January 2016

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Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter



Hotline: 01753 578616 www.thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone! New year, new hip, new opportunities… Yes, new hip scheduled for 18th Jan (my birthday!) so hopefully, that will have been done when you read this. New opportunities… Well, a week before Christmas my old boss (Headmaster) phoned and asked if I’d consider returning, to teach maths for 3 afternoons a week. I’ve never really taken to retirement and I miss teaching a lot so, with nothing to lose, I ‘m now working again! I think Paul Houghton was the first club member to buy a new 2016 model. CJ ordered a new Ultra and Dave has a new Street Glide coming. They are the only three new bikes I know of at the moment. They are also the only three men in the club, that I know of, who each have twin sons! So you know what you’ve got to do if you want a new V-twin bike, lol. Well, as from the AGM at January Club Night, I will no longer hold the position of Editor. I won’t abandon the post but I hope somebody offers to do the job before too long. If you think you would like to do it but are a little worried about taking the plunge, talk to me. I will offer you all the help and advice you need. It’s been a great 2½ years producing the last 30 magazines, but now I feel it’s someone else’s turn.

Looking forward to riding with you all in what looks to be a great riding year ahead,


, everyone!

… ed for 18th Jan

Inside this issue… Front cover

Nij and Trish leading the 30th Reading Toy Run.

Page 2

Editor’s Thoughts

Page 4 - 6

Director’s Update

Well, a week

Page 7

Coffee and Cake - Gill

d ach maths for e never really miss teaching m now

Page 8, 9

LoH - Sue’s Page

Page 10, 11


Page 12, 13

Poker Run Results

Page 14, 15


Page 16

Mileage Results/Winners

Page 17

The Year in Pictures

Page 18, 19

Christmas Club Night - Linda

Page 20

Unsung Heroes - Chris Smith

Page 21

Breakfast Meeting

Page 22, 23

Saturday Social

Page 24, 25

Alexander Devine Charity - Pat

Page 26, 27

Just for Fun

Back cover:

Farewell and thank you to the 2015 outgoing committee

January/Febryary Birthdays

Bernie Dodds

24th Jan

Ron Jackson

29th Jan

Adrian Lightfoot

7th Feb

Chris Smith

11th Feb

Vanessa Augustus

18th Feb

Happy birthday to you all!

A bigThank You to ALL who have sent copy for this month’s magazine: Linda, Don, Sue D, Chris Smith, CJ, Pat A, Gill and Nick

Hi Everybody, .

Happy new year to you all

Welcome to the January edition of Tales from the Riverbank. As 2015 ends we start another year at Thames Valley, and looking back at what another great year it’s been and what has changed in the last 12 months. The 2 major things that come to mind for me was the opening of Reading Harley-Davidson and Thames Valley being adopted by the dealership and having somewhere to call home again. The transition from being without a sponsoring dealer for the last 5 years or so and managing life on our own, to being part of the Lind Group has been a smooth ride with our dealership now looking after us. With the opening of Reading Harley-Davidson our club nights had started to become busier with many new members joining us and probably the biggest decision of the year was to change our clubnight venue from SportsAble to the Grenadier Club in Windsor. SportsAble has been our home for club nights, social events and parties for many years so making the decision was a tough call for the committee and myself to make. During 2015 we have covered so many miles, again, on weekend rides. A total of over 40 rides have been organised by the road crew on top of us visiting 4 Rallies and a Chill Out weekend as a chapter. This time last year we had a membership of 184 with club night attendances around 65/70 members. As of January 1st our membership has now risen to 220 and club night attendances are around 80/85 members. During 2015 saw the launch of a new SofER Rally at the Hickstead Show– Jumping ground. Thames Valley have played a big part as one of the five organising chapters of SofER for the last 11 years and, after a 12 month break for the rally team to look for a new venue, Hickstead has now become the new home of the SofER Rally. For our first rally at a new venue we seem to have pulled it off after bad weather hampered the site build for 2 days earlier in the week. The rally made a small profit in 2015 which will be ploughed back into the 2016 event.


