Week of Friday, July 5, 2019 | Vol. 7, No. 27
Check da Scene
Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend
PANIOLO PARTY Parade honors the cowboy way
SATURDAYS 9:30am –1pm On the Kauai Community College Campus
Come meet the new owners! Artisian Meat Market
Under New Management ~ Gather and Laura ~ same great products! From Farmers Market to Farm Fair The Kauai County Farm Bureau Supports Agriculture
2 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, July 5, 2019
FRIDAY FESTIVAL AND ART WALK 5:30 to 9:30 p.m., Hanapepe Food, shopping, live music. Free. Info: 335-6469
MOVIE NIGHT 5:30 p.m., Waimea Public Library “Lego Movie 2” will be screened. Free. Refreshments.
TRIVIA NIGHT 6 to 8 p.m, Anaina Hou Community Park, Kilauea Trivia contests, food trucks, more. Free. Info: thetriviagirl@ gmail.com
SPAY/NEUTER CAT SURGERY 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Kealia Farm Lanai, 2345 Kealia Road A $50 donation pays for one surgery, and includes a mandatory microchip. Vaccines are available for an additional $20 donation. Payment is due at check-in.
LIVE HAWAIIAN MUSIC WITH LARRY RIVERA 5 p.m., Coconut Marketplace, Waipouli Free. Info: coconutmarketplace.com SATURDAY
BEACH CLEANUP 8:30 a.m., Lydgate Park Free. Info: kamvlanius.wordpress.com KAUAI ISLAND CRAFTERS FAIR 8 a.m. to 2 p.m, Church of the Pacific, Princeville All sorts of locally made products. Free. Info: 635-4314 SIERRA CLUB HIKE Starting and ending at Kalapaki Beach Easy three miles. Donation requested. Info: Vivian Hager, 652-3234, or sierraclubkauai.org SUNDAY
OPEN MIC SUNDAYS IN POIPU 4:30 to 7 p.m., Paco’s Tacos, Kiahuna Golf Course Music, food, more. Free. Info: openmickauai.com PING PONG 3 to 5 p.m., Kilauea Neighborhood Center Tables, balls and paddles are free. Info: 503-449-7129 ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 8 to 11 a.m. Lydgate Park The Center for Spiritual Living’s six-year anniversary celebration. Silent auction begins at 8 a.m., celebration follows at 9 a.m. followed by a potluck feast. Info: 431-1700 or cslkauai. org
BALLROOM DANCE CLASS REGISTRATION 7 to 9 p.m., Hanapepe Recreation Center Beginning classes are cha cha, foxtrot and West Coast swing. Classes begin after registration and run each Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. Info: Cornelia, 335-5823, Glenda, 335-3554. BINGO PARTY 10:45 a.m. to noon, Princeville Community Association clubhouse Healthy snacks, prizes and Bingo. RSVP to el@princevillecommunity.com or 826-6687. WEDNESDAY
BALLROOM DANCE CLASS REGISTRATION 7 to 9 p.m., Lihue Neighborhood Center Beginning classes are tango, night-club two-step and foxtrot. Classes begin after registration and run each Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. Info: Cornelia, 335-5823, or Glenda, 335-3554.
Dennis Fujimoto / TGIFR!DAY file
Plantation garb with real dirt smeared on some of the aprons graces walkers from Lawai Beach Resort during a previous Koloa Plantation Days parade. ON THE COVER: Members of the Kauai All Girl Rodeo Association get patriotic with their mounted unit.
