Essex chapter news

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February 2013

ESSEX CHAPTER NEWS Essex Chapter Great Britain Monthly Newsletter

What a great start to 2013 with a record turnout at the Annual “End of Season Bash” at the Anchor 0n 5th January

Special Interest Articles: • Packing Tips • Easter Egg Run 2013 • IOW Update

Individual Highlights: Director’s Spot


Easter Egg Run


Rodder’s Ramble


Black Bear Bitz


Events Co-ordinator


Membership Matters


BMF Facts


Party Night 2013


Fran’s Titbits


Member’s Page


AHCC Recipe Corner 15 Out and About


Tour Preparation


Sponsorship Needed


Isle of Wight 2013


Events Page


Guess Who?


with many turning up on their Harleys and taking advantage of the first chance to renew their Chapter memberships for 2013 and already 2 new members joining us - it looks like 2013 will be another golden year for Essex Chapter – you know it’s the Only Way!

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ESSEX CHAPTER NEWS A Word (or two) from the ECN Editors

Well here we are – Spring at last – and almost time to gear up for the 2013 riding season! It was great to see that so many of you attended the Anchor Bash on your bikes, including quite a few new bikes too – Santa was clearly busy this year! Unfortunately we missed the Anchor and all of January’s meets due to illness and/or work commitments, but hopefully we will get to catch up with you all in the coming months.

“The exciting news this month is the launch of this year’s Rally logo “

The exciting news this month is the launch of this year’s Rally logo, once again designed especially for us by Maggie. It’s first unveiling is below and we hope you will all agree that it is a stunning image and will look striking for the Rally Pin and merchandise this year. The theme this year is “The Reunion” as so many of you have told us that one of the things you most look forward to about the Essex Chapter Rally is the opportunity to meet up with friends old and new from Essex and from other Chapters and clubs. But don’t let this put you off if you haven’t come to an Essex Chapter Rally before, as you will honestly feel like one of the family before too long! The Rally booking form will be available on the website shortly – Gary, the Rally Co-ordinatoris just finalising the line-up – and will be included with next month’s ECN so that you can get booked up and looking forward to what promises to be a fabulous Rally this year. The other Chapters are already requesting tickets as the friendly and welcoming reputation of our Rally spreads far and wide so don’t miss out. The dates are on the Planner and website and in case you have missed them they are 9th – 11th August 2013.

In other news, today is the day when all membership renewals are due and our hardworking membership officer, Bob Andrews, reports that most of you have renewed and we have some Please send your articles new members too, so well done and for those few who haven’t got around to it yet SEND and photos by 23 YOUR FORM OFF NOW so you don’t miss out on a single event. If you forget again this could February to get them be the last ECN you receive!! published in the March Now many of you took the trouble to sign the 25th Wedding Anniversary card for Rod and Vera, 2013 ECN. All and it was indeed presented to them just before their 25th anniversary on 12th December 2012. contributions very Unfortunately I forgot to include a photo last month so here is one now….. Congratulations to welcome! . them both and may the next 25 years be even happier than the last! So all that remains for us to say is Ride Safe and Have Fun

Mark and Louise

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Director’s spot What’s happening with the weather then, all this white stuff is making any thoughts of riding an impossibility, some however did make the most of it between the coughing and spluttering which seemed to grip a lot of the Chapter members over the festive season, but on the odd day when it was nice to show off their new purchases, which happened at the “End of Season Party” at the Anchor in Burnham. What a great day we had and what fantastic support we got from you all. With a terrific outside photograph, taken I’m told by the Chapter Photographer [it’s about time !…..that digital camera the Chapter bought him is at Jessops, ready for collection] so good in fact that it’s taken over the web site home page. Food was in great supply, maybe the plates could be slightly bigger next time. But as usual it was a great day out. Apologies to the folks in the other room who didn’t hear my “thank you” speech, but you were making such a racket, but it was nice to hear that you were all enjoying yourselves, I’m sure you were only in there so to be closer to the food. It was great to see a number of you taking up 2013 early memberships, even though they’re not due yet? However the new membership packs were available which included a yearly wall planner outlining the year’s main events, 2013 pin and patch, and details of the various discounts the Chapter has been able to obtain, a discount with Hadrian V Twin Tours and a £25.00 discount voucher from AHCC. So for a yearly membership of £24.00 your first service has been paid plus £1.00 change. What other Chapter in the UK would give you such “value for money” as Essex Chapter Membership does!! The new members of the committee are settling in nicely, with Glyne as merchandising secretary, and Bob Andrews doing a sterling job in the membership role, Mark, keeping tabs on the Chapters coffers, so I’m told when he texted me from the Virgin Isles, Gary expanding his role, with not only being the contact with other UK Chapters, but the official photographer, at least we got one decent photograph out of him in 2 years, Pete looking at expanding the Road Captains this year [already at over 13] with Steve constantly looking at keeping us all safe, Louise doing a fantastic editorial job, reflected in how many people compliment us on producing a truly superb monthly magazine. Heather and Kevin both doing excellent jobs [unfortunately, mostly unseen] as Events co-ordinator and Webmaster but always very important. Phil Hart keeping us all in hand [well me, really] Rod and Vera being the trusty stalwarts through their past undeniable vast experience, and lastly Fran…….words fail me as to her capacity for making sure any new member is made to feel welcome, and looked after………..all she needs to do now is know the difference between a Harley and a Honda! It’s interesting, that if you scroll through the various Chapters events pages, which [as sad as I am] I do quite often, to find that when other Chapters are visiting our fair shores, we openly welcome them, with a view to meet up, such as 1066 who came along to our “Thunder in the Tunnels” run in 2012 who are visiting the “Cockle Sheds” this summer, and Surrey who are coming to Bikes and Barges, as well as the Southend Shakedown, it’s amusing to see events that we have had in the past, appear on other Chapter’s “Events Pages” accompanied by a great fanfare of trumpets, as if they were the first to think of it, after 22 years a lot of them have a lot still to learn. In February we have the Chapter Party night in Galleywood, organised by our erstwhile secretary Phil Hart, this promises to be a great fun night with the emphasis on FUN, general frolicking is guaranteed, so come along, bring your own food and anything you particularly want to drink, or make up a team with some friends, and have a laugh - tea, coffee etc. will be supplied on the night. Please come along and have a bit of a giggle, while the nights are still dark and the days mostly miserable. Aussie Mike is once again supporting Community Links this year with their yearly Easter Egg run 23rd March, this is such a worthwhile cause which appears to be getting more support every year, unfortunately the Christmas Toy run resulted in poor Paul Ryan [and others] suffering from hypothermia while riding the short distance to Epping, shocked in seeing a friend of Aussies’s dressed in casual jacket and jeans, little did anyone know that underneath that, was a full diving suit, but he did look pretty cool, while the rest were shivering in the winter morning. Then the Southend Shakedown, which historically has always been seen as the official start of the biking season, but as we at Essex are a bunch of hard a*****d bikers we’ve already clocked up hundreds of miles prior to this. As last year we will have our Chapter Stand on the prom again, hopefully the weather will be a little kinder to us this year, always a great event especially when we have the opportunity to tell everyone who we are.

