February 2013 Peak Riders Newsletter

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Peak Riders News Letter - Spring 2013


100 Years Apart


Bottom: 2013 CVO “Breakout”

Top 1913 Classic Model 9B

Peak Riders (H.O.G.® Chapter #9943)

c/o Harley World # 9943

Station Road Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9EX

Sponsoring Dealer




Cover Cover— — 100years apart


Director’s Dribble


Kaptain’s Korner


Social Events March/April


Christmas Party piccies


Ride Reports


Special Feature Feature— —Singapore


Special Feature -Group Riding

12 12--13

2013 Events Calendar

15 15--16

2013 Rides and Rallies

17 17--29

Chernobyl Childrens Life Line




Owt For A Larff


32 32--33

JOIN IN THE ADVENTURE To join the Peak Riders Chapter and the Harley Owners Group (HOG) Contact a Peak Riders Officer, Talk to the HarleyWorld staff or email membership@peakriders.org Or view our web site www.peakriders.org


Dear Readers, welcome to this edition of the Peak Riders Newsletter. Christmas & New Years celebrations and hangovers are a dim and distant memory. We’ve had dollops of snow that the kids loved but seemed to grid the country almost to a halt. I watched in amazement as people swept and shovelled away snow one Saturday, only to see the temperature rise by 8 degrees and just as the weather forecast predicted, most of the snow had melted by the following day. We seem to have a New Year fever of new bikes, with both the Director and Head Road Captain getting new mounts. I’m happy with Gertie, I have to give praise to her previous owner who did less than 4000 miles in 4 years? You know the advert, “never seen rain” !!. Now with almost 18000 on the clock she ticks along nicely, although I carry a spare master and starter relay all the time due to past experiences !. The thermals have been out a few times to blow away the cobwebs and it’ll soon be time for the main riding season to start. See the ride and rally list in this issue. There are still some rides to finalise but the general list is shown and what a season it’ll be. Ride safe, have fun. Gordon

Should you have anything of interest you want to share or have an advert to place, all you have to do is email Gordon the editor editor@peakriders.co.uk Please send them through either in an e e--mail or a Microsoft Word, Publisher or plain text format.

David Leather


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Director’s Dribble


Hi Hogsters, A Happy New Year to one and all. I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and that 2013 brings you health and happiness and everything that you wish for. Kim wished for a new Harley and look what she got! The weather in December and January has been pretty atrocious so I was well chuffed that a number of the Peak Riders faithful made it to the annual Brass Monkeys ride (13th January)…. despite the weather forecast which suggested snow. I personally left the new bike in the garage and rode on Pooh (the MT350) … but thank goodness I’d had the foresight to fit the heated grips I got for Xmas. Thank you Santa!!! A good turn out too at the December Xmas Party at the Olde House. Some great banter and tomfoolery was had by all. Well nearly all as Patrick couldn’t make it due to other commitments. Not to worry, I had 2 portions of Xmas Pub as Patrick wasn’t there – yum! Some great piccies of the party on the Peak Riders website go and take a look. I’ve just returned from the annual HOG Directors Meeting which was held in StratfordUpon-Avon over the weekend of 19th-20th January. I did have doubts about going as the BBC news was telling me that the S.W. was about to be closed down due to heavy snow. Anyway, I loaded up the car and set off down the M1 with the intention of turning back if it got too bad. Got onto the M69 and thought seriously about calling it a day as the snow was a few inches deep on the tarmac. My adventurous side kicked in and pushed me onto the M6 which turned out to be the correct call as the snow had stopped and the roads were good. Expecting to be a lone soldier, I was well surprised when I checked in to find out 20 other Directors had beaten me there, some from further away: Scotland, Plymouth, South Coast, Ireland …… and Jersey!!


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Director’s Dribble


I managed to find them all in a Stratford pub so it was a few pints of beer before off for a curry! Overall, a great weekend with a good bunch of lads (and Marj!). I had the opportunity to bounce off my whinges about Peak Riders members to my more experienced colleagues. However, it transpires that you’re no different to members from other chapters – it must be something in the ‘biker blood’! Only joking, I think you’re all great people really :) !!!! There are a few things to tell you about what HOG are up to. But rather than take up my Directors Dribble space to explain all of this, I’ll cover it in Newsletter articles and at the Monthly Meetings. So watch this space!!! As I write this, the deadline for 2013 Membership renewal has just drawn to a close and we have reached 70% of the membership numbers we were running at by the close of last season. Being the eternal optimist that I am, I’m sure we’re not finished yet and that there are a few tardy ones out there. To those of you who haven’t renewed their membership yet, GET YOUR FINGERS OUT and get your forms/dues in now. I’m convinced that 2013 is going to be a cracking season with a new team of Officers and Road Captains ….. and you don’t want to miss that do you? Trust me, I’m a Director!!! Whilst I’m on this ‘high horse’ (and before Tesco’s take it for their burgers) get your “Back To The Peaks” rally tickets now. The mandate I got from you for this rally (a hotel based rally) was substantial so I’m personally disappointed that we’re not ‘sold out’ yet. Don’t leave it too late and be disappointed – GET THE TICKETS NOW!! The programme is shaping up and entertainment is booked. We have 3 fantastic bands over the two nights. The G-Men Soul Band are headlining on Friday with The King Bee Blues band plus Steve Del Rio and the Deltas on Saturday. Who knows, even Elvis may make an appearance on Saturday night – A Huh Huh, we’re all shook up!! Ride Safe, Phil


