High decibel summer 2016

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Summer 2016

Inside issue no. 23: Director’s Summary 2 News & Membership 2 Ed’s Bit 3 The Small Print 3 4 Ladies of Harley Social Chatter 5 Devon Freewheelers Talk 5 5 Photo Competition! One Day Run : 2016 6 Road Captain Section 8 8 Joke Spot Road to Harley : BB12 9 Magic Bike Rally, Germany 10 Cider Rally 12 12 Ride Out : Kingsbridge 12 Ride Out : Colliford Lake Ride Out : Tintagel & Boscastle 13 Ride Out : Mangerton Mill 13 Ride Out : Dartmeet 13 Keeping in Touch 13 Caption Competition 14 14 Southampton Weekend 15 Unlikely HD Riders Keith Collins RIP 15 Chapter Merchandise 15 Chapter Information 16

Chapter No. 7861


Clive Ball ‘Director’

Looking back, looking forward! We’re well into our riding season - the weather has thwarted us on a few occasions but the weather has also been very kind to us- Boscastle/Tintagel, Barnstaple and the Kingsbridge food and music festival spring to mind. Just wish the weather could be that good every Sunday! The rally season kicked off with Bridgwater Chapter’s Cider Rally on May Bank Holiday weekend - always popular with Plymouth Chapter members. This year it was their 25th Anniversary Rally, they’ve got a tried and tested formula, which I’m sure will still be going in 25 years time! But I think it may only be Alex Thomas who is still going as the rest of us will be on zimmer frames rather than Harleys! A few days after the Cider Rally, many of us joined our twin Chapter, Cornouaille Chapter at the Breizh Brother’s rally (BB12) at Pornichet, near Nantes and what a great weekend! As always our French hosts were terrific - excellent accommodation, good food, superb ride outs and the wine was OK - wasn’t it George!!!!! The highlight was the ride out to Croisic, where the whole town made us so welcome. I know many of you have already shown an interest for BB13 next year at the end of May, which we believe is being held in the Saint Malo area. May was very busy this year! At the end of May we headed off on our main European tour of the year to the Magic Bike Rally in Rudesheim. We had two groups with 8 bikes in each, plus Brian and Debz who joined us for part of the

trip. The first group lead by Adie & Jackie and Wullie set off first and experienced some really bad weather - this group is now known as the ‘Storm Catchers’ and it’s rumoured that the plastic Harley ducks they picked up en-route are responsible for the rain clouds they’re attracting this summer. Elaine and I were in group 2, which set off a few days later - we had great weather going down and met up with Brian and Debz in Luxembourg City and with Adie’s group at the rally. The rally was great well organised in a great location on the Rhein. Group 2’s weather also prevailed for most of the rally - it was hot and sunny, until mid Saturday afternoon when we were watching the parade and then the ‘Storm Catchers’ got the better of us and we squelched our way back to the hotel! Those blimming plastic ducks got their own way for the return journey, so we had a fair bit of wet riding conditions, which if nothing else sharpened up our riding skills, but overall it was a great trip. Looking forward - what does the future hold? We’ve got loads planned - ride outs most Sundays until the end of October. A couple of rallies, at the time of writing our trip to Wake the Lakes, Kendal is only a few days away and we’ve got Hogs around the Rock in Jersey to

look forward to in September. Eat Around the World will be back in the autumn. We’ve got two parties - the Halloween/End of Season party on Saturday 29 October, which is being hosted by Jules and the Ladies of Harley and our 7th Birthday party on Saturday 7 January in the Grosvenor Hotel, Torquay. Looking even further ahead - we’ve got a tour to Faaker See for European Bike Week in September 2017 and in August 2018 we’re off to Las Vegas and California, when we’ll be riding through Death Valley and Yosemite National Park and cruising down the Pacific coast. Don’t forget that all our activities and ride outs are posted on our website www.plymouthhog. co.uk and are advertised in the weekly update, which Elaine emails out each Sunday. We’ve also got our Facebook page, Plymouth Chapter UK, so please ‘Like it’ and our closed Facebook group, Plymouth Harley Owners Group (HOG), which is our forum and the place to have your say (within reason!). If you’re a new member reading High Decibel for the first time, welcome to your club, please join in and most of all - have fun! Hope to see you on the road, at the dealership Clive or at an event soon. Ride safe

Richard Lucking ‘Assistant Director’ & ‘Membership Officer’

We’re In It Together Plymouth Chapter UK Assistant Director and Membership News Please remember the HOG (not Chapter) rule - you must be a current HOG member (Life, Full or Associate) to be a Chapter member.

Please welcome the following to our Chapter:

Nick ”Bear” Retallick Andy Gill Dave Trulock Tracey Saunders Richie “Richie Rich” Ackerley Simon Thompson

If you want to renew/join the Chapter please complete the 2016 Chapter Renewal/New Member application form. These are available from me, the Dealership (Kev/Tim or Chapter file in lounge area) or “Nice” Richard “Weasel” Lucking the Chapter website.

Membership Status: 142 members 2

Danny Frayne ‘Editor’

Hi All - What a Superb Year! What a superb year this is turning out to be - been on a few good ride-outs Cider Rally was fantastic as usual, still one of the best rallies, heavy weekend, but still managed to make our 9am swim with Martin Thomas on all except the last day (perils of alcohol). I didn’t do BB12 or the Magic Bike Rally in Rudesheim, which by all accounts were both excellent - but did do an off-grid ride when I heard my cousin from Australia was in Paris for the Euros from 14 to 23 June. On Wednesday 15 June got on the Glide at 7.30am and headed to the Channel Tunnel, arrived lunch time to be told there was a 2 hour delay. Once through the tunnel, headed to Paris, the hotel was on the other side and had to negotiate the rush-hour straight through the middle (nightmare!). Arrived at hotel at 8.30pm and had a couple of beers. Next morning, it was straight on the Metro to the train station and a train to Lille for England v Wales game (about 50 miles from Calais - went past there

the day before?!?!?). Anyway we beat Wales 2-1 so the trip was well worth it.

our hotel.