Here are a few of my memories of 2015:


As we start 2016 the first task of the year is to build a committee to run and organise the chapter for the next 12months. Many of the committee of 2015 have reapplied to stay on for a further term of office. This is a good thing for the club as there was only a few positions applied for by new people. Tonight I will be saying farewell to a couple of committee members and introducing the new committee of 2016. We still do have a vacancy for an Editor if any of you have an interest in producing our magazine on a monthly basis.

2016 Events Progress has started with the ride-out calendar for 2016. If you have an idea for a ride or an event you think the chapter would like to visit or attend, don’t keep it to yourself, speak to one of our activities officers. On June 25th the 2016 Coast to Coast challenge ride takes place. This will be a Chapter Charity event in aid of the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Charity. The challenge is to ride your Harley from Lowestoft to Lands End in a day. You would need to leave Lowestoft at Dawn and arrive in Lands End before Dusk, visiting Newmarket, Oxford, Bridgewater and Plymouth H-D Dealerships on route. You choose your own route, how you are going to get to Lands End before dusk, via the 4 dealerships. I think we can put some teams of 4 or 5 riders together and have a go at this one. If you are interested in joining the ride please let me know. We have information on the notice board at the dealership and information will be available at next club night. How about a long weekend in the Lake District attending Wake in the Lakes in July? The Rally opens its gates on July 7th until July 10th and takes over most of the own of Kendal with entertainment and ride outs on most of the days. The town its self puts on a bit of a Carnival atmosphere over the weekend with bars and restaurants stay open until late. We, Thames Valley, plan to do a mass ride to Wake he Lakes this year as one of our events for 2016. We should have a list of hotels for accomodation and more rally information by club night. Tickets for this event have not been released as yet so we still have plenty of time. That’s it from me for another month, I’m looking forward to another great riding season with you all.

Don Director


Save the date! Saturday 27th February 2016 from 11.00am to 3.00pm the Thames Valley Chapter Ladies of Harley will be serving coffee/tea and cakes at the Reading Harley Davidson dealership! 660 Wokingham Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 7HN http://www.lindhd.co.uk/pages/reading/reading.htm

We are supporting The Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service, Maidenhead http://www.alexanderdevine.org/index.html

Hi Ladies, I'd like to start by saying, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas & Happy New Year. Here's wishing that all your hopes and dreams come true for 2016. Looking back 2015 has flown past so quickly, but looking back at the Chapter photos on the website, the ladies feature in the majority of ride-outs, club socials and ALL parties, whether riders or pillions All in all, the girls look like they're enjoying themselves… which is what it's all about! On a personal note, I sadly had to call off leading my ride-out to Blenheim Palace, in the summer, as the weather forecast was pretty awful (the forecast was correct on the day!) All the same it was so, so disappointing after the recce rides and planning etc. (as any Road Captain will know.) A few of us did do a drive-out in our cars instead… we still managed to have a laugh with great company! As for my first year as LoH Officer... I must admit I've been on a huge learning curve to say the least, having never done anything like this before. However, I can say it's been a real honour, made so much easier by the huge support from all of YOU ladies, plus all the Committee members, so I sincerely thank you all x


Looking forward ... yippee ! Up until mid-January the weather continued to be pretty mild, and as such I, & maybe you, managed to be out on the bike a few times in Dec & Jan... albeit a tad wet at times, lol. I was so excited to be bought some heated gloves for my Xmas/ birthday pressie in Jan... ohhh bliss! The first time I tried them out it poured down for most of the journey, but my hands were totally dry & warm throughout :-) ... however, I can't say the same for "other" regions of my body though, oowwerr! lol All the same, why, oh why hadn't I listened to their merits before ? Ladies, LoH are serving coffee/tea and CAKES at the dealership on Sat 27th Feb, in aid of The Alexander Devine Children's Hospice Service, from 11am until 3pm. If you can kindly donate a homemade cake or brownies, cup cakes, biscuits, fudge, flap jacks, scones etc etc, please let Di Earley & I know, just so we know what to expect on the day. Many thanks to those that have already been in contact. This date (27/2/16) is also the opportunity for you/your partner to register for the HOG Mileage Challenge… yay!

