High decibel 18 spring 2015

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Spring 2015

Inside issue no. 18: Stand & Deliver Ed’s Bit News & Membership Social Chatter Photo Competition Ladies of Harley Talking Motorcycles A Quizzical EATW Safety First Back to School DAAT Mustard Tree 5th Birthday Party Eat Around the World End of the Paper Licence Joke spot Superhighway Spot the Difference Caption Competition Spring Has Sprung Chapter Merchandise Chapter Information

2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16

Chapter No. 7861

Sponsored by Plymouth Harley-Davidson


Chapter Hotline

07534 974311

Clive Ball ‘Director’

Stand & Deliver! Started this year off with a nice ride through the South Hams on a bright and sunny day, it was hard to believe it was only 2 January Then it was our 5th Birthday Party. The Loft at Sutton Harbour was the perfect venue. Pete Nixon’s band “Something For Later” got everyone up on the floor dancing. There was a very interesting rendition of “Little Jimmy Brown” by our very own cabaret stars - Geoff, Terri, Sumo, Bob and M&M and “Young Keith” cut the birthday

cake. In fact it was so good we’re going to do it all again on Saturday 30th May for our Summer Party. We’re planning a full weekend as it coincides with Dealership Day and we have Sumo’s Run to the Sun on Sunday 31st, when we’ll be visiting Padstow and Trevose Lighthouse. So if you haven’t already done so you can buy your tickets (£13) from me, Richard, Geoff, M&M or Judith.

By the time you’re reading this, our riding season will be well underway. Derek Wood, our Head Road Captain, has pulled together a full riding calendar with ride outs on most Sundays and a few Saturdays. We’ve also got organised rides to the Cider Rally, BMAD Festival, Horseshoe Rally, SOFER and Blazin’ Twenties.

May is going to be a very busy month! The first weekend is double booked as its both the Cider Rally and Paignton Bike Festival, hosted by our good friends BMAD. The Cider Rally is always a good start to the season, but this year I’m off to Paignton. I’ve been many times for a day visit but never stayed over and made a weekend of it, so this year we’ve decided to do so. Plymouth Harley-Davidson will be there with the Harley wagon and we’ll be with them in our smart new gazebo. Derek Wood will leading a ride to Paignton on Sunday 3 May.

In the middle of May, 19 of us are going to the BB11 Rally in Brittany, which is hosted this year by our French twin chapter, Cornouaille Chapter. It’s being held in a beautiful location overlooking the beach at Plestin les Greves on the north Brittany coast. The following week, several members of Cornouaille Chapter are visiting us for a tour around Somerset and North Devon, including Bodmin Jail. You’re all welcome to join us for all or some of their visit.

There will be a ride out on Sunday 24 to meet up with our visitors. A couple of other dates for you diaries... This year’s Rally Raid is to the Horseshoe Rally in Rutland on Friday 10 to Sunday 12 July. It’s being held at Oakham Rugby Ground but if you don’t want to camp there’s B&Bs, guest houses and hotels in Oakham. Don’t forget the last rally of the season at the end of September, Blazin’ Twenties, hosted by our sister chapter New Forest Branch. If you book early you can get the discounted gold tickets.

And finally, I’m sure you’re already aware that our dealership is moving to new premises this summer. They’re not moving too far, just to the old Jaguar premises on the corner of Eagle Road. So we’ve got a grand opening party to look forward to! Hope to see you on a ride out, at an event or at the dealership (or all three) soon! Ride Safe Clive

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Danny Frayne ‘Editor’