Next few days, did the Fanzone at the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe (including Paris HD for a couple of Poker Chips), and the Sacré-Cœur - epic few days, then back on the Glide and home via the channel tunnel on Sunday 19 June ready for work on Monday.

Lots of News Updates, Stories, Competitions and Jokes in this edition so get involved and win vouchers to spend at the Dealership.

As I am writing this editorial, I am just getting the Glide ready for the Wake the Lakes Rally and have had some fun re-fitting the Tour Pack on the back, especially the wiring!!! Write up next issue! The ‘Hogs around the Rock’ Rally, Jersey in September will be the last Rally for this riding season and I know we are going to be the largest visiting chapter, with a special detour planned by the Jersey Chapter’s Director to Nigel Mansell’s House and Museum when we get off the ferry in Jersey, before we head to

The Autumn Edition of High Decibel (October) will be available at the Dealership Social Night on Thursday 20 October. So please can I have all articles, photos, jokes, etc., in by Friday 30 September. Finally, if you’re reading this magazine electronically and would like a paper copy, you can pick one up in the Dealership from Kevin or in the Service Viewing area. Ride Safe

Danny (the Ed) Danski


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Julie Butler-Waddon ‘Lady of Harley’

Ladies of Harley We are now well into the riding season and we have certainly been busy so far

Me, Debz, Gill and bikes

Firstly I would like to welcome any new ladies to our group. We now have 33 ladies in our chapter, riders and non riders alike. Please feel welcome to come along to our socials and say Hi and get involved. Your ideas are always very welcome. Don’t forget to mark on your HOG profiles online that you are Ladies of Harley, you only need to tick a box and you will get your LoH badges and pins.

On 25 June, Lorrie Richie, me next year? I’m sure there will be Jackie Taylor and I took a full write up on this ride by Wullie part in the ‘Sunrise to Richie. Sunset Challenge’, along A date for your diaries - The Sparkle with 9 other members of Tour. Friday 16, Saturday 17 and Plymouth Chapter. We Sunday 18 September. rode up to Lowestoft the day before, then after a You may have seen this advertised in   LoH officers @ Ness Point v e r y the ‘e-mag’ or in your HOG magazine. early start, Elaine Shepherd (National LoH Officer So what have we been up to 4:30am, set off from Ness UK and Ireland) and Joanne Green (Oxford UK over the past few months? Point and headed West. We LoH) plus other Ladies of Harley will be setting stopped for refreshments off from Oxford HD on the Friday and riding Quite a few of our ladies at four HD dealerships down to Exeter and Plymouth, via Southampton attended the Cider Rally at the along the way and had the HD. They are staying in Exeter overnight on end of April at Weston-Superchance to meet up with Friday then riding down to Plymouth HD on Mare. This is always a popular other LoH who were also Saturday morning where they will stop for rally and not far to ride. I was taking part, either riding coffee before riding up to Riders of Bridgwater unable to attend so Margaret or pillion. There was a y ll for lunch. The idea behind this tour is to get as a R er id Thomas kindly took the flag and   LOH @ C fantastic atmosphere and everyone many ladies involved as possible. Whether you got the photo. Thanks Margaret. was very supportive to each other. join the ride for all or part of it, or meet them 7 May was International Female Riders Day for coffee. We called in at Plymouth Harley Davidson and Plymouth LoH celebrated this with a where we had a fantastic welcome from fellow I plan to join them either at Exeter in the scenic ride across Dartmoor ending at The Chapter members, really spurred us on. After a morning or at Plymouth for coffee, then ride up Dartmoor Inn Hotel, where we had our ladies photo shoot with the blood bikes (the charities to Bridgwater. If you are interested in joining lunch outside in the sun! There were five riders we are supporting) we completed the last the ride or if you would like to be part of the and two more ladies joined us for lunch. It was leg to Lands End. A total of about 471 miles. welcoming/support party then please let me very relaxed and we will definitely do this next Sounds a lot, but it was great fun and I would know. Well I think that’s enough for now ladies year, so mark your diaries. certainly do it again. Who wants to come with ... we are certainly a busy lot. I’m off to the Wake the Lakes Rally next week and I hope to catch up with you all then. Thank you for your continued support...

LoH Meal

At the Venue in June 2016



Judith Mills ‘Activities & Events Officer’

Social Chatter What an amazing Chapter we are Since the start of the riding season, how many places have we visited in the UK and also on the Continent? Plymouth Chapter has been represented superbly well. Congratulations to all who participated and travelled many miles at home and abroad. A mention must also be made to our hard working and very reliable Road Captains who continued to offer and lead Sunday rides while so many of us were travelling elsewhere. These rides were also very well attended.



Neil Gardner, the Chairman of Devon Freewheelers, attended our social evening at the Hunting Lodge on Thursday 19 May and gave us an insight of the work they undertake in the county. Devon Freewheelers, along with the Cornish Blood Bikes, are the charities we are supporting in 2016.

So overall all Chapter members were extremely well catered for. Derek and I dropped into the European Rally in Portoroz in Slovenia where we met up with Nigel and Louis and Sue and Trevor. The ride down for Nigel and Louis sounded grim but the weather at the rally was excellent. It was extremely well organised and the venue was perfect. As Derek was the only representative from Cornouaille Chapter, he wore that waistcoat and spent the duration of our stay hiding every time he saw someone from a French Chapter just in case they spoke to him. Two or three times I heard a little voice crying “m’aidez, m’aidez”! I am sure all trips will be well documented in this HD. Remember too, the two functions that have already been organise over winter. In October, our Hallowe’en Party at the Marina Bar and in January, our Birthday Party at the Grosvenor Hotel in Torquay. Tickets for both of these are available from Committer members. We are just into July and there are certainly plenty of riding opportunities still ahead of us this season. Hopefully we will see you at one soon and if there is anything you would like me to organise, let me know. Enjoy the sun.

