Thames Valley HOG "Tales From The Riverbank" March 2014

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Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter

By the time you read this magazine at least two unofficial rideouts will have taken place. It almost seems impossible that just last month we were up to our necks in water! Still, I’m not complaining, with the mileage programme starting, long may the sunshine last! Have you ever thought about being on the committee and part of the team that decides what goes on in our club? Do you wonder what the committee positions involve? Well, after Sue Brown telling us what she does as Ladies of Harley rep., I asked the other committee members to describe, in a few sentences, what they actually do in their roles. I will be publishing their responses over the next few months, starting with Pat Adams - Assistant Director, whose profile is on page 23, and Shirley Churchill - Merchandiser, whose profile is on page 10. Enjoy the read, Sue


It’s official - I’m the Editor!

Inside this issue… Front cover:

John Colyer and other club members leaving the Pack Saddle

March/April Birthdays

Page 2

Start your Engines

Page 4, 5

Director’s Update

Page 6, 7

LoH - Sue’s Scribbles

Page 8, 9

New and Events

Page 10

Merchandiser / News

Page 11

News and Events

Don Wibberley 20th Mar

Page 12, 13

Meet the Members

Deb West 23rd Mar

Page 14, 15


Page 16, 17

News and Events

Page 18, 19

Saturday Social, Asian Fusion

Page 20

Saturday Social, Pack Saddle

Page 21

A Harley Bird

Page 22

Whose bike?

Page 23

Pat Adams - Assistant Director

Page 24

Mystery Man

Page 25

Chill-Out Weekend

Page 26, 27

Safety First

Back cover:

Meet the committee

Grant Oxtoby 4th Mar BIG ONE -65th!

Andrew Wayte 25th Mar Keith Edwards 4th Apr Hazel Wibberley 5th Apr John Grist 6th Apr Paul Major 11th Apr Glen Harger 11th Apr Dave Brown 16th Apr

Happy birthday to you all!

To Don, Sue, Linda + Mick, Shirley, Pat, Nick, Bernie, Barry & Colin, Thank you all for your contributions to the mag this month!

Hi Everybody, and welcome to Tales from the Riverbank. What a change in the weather from so much rain and misery to the spring-like weather - cold first thing in the morning and beautiful sunshine during the day. And that brings me on to last Sunday’s unofficial ride, organised by Paul Houghton, up to Jack’s Cafe in Northamptonshire . What a great ride up through West Wycombe, Aylesbury & Buckingham to Jack’s Café, and a massive all-day breakfast for lunch, ‘naughty but nice’, my kind of Sunday. In last month’s magazine I told you I would have news of our talks with Sportsable regarding the pricing structure they operate on our club nights. The first proposal put forward by Sportsable was for our members to purchase a Sportsable membership at £15 per year. This, we thought, was a non-starter. So the very nice Jenny and her colleges came up with another suggestion; that we, Thames Valley, purchase 60 memberships for the year, which would allow all our members to purchase drinks at the Members’ prices at all our club nights for the next year. Our very nice treasurer, Colin, said that club funds could cover some of the extra costs, so what I would like to propose is a small increase on the membership fees, per person, to cover the shortfall. This will make Single Membership £28 & Family Membership £36 per year, and that way every member receives the benefit of cheaper drinks from the bar.

SofER Weekend Alternative

Hot LICCS So, what is Hot LICCS? Hot ’cos it’s going to be just that over the weekend of 1st 2nd & 3rd August and LICCS from Lind Chapters’ Convergence Spin. 4

We propose a ride-out on the Friday to Herefordshire and camp at a Rugby Club in Ledbury. For those of you who don’t do camping there are Hotels very local. The Program for the weekend. Friday evening, bar meals available with music and drinks in the club house. Saturday we have a parade of flags through Ledbury town followed with a visit to Weston’s Cider Mill and a Ride-out around the lovely countryside of Herefordshire with a stop for lunch in Ross-onWye. We finish the day off with a BBQ and an evening of entertainment and drinks in the club house. Breakfast available on both Saturday & Sunday mornings. The last few details are still being put together for the event. If you think you would like to attend the weekend please put your names on the list at the notice board table this evening.

