Tales from the Riverbank May 2016

Page 1

Bucket List Ride

Bibery Trout Farm

The Copper Chopper

The Cider Rally

May 2016

Editor's thoughts Welcome to May's magazine. Well the riding season is well and truly under way. The sun has even blessed us with its presence on occasion. It is definitely the time to get out and ride. The first of this year's open bike nights at the dealership was really well attended despite the prevailing weather. As usual the bikes, band and banter were very enjoyable. Unfortunately Ann & I didn't get to the Cider Rally, but it looked like it was a really good event. You can see more of this later in the magazine. I however, am determined not to miss out on this year's SofER. My tickets are already in my possession! Last year's event was brilliant and I know that this year's will be even better. What about this year's Chapter challenge at SofER? Anyone fancy getting involved? I know that we can get a great team together and give the other chapters a fair run for their money. Why not give it a go? Last year's slow riding, water balloon and other events were fun to watch and I'm sure that they would be better to take part in. If you fancy being part of this and representing your chapter just let us know.

Articles Wanted If you have any stories, photos, ride-outs, etc... that you would like to share please send them to me at editor@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk



Inside this issue

Front cover

Bucket List Ride -Road out of Mapledurham

Page 2

Editors thoughts

Page 4

Director's update

Page 7

Ladies of Harley

Page 10

Hoggin' The Spotlight

Page 12

Ten Pin Mayhem

Page 13

Caption Time

Page 14 - 15


Page 16 - 17

Charity Update

Page 18 - 19

The Cider Rally

Page 20 - 21

The Copper Chopper

Page 22 -23

Bibery Trout Farm

Page 24

Bucket List Ride

Page 25

John Radcliffe

Page 26 - 27

Canoe Challenge

Back cover

Meet the committee

May / June Birthdays May Ian Tatton - 20th Mia Radacovsky - 27th

June Jack Parry - 1st Gill Major - 3rd Lesley L - 3rd Pat Adams 5th Sandy D - 5th Barry Adams - 12th Ian Goldswain - 14th John Cunningham - 16th

Happy Birthday to you all.

Huge thanks to all who have sent copy in for this month's magazine: Ian, Linda, Ralph, Don, Sue, Pat, Chris & Ann :-) 3

Hi Everybody, Welcome to the May edition of Tales from the River Bank, Spring has arrived and some pretty good weather, which means the riding season has also started all be it a little cold first thing in the morning. Earlier this year the Chapter was contacted about organising a ride for an 80 year old lady on her birthday in April. The family had found out that Sheila had a bucket list of things she would like to do, one being a ride on a Harley Davidson. Myself and seven other chapter members set off from the dealership on April 23rd with Sheila the birthday girl, for a ride through Caversham, Maple Durham, Wallingford, Nettlebed, Henley, and Wargrave and then back to the dealership. After many photos back at the dealership Sheila was taken in to the merchandise shop to pick a T shirt as a gift from Reading Harley Davidson. A most enjoyable morning’s ride with Sheila as pillion. Hazel & I were unable to attend the Cider Rally this year due to a family bereavement, but I did manage to ride down to Sand Bay with the Chapter on the Friday. The ride was led by Chris Smith one of our newly trained road crew members who I must say, was unsure about taking on such a big ride as his first solo ride out, and so soon after his training at Oxford. Twenty two Chapter members met at Cheiveley services for the briefing with another two collected from Froxfield on the way through the village. Lunch had been organised at the Royal Oak just outside Warminster 4

which was well received by Thames Valley massive. The short ride down to Sand Bay after lunch took a little over an hour with everybody arriving safe. Well done Chris, Malcolm and Fred for a well-executed ride! Ticket sales for this year’s Rally have been very slow from the members of Thames Valley, I still have a very large quantity of tickets available for our members, to finance the Rally and pay deposits for bands and site equipment we rely on the sale of tickets, again this year Thames Valley will have its own camping area and chapter gazebo for Tea & Coffee. Saturday evening we are arranging Drinks and a BBQ for all that attend before the entertainment starts in the main arena. I need to sell some tickets to get an idea of the size of area for Thames Valley and the amount of catering to organise. Again, this year, we will need volunteers for the site build on Wednesday & Thursday and also for banding on the gate Friday and Saturday. We require one member to help in the Registration tent on Friday and Saturday. If you can help out during the rally please put you names on the list at club night. Committee Night At last committee night a member of the team bought to the table that he had been asked what happens to the profit from the raffle held on club night. Well once the cost of the prizes has been met, the excess from the raffle goes into Chapter funds, which in turn goes towards paying for the use of the Grenadier club, subsidising chapter events, printing of the magazine, Road Crew & Officer training by HOG and all other general expenses that are required to run the Chapter. With the continuing support of Mike and Reading Harley Davidson it has been suggested that any profits from the sale of raffle tickets at club nights and events should now be donated to our chosen charity (The Alexandra Devine Children’s Hospice). This has been agreed by all the committee and will take place from May’s club night. A donation will then be made at the end of the year to the charity.