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Director’s Spot continued:

Simon McKay in arranging a trip to Mercedes World and Brookland’s museum has invited our friends at Surrey to come along, so they will be joining us somewhere along the route, but knowing how bad they are at map reading, it could be anywhere between here and Weybridge !! Our Essex Chapter Rally 2013 - “The Reunion” [again at the superb facilities at Sudbury AFC] will be inviting people to come and help us celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of Essex Chapter at our “Reunion Rally” – reuniting and welcoming our members past and present, friends old and new from other Chapters, and the best of the 2012 Rally - including the Fabulous B17s back by popular demand - and SO MUCH MORE! Even people haven’t been before they’ll feel like part of the family - the Essex Chapter family. Our Rallies appear to be gaining a bit of a reputation as the one to go to, and not to be missed. Last year it was lovely reminiscing with old members of the days of returning from St Tropez in 1 day [Paul] and the 1 day ride from Metz to Venice - 650 miles in 1, Pete. It’s unbelievable that we’ve already received request for tickets from our friends at Fenlander’s, this early in the year. Remember last year we had guests from Aire Valley, Fenlanders, Iceni, Nene Valley, Surrey [we’ve already changed the games rules for this year] Dubai and Lakeside. It might be difficult to better last year’s Rally, with a massive gas explosion at the end of the road, and a dead body in the river but we’ll try our best. Gary this year’s Rally Co-Ordinator has already confirmed that a number of the same traders who came last year have already booked this year…….a fair compliment indeed. Our dear friends the B17’s who love performing for us, have been booked for the usual Friday night spot, the Chapter Boot Sale Stall’s return so you can bring along all those bike related bits and pieces you were trying to hide from your loved ones, and credit card companies. It’s worth noting that although we’ve printed a yearly planner, which will be included in the membership packs outlining the majority of events throughout the year, this can change so please keep checking regularly as the calendar changes all the time, from a couple of really interesting breakfast runs, Trafalgar Square, to day out not for the faint hearted, to Le Touquet, at least the “duty free shop” will be open on the ferry, rather than the Isle of Wight Ferry which I was really disappointed when it was closed the last time I used it. As far as cases of mistaken identity go, police in Brazil have shown themselves ridiculed. They started hunting for a man responsible for numerous armed car jackings in the town of Guapo, in the country's central state of Goias. Thinking they had made a breakthrough in the case when they found clothing at the scene of one of the crimes they told people they had an identity for the chief suspect. A Mr H. Davidson on the cap made police believe they had made a breakthrough in the case of a suspected car jacker, Police chief Sargeant Cunha became a laughing stock when he made an appeal for information relating to Mr Harley Davidson With a motorcycle T-shirt and cap emblazoned with the name in their possession, they went about chasing their latest lead. The town's police chief Sergeant Cunha made a televised appeal on Friday to ask for help finding the notorious car-jacker. Standing next to the vehicle, which had been found abandoned with the items of clothing inside, he told local TV channel TV Goiania: 'He left a grey T-shirt which he had used to cover his face, and also a baseball cap with a skull embroidered then fraudulently collect the insurance money on it, along with the name Harley, and the citizen's surname, Davidson, who is probably the miscreant we're looking for.' Sergeant Cunha quickly became a laughing stock after the TV appeal was uploaded on YouTube yesterday, getting has backfired. Rather than turning a profit, the scam has resulted in the man owing more than 300 $25,000 hits, plus the time he’ll have to serve behind bars……………One viewer, TheRmaster001 commented: 'Did Volks and Wagen manage to escape too?'…………..Another wrote: 'This Harley Davidson guy has a set up a shop in my town. Warn the Sergeant that this bandit is really well organised!' Bay County Circuit Judge Joseph K. Sheeran on Monday, Jan. 7, sentenced Chad E. Dejongh to 182 days in jail. The judge deferred an additional 93 days and ordered Dejongh to serve three years of probation upon his release. Sheeran also ordered Dejongh, 40, to pay $22,816.32 in restitution to an insurance company and $2,538.84 to the Bay County Sheriff’s Office, a total of $25,355.16. Dejongh in October 2009 reported his Rocker C motorcycle stolen, claiming he last saw it in his yard in the 1100 block of South Carter Road with a "For Sale" sign. In September 2011. Dejongh's soon-to-be ex-wife, Laurie Dejongh, contacted police and said she witnessed him burying the bike on a relative's Midland County property. Laurie Dejongh said she saw her husband using a Kubota tractor to inter the bike in a hole that was about five feet deep, court records show. She told police that her husband threatened to kill her and bury her alongside the Harley if she told anyone. Investigators executed a search warrant on the Midland County location in December 2011, but they did not find the bike. They did locate several smaller motorcycle components in a freshly dug patch of ground where Laurie Dejongh said the vehicle was buried, court records show.