Judith x

Martin Thomas ‘Photographer/Historian’

Photo Comp! This months winner of ‘Abstract view of a Harley’ competition is Martin Thomas.

far right was a close  second by Sam Weekes  Margaret’s photo entry  Martin’s photo entry


The next theme is “HARLEY MAYHEM”. Don’t forget a reference to the Dealership! Email your photo to: photographer@plymouthhog. co.uk, the deadline for your photos is 30 September 16.

One Day Run : 2016 It all started with me telling Lorrie about this ride from the eastern most point in the UK to the western most point in one day, how did she fancy doing it How far was the response, about 400 miles I think I said! She reluctantly agreed and so the planning commenced. What I had ‘forgotten’ to mention at that point was that we had to get up to Lowestoft first and then back home at the end ... a minor detail. Oh, and I had decided to make it a bit more challenging by excluding the use of any motorways, even a couple of miles to save going through Exeter!

with ease. Unfortunately, as we turned off the M25 onto the A12 we hit about 8 miles of stationary traffic and proceeded to filter. A hot and sweaty time was had by all with a few close calls, but we got to the front and found a trailer had flipped. We all dismounted, helmets off and chatting happily when the police reopened the road, panic ensued as we set off again, only

Elaine put out the event on the Chapter update and the response was immediate with a good number of people interested, I was as economical with the truth to them, but a few saw through that and worked out that it was over 300 miles to Lowestoft depending on where you started. Some came and went, but we ended up with a group of 8 bikes departing from Smileys cafe in Honiton at 9:00 on the 24 June heading to Lowestoft, with Dave Ratcliff’s son Alex meeting us there and Ian Hopkins riding up later that day. It seemed sensible at this point that we could also raise a few quid for our Chapter charities this year, so giving pages were set up and currently stands at £369 and you can still donate!

to hit another 2 accidents ... same scenario but we didn’t get off the bikes this time! We finally got to the hotel about 5pm after a topography malfunction a mile from the hotel, (it was that sat nav honest!) only to find Ian there already! There were about 30 other bikes there from other Chapters ready for the ride.

Motorway use was allowed on the way up so A303, M3 and M25 were tackled in sequence

A quick recce of the route to Ness Point followed just to make sure I could get us there in the


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dark. Shower, dinner and few beers outside in the sunshine was had by all then it was time for an early night. The 3:00am alarm came much too quickly,we packed our gear ready for the day - not before running down the corridor in my boxer shorts to give Martin a knock as he was worried his alarm wouldn’t go off. Thankfully I went to the right room. All assembled at 3:50am with engines started and the rest of the Premier Inn Lowestoft was now awake as we headed off to Ness Point. We were the first Chapter to arrive so we quickly got our passports stamped and waited for the sun to rise as the bikes streamed into the start point, around 65 in total. A few posing photos later the sun literally ‘popped up’, we jumped on the bikes and headed off to Black Bear HD in Newmarket 68 miles through the Fens. Bright sunshine behind us and the mist rising from the fields set the scene for a spectacular and swift early morning ride on mainly dry empty roads to Newmarket. We did have a couple of dive bombing pigeons en route that came so close that Lorrie and I had to duck, (very nearly a Wild Hogs moment). Oh, and a young monkjack deer, that fortunately legged it into the field rather than the road as we approached. Black Bear is a cracking dealership in the centre of Newmarket which had opened specially for us and where we were met by Fenlanders Chapter, who had bacon and egg rolls on the go - just what we needed at 6:00am. We were a little ahead of time, as we had only started we had a slightly shorter break than planned and headed out on the next leg to Oxford HD.

Still keeping to the A roads we did a good stretch on dual carriageway and made good time, before hitting the many roundabouts of Milton Keynes and Buckingham. Out through the back end of Bicester and onto the A34, where we had our first planned fuel stop. Unfortunately Dave’s son Alex missed the stop... “overtaking at the wrong time”. Fuelled up, we headed off to Oxford HD for coffee and cakes, but not before someone got a souvenir picture of the ride that he didn’t want, that’s if the speed camera was loaded! A few minutes stolen from the break again and we set off about 40 minutes ahead of schedule on a roundabout route to Riders of Bridgwater, via Cirencester! STILL NO RAIN! Showers were predicted so most donned waterproof trousers as a minimum, just in case. A scenic ride through the Cotswolds, before heading south west towards Bath and Bristol, ensuring we kept well clear of Glastonbury. A quick leg stretch in Tetbury allowed Alex to top-up and stretch the stiffening knees as by this point we had spent about 5 hours in the saddle. The clouds were building as we headed south, but fortunately only a few spots of rain came our way. The traffic was heavier by now, but nothing significant to slow us down and we were still well ahead of schedule so a well deserved lunch break was had. A Devon Freewheelers Blood Bike ridden by Daniel Hart joined us for the ride to Plymouth. Fed watered and refreshed off we headed on what was nearly home territory on the A38 towards Taunton only to find major roadworks at the A38/M5 junction, so a bit more filtering was needed to get us to the front and keep us on schedule, the loose chippings in the middle of the road made this a little interesting! Taunton was negotiated with ease and with a little traffic control assistance from a yellow

Kawasaki! Onto the B3181, we gave Pete a honk as we headed through Willand and had a fuel stop and leg stretch at Tesco Cullompton before heading on into Exeter and the A38 to Plymouth HD. Having not lost anyone until this point, it was a bit disconcerting when the yellow Kawasaki came flying past indicating that there was a problem at the rear of the group and they had pulled in. A few minutes later they came flying past, evidently it was only a minor ‘Bridget Jones’ moment by one of the back 4 that had caused them to stop, but all was well and we arrived at Plymouth HD to be welcomed in by Paul, Cath, Brian, Debz and Shaun as well as Geoff with a Cornwall Blood Bike ridden by Mark Holroyd. The obligatory press photo was taken with both bikes and all the riders and pillions ready for Rob to send off to the local papers.