Welcome to the 2015 Riding Season - Bring it on!!! Bike Polished (check), Full of Petrol (check), Safety Checked and Serviced (check), MoT’d, Taxed and Insured (check), Optimate unplugged and Disc Lock off (check) – LETS RIDE!!! Wow - what an Easter Week, just like being in Rome again, Sun, Sun, Sun for a whole week, let’s hope the rest of the year lives up to the Easter break. High Decibel this Quarter comes complete with your own ‘Personal Ride-Out Calendar’, get these pinned up on the wall, in the garage, on the fridge, wherever you are going to see it on a daily basis, because it’s going to be a very busy year on the bikes with Ride-Outs, Rallies, Shows, European and American Trips, Social Nights, Dealership Days, to name a few. Lots of competitions, jokes and facts in this edition with some superb information on things that have come into force and things that might be happening. Big Section on the 5th Birthday Party in January (what a night), definitely one of our best so far,

and soon to be repeated with the “Summer Party” at the same venue at the end of May. Personally can’t make this one as will be on the road to Liverpool Docks for this year TT Races on the Isle of Man, but I know the rest of you will have just as much fun without me!

One massive thing for me this year is the “Big 60” birthday celebration and to mark this we are off on the “Route 66” trip in September, with top class machinery and a great bunch of mates, what an adventure this is going to be - America for the first time.

Two major outings at the beginning of May with Bridgwater Chapter’s “Cider Rally” and BMAD’s “Paignton Bike Festival” - although these two events clash on the dates, I know that the canny riders amongst us will probably be at both during some time of the Early May Bank Holiday Weekend.

The July Edition of High Decibel will be available at the Dealership Social Night on Thursday 16 July. So please can I have all articles, photos, etc., in by Tuesday 30 June.

If you are attending the BMAD Festival make sure you visit both the Dealership Display and next door to the Plymouth Hog Tent to help cheer up the kind volunteers who are giving up their time to be on duty for our Plymouth HOG Chapter

Finally, if you’re reading this magazine electronically and would like a paper copy, you can pick one up in the Dealership from Kevin or the Café area. Looking forward to meeting both old friends and new ones on what is looking to be the best riding season ever!!! Danny (the Ed) Danski

Richard Lucking ‘Assistant Director’ & ‘Membership Officer’

“We’re In It Together”

Membership Status: 130 members

A group of us have just returned from our annual weekend of Antwerp Diamond Port Chapter birthday celebrations. “Bodmin” Chris Monk was our master of ceremonies and his relationship with ADPC meant as always we were well received and royally entertained. Our twinning with ADPC continues to be a success and their Director Geert Van Gijseghem apologised for his Chapter not being able to come to us in May 2015 but assured us they would join us in 2016. ADPC expressed that in the meantime we would always be welcome to visit them at their Dealership “American Lifestyle” of Antwerp. We presented a bottle of Plymouth Gin to Geert and ADPC. There was also a very hospitable Antwerp Irish Pub; I will say no more, other than I am sure they would have seen a rise in their takings! Please welcome the following to our Chapter:

David Triggs rejoining us after a break Dave “Animal” Rowe Mark “Shifty” Jenson Mandy Denford Kate Jacklin Keri Barzotelli rejoining us after a break

Keith “Ticker” Hartt Jackie Taylor Nick and Kaz “Spanky” Carter Please remember the HOG (not Chapter) rule – you must be a current HOG member (Life, Full or Associate) to be a Chapter member. If you want to renew/join the Chapter please complete the 2015 Chapter Renewal/New 3

Justin “Juggy” Warder Dave Haq Margaret “M&M” Thomas Leslie “Mack” McGinley Rich Billing John “JC” Crail Tony David Mike “Ago” Harrison Dave “Modo” Weaver Tracey “Mutha” Richards

Member application form. These are available from me, the Dealership (either from Chapter Dealer Rep’ Kev “Tomo” Tomlinson or from the Chapter notice board upstairs) or the Chapter website. “Nice” Richard “Weasel” Lucking

Judith Mills ‘Activities & Events Officer’

Social Chatter April already and finally a few days of good weather so Chapter members have been able to blow the cobwebs off their bikes. I want to give a quick update on our various events since the last High Decibel which was circulated in January. Our 5th birthday party in The Loft at the Marina Bar was excellent. The venue was perfect as was the music from Pete’s band. Food was plentiful and tasty. It was such a successful evening that we have booked both the venue and Pete’s band for our Summer party on 30th May. Tickets are £13 per person and are on sale from Clive, Geoff and Martin. I am really hoping that we have as many, if not more,

members and guests attending this so we have yet another memorable evening. As I am writing this, we have only the April EATW still to happen. EATW was introduced as a winter activity, hence it restarts in October. However there is one exception to this, our fish and chip run to Looe which happens usually in July. I have also been asked to reinstate the “Picnic” Sunday ride out. Dates for both these event will be published nearer the time in one of Elaine’s very informative weekly updates.