Chapter Chill-Out Weekend It’s back to the Lower Lode Inn, Tewkesbury, for the weekend of the 27th June. Total chill-out for 2 days with a ride-out, BBQ, Bernie’s Music (hope Sue & Bernie are coming!) & plenty to drink. To book your weekend accommodation, contact Pat & Barry - see page 25.

Mileage Program 2014 This year, again, we need a big entry by Thames Valley members. Our ride-out calendar is full of long and short rides throughout the summer, so plenty of time to clock up those miles for the club’s entry. Prizes for the highest mileages are presented at November’s club night Application forms available at club night or email your bike’s VIN number and current mileage to Early April sees the start of our official riding season with time to Blowout the Cobwebs Ride on the 6th April, the Pioneer Run to Brighton on the 13th, Ace Cafe run to Southend on the 21st, and the Oxford Toy Run on the 27th. Change of date for the first Poker Run of 2014, it’s now on April 2nd. See details on page 9. It’s about time to start organising your fancy dress for the 2014 Cider Rally which this year is a Tropical Theme. Looks like being another great rally. New Forest have opened their website for bookings for this year’s Blazing Blazers Rally, with discounted accommodation prices for early bookings. Another Rally Thames Valley are attending later this year. That’s it from me for this magazine.



Sue says...

I am writing this the morning after 28 of us had a great night out at the Asian Fusion. It’s the second time we have been there as a Chapter and once again the food didn’t disappoint. Dave and I aren’t fans of spicy food but there was plenty on offer to tempt even the most sceptical of curry eaters. Well, that was until Dave ate a whole green chilli thinking it was a green bean! I mean how many green beans are there in curry as a rule?! .. I didn’t even notice that he was sweating buckets and drinking his beer faster than most! This did, however, seem to quell his enthusiasm for eating much more and he came home and topped up on crisps and nuts! Think he will be a bit more careful in the future. I am not normally one for going to Bike Shows, especially when they are mainly showcasing sports machines, but as Dave and I were going to London, anyway, we thought we would visit the MCN Bike Show. Harley Davidson did have a display area but the main attraction for me were the trade stands. I didn’t buy anything but it was very interesting looking at all the tours that were on offer. I was quite keen on some of the trips to far away places like Vietnam but that meant I had to ride a 650 Kawasaki. Not going to be beaten by this challenge I went to the Kawasaki stand and tried out a few models. It was fine, apart from the fact I couldn’t touch the ground! Guess that means I will be sticking to trips where I can take my own ride or where they hire out Harley’s. Moving on to the next stand, I saw a familiar face, then after reading the banner at the top of the display stand I twigged who it was. 6

Charley Boorman was standing there, larger than life, touting his offroader trips to Africa. Once I got over being a bit star-struck we had a nice chat about why he wasn’t running a tour for me on my Harley and went on my way with a big smile on my face Anyway, back to business . The new Oxford Chapter LoH rep, Tamara Davis, has invited Thames Valley over to their dealership on Saturday, 29th March for coffee and cakes. They are launching their HOG mileage programme and thought it would be a good idea to ask us and their sister chapter along. If anyone fancies riding over to Oxford with me, ladies and gents, then please meet up at SportsAble at 09.45 for a 10.15 depart (weather permitting). This would be a good time to record our mileage and give a note of it to Don. The Cider Rally is creeping up on us very soon and there is a tropical theme year. I was thinking it would be fun for us to support this as a Chapter and make some sort of effort on the dressing up front. So, if anyone has any good ideas as to how we could theme ourselves, ie a certain colour or any particular gear to wear, then that would be great. I hear that CJ has a couple of coconuts so that would make a good start The April Saturday Social is planned to be at The Shire Horse along the A4 at Littlewick Green, SL6 3QA, on 19th April. Hope to see you there, from 12.30

Sue x 7

After the terrible weather we’ve endured for the first couple of months this year, the forecast for a warm, sunny day led Paul Houghton to make the most of an opportunity to plan a ride on Sunday, 9th March. The rideout left Sportable at around 10am with 13 people on 10 bikes. Another bike joined en route and one rider made his own way to the ride destination - Jack’s Hill Café, Towcester. The weather was fantastic, not too cold, and the ride included a stopover at H's Café on the way back, for some. A great day, and a brilliant start to the riding year!


