High decibel 16 early winter 14

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Early Winter ‘14 Plymouth

Exeter Folkeston e Calais Cologne Wurzburg Augsburg Innsbruck Villach (Faaker See) Lindau Colmar Auxerre Le Mans Roscoff Plymouth

Danny Frayne ‘Editor’

Inside issue no.16: ??? Stepping Out Stand and Deliver Having Fun Membership News Communication Social Chatter Safety First Photo Comp! What a Fantastic Trip Blazin’ Blazers Keeping in Touch Ladies of Harley Tamsin & the Parrot Chapter Merchandise Chapter Information

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The Ed Says...

Another year nearly over - Another year older!!! Had to put myself on the cover this month as there is no room inside! Couple of stories missed out (apologies) which will now appear in the January Edition of High Decibel. Plan next year for High Decibel is to be published 4 times a year and extended to 16 pages instead of 12 as previous. These will be January, April,

July and October to coincide with our quarterly meeting at the Dealership in 2015. Faaker See and Blazin’ Blazers, been and gone and both write ups in this months’ edition -

Chapter No. 7861

Merry Christmas Everybody - Let the Partying Begin!!! Danny

Polperro Ride-out Sponsored by Plymouth Harley-Davidson

www.plymouthhog.co.uk 1

Chapter Hotline

07534 974311

Ray Filsell

Stepping Up, Stepping Down & Stepping Out Stepping Up I am casting my mind back to 2009 when Dave Holden was appointed as Director of the then fledgling Plymouth Chapter. He made it clear at the time that he would give up the role after two years to coincide with his retirement from ‘gainful employment’. I shared with him an exciting two years working with the Dealership, HOG and other Committee members in creating the foundations of the Chapter we have today. We knew all along that Dave would be leaving us, and although we would miss his valued experience and input, we were confident that we had a robust succession plan in place. But just imagine my distress as the end of 2011 approached to find that we had not kept in step with changes in other members’ circumstances and our succession plan was about to collapse in tatters. I wasn’t featured in that plan, I had no ambition to become a Chapter Director (finding the Secretary’s job hard enough!) I was afraid that the effort and progress we had all made in building the Chapter could be easily swept away - so I reluctantly agreed when Chris Iris asked me to take on the role. Dave had done excellent work in the creation and early management of the Chapter - a hard act to follow! My role, going forward, was destined to be more about shaping and growing the Chapter, working with the Committee to provide our members with exciting opportunities to do new things and to do old things better. But I was definitely in learning mode ... and probably still am! So what does the Chapter look like now? In terms of overall numbers, we have stabilised at around 125 full members. Although this a 20% growth from November last year, there are a number of reasons why we are probably destined to remain a relatively small Chapter compared to others in the UK but, as I have repeatedly said, I would rather have a small Chapter with a lot of active members than a big one full of people we hardly ever see.

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Despite our modest size, we have managed to keep our membership fees unchanged for the last couple of years and we have remained financially sound whilst still being able to improve our membership benefits through initiatives like the introduction of Chapter year-bars, continued Road Crew training, subsidies on social events and, of course, an improved communication programme. Thanks to Elaine, Danny and its various contributors I believe our High Decibel magazine is a first class communication vehicle which, backed up with a working website, an active social media presence and regular weekly news updates via email really does help to keep the membership informed of what is going on in the Chapter. On the road, we continue to enjoy an extensive riding schedule made possible by the dedication of our Road Captains including opportunities for continental trips like Portugal, Rome, Ireland, Belgium and Austria along with, next year, France, Spain and even Route 66. To round up, I like to believe that Plymouth Chapter is well-regarded in the HOG community, not just for being properly-run and complying with the HOG Charter but also because of the reputation we have built as a “riding” chapter based on our significant attendance at national and international events. Long may it continue! All in all a busy old time: I have been a caretaker and, occasionally, a peacemaker - but I think, together, we have all managed to keep the show on the road!

Stepping Down As some of you will know already, I announced at our last Quarterly Dealership Meeting that I will be stepping down as Chapter Director prior to the AGM on 20th November. I haven’t fallen out with anybody and I am not resigning in protest - in fact, after 5 years as a Primary Officer, I am proud of what your Committee has achieved on your behalf and feel that the Chapter remains stable, well-managed

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and positively-motivated. But I also believe that it will now benefit from a fresh and energetic approach in its next phase of development as we move forward. I am pleased to confirm that Clive Ball will be taking over from me with immediate effect. We all know Clive as a valued Road Captain and “Tour Guide” but his last 12 months as Assistant Director have really confirmed his commitment to the Chapter along with his ability and willingness to take over the reins. Clive will be ably supported by “Nice” Richard Lucking who has done a terrific job as Membership Secretary and has now been encouraged to take on some wider responsibilities as Assistant Director. The closing date for Chapter Committee nominations for 2015 has now passed and it looks as if there will be little change in the remainder of the Chapter Committee….hopefully this is a vote of confidence for the volunteers who have worked so tirelessly on your behalf. But we will have to wait until the AGM before we know for sure! To those who have worked with me in the past, I thank you for your energy, enthusiasm and support and to those who are about to take over, I wish you luck!

