TGIFr!day 121319

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Week of Friday, December 13, 2019 | Vol. 7, No. 50

Check da Scene

Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend


Performances set for Sunday at the Kauai Museum CHRIS COOK SPECIAL TO TGIFR!DAY


Chris Cook / Special to TGIFR!DAY

he life of the ali‘i ai moku Kaumuali‘i, the last king of Kauai, is being portrayed in a one-act drama that is coming to the Kauai Museum on Sunday. Two shows are scheduled for the main gallery of the Kauai Museum at 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. Admission is free and the performance is open to the public. Reservations are required. Call 245-6931. Hawaii actor Moses Goods is giving a solo performance as Kaumuali‘i. Goods will act in a period costume.

Moses Goods performs “My Name is ‘Opukaha‘ia” at Goshen, Connecticut, last year. The performance at Goshen Congregational Church marked the bicentennial of the pioneer mission to Hawaii by leaders Asa Thurston and Hiram Bingham.

M a r k e t SATURDAYS 9:30am –1pm


On the Kauai Community College Campus

Featuring Punana Leo’s HoLiday WreatHs and KeiKi They will be selling Holiday wreaths and the keiki will be performing holiday songs

troPiCaL FLoWer eXPress

From our Farm to your Door. We ship tropical flowers to your ohana on the Mainland. From Farmers Market to Farm Fair The Kauai County Farm Bureau Supports Agriculture

2 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, December 13, 2019



Continued from Page 1

“Kaumuali‘i lived in a very pivotal time in Hawaii’s history,” Goods said. “The decisions and choices that he and other paramount chiefs made would determine the future of the islands. Trying to understand why they made those decisions is what I find most intriguing about working on projects like this one.” “In a letter written by Kaumuali‘i he renounces the gods of his kupuna and proclaims his conversion to Christianity,” Goods said. “Why? What was truly at the root of his decision to turn away from centuries of belief, knowledge and understanding? We’ll likely never really know, but in this piece I explore one possible reason.” Goods recently returned from a monthlong Hawaii mission bicentennial tour across New England, presenting “My Name is ‘Opukaha‘ia,” his one-act drama based on the life and death of Henry Obo‘okiah, the first Native Hawaiian Christian. Hawaii mission bicentennial events to mark the arrival of the first missionaries on

Kauai are scheduled for Waimea on Saturday, May 2, and Sunday, May 3, 2020. The performance is being brought to Kauai by the Hawaiian Mission Houses’ History Theatre program. Hawaiian Mission Houses develops portrayals of actual figures from Hawaii’s history, creates scripts and costumes for the actors, and presents the resulting dramas to the community. Two other historical figures with Hawaii ties are being portrayed: William Kanui, who sailed away from Kauai as a youth and returned to Hawaii with the pioneer American missionary party in 1820. Mary Bishop Dowsett’s seafaring husband was lost at sea in 1834 and she went on to become an important member of high society in Hawaii. The Kauai Museum performances are funded by the Hawaii Council for the Humanities and the Hawaiian Mission Houses. Info:,



e all deserve to have happiness. There are many books and people which espouse a method for finding happiness in your life, and they come in all forms and directions. Some are psychological, some are religious, and some take different approaches altogether. Suffice to say, finding what brings joy to our lives has many, many paths.​ “Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life,” by Hector Garcia (a resident and citizen of Japan), is a wonder-

ikigai concept is a sound one, rooted in ancient Buddhist philosophy and practiced by many (and in many different ways).​ Garcia does a great job of introducing what ikigai is about, and how it can apply to anyone for whatever activities that keep them motivated to wake up each day. It is more than just about keeping busy. Rather, it is discovering a passion you have which you want to be busy with. Sometimes, that may not even be obvious, and the author provides simple, easy-to-follow suggestions to help.​ This has been a recent addition to our store, and we have been pleasantly surprised at how many people from all ful addition to the possibilities we can walks of life have gravitated towards ikigai. explore in finding deeper satisfaction Regardless of your age, or where you are out of life. In it, Garcia presents us with in your life, “Ikigai” is a wonderful, uplifting a cultural philosophy which has been book that speaks to everyone in a genuine present in Japan for generations: to be way. busy, and to be focused with enjoyment ••• on what we are busy with.​ Ed Justus is the owner of Talk Story At first, this notion may sound Bookstore in Hanapepe. Yuriko and somewhat unusual, as there is always Ed Justus are Kalaheo residents. Talk that desire to “take it easy” or “get away Story Bookstore is open daily, 10 a.m. from it all” as a way to enjoy life. Yet, the to 5 p.m., and until 9 p.m. on Fridays.



auai Voices is having its Ohana Holiday Concert on Thursday, Dec. 19, at 7 p.m. at the St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Lihue. It is free.

“It isn’t your standard Christmas carols. They are lush, beautifully arranged holiday songs that will be sung by 24 singers. We will be singing the classic “Silent Night” piece in German, Spanish, Korean and in English,” said Artistic Director Randy Leonard.

Leonard said the audience can expect solos and and duets. The accompanist is Monica Chung. Donations are accepted. “We appreciate everyone. This is the season of giving, so we are giving the gift of holiday music,” Leonard said.

