The Thai-ItalianChamberofCommerce (TICC), founded in 1978-79, is an independent, private, non-profit organization of Italian and Thai businessmen and professionals, duly constituted and registered in accordance with legislative regulations in Thailand and fully recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development and International Cooperation in Italy.
The Chamber, with its headquarters in Bangkok (Thailand), is proud to host a wide networkofcompaniesandentrepreneurs from all around the world -mostly Italian and Thai businesses- which allow TICC to pursue its objectives of enhancing commercial cooperation between Italy and Thailand The Chamber constantly organizes activities, meetings, seminars, missions, and networking events to facilitate the promotion of economical, industrial and cultural collaborations.
The main purposes of all TICC activities are:
To assist Italian companies and other professional bodies who are either already established and/or planning to do business in Thailand or within the ASEAN region.
To provide insights and advices on matters of trade, investment, finance and industry between Italy and Thailand or within South East Asia
To organize bilateral events/trade shows periodically, in the form of seminars, talks, missions, round table or business dinners, in order to promote interaction between subjects
To keep close contact with the Thai authorities, pressing issues when necessary.
To support, represent, and protect the interests of the Members, both in Italy and Thailand.
Thai-ItalianChamberofCommerce VanitPlaceBuildingII,16Flr Suite1601B, 1126/2NewPetchburiRoad,Bangkok10400,Thailand
The Education Forum is a part of TICC’s Educational Hub, which is an exclusive TICC project that develops and provides information and showcases our education partners in order to facilitate easy access to the tools and resources needed to support a superior experience for scholars, professionals, enthusiasts and students
The aim of the event:
Promote exclusive innovative education to an audience of Institutions, Schools, private companies, and Families living in Thailand
Create new trends involving private sectors.
Building new competencies for talented students.
Scholarship to talented students for special workshops
Business of tomorrow starts today in schools
11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 1:30 PM
2:50 PM 9:00 PM
AssistantPrincipalforCurriculumand TechnologyIntegration BangkokPatanaSchool
AssistantHeadofSecondary witharesponsibilityforstudentwellbeing BangkokPrepInternationalSchool
DirectorofAdmissionsandMarketing KISInternationalSchool
Ambassador&Writer-in-Residence SasinSchoolofManagement
HeadofSeniorSchool BrightonCollege InternationalSchoolBangkok
InternationalBusinessManager RUFA:RomeUniversityofFineArts
CreativeDirector PremInternationalSchool
FormerChiefExecutiveofArtswork, whosefoundingchairmanwasSirKenRobinson
One of the premier schools in South-East Asia, Bangkok Patana School was the first British international school in Thailand.
It is proudly non-profit, independent and not academically selective. The school is the most diverse international school in Thailand with over 60 nationalities represented amongst the student population.
Bangkok Patana has been a recognised leader in education during its entire 65-year history; it offers a plethora of opportunities delivered by well-trained, highly motivated teachers and graduating students consistently matriculate to top global universities. It is a British curriculum school with senior students undertaking the IB Diploma Programme in their last two years. The school’s three values of Well-Being, Learning and Global Citizenship are at integrated into everything from learning at Nursery level through to the 400+ extracurricular opportunities offered each week The school has a vibrant Italian community and is pleased to support the Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce.
We are the first King's College International School in SouthEast Asia, and our aim is to become one of the best schools in Asia. We are part of a tight-knit network of international schools founded by and connected to King's Wimbledon, the Top Ranked Boys' and Co-ed School in the UK by the Sunday Times (2017, 2018, 2019 & 2022), and one of the most academically successful schools in the world
Our close relationship with King's Wimbledon and our other sister schools in China and Monaco allows us to leverage their expertise and experience to rapidly develop, continuously improve the quality of education we provide, and help our students to excel in whatever path they may choose both in and out of school. Our strong academic curriculum, varied co-curricular programme and outstanding pastoral care is centred upon the values of good manners, kindness and wisdom
Brighton College Bangkok provides education for boys and girls aged 2 – 18 years, and is divided into two schools, located on the the same campus. There is a Preparatory School for children aged 2 – 11 years, and a Senior School for children aged 11-18, incorporating a Sixth Form.
Our Curriculum
Brighton College Bangkok follows the British curriculum, leading to IGCSEs and a choice of 21 different A Level subjects to help pupils reach the world’s best universities.
Our pupils benefit from outstanding teaching and pastoral care delivered through a traditional House system. Pupils learn in a caring, supportive and tolerant environment in which they can thrive, explore their passions and develop a lifelong love for learning.
8/8KrungthepKreethaSoi15/1, HuaMak,BangkapiBangkok, 10240
admissions @brightoncollegeacth
Aster International School Bangkok is bringing a new approach to international education to a purpose built campus in the center of Bangkok. Our enhanced British international curriculum will combine academic rigor with core competencies ensuring a well-rounded education for all.