We have a very full events and ride out calendar, so I am delighted to report that we now have 6 bikes travelling to 1066 Chapter in July. If anyone else is interested in joining us, I have all relevant info. 14 bikes from there visited us last year, so it would be great if we could increase our numbers and I know some excellent rides have already been arranged. Remember to let me know if there is anything you would like me to organise and I hope to see you all at a Chapter event very soon. Judith

Martin Thomas ‘Photographer/Historian

Photo Competition!

Clive Ball

The winner of this months ‘Most Striking Black & White Photo’ competition is Martin and Margaret Thomas. The next theme is ‘Harley at Sunrise or Sunset’. The photo must include at least one Harley and reference to Plymouth Harley-Davidson, the deadline is 30 June 2015. 1903 - The factory in which they worked was a 10 x 15 foot wooden shed with  the words “Harley-Davidson Motor Company” crudely scrawled on the door, Rob Butler

See Dawn on the

Last Saturday of the Month at Dealership Day or

Tel 01752 519500 4

Julie Butler-Waddon ‘Lady of Harley’

Ladies of Harley I am rushed off my feet so it will be short and sweet this month Firstly a big apology to you all as I had to cancel the March Fashion & Fizz due to ill health. I have spoken with Anne-Marie and we will concentrate our efforts for the October Fashion & Fizz when we will be in the new dealership.

As such the ‘Coffee and Catch ups’ will restart in October as we will all be busy catching up on ride outs and rallies from now on.

With us now officially in ‘summertime’ the longer daylight hours means more chance to get out on our bikes, whether rider or pillion and I am looking forward to meeting up with you all on our ride outs.

The end of April will see Debz and I take our Road Captains course up at Harley-Davidson HQ in Oxford. There are 4 ladies on the course and we have all been asked to submit articles to the HOG magazine, so look out for our reports.

However, I am always on the end of the phone for a chat or can be reached through Facebook or email (details on the back page).

You will already have noticed we are getting more coverage in both the e-magazine and the hard copy. For anyone going to BMAD this year, I will be helping out on the Chapter/ HD Stand over the weekend so come and say “Hello”, if you’re passing. Finally I would like to welcome our new Ladies of Harley. We all look forward to meeting you soon. Jules

Ken Dolton ‘Our Chapter Author’

Talking Motorcycles I have often quoted the words “This motorcycle is talking to me.” This is a phenomenon that happened to me when I bought my first Harley nine years ago. Since then I have had four Harleys all of which “spoke” to me in the Harley dealership showroom. Now, don’t get me wrong, despite evidence to the contrary, I haven’t gone psychotic in my old age, but there is a feeling of being overwhelmed by the different configurations of the latest Harley-Davidson motorcycles on entering the dealership showroom after an absence. This, on it’s own, keeps me fascinated because of the diversity and customising of Harleys, coupled with the ingenuity of their owners, is why I am such a Harley fan. As you peruse the latest models and the innovative ‘add-ons’ and ‘take offs’ you’re endlessly intrigued with these new ideas, so

much so that you become slightly overwhelmed and have to retire to the upstairs clothing and cafe area to recuperate over a full English breakfast, coffee and a browse through the latest biker fashions, although after having a full English breakfast, none of the fashions fit.

“Yes, yes” says your heart, “no, no” says the financier Then you come back downstairs and the thunderclap happens, one Harley in the showroom suddenly appears and “speaks to you”. “Yes, yes” says your heart, “no, no” says the financier in your head, then a battle royal starts in your head, you can’t stop looking at this particular Harley, but the brain is still screaming “You can’t afford it!”


