Tales From The River Bank august 2015

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Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter



Hotline: 01753 578616 www.thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

So many of the contributions to this month’s mag have come from the ladies - well done, girls! Sue’s LoH page keeps us informed of all the ladies’ events that have happened or are coming up. Elaine has written about the Iron HOG Ride - what an amazing feat! Hayley has written about her Taster Day, went to see if she wanted to ride (really? I mean REALLY? Was it ever a question?) Of course she loved it! Ann Tunley Jones, a new member, went on her first LoH day out and did a write-up! Thank you, Ann, let’s have many more Sue Moyler has written about the Heart and Soul Rally in Newcastle and Linda has sent photos and written about all the other club events that have taken place over the month. The boys have sent in… well, see for yourself! Come on, boys, what have you been doing? Tell us about it! I’ve had a busy month; Llangollen was a great weekend. Got stuck in traffic with road closures and accidents on the way there but managed, on my trike, to filter with the rest of them on one wide road! It’s my second time there and I will definitely go again. Thank you, Paul, for all the recce runs and the good organising and planning of the trip. The Ladies’ weekend was good fun with great company. A boat trip, shopping, drinks in a pub, dinner in an Italian restaurant and a hotel room gathering to round the evening off - with more drinks. Hic! A well-planned weekend, thanks, Sue. The 300 miles each way to the Heart and Soul Rally was made easier by good stops every 100 miles or so. The rally was very good with the warm, friendly, Geordie hospitality and a great band on Saturday Night. It would be better to make a longer weekend of it next year as 300 miles on Friday, Saturday at the rally and 300 miles on Sunday seemed a lot of riding for only one full day. Thanks, Don, for getting us all there together. SofER is next. Send in your thoughts of the rally, and your pictures, for next month’s mag. Sue

Inside this issue… Front cover

Paul Major taking in the view

Page 2

Editor’s Thoughts

Page 4, 6

Director’s Update

Page 7

Members’ celebrations

Page 8, 9

LoH - Sue’s Page

Page 10, 11

Ladies’ Day - Ann Tunley Jones

Page 12, 13

Iron HOG Ride- Elaine Shepherd

Page 14, 15


Page 16,

Bike Taster Day - Hayley West

Page 17

August/September Birthdays

Jonathan Mussong

18th Aug

Patrik Radacovsky

31st Aug

Russel Lovelock

3rd Sept

4th Poker Run - Linda

Dave Knight

4th Sept

Page 18

Prom Night

Tom Ray

5th Sept

Page 19

Boys’ Stuff - Mike and Ralph

Pat Jackson

7th Sept

Page 20, 21

Llangollen - Linda Friend

Kevin Lambe

7th Sept

Page 22

Fleet Air Museum - Linda Friend

Mike Conolly

10th Sept

Page 23

New Members

Sue Moyler

15th Sept

Page 24, 25

Heart & Soul Rally - Sue Moyler

Paul Houghton

18th Sept

Page 26, 27


Back cover:

Meet the committee

Happy birthday to you all!

A bigThank You to ALL who have sent copy for this month magazine: Don, Sue D, Mike, Ann, Elaine, Hayley, Linda, Sue M,

Hi Everybody , As another month passes by, at an even greater speed than the last one, the chapter seems to have been just as busy with so many Social Functions, Rallies and Ride Outs to attend. Soon after club night the boys set off to Fenlanders Rally in Norfolk. Now I know we have always said, ‘what goes on at a rally stays at the rally’ but this time I think it’s a bit different. I have had permission to share a few photos taken at the rally which may amuse you. As newcomers to the Rally, on Saturday evening the Fenlanders Chapter hold a Lingerie Ride for the Rally Virgins. This seemed like a great deal of fun and without needing much encouragment Mike & Ralph were off to their tents. They soon appeared dressed in just their underpants & boots ready for the ride around the site with a few other couples, again with hardly anything on other than their underwear. The group of riders cruised around the site to cheers and wolf whistling from the lines of spectators dotted around the camping areas. Other than a very heavy downpour of rain on Friday night, that I didn’t hear, and Saturday morning’s downpour, we had a great rally with a great deal of fun. We have more pictures of the lingerie Ride further on in the magazine.


