WIR (Thailand fact sheets)

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World Investment Report 2010

Investing in a Low-Carbon Economy


The content of this fact sheet, released in conjunction with WIR10 , must not be quoted, or summarized in the press, radio, or on television before:


Country fact sheet:

17:00 hrs GMT on 22 July 2010

Foreign direct investment (FDI) overview, selected years (Millions of dollars and percentages)

FDI flows Thailand Inward Outward Memorandum Indonesia Inward Outward Malaysia Inward Outward South-East Asia Inward Outward Asia and Oceania Inward Outward Developing economies Inward Outward World Inward Outward

FDI stocks Thailand Inward Outward Memorandum Indonesia Inward Outward Malaysia Inward Outward South-East Asia Inward Outward Asia and Oceania Inward Outward Developing economies Inward Outward World Inward Outward






(Annual average)

as a percentage of gross fixed capital formation 1995-2005 2007 2008


(Annual average)

4 805 425

9 517 970

11 355 2 850

8 544 2 560

5 949 3 818

11.6 1.0

17.4 4.4

11.4 3.4

9.2 5.9

1 444 850

4 914 2 726

6 928 4 675

9 318 5 900

4 877 2 949

3.1 1.8

6.4 4.3

6.6 4.2

2.9 1.8

4 068 1 983

6 060 6 084

8 538 11 280

7 318 14 988

1 381 8 038

14.4 7.0

21.2 28.0

16.8 34.5

3.5 20.6

27 954 11 543

56 408 28 808

73 971 50 178

47 289 15 387

36 806 21 284

16.2 7.1

23.9 16.4

12.5 4.1

9.4 5.5

123 886 54 314

284 426 154 013

338 226 225 550

374 639 204 344

303 230 176 795

9.7 4.3

11.2 7.5

9.8 5.4

7.5 4.4

211 470 79 351

434 366 228 691

564 930 292 147

630 013 296 286

478 349 229 159

11.9 4.6

14.0 7.3

12.5 5.9

9.3 4.5

741 045 717 852

1 459 133 1 410 574

2 099 973 2 267 547

1 770 873 1 928 799

1 114 189 1 100 993

10.3 10.0

16.9 18.4

12.6 13.8

9.1 9.0






17 684 2 276

29 915 2 203

94 112 9 835

93 046 12 467

99 000 16 303

10.5 1.4

38.1 4.0

34.2 4.6

37.5 6.2

20 626 5 896

25 060 6 940

79 927 21 333

67 964 27 233

72 841 30 183

9.3 2.7

18.5 4.9

13.3 5.3

13.5 5.6

28 731 5 123

52 747 15 878

76 612 58 233

73 262 67 580

74 643 75 618

32.3 5.8

41.2 31.3

33.1 30.5

39.0 39.5

152 475 50 127

266 985 84 481

654 935 314 272

653 169 321 207

689 980 342 367

22.6 7.7

50.6 26.1

43.3 23.1

46.3 25.2

571 926 210 589

1 072 150 614 051

2 877 821 1 820 112

2 540 106 1 719 462

2 905 987 1 946 038

16.3 6.1

29.5 19.0

22.4 15.4

25.8 17.6

848 381 329 982

1 728 455 862 628

4 452 645 2 420 321

4 213 666 2 393 251

4 893 490 2 691 484

14.6 5.9

30.0 16.8

24.4 14.3

29.1 16.5

3 381 329 3 606 556

7 442 548 7 967 460

17 990 069 19 313 981

15 491 182 16 206 795

17 743 408 18 982 118

11.4 12.2

32.5 35.3

25.4 26.8

30.7 33.2

Source: UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2010; www.unctad.org/wir or www.unctad.org/fdistatistics.

as a percentage of gross domestic product 1995 2007 2008


Cross-border merger and acquisition overview, 1995–2009 (Millions of dollars) Sales(net) 2007



(Annual average)