Stepping Out Stepping Out would be the last step in this trilogy, but one that I have no intention of taking. I am honoured to have played my part in the development of Plymouth Chapter UK and will continue to will wear my patches with pride ~ including a “Past Director” rocker if Mr Mills has ordered one for me! Over the last five years, this Chapter has become more than a family to me - it is full of amazing people who individually can be enthralling, amusing, inspirational, entertaining or just simply irritating ... but collectively you all provide the motivation and opportunity that I need to share our dream of riding Harleys and having fun. So, Stepping Down, yes ... but definitely not Stepping Out!

Clive Ball ‘Director’

Stand & Deliver! I must start by thanking Ray for his input and contribution as both Secretary and Director from the birth of our Chapter to present, over 5 years His contribution supported by our committee members and of course yourselves has ensured we have a strong presence in the HOG UK community. We’ve attended many activities and events both home bred and abroad, in many cases holding the honour of taking the largest number - we recently had 50 plus of us enjoying the fun at Blazin’ Blazers and nearly as many went to Rome last year for the 110 celebrations. Thank you Ray, I’m sure you’ll be around doing what you enjoy most - riding your bike with your mates! My time as Assistant Director has been good fun, interesting and at times challenging, but above all gave me the inspiration to aspire to take on the role of Director. This opportunity arose sooner than I expected and I am grateful to Chris at

Plymouth Harley-Davidson for entrusting me to carry on the good work and drive us forward. I am very fortunate to have a strong committee behind me, which will ensure we have a range of events and a full riding calendar planned for 2015. Our aim is to provide a good mix so everyone has an opportunity to join in, enjoy our Chapter and above all get out on our bikes and have fun. We’ve already got a few things planned and many of you have already signed up for these - the Birmingham Christmas Market and Motorcycle Live Show at the NEC at the end of November. Then there’s our Fifth Birthday Party at the Marina Bar on 10 January so don’t forget to purchase your tickets as it will be a great night. We have our French adventure to the BB11 Rally, which is being hosted by our twin Chapter, Cornouaille

Richard Lucking ‘Assistant Director’

Quimper, the European European Rally in Jerez, and our adventure across the Atlantic to Route 66. The love of Harley motorcycles runs throughout our club and the introduction of the 2015 models has certainly gained loads of interest. Those of you who’ve ridden the Rushmore models know the significant steps Harley-Davidson has achieved, which resulted in the Electra Glide Ultra Limited recently being awarded the Best Touring Bike 2014 by Visordown and the Street Glide was shortlisted for Best Cruiser. If you haven’t tried one, get yourself a ride on one of the demo bikes, they’re awesome. Thank you for your support, I will endeavour to ensure we maintain our presence within the HOG family. Merry Christmas, ride safe and have fun. Clive

‘Membership Officer’

Having Fun Membership News

The HOG Charter states that the Assistant Director of a HOG Chapter “shall be responsible for promoting membership, membership orientation, membership retention and keeping the chapter informed of HOG programs”, so it seemed obvious to me to put myself forward for this role. I hope to add ‘having fun’ to the above list

Status: 129 Members

Please welcome the following to our Chapter: Alison “Ali” Cutts Marc “Marco” Houlton

Matt “Matt B” Benney Phil Watson

and returning after a break Geoff Lambe

Thank you to Chris Iris for giving me the opportunity to take on this role and appreciation also to Chapter friends who have offered their interest and support to me.

Please remember the HOG rule - you must be a current HOG member (Life, Full or Associate) to be a Chapter member. This HOG (not Chapter) rule means we sometimes send out polite reminders to Chapter members whose HOG Membership is shown as “Inactive” (often because people have simply forgotten to renew or HOG auto renewal hasn’t worked). We want to keep you as Chapter members and your entitlement to Chapter voting and Dealer discounts, etc.

I look forward to working with Chris, new Chapter Director Clive Ball and the rest of the Committee and indeed all our Chapter members. I intend to try to carry on the good work of previous Assistant Directors. I will continue to encourage new members to join us but I think it is also very important to be a friendly, inclusive and active Chapter to ensure current members also want to renew each year.