A great days riding with a really good group of people, only a couple of topographical mishaps and no one lost ... result! Still managing to keep dry and around an hour ahead of my predicted schedule we headed off for the last 90 miles or so to Land’s End, this time with a human sat nav in the form of Mark Holroyd on the Cornwall Blood bike leading the way and Geoff joining us for the ride to Lands End. By this time we had been on the go for 13 hours with around 10 of them in the saddle and we needed another fuel stop and leg stretch at Carlands Cross on the A30 where we were joined by another Cornwall Blood bike Rider (John Green). As we left Carlands the sun came out and we had a superb finish to the ride in bright sunshine and blue skies as we headed

through Penzance and out through some lovely twisties to Lands End and the end of the challenge, or so we thought as we tried to get a few bikes around the sign post for pictures. Final stamp in our passport and patch awarded everyone was pretty pleased with themselves, individual mileages varied slightly, but all were around 470. A pretty tiring but satisfying days riding, with around 12 hours in the saddle, from the flat yet scenic fens to the rugged coast of Cornwall and everything in between ... and no motorways and no rain! Done and dusted we headed back to our hotel in Hayle and the hope of food and a few beers. Unfortunately, the Brewers Fayre next to the hotel was closed for refurbishment, and by all accounts there is very little else around as it was just gone 9.00pm, by the time we had showered and changed. We managed to find a local pub which had a band playing and sold decent beer, but we had to decant to the Thai restaurant across the road for dinner. Now it didn’t have a licence, but the pub was happy for us to take our beer across! The young Thai waitress was a star, really helpful but with some strange pseudo Thai/Cornish terminology. Food was plentiful (ask Rob about his starter) and the price very reasonable. Back to the pub for a nightcap and then a leg stretch back to the hotel and some well deserved shut eye. 923 miles in total by the time I got home a bit tired but really pretty happy as to how things had gone. My thanks go to the group for making it work so well, Rob, Jules, Keith, Dave, Alex, Martin, Adie, Jackie, Ian, Mark and of course Lorrie. Someone asked the question ... would I do it again? Possibly. Have a look at the website if you are interested. www.onedayrun.co.uk

Our sponsorship pages are still live at: Devon http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/…/showFundraiserProfilePage… Cornwall https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/plymouthhogcornwall

Wullie Richie

Geoff Crocker ‘Head Road Captain’

Hi all! And what a fantastic start to our riding year. Weather hasn’t been too kind to us but I think we have had a great time all round I’m not going to take all the glory away from those who have organised rides so far as I’m sure others will be giving a write up of our previous activities. Adie’s Magic Bike Tour went down very well and great support all round from members. Wullie’s Lowestoft to Land’s End “One Day Run” really was supported well and I hope made a lot of money to boost our funds for our Charity. Many rides on our calendar have been supported really well - thank you. I just want to let you know especially for new members what goes into organising a ride for the Chapter. Starting off after joining the Chapter, the Committee and Road Crew do watch riders on all rides to see their skills, although most are experienced riders, not everyone is familiar with riding in a pack of 20 plus bikes. We’re also looking for interest and commitment for potential new additions to the Road Crew. If an interest is shown (let me know) to join the Road Crew, then we can put that person up for consideration to become a Road Marshall (we have 2 at the moment). After a year as Marshall, we consider the member for Road Captain training at HD Oxford as a Plymouth Chapter Road Captain. The Road Captain plans his route to a destination of his choice making sure it is suitable in their opinion for a group ride. The RC does a reki to check out the road conditions making sure once again the suitability and road conditions, road works, etc. play a great part, we don’t want to be in a queue for miles. (That’s why I have kept away from Bodmin side of A30). A lunch stop and rest stops along with fuel stops have to be considered, size of fuel tanks on bikes are always kept in mind. Weather takes a great part, rides have to be changed at some times very short notice even during the ride. Some RC’s do a second (and third) reki, this makes sure everything has been taken into consideration. Local events, Pony Club, Bike events are just a few events we don’t really want to get mixed up with but some times can’t be avoided.

CORNWALL In the beginning GOD turned to his best mate the archangel Gabriel and said “Gabby, today I am going to create a beautiful part of the earth and I shall call it Cornwall. I will make a country of breath-taking blue lakes, rich green forests and dark beautiful moors. I will give it clear swift rivers which will overflow with salmon and trout. The land shall be lush and fertile on which the people can raise cattle and grow their food as well as being rich with precious metals and stones which will be much sought after the world over. Underneath the land I shall lay rich seams of Tin for the inhabitants to mine. Around the coast I will make some of the most beautiful areas in the world, white sandy beaches and cliffs that will attract all manner of wildlife and lots of islands that will be like paradise to all that visit them, in the blue waters around the shores here will be an abundance of sea life. The sea will swell up and create entertainment which the people will call surfing. The people living on this land will be called the Cornish and will be the friendliest people on earth”. “Excuse me sire” interrupted the archangel Gabriel “Don’t you think you are being a bit generous to these Cornish”, “Don’t talk crap” the Lord replied “Wait till you see the bloody neighbours I’m giving them”


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The Road Captain spends some time and cost (out of their own pocket) to arrange a ride so please support us as a Chapter after all it is your club.

Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm. HARLEY | RIDER INSURANCE™ is arranged and administered by Harley-Davidson Insurance Services. * Harley-Davidson Insurance Services is a trading style of Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales 2600841. †Terms and conditions apply, visit http://www. harley-davidson.co.uk/insurance. © H-D 2016. Harley, Harley-Davidson and the Bar & Shield logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC.


Insurance Services If any member is unsure about riding in a pack, such as second man drop, staggered riding and keeping up with the pack, please come and speak to me or any of the Road Captains and we can talk Do You Have Something to Share? 01/02/2016 it through, quietly, before the ride. Better to be sure than have a ride J16_4547_01-16_Harley-Davidson_HighDecibelMagazine_Win£250Dealership_Jan-March_135x95.indd 1 going in the wrong direction. If you have a story, event, joke or message you would like included in the Newsletter please email danny.frayne@yahoo.co.uk Ride safe. Geoff *



Penny Weeks

Road To Harley : BB12 When I met Shaun he had a motor bike having passed his bike test when he was 18 He continued to have a bike for a few years until he decided it would be nicer going to work at 5.30am on a winter’s morning in a car. That was the end of motor bikes so I thought. Then in 2005 shortly after returning from holiday in Spain he announced he wanted to get another bike, I wasn’t that happy with the idea as it had been many years since he had ridden, but I was told it was my fault he had got the bug again. Apparently this had happened while in Spain, having had too much red wine one night (I know that’s hard to imagine) I wasn’t able to get up until lunchtime and Shaun had ended up watching the super bikes on T.V. while waiting for me to recover. So there you are, all my fault! Shaun trying to justify spending the money on the bike, leathers, helmet etc suggested I might like to have a girls weekend in New York with my friend Sarah. So in no time at all I was off to NewYork and Shaun had a Triumph Daytona. In the early days of Shaun having a bike no one ever suggested I went on the back, but suddenly now everyone was asking when I was going on the back, I couldn’t think of anything worse. Shaun eventually talked me into getting on the back, we were living in Paignton at the time and we went as far as the end of the driveway about length of 2 cars and I should think the chapter members around the Bay would have heard my screams. So that was that was the

end of that. Then in 2012 we moved to Liverton and a friend of Shaun’s was selling a Harley Sportster and he sold the Triumph and bought the Harley, saying he would get a seat fitted for me to go on the back. Then after a few months and no seat fitted he announced he was going to trade it in for one with a bigger engine as he would need that if I was going on the back!. So my fault again! So with the new Sportster and seat bought Shaun set off to Plymouth Harley to get the seat fitted. Shaun was hoping I would like being on the Harley more than the Triumph and we could go to bike nights and maybe a ride out on a day off, but that was all about to change. While waiting for the bike to be done Shaun went to get a coffee and Mrs Marsh gave him a membership form for the Chapter and suggested he joined. So he filled it out and sent it off, we had no idea how much this was going to change our life. In June 2015 we started going to Paignton bike nights and took part in the Plymouth Mega Ride. It wasn’t until August that I went to a dealership day and meet other members of the Chapter, several of them very excited about their forthcoming trip to the USA doing Route 66. Everyone was really friendly and made use very welcome. I then decided I would join the Chapter as well. In the months that followed we have had some good times, the Halloween party, birthday party and some eat around the world nights. In May we went on our first ever rally the BB12 in Brittany. We didn’t really know what


to expect other than everyone said we would enjoy it. They were right we had a brilliant time. We met up with the others in Plymouth on the Wednesday night to go off on ferry, the weather was good and we had a very calm crossing and were met by Judith & Derek the next morning in Roscoff and they lead the way to their new house where we spent a lovely couple of hours before heading down to Pornichet and our accommodation for the next 3 nights. We had good company, great ride outs and lots of great food and plenty of (but not too much!) French wine. The 3 French Chapters had done a great job organising everything. We enjoyed it so much we came and booked time off work for BB13. We know we won’t always be that lucky with the weather as our recent trip to Southampton proved, but it was a great introduction to going away with the Chapter. We have booked up for America in 2018 and are really looking forward to that. Hopefully we will get to do a few more trips before then with all the great new friends we have made. Penny Weeks

Magic Bike Rally, Germany Magic Bike, the event for all who love bikes! The Mittelrheintal is an ideal bike region with beautiful routes along the Rhine Saturday 21 May Honiton to Folkestone Congregated at Smileys Café at Honiton for the long trog up to Folkestone and an overnight stop at the Holiday Inn Express. A wet start, brightening up slightly and a journey without incident, allowing us a nice evening in the hotel getting to socialize. Sunday 22 May Folkestone to Bielefeld A new adventure for some of our group, loading onto the Eurotunnel train, 90 minutes of dry weather from Calais before the heavens opened! Motorways all day to get to our destination really made difficult with copious amounts of spray reducing visibility. Very thankful for daymaker headlights on Wullie’s Electra Glide! Five countries later we arrived at Bielefeld. The weather cleared for us to meet in reception and venture into the town for a meal in the town square. Monday 23 May Bielefeld to Bad Fallingbostel Awoke to the German TV news telling us of the tornado we had narrowly missed the evening before. A trip to HD Bielefeld to relieve them of t-shirts and to get one of the bikes checked as it had got a bit waterlogged the previous day! Great service, decent coffee counter and even a classic car museum attached, well worth a visit. We left Bielefeld behind, staying on the back roads to travel to lunch at Steinhuder Meer, a lovely lake, made all the better for the appearance of the sun. On to our overnight stop at the small town of Bad Fallingbostel, staying in a rural hotel more reminiscent of a farmhouse.