The following weekend 10 of us left Beaconsfield services for a 300 mile bike ride to the Heart & Soul Rally in North Shields, which is outside Newcastle on the Northumberland East Coast. A great ride up the A1 with 2 one-hour breaks en route made it a pleasurable ride. We arrived late afternoon at a Premier Inn which was only a few miles from the Rally site. With the bags checked in we rode down to the rally site to get banded and collect our rally packs. Once banded we were treated to a shot of J D Honey as a welcome nip, very nice. The Geordie Chapter made all the rally goers very welcome and certainly laid on a great rally. I would certainly attend the rally again, maybe travel up Thursday and return home on Monday. As I write my piece for this months magazine SofER is only days away now and all the prep work the rally committee have done over the last 18 months will all come together to what we believe will be another memorable SofER Rally. Membership Chris has been busy over the last few weeks taking off the membership lists the names of people who have not paid their subs for 2015. Our club membership is still growing which is mainly from the sales of bikes at Reading Harley Davidson, we now have a total of 223 members which is made up of full members and affiliated. Last club night was attended by 84 members.


Diary Dates October 3rd is Ride to the Wall, an event always well supported by the Chapter and we always have a great turn out of members. To book your place at the National Arboretum and show your support, tickets are available from www.rttw.co.uk Some of the chapter are staying at the Tamworth Premier Inn overnight on the Saturday. If you would like to join us, please book your own accommodation direct. October 10th Thames Valley will be hosting an End of Season party at the Grenadier Club Windsor with a Band, Casino Evening and finger buffet. Tickets are available from Pat & Barry this evening. October 31st, is the last day of the Chapter Challenge Mileage Program. We need to get your finishing mileages verified by the dealership and signed off. Please bring your bikes down to Reading Harley Davidson any time during the day on the 31st.

Ride Safe and Have Fun Don


HAPPY 60th CASPER No expense was spared at the Lads’ weekend away when celebrating Casper’s 60th birthday on 25th July.

Mick and Linda celebrated their 45th, Sapphire’ Wedding Anniversary on 9th August with around 60 members of the Chapter dropping in to share the day with them. Congratulations!

Hi Ladies, Corr.. . July has been a pretty lively month, lol Reading Harley Davidson Bike Night on 23rd July was even bigger than last month! Many former club members that haven’t been seen for some time attended along with all the new faces  Still can’t get the taste of that ice cream out of my mind… pure lush! Looking forward to the next meet on Thurs 27th August. My goodness, massive respect for the group of 4 LoH riders that embarked on the Iron HOG Challenge setting off 16/07/15, finishing 18/07/15. The 1st all girl team – Elaine Shepherd, Jean Harding from both Thames Valley and Oxford Chapters along with Gill Mogg and Debbie Atterton from Bridgwater Chapter – started and finished the challenge from Bristol dealership, and had 3 days to cover approx 1730 miles checking in at 25 dealerships along the way. Hope they raised/are raising plenty of proceeds for Ovacome, an ovarian cancer charity: https://www.justgiving.com/LOHIronHOGride We welcomed them as they arrived at Reading Harley Davidson on Sat, & Mike had pre-prepared their tea & coffees as requested. Good on you Mike!

14 gals are already booked up for our LoH November weekend away 27/11/2015 for 3 nights at Sand Bay Pontins ‘Adults only’ resort. Price, incl breakie & evening meal, is £69pp based on 2/3 sharing a chalet. £15 suppl per night for single occupancy. Evening entertainment is still to be announced (!) There's a German Christmas market being held at Bristol, local shopping at Weston Super Mare… plus our own entertainment of course! Please let me know if you’re up for it. http://www.pontins.com/themed-breaks/sandbay/tinsel-turkey/ On 25th Jul , 22 TV LoH club members had a fun time in Windsor for our boat trip, followed by a spot of shopping, evening meal and an overnight stay (for some). Thankfully no-one was lost overboard on the boat, despite the bar below deck. It’s no surprise, really, that not many of us spotted the Kingfisher sighting! Wetherspoons, along the High Street, did us proud before our evening meal at Bella Italia… there was a lot of winking going on at one of the waiters during the meal… mainly on Jammy’s table, at least, lol. What was that all about?