Mostly the head wins, but the heart sometimes wins out and you buy the Harley that ‘spoke to you’. There is no better feeling than when you ride out of the showroom on your chosen Harley, it’s a feeling that only another motorcycle enthusiast would even begin to understand. As I’ve said before, it’s happened to me four times and each time the feeling is indescribable and may I say very addictive. I’m fortunate in now having a virtually brand new Harley that I haven’t been able to do justice to “riding wise” but hopefully in the future I’m going to have my bum in the saddle a lot more in the coming summer months. My only fear is that I shall walk into that dealership showroom and yet another Harley will “talk to me”, so I shall either have to try and resist the temptation or get a bigger garage. In the meantime I’m getting ready for summer ride outs, hope to see you all on the road soon. Ken

A Quizzical Eat Around the World Friday 21 March was our penultimate EATW until the end of the riding season in October However, we mustn’t forget about our annual Fish and Chip run to Kelly’s in Looe. Traditionally this has been the first Friday in July but looking at our busy calendar, I think this will have to be changed. I love our bringing Looe to a standstill as we ride in and park up. I’ll give you plenty of notice of the new date when it is confirmed.

10 teams of 4 competed very amicably. There were 20 Chapter members and 20 Sailing members so we were very evenly matched, in numbers anyway! Margaret, assisted by Terri and Debs, produced an excellent buffet which we all thoroughly enjoyed and through excellent budgeting, there were cash prizes for the teams that finished in first and second place and edible and drinkable prizes for all of the other teams. The photo is the top scoring Chapter team.

Anyway, back to the quiz which was held at Tamar River Sailing Club. It was a perfect venue in an excellent location. Thanks to Martin for arranging this and trying to repair my reading glasses which I sat on, during the journey down!

A big ‘Thank You’ to the Thomas family for their hard work. We were asked to return so this will be an annual event from now on. Judith

We were graciously welcomed by the Commodore of the club and

Brian Haynes ‘Safety Officer and Road Captain’

Safety First Another season of riding is now upon us and the chapter has a busy calendar of rides and events. For most chapter members the early rides of the season will be the first time they have been out on their bikes since the end of last year’s riding season So now is the time to be cautious and to take more time to think about your ride. Check your bike over to ensure all is still OK with it, then check yourself over and take it easy on that first ride out to get back into the swing of things. Get the brain to start thinking like a bike rider and not a car driver, use all of the road. On group rides be aware that some of the riders in the group will also be rusty after a winter of not riding, so maybe leave a bit more space at the start of the ride to enable them to get into the rhythm of riding again. Over the last couple of weekends I have noticed that there are more riders out on their bikes enjoying the early season fine weather. It is at this time of the year that there is an increase in bike related accidents as people do not realise how much speed they have lost over the winter layoff. While out on your bike be aware of these riders who may not be as

good as they think they are - and give them room. So take it easy on your first ride out after a winter layoff. I am hoping to put on another Bike Safe course if there is enough interest from Chapter members, I need a minimum of 8 riders to be able to organise this. The course is a 1 day course, of which the first 2 hours are in the classroom then about 3 hours on the road. There is a ratio of 1 police rider to 2 student riders; the cost is about £25.00. Last year 10 Chapter members completed this course and all enjoyed it and thought that it was good value. At the moment I cannot give any dates as this is dependent on the availability of the required number of instructors required for the course. If you would like to do this course please contact me or one of the other committee members so that I can put together a list of names. I hope to see you all on one of the Chapters many ride outs taking place this year, Brian ride safe. 6

Back to School? At a recent quiz night a lady approached me to find out if I would be able to bring my bike to Woodlands Special school in Whitleigh, Plymouth for the children to see and hear The children, aged between 2 and 9, suffer from a variety of disabilities, including cerebal palsy. The school has a transport theme for next term and will be discussing cars, trains, planes as well as motorcycles. It would be great to turn up with a lot of bikes making a lot of noise - and a great publicity opportunity for the chapter as well as the school. The date is Wednesday 29 April at 10am. - meet me at the dealership at 9.30am with flags flying! Please let me know if you are interested in coming along - for me to arrange parking - by emailing Martin on photographer@plymouthhog.co.uk Martin