Our membership now stands at a total of 246, which also prompts me that your membership renewals are now due. Chris & Jan are available to take your membership forms and subs at club night tonight. Remember you must be a paid up member of HOG to remain a member and ride with Thames Valley UK Chapter. We have many great events and rides organised for you this year and your support and attendance makes these events even better. If you have any ideas for rides and events give Barry and Malcolm your ideas and we can see if we can fit them in the calendar. Coast To Coast 2016 Our dawn to dusk, Coast to Coast ride is only a few weeks away now and if you are thinking of joining the Chapter charity ride from Lowestoft to Lands End, time is running out to send off your application form. The cost is ÂŁ25 which includes your passport for the trip and a T shirt to commemorate your ride. You will need to book hotels in Lowestoft & Lands End. This is not going to be a race but a fun day doing what we do best, riding our Harleys. If you would like to sponsor the Chapter and our riders go to: www.justgiving.com/tvhog-coast-to-coast-2016

Ride safe and carry on having fun. Don Director 6

Ladies of Harley Hi Ladies, I know this is probably old news, but in April we had a Tenpin bowling evening at Maidenhead ...what a great night we all had, it really was such a laugh ..especially when my Beloved, managed to accidently bowl backwards & nearly knock out six TV members in one go, hmmm!! Fantastic evening - thanks to Don for organising. The riding season is in full swing now :, thanks to all the road crew - new & existing. It's great to see so many of you girls on the rides too. In the past few weeks - Ralph led a superb ride to Bibury Trout Farm, with Sue Brown "pointing." Jamie took us all to Southampton dealership with Mandy M tailing, : & Chris Smith led our ride to the Cider Rally (huge respect!), he did a fab job too. The Thames Valley girls excelled themselves at the Cider Rally with their costumes this year, lol ! Bern & I came home a little earlier than planned, but I hear that Pat 'n' Baz, & Angela 'n' Alan did the club proud with great performances for the Strictly Come Dancing routines Sunday pm, well done guys :.

The ride to Oxford dealership for LoH Coffee & cakes was very well supported on Saturday 7th May which coincided nicely with the 10th International Ladies Ride day - thank you Chris Smith for tailing. Thanks also to Nick for leading a scenic ride to Bourton-on-the-Water afterwards, such a wonderful, lovely relaxing day. 7

Looking forward As you know, our club is sponsoring Alexander Devine Hospice Service this year, if you have any fund raising ideas, please feel free to share. On that note :Dawn to Dusk Ride 25th June Along with many other Thames Valley club members, eight ladies including myself, Pat Adams, Thelma Bryant, Jo Green, Sue Knight, Sue Moyler, Mandy Mussong & Hayley West have taken the challenge to complete the Coast to Coast run on 25.6.16 from Lowestoft to Lands End - literally dawn to dusk...476ish miles in one day... agghhh!! We ALL REALLY need your support, if you can, please sponsor us, either on line at www.justgiving.com/TVHOG-Coast-to-Coast-2016 or see any of us or Don. On behalf of us girls, thank you so much to those who have been so very generous with your donations x Sparkle Tour 16th/17th/18th Sept Elaine and Jo (Green) have been working hard on the "Sparkle Tour" for the weekend 16/17/18th September when all members of LoH will be on tour..whoop whoop! Any ladies can ride any leg of the route - or just join for lunch, coffee, evening meal etc. where you can or do the whole thing from your location. The loose plan is : Day 1(Fri) Set off from Oxford H-D 10am, visit Reading H-D, followed by Guildford H-D for a break & lunch nearby. After lunch set off for Southampton H-D, then a ride towards Exeter for an evening meal & stop over. 8