Hi all, The first Poker Run is now on Wednesday, 2nd April. We had to change the date because many of the regulars will be attending the Biker Down Course in Marlow on the 9th. After this first one, Poker Run night will usually be the 2nd Wednesday of each month. For our first 2014 Poker Run we will be at an old favourite which ALWAYS goes down well, The Pineapple, at Dorney. 9

They do fabulous sandwiches and it is very central to the majority of the club membership. If you're not sure what it’s all about come along and find out ! It’s a great excuse to get out and meet the gang once a month (as if you really need an excuse!) and you get to build a card hand over the 7 months which could win you almost £100 in cash prize money.

Cheers, Nick

Hi everyone, my name is Shirley Churchill and I’m the one that’s responsible for selling raffle tickets at club nights and all club events! Seriously, though, my official role is merchandiser for Thames Valley Hog. As merchandiser, my job consists of sourcing new merchandise, at good prices, taking and placing orders and then collecting the goods from the supplier. I also attend committee meetings and give financial reports on the sales. Also, I do a stock-take at the end of the year and submit a financial report. When the new website is launched there will be an online shop so my job, hopefully, will entail a lot more work selling items on the Web and posting out the goods. So, as you can see, there is a lot more that goes on behind the scenes than just selling at club nights. But I must say, I love my job as merchandiser and I love Thames Valley as a club and all the good friends I have made! Love Shirley xx

Registration for the 2014 Mileage Program is now available. After such a great response in 2013 it’s now time to register for this year and start clocking up those miles. Mileage forms will be available at our next club night or you can send your bike’s VIN number and current mileage over to me, Don, and I will do the rest. Here's looking forward to another great year clocking those miles for our entry to the chapter challenge. Forms & Mileages to: 10



Meet the Members

Spotlight on... Mick & Linda Friend Are you married? Yes, we have known each other for 48 years in May and we have been married 44 years in August. Do you have any children? Two, Louise (43), lives in Cornwall with her husband and 2 of our grandchildren, Connor (21), and Hannah (15). Her other son, Jacob (20), is living with us at the moment. Our son, Daniel (42), lives in Knowl Hill with his partner and her daughter and our grandson, Corey (15). What was your first bike? Micks 1st motorbike was a James Captain, then a Matchless 250 cc, followed by a Sunbeam S8 and then various others including a Tribzer and an Ariel Red Hunter. When did you get your first Harley? 2009. A friend who was only a year older than me passed away (he had always wanted a Harley Davidson) and I decided life was too short not to get one. I bought a 2002 Heritage Softail, which I still have.


How long have you been a Thames Valley member? We joined in 2009, and to say that joining the club has changed our lives would be an understatement. We attend as many Poker Runs, fun runs, Saturday Socials and any other gatherings that it’s humanly possible to do, including the Cider Rallies, SofER and our 1st Thunder in the Glens last year.

Any hobbies apart from motorbikes? We have an IH campervan in an orange and black livery, which we try to get away in as much as possible. And, along with the 2 allotments which provides the fruit for all the jams that Linda makes, there is not much time left at all.

Any special Harley experiences? In March 2012, on our way home from a ride out to Serum Aerodrome, we both came off on a roundabout on some diesel spillage and although we did no damage to ourselves the bike did not fair so well. It took nearly 2 months to get it back on the road. It’s been nice getting to know you, Mick and Linda, thanks for the chat.


Chi Chi Chi

April cont.


Ace Café Southend Shakedown Monday, 21st 8:45 Sportsable, 10:30 leave Ace Café

Club Night Thursday 20th, 7:30 (Don’s birthday ) Ace Café Harley Night Thursday 27th 6:00pm

Ace Café Harley Night Thursday 24th 6:00pm John Radcliff Toy Run Sunday, 27th, 9:00 Sportsable

April Committee Night Tuesday 1st, 8:00pm Date change

Poker Run - 1st one date change Weds 2nd 6:30 The Pineapple, Dorney.