On that note, I'd just like to say HUGE congratulations to Elaine Shepherd, who rode the most miles for the ladies on the Mileage Program during 2015, clocking up an incredible 11,452 miles!! Well done, girl x Lady riders... this is such an exciting challenge - on June 25th - there's the One day Run Coast to Coast Ride -http://onedayrun.co.uk/ home, whereby, basically, we ride from Lowestoft to Lands End, setting off at dawn, visit the four Harley Davidson dealerships below & finish at Lands End by sunset. Newmarket Harley Davidson Oxford HD Abingdon Riders Bridgwater Plymouth HD Plympton. Thames Valley Chapter intend to put small groups together of 4 or 5 riders to do this run as a sponsored charity event. I'd like to put a lady rider team, or two, together? Please let me know, asap, if you are interested… we decide on our route, fuel stops, food breaks etc. It's approx 460 miles, leaving Ness Point in Lowestoft at 4am onwards & arriving at Lands End by dusk. You'll need to complete & send off the application form, on the above link (at a cost of £25 incl tee shirt/passport) PLUS the cost of accommodation both ends.) It is a long ride but it's gonna be great fun Ladies, If you haven't aleady confirmed your attendance, please let me know asap if you wish to do the ride, thank you. Don't forget smiles on rides As previously said the Road Crew gather at the end of January to plan next years ride-outs, so if there's anywhere new you'd like to go, or revisit, let me, Nick West, or any of the Road Crew know...that's what we're here for. Also, If there are any of you that particpated in last year's ride-outs that would like to share their stories about how many miles they’ve travelled/tips/advice/pics, where to and on what bike as pillion or rider - maybe you would like to share ..whether it be your most memorable sight or memorable road? Or even recomend a ride/trip/rally for others to enjoy ? Please submit to:


Sue Dodds LoH Officer Thames Valley Chapter

sue.dodds1@tiscali.co.uk 07775 913562



Paul Major and I didn’t go by Bike to the NEC because we are not Real Bikers or so we’ve been told. Real Bikers do loads of miles and ride in all weathers. Lol We set off for the NEC stopping on the way for breakfast and arriving at the Show at approx. 11:00ish. We were lucky on this particular day because it didn’t appear too busy so we were able to amble around at a nice leisurely pace which also made it easy for us to spend a lot of time chatting to staff on the various stands - not that we had much to say. (Really? Don’t believe you—Editor) If you haven’t been to this show before, I would recommend going. It represents good value for money for a full day out with nothing but bikes. You can take your own food or purchase inside at reasonable prices. Paul and I had already agreed our priority stands to visit, they were Harley Davidson, of course, Indian & Victory, which shared a stand and Norton & Triumph. The latter, in my opinion, had the best stand by far. Flying the flag for the UK with a huge Union Flag ceiling, and bikes for every use from Cruisers to Off-Road, Tourers & Sports bikes, and staff who were happy to talk about anything, including H-D. Not that they had a choice with us two! The Harley stand had an Urban Street look to it with large graffiti walls and different types of bike collections to each corner. The Street 750 stand was a static bike running with the rider wearing a pair of virtual reality googles, where you choose what road you wanted to ride along, whilst changing gears as if you were out on the open road. It was a real good laugh although the young girl told me off a few times, telling me to slow my speed down! Paul was slightly better behaved.


We also visited the Harley Coffee Members Only area where you could donate to charity for a nice cup of coffee and a Quality Street. The push this year for H-D was the S Series models launched for the 2016 MY and very nice they are with that very powerful 110 engine. Also making an appearance was the revised Sportster range along with the three Battle Of Kings winners. We also found time to speak to the graffiti artist who was responsible for the art work on the large wooden walls. He also demonstrated his drawing skills on a petrol tank. It was good stuff which had a hint of tattoo inspiration within it. It’s worth mentioning that I was dressed inconspicuously whereas Paul had his H-D uniform on, T-shirt, cap etc. so when we visited the Indian stand he was their target, lol. The stand was both Indian & Victory bikes and had a good selection on offer, in particular Indian who’s bikes looked very good, we both thought. It was at this stage, 5:30pm, that a staff member was shouting to all to vacate the show which was now closing. Blimey we thought! Had we been chatting that long? Yep, we had! Anyway, that was one splendid full day covering from 0900hrs – 2100hrs. See you next year, NEC! Ride Safe & Often, CJ & Paul M.






