TGIFr!day 010320

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Week of Friday, January 3, 2020 | Vol. 8, No. 1

Check da Scene

Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend


Ryan Hakman, son of ‘Mr.Sunset,’ opens surf gallery to showcase art and history


is tangible, and significant to the local community. Hakman achieves this fter getting a tour of through his storytelling abilities ‘Ohanalei gallery with as well as the artwork on the owner Ryan Hakman, I walls of ‘Ohanalei gallery, which soon learned that he is not only opened Nov. 1. a creative and forward-thinking The piece of history he artist and surfer, but he also shared with me started with a knows how to make history wok and the man who used it come alive through art. to feed his family and the comTo know how it all began is munity. A photograph on canalways an important part of the vas depicts Bobo Hamyoung puzzle of understanding how cooking with a wok next to the things are today, and how they “Andy Irons” tree at Pine Trees came to be. But often a big part beach about six years ago. of the missing element of shar“This photo is from before ing history with others is tying SEE OHANALEI, PAGE 2 it into the present in a way that


SATURDAYS 9:30am –1pm

On the Kauai Community College Campus

Happy New Year!

Kauai Kim Chee with its NEW Marinated Grilled Pork Belly Plate. From Farmers Market to Farm Fair The Kauai County Farm Bureau Supports Agriculture

2 | TGIFR!DAY | January 3, 2020


there are always fresh designs available for purchase. Continued from page 1 One of his shirt designs shows the photograph of his father when he was a kid at Bobo passed away,” Hakman Sunset Beach. said. “He’s cooking, he’s Hakman’s own work, bealways cooked in a wok, here sides the T-shirts he makes, he’s cooking chicken hekka. include work made out of He shared a lot of history resin from old surfboards. and told me stories of him Resin collects on the floor growing up in Hanalei and of a shaper’s workshop and how it was. He shared this over time, creates layers of with me about how Blackpot color. Hakman describes got its name.” each boldly colored layer — “Basically his family would from bright neons to deep catch all the fish down at the blues, greens, and reds — as pier and they would trade being created from a particuthe fish with the Chings for lar surfboard. produce. They would use Monique Rowan / TGIFr!day With the use of molds these cast iron woks when FRONT PAGE: Ryan and Jeff Hakman stand in front of ‘Ohanalei gallery which opened in Hanaany shape can be made cooking at the beach and lei Nov. 1. LEFT: A bold and brilliantly hued painting of a surfer riding a wave by Steven Vafrom pieces of resin from a they would turn black after liere, a well-known artist in the community and father of pro-surfer Evan Valiere. RIGHT: Ryan Hakman points to the “Black Pot” wok on display that Bobo Hamyoung once used. Black Pot shaper’s workshop, including a while from cooking, and Beach was named after the wok, which he often used to cook meals at the beach for people in his multi-colored shark teeth, that’s how the beach got its the family and the community. which Hakman features in name, Black Pot.” the gallery with other resBelow the photograph at Jeff Hakman founded Hamyoung’s “Black Pot” iconic image of a young, in-design art of his. Sunset are trophies of Jeff Quiksilver America with Bob 12-year-old Jeff Hakman, wok hangs in the rafters, Hakman credits wellHakman’s from two contests McKnight in 1976 and then displayed in a place of honor Ryan Hakman’s father, putknown shark enthusiast and ting wax on his board before Quiksilver Europe with Harry of which happened for the near a trophy of Hakman’s photographer Mike Coots first time when he won his paddling out at Sunset Beach Hodge, Brigitte Darrigrand from a Pine Trees surf conwith inspiring him to create trophies, including the Duke and John Winship. Currently, on Oahu for the first time. test. his shark tooth resin work. Kahanamoku contest in 1965 he is the marketing director “It was a real challenge, Closeby the photograph Coots even has some daring and the Pipeline Masters in for NaPali SA (Quiksilver) in back in those days in the late of Bobo Hamyoung is Lynne Hamyoung’s rare woven lau- 50s early 60s there weren’t a France. In 2009 Hakman was 1971. Hakman added that he photographs on canvas of was also the first foreigner to sharks featured in the gallery. welcomed into the Surfers’ lot of young little guys who hala traditional Hawaii-style Other artists in the surf win at the Bells Beach ConHall of Fame in Huntington surfed Sunset Beach,” Jeff hats, called papalelauhala gallery include Steven Valiere, test in 1976 in Australia. Hakman said. “There was this Beach, Calif. hats. father of pro surfer Evan Since the gallery opened, Hakman won his first conmyth of it being dangerous “She’s a master weaver Valiere, who is known for his Jeff Hakman fills in at the test at Sunset Beach when and being reserved for more from the Big Island and we’re bold, colorful paintings of gallery whenever his son he was 17 years old at the established surfers. It was a real fortunate to have some big waves and daring wave needs help. Duke Kahanamoku contest challenge for me but I startof her hats here,” Hakman. riders. Hand silkscreened shirts in 1965, paving the way for “Once those are gone, there ed surfing it when I was 12 Work by Patty Irons work hang nearby the front door. his career as a professional probably won’t be any more.” years old and became very can be viewed there as well, Ryan Hakman plans to rotate surfer and beyond, and after good at it, hence the name A photograph on canvas like her vibrant cover art for the product regularly so that the rest was history. Mr. Sunset. ” in the gallery captures an