Tuesday 24 MAY Bad Fallingbostel to Paderborn Another grey start the following day and a wet ride around the Military Range Road, with those on CB’s ‘enjoying’ a running commentary from myself, as I had been stationed here for thirteen years during my time in the Army. We visited Bergen/Belsen to pay our respects at the Memorial to those that lost their lives in the Internment Camp there, the weather was grey and drizzly with the sound of gun fire from

the ranges adding to the atmosphere. Followed by a very sombre yet informative tour around the Visitor Centre. Then it was onto the medieval town of Celle to cheer ourselves up with a lunchtime ice-cream stop! A visit to HD Hanover followed to allow Mike to replace his helmet, he wasn’t happy with his steaming up all the time. Our first of many road closures then occurred, evidence of Sunday’s tornado, forcing us to change our plans for the afternoon and head directly for Paderborn, yet even our changed route resulted in some great roads with marvellous scenery. After freshening up at our hotel, we walked over the road to the Brauhaus that an old friend of mine had booked, who also joined us for dinner and went down a storm! A walk up to the Dom (Cathedral) ended another great day. Wednesday 25 May Paderborn to Wetzlar (Dambuster Run) The next day was another grey start but a least it was dry. We rode out of the city for about an hour to the Mohnesee, where we had a good look at the dam before the schoolchildren turned up to ruin our peace and tranquillity. It was back onto our quiet bikes (honest Guv) and onto the Edersee down the nice twisty roads with lovely scenery. When we arrived at the reservoir the turns became even tighter, who needs the Alps? Lunch stop by the side of the dam, a regular biker hangout. Then back on the road to ride onto Wetzlar via Marburg and Giessen, unfortunately all the Sat-Navs decided to go into meltdown on this section, we couldn’t find the Dealership and it was by pure chance I spotted our hotel as we rode past it! A lovely Old Town quarter to walk around, apart from the midges. Thursday 26 May Wetzlar to Rudesheim Thursday morning and we witnessed blue skies overhead as we got the bikes ready. An easier day today, just a cruise down the autobahn to the Rhine, then along the bank of the river to get to the Rally site. We arrived just in time to get the last parking spaces opposite the site, just before the railway crossing. We parked up and everyone crossed over the road to get their wristbands issued and to the delight of some of our party, a free can of Asbach and coke! Sat basking in the sun we spotted Torbz coming down the road and managed to get him parked. Then it was time to saddle up again and head for the start of the


World Heritage Ride at the next village. We found a space in a layby down by the start. Eventually the parade started to move and approximately 2,000 bikes had passed when we spotted the other group from Plymouth and managed to get into line behind them, making 18 bikes from our Chapter. We followed the Ride up the Rhine, up the bank in a circuit to come back to Lorelei, where all of the thousands of bikes were being parked up. We all greeted each other, and then decided to move onto Koblenz before the main group decided to move and block the exit again. A short but uneventful ride to HD Koblenz, but it was closed due to a public holiday. It was decided to find somewhere to get some food and drink, so the Deutches Eck (Corner of Germany) was in order. Unfortunately, some of the bikes at the back lost the way as we went through one of the junctions, and when they did spot us waiting it was too late to turn around, so they went straight on to the hotel. The rest managed to get parked on the riverfront close to the monument, much to the bemusement of the locals! A swift lunch (ice cream for most!) and then the final leg on to the hotel, very nicely situated where the Lahn flowed into the Rhine at Bingen. So began three days of fun and frolics at Magic Bike. Different people crossed over to the Rally site on the opposite bank at different times, whether by passenger ferry or car ferry. Kim Wilde was excellent, as was The Jack, even if they were from Heidelberg instead of Plymouth as some of the Chapter had been telling anyone that would listen! Torfrock sang in German and great merriment was had by those present fitting their own lyrics into the music. Cable car rides were had, Rhine cruises were undertaken, and everyone agreed that it was a great site to hold a rally. Sunday 29 May Rudesheim to Verdun Sunday morning, time to get back on the road again, and it was raining again. A closed road and a sat nav that didn’t agree with the diversion led to some confusion and the group was split again. By the time we could contact each other both splinter groups were on different route to Verdun. One stayed on the back roads and got wet, the other on the motorway, dry but a longer route that arrived in Verdun about 40 minutes after the first! On a left turn that day M&M’s luggage decided to go

walkabout in a left-hander, I got up onto the bridge above the junction and looked down to see Kate dragging it across the road, it looked distinctly like a body from my vantage point, adding to my worries as we waited for information. To settle my nerves we had a coffee and cake break by the side of the Moselle. Then after securing the luggage to Mad Marks rear seat, we set off again for Verdun. We encountered a heavy military and Police presence as the French President and German Chancellor were in town for the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Verdun. Luckily for us, our hotel outside of the city wasn’t one of the closed roads and we arrived safely. Jackie received a guided tour of everyone’s rooms from the receptionist as there was a bit of a language difficulty! Everyone booked into their quirky rooms and we met up for a meal in the ‘hobbit hole’ restaurant. Mike Chater drank the one and only large beer they had left, so the rest of us had to make do with small ones!

Monday 30 May Verdun to Mons The following day was another wet one, surprise, surprise. We left the hotel behind to travel the short distance to Douamont Ossuary, the Memorial to the fallen of the Battle of Verdun, but although the roads were open we weren’t allowed entry to the Ossuary due to the grandstands from the previous day’s parade being dismantled which was very disappointing. We rode around the bottom of the cemetery and down to one of the gun emplacements where we had a group photo. Then it was off down some very wet roads indeed to Mons, riding through water a foot deep at one point, with regular stops to fill Campervan Phil’s thimble sized fuel tank. As per normal we caused traffic chaos outside the hotel, as we still had the second group with us who weren’t staying in the same hotel and we had to wait for someone with the address of their hotel to get to the front of the pack. We set our sodden clothing to dry wherever we could and went out for a walk around the city, very nice indeed.