Club Night Thurs 21st, 7:30 AGM

Saturday Social Sat 20th, 12:30 Venue TBC

Ace Café Harley Night Thurs 28th, 6:00pm

Ace Café Harley Night Thurs 25th, 6:00pm LoH Cake Day Sat 27th, 11:00-3:00 Charity event,


Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice,

Committee Night Tues 2nd, 6:00 Reading H-D

At Reading H-D

Mileage Programme Sign-up for 2016 Sat 27th, 11:00-3:00 Reading H-D

London Motorcycle Show Fri 12th—Sun 14th ExCeL Centre, London E16 1XL, UK


Club Night Thurs 18th, 7:30

Committee Night Tues 1st, 6:00 Reading H-D Lou White is 40! Birthday Party Cowboy/girl theme Sat, 5th 7:30-1:00 am


Dates, events, ride-outs and activities Details correct at time of going to print. Check the website for updates and amendments www.thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Rallies 2016

Club Nights February






Wake the Lakes 7th -10th July



SofER 12th -14th August



Cider Rally

25th anniversary, theme: Silver

29th April - 2nd May Eurofestival St Tropez 28th April - 1st May

Thunder in the Glens 26th—30th August

Mag contribution Deadlines

European Bike Week Faaker See 6th - 11th September Blazin’ Galaxies 23rd - 26th September

Events May Club Night—19th BBQ with Hogsback as guests

Check website for details on all events 15











Paul Major


Elaine Shepherd


Malcolm Poulter


Toni Charles


Ray Shepherd


Sue Moyler


Ron Jackson


Thelma Bryant


Paul Houghton


Sue Brown


Chris Early


Sue Dodds


Chris Smith


Lesley Skinner


Frank Mirtle


Pat Adams


Don Wibberley


Jackie Gardner


John Colyer


Sue Knight


Mike Connolly


Trudy Boothby


Nick West


Mike Walters


Barry Adams


Jon Harris


Mick Friend


Ed Wyatt


Dave Knight


Fred Cotsford


Dave Brown


Mark Evans


Terry Dunn


George Bunby


Jamie McLaughlin


Ralph Ward


Bernie Dodds


Thomas Arkuszynski


Andy Wayte




January-Reading site February-Lakeside visit

May-New Club venue

April-Reading opens

July– Llangollen

October - Bed record broken August-SofER


Our final Club Night of the year was hosted by our dealership, Reading H-D. Mike and his team put on a wonderful spread with hot and cold food, and a bar was set up at the counter. Christmas post and gifts were exchanged and the winners of the Mileage Programme, the Poker Run and the Christmas Hamper were announced. Don was the winner of Miles of Fun as he was the only participant to return his card! The LoH sung their version of The 12 Days of Christmas and a thoroughly good evening was had by all. THANK YOU, VERY MUCH, READING H-D, FOR HOSTING THIS EVENT.

Merci T A K



We just wanted to say a big T H A N K Y O U to Linda Friend, our long serving photographer. This is another one of those jobs that, sometimes, we take for granted, but we would all really miss if it wasn't there. Linda sometimes has to dodge grenades and bullets to get the all important shots, leaving poor old Mike munching on his lunch, but she never lets us down. When the new magazines is published nearly everyone, although they probably wouldn't admit it, has a quick flick through first just to see if Linda has caught them in a compromising situation; then comes the sigh of relief when they realise it's ok for another month. Keep up the good work Linda we'd be lost without you! Chris 20

Breakfast at The Catherine Wheel The 1st breakfast meet of 2016 took place on a wet January morning at The Catherine Wheel hotel & pub, in Henley. The damp weather did not deter the hungry and 22 members plus 2 visitors from Australia arrived for a prime breakfast. Linda



After visiting this pub for a Poker Run, it has become a firm favourite for our Chapter. On Saturday 9th January, 37 friends gathered for lunch and, as usual, had a great time.


Hi Everyone! I am very pleased to announce that the Thames Valley Chapter has decided to adopt The Alexander Devine Children’s charity as their sponsored charity for 2016. They are raising money to build the only hospice for children in Berkshire. We will be publishing dates for a number of fundraising events soon so please watch this space... Date for your diary: Sat 25th June - We will be organising a sponsored coast to coast ride to raise funds for the charity. Some background information about the charity:


Fiona and John Devine, from Windsor, set up Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service in memory of their extraordinary little boy who sadly passed away in early 2006 from a rare brain tumour, aged only 8 years old. Their personal xperience, and subsequent extensive research, led them to realise that there was a vital need for a local children’s hospice. The charity was founded in 2007.


Although their vision was always to build a local children’s hospice, Fiona and John recognized that the quickest way to support families was by providing a hospice at home service for children. In 2010 the charity set up the Alexander’s Care Team, which includes Alexander’s Nurses, an Alexander’s Carer and a Play Specialist (who is funded by Children In Need) who support children aged 0-19 with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions in their own homes across Berkshire and the bordering areas of surrounding counties.


The charity is currently providing direct care for more than 50 local children.


The 6-acre site for the children’s hospice was donated by a local benefactor. It is in Woodlands Park, near Maidenhead, and is in an ideal location for families providing easy access from both the M4 and M40. Building work started in September 2015.


The architect is Angus Neil, of Edgington, Spink & Hyne, based in Windsor. 24


The builders are family firm Beard Construction, based in Oxford.


Sir Michael Parkinson is the charity’s Founder Patron and has built up a very special relationship with Fiona and John Devine.


The Rt Hon Theresa May is the local MP for the hospice site and a patron of the charity.


The charity needs to raise £5m to meet its Capital Campaign and still has £1m to raise. The charity relies on the generosity and support of local communities to carry out the vital work that they do.


For more information on how you can help Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service continue its vital work, please call 0845 055 8276, email fundraising@alexanderdevine.org or visit www.alexanderdevine.org.

We are so lucky to have the opportunity to support such a wonderful cause. I hope we can count on your support. Pat Adams Assistant Director



A story once told by a Minnesota state trooper: ’ I once stopped an old lady for speeding on the highway...’

I made a traffic stop on an elderly lady the other day for speeding on MN State Highway 210 at Mile Marker 197, just east of McGregor, MN. I asked for her driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. The lady took out the required information and handed it to me. In with the cards I was somewhat surprised (due to her advanced age) to see she had a Conceal Carry Permit. I looked at her and asked if she had a weapon in her possession at this time. She responded that she indeed had a .45 automatic in her glove box. Something — body language, the way she said it — made me want to ask if she had any other firearms. She then admitted to also having a 9mm Glock in her center console. Now I had to ask her one more time if that was all. She responded once again that she had just one more, a .38 special in her purse. I then asked her what she was afraid of. She looked me right in the eye and said, ’Not a f---ing thing!’

New year’s resolution: Something that goes in one year and out the other.

This is not fun. Take care on those icy roads!

I have a condition called

I wrote this letter to the owner of a small hotel: “I would like to bring my dog with me when I stay. She is well -trained and will not cause any problems. Is this allowed?“ And here’s the response I got: ”I have owned this hotel for many years, and during that time not a single dog has stolen a towel, bedding or a picture on the wall from me. I never had to call the police because a dog got drunk and started a fight in the middle of the night. And no dog has ever forgotten to pay its bill. Your dog is very welcome to stay in my hotel, and if she vouches for you, you are welcome as well..."


Don Wibberley DIRECTOR

Pat Adams Asst. Director

Nick West Asst. Director

Email: director(assistantdirector)@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Club Venue: Grenadier Guards’ Club Maidenhead Road Windsor, Berks. SL4 5EY

facebook.com/groups thamesvalleyhog

youtube.com/user/ tvwebmaster1

Colin Wilkins Treasurer

Sue Moyler Secretary

Third Thursday of every month

Email: treasurer/secretary@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk


Sue Dodds Ladies of Harley

Sue Knight Editor

Lee White Webmaster

Chris Smith Membership

Barry Adams Activities

Toni Charles Activities

Linda Friend Photographer

Chris Earley- ‘CJ’ Photographer

Email any committee member at (position held)@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

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