchor, Larissa Kobayashi, Xarika Casticimo, Jeslie Pavao
10 | TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014
High flying Harlem Ambassadors set to slam on Kauai
he Harlem Ambassadors will bring their unique brand of showman basketball to Kauai for two family-friendly benefit performances at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday at Kauai High School Gym, 3577 Lala Place Lihue HI 96766. The Harlem Ambassadors offer a unique brand of Harlem-style basketball, featuring highflying slam dunks, dazzling ball-handling tricks, hilarious comedy routines, music, dancing and games for the kids. “At our shows, we want the kids to know that they’re part of our team too,” Coach Lade Majic said in a press release. “We invite as many kids as we can to come sit on the bench, have a front row seat during the show, and get involved in all of the fun stuff we do.” The Ambassadors will take on local challengers, the Kauai All-Stars, in a comedy basketball show full of hoops
and hijinks for the entire family. Proceeds from this event will go to support leadership development programs and scholarships at Leadership Kauai, a nonprofit organization with a mission to develop future leaders. “Leadership in sports is one of the finest role models for our youth,” said Char Ravelo, Leadership Kauai’s executive director. Individuals gain physical strength, self-confidence, self-esteem along with team-building, communication and collaboration skills. We anticipate sold out shows as many people are looking forward to this opportunity to support leadership development and enjoy this exciting basketball show fit for the whole family.” The event is co-sponsored by Aston Aloha Beach Resort, and the County of Kauai.
The Harlem Ambassadors have performed more than 2,400 professional comedy basketball games as fundraising and entertainment events for non-profit organizations, the U.S. military and community service groups since 1998. These events have helped raise over $9 million for communities in 50 states and 20 countries. The Ambassadors have appeared at Pearl Harbor, Bosnia, Kosovo, Sarejevo, Korea, Japan, the Marshall Islands, Guam, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Georgia, Mexico, Germany, England and Canada. “We’re proud to give communities quality family entertainment that parents, grandparents and kids can enjoy together and create memories that last a lifetime,” Harlem Ambassadors president Dale Moss said. Tickets are on sale at KMART, Vicky’s Fabrics Kapaa, online at Ambassadors on Kauai, and at our office. For information email or call (808) 246-8727.
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“Local Food at Its Best” Breakfast is served from 7 a.m to noon, lunch is from 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., and dinner is from 5:30-9:30 p.m. Happy Hour is from 3:00-5:30 p.m. They offer free Wi-Fi, and they can also cater any occasion. Bamboo Sushi and Grill, formerly Richie’s Restaurant 2978, is located in the Anchor Cove Shopping Center next to ABC Store. Dining can be done inside, or on one of the patio dining tables which has a view of the Kalapaki Bay.
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TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014 | 11
This is a series of 9 free healthscreening events around Kauai. Mahaulepu and Makauwahi Cave Join the Sierra Club on a moderate 3 miles. 212-3108 ‘Legend of Koolau’ 2:30 p.m. Waimea Historic Theater
MONDAY KISS Concert 7 p.m. Ohana Sports Bar Kauai Island Singers Showcase featuring the Songs of Springtime performed by 10 local singers accompanied by a live combo. 822-0545
GOLF TOURNAMENT FRIDAY Project Vision 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Hanapepe Salvation Army Corps Community Center This is a series of 9 free healthscreening events around Kauai. May Day 8:30 a.m. Kalaheo School Family, friends, and the community are welcome to come and enjoy the students’ festive celebration of Aloha. 332-6801 Slack Key & Guitar Concert 4 to 6 p.m. Hanalei Family Community Center Multi-Award winning traditional Hawaiian slack key guitar and ukulele concert. Tickets $20 ($15 keiki and seniors). A Few Good Men 7 p.m. Puhi Theatrical Warehouse
Kauai Community Players presents “A Few Good Men,” by Aaron Sorkin and directed for KCP by Dennis McGraw. Tickets cost $20.
SATURDAY Charity Walk 7 a.m. Historic County Building This is the 36th Annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk Kauai. Fashion Show 5 to 7 p.m. Storybook Theatre, Sparky’s Garden Stage Harlem Ambassadors 2 to 7 p.m. Kauai High School gym Kauai All-Stars take on the Harlem Ambassadors in a comedy basketball show. 246-8727 Project Vision 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Farmers Market at the Kauai Community College
11th annual Scholarship Golf Tournament 6:30 p.m. Sunday at Poipu Bay Golf Course. This is a series of 9 free healthscreening events around Kauai.
KCP by Dennis McGraw. Tickets cost $20.
A Few Good Men 7 p.m. Puhi Theatrical Warehouse Kauai Community Players presents “A Few Good Men,” by Aaron Sorkin and directed for KCP by Dennis McGraw. Tickets cost $20.
Golf Tournament 6:30 a.m. Poipu Bay Golf Course Kauai Chamber of Commerce 11th annual Scholarship Golf Tournament. 245-7363
Spring Concert 7:30 p.m. Kauai Community College Performing Arts Center The Kauai Chorale presents their spring concert, Journeys. Tickets cost $12 in advance.
SUNDAY A Few Good Men 4 p.m. Puhi Theatrical Warehouse Kauai Community Players presents “A Few Good Men,” by Aaron Sorkin and directed for
Spring Concert 5 p.m. North Shore Christian Center The Kauai Chorale presents their spring concert, Journeys. Tickets cost $12 in advance. Paint Our Garden 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. National Tropical Botanical Garden’s Southshore Visitor center Two painting classes with professional Kauai artists. 631-9173 Project Vision 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital parking lot
Farmer Markets There is a Koloa Sunshine Market at noon at Koloa Knudsen Ball Park side parking lot off Maluhia Road and a Monday Market at 3 p.m. in the parking lot behind Kmart at Kukui Grove Center. Community Yoga 6 to 7:30 p.m. Nawiliwili Yacht Club Hosted by the Kauai Sailing Association, weekly on Monday. Bring your own yoga mat or towel. 346-7671 Hula Class 6 to 7 p.m. Koloa Neighborhood Center Beginner female up to 12 years of age. Class is weekly on Mondays. 645-1403.
TUESDAY Environmental Awareness Lecture 5:30 p.m. Kauai Community College Performing Arts Center A free public talk with NTBG director of Southshore Gardens, Andy Jasper.
Weight Watchers 5 p.m. St. Johns Episcopal Church Weekly Weight Watchers Meetings held same time on Tuesday. Hula Class 4 p.m. Koloa Neighborhood Center Halau Hula O Leilani is having hula classes for ages 4 to 12. 651-0682
WEDNESDAY How To Start A Business 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Lihue Plantation Building Larry Rivera Performs 7 p.m. Cafe Portofino VA Rural Health Outreach 9:30 a.m. Hanapepe United Church of Christ Veterans who are not currently using VA services are encouraged to stop by and check-out what the Kauai VA Clinic can provide. Veterans are asked to bring a legible copy of their military discharge paper unless already enrolled with VA. 2460497.
THURSDAY Free Ocean Movie 7 p.m. Kapaa Public Library Weight Watchers 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church KUGA Dance Class 5 p.m. Island School Learn hip-hop, drop in fee is $10.
12 | TGIFR!DAY | MAY 16, 2014
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12 Months
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