Workshop : How to build an autonomous mobile robot ? This document is prepared By Mr. RERNGWUT CHOOMUANG
วัตถุประสงค์ เอกสารฉบับนีใช้ เพือเผยแพร่ ความรู้ ทเกี ี ยวข้ องกับการสร้ างหุ่นยนต์ อัตโนมัติ และ การเขียนโปรแกรมควบคุมหุ่นยนต์ ให้ กับนักเรี ยนและครู ผู้ เตรียมเอกสารมิได้ ต้องการหวังผลประโยนช์ ทางการค้ าใดๆทังสิน
คําขอบคุณ • ขอขอบพระคุณทุกท่ านทีได้ ร่วมกันพัฒนา open source : arduino language เพือช่ วยเพิมองค์ ความรู้ ทางด้ านการเขียนโปรแกรมให้ แก่ นักเรี ยน ครู และผู้ทสนใจ ี • ขอขอบพระคุณเว็ปไซด์ ต่างๆ ทีเอือเฟื อรูปภาพ • ขออภัยถ้ าทางผู้เตรียมมิได้ อ้างอิงเว็ปไซด์ ของรู ปภาพให้ ครบถ้ วน เนืองจากความบกพร่ อง ของผู้เตรียมเอกสาร
Why build a robot? • Mechanics Learning • Electronics Learning • Programming • etc.
Mechanics Learning
Moment = can_weight * arm_length + arm_weight * 1/2 * arm_length
Electronic Learning
What are your motivations?
Conceptual Design Mechanical Design Electronics Design Robot Programming
Typical of a robot design
Mechanical design tools
Little Merlin
Mechanical Design
Side view
Top view
Front view
Mechanical Design (2)
Electrical design tools
Little Merlin
Schematic Design
PCB Design
Top layer
Bottom layer
Top Silk
Tips : Power Supply Lead Acid
Lithium (Li-ion)
NiCad (Nickel Cadmium)
Fuel Cell
NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride)
Software Tools
Little Merlin
How to build a OBEC’s Robot v1.0 ?
Workshop : Part list Robot platform OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0 OBEC’s kit sensors OBEC’s kit actuators OBEC’s kit amplifier Tools Miscellaneous
Robot platform
Robot chassis
Passive wheel
OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0
Push button switch
IR reflector
Display & Sound GND SIGNAL VCC
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Blue LED
Green LED
Buzzer Red LED
Amplifier for two dc motors
Control signal #1
DC Motor #1 Vm 5-36v ground
Control signal #2 OBEC’s kit amplifier board v1.0
DC Motor #2
Engineering tools
soldering gun
screw driver
Multi meter
Ruler cutter
Nuts & Bolts
Battery holder USB-wire type B
Glue tape
Battery 1.5v AA type
soldering lead
Let’s start…
Step 1:
Step 2 :
Step 3:
Step 4:
IR reflector
IR reflector
Step 5: Battery holder
Step 6:
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0
Coffee break
Software tool : Open Source
Open Source : Arduino
Install driver
Open Source : Arduino
Double Click
Arduino Software
Arduino Program Tool bar
Menu bar
Text editor
Text editor
Arduino Program : Menu bar
Arduino Program : Tool bar
Upload New
Serial Monitor Stop Open
Arduino pin mapping
Workshop activity: a rough topics • Robot motion • Robot light seeking • Robot line following • Robot Wall following • Mini rescue robot
Activity1-3: a simple robot motion
Move forward /backward
Move s-cure Move square
Activity 1: Robot move forward/backward
Rotation: CCW Speed :100%
Rotation: CW Speed :100%
Rotation: CW Speed :100%
Rotation: CCW Speed :100%
Activity 1-3: overview of robot motion
Motor #1
OBEC’s kit amplifier board v1.0 OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0 Motor #2
Activity 1 : Robot move forward/backward
A simple flowchart of robot action
Activity 1 : Robot move forward/backward #include <OBECMotors.h> OBECMotors motors; void setup() { //nothing } void loop() { motors.setM1rotate(CCW); motors.setM1speed(100); motors.setM2rotate(CW); motors.setM2speed(100); delay(3000); motors.setM1rotate(CW); motors.setM1speed(100); motors.setM2rotate(CCW); motors.setM2speed(100); delay(3000); }
Activity 2 : Robot move s-curve
Rotation: CCW Speed :70%
Rotation: CCW Speed :100%
Rotation: CW Speed :100%
Rotation: CW Speed :70%
Activity 2 : Robot move s-curve
A simple flowchart of robot action
Activity 2 : Robot move s-curve
#include <OBECMotors.h> OBECMotors motors; void setup() { //nothing } void loop() { robot_fw(100, 70); delay(2000); robot_fw(70, 100); delay(2000); }
void robot_fw(int speed1, int speed2) { motors.setM1rotate(CCW); motors.setM1speed(speed1); motors.setM2rotate(CW); motors.setM2speed(speed2); }
Activity 3 : Robot move a square Time: 0.5 sec. Time: 3 sec. Rotation: CW Speed :100%
Time: 0.5 sec. Rotation: CW Speed :100%
Time: 3 sec. Time: 3 sec.