One of our newer members managed to recite ALL the ladies names around the table by the end of the evening (respect lol, don’t think I could have managed that so late in the evening ha hal) . .. Quite a few ladies crammed into Marilyn (my roomie‘s) hotel room later in the evening for a stimulating conversation… jelly babies, massages, wine, hmm, and did that lady find her socks in the morning? Seriously though, it was so lovely to see that some of our newer members were able to make it . Thank you ladies for your support and also huge thanks to Lee & Lou plus Elaine & Sue B for their help… and of course my darling’ Warlock, aka Bernie D, for chauffeuring, hope you girls all enjoyed x Well, on Fri 31/7/15 10 club members (4 ladies riding) ventured up to the Heart & Soul Rally in Newcastle... Huge thanks to Don W for leading us all up there safely.. well timed fuel stops esp for V Rod & food breaks! Brill trip with GREAT company… Saturday night was a blast with the Bessie & the Zinc Buckets playing, such a laugh  & DRY weatherwise !

Well done Hayley West for passing your CBT on Sunday 9th Aug We wish you well for your training towards your bike license x Thank you Elaine Shepherd for your National LoH update, am so pleased to see that a few of our TV ladies have contributed to the emag this month… well done Gill Major, Di Earley & Sue Knight x  http://www.hogmagonline.com/issue Ladies, please keep your ideas coming... I appreciate it's a long time off, but we do need to start thinking about a ride/drive for 2016… maybe in Europe for any of you that are keen  If any of you fancy a ride out and or meet up, either after work during the week or on a Saturday from the dealership, please let me know.

Ride safe, LoH Representative 07775 913562

Sue Dodds x



Saturday, 25th July, saw a bevy of seafaring gals arrive at Barry Avenue in Windsor for a LoH day out. Despite the horrendous weather the previous day, Saturday was looking bright and promising. Twenty two ladies arrived in good time to be piped aboard (in my head, at least) the French Brothers River Cruiser for a two hour trip along the Thames. Once seated, we set out upstream. The trip was accompanied by a very interesting narration, pointing out various places or things of interest along the way. So, in between drinks and a hearty cream tea, not necessarily in that order, we:Glimpsed the full size commemorative replica of a Hurricane Hawker designed by the celebrated Windsorian, Sir Sydney Camm. Passed under Windsor Railway Bridge, designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and opened in 1849. It’s an example of a ‘bow and string’ design bridge and is still in constant use today. Edged along Windsor Racecourse, enclosed on all sides by the waters of the Thames, with a figure eight course, and boasting its own Marina. Navigated Romney Lock Gazed across lands and buildings belonging to Eton School. ( Alas, there were no Eton boys skinny dipping in the Thames as they did in Victorian times.) Peered at Bray studios, the one time home of Hammer House of Horror movies. The cruiser turned for the downriver journey just as we reached Boveney Lock at Bray and duly delivered us back to the shore for the rest of the day out. With a couple of hours to spare before we were booked to eat, everyone set out to explore Windsor. Some took advantage of the shopping and risked life and limb dodging M&S falling ceilings. Others did a bit of people watching and lazing in the sun outside the castle.

Thelma and I popped in to have a nose round inside the castle. And then Thelma put up with me as I dragged her around Old Windsor looking for the house that my greatgrandmother was born in. ( Found it near to where we set out. It’s now a poshlooking cocktail bar!) We met for a quick drink at The King and Castle pub and then transferred to Bella Italia for a rather pleasant evening meal, topped off by some rather glorious puds! All in all, I think everyone had a pretty good time, and as one of the newbies in the group, was made to very welcome indeed. Thank you ladies. Just hope I can still remember everyone’s names.!


After taking part in the Dawn to Dusk One Day Run from Lowestoft to Lands End , I was posed the question… “So what’s next then, Elaine, the Iron HOG Challenge?” and, thus, the seed of thought was sown. Over the oncoming months it became an itch that just needed to be scratched. So, plans were made with fellow Ladies of 5 Harley, Jean Harding, Gill Mogg and Debbie Atterton. A suitable date for the four of us was Name eventually found, routes and timings pondered on, configured and re-configured. As the date neared, our plans became more realistic; we announced what we were doing with a route schedule for others to see. We were asked about raising funds for a charity so we decided it would be fitting to donate to a female focused organisation and Ovacome, the ovarian cancer support charity was agreed upon. To date we have raised over £1,000 and donations are still being received. With just a couple of days to go I was both nervous and excited in equal amounts. The thought of being part of the first all-female team to take part in this challenge was an exciting and pioneering prospect. Not any one of us rides a big touring Harley-Davidson so how would we fare with smaller fuel tanks on our chosen steeds - a Springer, Dyna, Sporty and Fat Boy? This actually turned out to be in our favour because we were stopping every 100-115 miles so we were able to stretch our legs, have a quick drink and something to snack on. So, with 4 ladies, 3 days, 25 dealerships and 1 Back-to-You tracker, our journey commenced at 7am one Thursday morning.


