december 2015

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Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter



Hotline: 01753 578616

It’s been a strange year for Dave and me, with my heart op and Dave’s three long stays in hospital. Lots of rallies and other plans had to be cancelled and it doesn’t seem to have stopped yet! I have had a chest infection, coughing for 5 weeks and doc said it could last for 6 weeks! I wasn’t well enough to do either Toy Run and we had to cancel our Christmas dinner and overnight We made it into HOG magazine at the Calcot. January 18th is my hip op - what a lovely birthday present! Hopefully, that will see the last of it and 2016 will be a good riding year once again. The mag this month has lots of ‘fillers’. Usually I write a bit about events the club has attended but not doing anything this month has left us without any Toy Run write-ups and various other club and non-club events. Only YOU can stop these fillers appearing in your mag...

There are lots of club members that do behind-the-scenes work to help the club and at the last committee meeting we decided to thank these people. On page 18 you will see the first of these tributes and they will be featured in the following months’ magazines. We had a great time at the LoH weekend away, but I can’t say much about it as what happened in Sand Bay stays in Sand Bay. What I can tell you, though, is that the record for the most people in a bed has been broken! Read about it on page 12. Well, all that’s left for me to do this year is wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year, on behalf of the whole committee,


Inside this issue… Front cover

Naughty or Nice? What will Santa bring you this year?

Page 2

Editor’s Thoughts

Page 4, 6

Director’s Update

Page 7

Boys’ Stuff - Mike and Ralph

Page 8, 9

LoH - Sue’s Page

Page 10

The 1st Saturday Social

Page 11

LoH Weekender photos

Page 12, 13

LoH Weekender

Page 14, 15


Page 16, 17

December/January Birthdays

Joyce Parry

22nd Dec

Michelle Patterson

28th Dec

Sue Dodds

5th Jan

Ed Wyatt

5th Jan

Calcot Hotel Christmas Bash

Bernie Meason

6th Jan

Page 18

Unsung Heroes - Chris Smith

Fred Cotsford

11h Jan

Page 19

Euro Festival - Get tickets NOW

Canus Augustus

12th Jan

Page 20

Wanted - Articles and photos

Alex McDonald

13th Jan

Page 21


Shirley Churchill

14th Jan

Page 22

H-D Jeep, offer notification

Colin Wilkins

15th Jan

Page 23

Betsey’s Story - Shirley Churchill

Sue Knight

18th Jan

Page 24, 25

Photo Gallery

Page 26,27

Just for Fun

Back cover:

Meet the committee

Happy birthday to you all!

A bigThank You to ALL who have sent copy for this month magazine:

Don, Mike ‘n’ Ralph, Sue D, Linda, Shirley, Chris & CJ

Hi Everybody, Welcome to the Christmas edition of Tales from the Riverbank. Our last two rides of 2015 have now taken place albeit a little bit damp. But hey, they both were for great causes! The Windsor Toy Run started from Ascot Racecourse this year which meant a longer ride over to Windsor Town Centre, through the Great Park. Around a dozen Thames Valley members braved the very damp start to the Toy Run, some meeting in Maidenhead and the rest had ridden straight to Ascot. Lee and I had agreed to marshal again this year with fellow bikers from a couple of other local bike clubs which made it a lot easier to control the route taken by the procession. By the time we arrived up at the Army community centre in Dedworth, the rain had held off which meant a lot of families with youngsters came out to take a look at the 100s of bikes arriving. December 5th, 48 Thames Valley members took over 4 large tables at the Calcot Hotel in Reading, once again, for our Christmas party. As usual, the party started around 2:30 in the bar lounge with drinks and nibbles and a group that grew every 10 or 15 minutes as people arrived.

At around 7:30 the party of Thames Valley members were asked to take their seats in the main dining room where dinner was about to be served. Between the main course and dessert we held a small raffle in which everybody attending was given a strip of raffle tickets. Among the prizes we had 2 bottles of Prosecco, a gift box of Christmas goodies and a large box of Milk Tray chocolates. After our very tasty 3 course meal the evening finished off with a disco ’til just after midnight. Another great Christmas party enjoyed by all that attended. Well done Pat & Barry, once again, for organising the party. Reding Toy Run December 6th, the 30th annual Reading Toy Run to Barnardo’s took place with around 1500 bikes leaving the old Foster Wheeler building for Wokingham.