If you want to renew/join the Chapter please complete the 2015 Chapter Renewal/New Member application form. These are available from me, the Dealership (either from Chapter Dealer Rep’ Kev “Tomo” Tomlinson or from the Chapter notice board upstairs) or the Chapter website.

I will always be happy to receive any ideas, thoughts or advice. And I do realise this new important role means I must behave myself (particularly when on Chapter tours) in future – or does it?

Regards “Nice” Richard “Weasel” Lucking 3

Elaine Ball ‘Secretary’

Communication Communication Clive and I recently attended a HOG communication course at Harley-Davidson HQ in Oxford Directors, Editors and Webmasters were invited, unfortunately Danny couldn’t make it and Ray had already decided to stand down, so it fell to us to represent Plymouth Chapter. We had the choice of either Saturday or Sunday and opted for Sunday, which proved to be a good choice as far fewer had chosen this option. This meant everyone had a chance to join in and have their say and we also benefited from the experiences of the previous day. We bumped into Nigel, the Editor and Webmaster of New Forest Branch, who was staying in the same hotel as us, so had a chat and catch up over breakfast. He’s got exactly the same bike as Clive - these Rushmore CVO Ultra Glides are so common! I had been to H-D HQ many years ago for the one and only Harley Open House, so when we arrived things did look familiar. It’s rather smart with all the latest models on display and the very latest clothing some of which is yet to hit the dealerships. It was very informative to find out how other Chapters handle their comms and some of

their future plans. Discussion about the use of Facebook was particularly interesting - some were great fans but others more cautious and favoured a forum on their website. I took along a few copies of High Decibel and everyone who had a copy was impressed by the style and quality. Many of you will be interested to hear that Bridgwater are developing a new website, which will allow you to buy your Cider Rally tickets online. Did we learn anything - yes we did but it was good to know that we are doing a lot of things right. It was recommended that one person is responsible for Chapter communications so you don’t get lots of different mixed messages - Danny and I are responsible for our communications and have always worked very closely together. Use of social media is a great way to get messages out quickly to a large audience but needs to be used sensibly we have our closed Facebook group, Plymouth Harley Owners Group (HOG), where you can have your say, but only Chapter members, their partners, our Dealership and close friends of our Chapter are members of this group. Data protection and privacy, we have a responsibility to ensure your details are kept

safe and secure - this is Richard’s area and I can assure you he keeps a very tight ship. One thing I didn’t know is there are two HOG Galleries - hoggallery.com, which covers Europe, Middle East and Africa and hoggallery. co.uk, which is specific to the UK and Ireland. You’ll find lots of useful info on either of these, including details of future rallies, photos and videos of past events and member’s benefits. If you haven’t already done so, I recommend you complete your profile on hog.com. This will ensure you receive your copy of the monthly HOG! So what are we planning for the future? We want you to know what’s happening - when is the next ride out, which country are we visiting for Eat Around The World, is our next social evening at the Hunting Lodge or in the Dealership? Do you feel well informed, are you happy with our current communications, is there anything we could do better or in a different way? Please do let the Communications Team have your thoughts, comments or ideas. And as this is the last High Decibel of 2014, Elaine. Happy Christmas!

Judith Mills ‘Activities & Events Officer’

Social Chatter How wrong was I in our last HD when I said that September would see the end of our riding season What an amazing Autumn we have had and it has been great seeing so many Chapter members riding in to the Dealership and also advertising impromptu rides when the forecast is favourable.

would be the evening before our party, but in February we are travelling to Kernow for a Cornish extravaganza courtesy of Geoff and Terri Crocker so make sure you keep that evening available.

Our October meal in Mexico was very enjoyable and popular with over 20 Chapter friends coming to eat and as I compose this, the list of names for our November visit to Asia is already showing signs of a good response.

Still a couple events before the end of the year. The trip to Birmingham and also our Social Evening in December will be at the Lyneham Inn where hopefully lots of us will indulge in their Carvery.