At Aster international School Bangkok, we will be delivering a unique education for our students by using an enhanced British curriculum from EY to Year 13.
Our approach to learning includes the teaching of core competencies such as critical thinking, open-mindedness, communication and research work all underpinned by our WISDOM values.
Bangkok Prep is one of the leading international schools in Thailand and is currently celebrating its 20th year of success. The programme of study is based on the National Curriculum for England, demonstrating high-quality education to students from Nursery to Year 13.
Our Primary Campus boasts a state-of-theart indoor sports complex, outdoor swimming pool, well-stocked library, music rooms, computer rooms and many other facilities that we consider essential to the provision of a well-rounded education. Our Secondary Campus is designed to encourage older students to explore subjects in greater depth and to ease their path to higher education, with study areas, break-out learning spaces and exceptional sporting facilities
Our examination centre, which is Cambridge University approved for IGCSE and A-levels, enables our students to gain all the qualifications they need on-campus, before going on to study at the university of their choice anywhere in the world.
Ms. Laurie Colyer-Charusorn AdmissionsandMarketingManager LaurieC@bkkprepacthADDRESS
77Sukhumvit77,Vadhana, Bangkok10110
KIS International School is a K - 12 IB World School. We are the only school in Bangkok to offer all four International Baccalaureate Programmes (IB Primary Years, IB Middle Years, IB Diploma and IB Career-Related Programmes) for all ages, from 3 years old until graduation. KIS International is a welcoming and vibrant community. The lush campus sits on more than 25,000 square meters, spread across six buildings. Its distinguished architecture is home to 750 students from 50 nationalities, all of whom are welcomed, valued and respected.
Our curriculum is full continuum IB including PYP, MYP and DP. Our IB exam results are consistently strong, with students scoring well above the global average. This is thanks to a challenging, well-balanced and differentiated learning experience that students receive in our intentionally midsized school Students grow through experiential learning, whether that means composting and planting banana trees in the early years, swimming in one of three pools during PE, or delivering a business proposal in the DP program
Aleadinginternationalboardinganddayschool locatedonalush100-acrecampussetinthe foothillsnorthofChiangMai
PremwasthefirstinternationalschoolinSouth EastAsiatoofferall4InternationalBaccalaureate Programmes,butaneducationatPremismore thanloftyIBscores.Likefamilies,schoolsfind strengthintheircorevalues-thethingsthattruly mattertothem.WhatmattersatPremisengaging studentsinjoyful,personalisedandmeaningful experiencesthatcultivatethedevelopmentof enduringqualitiesofmindandcharacter. Creativity,compassion,integrity,openmindedness, goodthinkingandanauthenticinvestmentin workingtogethertomakeourworldabetterplace arecentraltoaneducationatPrem.
Premisproudtoberecognizedasaleaderinthe developmentoftheartsandcreativityin internationaleducation OurArtistResidency Thailandprogrammehosts8internationally acclaimedartists,philosophers,and environmentalistsannuallytoworkwithour teachersandourstudents,andwestandproudly asoneofISTA‘sfivecentresofcreativity worldwide
OurMusic,Golf,andTennisAcademiesare accessibletoourparentsaswellasourstudents, andweofferover100after-schoolactivities throughouttheyear.PremisaWWFEco-School.
Sasin School of Management was established in 1982 as a collaboration between Chulalongkorn University, the Kellogg School of Management, and The Wharton School. As the first school in Thailand to earn AACSB and EQUIS international accreditations, Sasin maintains the highest standards of excellence in teaching, research, curriculum development, and learner success.
Sasin offers a diverse range of degree and non-degree programs that provide a transformative, action learning-based management education that empowers people, organizations, and communities. All courses are taught in English by resident faculty and visiting professors from the world's leading business schools, and the school has an extensive network of over 40 global partners, offering students a wide range of international opportunities
Sasin’s focus is to inspire.connect.transform for a better, smarter, sustainable world. This philosophy is reflected in our innovative leadership programs emphasizing sustainability through an entrepreneurial mindset.
Università IULM is the center of excellence in Italy for training in Communication and New Media, Languages, Tourism, Arts and Design. For more than 50 years, Università IULM has been building its educational mission based on expertise, knowledge, and awareness, integrating professional competence, soft skills and cultural knowledge.
IULM is a university with dynamic teaching and learning methods, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, from Communication to New Media, from Arts to Languages and from Tourism to Fashion and Creative Industries. The Academic Offer is composed of 7 undergraduate programs including 1 bachelor’s degree in Corporate Communication entirely taught in English, 7 two-year master’s degree courses, 2 of which –Hospitality and Tourism Management and Strategic Communication - offer a dual degree entirely taught in English. In addition to this, there are more than 30 one-year masters’ degrees.