What followed was by far one of the most rewarding, memorable, emotional, exciting, fulfilling and humbling journeys I have experienced. We were greeted by many along the way; the generosity of chapter members across the nation never ceased to amaze me There were many Ladies of Harley flags being waved along the way, and how many snacks and gifts could we squeeze into already jammed saddlebags? It became apparent during our journey that our followers took to calling us The Pink Ladies, as we wore pink hoodies to keep us warm and pink high viz waistcoats to enable us to be seen, especially for riding into the night. Our penultimate stop was Reading H-D and what a boost it was to see so many of Thames Valley Chapter waiting for our arrival – you have no idea how much your support was appreciated! You were, truly, a sight for sore eyes. As you know, we were on an extremely tight time schedule and so we didn’t have time to indulge in the cakes that were waiting for us. I trust that everyone else enjoyed them on our behalf instead. As it turned out, we completed the challenge with an hour to spare so we could have had cake after all!!





Club Night Thurs 20th 7:30

Maidstone H-D Sunday 6th, 10:00 - 15:00

Heritage Motor Museum Sun, 23rd 10:00 am Beaconsfield Services CB35 0BJ,

Poker Run 6 Weds 9th, 6:30 onwards Venue TBA check website

Ace Café Thurs 27th, 6:00

Club Night Thurs 17th, 7:30 Rolling Stones at Avebury And pub lunch Sunday 20th, 10:00 am Chieveley 10:00 for 10:30

Reading H-D Bike Night Thurs 27th, from 6:00 pm RG6 7HN Thunder in the Glens Aviemore Fri 28th to Mon 31st

Ace Café N10 7UD Thurs 24th, 6:00

Festival of Transport Blenheim Palace, OX20 1PX Bank holiday Monday 31st SportsAble 9:00 for 9:30

Reading H-D Bike Night Thurs 24th, from 6:00 pm RG6 7HN

September Committee Night Tues 1st, 6:00 pm Reading


Dates, events, ride-outs and activities Details correct at time of going to print. Check the website for updates and amendments www.thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Club Nights

Rallies 2015 Thunder in the Glens 28th—31st August Aviemore, Scotland Europen Bike Week 8th-13th Sept, Faaker See Blazin’ Twenties 25th—28th Sept, Weymouth New Forest Rally (Club event)











Mag contribution Deadlines



Halloween Mileage Party Sat, 31st Oct At Reading Dealership


10th 8th

Broom Farm Toy Run Sunday, 29th Nov



Reading Toy Run Sunday, 6th Dec





Check website for details on all events 15

So, it looks like I’ve finally got the biker bug! After months of thinking about whether riding is for me or not, and with encouragement from my Dad, I decided to bite the bullet and book a taster session to see if I liked it. I went along to Lightning in Reading on the morning of Sunday 2nd August for a 45 minute free ‘taster’ session. It was a miserable, wet morning but as there was only myself and my work colleague, who decided to give it a go, too, it was fairly relaxed. We were greeted by an instructor and a mass of men (I was the only girly). However, we were soon told that this group were there for CBT and Direct Access courses and the taster session was meeting outside. We were shown to a container where we were able to choose a jacket, helmet and gloves and were warned that these do contain “the smell of fear”. He wasn’t wrong. Will definitely wear my own stuff next time! We were then assigned a bike and walked it to the empty car park where our taster session began. Our instructor, Rob, was very good and explained everything clearly and was very patient and funny which allowed us to relax a bit more. We were told how to pull away, stop, feather the clutch to keep the bike at walking pace and I managed to stay on!! We got to go round the car park a few times testing our newly found skills. I found myself feeling slightly disappointed when the session came to an end, despite being pretty wet. The following Sunday, 9th August, I took the plunge and went for my CBT. The sun was shining and, happily, I passed! So, come September, and with a bit of luck, I hope to be saying the same about my Direct Access. Watch out TVHOG, Hayley West here I come!