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Kaptain’s Korner


Hello Peak Riders and a Happy New Year to you all! Christmas and New Year seem a long way back now but we did manage to hold our first event of the year the ‘Brass Monkeys’ ride and despite the weather we had a good turnout and yes it was cold! The new heated gloves work perfectly as I discovered when I accidentally pulled the plug out and wondered why my hands were cold. Fred travelled all the way from Long Eaton for the ride and Dave Hughes was out on his new ‘matt black’ MT350 which I understand now sports a gun carrier, so essential when shopping for baguettes on Patrick’s Normandy trip. We now have three MT’s in the chapter! In this and subsequent newsletters, Gordon is running a series of articles on group riding which I hope members will read. Peak Riders have an excellent record for safe riding and these articles will help us to maintain this………….so please have a look and if you have any thoughts or comments then please talk to me. Turning to more personal matter, as some of you will know, my beloved bathroom suite is being replaced after almost four years of dedicated service. So the distinctive turquoise and cream ultra classic will have gone by the time we start the riding season on 24th March and a shiny new one will be around. Its already arrived at Harleyworld and been stripped of its bodywork which has gone off to Screamin’ Eye for a paint job…………………..can’t wait to see the finished article. The road captains have already been out looking at routes for the 2013 rides and all destinations and details are on the Peak Riders events calendar so have a look at what we have in store for you. If you have any questions about any of the rides please talk to me or the lead captain of the particular ride. The Bomber Patch awards for number rides attended rely on the road crew taking a ‘register’ at the start of each rideout, so please make sure that we have your name before each ride gets underway. On that very subject and for those of you who were not at the January chapter meeting, at the Brass Monkeys ride, Big Jim clocked up 100 rides since we began the Bomber Patch scheme in 2010. This is the most rides attended by any Peak Rider in this period and is a fantastic record. Don’t think about the fuel cost Jim! So, enough from me and lets all look forward to the 2013 riding season. All the best................ride safely Geoff


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Brief look back at 2012


Feb 2nd - Cold snap across Europe kills 100 (toll rises to 400 by 8th). Feb 6th— Queen Elisabeth II celebrates 60years as Monarch. Feb 15th - UK Unemployment rate reaches 17 year high of 8.4%. March 13th - Encyclopaedia Britannica announces it will no longer publish printed versions. March 30th - Mastercard and Visa announce a massive breach in security with over 10million compromised card numbers. April 11th 2011 London Rioter sentenced to 11 years for setting fire to furniture store. April 25th UK back in recession after 0.2% shrink in economy is first qtr 2012. June 6th Transit of Venus between Earth and Sun occurs. Jul 5th - The Shard, the tallest building in Europe, is opened. Jul 27th - The Queen opens the London Olympics. Oct 4th Michael Schumacher retires. Nov 1st - Google’s Gmail becomes the worlds most popular Email service. Nov 10th - Barack Obama retains US Presidency. Nov 24th ”Gangnam Style” becomes the most viewed YouTube video, with over 808million views. Nov 25th - Sebastian Vettel wins 2012 Formula One for third consecutive year. 12th Dec - memorable date = 12.12.12, next repeating date will be 01.01.3001

Social/Chapter Events February


The next monthly meeting will be on 31st March 2011 7:30pm for a 8:00pm Start CHAPTER The Monthly MeetingMEETING will be held at : The Olde House Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN Tel : 01246 274321 www.marstonsinns.co.uk

The February Chapter Meeting will be on Thursday 28th February 2013 7:30pm for 8:00pm The meeting will be at: The Olde House, Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield,


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Social/Chapter Events March ®


The February social night will be “Indian Night” on Thursday 14th March 7:00pm Mint Leaf Indian Restaurant 42 Green Lane Dronfield S18 2LJ The next monthly meeting will be on 31st March 2011 7:30pm for a 8:00pm Start CHAPTER The Monthly MeetingMEETING will be held at : The Olde House Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN Tel : 01246 274321 www.marstonsinns.co.uk

The February Chapter Meeting will be on Thursday 28th March 2013 7:30pm for 8:00pm The meeting will be at: The Olde House, Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN


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Xmas Party Pics 速

Just a small selection. See the website


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Ride Report


Brass Monkeys 13th January. With the Brass Monkeys ride in mind, I decided that I needed to fit my Xmas present to Pooh in quick time. My Oxford heated grips were still in the box, but with icy cold weather forecast for the approaching weekend I needed to crack on if I was going to have ‘toasty’ hands during the ride. Getting the old ones off was relatively easy and quick thanks to a new blade in my Stanley knife, but pushing the new ones home turned out to be an ordeal. A bit of filing and sanding was needed to create sufficient slack, then copious amounts of Fairy Liquid and hours of pushing and tugging to ram the grips home. When I finally succeeded with the blighters, it felt as though I’d been done a week’s hard graft at the local gym! The wiring bit was pretty straightforward and soon I was warming up muffins on my handlebars. It was now Saturday, the day before the Brass Monkeys ride and I had agreed to join Geoff on a quick recce of the route. We were at HarleyWorld when Joe (Upton) and Brian (Hartshorn) turned up and joined us for the ride. This was my first opportunity to try out the heated grips whilst riding and they worked brilliantly, however my head and neck were freezing!!! No problem I thought. Karl will be able to fix me up with a ‘wind jammer’ balaclava at a reasonable price (when taking the massive Peak Riders 10% discount into account!! – joke!!!). But these hopes were quickly dashed as Karl didn’t have the required item on the shelf …….. although he did offer to get a balaclava from his cousin Declan in Ireland!!. The route took us past CMC at Clay Cross and I managed to get fixed up there and was a happy bunny for the rest of the ride with warm hands and warm head/neck. Sunday. The T.V. weather forecast the previous evening was predicting snow. I peeled back the curtains to see a light smattering on the drive and car but being the optimist that I am, I started getting ready for the ride. As I pulled on my long-johns the phone rang. It was Geoff Hepp. He’d got up early and had been out on his car to check out the roads to ensure it would be safe riding …… bless him! We agreed to go for it and to put a message on the Forum telling all that we would be doing the ride. We joined up and rode to HarleyWorld ….. waiting at the gates for quarter of an hour – thanks Kev! The allotted time had arrived and 10 brave Peak Riders mustered for the briefing – 8 bikes and 2 lady pillions. Not all the bikes were chrome ladened Harleys with a number of ‘winter bikes’ in evidence: Dave Hughes giving his black MT350 its maiden Peak Riders trip, John Goodfellow on his TDM, Geoff on his Tenary (Tango) and myself on my MT350 (Pooh). Off we set, aiming for the café at the Wellbeck Garden Centre, a venue we’ve used on previous Brass Monkeys rides. Not a long ride, only 37 miles, but far enough to give us a post-Xmas riding fix and to blow away the cobwebs. We pulled up at the car park and I was ready for a coffee and a warm-up.


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Ride Report


Brass Monkeys 13th January. The heated grips were working well, but after an hour on the bike in winter temperatures and I was ready for a break. We were all sat having a natter and enjoying the break when John and Cilla Beevers turned up. No, the bike was still cosily in their garage. They had travelled by car to join their mates on the first outing of the year. What stars! A quick photo session in the car park and we set off back to HarleyWorld. A different and more direct route home took us via Clowne and Barlborough where we waved good-bye to Mick Botham and Sarah. All arrived safely after another successful Brass Monkeys ride for a well earned cuppa ….. but only just. The snow arrived the following day which would have put the ride is serious doubt. A good omen I believe – 2013 is going to be a cracking year!!! Phil

HOG Gallery Website


Brass Monkeys 13th January. Check out the H.O.G. Membership Benefits for 2013. These can be found on http://hogeuropegallery.co.uk web-page. Click on the H.O.G. Gallery Icon/Link on the homepage of the Peak Riders website, then select the Benefits tab. Initial log-in is your HOG Membership number (capital letters) and Surname. Once logged in you can view the HOG membership benefits, some of which are also mentioned later in this newsletter.


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Special Feature


Singapore Harley Davidson Dealership & Chapter The Singapore chapter and dealers have been going since 1996, although the current showroom location is only a few years old. Due to the multi-cultural and ex-pat nature of Singapore, the chapter currently have nearly 300 registered members coming from all cross sections of the community, from different countries, different age groups, and, of course different genders! The Singapore dealership, KOMOCO Motorcycles Pte Ltd, is the Sole Authorized Dealer for Harley-Davidson in Singapore. There are two shops, the Dealership on Alexander Road and a Clothes and Merchandising shop in the prestigious Marina Bay Sands shopping and Hotel complex (picture below). Singapore is a relatively small Island, and the hub for most motorcycle shows and SEA Harley meets. Longer rides normally cross one of the two bridges from Singapore to Malaysia and venture in to southern Malaysia, where some of the Singapore Chapter live. Longer over night rides, like our Normandy Tours etc, can travel up through Malaysia to destinations like Malacca or go as far as Thailand. Of course the temperatures are higher than in the UK so there is a 12 month ride out calendar. However, in the rainy season, even "wets" are useless, you need scuba gear. The torrential downpours that can happen have to be experienced to be believed and rides normally stop during such downpours as visibility can be severely restricted. Thankfully, such downpours are normally short and due to the high temperatures you are dry again in a very short time. The current Chapter Director is Shukor Yatim and any visiting HOG member is welcome. Editor. Thanks to “Shengie” for the tour of the shop and chapter info.


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Special Feature


Group Riding with the Peak Riders. Riders.— —Part 1 This series of articles is intended to aid new riders on Peak Riders organised rides with the prime focus being safe and enjoyable riding. Geoff and the Road Captains take considerable time and effort to make the rides as safe and enjoyable as possible. These articles will allow you to take advantage of that preparation and ride safe in a group with others and overall, enjoy. Rides are conducted to suit the rider with the least capabilities, If you feel unsure of your capabilities, please make this known to the Road Captain leading the ride on the day. First, lets look at the Road Crew. Lead Road Captain . The Lead Road Captain on the ride will ride at the front of the group and will lead the ride. They will also be responsible for dropping the second man off at junctions if this is used. The Lead Road Captain will wear yellow Hi-Vis. Sweeper. The Sweeper will ride at the back of the group and will mark the end of the group of riders. The Sweeper will also pick up riders who have been dropped at junctions etc. The sweeper will wear yellow Hi-Vis. Winger. The Winger will ride at the back of the group behind the sweeper and will attend a stopped rider who requires assistance. The Winger will wear yellow Hi-Vis. Additional Road Crew as Required (Marshalls). Additional Road Captains or Marshalls can be recruited depending on the size of the ride and numbers attending. Additional Road Crew will wear yellow Hi-Vis. Hi-Vis Colours. If ordinary riders attend in yellow Hi-Vis bibs they will be given the opportunity to either wear an Orange one provided by the chapter, ride on their own and meet at the destination or not join in with the ride at all. Now Riding Formations. There are two forms of riding formation, single file and staggered. Single file is self explanatory and is generally adopted on sweeping rural roads as speeds increase. It is also used when passing hazards. An absolute minimum of two seconds must be maintained between motorcycles and the full width of the lane used to best advantage.