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Chad Dejongh initially denied any wrongdoing. He told investigators he bought the Rocker C from Shiawassee Sports Center in Birch Run for $28,000, paying $10,000 down, making $8,000 in payments and putting between $8,000 and $10,000 in custom alterations. The bike was insured through the Cincinnati-based American Family Home Insurance, which sent a check for $8,445.06 to Dejongh and another for $11,832.42, court records show. Authorities issued an arrest warrant for Dejongh in April 2012. He was arraigned on criminal charges in July. With all this going on please remember that the weekly meets still carry on no matter what the weather throws at us, AHCC Lazy Saturday [ 9th February] where you are all welcome to join us for drinks and food, when hopefully the days are a little bit drier and warmer. The Hot Line, Weekly Updates, Forum and Web site and of course the Essex Chapter News should keep you up -to –date, with everything that’s going on. But if in doubt, give a call to anyone on the Committee who should know what’s going on, if they don’t tell me!!

Ride Safe and Have Fun Phil

Come along and support this worthy cause delivering Easter Eggs for the underprivileged children of Newham. The Essex Chapter contingent will be meeting for breakfast beforehand (from 9.30am) at Checkers Diner (CM2 6TE) departing from there at 10.45am sharp for a meandering ride through to Epping Forest to meet up with Aussie Mick and his crew for the ride through to Canning Town.

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Rodders Ramble [Often imitated, [even by other Chapters] but as yet, never yet equalled!] [The totally Original Grumpy old man]

Now it’s over did Santa bring you all that you wanted for Christmas?........or did you just get what you deserved? I, being one of the chosen few, got to spend Christmas Eve in a room full of sick people waiting to see a ‘boy doctor’ who told me what I was well aware of……….I WAS ILL! Further on from the above I have to give him his due, I asked for and got the medication I wanted, [if I ever get asked onto Mastermind my specialist subject would be on chest infections and, believe me I’ve cracked it], he did have the decency to acknowledge that I probably knew how I felt better than he did, either that or he wanted to get me the hell out of his surgery. As he was in the ‘genial mood’ that I’m famous for at this time of year and he DID ask if I had any questions I asked the one thing that’s been puzzling me over these many years. That is why is it invariably the smaller the tablet the easier it is to melt immediately it finds moisture on the tongue AND the fouler it tastes? You know what the damned fool answer was? “We don’t have to take them!” Had a bit of rain about over the past few months, perhaps a game at the Rally could be centred around the finer points of Ark building…..or, as the weather WILL be fine by then, resurrect the art of ‘Welly Wanging’. th At the time of writing [28 December 2012], [mark this date well in a safe place]. “Why?” I hear you ask…..well, I am privileged to have been in receipt of the means of ensuring continued life safe in the knowledge that no ills can befall me for the next twelve months at least! Bold claims I realise but it is simplicity itself, ‘Management’ has just had me buying Christmas cards for Christmas 2013, all I’ve got to do is sign them and, Hey Presto, I’m sure of being alive when the recipients receive them…………….easy peazy. th 5 January 2013 saw ninety odd [some odder than others] gather at the newly revamped Anchor at Burnham, I’m reliably informed that it has been extensively re-painted inside and out. Outside - granted, inside - debatable! Unless they found some very old/smoked impregnated paint, BUT what a most agreeable event it turned out to be. I admit to having reservations after various rumours that were flying around earlier in the back end of last year. Kevin, the previous Licensee, will always be missed but those at the helm now did us proud. Being told that we couldn’t sit at the tables by a certain Chapter Director, who I will not name, didn’t carry much weight so a goodly number of us were able to see the staff replenish the table, not once, not twice but three times during the course of events. Still they struggled to carry all the left-over sandwiches out at the close of play. Various topics came up for discussion during the day, most unsuitable for this tender publication……[so you’re safe Lin]…. For the time being! Speaking to staff afterwards it would appear that we’d be welcome again, so that bodes well for continuing the event in the future. On the run home it was an eye opener to see just how busy the road to Burnham on Crouch [with hyphen] is considering the road ends at Burnham, unless you’re intent on going out on the Dengie Marshes for a bit of ‘Wild fowling’ or what-ever the colloquial name for ‘nature study in the car’ is nowadays. Hooray, the sun is shining…..out to start the bike……Ummm no…. condensation and ‘leckie’ don’t work, two hours of drying things out and all well again. Here I have to state that when I put the bike away before hostilities, sorry, the Christmas break, I came indoors and told ‘Management’ that I’d put a tarpaulin over the bike after coating it with copious amounts of a wax based polish, “Is that wise?” she said and being ‘my own man’ I laughed at her naivety in things mechanical. “Took your time down the garage then!” was the statement when I eventually came indoors…… “Things to do you know, things to do!” said I. If you think I’m going to give her the satisfaction then YOU don’t know me! Plus I’d never hear the last of it. Looks like we’re in for some more ’inclement’ weather so pull the duvet up, get a good book and plan rides for the summer.