Day 2 Ride to Plymouth H-D, then Bridgwater H-D for lunch then onto Weston-SuperMare for an overnight stay. DAY 3 Ride to Bristol H-D vicinity (dealership closed,) then onto Cheltenham H-D area (dealership closed) for coffee/lunch, then back to Oxford to finish the event midafternoon. I'll email Elaine & Jo's itinerary shortly. If any of you are interested in riding part/all of the ride, or meeting up for coffee/lunch at any of the stops please let me knowthanks ...this sounds like so much FUN! Psychic Sally Sunday 18th Sept Lou White has managed to reserve 20 tickets for the Psychic Sally show at Theatre Royal Windsor 7.30pm. If you would like to go, please let me know asap this will be on a first come first served basis. Ticket prices range from £17 to £35, once Lou knows how many of us are interested she'll be able to confirm prices. "PSYCHIC SALLY - The nation’s favourite psychic, Sally Morgan is back and better than ever with her brand new show - ‘Call Me Psychic’. Funny, entertaining, sometimes heart breaking, often controversial; the show celebrates her 8th year on the road. This is a fantastic and unique evening out not to be missed." Coming up & open to all club members: Fish n Chips ride out to Eastbourne Sat 21st May, Bike Night at Reading dealership Thurs 26th May, evening picnic to Henley Sat 4th June, & Froxfield Beer Festival Sat 11th June ). Please continue to let me know of your ideas for any ride outs/outings, whether it be cinema, shows, arts/crafts etc. Am sure that all Thames Valley club members would wish to send their sincere condolences to Hazel and Don after the loss of Hazel's dear Mum last month x

Ride safe Sue Dodds LoH Officer ladiesofharley@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk 07775 91356 WOMEN WHO BEHAVE SELDOM MAKE HISTORY ;-) 9

Two minutes with Jo Senn Motor Clothes Supervisor, Reading Harley Davidson Where did you grow up? I was born in Thornbury. Lived in South Wales until I was 5. Lived in Cheshire until I was 9. Lived in Gloucestershire until I was 16. Then my final move with my mum and dad and 4 siblings was to Berkshire. What are your top three films of all time? As a child it was The King and I (I was in love with Yul Brynner) Bridges of Madison County (It breaks my heart every time! when she sees him standing in the rain) I have lost count how many times I have watched it. And finally; The Last Samurai (It's such a beautiful film). How long have you been riding motorbikes and what was your first bike (picture if you've got one? I have been riding for 17 years, my first bike was a Honda NC30. What was the last book you read? SLASH (autobiography) Have you got any pets? We have a very cool dog called BRONSON he is a Shar-Pei If I was speaking to your other half, what would he/ she say is your worst habit? Mark would say it's leaving a bit of tea in the bottom of my mug. What would be your ideal holiday? One I didn't have to come back from!


What's your favourite tipple? Jim Beam, Jack Daniels and Buffalo Trace. Do you have any kids? I have 3 beautiful daughters who I call my Butterflies x What was the last pop concert you went to? SLASH in Brixton What did you want to be when you were growing up? HAPPY ? What was your favourite subject at school? Drama Who would you cast to play you in the film of your life and why? Drew Barrymore as a child, Pamela Anderson in my good years!! And Dame Helen Mirren (I hope I will look as good as her) What is your career highlight to date? Getting an email from Mike Wilson and then being offered the job at the Dealership. Mark took me out for lunch that day, I was sooo excited that I couldn't eat a thing. Chef came out to ask me if everything was ok with my meal, I told him about my new job and I was too excited to eat!!! He was very understanding. If you had a bucket list what would be the top of the list? Since I was a child I have always wanted to go to Yellowstone National Park. You've got a spare ÂŁ100 how would you spend it? Take my family out for a meal The alarm wakes you in the morning, how do you get ready for work? 6:30 ALARM! Cuddles with Mark if he hasn't left for work already, if he has then Bronson plays hide Thanks a lot Jo it was great getting to know you, Mark and the girls. Chris Smith 11

10 Pin Mayhem The evening of the 16th April saw over 25 members descend upon Maidenhead Ten Pin Bowling. The Thames Valley quickly adapted to their environment, locating the bar, the loos and then the five lanes that we had reserved. The players soon were delivering anything from a perfect strike to a reproduction of the dam busters raid (on occasion combining the two in a single play to dramatic effect). Many of us hadn't realised that our self image of physical fitness and flexibilty, was in fact not remotely close to our true condition and therefore spent the next few days hobbling around. A fantastic evening with great fun and banter. The men's winner was John and Fiona took the win for the ladies.