A small group of Santas left SportsAble and met up with the main group of members at Foster Wheeler’s around lunch time. Again, this year, Thames Valley were tasked with the job of shutting down the Showcase roundabout at Winnersh to allow the procession a clear path. The 100s of bikes left Foster Wheeler’s at 2pm led by Nij & Trish on his Glide. The procession took just under an hour to pass through the Showcase roundabout which was lined with 100s of spectators out to enjoy the parade of bikers in fancy dress and decorated bikes. The whole route, from Reading through to Wokingham, was lined with so many people this year which I think is probably the best year so far. As you can see in the picture, yet again, an enormous amount of gifts were donated this year to Barnardo’s which will be distributed to Barnardo homes around the country and the gifts that are left over are given to needy families in the area. Many thanks to all those who made the Toy Run and donated gifts to a very worthy cause. The day finished with a drink and a bite to eat at The Three Frogs in Wokingham with a few of you. Mileage Program Over the last 4 weeks of November I have been busy collecting the final mileages from all of you who signed up for the Chapter Challenge Mileage program. 77 members signed up and returned finishing mileages. I’m sorry to say 23 failed to return finial mileages by November 30th which means we lose all those valuable miles on our chapter’s total. Shame on those 23 - you know who you are. We have two very clear winners again this year which will be announced this evening, they will each receive a Reading Harley Davidson gift voucher. 2016 Committee We still have a couple of very important positions to fill on the committee for next year. The first being our Editor. In my mind, one of the most important positions around the committee table. Our magazine is our way of keeping you in touch with what the club has been up to with pieces about your road trips and events we have attended and held through the year. Our ride out and event calendar features in the centre pages with so much information on what to look forward to over the next couple of months.


We need somebody to take on the position of Editor who has some creative skills with a computer and can meet the deadline monthly for the printing of the magazine. The Editor’s position is open to all our members both old and new. For more information come and have a chat with either Sue or myself. Do you have an interest or a flair for arranging visits, trips and weekends away? if so, we are looking for an Activities officer for 2016 to arrange trips and ride outs for our members, to places of interest during the riding season. At the start of the year when our road crew meet to put together the ride out calendar there are always a few weekends vacant which need to be filled with a ride or event. The successful applicant will work alongside a fellow Activities officer arranging events and rides. This position is open to all members both old and new. If you think you would like to give a little of your time and be part of a great team who, together, run Thames Valley UK Chapter, please speak to myself or one of the Primary Officers for more information. 2016 Events Calendar Over the next few weeks we start to arrange the calendar for next year. We are always looking for new events and rides to fill the calendar. What rallies would you like Thames Valley Massive to attend next year? The calendar is clear at the moment and we have plenty of space to fill. Your ideas and thoughts on an email to Activities or myself, please. Let’s make 2016 another bumper year for rides and events. And finally, it’s time for Hazel and me to wish each and every one of our Chapter members a

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

Don Director

’Tis the season to be jolly… Motorcycle riders are a charitable bunch, raising money for all sorts of worthy causes. But our biggest charity events are usually the toy runs conducted in the lead-up to Christmas. They’re a great opportunity for riders to show that we do a lot of good for the local community and they’re fun - who doesn’t like dressing up as Santa! Toy runs take place all over the world and some have been running for over three decades. Many are quite modest affairs, less than 100 bikes (such as the Ace Café), but some are truly massive with Broom Farm (over 500 bikes) and Reading’s famous run (over 2,000), a couple of the UK’s largest. Recently, the size of toy runs has become quite important too… This year the Reading Toy Run will have run for 30 years. The first Reading Toy Run was held in 1985 and was organised by the then Reading Branch of the Christian Motorcyclists Association when 18 motorcyclists took part. But in 2014 the Reading Toy Run became a world record setting occasion – it clocked up 1735 participants (those who presented a toy). This doesn't include the further 592 who were accompanying others, or brought other gifts (for the purposes of the record it was specifically toys that counted). Already this record is being challenged - the Victorian Motorcycle Council, which organises the Traditional Melbourne Toy-Run (since 1978), is attempting to set a new record. For the 38th annual Melbourne Toy Run, on Sunday December 20, the Aussies have even moved the event, which organisers hope will help achieve record numbers this year. The Victorian Motorcycle Council expects to attract more than 8000 riders and should break the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest motorcycle toy run, currently held by Reading. Well, the Aussies are famous for their competitive spirit. I guess we’ll have to up our efforts to recruit new members at TVHog if we’re ever going to challenge to get the record back!

A Very Happy Xmas to you all from the Boys Stuff Boys.

Hello Ladies, Firstly a huge thanks to all that could make it on the LoH weekend away to Sand Bay in November, for your wonderful company, support & Bingo lessons x The weather may not have been kind to us, but there was plenty of spirit, laughter & shopping going on. I think we got away with most of our antics long as the CCTV cameras weren't working in the public bar Fri pm ... what goes on tour stays on tour ! Among others, a special thanks to Trudy, who offered her minibus driving services to everyone...throughout the entire weekend.

I know we haven't had Christmas yet, ho ho ho, but am already getting excited about our LoH dinner on Saturday night 16th January... hope you'll be able to can make it to The Fox & Pheasant, Stoke Poges, Slough SL2 4EZ. Have sent an email inviting all LoH Chapter members, if you haven't received an invite but would like to be included, PLEASE let me know‌ I can always add you to the email list, text or write to you, should you wish in future. 8

Girls, I'm planning on a Ladies of Harley coffee/cakes morning at the Dealership in February in aid of "The Alexander Devine Children's Hospice Charity" ..more details to follow, but in the meantime, get your baking aprons on & get those cakes in the freezer, please x

The Outside Chance, lunch stop on the way to Sand Bay

The Road Crew gather in January to plan next years ride-outs, so if there's anywhere new you'd like to go, or revisit, let me, Nick West, or any of the Road Crew know...that's what we're here for. Also, If there are any of you that have particpated this year in ride-outs that would like to share their stories about how many miles they’ve travelled/tips/advice/pics, where to and on what bike as pillion or rider - maybe you would like to share whether it be your most memorable sight or memorable road? Or even recommend a ride/ trip/rally for others to enjoy? Please submit Well, here's wishing you all a wonderful Christmas, and a Healthy, Happy New Year, Very best wishes, Sue Dodds x Thames Valley LoH Rep 07775 913562



The Shire Horse at Littlewick Green, an old and popular favourite, was the venue for the 1st Saturday Social of the winter. What a success! Very well attended with more than 30 people turning up. The food, as always, was very good. Linda

Marilyn behind antlers

Janet behind Pat ...and who’s this?

The previous record -17 in a bed - was set by the RTTW group at the Premier Inn, Tamworth. But, with 18 ladies going away together, all very good friends, how could they resist attempting to break that record? They couldn’t. Any of you who have been to Sand Bay know the size of the chalets, so it was no mean feat to move beds from adjoining chalets to get the size we needed. The camera was actually on the path outside the front door to take this picture! (Well done, Linda) So, a new record has been set, 18 is the number to beat… hang on, who is that snuggling between Lesley and Sue P? Could it be 19 in a bed? Modelling Christmas jumpers

What present are you giving Santa, Sue?

Yet again the LoH weekend away has come round and 18 ladies arrived at Sand Bay Holiday Park. Stopped on Friday at the Outside Chance pub for lunch, then on to Weston Super Mare. The weather was hit and miss, and by the time we reached our destination it was dark and very wet. Saturday came, but we did not get to the German Christmas market as Bristol was nearly at a standstill. We decided to go to the dealership and then on to a shopping centre closer to the holiday park. Sunday was much better, weather-wise, and a decision to go to the Clarks factory outlet was a go. We played bingo in the evenings ( a new experience for some). Drank a fair bit. Stole the head off a Santa, stuck a paper umbrella up a snowman’s bum, met Ben a very nice barman. And, Oh yes, broke the bed record -18!!! Linda



December Club Night Christmas Special Thurs 17th, at

January LoH New Year Dinner Sat 16th, Fox and Pheasant, Stoke Poges, SL2 4E

Reading H-D

7:30—10:00 pm

Shortest Day Ride Sun 20th, 10:00 Meeting place TBA

Club Night Thurs 21st, 7:30 Ace Café N10 7UD Thurs 28th, 6:00

Ace Café N10 7UD Thurs 31st, 6:00



Committee Night Tues 5th, 6:00 Reading H-D

Committee Night Tues 2nd, 6:00 Club Night Thurs 18th, 7:30

Saturday Social Sat 9th 12:30 Fox and Pheasant, Stoke Poges, SL2 4E

Saturday Social Sat20th 12:30 Venue tba Ace Café N10 7UD Thurs 25th, 6:00


Dates, events, ride-outs and activities Details correct at time of going to print. Check the website for updates and amendments

Rallies 2016

Club Nights January






Ireland Bike Fest 3rd - 6th June



Heart n Soul Geordie Chapter 29th - 31st July



SofER 12th -14th August

Mag contribution Deadlines

Cider Rally

25th anniversary, theme: Silver

29th April - 2nd May Eurofestival St Tropez 28th April - 1st May

European Bike Week Faaker See 6th - 11th September Thunder in the Glens 26th - 30th August Blazin’ Galaxies 23rd - 26th September

Check website for details on all events 15











Calcot Hotel

Mmm‌ Another pint of that, please!

The Calcot Hotel, Reading, was the destination for Thames Valley Chapter’s Christmas do and it did not disappoint. With all the twinkling and glittering lights in the trees outside it looked very festive. As ever, a good crowd gathered in the bar before going in to a very nice three-course dinner and after, to dance the night away. Linda

Three Wise Monkeys‌ Maybe Wise is superfluous

If you've joined the Thames Valley Massive in recent years there's a good chance that two of the people you first got to know were Pat Jackson & Shirley Churchill. They have been relentless in their support for, and participation in, the club’s events for many years and are always working hard to relieve you of your raffle money, not only on Club Night but any other chance they get. I just wanted to pay tribute to them - we shouldn't take them for granted as they do a great job. On behalf of the club, I just wanted to recognise their contribution and thank them for all their hard work.

Looking cool ladies, keep up the good work! We are all looking forward to seeing the trike in action. 18


Write-ups and Reports, News and pictures Did you go on a club toy run last month, broome farm or reading? Did you go to the motorbike show at the nec? Have you had a wonderful winter ride? Have you changed your bike? All the above make interesting reading for our members, just a sentence or two will do. If every member sent in just one thing each year there would be enough to last for 12 issues. Show support for your club - send something today!


Special offer on select new 2015 and 2016 JEEP vehicles for EMEA H-D dealers and H.O.G. customers th

16 November 2015 Dear Dealer, Last year we announced a brand alliance between Harley-Davidson EMEA and JEEP. Earlier this year a special cross discount offer for JEEP employees was launched, which was designed to attract new, adventure seeking customers to Harley-Davidson dealerships across the region and create sales opportunities. JEEP are now offering Harley-Davidson dealers and current H.O.G. members a reciprocal special offer of various discounts on select 2015 and 2016 new JEEP vehicles. The offer Discounts are off of the Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (including VAT), on all new Model Year 2015 and 2016 JEEP vehicles (discount details below). The offer is valid to all authorised Harley-Davidson dealership staff and current H.O.G. members in EMEA when the purchase is made at an authorised JEEP dealership. The offer is effective 1st November 2015 and expires 31st December 2015, or upon cancellation of the offer. In addition to the vehicle discount in the attached table, the factory fitted JEEP parts and accessories will enjoy a minimum 8% discount.

Participation and Payment Process The discounts are funded by JEEP. Authorised Harley-Davidson dealership employees and current H.O.G. members will be presented with this special cross discount offer and invited to take advantage at a participating JEEP dealership near them. The Harley-Davidson dealership employee will need to inform the JEEP sales representative that they intend to take advantage of the JEEP offer, before making the purchase. The offer is limited to two new 2015 or 2016 JEEP vehicles per authorised Harley-Davidson dealership employee and current H.O.G. member. � To qualify for the discounts: H-D Dealer employees should present an Employee badge or Letter from the company HR department confirming employment plus a valid ID H-D Dealers should present normal business documents to register vehicles in company name H.O.G. members should present a valid H.O.G. membership card plus valid ID We’re thrilled to leverage our relationship with JEEP. Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd David Hackshall

UK and Ireland Country Manager

Oxford Business Park North 6000 Garsington Road Oxford OX4 2DQ

Hi everyone. As you are all aware, in January I was diagnosed with cancer for the second time and after my opperation I was told I could not lift again. I was very disappointed as I has passed my CBT and bought my beautiful sportster ready for when I had passed my test, but that had to be put on hold. On my bucket list was to ride a Harley, so at that point I decided I would have my sportster triked as Bernie and I decided this was the best option for me. In July while on our way to the Wales weekend away we visited the Trike Shop in Cardiff to see what their conversions were like. We meet Haden and Bev and were very impressed. On the 1st September I took my sportster up to Haden at the Trike Shop in Cardiff to be triked. I was sad to leave my baby there but she was only going to be there for a matter of weeks, actually six to eight weeks was the time limit . Sure enough, eight weeks later, she was finished! She just had to be registered as a trike. Two weeks later my baby was ready to be collected . Yah! At long last the day had arrived to collect her. On Monday 23rd November, Bernie and I set of at 7.15 am to Cardiff. After a long drive we arrived at 10.30 am . We were meet by Haden and Bev and there she was, my baby, all sparkly and looking fabulous! Haden loaded her on to the trailer and tied her down. We said our goodbyes and we were homeward bound. After a long day we arrive home about 3.45pm with my baby. I have named her Betsey. We got her off the trailer and tucked Betsey up in her new shed. Bernie has lots of new shiny bits to fit and then Sean is going to do my artwork for me. Now all I have got to do is learn to ride her, then maybe Betsey and I may see you riding next year. Love Shirley x PS A big thank you to Tony F and Don for lending us their trailers to take and collect Betsey xx


Excuse me, have you seen my friends? They’re quackers


A drunken man walks into a biker bar, sits down at the bar and orders a drink. Looking around, he sees three men sitting at a corner table. He gets up, staggers to the table, leans over, looks the biggest, meanest, biker in the face and says: 'I went by your grandma's house today and I saw her in the hallway buck-naked. Man, she is one fine looking woman!' The biker looks at him and doesn't say a word. His buddies are confused, because he is one bad biker and would fight at the drop of a hat. The drunk leans on the table again and says: 'I got it on with your grandma and she is good, the best I ever had!' The biker's buddies are starting to get really mad but the biker still says nothing. The drunk leans on the table one more time and says, 'I'll tell you something else, boy, your grandma liked it!' At this point the biker stands up, takes the drunk by the shoulders, looks him square in the eyes and says‌ follow arrow...

A minister dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and jeans. Saint Peter addresses this guy, "Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven?" The guy replies, "I'm Joe Cohen, taxi-driver, of Noo Yawk City."Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the taxi-driver, "Take this silken robe and golden staff and Enter the Kingdom." The taxi-driver goes into Heaven with his robe and staff. Next it's the minister's turn. He stands erect and booms out, "I am Joseph Snow, pastor of Saint Mary's for the last 43 years." Saint Peter consults his list. He says to the minister, "Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom." "Just a minute," says the minister. "That man was a taxi-driver and he gets a silken robe and golden staff. How can this be?" "Up here, we work by results," says Saint Peter. "While you preached, people slept; while he drove, people prayed."

'Grandpa...Go home!


Don Wibberley DIRECTOR

Pat Adams Asst. Director

Nick West Asst. Director

Email: director(assistantdirector)

Club Venue: Grenadier Guards’ Club Maidenhead Road Windsor, Berks. SL4 5EY thamesvalleyhog tvwebmaster1

Colin Wilkins Treasurer

Sue Moyler Secretary

Third Thursday of every month

Email: treasurer/


Sue Dodds Ladies of Harley

Sue Knight Editor

Lee White Webmaster

Chris Smith Membership

Barry Adams Activities

Toni Charles Activities

Linda Friend Photographer

Chris Earley- ‘CJ’ Photographer

Email any committee member at (position held)

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