SADDLE UP FOR KOLOA PLANTATION DAYS Festivities officially start July 19 TGIFR!DAY
HAWAIIAN STAR STORIES 5:30 p.m., Princeville Public Library Jenna Kemele Hinton talks about wayfinding using the stars. THURSDAY
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME 10 a.m., Koloa Public/School Library Info: 742-8455
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Bill Buley | bbuley@thegardenisland.com | 245-0457 ADVERTISING: displayads@thegardenisland.com | 245-0425 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: tgiclassified@thegardenisland.com | 246-0325
vening outdoor movies at Poipu Beach Park kick off almost three weeks of celebration on Kauai’s Southside for Koloa Plantation Days. Every year in July, the Southside is stacked with workshops and trail walks, volunteer opportunities and music, fishing, mini golf and storytelling — all celebrating the area’s history as the birthplace of sugar planta-
tions in Hawaii and Hawaiian culture. This year’s theme is Year of the Paniolo (cowboy). Technically spanning July 19-28, the 2019 festival kicks off on July 12 with family-friendly movies by the ocean at Poipu Beach Park. A volunteer cleanup opportunity at the Tree Tunnel is set for the next day at 6 a.m. The Friday Night Rodeo Bash provides the official kickoff for Koloa Plantation Days, where paniolo compete in events like SEE KOLOA, PAGE 3
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TGIFR!DAY | Friday, July 5, 2019 | 3
food, games, live entertainment, and much more, at the ball park following the conclusion of the parade. During and after the parade, see decked-out cars and flower-covered floats
and people dressed in historically accurate clothing on horseback and walking through the crowd, along with musicians and dancers. For more information and a schedule of events, visit
koloaplantationdays.com and watch for an insert in an upcoming edition of The Garden Island with a full schedule of the events and more stories and photographs.-
Shops, Restaurants & Services at Ching Young Village: Activity Shack
Hanalei River Healing
Na Pali Properties
Aloha from Hanalei
Hanalei Surf Backdoor
Northside Grill
Aloha Juice Bar
Hanalei Strings
Ohana Shop
Alo La‘a Yoga & Dance
Honua Engineering
On the Road to Hanalei
Big Save
Hot Rocket
Pat’s Taqueria
Watch future editions of The Garden
Hula Moon Gifts of Hanalei
Pedal and Paddle
Blue Tiki Tattoo
Infinite Arts
Reside Kauai LLC
Island and TGIFR!DAY for more stories,
Chocolat Hanalei
Jo-Jo Shave Ice
Seahorse Boutique
photos, and a special section on Koloa
DeCamp Construction
Kalypso Restaurant
Spinning Dolphin
Plantation Days
Divine Planet
Kauai Vacation Rentals
Styles Studio Hanalei
Chicken in a Barrel BBQ
Kokonut Kids
Sunrise Emporium
Hanalei Bay Pizzeria
L&L Hawaiian BBQ
Timeshare Resales
Hanalei Cafe
Lee Acupuncture
Tresor Rare
Hanalei Poke
Na Pali Catamaran
Village Snack & Bakery
Dennis Fujimoto / TGIFR!DAY file
Jacob Vogelgesang of the Sheraton Kauai Resort helps a youngster get a look at a live chicken in its cage atop the vegetable cart of the Lawai Beach Resort unit during a previous Koloa Plantation Days parade.
Koloa Continued from Page 2
team roping, bull riding and barrel racing. Also in the arena at CJM Country Stables is the keiki sheep-riding competition. Dancing and live music from Not My First Rodeo, a beer garden and plenty of food follow the rodeo on Friday night, and rodeo activities continue on July 20 and 21. That first weekend also provides opportunities for a walk through the St. Raphael Church campus and onto the adjacent, historic Hapa Trail, as well as fishing at Waita Reservoir. A free concert featuring John Cruz and Beat Lele sets the stage for the 2019 Koloa Plantation Days opening celebration at
Poipu Beach Athletic Club on Saturday. The event also features games, food trucks, and food from the Poipu Beach Athletic Club restaurant. Mini golf and live music follows on Sunday, as well as the finals of the rodeo. That kicks off a full week of opportunities to learn about the history, culture and ecology of Kauai’s Southside. Peruse craft fairs and take a tour of the National Tropical Botanical Garden’s McBryde Garden and take in a Polynesian revue and fire dancing.