May Cider Rally Friday 2nd, 10:00am Chieveley

Dust off the Cobwebs Ride Jack’s Hill Café, Towcester Sunday 6th 9:00 Sportsable

Committee Night Tuesday 6th, 8:00pm Seaside Fish ‘n’ Chips Sat 17th, 9:00am Eastbourne & Shaw’s HD

Pioneer Run Sunday, 13th, 9:00-6:00 Sportsable

Poker Run - 2 Weds 21st May, 6:30

Club Night Thursday 17th, 7:30

114 14

Dates, events, rideouts and activities Details correct at time of going to print. Check the website for updates and amendments

Entries for your Diary

Club Nights

Oxford Toy Run 27th April 23rd Cider Rally 2nd - 5th May Big Brum Bash 23rd - 26th May Ireland Bike Fest 30th May - 1st June European Rally Biograd Croatia, 2nd - 16th June

World Ride 2014 (Million Mile) 23rd-24th June Wake the Lakes 3rd - 6th July Fenlanders Rally 24th - 27th July Hog n Bog Provincewide 1st - 3rd August Sherwood Rally 15th-17th August Thunder in the Glens 22nd - 25th August Deva Legion Circus Maximus 12th - 14th September











Mag contribution Deadlines

Check website for Changes / further details on all events 15












Hot LICCS So what is Hot LICCS? Hot cos its summer – and LICCS from LInd Chapters Convergence Spin. This is our answer to what we’d like to do as an alternative to the SoFER weekend: a get together of the Lind group chapters, Hogsback, Thames Valley, Fenlanders and Iceni. We propose to go to Herefordshire and camp at a rugby club, have a bar-b-que and some music and some good cheap liquid refreshments (including real ale) and a good ride-out while we are there. For those who don’t want to camp there are hotels within a short distance. As this is a convergence ride we can draw on the other chapters to help out with some of the admin such as security of site, whether we use tags or not. Hogsback will organise and recce the ride-out and it depends on numbers as to whether we do a fully marshaled ride or just a normal led ride.

Tents £10 night to include use of shower/changing rooms. Bar-b-que £5 per head Music provided by Dave, Grippo and Mark from Hogsback with possible contributions from the other chapters Toby Sleeman (GH-D DP) has confirmed he will support the event. Program Arrive Friday to bar-b-que in evening with Music in function room. Saturday, breakfast followed by ride out through Herefordshire to lunch stop. Music in evening function room with either meal in bar or 2nd bar b que. Breakfast and depart. Cost to tent £20 plus barbecue costs and beer


On Saturday, 15th March, 28 club members and friends met at the Asian Fusion for a buffet meal. A very good choice of food was offered and everyone found something to suit their taste even those who don’t eat spicy food! Another great social event, Thanks, Sue, for arranging it and thanks, Linda, for the photos.



Saturday Social No3 After months of wind and rain, the sunshine on Saturday 22nd February brought out 11 bikes, carrying 17 people, to this social lunchtime meeting. In all, 26 Thames Valley members enjoyed good food and great company in comfortable surroundings. A fantastic turnout!


After our lunch at The Pack Saddle, several of us decided to round off the afternoon with a visit to The Bike Shack. A chaffinch, whose home is at the back of their parking space, wasn’t happy when, in the morning, a repaired Harley was parked there. It spent the day pecking at the ‘IMPOSTER’ bird that came with the bike. Just look at this bird pecking at its reflection, trying to scare it away and oblivious of all the people watching it! I’m told, on good authority, (Ron Jackson) that chaffinches are territorial and this little bird didn’t like the newcomer. Amazing photo, by Bernie, of this Harley Bird - look at the wings, they appear to be transparent as it hovers before its reflection. 21

Whose Bike? Our ‘Jammy’ photographer, Linda, has been taking candid shots of our bikes when we weren’t looking! Do you recognise your bike, or that of another club member? If you correctly identify the bike and owner, you will win a bottle of wine, to be presented at club night. If there’s more than one correct answer, names will be put in a hat and one drawn out - at club night. Good luck!