Tuesday 31 May Mons to Amiens Awoke to yet another wet morning for our ride to Amiens. Today the group split back into two, those that had got too wet the day before and wanted to go straight to the next destination and those that wanted to carry on with our country roads. A ride to Vimy Ridge, a preserved trench system from WW1 and the Canadian Memorial to those that fell there. A very moving and informative visit and technically Canadian ground so another country to add to our list. Then due to time constraints we decided to head straight for Amiens, riding through the Somme battlefield with the multitudes of Military Cemeteries to both sides of the conflict. Into Amiens in the dry, a nice Riverwalk and photos of the Cathedral before dinner.

Wednesday 1 June Amiens to Caen Up nice and early for a dry-ish start, we continued in the two group format as this seemed to be more controllable. No set sites to see today so we decided to go into Rouen for lunch, very busy, but we had the help of two parking wardens finding us somewhere to park the bikes in the city centre. Coffee and cake was had by most, and a short tour of the centre before it was back on the road again. As we came out of the centre we managed to lose Wullie at a junction and spent awhile on opposite banks of the river trying to figure out how we could meet up again, but eventually gave up and decided to meet en route to Caen, but that didn’t work so we ended up meeting at HD Caen. Very nice dealership, they were relieved of more t-shirts! Onto our hotel, but it was now rush hour and we had to get around the ring road. Extremely busy but we all stayed together and were soon at our hotel, only one circumnavigation of a roundabout required! Taxis were arranged to go into town and meet up at the Irish Bar and then onto a group meal at the restaurant next door. We had to go for a short walk after, ostensibly to find a taxi but also to see at least some of Caen before we left!


Thursday 2 June Caen to Cherbourg Up the next morning for sad farewells to the other group and to the members of the Storm Catchers, Derek & Josie Wood, Paul & Kath Renshaw and Mike Chater who were going with the other group to the Roscoff ferry, whilst we were heading along the Normandy beachheads to the Cherbourg ferry. A day of memorials and museums, Sword, Juno and Omaha beaches, the Mulberry harbours eerily appearing out of the mist as if we were just seeing the invasion force arrive. Then it was on to our

ferry from Cherbourg to Poole, a nice calm crossing and then another spilt at the ferry port as Wullie Ritchie was heading straight home to try and see his grandchildren before they left, the rest of us heading into Bournemouth to stay overnight. A slightly later start the next day to try and get some of the traffic to clear. Another ferry trip, this a short hop from Sandbanks to Shell Bay, then on to Corfe Castle (still had enough time to find a narrow road) for coffee and then back home. We had to change our route due to a serious accident blocking the road and therefore had to use the A35 with all the holiday traffic instead of the Jurassic Coast route. Eventually we made it to Smileys Café at Honiton where we had left from two weeks earlier and the end of the tour. It was a great time, we overcame a lot of adversity with the floods, tornado, closed roads, the almost constant rain, but we came through it together, still kept to our original plan of using motorways as little as possible, but most of all had FUN! Storm Catchers 2016 Adie & Jackie Taylor, Wullie Ritchie (great sweep), Albert & Julie Ratcliffe (emergency sweep), Derek & Josie Wood, Paul & Kath Renshaw, Dave Haq & Panny Newman, Nick Bone and Mike Chater (I’ll miss you most of all Scarecrow!)

Cider Rally 29 April - 2 May 2016

Kingsbridge 5 June 2016

Food & Music Festival

Colliford Lake & Jamaica Inn 22 May 2016


Tintagel & Boscastle 17 April 2016

Mangerton Mill 15 May 2016

Dartmeet 8 May 2016

Keeping in Touch The best ways to stay in the loop and up-to-date




Weekly Email Updates Make sure we have your current email address or you could be missing out on some really exciting times to come this riding season!

Plymouth Harley-Davidson See our Information Folder in the customer lounge area.


Plymouth Chapter UK Our open page where you can see what we’re doing and without logging in or signing up to Facebook.




Plymouth Harley Owners Group (HOG) The place to have your say!

Caption Competition Get inspired and win a £10 dealership voucher!

We are looking for pun-tastic, funny, brilliant, bizarre, thought provoking and entertaining suggestions! Email your entry, with ‘Caption Competition’ in the title, to danny.frayne@yahoo.co.uk on or by 30 September 2016. Winner will be in the next issue of HD! The Spring 2016 issue Caption Competition Winner is Stuart Charles - congratulations Stuart! With his caption:

“Catalytic conversion exposed” ”

Thank you all, we were overrun with entries for this images, which included: A very close second from Clive Ball with “Purrfect Ride” “I’m sure that was Jules’s knickers just went flying past” (Ask anyone who was on the east to west ride!) from Lorrie. “Mine is the biggest butt he could get on this stupid seat.” from Martin Thomas. “1 Don’t call me his bitch, 2 His last girlfriend ditched him, 3 You got a problem, mate.” from Margaret Thomas. “Cat on a hot Harley!” from Elaine Ball. “The advert placed which read “Pussy required for weekend adventures on a Harley” didn’t turn out too well for either partner.” from Albert Ratcliffe. “So that’s why it’s called the pussy seat!” from Nick Bone. “You wanted pussy on the back, you got pussy on the back, you’re just not happy with the ginger are you” from Skully.