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Black Bear Bitz Apologies to you all and Louise in particular for missing last month’s copy deadline. I was in the process of putting it together when I received the “sorry mate, you’re too late!” message. So another year has gone! Come on 2013, we’re ready for you! Looks like it’s official now that 2012 was the wettest year since records began. No wonder so many people were moaning about it. Think you had better all focus on sharing my good Karma in 2013. Every event that we either organised or took part in was blessed with sunshine. This world of ours needs more people with glasses half full rather than half empty but there’s never any harm in a swift top up! We’re currently experiencing a proper winter so let’s hope that means a proper summer is just around the corner. I promised you another customised Fatboy for the showroom in December and you’ll find it pictured here in all it’s glory. Paintwork inspired by the Breakout and executed by Keith at Classic Cycleworks; chrome front end package; Vance and Hines Big Radius Exhaust; Heavy Breather Air Cleaner and loads of other chrome. Come and take a look at it, my pictures don’t do it justice! We also have an Evolution Springer in the showroom at the moment, something we are often asked for and rarely have the opportunity to carry in stock. It is a 1990 vintage FXSTS Softail Springer in fairly standard trim. It’s not quite mint but it’s not far off it for a twenty three year old motorcycle and represents a proper old school machine. Bikes like this don’t come along very often and we don’t expect it to stay on the showroom floor for long. Thanks to those of you who came along to our Chapter Evening. Sorry that it fell on the same night as your Brentwood Christmas Party but it’s never easy to fix a date that suits everyone. It was a little frustrating to cater for a hundred and have less than half that many people turn up but the food was polished off by visitors the following day. If only I had access to the Chapter website I would have been able to plan for Essex members a bit better. Our Winter Service Offers have been extended until 16 February. 20% discount on parts and labour plus free collection and delivery within East Anglia for full services and serious enhancements but please be warned that the workshop diary is now quite full and our driver’s diary only has a few slots left for collecting and delivering during the promotional period. Call Andy on 01638 664455 to make your booking quickly or risk disappointment! So what did you all get up to in 2012 and what plans are you making for 2013. Personally I managed to fit in all the motorcycling exploits that I could shoehorn in between work and my home life and I’m planning to do the same this year but there is so much to choose from. Current favourite for my European trip is the 110th Anniversary celebrations in Rome from 13-16 June but also under consideration are the Euro Festival (including the HOG 30th Anniversary) in St Tropez from 2-5 May and European Bikeweek in Faaker See from 2-8 September. Closer to home the Fenlanders East of England Rally is being planned to be even bigger and better than last year. As usual it is on the last weekend of July – Thursday 25th until Sunday 28th. I hope all the regulars plus a few more will be able to join us. So many rallies, so little time! At the shop we’re also making plans for our events both in Newmarket and out and about. The Essex Rally is now a firm fixture and we’re planning to attend more local shows and getting more support from Harley-Davidson UK with their outside display units. If you want us to keep you directly in the picture as well as what I post in here please get in touch with your current e-mail address. You can contact me on . Whatever you’re planning to do in 2013 let’s make it a good one. Happy New Year to one and all from all of us at Black Bear and we’ll see you on the road!

Steve Loxton

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Hello everyone, well by now you must all have a copy of this year’s planner. Already you can see we have a lot of events planned by there is always room for more …. If you have been somewhere interesting and think it might make a good ride out for our members, would like to arrange the trip or would like one of the road captains to organise the ride please let me know …. Our Head Road Captain Pete is busy recruiting Road Captains, so if you think you would like to become a Chapter Road Captain but would like to find out more look out for Pete’s Road Captain’s meeting - details to be confirmed. A couple of people have mentioned that they are not receiving the weekly update that goes out by email each Thursday. If you are one of those people please email the webmaster and let him know – Well the weeks are ticking by now and it will soon be riding weather, look forward to seeing you all soon….

Heather Wood Essex Chapter Events Co-ordinator

Ha Ha Ha I'm in trouble with the wife. We were in bed naked and she asked what I would like to do most with her body. Apparently ‘Identify it’ wasn't the right answer. --------------------------------------------------------------Why men shouldn't be Agony aunts. Dear Phil I left home for work last week and after less than a mile my car stalled and wouldn't start. I walked back to my house and found my husband in bed with our 19 year old babysitter. They announced that the affair had been going on for two years. Can you help me I'm desperate. Dear Reader The most common cause of vehicles breaking down in the first mile is dirt in the fuel lines. Hope this helps. Phil. --------------------------------------After both suffering from depression for a while, me and the wife were going to commit suicide yesterday. But strangely enough, once she killed herself I started to feel a lot better. So I thought 'Sod it. Soldier on'.

--------------------------------------------------Just said to the missus Hey fat gut..what do you want for Valentines Day… She said Don't get f*****g lippy… I said Mascara it is then!