To maintain this impetus, Clive is keen to have a December meal in USA at the American Diner. Information will be available closer to the date. We won’t be having EATW in January as it

We have so much to look forward to in 2015 starting with our 5th Birthday Party in January. Tickets are available from myself and Clive. If you are unable to make it to see either of us, 4

just drop me a cheque for £12.50 per person made payable to Plymouth Chapter UK to 5 Bascombe Close, Churston, Brixham TQ5 0JR and I will reserve tickets for you. Quiz night will be happening in the new year so start studying. Our visit to 1066 Chapter in June has been put on hold at the moment as it turned out to be the same weekend as the European Rally. Steve has gone back to his committee to try to find an alternative date that suits both Chapters. Please remember to let me know if there is something you would like me to organise and I will give it my best shot. Judith

Brian Haynes ‘Safety Officer and Road Captain’

Safety First Just recently I had the opportunity to do a BikeSafe course with Devon & Cornwall police. Ten of us from the chapter met up at Woodside Animal Welfare Trust on 18 Oct for the course We started the course with a 2 hour session in the class room or in our case Woodside’s café area. This session was about hazard perception and road positioning while riding in urban and country environments. This involved a lot of class participation as we had to spot the hazards and a road position that was safest for the rider. The instructor did not so much instruct us but was more of a coach, we made our decisions then had to explain why we made it. This made for some lively discussions with the whole class involved. I learnt a fair bit from this session. After lunch we were out on the road for this stage it was one police instructor to two students. I was paired up with Rob Butler and our instructor was Gary the police sergeant. He gave us a brief on how he wanted us to ride, the format of the ride and where he wanted us to go. He told us to ride as we would normally ride and to “make progress” so that he could make a true assessment of our riding. I took the lead for the first section from Woodside to Morrisons in

Tavistock via Bickliegh across Robourgh Down to Yelverton then a stop in Morrisons car park for a debrief. As we pulled into the car park we had some funny looks from the shoppers as 2 motorcyclists split by a policeman rode past.

it was £25 well spent I gained more knowledge & confidence in my riding After a short stop for debrief we were off out for the second section with Rob in the lead and myself at the back. The second section was from Tavistock to Launceston. The roads were damp and covered in leaves making some areas slippy there was also a fair bit of traffic so not much “progress” was made. This section finished in the car park at Tesco in Launceston, we had another debrief which included an input from the rider at the back. We then swopped over the lead and I was now back in front for the section from Tesco to Waitrose in Saltash via Callington,

Martin Thomas ‘Photographer/Historian

Photo Comp!

The winner of this months Best Scenic Picture competition is William ‘Wullie’ Ritchie. The winner was selected by myself and a small group of the committee.

The next competition theme is ‘furthest away’ using the events that you went to in 2014. Good luck!


again there was traffic so not much “progress” was made. After a short brief Rob led on the last section down the A38, off at deep lane, past the dealership and back to Woodside. After another short brief it was back into the classroom for our final brief and for the instructor to fill out our assessment forms. We also picked up a free BikeSafe neckie badge and keyring. A week after the course a copy of my assessment sheet arrived through the post, this sheet gave us scores of ABCD for various aspects of my riding with comments from the instructor at the side. I enjoyed the course and think that it was £25 well spent I gained more knowledge and confidence in my riding from doing this course. I recommend it to all motorbike riders to do. A big thank you must go out to the team of five police riders who gave up their time to coach us. If there is enough interest from chapter members I would organise another course for £25 it is really worth doing. Christmas will soon be upon us so I shall wish all chapter members a safe and happy one.

Faaker See What a fantastic trip, with great friends The trip route was from Plymouth to Folkestone, Cologne, Warsburg, Ausberg, Innsbruk and onto Faaker See near Villach. Most of the riding was great, but the group tried to leave me behind at a petrol station before we had even got to the first stop. We had torrential rain on one day - but it was warm rain.

The first group got through in a reasonable amount of time but the second group reached the hotel at about 10.30pm after a very stressful ride. Margaret decided that she was stressed and hit the bar (a bad mistake). The romantic road was disappointing for the first half day ,but from then on it was great with castles, lakes and fantastic scenery.

By the time the other two had caught up, the one on the blue and chrome bike, turned around and got to the bottom, the rest of us were enjoying lunch apart from one lady who was steaming at her husband for shooting off and not doing the 2nd man drop at the roundabout. The rally site itself was huge but the weather at the beginning of the week before we arrived had been wet. The car parks were abandoned and the whole site had been covered in plastic and woodchips to absorb the water. The rally itself was absolutely superb! We rode to Slovenia and Lake Bled - it was well worth a visit.

Everyone was their usual self so there was a lot of teasing and laughing for the whole 2 weeks and I think a good time was had by all. Richard did his normal party trick and him and George couldn’t get away from the teasing as they shared a room for the 2 weeks and ‘Spooning’ was the topic of conversation. George made the statement of the holiday, after stopping the group he was leading to tell them that they would not be stopping until they arrived at their hotel. One day was traumatic with the group getting split up into 2 halves. We eventually met at the lunch site. One group had already eaten so carried on, the second group followed after lunch. There had been a bad accident on the Motorway so the authorities shut it and moved the traffic to another motorway that was blocked solid.