Southampton Weekend 11-12 June 2016

42 of us spent a very enjoyable weekend in Southampton visiting our sister Chapter, New Forest Branch


Ken Dolton ‘Our Chapter Author’

Unlikely HD Riders It never ceases to amaze me at the diversity of people that ride Harley Davidson motorcycles, here is one such person that really shook me as a Harley rider I was heading for yet another series of outpatients appointments at the hospital, I’d decided to use my 1200 Sportster as parking was an absolute nightmare; I set off from home in the early morning gloom and rode to the hospital carpark, as I rode along the dual carriageway a single headlight came up behind me, then with a burst of speed swept past me ar a great rate of knots. I could see and hear that it was a Harley Davidson V-Rod with what looked like a child or at most an adolescent piloting it, but whoever was riding it knew what they were doing as the Harley rapidly disappeared around the roundabout ahead of me like a veteran I was tempted to speed up and follow but common sense prevailed with quite a lot of cowardly chicken outness as well. On reaching the carpark I swiftly found a parking slot inside the bike shed at the hospital entrance, also in the bike shed was a V-Rod on

its side stand still giving out the characteristic ticking sound of a hot Harley engine cooling down. After admiring the Harley I ventured inside for my hospital appointments; as per usual the appointments took up the whole morning and for the last appointment I was accompanied by my designated nurse practitioner; a lovely lady of mature indeterminate years (Grey hair and all that), who was even shorter than me, who had the task of sticking several needles into me, as nurses do, but she kept up a lively chatter and soon had me finished and the next appointments made. It was now about lunch time as the nurse took me down to reception and bade me goodbye. I put my leathers and gear on, noticing as I did so that the V-Rod was still standing in the bike shelter, as I sat astride my Harley a diminutive figure in leathers and helmet appeared beside me and waved at me.

I waved back not quite sure who she was as she swung her leg over the V-Rod and backed out of the shelter, I followed suit and stopped beside her, she lifted her tinted visor and I suddenly recognised her, it was my designated nurse practitioner. Now, I’m not a sexist or in any way prejudiced; but I was really shocked to see her handling the V-Rod with such skill and ease as with another wave she roared away leaving me sat gaping after her. At the next set of appointments I had, we met in the car park and exchanged the HOG handshake and chatted at length over her choice of Harley Davidson, how long she had been riding it and where she had been on it. It’s a funny thing but we have quite a rapport when we meet now, but she still sticks needles into me! However I’d like to think she does so more gently to a fellow Harley Davidson rider now. Ken

Keith Collins - RIP On Monday 13 June we had the great privilege of escorting Keith Collins on his final ride to Weston Mill Crematorium. Six of us, a mixture of Plymouth Chapter members and members from other local bike clubs, were also given the honour of carrying Keith to his resting place within the chapel. Many of us have had the privilege of riding with Keith, the miles he covered for a guy of

his age was admirable. He enjoyed coming on ride outs and trips and celebrated his 75th birthday with us on the Rome trip in 2013. He also loved a party and brought his family along to the Chapter Birthday Parties. He was one of the nicest, funniest, interesting and amusing people you could ever meet - his stories and tales of his adventures were legendary.

He will be greatly missed by all his friends in Plymouth Chapter. RIP Keith.

Chapter Merchandise Goodies for you to purchase ... Large HOG Patch ....................... £15.00 Small HOG Patch ......................... £7.00 Large Chapter Rocker ................ £15.00 Small Chapter Rocker .................. £6.00 30th Anniversary Pin ..................... £6.50 30th Anniversary Key Rings ......... £6.50

Large Lady of Harley Patch ......... £14.00 Small Lady of Harley Patch ........... £7.00 Poppy Patch .................................. £4.00 Poppy Pin ...................................... £3.50 Small Chapter Flag ...................... £23.00 Please remember these are cash only 15

Just to let you know that all Chapter merchandise can be purchased from the Dealership, cash only. You can also purchase these either from me or Judith at our Thursday social night. Derek

Plymouth Chapter Info Chapter Officers - Who’s Who ... Chapter Manager:

Chris Iris


01752 283253


Clive Ball


07949 467439

Assistant Director: Richard Lucking ad@plymouthhog.co.uk

07804 031050 01752 813973


Derek Mills


01803 843412


Elaine Ball


07855 454393

Activities & Judith Mills activities@plymouthhog.co.uk Events Officer:

07733 030267 01803 843412

Julie Butler-Waddon loh@plymouthhog.co.uk Lady of Harley:

07772 328437 01837 810799

Head Road Captain: Geoff Crocker roadcaptain@plymouthhog.co.uk

07836 625261 01579 346646

Editor: Danny Frayne editor@plymouthhog.co.uk

07870 204443 01392 467778

Brian Haynes safety@plymouthhog.co.uk Safety Officer:

07831 334913 01752 215785

Martin Thomas photographer@plymouthhog.co.uk Photographer/ Historian:

07799 427896 01752 291087

Membership Richard Lucking membership@plymouthhog.co.uk Officer:

07804 031050 01752 813973

General Officer: Derek Wood go1@plymouthhog.co.uk (Road Crew)

07762 143591 01752 881566

Rob Butler go2@plymouthhog.co.uk General Officer: (Public Relations)

07944 524657

Chapter Liaison Kev Tomlinson Officer:

07930 854604 01752 283253


Activities & Events

please see the e-update for further info

Club Social

Dealership Day

Third Thursday every month

Last Saturday of the month, an ideal opportunity for everyone to meet up

Will be back again in October on the second Friday of the month

Dawn of Crafty Cow will be there to sew on your patches

Dine in a different restaurant each month and sample a variety of cuisines from around the world

January, April, July and October Quarterly Meeting at Plymouth Harley-Davidson Rest of Year: Hunting Lodge

Eat Around the World

Ride Outs Our Riding season is now underway! Check out the Events & Ride Outs section on our website

Eagle Road Langage Business Park Plympton, Plymouth PL7 5JY

www.plymouthHarley-davidson.co.uk 16

Tel 01752 283253

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