If you can identify this bike, send your answer to Linda, c/o: January’s winner: Dave Brown


Bike: Bernie Churchill

Hi, I have been on the Thames Valley Committee for the past nine years. Yes, it does tend to become a way of life! I first came onto the committee in Jan 2006 as the Chapter Secretary. Our Director then was Neil Hall and he was followed by Don Pritchett. I I held this position for 5 years. In January 2011 our Director prepared

Don Wibberley became and he asked me if I would be to take the Assistant Director post, which I did. The job description for an Assistant Director in the Chapter Charter is all embracing; the post is all about supporting the Director in all aspects of running the Chapter. That is basically what I do by attending the monthly committee meetings, supporting other committee members and helping Barry to organise chapter events. I also attend the SofER organising committee meetings which are held four times during the year. As one of the organising chapters we are responsible for manning the rally banding station on the site throughout the two day rally. We have, over the years, built up a great team of volunteers who give up their valuable riding and/or drinking time at the rally to make sure the job is done with our usual chapter flair. We are lucky to have a strong and committed committee who give up their valuable time and are ready to support our new sponsoring dealership. Things can only get even better‌


Although the Fine Pig is having a rest this month, he has names in his book!. Next month, watch this space... 23

This Mystery man fooled absolutely everyone last month; not a single person guessed his identity. I don’t think you’ve changed, Colin, well, not that much!

This month, the photo isn’t so clear and doesn’t enlarge too well. But, if I tell you that this picture was taken in 1955 when photography wasn’t so advanced, I think you’ll have a big enough clue to help you guess the identity of this dashing young man. And, can you tell what the bike is?


Love from 24

Hazel xx

zel xx

Lower Lode Inn, Forthampton, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL19 4RE Friday 27th to Sunday 29th June 2014 Lower Lode Inn is a 15th Century riverside inn offering en-suite accommodation, camping & touring pitches. Set in a stunning location overlooking the River Severn, with views of Tewkesbury and it's historic Abbey, it’s a perfect place to spend a few days chilling out with friends. Fine locally sourced, home cooked fayre and real ales are available in the bar.

Camping package to include : Breakfast Sat & Sunday morning and BBQ meal on Sat……….£17.50 per person Caravan accommodation package double room to include breakfast Sat & Sunday morning plus BBQ meal on Sat.………...…£75 per couple (3 rooms available share bathroom) Double room package in Hotel (4 available) to include breakfast Sat & Sunday plus BBQ meal on Sat………………………………...£165 per couple Family room (1 only available with two double beds) to include breakfast Sat & Sunday morning plus BBQ meal on Sat ….£260 (£130 per couple) All prices quoted include 2 nights accommodation There are 8 Caravan/ Camper van pitches + electric hook up available @ £10 per night Please let us know if you require this option

I would like to book (How many)………… Camping places at £17.50 each. I would like to book (How many)………… Double Room package at £165 each I would like to book the family room for 2 couples at £260 (tick box) I enclose Cheque made out to Thames Valley Chapter in the sum of £……… Contact Name ………………………………………….Tel:.................................. Contact Email:……………………………………………………… Please let me know if you have any special Dietary requirements Contact Barry Adams Tel: 01488 683136 or 07771 646263