-------------------------------------------------I woke up this morning at 8am and could smell something was wrong I got downstairs and found the wife face down on the kitchen floor, not breathing!. I panicked. I didn't know what to do. Then I remembered Wetherspoons serves breakfast until 11.30…

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MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Feedback I received from the “bash” at the Anchor pub was 100% all positive, “good food”, “nice ambience”, and “great atmosphere”, just some of the comments received, and for everyone the opportunity to meet up with so many other members (our 2nd biggest gathering each year), most of which took the opportunity to renew their Essex Chapter membership before the Feb 1 start date (all helps to smooooth out the rush after Feb 1!) and yet again, words of pleasant surprise from a few of the locals and the new Landlords of just what a nice bunch of people we really are! (who would have thought it from a bunch of hard-nosed hairy a#*!# bikers?) Discussions of what was good and not so good (weather!) what was great (Rally & ride events) and the thoughts and ideas of what is to come and all hoping for dryer/warmer days for 2013 (more ideas for the committee are always welcome). All in all a pretty dam good event I would say! I trust you are all pleased with your Members packs? For me, it was good to have over 95 renewals come in, that went very smoothly other than I forgot to put the BMF discount code in the packs, but that should be sorted now (check your emails or see me at an event) and a couple of very keen renewers didn’t allow me time to get their annual planner in their pack, cos delivery of them was a couple of minutes late but again pretty much all sorted now (those that still haven’t got one, see me …. just 4 that I know of; Robin D, Alan F, Colin L and Eric M). As we start our 3rd year of independence we should all pull together to inspire more new members to join us, we don’t expect to “lose” many members this year but the reality is we don’t have the luxury of a main dealership constantly sending people our way and the only real method of attracting new Harley riders/members to us is to “Advertise” what we offer, by word of mouth or passing on info of our excellent ECN, so just try and do your bit of “selling” who we are and what we do …….every little helps! In 2012 (just our 2nd year of Independence) we took on over 50 NEW members to achieve a strong 285 membership, mostly achieved by the excellent “brow beating” from Fran our glamorous “New Members rep”, initiated by word of mouth feedback from you all, of how great the times you have had with the Chapter events and socials……... so let’s try and crack the 300 mark this year. Check your planners for current known events and start penciling yours in, there are still some “vacant” weekends, so let us know if anything crops up that can be added to the main web site events page and as always you are all just as capable and welcome to arrange any trip, event or social that you like just let the committee know and don’t be shy to ask for help…………it’s always available from someone. (Note# Ice cream run to Thorpeness is changed from the “released” Planner, to Sept 1st, to avoid a clash with other events)

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Me?....I am already booked and looking forward to many events this year (Shakedown, Cider rally, Peak Tour, Scotland, Our Rally and more) including the regular AHCC chinwags and pub meets So I’ll see you on the road somewhere sometime, have a great year, stay safe and enjoy the road you’re on! Bob Andrews (Membership Secretary)

New Chapter Members We have the following new members who have recently joined the Chapter – please look out for them and be sure to make them feel welcome: Graham and Emma Pinkerton Roy Sharpe

BMF DISCOUNT CODE FOR ESSEX CHAPTER MEMBER Due to an oversight with the membership renewal packs, the BMF Discount code was omitted from their contents. Any member wishing to take advantage of the BMF discount please contact Bob Andrews for the code required. via email or text me on 07709-864652 or just ask when you see me at events (Apologies for inconvenience).

BMF welcomes in 2013 - Here are the facts For the first time in some years, the BMF has more money in our accounts at year end than we had at the beginning of the year. This is even allowing for a lower income than expected from the shows and paying a monthly sum to the Federation of European Motorcyclists' Associations (FEMA). The BMF has no other creditors. The financial situation is finally steadying for the BMF after a fiscally tumultuous time. BMF Individual Membership held steady in 2012 after six years in decline. In 2012 the BMF welcomed 645 new members (we even had 12 new members in the first two days of 2013!) and 23 new affiliated clubs. About 50% of BMF affiliated clubs have already re-affiliated for 2013 - higher than any previous year at this time. After some tough times for all in the motorcycle industry, the BMF is happy to make these positive announcements and, with the support of its members and affiliated clubs, looks forward to a period of regrowth. The BMF would like to thank its members, reps, volunteers, affiliated clubs and Corporate Members for their continued support. "The BMF, is looking forward into 2013 as we continue to work independently and through a variety of different organisations that share our aims to promote, protect and pursue motorcycling in the UK, Europe and across the world." Thank you and a happy new year! With Best Wishes Rachel Crossley BMF Membership Secretary

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Essex Chapter Party Night 2013 Hi Everyone, Now you all know how Essex Chapter likes to party…………………………………………

So get your diaries out and make sure you book in the 23rd February 2013 so that you can attend our special party night. We’ll be having a fun bike & biking quiz, silly games, music, food & drink and of course a bit of (optional!) boogieing. Can’t promise the B17s but we will have some Rock ‘n Roll and other good tunes to get your feet tapping and Fran bopping. Fun Night 23rd Feb - Book your tickets now as places are going quickly, and just to clarify we asking everyone to bring a plate or plates (depending on numbers) of your favourite food to share with the other party goers in a communal buffet. Only tea & coffee supplied.

. All this for only a fiver a head. So put away your winter blues and send off the booking form today (see form on the next page). Then you can dust off your dancing shoes and start planning to kick off the new season with a great party night. Hope to see you all there. Phil H

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The Sound of Silence An elderly couple Pauline & Frank were recently attending a church service at their retirement village. About halfway through the service, Pauline took a pen and paper out of her purse, and wrote a note and handed it to Frank. The note said:" I just let out a silent fart, what do you think I should do?" Frank scribbled back: "Put a new battery in your hearing aid."