The Pineapple, Dorney Poker night

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4th Poker Run Always a favourite with the Poker Run crowd as the food at the Pineapple is something to be experienced. Sandwiches they call them; they’re huge! More than I can eat, anyway. Twenty five people enjoyed the evening, eating and socialising and even choosing cards! For the new members who haven’t been before, it’s not necessary to buy a card, just come along for the company. But for £1 you can have the added fun of trying, over the months, to get the best Poker Hand and win the accrued cash!

Lewis White, our webmaster’s son, wanted an escort for his Prom Night. Thames Valley stepped up to the mark, yet again, and with the help of a little hot-rod managed to win Lewis the ‘Best Entrance’! Third in a row for TV this season...

The Boys’ Stuff boys really enjoy a little banter - especially trivia about bikes mixed with the occasional JD and coke! So, here are a few of those weird facts and stories about motorcycles that you might find useful next time the Bourbon is offered… Here are five Firsts: 1) The first ever petrol powered motorcycle was Gottlieb Daimler’s wooden-framed gasoline engine motorbike made in 1885. 2) The first production motorcycle ever made is purported to be a 1488cc 2.5 horse power Hilberand Wolfmuller built in Germany from 1894 -1897. 3) The first company that advertised its motorcycles’ top speed of over 100mph was Brough Superior, who made the claim for its SS100 in 1924. By the way, every SS100 was road tested (on public roads) to check that it could reach 100mph. This one could do 110mph! 4) The gearshift lever on a motorcycles was invented by Harold Willis, of Velocette Motorcycles, in 1927. Prior to that motorcyclists relied on a system of a foot clutch and hand shifter. 5) BMW was the first manufacturer to patent and use telescopic forks on its R12 in 1932, yet, ironically, BMW does not use the system on its big bikes today. And here are five - ‘Well, I never knew that!’s: 1) The longest distance riding a motorcycle in 24 hours is 2,019.4 miles and was set by American, L. Russell ‘Rusty’ Vaughn at the Continental Tire Test Track, Uvalde, Texas, USA, on 10 August 2011. Vaughn used his own 2010 HarleyDavidson FLHTK Electra-Glide Limited for the attempt and completed 238 laps of the test track and earned himself a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. 2) Steve McQueen’s infamous 65 foot motorcycle jump in the film, The Great Escape, was actually done by American Triumph dealer, Bud Ekins, who did it in just one take. 3) In 10,000 miles the average four-cylinder motorcycle engine will have completed 100,000,000 revolutions and it’s estimated that a con-rod of a modern sports bike engine at full revs withstands 10 tons of compression and tensile forces, 500 times a second. 4) The Fonz (aka Henry Winkler) couldn’t actually ride a motorcycle. 5) Hell’s Angels’ founder, Sonny Barger, says in his autobiography that he prefers Japanese bikes to Harley Davidson! Ride safe, drink responsibly - Mike

Llangollen 2015 After a dull start, and the slight threat of rain, a group of Thames Valley Hogs made their way from H's cafĂŠ to the Trumpet Inn for a lunch stop on the way to Llangollen. The day was turning quite warm and as we made our way towards our destination we came across road closures and accidents, seemingly trying to stop us from getting there! Gales Hotel was very inviting, as it was last year, and everyone was happy with their rooms, apartments or cottage. Saturday arrived and the majority were doing the ride out to Portmeirion. Although, several times, rain looked as though it was coming our way, we all stayed dry. We did not have long there but sandwiches were eaten and, naturally, there was time for ice creams! There were good photo opportunities and, hopefully, many of us will be coming back next year for a longer look around. After a good, long ride, a quicker route was planned for the return journey. We all - 20 of us - had dinner together at Gales Hotel, where Paul made one of his infamous after-dinner speeches. Well done Paul! The evening was rounded off with nibbles and drinks at the cottage. The ride home on Sunday via the Trumpet Inn again, and then a quick cuppa at H's just before it closed, was a great way to finish 20 the weekend off nicely. Linda

Meeting at Cheiveley on what looked to be a changeable day, 14 bikers and 4 pillions made their way to the Fleet Air Arm museum near Yeovilton. The weather turned good and we arrived after a stop at the Haven for drinks and a few munchies. As there were 18 of us we got in for ÂŁ10 each. Once inside, Concorde, helicopters of all shapes and sizes and a simulation of being on the deck of an aircraft carrier ( HMS Ark Royal ) in the 1970s and some very impressive planes were awaiting our inspection. Many thanks to Tony Robson for showing us the way.