The Grossglockner pass was something else. The roads were dry and the sun was out. It was one of the best twisties that Martin and I have done and when we got to the top some of the girls decided to have a snowball fight. Jules was so engrossed that she missed the stop at the summit and it was only after she realised that she was on her own that she did a three point turn on the road with everyone watching. On the way down three members decided to go ahead at a rate of knots, only to take the wrong turning at a roundabout.

‘The parade was a bit smaller than usual and was down by at least three bikes! Martin, Danny and Geoff went to participate with all flags flying only to be unable to find the starting point. Harley staff and security were unable to help so the three of them came back very disappointed. The chapter members who had assembled to watch gave them a resounding cheer on their return.

Home time The group split into 2 after Lindau as some members came back on the ferry from Roscoff and others elected to come home via the tunnel. One of the highlights that some of us encountered was during a visit to the Harley dealership at Koblenz (which was closed on a Monday), was a row of caravans on the approach road to the venue. These appeared to be occupied by Ladies of the Night. Those not engaged were standing outside looking for customers. One ‘nice’ member of the group went around the roundabout twice just to make sure, but after the disapproving looks of the Lady Chapter members present decided not to take up the offer of their services. All in all, a very good 2 weeks, but I felt an awful lot of riding which made for long days but we are glad that we did it.

Thank you to everyone that put the time and effort into organising the trip both with the hotels, the route and the Road Captain duties even though at times there was a red car in front of us that was determined Margaret & Terri to lead the way!

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Something to Say? If you have a story, event, joke or message you would like to share - or if you would like to place an advert - in the Newsletter please email Danny at:


See Dawn on the

Last Saturday of the Month at Dealership Day

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01752 519500 7

Our popular all day breakfast which includes a tea or coffee Pre-orders welcome

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Blazin’ Blazers Friday 26 September some years ago (in excess of 21) a baby girl was born in Looe, Kernow. Time went on and she married a gorgeous young man who also happened to be Cornish They later in life married and bought a Harley-Davidson and joined the Plymouth Chapter. The same date some years later they met up with other Chapter riders and left the Plymouth Harley-Davidson Dealership, led by Clive and Elaine en route to Weymouth for a fun weekend rally, Blazin’ Blazers, arranged by our sister Chapter Southampton. We met up with the Exeter contingent at the Exeter Services, after a short break we all head off, looking forward to a weekend of frolics and fun. The ride up was along the Jurassic Coast - and what a beautiful area this is. Stopping on the front at West Bay for lunch was a treat - fish and chips were dived into by most - and the bikes were admired by all who passed by. Time to leave, off along the coast line to the camp site. Once all booked in we went off to find the accommodation, we got to ours and found the caravan to be already let! Back to booking in only to find they had double booked. After about a half hour they found us another van, which was a lot closer to the entertainment than the first.

Early evening came and a few of us got together ‘undercover style’ blowing up balloons and hanging bunting. Later in the evening we all got seated and the birthday girl arrived. Chocolates and bubbly were the way to go (the camp site kindly gave a bottle as well) and the merriment was under way. ‘Happy Birthday’ was sung by all whilst the young lady and her gorgeous husband mentioned earlier were asked to stand on stage. In case you didn’t know it was Terri and I - Oh well thought you would be interested!!!

Some of us put our bikes into the bike show and went off around the town for a lunch, there was beautiful weather, with a great crowd of bikers along with hundreds of public looking at the bikes and Morgan cars which also lined the streets showing off their splendour. ‘Most gathered for the prize giving but no silverware for Plymouth Chapter this year, although Louie did come away with a prize for the best paint. (We received three prizes last year.)

Helen, Sumo and family carried a cake and fancies in as the singing went on. Many thanks to all who helped out and kept all this quiet.

The group had split up when it came time to go and we eventually rode back to the rally site for a meal before the ladies (and some others) powdered themselves up and we met for the evening.

Saturday came and breakfast over, all were getting ready for the Parade into Weymouth. The weather was looking great, after meeting at the entrance we rode off to the meeting point, where many bikes were ready for the off. Police were ready and marshals on the way to their points, here we go! Beautiful ride, all roundabouts, traffic lights and junctions were blocked off, the public who were en route and on the Weymouth sea front made it all worthwhile.