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TGIFR!DAY | Friday, December 13, 2019 | 3

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Bill Buley | | 245-0457 ADVERTISING: | 245-0425 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: | 246-0325

Stephanie Shinno / TGIFR!DAY

Members of the Kauai Opio and Keiki Orchestra include Alapati Manutai, Jian Marco Ballesteros, Megan Lawson, violin director of the Boys & Girls Club Lihue clubhouse; Michaela Alcaraz, Kilian Paden, Bailey Wisdom, Christin Singh, Angelina Pinnock, Kingsten Ordonez, Lytron Shinno, Kekai Texeira, Gabruella Sahagun, Markus Lizarraga, David Braman, Koa Li’i Manuel and director Sarah Tochiki.



t was a dual vision when Sarah Tochiki and Megan Lawson created a youth program that helped children learn to play the violin. They teamed up with Boys & Girls Club of Lihue, and started to brainstorm. In less than three weeks, with the help of the community, they raised $10,000 to get the program started. Sunday, the Boys & Girls Club, with only 12 lessons under their belt, performed

versions of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” while backed by Kauai Community College’s Symphony Orchestra. Lawson, violin director of Lihue’s Boys & Girls Club, said she was amazed by how well her students performed with lessons just once a week. “We wanted to provide a string program because on this island there are no string programs,” she said. “So we wanted to provide for this community access to string orchestra and string instruments.” Sarah Tochiki is the director

of the KCC Wind Symphony, Jazz Ensemble and Orchestra. Asaka Herman, Boys & Girls Club Lihue clubhouse director, was thrilled to see her children on stage Sunday. Juno Apalla, KCC Performing Arts Center’s manager, was there to show support. Sponsors of the string program include Mokihana Club, Rotary Club of Poipu and individual donations from KCC’s instrumental ensembles. The KCC Wind Symphony & Jazz Ensemble Winter Concert is at 7 p.m. today at the KCC PAC.

Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (American and Mexican Cuisine) Happy Hour Daily 2 - 5 p.m. In addition to Authentic Mexican Cuisine, our menu also features Omelettes, Pancakes, Club and Santa Fe Sandwiches and as well as Vegetarian Burger.

Activity Shack

Hanalei River Healing

Na Pali Properties

Aloha from Hanalei

Hanalei Surf Backdoor

Northside Grill

Aloha Juice Bar

Hanalei Strings

Ohana Shop

Alo La‘a Yoga & Dance

Honua Engineering

On the Road to Hanalei

Big Save

Hot Rocket

Pat’s Taqueria


Hula Moon Gifts of Hanalei

Pedal and Paddle

Blue Tiki Tattoo

Infinite Arts

Reside Kauai LLC

Chocolat Hanalei

Jo-Jo Shave Ice

Seahorse Boutique

DeCamp Construction

Kalypso Restaurant

Spinning Dolphin

Divine Planet

Kauai Vacation Rentals

Styles Studio Hanalei

Chicken in a Barrel BBQ

Kokonut Kids

Sunrise Emporium

Hanalei Bay Pizzeria

L&L Hawaiian BBQ

Timeshare Resales

Hanalei Cafe

Lee Acupuncture

Tresor Rare

Hanalei Poke

Na Pali Catamaran

Village Snack & Bakery

You’ll find us in the Heart of Hanalei... Jane F. Abramo


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Shops, Restaurants & Services at Ching Young Village:

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Lihue Harbor Mall, 3501 Rice St.



P.O. Box 475, Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii 96714 Bus: 808-826-7272 • Fax: 808-826-7665 •

4 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, December 13, 2019



Candice Poloa, Lucas Poloa, Ashley Nagaoka


Scott Remigio, Quinton Remigio, Shayden Remigio, Zyren Remigio, Julian Remigio, Nathan Remigio, Aubrey Remigio, Jackie Remigio

Fred Rich, Frances Macadangdang

You’ll find us in the Heart of Hanalei... Jane F. Abramo



he Kauai Museum’s annual Christmas Craft Fair (with food from several community providers), the Hawaii Foodbank Kauai branch’s holiday bash at the Rice Shopping Center, the opening night of the Festival of Lights featuring the Kauai Chorale at the Historic County Building and the annual Rotary Club of Kauai’s Lights on Rice holiday parade were reasons why Lihue bristled with excitement last Friday. Despite shower squalls and the ongoing roadwork being done on Rice Street, people poured into Lihue town, many Sparky Prem, Dustin Prem, Keani Hawkins, Maria Prem taking advantage of the free shuttle service being provided by Kukui Grove Center to sample the excitement of food, gift sales, song, dance and fellowship that was brought to a climax with the Lights on Rice parade. The next holiday parade is the Waimea Lighted Christmas Parade Saturday, Dec. 21, with Kaumualii Highway in Jaicie Martinez, Gena Dunhour Waimea shut down from about 5:30 p.m. until at least 8 p.m. Mailah Jung, Maiha Kjeldsen, Mehana Dameron, Daysha Braue, Ivy Owen, Teak Owen

808-639-3773 P.O. Box 475, Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii 96714 Bus: 808-826-7272 • Fax: 808-826-7665 •


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Brandon Marcos, Tiffany Sagucio, Edgar Sagucio, Veetha Sagucio, Benson Peralta

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