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MEMBERS PAGE – FOR SALE AND WANTED Subject: BE WARNED!!!!!!!!! Especially for that rare bird, the 'Maleshopper' (Would hate for you to get your wings clipped!!!) Please BE WARNED!!!!!!!!! Over the last months some of these rare birds have become a victim of a clever 'Eastern European' scam while out shopping. Simply dropping into Sainsbury's supermarket for a bit of shopping turned out to be quite an experience. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends. Here's how the scam works :Two seriously good-looking voluptuous 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the boot. They both start cleaning your windscreen, their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy Tshirts. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they'll say 'No' and instead ask you for a lift to another supermarket, Tesco's for instance. You agree and they both get in the back seat. On the way, they start undressing, until both are completely naked. Then, when you pull over to remonstrate, one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over your lap, kissing you, touching you intimately, and thrusting herself against you, while the other one steals your wallet! A person I know had his wallet stolen on December 4th, 9th,10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th and 29th. On January 1st, 4th, 6th, 10th and 13th and twice yesterday. So please warn all the older men you know to be on the lookout for this scam. The best times seem to be just before lunch and about 4:30 in the afternoon. P.S. Aldi have cheap wallets on sale for £1.99 each but Lidl wallets are £1.75 and look better. HAPPY NEW YEAR, FELLAS!

From concerned Essex Chapter Member – Alan G

Need Patches Sewn on?? Brenda Defries - For All Your Leather Repairwork 07930 - 224558 As many of our readers will know, Brenda Defries, a longstanding member of Essex Chapter, is great at sewing on your patches to jackets, vests etc, and can also do leather repairs. She is happy to sew on patches for any of our members for a reasonable fee and can be contacted on the above number or is usually at the monthly meeting at The Lodge PH (second Thursday of every month) so give her a call or see her there.

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Ahcc Lazy Saturday Recipe Corner Featuring Julia’s Recipe of the Month Hi Everyone Thank you to everyone that made it to the AHCC lazy Saturday in January, there was a really good turn out considering how cold it was! I decided to made a hearty and healthy soup to warm everyone up, and we definitely needed it! We just about had enough for everyone, even a couple of latecomers. Olly didn’t really want to try it, because it was green and even he said “that’s actually good!” with a very surprised look on his face, anyway here goes, it’s really quick and easy….

Pea & Ham Soup 1 knob of butter 1 onion, chopped 1 Medium potato peeled and diced 1 litre stock (preferably pork if not veg or chicken) 500g frozen peas 300g thickly sliced ham, trimmed of fat and diced


Melt the butter


Fry the onion until soft


Add the potato, stir to coat in the butter


Pour over the stock, bring to the boil and simmer until the potato is soft


Tip in the frozen peas and bring back to the boil for a couple of minutes


Take of the heat and blend until smooth Season with salt and pepper Add the ham and serve I hope you give it a try and enjoy it…

Lazy Saturday we are celebrating Valentines Day…so bring your sweet tooth!! Thank you to Jo again for your help in juggling soup and children…it could have been messy! See you soon Julia X

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Essex Chapter “Out And About” This Month At the Anchor “End of Season” Bash and the AHCC Lazy Saturday

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ESSEX CHAPTER NEWS - TOURING SECTION Prepping for 2013 Tours/Rides/Events ……………… For both experienced and new comers to “Bike” touring, I have put together some hints & tips etc, that are available via “Google”, to help you get sorted for all the tours and trips that you might fancy taking part in. Lightweight synthetic clothing – such as T-shirts and underwear – can be washed in a hotel sink and dried overnight on a shower rod or towel rack (cotton fabrics take too long to dry in this manner). Zipper-lock plastic bags of various sizes can be extremely useful for organising items in saddlebags and duffle bags. Making it easier to find and retrieve items without unpacking everything. Use the 5 ltr size to pack one day's worth of clothes. This makes it easier to unpack just what you need. Don't fold your clothes – roll them. They take up less space that way. Pack items that have more than one use. For instance, don't pack just a pocketknife; pack a "Swiss-style" knife or multi-tool. When traveling with other riders, conserve space by comparing packing lists. You may be able to avoid packing some duplicate items (First aid, Bulbs, Tools, fuses etc). When traveling (two-up) with a spouse or partner, consider questions such as: "Can we share a tube of toothpaste?" or "Can I get by using their shampoo for the trip duration?" On long trips, consider using your “Older” underwear (or other clothing) – then just throw it away when you're done with it! Cos you will probably by new ones from Rally’s etc. Few things are as easy to pack as money or credit cards. If you're struggling with whether to take a particular item, consider if it's worth buying on the road trip. Also consider the weight of packing, as well as the volume. Whenever possible, lighter is better. (And don't forget to check the cargo weight limits of your bike – as well as the bags and racks – and adjust the tire pressure and suspension to suit.) When loading your bike, keep as much weight as possible close to the bike's center of gravity and distributed evenly from side to side. Ideally, a day or two before you leave, do a dry run. pack the bike and go for a short ride, then adjust the load as needed. If you're camping, set up your tent once or twice before you leave (and don't forget to waterproof it). Pack all your cold and wet weather gear no matter what time of year it is (in a quick & easy place to get at). Plastic bags make great “makeshift” boot liners and “free Diesel” gloves from a petrol station or rubber dishwashing gloves make great, inexpensive rain gloves substitutes in emergencies! A small towel can be wrapped around your neck during a rainstorm to keep water from running down your back – and doubles as a “Bike” rag. Pre-Packing Prep: • Plan ahead. Start putting a list together as far in advance as possible, so last minute packing stress is not an issue. Any pre-packing preparation is better than frantically stuffing everything together at the last minute. • Draw up a mental itinerary and start brainstorming the kinds of clothes that you will need. Add these to your packing list.