Rotation: CCW Speed :100%
Time: 0.5 sec.
Time: 3 sec.
Rotation: CW Speed :100%
Activity 3 : Robot move a square
A simple flowchart of robot action
Activity 3 : Robot move a square (2)
A simple flowchart of robot action
Activity 3 : Robot move a square #include <OBECMotors.h> OBECMotors motors; void setup() { //nothing } void loop() { robot_fw(100, 100); delay(3000); robot_tl(); delay(500); robot_fw(100, 100); delay(3000); robot_tl(); delay(500); robot_fw(100, 100); delay(3000); }
void robot_fw(int speed1, int speed2) { motors.setM1rotate(CCW); motors.setM1speed(speed1); motors.setM2rotate(CW); motors.setM2speed(speed2); }
void robot_tl() { motors.setM1rotate(CW); motors.setM1speed(100); motors.setM2rotate(CW); motors.setM2speed(100); }
Activity 4-5: a robot light seeking
Activity 4: overview of a light sensors reading
Light sensors #1 Serial communication computer
OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0
Light sensors #2
Activity 4 : light sensor reading
Activity 4 : a light sensor reading int value=0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { value = analogRead(0); Serial.print("light sensor #1 value="); Serial.print(value,DEC); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print("light sensor #2 value="); value = analogRead(1); Serial.println(value,DEC); delay(20); }
Activity 5: overview of a robot light seeking Motor #1
Light sensors #1
OBEC’s kit amplifier board v1.0
OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0
Light sensors #2 Motor #2
Activity 5: a robot light seeking
Activity 5: a robot light seeking #include <OBECMotors.h> OBECMotors motors; int val1=0, val2=0, val3=0; int offset=50; void setup() { // nothing } void loop() { val1=analogRead(0); val2=analogRead(1); val3 = abs(val1-val2); if( val3 < offset ) { robot_fw(100,100); }
else if(val1 > val2) { robot_tl(); } else if(val1 < val2) { robot_tr(); } }
Activity 5: sub-routine of a robot light seeking void robot_fw(int speed1, int speed2) { motors.setM1rotate(CCW); motors.setM1speed(speed1); motors.setM2rotate(CW); motors.setM2speed(speed2); }
void robot_bw(int speed1, int speed2) { motors.setM1rotate(CW); motors.setM1speed(speed1); motors.setM2rotate(CCW); motors.setM2speed(speed2); }
void robot_tl() { motors.setM1rotate(CW); motors.setM1speed(100); motors.setM2rotate(CW); motors.setM2speed(100); }
void robot_tr() { motors.setM1rotate(CCW); motors.setM1speed(100); motors.setM2rotate(CCW); motors.setM2speed(100); }
Activity 6: overview of a reflector sensors reading
Motor turn right
Motor move forward
Motor turn left
Activity 6: overview of a reflector sensors reading
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 16x2
Reflector sensor #1
OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0
Reflector sensor #2
Activity 6 : a reflector sensors reading
Activity 6: a reflector sensors reading
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(23, 22, 16, 17, 18, 19); int val1 = 0, val2=0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Hello,OBEC's kit"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); }
void loop() { val1=analogRead(0); val2=analogRead(1); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("#1 value is"); lcd.print(val1); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print("#2 value is"); lcd.print(val2); delay(20); }
Activity 7: a robot line following
Activity 7: overview of a robot line following
Motor #1 Reflector sensor #1
OBEC’s kit amplifier board v1.0
OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0
Reflector sensor #2 Motor #2
Activity 7: a line following robot
Activity 7: a line following robot (2)
Activity 7: a line following robot
#include <OBECMotors.h> OBECMotors motors; int val1=0, val2=0; int threshold1=100, threshold2=100; void setup() { //nothing } void loop() { val1=analogRead(0); val2=analogRead(1); if((val1>threshold1) && (val2>threshold2)) { robot_fw(100,100); }
else if((val1<threshold1) && (val2<threshold2)) { robot_fw(100,100); } else if((val1>threshold1) && (val2<threshold2)) { robot_tr(); delay(100); } else if((val1<threshold1) && (val2>threshold2)) { robot_tl(); delay(100); } }