the surf film “The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun.” Both Valiere and Irons’ work embody the fun and lively essence and feeling behind surf art, but in two different but no less impressive ways. There’s also works included featuring painted bright, tropical flowers and dining scenes by Camille Fontaine, painted cartoon style creatures by Bryce Baker, ocean art in resin by Cheyne Tasic, and ocean and seascape paintings by Maxine Longoria, and patches created by Brelan Sugahara. The variety of work in a small space really shows how lively and brilliant surf art can be, which often strays from the norm, but in a good way. In the future, Hakman expects to host monthly events at the gallery, and will be rotating featured artwork. Opening the doors of ‘Ohanalei was something the surf artisan has long wanted to do. “It’s always been a dream of mine, it’s taken what?” he said. “Six, seven years maybe? But now it’s finally happening.” Ryan Hakman says of his mission behind ‘Ohanalei: “I’m trying to really showcase art and history, that’s what I am interested in. That’s what I live for every day. People enjoy the original story. Something that’s real. I do, anyway.”

Join Us For Breakfast! ���������������������

Open daily for lunch & pupus til sunset Located at the Puakea Golf Course ��������������������������������������������

TGIFR!DAY | January 3, 2020 | 3


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Bill Buley | | 245-0457 ADVERTISING: | 245-0425 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: | 246-0325

Shops, Restaurants & Services at Ching Young Village:

photo submitted by Kokee Resource Conservation Program

The fourth annual Ho’omaluo fundraiser is set for Jan. 19 at the Kekaha Harbor House.

Kauai Resource Conservation Program presents dinner, drinks at the Kekaha Harbor House Together, they’ve put in more than 173,000 hours removing weeds by hand in the 12,000acre Koke‘e forest. Over the last 21 years KRCP tart off the new year has removed over 13,000,000 supporting healthy invasive plants from Kauai’s forests at the Kekaha watershed, said Mapuana Harbor House with dinner, O’Sullivan, head of KRCP. and westside hospitality at “(We bring) in hundreds of the fourth annual Ho’omalu. volunteers and interns every Sponsored by the Kauai year to help with the difficult Resource Conservation Protask of manually removing gram, it features live entertainment by Kauai band ‘Oiwi invasive plants from some of and pupus and refreshments Kauai’s most pristine forests,” O’Sullivan said. “Working in the sunset. one acre at a time to protect It’s set for Sunday, Jan. 19, Kauai’s fragile unique ecofrom 5 to 9 p.m. It supports systems and watershed from KRCP, which removes invathe invasion on non-native sive plants from the Kokee invasive plants.” forests with a team of three Alongside volunteers, full-time staff members and KRCP leverages funding to an ever-rotating roster of help with projects, which volunteers and interns. About 32,000 interns have helps fill in the spaces left uncovered by federal funding. been through the program since it was founded in 1998. According to KRCP, Hawaii JESSICA ELSE TGIFR!DAY


has 33% of all endangered species in the U.S. but receives only 5% of federal funding dedicated to endangered species protection. By removing invasive plants from Kauai’s fragile ecosystem, KRCP and their volunteers and interns are creating space for native plants to rebound. That works in concert with other organizations that replant native plants, together making Kauai forests healthier, O’Sullivan said. Proceeds from the Ho’omaluo fundraiser will go straight to KRCP volunteer and intern programs to help further their part of that work. Tickets are $30 for presale and $35 at the door. Children 10 and under, admission is free. Tickets are available at

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4 | TGIFR!DAY | January 3, 2020



Tiffany Sagucio, Barbara Green, Isabel Gampon

Evelyn Basnillo, Noli Basnillo

Mario Trinidad, Marilou Trinidad

Virgie Cruzada, Dita Marshall

Nena Pescador, Marie Mendaro, Maverick Gambeng, Cleo Arias, Shari Rabaino

Chuck Iwai, Tiffany Sagucio, Sachiko Iwai - Los Angeles

Chris Gampon, Raydene Gampon



izal Day is celebrated on Dec. 30, the anniversary of the execution of Dr. Jose Rizal who is considered a national hero in Philippine history. Officials and representatives of community Filipino civic organizations congregate at the statue of Rizal on the lawn of the Historic County Building to offer floral tributes and hear remarks of the life and deeds of Rizal, who was an advocate for Filipino equality and liberation from Spanish rule. He was arrested for treason, and convicted on the grounds of rebellion, sedition, and conspiring against the government. He was sentenced to execution by a firing squad on Dec. 30, 1896. His deaath was the final straw for the Filipinos, and the end for the Spanish colonisers.


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Juanito Rabaino, Edwin Navarro, Delia Navarro, Lalane Rabaino, Marilou Trinidad

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