Hike and learn how to do watercolor painting along the Maha‘ulepu coastline, learn plantation-style cooking, and try your hand in the Plantation Days Putting Contest at the Poipu Bay Resort Golf Club. Saturday, July 27 brings the centerpiece event of Koloa Plantation Days, with the annual parade, set to start at 10 a.m. The route is set from Koloa School on Poipu Road to Anne S. Knudsen Park (Koloa ball park) on Maluhia Road, and ends with the annual daylong celebration of crafts,
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4 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, July 5, 2019
himself. ••• He put her MOVIE REVIEW photograph on his second album and contint’s not exactly a hit parade, the ued to talk reflectively about Ihlen songs that have been turned on stage after their relationship into movies. There was the disintegrated. Shortly before Ihlen shambling reconstruction of Arlo died at 81 of leukemia in 2016, CoGuthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant,” the hen left her a tender message that fizzy pop of “Earth Girls Are Easy,” soon-thereafter went viral. the Sandra Bullock rom-com “I’m just a little bit behind you, “Love Potion No.9.” But digging into a Leonard Cohen song, as the close enough to take your hand,” documentary “Marianne & Leonard: said Cohen. He died four months later. Words of Love” does, holds more “Marianne & Leonard” bookends promise. Cohen’s songs can hold its tale with that moment, and eternities in them. it sometimes stretches to fill the And the story behind Cohen’s chapters in between. Since the film classic ballad “So Long, Marianne” was made posthumously, neither is indeed one that spans many years, from the masterful Montreal of its principles were interviewed, leaving Broomfield to rely largely singer-songwriter’s beginnings to on secondhand sources. And his death in 2016. In the early ‘60s, Cohen was living far from his native Cohen and Ihlen’s connection, while obviously deep, feels less like Canada in a sun-kissed bohemia a feature-length story than a short; paradise on the Greek island of Hydra, taking acid, writing feverish- a song, not an album. Broomfield is a veteran British ly and falling in love with a young, documentary maker who has often blonde, warm-spirited Norwegian inserted himself into his films about woman named Marianne Ihlen, Tupac Shakur, Kurt Cobain and who had a son from her first marWhitney Houston. But even though riage to the writer Axel Jensen. Their blissful romance came be- Broomfield also had a romance with Ihlen, he largely keeps his fore fame found Cohen. When he turned from novel writing to music distance here. The golden footage of Ihlen and Cohen on Hydra is curand eventually — coaxed by Judy tesy of D.A. Pennebaker, who was Collins — singing his own songs, there in between making a pair of Cohen was catapulted far from Hydra, signed to Columbia Records ‘60s non-fiction classics: “Don’t Look Back” and “Monterey Pop.” and hailed as a baritone-voiced Those images and the passage sage. Among his first songs was an ode to Ihlen, “So Long, Marianne.” It of time give “Marianne & Leonard” a wistful nostalgia and a melanwasn’t initially intended as an epicholy reflection on how love can taph to his relationship with Ihlen reverberate for decades in life and but came to be one. in art, long after its participants They continued together offhave parted. and-on for years, but gradually But strands of the story tug grew apart. Cohen, whose fifth at that romantic notion. Those studio album was titled “Death of misgivings are best voiced by a Ladies Man,” moved on to other Aviva Layton, widow of the poet places and other women. (Janis Irving Layton and friend to the Joplin was among them.) Yet Cocouple, who takes a dim view to hen’s romance with Ihlen became mythic, a legend Cohen burnished, the open marriages of the ‘60s and
Roadside Attractions via AP
ABOVE: Leonard Cohen and Marianne Ihlen are lovey-dovey in a scene from the documentary “Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love.” BELOW: Cohen is hard at work on his manual typewriter while listening to his electric transistor AM radio.
the children who often paid the price. Ihlen’s son, Axel, wound up in a mental institution. And the rosy portrait is muddied, too, by the years Cohen strung Ihlen along at great pain to her, even as he sung her praises around the world. And yet the sweet melody of “So Long, Marianne” is hard to resist. Earlier this year, the love letters Cohen wrote Ihlen fetched $1.2 million at auction. But Cohen, himself, may have felt some guilt over Ihlen and Axel receding from his life. In the poem “Days of Kindness,” he wrote: “I pray a loving memory exists for them, too, the precious ones I overthrew for an education in the world.” release, is rated R by the Motion “Marianne & Leonard: Words Picture Association of America for of Love,” a Roadside Attractions some drug material, sexual refer-
ences and brief nudity. Running time: 97 minutes. Two and a half stars out of four.