As the evening went along a weird old group of HOGS appeared on the stage!!! There was Wully as Cinderella!!! Helen and Lorrie as Ugly sisters!!! (NOW THAT’S NOT FAIR) And Sumo as himself (THE GAY FAIRY) What a bloody crowd!!! A resumé of Cinderella was given so perfectly that you would think they had just come off the stage at The Palladium (or Trago Mills). Very good show and well done they came joint first with New Forest (but there were only two chapters who had entered!)


Plymouth Chapter was presented with a certificate as the Chapter attending with the most members, which was presented to Derek Mills. The drinking and dancing (not me - I was in bed!!!) went on into the early hours. Sunday came and it was the day for the ride out, we had a choice of West Bay or Portland. Most of Plymouth decided on Portland as we stopped at West Bay on the way up, this suited us as we really wanted to go to Portland with the Plymouth Chapter ride-out put on by George earlier in the year but we missed it. Once again all riders met just outside of Weymouth and away we went. There must have been close to 100 bikes leaving on this ride. Stopping for a lunch at an old mill, a beautiful place with great parking - but they didn’t think there would be so many bikes and riders so the food really took ages! Photos of Chapter flags (and was that a black and white flag?) took place and off again. What a great ride out along Chesil Beach and along the road to Portland and out to the Bill.

Another evening of music and drinking was had by all and again into the early hours. A lot of HOGS had gone home probably due to work tomorrow.

to their destination and ended up with 4 bikes stopping at Plymouth Harley-Davidson where we were welcomed with a cup of tea. We all eventually left for home all nice and dry after a great weekend UNTIL WE GOT TO THE TAMAR BRIDGE! Yes it rained and Terri and I got drenched!!!

Monday came and packing had to be done! We met up at about 10.30am and started the journey home. Riders peeled off as they came

Thanks all for a great weekend and many thanks to New Forest Branch for putting on such a show (Sumo we need to talk)!!! Geoff & Terri

Tea time - but what a wind, not a lot of cover either so it was soon time to go back to the camp. We were happy to have at least been out here as we always wanted to ride here.

Keeping in Touch

Plymouth Harley-Davidson See our notice boards in the café or in the window

The best ways to stay in the loop and up-to-date ~


CHAPTER WEBSITE:  www.plymouthhog.co.uk

Weekly Email Updates Make sure we have your current email address or you could be missing out on some really exciting times to come this riding season!

Plymouth Chapter UK Our open page where you can see what we’re doing and without logging in or signing up to Facebook.




Plymouth Harley Owners Group (HOG) The place to have your say!

Julie Butler-Waddon ‘Lady of Harley’

Ladies of Harley Firstly I would like to welcome Alison Cutts to our Chapter and any other ladies who have either just picked up a new bike or have a partner who has Ladies of Harley is open to all ladies who either ride or have partners that ride and are HOG members. Nationally LoH is looking at having a guest policy for non-HOG members to come along to one or two events as a taster, so if you are interested please speak to me for further details. Well it looks like the Autumn/Winter season is definitely here but what a busy season it’s been already. We held our second ‘Fashion and Fizz’ night on the 17 October at the dealership and again it was very successful, with lots of feedback from you all. Ann-Marie and Rose put together some great offers and Christmas bundles for us, and with Chris’ generous discount we all went home with some lovely purchases. Especially the Bangles and jewellery, which were a great success! Thanks to Barbara too, who supplied the tea and coffee for us. All in all, a fun night drinking wine, eating chocs and chatting with friends. I am hoping to arrange a pre-Christmas Ladies Lunch in early December, so I need to know an idea of numbers and suggestions of when and where you would prefer to go so I can book it. Last Sunday, 26 October, I attended the first National LoH officers annual meeting at HarleyDavidson UK & Europe HQ in Oxford. The meeting was organised by Elaine Shepherd who is the National Chapter LoH Officer for UK and Ireland and Marjorie Rae, Customer Experience Manager, UK & Ireland. I met other LoH officers from all over the UK and we spent the day looking at the issues facing our members and how we want to move forward both nationally and internationally as well as at local Chapter level. There will be a new logo from next January and there are some exciting events planned for next year.