Rob Butler ‘Public Relations Officer’

Devon Air Ambulance Trust At the Chapter’s Social Night in March, we were treated to a talk from Tony Cannon of Devon Air Ambulance Trust (DAAT) on the role of the trust, its finances and funding as well as details about future plans for the service The presentation was organised after our membership voted to support both Devon Air Ambulance Trust (DAAT) and Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust (CAAT) as our official charities for 2015. At the meeting, Mr Cannon informed the Chapter that each flight costs £2,300 and that DAAT needs to generate 5.5 million pounds a year to maintain the service. Since DAAT started in 1992, the service has flown nearly 22,000 missions of which 30% account for road traffic accidents in the county. He also confirmed that the service is planning to commence flying night time operations for the very first time later this year.

involving cars, lorries and other vehicles and 48 motorbike incidents. At the social night the Chapter raised £72.57 in donations as part of our support for the service. Rob

Since the presentation, Mr Cannon has confirmed some statistics about road traffic accidents that DAAT were deployed to in 2014. There were a total of 210 accidents

Mustard Tree Charity Donation & Update The Chapter’s recent charity cheque donation to the Mustard Tree Macmillan Centre at Derriford Hospital, for £1,100 has received wide publicity in the local press and covered in both hard and online copies of Herald Newspaper, Plymouth Shopper (Free Newspaper) and HOG E-News The donation was raised from a number of local fundraising activities after one of our members, Eliza Lucking who was living with cancer and our Assistant Director, Richard Lucking, received support from The Mustard Tree Centre before she died. The funds were raised after our membership voted to support The Mustard Tree as our charity of the year in 2014. Since receiving the cheque, Sian Ward-Edwards Local Fundraising Manager for Macmillan has confirmed ‘the charity is endeavouring to open up a centre in Cornwall over the next few years, to support local people with cancer and help to ensure support services are in place for families in the far Southwest. We are really grateful to Plymouth Chapter UK for supporting the centre and raising vital funds in 2014’. Rob 7

5th Birthday Party! Well we started out the New Year with All our friends and associates at the Marine Bar for a fantastic party. It was very well attended by members and friends. Early entertainment was a sketch of Jimmy Browns song 3 Bells - only we had four. Geoff, Sumo, Bob and Martin, with Terri and Margaret doing the singing (right).The boys were all in white dressing gowns, Harley boots and hats, and they needed a little something extra between their legs.

Considering they only had one practice run the night before they did a very good performance and all went well.

Everyone was in high sprits when the evening came to a close I think some might have continued on elsewhere?

The evenings music was provided by Pete and his band “Something for later�. The dance floor was in constant use all night.

Thanks to everyone for coming and to all those who put in a lot of hard work into

The buffet was varied and plentiful.


Getting the New Year off to a flying start. Margaret

Eat Around the World In January we visited the Grosvenor Casino, Plymouth

In February we dined at Menheniot

January’s visit to Las Vegas, i.e. The Grosvenor Casino in Plymouth was well attended and fun with a number of us leaving with some winnings, some more than others. Lian was the

top scorer with over £40 gained from her free £5 chip! In February we travelled to Kernow where Geoff and Terri were outstanding hosts and we had a true flavour of Cornwall. March’s

On 4 July 1905, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle wins a 15 mile race in Chicago with a time of 19:02 In Milwaukee, the first full-time employee is hired


EATW was a little different as a quiz was included. I have reported on this as a separate item in this edition of H.D. Judith

The End of the UK paper driving licence What it means for you The UK paper counterpart driving licence is to be abolished from 8 June 2015. Here is what you need to know about the driving licence changes

Can I get rid of my paper driving licence?