SAFETY BRIEFING FOR NON ROAD CREW Please note that HOG insists that ALL participating riders get a briefing before they ride with an organised group. If you miss the briefing you may not participate in the ride ! Your full attention is required at the briefing. It is an important part of safety for the whole group. Please try not to interrupt unless you have a genuine question. For some crew members, it is the most daunting part of their responsibility. You will hear much of the same information each time but please support your volunteer road crew by being patient. Listen carefully to the overview of the route. Take note of any hazards which may be mentioned. Make sure you understand the DROP-OFF SYSTEM. If not, ask a member of the Road Crew. Identify the LAST MAN / TAIL RIDER at, or during, the briefing. Make sure you know how we operate the staggered file as many Chapters operate this slightly differently. Thames Valley HOG DO NOT change position in the staggered file when a man is dropped off. Riders MUST stay at their drop off point until the last man arrives. Use an arm signal when dropped off to indicate the direction of the route. (Switch off your indicators !) Drop off will be indicated precisely, but only stop precisely at that location if you are happy to do so. Alternatively, stop as close as you can and consider walking back to mark the route. Leave at least 4 seconds gap behind the LEAD rider and 2 seconds between you and the next rider in the formation.

The LEAD RIDER is NOT a part of the staggered formation. He/she will move to different positions in the road depending on what he needs to do next. Do NOT change your position in the stagger behind the leader. Close up at stops and junctions. No overtaking within the group. Please leave 7 -10 second gaps on motorways and dual carriageways between groups of 5 riders. Overtaking other traffic on dual carriageways:- Only pass / overtake when you reach the obstruction. Do not pull out to allow the rider in front to pass. (He/she may not be ready to pass and you will hold up other road users unnecessarily). Every rider MUST fully observe the whole group, NOT just the rider ahead, in order to be alert to changes in speed Use your mirrors frequently. Be courteous to other road users (even if undeserved!) Leaving the group:- Pull over and wait for the last man then signal your intention to leave Missing a drop-off:- In the unlikely event that you miss a dropped marker, or take a wrong road, DON’T PANIC! Continue to a safe point to turn around and go back to pick up the ride at that point. The rest of the ride should follow you and the ride will get back on track. Breakdown procedures:- Last man or his/her marshal will stop and assess your needs. Be aware of other riders joining who are not part of the group. Do not use unauthorised signals. This can confuse following riders. All riders must be aware that… YOU ARE DEEMED TO BE IN CONTROL OF, AND RESPONSIBLE FOR, YOUR VEHICLE AND YOUR RIDING AT ALL TIMES IRRESPECTIVE OF ANY GUIDANCE OR INSTRUCTION FROM ANY MEMBER OF THE ROAD CREW. YOU MUST, AT ALL TIMES, RIDE WITHIN THE LAW AND OBEY ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATIONS.

Don Don Wibberley Wibberley Chapter Chapter Director Director Email: director Email: director@ director uk

Pat Adams Pat Adams Assistant Director Assistant Director Email: assistantdirector@ Email: assistantdirector@

Colin Wilkins Colin Wilkins Treasurer Treasurer Email: treasurer@ Email: treasurer@

Sue Moyler Sue Moyler Secretary Secretary Email: secretary@ Email: secretary@

Fred Cotsford Fred Fred Cotsford Cotsford Membership Officer Membership Officer Membership Officer Email: membership@ Email: Email: membership@ membership@

Nij Jones Nij Jones Head Road Captain Head Road Captain Email: headroadcaptain@ Email: headroadcaptain@

Nick West Nick West Safety Officer & Safety Officer & historian Historian Email: Historian Email: historian@

Barry Adams Barry Adams Activities Officer Activities Officer Email: activities@ Email: activities@

Lee White Lee White Webmaster Webmaster Email: webmaster@ Email: webmaster@

Sue Knight Sue Knight Editor Editor Email: editor@ Email: editor@

Bernie Meason Bernie Meason Photographer Photographer Email: photographer@ Email: photographer@

Sue Brown Sue Brown Ladies of Harley Ladies Harley Email: of ladiesofharley@ Email: ladiesofharley@ thamesvalleyhog thamesvalleyhog tvwebmaster1 Linda Friend Friend Linda Photographer Photographer Email: photographer@ photographer@ Email:

Shirley Shirley Churchill Churchill Merchandise Merchandise Email: Email: merchandise@ merchandise@ tvwebmaster1

Toni Charles Club Venue: Club Venue: Activities Officer SportsAble, SportsAble, Braywick Sports Ground, Email: activities@SL6 1BN Braywick Sports Ground, Maidenhead, Maidenhead, SL6 1BN

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