We all agreed that LoH should encompass both riders and pillions equally, as all our ladies play important roles in the running of our groups and in supporting each other. Facebook was recognised as a good way of keeping in touch with members and we are looking at more publicity in the general media to highlight our events. It was acknowledged that we ladies generally get more interest from the media than the men ... well we knew that didn’t we girls? It was a really inspiring meeting, which has left me with some great ideas for us in Plymouth. It was also apparent that we have a particularly good relationship with our dealership and I hope to only build on that for the future to the benefit of us all. Over the next few months we have plenty of exciting things going on and I hope to catch up with many of you. It really is a great time to get involved with Plymouth Ladies of Harley and I am very excited for our future. Next Spring Debz Haynes and I will be taking our Road Captains Course in Oxford and this will enable us to organise some ride outs tailored especially for our ladies. I’ve already been given some suggestions from you but keep them coming! This month our featured lady is Debbie Haynes, AKA Debz. Debz is one of our better known Lady riders and you will often see her at Plymouth HD. Debz got into biking about 14 years ago when she met her future husband Brian. He took her for a ride on the back of his bike and she was hooked, not just to Bikes, but Brian too and they’ve now been married for 11 years. Debz’ first bike was a Yamaha FZR400 and after a mix of Japanese and British bikes she eventually decided to get her first Harley Davidson in 2006, a Yellow Sportster 1200cc Custom. Her next Harley was a StreetBob, until she moved onto her current ride - her beautiful red 103 Switchback.


Debz is a true rider and enjoys challenging rides both in the UK and worldwide, recently riding to Faaker-see, Austria and taking in the Grossglockner Pass! Debz loves the biking lifestyle and the characters in the Chapter who she considers as good friends. She joined the Plymouth Chapter of HOG at its inception as an Associate Charter member and is now a full member. A regular attendee at most events, you can pretty much guarantee she’ll be one of the first on the dance floor...and one of the last off, especially if she’s had a glass of wine (or two)! With a great sense of humour Debz will usually brighten your day with some observation of life that is unique to her. A more serious side of Debz is her work. Debz is an ardent animal lover and devotes her time to managing the Woodside Animal Welfare Trust, Plympton, often ‘taking her work home’ as she has assortment of well loved pets. This devotion becomes more obvious when you realise that Debz, with the support of Brian, volunteers to look after the animals at the sanctuary every Christmas Day. In summary Debz is one of our regulars, fun to party with, reliable to ride with and always happy to have a glass of wine or cup of coffee (and cake) with you.

... and finally, I have set up a Facebook page, Plymouth Ladies of Harley, which will grow with us. Please “like’ and follow as I will post information, photos, etc. You can also find information on our web page www.plymouthhog.co.uk, under the Ladies of Harley tab. Jules

Ken Dolton ‘Our Chapter Author’

Tamsin and the Parrot Tamsin parked her Harley and reluctantly entered the dentists She was a bit early for her appointment and sat down idly flicking through an old Geographic magazine. A rustling noise disturbed her, looking up she noticed a large black cage stood on a pedestal in the far corner of the room. Inside the cage was a small white crested parrot with a bright yellow beak, it stood on its perch with its back to the room. Tamsin couldn’t help staring at it, the parrot started rocking from one foot to the other, then let out a squawk, which wasn’t particularly loud and jumped down from the perch and put its beak to work on the catch of the cage door, making a scraping sound. Tamsin was enthralled by this and watched intently as the parrot appeared to be making an escape attempt. Unnoticed by Tamsin, the receptionist had come out from behind her desk and battered the bars of the cage with a rolled up newspaper, “Now you stop that!” she yelled at the bird. The parrot leapt back onto its perch and cowered. The receptionist gave the cage another whack, then returned to her desk glaring occasionally in the direction of the parrot as she clicked away at her computer keyboard. The parrot meanwhile turned its back on the world and huddled on the perch, a picture of pure misery. Tamsin felt sorry for the bird and went over to the cage. The receptionist immediately piped up, “Don’t touch the parrot, it bites!” Tamsin stood near the cage looking at the parrot, which turned its head and stared back at her. Putting her gloves on, Tamsin retrieved a packet of Polos from her pocket and offered one to the parrot. It stayed on its perch looking warily at Tamsin and the proffered mint. Just then a door opened behind Tamsin and a nurse called her name, dropping the Polo onto the