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Special Feature


Group Riding with the Peak Riders. Riders.— —Part 1 A staggered formation is generally employed in urban areas and at low speed as well as on wide straight roads and multiple lane carriageways. Always ride in double file within a single lane. Spacing is 2 seconds between you and the rider directly in front (like single file) and 1 second between you and the staggered rider to your right or left.

In a built up area there may be times where a rider on the left or right may need to alter their road position briefly due to a road hazard and hence narrow the double file spacing. This should be achieved by slowing slightly making a clear observation (lifesaver) and moving position to avoid the hazard. Remember when riding within a close formation one of the safety benefits is that your fellow road users will generally be more aware of your presence. Riders should not change their staggered road position as riders are dropped off, to avoid causing a “Domino Effect”. Riders who start in the left file will generally remain in the left file throughout a ride and so with right. An even and correctly spaced staggered formation can look particularly impressive and command respect from other road users. If a ride comes to a halt the riders should close up gaps to compact the ride as much as possible by pulling up in side by side pairs where road width allows, then reestablishing riding formation when departing from the junction or obstruction i.e. (not pulling off in pairs). This will allow maximum numbers through traffic lights etc and cause less frustration to following motorists. Overtaking of others riders in the group is not permitted. It is good practice to always keep a note of the rider following you and if they are falling behind, slow to allow them to keep pace, If all riders in the formation follow this, it will eventually reach the Road Captain leading the ride who will notice the slower pace and adjust the ride speed accordingly. Parking Park as a group so the ride can leave more easily as a group. Avoid parking downhill or head on or you may find yourself needing a fellow rider as a reverse gear ! When parking against a kerb, park the back wheel to the kerb, reverse in ! More next Issue.


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Chapter Merchandise is available from our Lady of Harley, Sharon — loh@peakriders.org Or see Debbie or Karl at HarleyWorld

Large Rocker £15.00

Should you have any membership questions or require assistance with your membership, please contact our Membership officer Kim

Large HOG Patch £15.00


Large LOH Patch £15.00

Get Your Peak Riders Photographs If you would like a full size photo of yourself that appears in the photo gallery of the Peak Riders website — www.peakriders.org , note the photograph and contact the chapter photographer by email. There may be a charge for photographs depending upon number and age of the photograph. This is negotiable with the photographer.

Small Rocker £8.00

Contact photographer@peakriders.org

Small HOG Patch £8.00

The following Peak Rider Procedures are currently in circulation and a copy is available in the file at Harley W orld and on the W eb Site www.peakriders.org 31st January 2013 30th November2012 30th November2012 6th February 2013 30th November2012 30th November2012 30th November2012 30th November2012

Small LOH Patch £8.00

Peak Riders Year pin £8.00


Chapter Charter Membership Policy Membership Form Group Riding Basics Event Policy Grievance Procedure Disciplinary Procedure IT Policy & Privacy Statement

Chapter Pin £8.00

N.A.B.D. Patch £3.00


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2013 Events


Please check out the Events Section on the website for the definitive dates and information. Date

Time Event



We apologise that the January Social event location had to be moved and the February Social event was cancelled. We hope no one was inconvenienced. Please note the new venue for the March Social. 28/02/2013 14/03/2013 28/03/2013 11/04/2013 25/04/2013 09/05/2013 30/05/2013 12/06/2013 27/06/2013 17/07/2013 25/07/2013 08/08/2013 29/08/2013 12/09/2013 26/09/2013 10/10/2013 31/10/2013 14/11/2013 28/11/2013 14/12/2013

19:30 19:30 19:30 TBA 19:30 19:30 19:30 20:00 19:30 20:00 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 TBA

Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Bowling Night. Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night AGM 2013 Xmas Party 2013

Olde House, Newbold Indian Night Mint Leaf Restaurant, Dronfield. S18 2LJ Olde House, Newbold Chesterfield Bowl S40 2TU. There is a charge for bowling Olde House, Newbold Chinese Night. Ka China. 119 School Rd, Waleswood. S26 5QJ Olde House, Newbold Phoenix, Ridgeway, S12 3XF Combined Social & Wednesday Evening ride Olde House, Newbold George, Castleton, S33 8WG Combined Social & Wednesday Evening ride Olde House, Newbold Pizza Hut Chesterfield S40 1TB Olde House, Newbold Chequers, Coal Aston, S18 3AT Olde House, Newbold Woodside, Chesterfield S40 4DB Olde House, Newbold Highwayman, Chesterfield S42 7DA Olde House, Newbold Olde House, Newbold

Road Captains and Officers Meetings –All at HarleyWorld, Chesterfield 16/02/2013 Meetings are for 18/05/2013 Road Captains and 17/08/2013 Chapter Officers only 16/11/2013