Thank you. On April's club night in Marlow, Toni "Choo Choo" Charles was presented with a token of the club's appreciation from Chapter Director Don, for serving in the role of activities officer. Thank you Toni.

Mike sings - ‘If you want my body and you think I’m sexy......’

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great present but just not the iron horse I had in mind!”

"Hey!.... What's with the long face?"

Submit your answers to: editor@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk 13

"Come on SofER will be great. You'll feel right at home"

Saturday, May 21 Fish 'n' Chips Eastbourne

Saturday, June 11 Froxfield Beer Festival

Thursday, May 26 6:00pm Ace Cafe Harley Night (open event)

Sunday, June 12 - 21 25th European HOG Rally Slovenia Wednesday, June 15 Poker Night - The Pineapple, Windsor

6:30pm Bike Night at Reading Harley Davidson (Open Event)

Thursday, June 16 TV Club Night

Friday, May 27 Chill Out Weekend Bridge North 27th May to 30th

Friday, June 17 - 19 HOGS in the Hayfield Great Western Chapter

Monday, May 30 Spring Bank Holiday

Thursday, June 23 Bike Night at Reading Harley Davidson (Open Event)

Friday, June 3 - 6 Clyde Valley Rally

Saturday, June 25 Coast to Coast

Saturday, June 4 Evening Picnic in Henley

Sunday, June 26 Ride to Tank Museum

Tuesday, June 7th Committee Night

For all rides, check the website or call the hotline to confirm.


Dates, events, ride-outs and activities. Details correct at time of going to print. Please check the website for updates and amendments.


Wake the Lakes 7th - 10th July



SofER 12th - 14th August









Thunder in the Glens 26th - 30th August European Bike Week Faaker See 6th - 11th September



Dawn to Dusk Ride Coast to Coast Charity Ride, June 25th









Check website for details on all events 15

Alexander Devine Site Visit 20th April …

I can’t think of any better words to describe John and Fiona’s vision for the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice than these. Fiona says ‘Our home from home will be a place of love and laughter, a special place to make special memories. It’s about children being children, in a safe environment; a place where parents feel they can safely be with their children, a secure, safe, loving environment, where no judgements are made. Even very sick children enjoy having an exciting, stimulating place to play and laugh with their brothers and sisters, friends and family’. The building will be exactly that – a home, with a normal front door and door bell, a hallway with welcoming open fire, no reception desk or nurses station. There will be a games room, music room, swimming pool and a sitting room with comfy sofas and chairs. The building will be able to accommodate six families in self-contained apartments where they can have quiet times together or they can enjoy the general facilities and meet other families and share their experiences. I visited the site on a chilly but sunny day expecting to see the layout of the planned building so was amazed to see what progress they have made since September last year. The roof was on in places and the rest of the building is taking shape at a rapid pace. 16

There is already a sense of calm and stillness about the site, six acres in all, which will eventually have landscaped gardens where the children can play. With the planes constantly flying over from the White Waltham Airport also providing entertainment! Four years ago the Alexander’s Nurses Service was launched. They provide respite care in the home and other community settings, as well as supporting families in an emergency, providing care and reassurance. In addition to raising money to provide the Alexander’s Care team, they need to raise £5m to build this first children’s hospice which will open its doors in the Spring of 2017. They are actually ahead of schedule so this may be sooner which would be fantastic! We as a chapter have adopted the charity and as such are raising money in lots of ways. As we are now receiving some fantastic support from our Reading Dealership, the proceeds from our monthly raffle will now go to the charity. The race night held at the April club night raised £82 (every little helps as they say). Also, we have 16 members taking part in the Coast to Coast ride on Sat 25th June, they are all looking for sponsorship! Events where we could offer our support by displaying some bikes also include: Holyport Fayre 3rd – 5th June Datchet Village Fete 2nd July The Devine Santa Dash 27th November – Windsor Town Centre Please see the notice board on club night to see lots more opportunities. Pat Adams Assistant Director 17