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• Make sure all your documentation is current, valid and accounted for then find a safe, but accessible (to you), document organizer to put passports, visas, tickets and traveler's checks etc. Also, remember to hide photocopies of these documents in another spot……………………..and…………….. In today’s world of technology, if you have internet access, email scanned copies of all your documents to yourself so you have copies accessible online anytime (Including on your smart phone!) • Pre-pack toiletries, first aid kits, document/itinerary kits and miscellaneous items. Some Packing Pointer's to consider? • Passports • Insurance & breakdown documents • Driver’s license • Health documents • Emergency cash • Change for tolls (keep in easy-to-access place) • List of emergency contact numbers (include doctor/medical) • Touring Handbook • Bike registration documents • Pen and small notebook • Kickstand board • Small sewing kit • Cargo net • Spare Keys • Photocopies of all required documents. • security items • GB Sticker • First Aid Kit • Maps/SatNav (&Charger) • Rip stop Tape • Local Currency • Replacement fuses • Spare spark plugs and plug wires • Motorcycle Oil • Paper funnel • Multi-purpose spray lubricant • Change of shoes • Soft cloth • Toilet roll • Antihistamines • Bottle of water • Energy food bar

• Spare bulbs • Tool set that is relevant to your bike • Duct tape • Small waterproof flashlight • Bungee cords (various lengths) • Swiss-style pocketknife or multi-tool • Bike lock • Pen • Camera/charger • Mobile Phone/charger • Guide Books • Sunglasses • Sewing Kit • Rain Covers • Small towel • Drinking Water Bottles • Prescriptions • Ibuprofen • Diarrhea Meds • Thermals • T-shirts • Rain Gear • Hi Vis Vest • Lip Balm • Sunscreen • Ear Plugs • Toothbrush/Toothpaste • Soap/Jels • Shaving Gear • Deodorant • Bug Repellent • Zip Locks

Now, All that’s taken care of…………..go and enjoy the road trips………….. Be Safe and I’ll see ya on the road somewhere. Bob Andrews

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Carol and I attended the RTTW on 6th October 2012, the 5th Anniversary run for ride to the wall but due to tennis elbow or badminton elbow, I decided to go by car. For those not sure what the National Arboretum is, it’s a memorial to all those who have lost their lives since the 2nd WW, every year there are new names added from conflicts, i.e. Afghanistan. There are also memorials to civilian services too. Well worth a visit, as we find new memorials each time we go. To date this magnificent run has raised over £150,000.00 towards the upkeep of the Arboretum which is situated in Lichfield in Staffordshire. The arboretum receives no money from the government and is run entirely by donations.!!! We had a great day, weather was good, no rain. A bit of mess up to start with as we stayed in a hotel overnight and Carol left her phone there so we had to do a 14 mile round trip to collect it!!! Women !!! Over 15,000 bikers were there, from all corners of the UK and I even saw one from DUBAI chapter, so yes its a well known run, there were I think 7 or 8 starting points all getting there at staggered times. There were various food outlets on offer, some a bit salubrious some better... The highlight of the day was the flypast of a Dakota plane, magnificent. There was then a speech/thank you from Martin Dickenson who had the original idea for this and now is the main organiser, helped by some other very able volunteers. Then the wreaths from all the other chapters were laid and then the bikers filed past. They then disbanded and made their weary way home. Might I just add, although there were a lot of ex-servicemen and women bikers there, there were also a lot of non service people just paying their respects. Hope to see some of you next year in 2013. It is always on the First Saturday in October. Sorry not sure of the date at the time of writing. ERIC AND CAROL MEDCALF MR AND MRS "THE CLOUD"

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SPONSONSHIP NEEDED FOR LONDON MARATHON 2013 Hi, calling all Essex Chapter Members, Just a reminder that I am doing the 2013 Virgin London Marathon next April. I will be running in aid of the National Osteoporosis Society. I have raised £140 so far (early days) and want to raise as much as I can. I need to raise a minimum of £1600. A planned Chapter Rideout will be held early in 2013 to help me raise funds which will be in the local Essex area with a stop for food! I have not sorted a Rideout destination as of yet but I am up for any suggestions as to the route, destination, food stop and a suitable date? Early March 2013 would be great as it is close to the event and I am more likely to get a few more people to come as the weather might be kinder. So all members please feel free to contact me with your suggestions and let’s make this a really great event as well as raising money for a very deserving cause? Below is a link to my Justgiving page for donations – all welcome and none too small for this great and worthy cause. If I raise enough I might even have an Essex Chapter badge sewn on my running vest!!! Thanks in advance for your support! Regards Neil Bishop

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UPDATE - ISLE OF WIGHT “DOUGHNUT RIDE”2013. I thought I would just bring you all up to date and can report that we now have 43 chapter members actually booked hotel accommodation and ferry bookings which I would reckon to be between 30-35 motorcycles so it is going to be quite a rolling party. We are planning the start/meeting point is likely to be Warrs Mottingham dealership and be then taking a similar downward route as taken last year. The return Sunday trip, unlike last year, will be the same way as the downward trip but stopping for a coffee/comfort stop at Rykas, Box Hill, a well known biker haunt and recommended if you have not previously visited. It is steeped in biker history. I am advised there is still accommodation available at our main chosen hotel, The Medehamstede so if you are thinking of coming and have not yet booked, I would strongly you recommend you book as soon as possible, not forgetting to advise me. It would be good if we could fully book the hotel and have it all for ourselves. If the hotel becomes fully booked, there are plenty of hotels and B&B's in very close proximity. On the Saturday, I am planning a Rideout towards the Needles but stopping on the way at some new venues. Of course being an island, we shall be varying the ride from last year by going this year in an anti-clockwise direction !!!!! The ferry crossings will be on the Portsmouth Gunwharf - Fishborne route. We shall be taking the 3.30 pm Friday 21st. June ferry outward, and the 11.00am. Sunday 23rd June inward. The cost seems unchanged and for 2 persons and motorcycle it is £18 each way. If I may suggest, it would be best to book sooner than later. Lastly, AND THIS IS IMPORTANT ......I am separating my non business correspondence so would you please note my new email address for all future correspondence . Looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year. Many Thanks for all your interest. I am blown away by the interest ,and thank you all for your assistance in your bookings which makes my arranging all the more easier. Any queries let me know Simon McKay Essex Chapter Road Captain !!!NEW!!! KRAZY HORSE, EMPIRE HOUSE, LARK VALLEY BUSINESS PARK, BURY ST.EDMUNDS