New for 2013—Combined Social event and Wednesday Evening Ride out To make more effective use of time and combine the pleasure of a ride out with a social event, two social events have been moved to a Wednesday night to coincide with two Wednesday night ride outs. Those wishing to attend the social event but not ride can go directly to the event location by whatever means of transport they wish for arrival at 8pm. The two locations are: 1) 12/06/13—The Phoenix, Rideway Village, S12 3XF. Situated 15 mins from J30 of the M1. From the M1 travel towards Mosborough then carry on straight through the traffic lights for about 3/4 of a mile. Turn left at Quarry Hill - B6388. Phoenix is on left. 2) 17/07/13—The George, Castleton, S33 8WG. The George is situated in the centre on the village of Castleton very close to the market place in the village


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HarleyWorld Events HarleyWorld Chesterfield Events 2013 Please check the Harleyworld website for conformation and up to date information on events. Date 23-24/02/13

Event Hot & Spicy Deal Weekend


23/04/2013 27/04/2013

Hogs & Dogs Birthday Bash

Peak Riders Marshall volunteers req

01/06/2013 14-17/6/2013 06/07/2013

Test Ride Day Normandy Tour High Octane Day

Patricks Normandy Tour. Performance Dyno testing

2-4/08/2013 28/09/2013 26-27/10/13

Lightening Rally High Octane Day Halloween Weekend

30/10/2013 29-30/11/13 7-8/12/13

Halloween Evening Thanks Giving Event Christmas Deal Weekend


HarleyWorld Store Xmas Party

MFN Thunder Valley. Shipley Gate. Notts. NG16 3JE Performance Dyno testing



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2013 Ride Outs


Please check out the Events Section on the website for the definitive dates and information. Date



24/03/2013 07/04/2013 14/04/2013 20/04/2013 21/04/2013 27/04/2013 05/05/2013 10-13/05/13 19/05/2013 25-26/05/13 02/06/2013 05/06/2013 09/06/2013 12/06/2013 14-17/06/13 19/06/2013 23/06/2013 24/06/2013 28-30/06/13 03/07/2013 07/07/2013 10/07/2013 12-14/07/13 17/07/2013 21/07/2013 24/07/2013 26-27/07/13 31/07/2013 2-4/08/13 11/08/2013 18/08/2013 23-26/08/13 01/09/2013 08/09/2013 13-15/09/13 22/09/2013 29/09/2013 05/10/2013

10:00 10:00 10:00

Peak District Geoff H North Lincs Tour Big Jim Standedge Tunnel Geoff H Birthday Bash Recce Geoff H NABD Charity Ride Phil J Birthday Bash Geoff H Fradley Junction Joe U Iron Horse Rally Joth Whitby Geoff Guy Dales Weekend Geoff Guy Photo Shoot Carl W Anchor Inn TBD Rally Recce 1 Geoff H Phoenix (Ridgeway) TBD Patrick's Normandy Run Steve P Swadlincote (USA Diner) TBD "World Ride" Recce Geoff H MMM ("World Ride") Sean Back to the Peaks Rally Geoff H Big Fish Ollerton Peak District Sharon H Yew Tree Inn (Twiggy's Ride) Norfolk weekend John B The George (Castleton) Yorkshire Mining Museum Steve P Papa's Retford Fenlanders Rally Joth Matlock Bath Lightning Rally Geoff Rutland Water Steve B Foxfield Steam Railway John B Thunder in the Glens Aysgarth Falls (Dales) Geoff G Jodrell Bank Joe U Bush Nook Phil J Fish n Chips Phil J Last Ride Geoff H RTTW Big Jim

10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 18:30 18:30 18:30

18:30 10:00 18:30 18:30 10:00 18:30 18:30 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00




Phil J

Carl W

Steve B Carl W (All Peak Riders) (All Peak Riders) John B Steve B Joe U Big Jim Steve P

Phil J Geoff H Geoff H


Ride out marshals req. See page 21 this issue Marshall volunteers req

Camping / own B&B arr. Get your "mug" in the piccy Weds Evening Ride Ride out marshals req. Joint ride with Social Weds Evening Ride Million Mile Monday Weds Evening Ride

Steve P

Joe U

Geoff H

Big Jim

Weds Evening Ride Joint ride with Social Sharon H

Joe U Weds Evening Ride

(All Peak Riders) Joe U Carl W Steve P Sharon H Geoff H John B Geoff H Big Jim Steve B Carl W

Phil J Big Jim Joe U Geoff H Joe U Steve B

Weds Evening Ride HarleyWorld Rally at MFN

Booking required

6th RTTW

New for 2013—Combined Social event and Wednesday evening Ride out


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2013 HOG Rallies

Proposed / Announced dates for 2013 rallies Please check with the respective Chapters/Organisers for up to date information. Rally / Event 2013 Cider Rally Iron Horse Rally Big Brum Bash Circus Maximus XI The Gathering Back to the Peaks Wake the Lakes HOG on the Humber Horseshoe Rally HOG in the Hayfield

Date 3rd to 6th May 10th to 13th May 24th to 27th May 7th to 9th June 7th to 10th June 28th to 30th June 4th to 7th July 5th to 7th July 12th to 14th July 12th to 14th July

Chapter / Org Bridgewater St Leger Birmingham Deva Legion Clyde Valley Peak Riders Red Rose Aire Valley Rutland Great Western