Driven by a lifelong passion for fashion, design, and art as well as her firm faith in top notched Italian education, Wannaporn
“Duang” Poshyanonda, former Harper BAZAAR’s Editor in Chief, started DP Education in 2004 to pave the ways for Thailand’s younger generations to receive a 360-degree support in the quests to further their studies in Italy.
Constantly on the move, DP Education also goes an extra length in uplifting the creative industry as well as enriching interested parties via workshops, panels, and lectures where international guests are invited to exchange ideas with the leading local counterparts and interested public.
As a creative educational consultancy, DP Education has been trusted by Italy’s three leading institutions:
Istituto Marangoni, Domus Academy and
as these prestigious institutions’ representative in Thailand.
Ferrari Fashion School Milan is a fashion school that's been operating in the Fashion and Design field for 20 years, training new generations of professionals appreciated at international level.
Ferrari Fashion School offers its students the opportunity to work, during their training, on interdisciplinary projects, collaborating with companies, teachers, professionals and students from all over the world to offer them the opportunity to test themselves on the field, with the right theory but above all with a lot of practice.
Knowledge and Know-How are two fundamental characteristics to become a capable, esteemed and recognized professional in the job market.
Our mission is to provide an excellent quality training with an Italian DNA to offer our students new and exciting opportunities for personal and professional growth.
marta @ferrarifashionschoolcom
isamultidisciplinary,internationalhighereducation Institution–legallyrecognizedbytheItalianMinistry ofUniversityandResearch(MUR)–thatoffers accreditedandinnovativecoursesinthefieldofArts, Design,VisualCommunication,Audiovisual,Fashion, Game,andMediaArts.RUFAcollaborateswithwellknownprofessionalsandprestigiouscompanies, guaranteeingitsstudentsahigh-leveltheoretical preparationcombinedwithapracticalacademic approach,whilstkeepingakeeneyeonthejob marketandcurrentmarkettrends
(Painting|SculptureandInstallations|SetDesign| GraphicDesign|ComicsandIllustration|Design| SustainableFashionDesign|Cinema|Photography andAudiovisual),6MasterofArtsProgrammes (MultimediaArtsandDesign|VisualandInnovation Design|ComputerAnimationandVisualEffects| FilmArts|SetDesign|FineArts:Painting,Sculpture, Printmaking)3AcademicMasters(ArtCuratingand Management|CinemaandNewFormatsProduction |DesignManagement)in3differentcampusesin Rome,andin1campusinMilan.
ThetrainingapproachatRUFAisbasedona distinctiveandspecializedteachingmethodwhich aimstocombineuniversitycurriculumandtraining, throughtoolsthatbringstudentsclosertothereality oftheprofessionalworld:laboratories,workshops, experientiallessons,exhibitions,presentations,and debates
Founded in 1976, Saint Louis College of Music is among the most renowned music didactic realities of European scope, attended by over 1.800 students per year, coming from all Nations. It vaunts a steady educating staff made up of 120 tutors of National and international repute, chaired since 1998 by M° Stefano Mastruzzi. The Saint Louis music school in Rome set up an artistic agency in 2000 (Saint Louis Management), in 2004 two record labels (Jazz collection and Urban 49), in 2009 the Artistic Production Center with the aim of cultivating young talents and guiding them through an original artistic production in the world of work, promoting their activity with concerts in the main Italian festivals and live clubs.
The educational training offer is among the largest ones in Europe, with more than 360 different courses.
Saint Louis is the first private Institution authorized by the Italian Ministry of Education to award 1st and 2nd cycle Diplomas (equivalent to Bachelor of Music and Master of Music Titles) in Jazz, Popular Music, Electronic Music, Sound Engineering, Composition and Film Scoring, Applied Music.
marzia@slmc.it wwwslmcit
SPD Scuola Politecnica di Design is the first postgraduate school for design disciplines in Italy, founded in Milan in 1954.
Today, thanks to the combination of its Italian roots and a strong international orientation, SPD is an international laboratory for the exchange of experience and the development of projects, maintaining a balance between function and expression, production and experimentation.
At SPD, each student is individually supervised by a faculty made up of designers, professionals from various fields and visiting tutors. Teaching takes the form of intensive workshops, studio classes, theoretical lectures, seminars and visits, as well as numerous projects with leading companies in various sectors
The SPD Campus is located near the lively districts of Bovisa and Isola, in one of the most important industrial centres of the city in the twentieth century.
From her thirteen-year career as a Bangkok Patana gymnast, Evelyn Cannon has established fulfilling relationships with her peers, developed a resilient mindset and grown as an athlete. These will all contribute to her holistic well-being as she pursues a degree in biomedical science.
Read about Evelyn’s journey of growth: