Thames valley HOG december 2014

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Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter


Last magazine of the year and I hope you all had a good one! I asked, in November’s mag, if YOU, riders and pillions, would write just a few words about your riding year, your favourite ride, rally or event. I’m not asking for a whole page but just a few words and a picture or two, if you have one. With membership of around 200, how many do you think I got? You’ve guessed, NONE! Come on everyone, this is your club, your mag, and I need your input, especially through the winter months when there’s not My Christmas hairdo too much club activity to write about. Even though we’ve reached the end of the year and the cold weather has settled in, we’ve had two good toy runs this month, well attended - read about them on pages 10 and 18. We’ve had the LoH weekend away, we’ve had the Christmas Meal, which was a weekend away for the many who stayed at the Calcot Hotel. We have the Ladies New Year Dinner coming up in January and the club Winter Bash in February. We will also be having our monthly, Saturday Socials through the winter months. So, a lot to look forward to before the new year riding season begins. On behalf of Thames Valley, I wish you ALL a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a healthy, prosperous NEW YEAR


Inside this issue… Front cover:

For all TV members who have been good this year. Watch your Chimney ;).

Page 2

Editor’s thoughts

Page 4, 7

Director’s Update

Page 8, 9

LoH - Sue’s Scribbles

Page 10, 11

Broom Farm Toy Run

Page 12

Fine Pig

Page 13

New Members

Page 14, 15


Page 16,17

Ladies of Harley - Bath

Page 18,19

Reading Toy Run

Page 20

Dec/ January Birthdays

Joyce Parry

22nd Dec

Michelle Patterson 28th Sue Dodds

5th Jan

Poker Run

Ed Wyatt

5th Jan

Page 21

Treasurer’s News

Bernie Meason

6th Jan

Page 22


Fred Cotsford

Page 23,

Santa Run - Pat Adams

Shirley Churchill 14th Jan

Page 24, 25

Photo Gallery

Colin Wilkins

Page 26, 27

News, notices

Back cover:

Meet the committee

11th Jan

15th Jan

Happy birthday to you all!

Thanks to all who have sent copy for this month magazine:

Linda, Don, Sue B, Sue D, Nick, Pat A, Colin

Hi Everybody Welcome to the Christmas edition of Tales from the Riverbank. Dare I say it? Christmas is now only a week away! I hope you have all now got most of the shopping done and it’s just the wife’s gift to buy on Christmas Eve. Marjorie Rae has just announced the details for the 2015 Directors’ meeting which is being held January 17th in Edinburgh. The weekend meeting will be a time to discuss Hog & Chapter business including events for 2015. The results for the 2014 Chapter Challenge mileage program are announced and the awards given to the chapters and members. Broom farm Toy Run A few weeks back Thames Valley supported the Broom Farm Toy Run in Windsor. Around 500 Bikes & Scooters joined the parade ride from the coach park just off Barry Avenue in the town centre. The parade ride was led by the Mayor of the Royal Borough through the town centre and up to the Broom Farm estate to the Armed Forces Community Centre, to drop off toys and gifts for the children whose parents are away on active duty. The day finished with hot drinks and food being served to the supporters of the ride. Many thanks to Lee, Fred, Nick & Colin for volunteering to marshal on the day. 4

By now the Chapter Christmas Party will have taken place at the Calcot Hotel in Reading, 42 members joined together to celebrate Christmas and party till the early hours of Sunday morning. The evening generated some great pictures, for January’s mag. Reading Toy Run This year’s Toy run was probably one of the best so far. So many from Thames Valley attended this year with around 20 detailed for marshalling duties at our regular location on the Showcase roundabout. The main car park at Foster Wheeler became full about an hour before the ride was due to leave. The marshals needed to start parking bikes in the lower car park as more and more riders turned up for the ride to Barnardo’s. This year was a special year for the Reading Toy Run as the committee had arranged for the number of riders and pillions to be entered in the Guinness Book of Records and to set a record for the first time. The official count for the Reading Toy Run, 1773 riders and 556 pillions, this is a great start to the first entry in the Guinness Book of records, a great toy run. 5

I wonder how many toy runs around the country will a have a go at trying to beat the Reading Toy Run Record? The picture to the left is of Ben from the organizing committee of the Reading Toy Run receiving the Certificate of recognition for the entry into the Guinness Book of Records. Can I say a huge thank you to all of the Thames Valley members who braved the cold weather and some rain to be part of the 29th Reading Toy Run and a special thank you to all that marshaled on the Showcase roundabout. Another toy run over and a great job well done by the team.

Reading Harley Davidson

The Demolition work continues on the old garage preparing the way for the new building to be delivered and erected. These pictures were taken December 1st . The work is moving on very fast.

Chapter Mileage Challenge Another great year for the mileage challenge a total of 48 mileages have been returned this year with a total number of miles covered this year by our ladies 35,935 and from the chaps 166,396 giving us a grand total of 202,233 miles, if my maths is correct. Prizes for the highest mileages later this evening. 6

SofER2015 After attending a SofER planning meeting just a little distance from Hickstead, the new home of SofER, things are starting to get going and already Nick and Andy have got some great ideas for the bands to entertain us over the weekend. The Ladies of Harley ride on Friday evening is coming together with a theme of My Little Pony. That should in interesting! Barry, who looks after the Trader Village, has started taking bookings for pitches and contacting some new traders to get them on board next year. Ticket sales are starting to move with over 300 sold to date already. I now have Thames Valley’s allocation of tickets and they will be available this evening.

2015 Events

On January 17th we have a planning meeting to put the 2015 calendar together. We still need ideas from you for rides, rallies & events that you would like the activities Team & Road Crew to add for next year. We do have some ideas already in the calendar but some new ideas would be great. Contact Toni or Barry, or use the suggestion box at club night. That’s another great year just about over, and all that remains from me is to thank the committee and road crew for their continued support and hard work over the last 12 months. Hazel and I would like to wish you all a very

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Don 7

Sue says... Well what can I say girls… Such a fab weekend we had in Bath. This must have been the most attended LoH event to date, it’s certainly the most popular one that I have organised in the four years that I have been your LoH rep. All in all there were 20 ladies raring to go for a weekend of feasting and foraging round the shops and market stalls for the perfect Christmas gift. By the look of the mini bus on the way home I don’t think it could fit any more in ... maybe a roof-rack and trailer next year! A big thank you goes to Trudy for driving the mini bus and getting us there and back safely. I was asked by our National LoH rep. (Elaine ) to send a few photos and words about our antics to HOG, so look out to see if Thames Valley made it into the HOG e-mag this month. One of the most fun rides of the year, and usually the last one of the season, was the Reading Toy Run. What a fantastic turn out it was with over 1,700 bikes. I was proud to be part of setting a new entry in the Guiness Book of Records. Not forgetting the main reason for the ride was to deliver gifts to children at Dr. Barnardo’s.


Quote: “A great bunch of girlies, the whole weekend was fab.” Sue B to HOG

Don’t forget the New Year meal on 17 January. I know that not everyone can make the date but that just gives us an excuse for another outing. Please put your names down on the list and let’s see if we can break another record and get more than 20 ladies round the table. This will be the last event that I organise as your LoH rep so please do your best to come along and give me a good send off. Hope you all have a happy and healthy Christmas, Love Sue x th

Quote: “A great weekend with great girls, totally shopped out at a prefect venue. LoH is about making good friends forever :-) Sue B to HOG


Broom Farm was attended by over two hundred bikes of all shapes and sizes, many Santas and the odd reindeer, and one Christmas Tree. The weather was good to us and with the cafĂŠ being open again this year the sausage and bacon rolls were good too . Linda


We like to get to know our members through this feature so, if you’d like to appear on this page, email the editor or speak to Sue at club night or ask any committee member.

Our last Saturday Social saw some unclublike behaviour, that was punishable by FINE! Even the Fine Mistress didn’t get away with it… Pat A - for vandalising the table CJ for saying that LoH was going down the pan Don - the last to arrive but the first to get served. We think he took someone else’s or bribed the waiters Dave K - For singing the praises of Goldwings & Suzukis and at club night…

Alan Parry - his mobile rang during Don’s notices’ talk.

Thames Valley would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new member: Jackie Gardner



Jan. Cont.

Club Night Thurs 18th 7:30

Ace Café Thurs 29th 6:00


February January Committee Night Tues 3rd, 8:00

Committee Night Tues 6th, 8:00

TV Winter Bash Sat. 14th S’Able 7:30 ‘til late

Saturday Social Sat. 10th Venue TBA

Club Night Thurs 19th, 7:30

Club Night AGM Thurs 15th, 7:30

Saturday Social Sat. 21st, 12:30 Venue TBA

Road Captains’ Meeting Saturday 17th 9:00 Stafferton Lodge


Ladies of Harley New Year Meal Saturday17th, 6:00 pm Stafferton Lodge


Dates, events, ride-outs and activities Details correct at time of going to print. Check the website for updates and amendments

Club Nights

Entries for your Diary 2015 2015 Cider Rally - 1st -4th May (Club event) Harley-Davidson Euro Festival Grimaud, St-Tropez 7th - 10th May Chill-Out Weekend 22nd - 25th May











Mag contribution Deadlines

Ireland Bike Fest 29th May - 1st June


Blazin’ Twenties New Forest Rally 25th - 28th Sept

Check website for Changes / further details on all events 15










The weather was with us, and after lunch at a pub in Avebury we made our way to the Waterside Travel Lodge in Bath. Dinner tonight was at Giraffe, a bistro opposite the train station. And after a misty start to the Saturday morning the sun came out and, trying to work our way through the huge crowds began. It did prove a bit much for some of us and other attractions beckoned. Going into the Abbey and going on the open top bus to see the Royal Crescent. We then came back to the Christmas market when the coaches had left. With dinner at Sally Lunn’s arranged, the day grew to a very satisfactory close. We stopped at a huge garden centre in Lacock on the way home Sunday and did some more shopping. Amazing driving from Trudy, great organizing from Sue B, and of course lovely photos from me..ha ha. Linda

Time to go home...


Big buns at Sally Lunn’s!

What goes on in Bath...

...stays in Bath!



Sunday, 7th Dec. dawned, fresh and bright but boy, was it cold! Foster Wheeler car park soon filled up and the overflow car park had to be used. A lot of Thames Valley Chapter took on their marshalling duties but quite a few just joined in the ride. This special event was making a bid for an entry into the Guinness Book of Records - the most people on a Toy Run. There were strict rules and procedures to follow but we made it! With 1,775 riders and pillions handing in toys and having their wrist bands counted, this is the number to beat! Barnardo’s made us all very welcome with handmade cards given out by the children, and hot tea and biscuits to warm us. A great day!

One of the best years for our Poker Run! This year the gang drew 187 cards and set the bar high to win. Previous years, 2 pairs, or 3 of a kind would have been enough to win but nothing less than a Full House would have given you the top prize this year. ALL of the money gets distributed as prizes, very much like a sweepstake, and so the top prize was ÂŁ100 this year - well worth coming out for each month through the summer. WINNER: Sue Knight,


SECOND: Deb West,

with 3 of a kind - Queens


Sue Poulter, with 3 of a kind - Eights

A good helping of players came in with 2 PAIRS, including Nij, Gopher, Dianne, Yvonne and Fred. Other players ending with a single PAIR included Trish, Mick and Linda Friend, Don and Hazel, Mick Benson, Sue Dodds, Pat and Ron Jackson, Linda Robson, Dave Knight, Ray and Lainey, CJ and myself. Other players who supported the Poker Run on a regular basis, but with no qualifying hands ,included Malcolm Poulter, Tony Robson, Chris and Janet Smith and Bernie D. For those who don't know about our Poker Run just ask any committee member about how this regular meeting through the spring / summer months is yet another excuse to hang out with a great bunch. 2015 Poker Runs start in April and usually happen on the Wednesday a week before club night. We meet at a different local pub each month and you pay ÂŁ1 for a card towards your hand. At the end of the year you should have 7 cards (if you come every month) and hopefully a winning hand. Make a note to get involved in the 2015 Poker Run. You know it makes sense ! 20


Hi everybody, from your treasurer of eleven years, and counting! I have been asked, (one could say bullied!) by our beloved editor to put together a short resume of my duties as treasurer of Thames Valley Chapter. So, I am at the moment sitting at my desk trying to expand on the obvious answer of, "I look after the money, don't I?" Well, primarily, it is the responsibility of the treasurer to be accountable for the chapter funds and issue a detailed report to the committee on a monthly basis, which is then submitted to H.O.G. This takes the form of a written report and also a monthly updated spreadsheet. Any issues arising regarding costs or invoices are then discussed and appropriate action taken. At the end of the year I also issue a final, condensed report to the Chapter, and also to our masters at H.O.G headquarters. Chapter funds, since 2010 ( the demise of our old dealership), have relied solely upon membership renewals, merchandise sales and the monthly raffle. They have had to cover operating costs such as the printing of our magazine, hire of the hall for club nights, officer training, subsidising our events, Sportsable memberships and postage and stationery etc. So, needless to say, I'm looking forward to the added financial support that will come with the opening of our new dealership, and would like to thank all our members for their continuing support of Thames Valley Chapter. 21 Colin

Christmas Greetigs YOUR LOGO

ADVERTISE YOUR COMPANY HERE An advertisement for your business in this magazine AND on the website will cost ONLY ÂŁ25 for a year. Thousands reached on the web and hundreds more in 12 issues. See Don, Lee or Sue for more info. T H A M ES V A L L EY 22

On Sunday 7 December I took part in the Annual Santa Run in Victoria Park, London . th

We put together a team of 10 to take on either the 5K or 10K route! Needless to say I opted for the 5K. We even blatantly exploited two spaniels, Max and Murphy

who certainly provided the AHHHHH factor! We all completed our chosen mission, along with 3,490 other Santas, and all-in-all we raised £4374 for the horticultural charity, Greenfingers. They build gardens at children’s Hospices throughout the country.




Raffle tickets for this amazing Christmas Hamper will be on sale at Club Nights, November and December.

Seasons Greetings!

Bumper Christmas raffle and Hamper Raffle Get your tickets tonight!

Don Don Wibberley Wibberley Chapter Chapter Director Director Email: director Email: director@ director uk

Pat Adams Pat Adams Assistant Director Assistant Director Email: assistantdirector@ Email: assistantdirector@

Colin Wilkins Colin Wilkins Treasurer Treasurer Email: treasurer@ Email: treasurer@

Sue Moyler Sue Moyler Secretary Secretary Email: secretary@ Email: secretary@

Fred Cotsford Fred Fred Cotsford Cotsford Membership Officer Membership Officer Membership Officer Email: membership@ Email: Email: membership@ membership@

Nij Jones Nij Jones Head Road Captain Head Road Captain Email: headroadcaptain@ Email: headroadcaptain@

Nick West Nick West Safety Officer & Safety Officer & historian Historian Email: Historian Email: historian@

Barry Adams Adams Barry Activities Officer Officer Activities Email: activities@ Email: activities@

Lee White Lee White Webmaster Webmaster Email: webmaster@ Email: webmaster@

Sue Knight Sue Knight Editor Editor Email: editor@ Email: editor@

Bernie Meason Bernie Meason Photographer Photographer Email: photographer@ Email: photographer@

Sue Brown Sue Brown Ladies of Harley Ladies Harley Email: of ladiesofharley@ Email: ladiesofharley@ thamesvalleyhog thamesvalleyhog tvwebmaster1 Linda Friend Friend Linda Photographer Photographer Email: photographer@ photographer@ Email:

Shirley Shirley Churchill Churchill Merchandise Merchandise Email: Email: merchandise@ merchandise@ tvwebmaster1

Toni Charles Club Venue: Club Venue: Activities Officer SportsAble, SportsAble, Braywick Sports Ground, Email: activities@SL6 1BN Braywick Sports Ground, Maidenhead, Maidenhead, SL6 1BN

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