The 25th Cider Rally Glitz, glamour & razzmatazz. Silver costumes & all having a great time. Our ride there took in lunch at the Royal Oak, the weather was very changeable, and the wets were needed. On arrival, allocation of

rooms were made and dinner was eaten. Later, many went to the main hall to see Joan of Arc, (the band from SoFer last year ), and a gradual trickle went to the back room to listen to Bad Kato playing chilled music. Saturday morning.. choices for ride outs were made ... friends to go and see ... new people to meet... all back in time for dinner.. at Ralph & Geoffs, with Jerry & Denzel. The Thames Valley party began, drinks and nibbles as usual... nothing usual about the 18

costume being worn following the theme for the weekend of silver / chrome. The Thames Valley massive went mega shiny. The costumes were amazing. The costumes of all the chapters were fantastic. There was chilling music from Bare Bones in the back room, and the band Koo Ka Choo, with DJ Rob taking us towards the hours of the 3-4 o'clock club. How many of Thames Valley were there? The grand parade with flag bearers and bikes ( 255 in total ) made their way to Burnham-onSea. The crowds clapping and cheering when they got there. Pat and Barry Adams, and Alan and Angela Gutteridge took part in the dance competition, which was won by Invicta chapter. A ride home in the dry on Monday was most welcome. Let's raise a glass of cider to next year's rally, 2017. Linda 19

COPPER CHOPPER – THE LIBERTY BIKE In March I spent a week in New York, and while I was there I took the ferry across Upper New York Bay to Liberty Island to see the world famous statue. Built in 1886, the Statue of Liberty is constructed with a ‘skin’ of 3mm thick copper sheet on a cast iron ‘skeleton’ frame. The frame was designed by the French engineer Gustave Eiffel, designer of another landmark structure in Paris that bears his name. When she was completed, Lady Liberty was bright shiny copper and she took about 20 years to transform into the green oxidised copper colour that she is now. As she approached her 100th birthday (with extensive corrosion to her skin and skeleton) a major centennial restoration was planned, so that by 1986 she was even better than new.

But I did not know that Lady Liberty had a Harley Davidson that is very much ‘part of her’. Some copper sheets were left over following her restoration and this copper was used in the construction of the ‘Liberty Bike’, a custom-made motorcycle built by Orange County Choppers. It is on display in a glass case on the approach to the statue. 20

The copper has been used to plate almost every metal part of the bike, but unlike Lady Liberty, this copper is gleaming. In addition to the copper plating, the Liberty Bike includes several other features inspired by Lady Liberty. The bike's gear shift lever comes from a cable that once carried electricity to the statue’s torch, and in another reference to the torch, the bike’s carburettor lights up when the engine is running. The detailing includes spiky designs similar to Lady Liberty’s crown, and

what is even more amazing is that it took Orange County Choppers just four and a half weeks to build the Liberty Bike. Spring is here, and the Boys’ Stuff Boys say ‘Stuff the DIY, let’s get riding!’ Ralph 21

Bibery Village and Trout Farm Sunday 17th April saw a return ride out to Bibery village and Trout farm.

Ralph lead the group in his his first lead helped by Sue Brown as tail. After a swift mug of the brown stuff at H's Cafe, the group headed out across the beautiful countryside with visions of ice creams gathering behind their visors. The group arrived in perfect time for a spot of lunch and of course those ice creams. (Editors note: one or two members had clearly been visualising about ice creams quite well, bringing most manifestly into reality on arrival.)

After basking in the Spring sunshine the group headed back, lead by Nick West, through Wantage to H's Cafe once more. 22


The Bucket List Ride A grandmother celebrated her 80th birthday in style and fulfilled a lifelong ambition when she rode a Harley Davidson through the streets of Reading. Riding on one of the iconic motorcycles has been on Sheila Gardener's bucket list for years, and she was shocked to see her wish come true when she arrived at the dealership on Saturday, April 23. Reading Harley Davidson and Mrs Gardener's friends and family organised the surprise ride, which saw the pensioner race around on the back of a bike driven by our Chapter Director, Don Wibberley. Relative, David Gardener, of Windemere Close in Winnersh said: "She knew absolutely nothing about it, she was petrified when she realised was going on but she loved it and it might have whetted her appetite for another ride." "It went well, she had a good time and everyone turned up. The dealership was extremely good and they organised it really well. "There were 12 riders there and she went for a ride through Reading and Caversham and then out towards Wallingford before coming back through Nettlebed and Henley."