Oggie Rally Fenlanders Rally South of England Rally Hog 'n' Bog Rally Sherwood Rally Old School Rally Thunder in the Glens Shipley Harley Rally

19th to 20th July Plymouth 25th to 28th July Fenlanders 2nd to 4th August various 2nd to 4th August Provincewide 16th to 18th August Sherwood 16th to 18th August Nene Valley 23rd to 26th August Dunedin 23rd to 26th August Independant

Location Notes Weston Super Mare Bainlands Park West Mids Water Ski centre Chester Rugby Club Drimsynie Estate, Argyll Miraj Hotel Ashsbourne (camping nearby) Kendal RFC Hallmark Hotel, Ferriby. Bridge crossing on 7th Exton Bristol Unconfirmed Fakenham Racecourse Bisley Coleriane Rugby Club Donington Race Circuit Towcester RFC Aviemore Baildon RFC (Shipley)


Toy run on Sunday 25th

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2013 HOG Rallies


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Peak Rally 2013


“Back to the Peaks 2013” - Don’t Delay, book Today .......... th

Get the date in your diary now for “BACK TO THE PEAKS 2013”, the Peak Riders Rally from 28 to

30th June 2013. Whilst the Lightning Rally was a brilliant success, the attendance by Peak Riders members was disappointing . We were outdone significantly by Fenlanders, Aire Valley, St Leger Chapters and even further afield – who all had a brilliant time, as did those Peak Riders who attended. But, I have listened to you the members, and believe that the majority of you wanted us to go back to what we’re used to — a Rally in the Peak District based around a hotel, hence the title “BACK TO THE PEAKS!!!” The Miraj Hotel in Ashbourne has 50 hotel rooms and a function room which can cater for 200 people. This will be our base. For campers, the “PEAKS GATEWAY” campsite and leisure club a short distance away is the location for those under canvas &, caravans/mobile homes. A limited shuttle service will be offered. There is a Rally Committee in place to help in the organisation and management of the event. This consists of:●Kathryn Middleton (supported by Adam Baillie) Ticket sales, finances and liaison with the Miraj Hotel ●Martin Coates—camping and liaison with the Peaks Gateway camp site ●Carole Anderson—Rally Merchandise ●Toni Tedder—printed material (posters, flyers, tickets, etc) ●Cath and Stuart—Rally Staff Management (recruiting volunteers, allocating tasks and rotas) ●Steve “Elvis” Badger—Entertainment = The G Men Soul band on Friday and King Bee Blues Band and Steve Del Rio and the Deltas on Saturday Finally, ●Phil Jackson, Rally Coordinator supported by Kim Jackson as Rally Committee Secretary. Rally Tickets are £25 per person, which includes a rally pin. T-Shirts are available at £7 and should be ordered at the time of booking. When you purchase your rally tickets you will get booking information, a reservation code for the Hotel or Camping information, according to your choice. Hotel rooms are per room per night, B&B at £60 (Single occupancy at £50). A meal package of dinner, bed and breakfast is available at £94 per room of 2 people per night Camping is £12 per pitch and prepaid at time of booking. Caravans or RV’s need to book directly with the site on 01335 344634 quoting “Peak Riders Rally” - www.peakgateway.com . The camp site will provide a shuttle at predetermined times according to the number of bookings. It is easily possible to walk from the campsite to the Hotel for the more energetic amongst us. Although after a few beers the route back in the dark may not be quite as easy :) Bookings for the rally that include hotel accommodation must be received before 1st April to ensure reservation of the room. Don’t delay, book today.. Phil Jackson


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2013 Rallies/Events


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2013 Rallies/Events


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2013 HOG Rallies


Announced dates for 2013 rallies Please check with the respective Chapters/Organisers for up to date information.

Bush Nook 2013


Bush Nook is on again for 13th to 15th September. Approx cost will be £182/£162 for twin or double with private/shared bathroom and £102/£82 for single private/shared. This will be the total cost for weekend & will include breakfast both days & evening meal on Friday night for residents and also includes a BBQ on Saturday for residents. There are also 3 camping places - there will be a small charge & campers will be able to get a breakfast bap and the Friday & Sat meals at extra cost. There is other accommodation nearby by own arrangement. Riders staying elsewhere will not get the meal on Friday but will be welcome for the BBQ on Saturday for a charge of £10. To ensure people have a fair chance of booking one of the limited spaces at the venue, booking will commence at 17:00 on Wednesday 27th February ..... please view the Chapter Forum for details of the contact phone number of Adam Baillie to book from 17:00 on Wednesday 27th February.


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Dent Dales Weekend

To attend contact Geoff Guy on geoffguy@btinternet.com


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2013 Rallies/Events

Patricks HarleyWorld Normandy Tour Well, Normandy seems to be very popular for organised rides again this year. Patrick has provided the following information about the 2013 weekend in Normandy. The weekend is based at the following campsite www.campinglavallee.com (tents and chalets) with a max of 21 bikes. Check out the website for details of accommodation and prices. On Thursday 13th: June Steve Paton is travelling a day earlier by Euro Tunnel. Please talk to Steve directly if you would like to join him. Friday 14th June: Euro Tunnel crossing at 12:00 hours (MUST be there for 11:00 am). A 4.5 hour ride to the site in Normandy including stops. Friday night, eat out locally. Saturday 15th: WW2 day taking in the landings/battle sites and a Museum en-route. Not a big riding day - around 65 miles so time to see the bunkers etc. Sunday 16th: Run to Pegasus Bridge at Bayeux and a visit to see the Tapestry and points of interest on the way back. The best way to get an idea of the D Day landings is to watch the film "The Longest Day" as it was all filmed on location in Normandy!! Monday 17th: June 09:00. Leave in time for a crossing at 14:00. We gain an hour in the UK ...... and return home. Please contact Patrick at Harleyworld as soon as possible f you would like to join this trip as places are limited. Phone: 01246 383999