Thames Valley would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new members:

We hope you all have a great time In our friendly club!


Five bikes and two trikes set off at 8.30am from Beaconsfield Services for the ride up to Geordie -land. After 100 or so miles we stopped at a diner on the A1 for coffee / breakfast and met up with two more bikes in the guise of Pat & Barry. Over coffee interesting statistics were noted - we had five couples and at least one from each couple was a committee member, both in Pat & Barry’s case. Also, of the nine riders, four were lady riders! Overall we had a good journey up, and we only had one slight, ahem, ‘detour’. We needed to go through the far right toll booths as we came out of the Tyne Tunnel in order to exit via the correct road. Barry stopped to mark where we needed to go but two riders, who shall remain nameless, (oh go on then, Pat & Sue D) didn’t notice and sailed through the booths on to the wrong road. We detoured to meet them but from there we took the wrong exit and headed straight back through the tunnel again. So, in all, we did

the tunnel 3 times! At least Warlock was happy, delightfully making as much noise as he could all the way through, love him. To be honest I had been so busy making sure I got out in one piece after I witnessed Barry getting whacked on the head by the barrier as he went through (he was seeing stars for a while after!) I didn’t realise what had happened. I just remember thinking it was strange that there were 3 tunnels, lol We got to the hotel around 5pm, unpacked and rode to the rally site. We received a warm welcome from the gate crew and were offered a drink of honeyed Jack Daniels while we waited to register. We intended to stay at the rally but after the 8 hour journey we spent the evening chilling in the Brewers Fayre next to the hotel.

Saturday morning saw most of us planning to do the ride out which was leaving at 11.00. We took a bit too long over breakfast & ended up arriving just in time, so we missed the

briefing – oops! It was a good long ride & very well executed, especially given it took a good 2 hours to reach the lunch stop at Durham Cathedral. Being a Saturday, Durham was very busy and some 200 or so Harleys rolling in caused quite a stir. We had been given special permission to park in front of the Cathedral which was up a steep, narrow lane with a right hand turn and on cobbles to boot – interesting! The ride was due to head back via the Angel of the North but some of us needed fuel (a knock-on from running late in the morning) so we opted to let the ride go, and make our own way back, courtesy of Don’s sat nav.

When we got back to the rally site we checked out the stalls, then sat out in the sun on the balcony, with a drink or two. Some of the others had seen the band before. We were told they’d had Aviemore rocking and were actually a local Geordie band. They weren’t wrong; Bessie & the Zinc Buckets certainly lived up to the billing. We all had a great night. When we woke the next morning it was raining, not great for those who were riding home. We had booked an extra night, though, and Warlock & Sue were leaving a bit later. By the time the six of them left the rain had eased, and they had a dry ride home. On our own, Ed and I decided to walk to the retail park next to the hotel & take a look round the shops. Then we went to the Marina and Quay and by this time the sun was out. We took a ferry across to South Shields and heard some music playing in a huge park with thousands of people bopping to Joe McElderry. We got a taxi back to the hotel just before the heavens opened! All in all, a brilliant weekend with great company, as always.

Sue Moyler





Don Wibberley DIRECTOR

Pat Adams Asst. Director

Nick West Asst. Director

Email: director(assistantdirector)@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Club Venue: Grenadier Guards’ Club Maidenhead Road Windsor, Berks. SL4 5EY

facebook.com/groups thamesvalleyhog

youtube.com/user/ tvwebmaster1

Colin Wilkins Treasurer

Sue Moyler Secretary

Third Thursday of every month

Email: treasurer/secretary@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk


Sue Dodds Ladies of Harley

Sue Knight Editor

Lee White Webmaster

Chris Smith Membership

Barry Adams Activities

Toni Charles Activities

Linda Friend Photographer

Chris Earley- ‘CJ’ Photographer

Email any committee member at (position held)@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

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