TGIFR!DAY | Friday, July 5, 2019 | 5
Potions slings kombucha, Indian food in Wailua JESSICA ELSE TGIFR!DAY
he colorful walls of Potions in Wailua are lined with dried herbs that go directly into
The little shop sits across the parking lot from Brick Oven Pizza in Wailua. Walk through the screen door and you’ll find yourself immersed in a sea of savory house-made teas, tisanes smells and bright colors. and kombuchas. Close-quarters seating And that’s just scratching the surface at the teahouse, is a given at Potions, with where you can get a plate of patterned couches and a high bar taking up much of Indian-inspired cuisine and the space. The layout creates a fresh glass of kombucha an inviting atmosphere that right from the tap. encourages patrons to talk story. Kombucha is made in the back, and combined with herbs, fruit, flowers and flavors like ginger, hibiscus, ginseng and chocolate. Blends can be made to order, with kombucha crafted with ample adaptogens or antioxidants, or tailored for boosting immunity or energy. In general, the tea is made
by fermenting black tea with a “SCOBY” – an acronym for Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast. That yields a bubbly beverage that’s good for digestion, among other health benefits. Combine that with other herbs, fruits, spices, flavors and flowers, and you’ve got kombucha. Usually there are four varieties on tap at Potions, like ginger ginseng, dandelion and burdock or fruit cocktail. Tisanes and wellness blends are also occasionally on tap, and always on the menu. Tisanes are simply herbal teas that don’t
contain the leaves of the Camellia sinesis plant. The term “tea” technically refers only to beverages made with Camellia Sinesis, which is native to Asia. Differences in processing and picking the plant yield the different teas — Earl Grey, and Chinese and Japanese green teas. Tisanes can be made with a variety of herbs, flowers and other ingredients. Alongside drinks both hot and cold, Potions has a smattering of food from a small kitchen in the back. Reminiscent of cafeteria-style serving, patrons
Jessica Else / TGIFR!DAY
LEFT: Sofia Scheuerman chooses the Ginger Ginseng kombucha from the tap at Potions in Wailua.
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choose from a list of main dishes and portion sizes, as well as sides like brown rice and naan. Dishes include madras curry, and tofu takari, as well as saag paneer — a vegetarian spinach and cheese dish. Open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. throughout the week and closed on Sunday, Potions is a place to grab a substantial lunch or light dinner and belly up to a different kind of bar. ••• Jessica Else, staff writer, can be reached at 2450452 or jelse@thegardenisland.com.
6 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, July 5, 2019
the Pacific” does choices, covering ••• so many spans of BOOK REVIEW a marvelous job of exploring the time, as well as an enormity of well-written ancient culture of Hawaii, the era of first Western (and poorly-written) books contact, the involvement of out there. However, even with such the Christian missionaries, variety, there is always room and up until the looming annexation by the United for exploration, and HaCYNTHIA LYNN & States. waii-born novelist and writer ED JUSTUS “Paradise” is not a mere Susanna Moore provides us SPECIAL TO TGIFR!DAY retelling of events, but an opportunity to look at awaiian history is one Hawaii’s history in a unique rather a view of this history through the eyes of the of those subjects that and engaging way. very people who where Whether one is familiar can be daunting to there at the time, by their with the history of the know where to even start own words. Additionally, islands or not, “Paradise of reading. There are so many
Moore’s eloquent and flowing prose provides the context for these historical personal perspectives, and
does so with an effort not to place judgment one way or the other on the parties involved, but rather allowing the reader to decide for themselves — always a welcomed approach. From the unique vantages such as the early explorers to Hawaii, the missionaries, members of the Hawaiian royalty, and others, we get to learn about the life and customs of the pre-contact Hawaiians, and how the arrival of other cultures began a rapid shift in Hawaii’s