Activity 7: sub-routine of a robot line following void robot_fw(int speed1, int speed2) { motors.setM1rotate(CCW); motors.setM1speed(speed1); motors.setM2rotate(CW); motors.setM2speed(speed2); }
void robot_bw(int speed1, int speed2) { motors.setM1rotate(CW); motors.setM1speed(speed1); motors.setM2rotate(CCW); motors.setM2speed(speed2); }
void robot_tl() { motors.setM1rotate(CW); motors.setM1speed(100); motors.setM2rotate(CW); motors.setM2speed(100); }
void robot_tr() { motors.setM1rotate(CCW); motors.setM1speed(100); motors.setM2rotate(CCW); motors.setM2speed(100); }
Activity 8: robot move pass a junction (LCD)
#2 check point #3 check point #1 check point #4 check point
Activity 8: overview of a robot move pass a junction (LCD) Liquid Crystal Display
Motor #1
Reflector sensor #1
OBEC’s kit amplifier board v1.0 OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0 Reflector sensor #2
Motor #2
Activity 8: a robot move pass a junction (LCD)
Activity 8: a robot move pass a junction (LCD)(2)
Activity 8: a robot move pass a junction (LCD) #include <OBECMotors.h> #include <LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(23, 22, 16, 17, 18, 19); OBECMotors motors; int val1=0, val2=0; int threshold1=400, threshold2=400; int cline=0; void setup() { lcd.begin(16, 2); } void loop() { val1=analogRead(0); val2=analogRead(1); if((val1>threshold1) && (val2>threshold2)) { robot_fw(100,100); }
else if((val1<threshold1) && (val2<threshold2)) { cline++; lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("cline ="); lcd.print(cline); robot_fw(100,100); } else if((val1>threshold1) && (val2<threshold2)) { robot_tr(); delay(100); } else if((val1<threshold1) && (val2>threshold2)) { robot_tl(); delay(100); } }
Activity 9: Obstacle Avoidance (Beep)
Activity 9: overview of an Obstacle Avoidance (beep) Buzzer
Motor #1
Bumper switch #1
OBEC’s kit amplifier board v1.0 OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0
Motor #2
Bumper switch #2
Activity 9: Obstacle Avoidance (Beep)
Activity 9: Obstacle Avoidance (Beep) (2)
Activity 9: Obstacle Avoidance (Beep) #include <OBECMotors.h> #include <Switch.h> OBECMotors motors; Switch sw2(2), sw4(4); int melodyPin=22; int val1=0, val2=0; void setup() { //nothing } void loop() { val1=sw2.isPressed(); val2=sw4.isPressed(); if((val1==true) && (val2==true)) { tone(melodyPin, 10000, 200); delay(200); noTone(melodyPin); delay(200); robot_bw(100,100); }
else if((val1==false) && (val2==false)) { robot_fw(100,100); } else if((val1==true) && (val2==false)) { tone(melodyPin, 10000, 200); delay(200); noTone(melodyPin); delay(200); robot_tr(); delay(100); } else if((val1==false) && (val2==true)) { tone(melodyPin, 10000, 200); delay(200); noTone(melodyPin); delay(200); robot_tl(); delay(100); } }
Activity 10: mini rescue robot This zone >= 60 This zone <60
This zone <40
This zone<20
System overview of a mini rescue robot Red LED
Green LED Blue LED
Temperature sensor Motor #1
Bumper switch #1
OBEC’s kit amplifier board v1.0
OBEC’s kit controller board v1.0 Bumper switch #2
Motor #2
Activity 10: a mini rescue robot
Activity 10: a mini rescue robot (2)
Activity 10: a mini rescue robot (3)
Activity 10: a mini rescue robot (4)
Activity 10: a mini rescue robot (5)
Activity 10: a mini rescue robot #include <OBECMotors.h> #include <Thermistor.h> #include <Switch.h> #include <LED.h> OBECMotors motors; Thermistor temp(2); Switch sw2(2), sw4(4); LED red(16), green(17), blue(18); double tempC; int val1=0, val2=0; int melodyPin=22; void setup() { // noting } void loop() { tempC = temp.getCelciusValue(); analyze_temperature(tempC); val1=sw2.isPressed(); val2=sw4.isPressed();
if((val1==false) && (val2==true)) { robot_fw(100,100); } else if((val1==false) && (val2==false)) { robot_tr(); delay(100); } else if((val1==true) && (val2==true)) { robot_tl(); delay(100); } else if((val1==true) && (val2==false)) { robot_tr(); delay(100); } }
Activity 10: sub-routine a mini rescue robot
void analyze_temperature(double temp) { if(temp<20) {;; blue.on(); } else if(temp<40) {; green.on();; }
else if(temp<60) { red.on();;; } else { red.on();;; tone(melodyPin,1000,200); delay(200); noTone(melodyPin); delay(200); } }