John Radcliffe Toy Run We have receieved this note from the hospital regarding the toy run in April and wanted to share it with you all.

New Member A very warm welcome to the Chapter Peter Robinson


Oxford to Windsor Canoe Challenge – 70 miles Ian Goldswain + Friends Those that know me know that there are a few things in life that are important to me :- Family and friends, Scouting, Harley Davidsons and Canoeing – probably in that order. Every year we plan a couple of canoeing events with my partner in paddles, Simon Outhwaite. We’ve done a few trips now; one of the best was the Wye Valley in April 2015. It was on the Wye Valley trip that we came on the idea of building our own wooden canoes. Just about 12 months later we were travelling up to Penrith to go on a 4 day course to build a vessel each. We arrived there on a cold Friday morning – at a small pub in the village of Great Strickland. There was snow on the hills and a very strong wind – just above freezing. We parked up and he showed us the converted cowshed that was to be our workshop for the next few days. Yes it was cold. I started with 2 tee-shirts, overalls and a fleece but they showed us to our rickety benches and gave us 4 planks of wood and a handsaw each and said “Off you go guys…” After four days construction under great instruction, we headed south with our canoes strapped onto Fiona’s car. The following few weeks involved painting / varnishing and trimming out the canoes. I was really pleased how it turned out. One of the lovely things is that – like a Harley you can make the boat just how you want it with individual finishing touches. Simon chose a third centre seat / platform especially for his dog. We are both really pleased with the finished result. So that brings us nearly up to date and last weekend we took them out on their maiden voyage by the racecourse at Windsor. Both vessels floated and we couldn’t find any signs of leakage – which was reassuring. First impressions are that they are quite manoeuvrable – being made of plywood they are about half the weight of a conventional plastic Canadian canoe, but they do seem quite strong. What next? - Well, Simon was blessed with a Granddaughter (his first) in November last year. However Bella spent her first 5 weeks in hospital over Christmas – and 26

she is currently in there again. We are therefore planning a fund raising adventure - raising money for the Ronald McDonald House Oxford at John Radcliffe Children’s Hospital where her family stayed. The plan is to paddle our new canoes from Oxford – Close to the John Radcliffe hospital 70 miles downriver to Windsor close to Simon’s house. Finishing at the Windsor leisure pool slipway – probably not 100 yards from the Grenadier Guards Club. A team of ten of us, (including Bella’s dad, Grandads + Uncles) will be canoeing 5 Canadian canoes over a 2 ½ day period on July 8th, 9th & 10th. This is no mean feat, as our daily limit so far has been about 20miles – so being closer to 30miles per day, this will be a big stretch for me. For this epic journey, Simon will be partnered by one of his sons and I’ll be partnered by Jordan Craythorne – My eldest daughter Katy’s partner. My hope is that he should bring both youth and power to our boat. The planned route is as follows • Day 1 : From Osney Marina, canoeing 27.5 miles, tackling 7 locks, finishing at Goring •

Day 2 : From Goring, canoeing 26.4 miles, tackling 11 locks, finishing at Hurley Lock

Day 3 : From Hurley we then canoe the last 15.6 miles, tackling 6 locks & finish in Windsor

Your support: If you live anywhere along the route please watch out for us, give us a wave (and maybe a cup of tea). We are also looking for your support on this event through sponsorship our “Just Giving” page – www.justgiving.com/oxfordtowindsorcanoe or if you prefer we have paper copy sponsor forms available.

Please give generously to this worthy cause With Love - Ian


2016 Officers & Committee


Don Wibberley Director

Pat Adams Asst. Director

Nick West Asst. Director CLUB VENUE Grenadier Guards Club Maidenhead Rd, Windsor, Berks, SL4 5EY

Colin Wilkins Treasurer

Sue Moyler Secretary

https://www.facebook.com/ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Third Thursday of every month 7:30pm


Sue Dodds Ladies of Harley

Andy Tunley Editor

Lee White Webmaster

Chris Smith Membership

Sue Knight Historian

Mandy Mussong Merchandise

Barry Adams Activities

Malcolm Poulter Activities

Linda Friend Photographer

Chris Earley Photographer

Email any committee member at (position held)@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

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