who was presumed killed in a fire along with Gabriel. The source says he recognized April’s voice and mannerisms when he saw Renee doing a televised discussion with her daughever Look Back” by Alison Gaylin ter, online film columnist Robin Diamond. (William Morrow) is her 11th novel. Although skeptical, Quentin still flies to the The popularity of true crime New York area to find the truth, igniting another podcasts bleeds into the tightly plotted “Never chain of violence. Look Back” by Alison Gaylin. Her fictional hero The solid plot of “Never Look Back” also works Quentin Garrison uses his position as the well as a character study as Gaylin intelligentinterviewer for the L.A.-based podcast “Closure” ly delves into each person’s psyche. Robin, to chronicle how violence affects families for wrapped up in her fraying marriage and online decades in various ways. haters who object to her column, begins to Alison Gaylin’s 11th novel perceptively wonder just how well she knows her mother, examines family dynamics, the domino effects who never talked about her past. The idea that of violence and our personal stories — real or this well-liked suburban matron who was a invented — that help us maneuver through life. loving mother could be a killer living incognito The strong tension that launches “Never Look seems preposterous to Robin — the fodder of Back” only intensifies with each surprising twist. B movies. And yet, the more Robin begins to Violence destroyed Garrison’s family and he consider this, the more she wonders about her inherited the aftermath. His mother’s youngmother. est sister was only 4 when she was killed in Quentin is clinically depressed, obsessive and a shootout by teenagers Gabriel LeRoy and possibly violent, but Gaylin’s realistic shaping April Cooper, nicknamed the Inland Empire makes the reader also feel for him. Damaged by Killers who ended up murdering 12 people in true self to his husband, Dean, or his life-long his family and its history, Quentin has still manSouthern California in 1976. His grandfather, best friend and co-producer, Summer. aged to inspire love and devotion from Dean devastated by his little girl’s murder that led Quentin uses “Closure” for his own sense of and Summer, despite his protestation that he’s to his wife’s suicide, neglected his surviving closure by first trying to interview his grandnot a good person. child. A drug addict all her life, Kate became the father, whose bitterness still simmers. The two “Never Look Back” is another superior outing kind of parent she had — neglecting Quentin, have a fight. Quentin finds another angle for his destroying his self-confidence and crushing his podcast when a source calls to say he believes from Gaylin, who won the 2019 Edgar for her last novel, “If I Die Tonight.” sense of identity. He’s afraid to ever show his a woman named Renee Bloom is really April,
traditional values, behaviors and beliefs within the span of only a century. Noted and respected Hawaii authors such as Paul Theroux (“Hotel Honolulu”) and Kaui Hart Hemmings (“The Descendants”) have also spoken highly of “Paradise of the Pacific,” and there is little doubt this book will continue to be appreciated for years to come. ••• Cynthia Lynn and Ed Justus are owners of The Bookstore in Hanapepe.
music festival has disinvited folk singer Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary over his 1970 jail sentence for indecent liberties with a 14-year-old girl. The Press and Sun Bulletin of Binghamton reported that board members of the Colorscape Chenango Arts Festival in upstate New York cited negative reaction to Yarrow on social media in their decision to remove Yarrow from the festival’s lineup. The 81-year-old Yarrow was to appear Sept. 8 with a performance painter. A replacement has not been announced. Yarrow was sentenced to three months in jail over a 1969 episode in which the 14-year-old and her 17-year-old sister went to his hotel seeking an autograph and he answered the door naked. Former President Jimmy Carter pardoned Yarrow in 1981. A representative for Yarrow says the singer accepts the decision.
TGIFR!DAY | Friday, July 5, 2019 | 7
Kamanakai Wong, Raquel Kaui, Regina Kaui, Kenzie Wong
Giselle Chow, Kimana Cabinatan, Landon Summers
Denny Anderson, Mary Lardizabal
Shark Man, Brooklyn Kurtz
Kara Bryanty
Michael Binonwangan, Martin Binonwangan
Leigh Hicks, Mary Lardizabal, Carrie Miranda
he Aloha Council of the Boy Scouts of America was not recruiting Saturday at Kukui Grove Center. Denny Anderson, the BSA Kauai district executive, said, “Instead, we’re just out here hosting the Backyard Games to show people that we’re out here.” Keiki and their parents spent time frolicking through oversized games like Connect 4, an oversized cornhole, horseshoes, ring toss and checkers set up inside as a hedge against inclement weather that earlier blanketed the island. “The weather is nice,” said Mary Lardizabal, helping with the gathering. “We have a lot of visitors who are enjoying themselves while waiting for their planes. It’s a shame the bad weather came earlier.” Kukui Grove Center sets up backyard Games on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Aug. 4 near the Keiki Korner Play Area.
At left from left: Malia Acosta, Brycen Watson, Nicole Acosta, Brydon Watson, Makayla Acosta
Sierra Maeda, Alexis Newson - Las Vegas, Nevada
8 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, July 5, 2019
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