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2013 Rallies/Events


Hatters Chapter Normandy Battlefield Tour Battlefield Tour – Normandy – 25th– 29th May 2013 For those that may be interested , the Hatters Chapter are running an organised Normandy Battlefield Tour with Matt Limb, of Battlefield Tours, as the guide. Covering significant places on the Normandy coast and inland to get a feel for what it was like for the brave allied forces during the D-Day invasion and beyond. For information visit www.mlbft.co.uk/hatters to see the itinerary for the trip along with details of Matt Limb’s charges. The following is a summary of the costs for the trip with options to minimise the ferry costs. Costings Matt Limb (see Itinerary for breakdown of costs) £367.95 Single Room Supplement £ 74.50 Ferry One Person with Bike Single Occupancy in 2 Berth Cabin £ 256.00 Two People Two Bikes sharing Two Berth Cabin £ 202.00 each £ 202.00 Four People Four Bikes sharing Four Berth Cabin £ 185.00 each Fuel Approximately 800 miles covered (45 miles/ gallon) (£1.35 / Ltr) £110.00 Food Sat 25thMay - Lunch and Evening Meal Mon 27thMay - Evening Meal Tue 28thMay - Evening Meal Wed 29thMay – Breakfast £ 80.00 Total £ 760.00 Ferry prices obtained August 2012 and may be subject to change Fuel prices based on average cost per litre in August 2012 If you are interested, please contact : Don Bowie Assistant Director Hatters Chapter d.bowie1@ntlworld.com


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2013 Rallies/Events


You may have seen our trucks at various Harley-Davidson events and rallies. We work as the transport company for Harley Davidson UK and Europe, providing the logistics support for all the HOG events in the UK and the European events and rallies . We offer a service to enable Members of UK Chapters to have their own bike at the various events and enable them to experience some of the fantastic riding available around these locations- but without having to ride there! People do this for a number of different reasons., from not having the time to ride there or undertake a long journey on foreign roads, to the unsuitability of riding a special custom long distance. The service we offer starts from your local dealership. We collect the bike, strap it into a cradle specifically designed for transporting bikes, we load it onto one of our trucks and transport it to the Rally site. Our customers then collect the bikes from us and enjoy the freedom of using their own bike, return it to us at the end of the event and we return it to their local dealership. The big question is “How much does all this cost??”. Below is a guide to the cost of transporting a single bike to each event. All of these prices include VAT St Tropez (2nd-5th May) Round trip (there and back) £699.00 -

One way ( there or back) £499.00

Rome (13th-16th June) Round trip (there and back) £750.00 - One way ( there or back) £525.00 Faaker See-European Bike Week in Austria (3rd-8th September) Round trip (there and back) £699.00 - One way ( there or back) £499.00 The only additional cost is insurance which we charge individually. This works out at £40 for a £10,000 bike. If you would like any further information., contact: Paul Lusty— WMB Tel : 0845 8944 222 . Fax : 01452 385172 Email :paul@wemovebikes.co.uk Website : www.wmblogistics.co.uk


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2013 Rallies/Events


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2013 Rallies/Events


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Chernobyl Children’s Life Line


CHERNOBYL CHILDREN’S LIFE LINE As agreed at the AGM and mentioned in the last Newsletter, for 2013 Peak Riders are also supporting a secondary charity, the Chernobyl Children’s Life Line. The Chernobyl disaster. On the 36th of April 1986 the fourth reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant 12 km south of Belarus exploded. Belarus was the country hit hardest by the disaster with 75% of the fallout and affecting 90% of the country. Large numbers of people in Belarus and northern Ukraine still live in areas with limited access to clean food. They continue to eat contaminated produce. Radioactive contamination knows no boundaries. Medical experts expect as many as 40% of children exposed to Chernobyl’s radiation to develop thyroid cancer over the next 30 years. The people of Chernobyl were exposed to radioactivity 90 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb. The lifeline was set up to provide once only recuperative holidays in the UK for groups of children from the region around Chernobyl. It is believed that 4 weeks away from the contamination, eating nourishing food and breathing cleaner air may significantly increase a child’s Immune systems. It costs approximately £500.00 (including airfare) to bring a child to the UK for a 28 day respite holiday and all money donated goes towards these costs. Our main income comes from the charity shop which we partner with the Mansfield Link. In 2011 we financially supported 32 families through the charity Family Support Project. For further information please contact; The Chairperson Chernobyl Children’s Life Line Newark and Sherwood link 01636812973


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Poulton’s Picture Puzzle Page Proudly Presents

Boobed again !! From the 2011 Christmas party we had a competition along this theme, so why not for the 2012 Xmas Party? So get your glasses on and do a “spot the similarities” . Please decide whose cleavage belongs to who by linking one of the first set of pictures to the second set and then indicating the partner and not the owner !! (A etc) to the second set (1 etc) but who is the partner (number and name please. The anagrams may help) ? .