Roger Went and I visited their new premises yesterday and which opened last Saturday. I was blown away by their facilities. Absolutely stunning large new building ...ultra modern design and it will become a regular breakfast haunt for us here in North Essex. There is a ground floor showroom area with stage with all their custom bikes and a Morgan 3 wheeler as they are an agent for the car brand as well. The bikes are,of course on the pricey side but well worth a visit/view. They are also agents for the latest Indian motorcycles brand. The first floor is a clothing shop and a sizeable cafe. It is a sizeable premise probably a similar square footage as Stratstone HD. I will be arranging a Chapter ride there on 5th May departing Boreham @ 10am and J28 A12 @ 10.30am sharp. Simon McKay

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Events February/March 2013 DATE



Monthly Meeting Monthly Meeting AHCC Open House Lazy Saturday Monthly Meeting London EXCEL Motorcycle Show

Green Man PH Herongate from 7pm Cricketers PH AHCC Yard Maldon from 10am Lodge PH Excel London Plough PH Eagle PH Keene Hall – Galleywood, Chelmsford

Thursday 28th

Monthly Meeting Monthly Meeting ESSEX CHAPTER PARTY NIGHT Book NOW Ace Café Monthly Meet

March 2013 Friday 1st Tuesday 5thst Saturday 9th Thursday 14th Wednesday 20th Saturday 23rd Sunday 24th Thursday 28st Friday 29th

Monthly Meeting Monthly Meeting AHCC Open House Lazy Saturday Monthly Meeting Monthly Meeting Community Links Annual Easter Egg Run Chapter Ride – Ace Café The Scenic Route Ace Café Monthly Meet Monthly Meeting

Green Man PH Herongate from 7pm Cricketers PH AHCC Yard Maldon from 10am Lodge PH Plough PH See page 5 for details Departing Thurrock Services at 10am Not Running - Resumes Spring 2013 Eagle PH

February 2013 Friday 1st Tuesday 5th Saturday 9th Thursday 14th Friday 15th Sunday 17th Wed 20th Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd

Resuming Spring 2013

Please keep checking the Forum and Website as well as the Hotline as there may be other events in February/March depending on the weather! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forthcoming Events and Dates for your diaries: th


15 – 17 February – London Motorcycle Show @ The Excel including New - Custom Bike Show rd

Saturday 23 February – Essex Chapter Party Night – see page 11 for details &d page 12 for the Booking Form st

Monday 1 April – Southend Shakedown – featuring Essex Chapter Stand th

Sunday 14 April – Newbies Ride 2013 – Details to follow Sunday 21


April – North Weald Breakfast Ride – Details to follow


Sunday 28 April – East Quay (Whitstable) Lobster Shack Run – Departing Thurrock 10.30am sharp rd


Friday 3 – Monday 6 May 2013 - Cider Rally, Weston Super Mare (see October ECN for details) th

Saturday 18 May – Mercedes World Brooklands Ride – see website for full details th


Friday 24 May – Friday 1 June 2013 - Peak District Tour (see October ECN for details) st


Friday 21 – Sunday 23 June 2013 - Isle of Wight Doughnut Run 2013 – see page 22 th



Friday 9 – Sunday 11 August 2013 – Essex Chapter 22

Annual Rally @ Sudbury AFC

!!Last but by no means least!! – Bob Holmes’ Famous Saturday Runs every Saturday – ring Bob for details of meeting point etc no later than Friday night on 07788 667213. The Editor accepts no responsibility for the views and comments expressed in this publication. All views and comments contained are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the Editor or of the Committee of Essex Chapter.

Page 24 of 24 Essex Chapter GREAT BRITAIN 8 Holgate Court 4-10 Western Road Romford Essex RM1 3JS

HOT LINE: 07729 665790


ESSEX CHAPTER NEWS GUESS WHO COMPETITION? Ok after lots more guesses we finally had a correct answer for this one! And the Winner is Mat Armstrong – WELL DONE MAT – who correctly guessed that this is a very old picture of Ian “Clemo” Clements. You will be awarded your well deserved “Breakaway” (apologies for the typo which incorrectly read “Breakout” in the last ECN! Sorry!) soon!! And to Rod who guessed this was a very young Robin Defries you can explain that to Brenda…… Congrats also to Gary Driver who, after at least 18 guesses, eventually got the right answer too – albeit too late to snaffle the coveted prize from Mat!

Chapter Committee

We’re on the Web! See us at:

Chapter Director

Phil Riley

Assistant Director Photographer/Inter Chapter Representative Assistant Director/ Treasurer Secretary

Gary Driver 01621 851197/07831 876869

Mark Ball

Phil Hart

Safety Officer

Steve Shipperley Bob Andrews Glyne Shipperley Louise Ball Heather Wood Pete Wilson Kevin Wood Frances Driver Rod & Vera White

Membership Officer Members Forum

Merchandise Officer Editor Events Co-ordinator Head Road Captain Webmaster New Members Rep Chapter Historians

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