floor of the cage, Tamsin turned and walked into the dental surgery. When the dentist examined Tamsin, he informed her that she only needed one tooth filled which he could do straight away. Giving her a local anaesthetic injection the dentist asked Tamsin to wait in the waiting room for the anaesthetic to take effect. Tamsin returned to the waiting room and approached the cage; the parrot regarded her, its head on one side. She looked into the cage and saw that the Polo had gone, reaching into her pocket, she pulled out another Polo and placed it on the floor of the cage. The parrot immediately hopped down, but instead of picking up the Polo went straight to Tamsin’s ungloved fingers and carefully rubbed its head on her fingers. Tamsin petted the parrot for a while then slowly withdrew her fingers and turned to take a seat; only to be frightened out of her wits as the receptionist whacked the bars of the cage again yelling at the parrot, not to bite. The parrot was visibly distressed and in a flurry of wings and feathers shot back onto the perch. Tamsin turned to remonstrate with the receptionist, but paused as she announced, “Damn messy, dirty thing, and its vicious as well.” With that she returned to her desk, no use arguing with that attitude. Tamsin looked at the parrot visibly shaking on its perch; then she had a wicked thought.Grinning to herself she pretended to put another Polo through the bars and quietly loosened the catch on the cage door. The parrot stopped shaking and took an interest in what Tamsin was doing to the catch, then with its head on one side, seemed to look at Tamsin and nod. Tamsin was sure that if it could have smiled it would have. Tamsin sat and waited keeping an eye on the caged parrot, smiling quietly to herself.

Not long after, Tamsin was called back into the surgery. The dentist had just finished the treatment when there was an almighty commotion in the waiting room, a loud voice, then things being knocked over and the occasional ‘whack’ was heard, then it all went quiet. Tamsin went to the reception desk to pay for the treatment. Looking flustered the receptionist dealt with her in a distracted way, and as Tamsin looked over at the cage, she saw that the cage door was wide open and no parrot. “Good for you.” murmered Tamsin and went out to where her Harley was parked. Riding home, Tamsin noticed some people turning and staring at her as she passed, one or two even pointed and laughed. Being used to such behaviour from non biker people she took little notice, concentrating instead on her riding. Pulling into her driveway, Tamsin dismounted then stood gazing in surprise, there perched on the cissy bar was the parrot, still regarding her with its head on one side. Tamsin laughed out loud, the parrot bobbed up and down and flew onto Tamsin’s shoulder, nuzzling her ear. She giggled, then going into the house spoke to the parrot, “Welcome to your new home.” Over the following weeks the parrot became an almost permanent fixture around Tamsin, she even bought a windscreen for the Harley so that the parrot could perch on the handlebars behind the screen while they travelled. The parrot also had the run of the house, no cages there and surprisingly caused very little damage. There was one thing that Tamsin had to do eventually though; she changed her dentist.

Chapter Merchandise Goodies for you to purchase ... Large HOG Patch ....................... £15.00 Small HOG Patch ......................... £6.00 Large Chapter Rocker ................ £17.50 Small Chapter Rocker .................. £5.50 30th Anniversary Pin ..................... £6.50 30th Anniversary Key Rings ......... £6.50

Large Lady of Harley Patch ......... £10.50 Small Lady of Harley Patch ........... £3.50 Poppy Patch .................................. £4.00 Poppy Pin ...................................... £3.50 Small Chapter Flag ...................... £21.25 Please remember these are cash only 11

Just to let you know that all Chapter merchandise can be purchased from the Dealership, on the first floor, cash only. You can also purchase these either from me or Judith at our Thursday social night. Derek

Plymouth Chapter Info Chapter Officers - Who’s Who ...

Sponsoring Dealer:

Richard Marsh


01752 332775

Chapter Manager:

Chris Iris


01752 332775


Clive Ball


07410 982423

Assistant Director:

Richard Lucking


07804 031050 01752 813973


Derek Mills


01803 843412


Elaine Ball


07855 454393

Activities & Events Officer:

Judith Mills


07733 030267 01803 843412

Lady of Harley:

Julie Butler-Waddon


07772 328437 01837 810799

Head Road Captain:

Derek Wood


07762 143591 01752 881566


Danny Frayne


07870 204443 01392 467778

Safety Officer:

Brian Haynes


07831 334913 01752 215785

Photographer/ Historian:

Martin Thomas


07799 427896 01752 291087

Membership Officer:

Richard Lucking


07804 031050 01752 813973

Chapter Officer:

Geoff Crocker


07836 625261 01579 346646

Chapter Liaison Officer:

Kev Tomlinson


07930 854604 01752 332775

Activities & Events Club Social

Dealership Day

Third Thursday every month

Last Saturday of the month, an ideal opportunity for everyone to meet up

January, April, July and October Quarterly Meeting at Plymouth Harley-Davidson Rest of Year: Hunting Lodge

please see the e-update for further info

Eat Around the World

Dawn of Crafty Cow will be there to sew on your patches

Ride Outs

Second Friday of the month

Riding season starts again in April 2015!

Dine in a different restaurant each month and sample a variety of cuisines from around the world

Watch out for impromptu rides over the winter months

Eagle Road Langage Business Park Plympton, Plymouth PL7 5JY

www.plymouthHarley-davidson.co.uk 12

Tel 01752 332775

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