Possible answers (anagrams)= Hmm! To Joins. Podgier Corn. Valid Bald. Albert Scrawl. Never he jobs. Jot one Up. Potent Save. Joplin’s Hack. Ultra Sweats, Far or Dash Drab. Amiable Lad. In tender Toad. Ugh! Haves Did. Evil Stern Belt. Opulent Votes. Avid Mess. Lives.

Answers of matching numbers and names to steve@poultons.freeserve.co.uk by 22nd March 2013 to win this competitions prize of a Harley Davidson coaster set (a posh version of beer mats). Winner will be drawn at the March Chapter Meeting. Last editions winner of the “cuddly mascots” was Antoni Tedder – well done


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Owt For A Larff


THE RANTINGS OF A “GRUMPY OLD MAN” With the cover photo showing the difference 100years can make, some of us can remember back almost half that time. So WHAT OUR BIKES HAD IN THE MID 1960’s – COMPARED TO TODAY ! Part 1 No Neutral Indicator – if it doesn’t stall when you drop the clutch in all at once, then you’re in one of the Neutrals ! (Probably !) British Gearshift and Rear Brake were on opposite sides to Japs. Also Triumph gear shifts were one up and three down, whereas Japs were One down and three up. Brit and Jap riders therefore could not easily swap bikes ! ! If you did get to ride a Jap bike, you locked the back wheel every time you changed gear, and then went into first gear every time you braked. Your mate with the Jap bike who was riding yours did exactly the same, but the other way round !!. Posh bikes like Triumphs had primitive gear indicators down by the gear lever. Good idea till you looked down to see what gear you were in, and landed in the nearest hedge! Up to 350 cc, you only had three gears. Compare to today’s guaranteed five and probable six. ( You did have four neutrals though ! ! ) Separate gearbox and engine – pre-unit construction, to allow adjustment of the yards of slack in the Primary Chain Direction indicators were the long things attached to your shoulders, the ones with fingers on the end Electrics courtesy of a Dynamo and 6v electrics, wired through damp string. Nobody wasted their headlights in daylight, because they couldn’t be seen until it was pitch black anyway. Cable front drum brakes, the cables to which snapped monthly. Full width hubs on some faster bikes. Brake shoes which felt as if they were made out of sliced bread. Brake linings you bought and fitted yourself, for about ten shillings a set (50p), with rivets you had to hammer over. There was a Decompression lever on big singles, 350cc and up and the Vinnys & Brough SS’s– Absolutely Essential ! More next month...... For those who remember, keep smiling with the memories.


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Owt For A Larff


Funny Signs

Wife swapping in India ?

Is there a speed limit ?

I guess rain in these parts is normally dry ? Well that’s pretty clear.....


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Officers & Road Crew



Director Phil Jackson director@peakriders.org

Assist. Director VACANT— Nominations accepted

Membership Kim Jackson membership@peakriders.org

Head Road Captain Geoff Heppell leadroadcaptain@peakriders.org

Editor Gordon Price editor@peakriders.org

Photographer Carl Walters photographer@peakriders.org

Treasurer Kath Middleton treasurer@peakriders.org

Secretary John Beevers secretary@peakriders.org

Webmaster Joth Hill webmaster@peakriders.org

Historian Geoff Guy Historian@peakriders.org

Safety Officer Geoff Heppell leadroadcaptain@peakriders.org

Activities Officer Cath Wales


Head Road Captain Geoff Heppell

Road Captain Carl Walters

Road Captain Phil Jackson

Road Captain Steve Britnell

Road Captain Steve Paton

Road Captain Geoff Guy

Road Captain Joe Upton

Road Captain Bryan Hartshorn


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HarleyWorld Staff We’ve all spent our hard earned cash at our beloved HarleyWorld. Now put a name to the faces of the people who serve us so well ...

Patrick Yates General Manager

Dave Ball Sales Controller

Position Vacant Karl Sturmer Chrome/Performance Specialist Parts/Clothing Specialist

Steve Revell Technician

Keith Jackson Technician

Sean Street Sales Specialist

Kevin Flint Sales Specialist

Debbie Harrison Parts Manager

Ian Deaville Aftersales Manager

John Jackson Service Advisor

Kate Lane Warranty Advisor

Emma Goddard Molyneux Dealer Administration


Gina Martin Meet & Greet

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If you want to advertise in the news letter, please contact the editor. editor@peakriders.org Reg: 193202

Gas Boiler changes & full systems fitted, Servicing & Power flushing, Repairs, Service Plans.

Station Road Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9EX 01246 450850

Ask for John Beevers for help & a free quotation call 0800 007 5362 www.blueflame.info Over 20 years combi experience Discounts available for Peak Riders

HOG Member Services Globe House, 1 Chertsey Rd, Twickenham TW1 1XQ Tel 00800 1111 2223 www.members.hog.com

Patch Sewing; Bike Clothes Alterations; New Zips Call Petrina Marshall on 0114 2476002 Get Patches sewn onto Leather garments Peters Quality Shoe Repairs 1a Low Pavement Chesterfield 01246 200951

Doors, Windows, Conservatories & Roofline Products 10 Year Guarantee 10% Genuine Discount for Peak Riders Construction House, Callywhite Lane Dronfield. Free phone 0800 298 0591

Cards by Beth For all your personalised and hand made 3D greetings cards contact Beth Tel 01623 471277

To advertise in this space contact editor@peakriders.org


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