Thailand Memorandum Indonesia Malaysia South-East Asia Asia and Oceania Developing economies World



Purchases(net) 2007 2008


(Annual average)


1 000

2 372





1 416


1 045 608 4 174 19 142 40 624 357 132

1 706 6 976 20 061 71 657 100 381 1 022 725

2 070 2 781 22 743 68 167 104 812 706 543

1 332 354 12 913 38 295 39 077 249 732

91 1 477 6 543 18 927 25 868 357 132

826 3 654 25 936 94 743 144 830 1 022 725

913 9 751 18 922 95 167 105 849 706 543

- 2 590 3 277 4 325 67 534 73 975 249 732

Source: UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2010 ; www.unctad.org/wir or www.unctad.org/fdistatistics.

Country rankings by Inward FDI performance Index and Inward FDI Potential Index, 2007–2009 Economy Poland Denmark Bolivia, Plurinational State of Rwanda Australia Thailand France Burkina Faso United Kingdom Uzbekistan El Salvador


Inward FDI Performance 2008



60 85 96 105 70 73 88 67 51 94 43

89 125 85 97 61 83 100 111 78 96 76

65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

2007 Latvia Azerbaijan Mexico Argentina Bulgaria Thailand Panama Angola Romania Bahamas Brazil

Inward FDI Potential Index 2008 2009

49 65 58 59 54 61 63 72 64 60 71

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Source: UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2010 ; www.unctad.org/wir or www.unctad.org/fdistatistics.

Note: Ranking is that of the latest year available. Covering 141 economies. The potential index is based on 12 economic and policy variables.

Presence in the top 100 non-financial TNCs from developing countries, ranked by foreign assets, 2008 (Millions of dollars and number of employees) Corporation

Ranking by:


PTT Public Company Limited

Foreign assets

Petroleum expl./ref./distr.


Foreign TNI



Assets 2 525

Sales 5 993

TNI a Employment

(Per cent)



Source: UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2010; www.unctad.org/wir or www.unctad.org/fdistatistics. TNI, the Transnationlity Index, is calculated as the average of the following three ratios: foreign assets to total assets, foreign sales to total sales and foreign employment to total employment. a

*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** This fact sheet and additional information on the World Investment Report 2010 and the Report itself can be found at the following URL:

http://www.unctad.org/wir The sources for all this information are the World Investment Report 2010 and UNCTAD databases on FDI/TNC and cross‐border M&As. These databases can be found at the following URL:

http://www.unctad.org/fdistatistics The World Investment Report 2010 (WIR10) ( Sales No. E.09.II.D.15 , ISBN: 978‐92‐1‐112775‐1 ) may be obtained from UN Sales Offices at the below mentioned addresses or from UN sales agents in many countries. Price: US$ 95.00 (50% discount for residents in Developing countries and 75% discount for residents in Least developed countries). This includes the book and the CD‐ROM. Customers who would like to buy the book or the CD‐ROM separately, or obtain quotations for large quantities, should enquire from the sales offices. Please send orders or inquiries to: Europe, Africa, Western Asia: United Nations Publication/Sales Section, Palais des Nations, CH‐1211 Geneva 10, fax: +41 22 917 0027, e‐mail: unpubli@un.org; Americas, Eastern Asia: United Nations Publications, Two UN Plaza, DC2‐853, New York, N.Y. 10017, U.S.A., telephone: 1 212 963 8302 or 1 800 253 9646, fax: 1 212 963 3489, e‐mail: publications@un.org. Internet: http://www.un.org/publications. For more information, please contact: Masataka Fujita, Officer‐in‐Charge, Investment Trends and Issues Branch, Division on Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD, tel: +41 22 917 6217, fax: +41 22 917 0194, or e‐mail: masataka.fujita@unctad.org; or Press Office, tel: +41 22 917 5828 / 1646, fax: +41 22 917 0051, or e‐mail: unctadpress@unctad.org

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