From June 8 2015, the UK paper counterpart driving licence will be scrapped and no longer issued by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

When DVLA stops issuing the counterpart, you should destroy yours, but you still need to keep your current photo card driving licence. If you have only got a paper driving licence (that’s licences issued before 1998) you need to keep hold of it. These will remain valid and shouldn’t be destroyed.

The green section of paper, required mainly for hiring cars, will no longer be valid and when you renew or change your address on your licence, the DVLA will only send a new photo card.

From 8 June 2015, penalty points will no longer be recorded on paper licences and the information will be held on the DVLA’s digital driver record. You’ll be able to check this online, by phone or by post.

It is part of a major ‘red tape’ removal policy by Government motoring agencies with many facets moving online, saving an estimated £8 million. MyLicence - a joint venture between the DVLA and the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) has been launched where drivers can check their details online.

The police can access this information electronically at the roadside via the Police National Computer so the paper licence doesn’t add anything extra. All endorsement notifications will be recorded electronically after any court proceedings and are detailed on the driver record held by DVLA. What about hiring a car? The DVLA is developing a new digital enquiry service that will allow organisations and businesses - such as employers and car hire companies - to view information they can currently see on the driving licence counterpart. These new services are designed for those who have a business need for real-time access to the information, and may not wish to call the DVLA or be in a position to use an intermediary.

Death of the tax disc: everything you need to know. Insurance companies will also be able to check drivers’ licences using MyLicence in a move that’s designed to cut down on fraud. It is hoped the move will stop drivers making false statements when taking out insurance, particularly regarding motoring convictions which could invalidate a policy. Insurers would require the licence number and permission from the holder before they could get the data.

How will police and the courts record endorsements?

How will I change my Driving licence address? You will still be able to use the counterpart driving licence to change your address with the DVLA. Although, you can also change your address online. If you’ve only got a paper driving licence, the next time you make any alterations to your address or renew it, you’ll only be issued with a photo card Driving Licence.

So, how will the scrapping of the paper driving licence affect you? We’ve compiled this handy guide to answer some frequently asked questions.


Driving licence information via these services will only be made available to those who have a right to see it, and with the knowledge of the (Ed) driving licence holder.

Getting ready for a Biker Rally - The difference between men & women WOMEN: Three weeks before: Book hair, nail, eyebrow appointment Buy hair colour Search e-bay for new outfit Look at your womanly physique in the mirror... decide that you need to lose a stone in 3 weeks, so make mental note to do workout, sit-ups, etc., every day Save small amount of your favourite toiletries, face cleanser, toner, eye make up remover, day cream, night cream, eye cream, factor 15 for the face and factor 8 for the body (the sun WILL come out), body lotion, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, hair product one (body), hair product two (straight), hair product three (glossy) hair product four (no frizz), hair product five (to fix in place) Two weeks before: Buy new outfit (two of just in case) off e-bay, found using searches such as ‘Biker babe’, ‘biker rally outfit’, etc. Start tan-tastic preparations, scrub flesh and moisturise

The week before; Dye hair, hair cut, buy new hair product Eyebrows waxed Manicure (and pedicure) Apply self-tanning creams Look in shops for a new outfit (just in case)

Text mates to see if they are taking hairdryers and/or straighteners as you realise you have gone over your allocation baggage allowance Moisturise whole body, get dressed putting on extra layers of clothing that you could not fit into small bag Put extra items you forgot to pack into coat pockets

The day before: Sort out clothing you are taking


Clothing to wear on a hanger All other items hidden, so that your Victor Meldrew husband does not say “Do you think you are taking that lot for two days!”

Put tent on bike Take toothbrush if longer than one night Moan at woman at the amount of luggage she is taking for two nights

The day of: Face pack, condition hair, shave armpits and legs, apply make up with no mascara (to avoid panda eyes on the way in gail force winds)

Put on ‘Rally’ pants, club t and leather vest

Try to pack 10 tops, three pairs of jeans, 3 sets of matching underwear, toiletries (as above), towel (the size of a small country) into small bag

Of course those apologies to all women who are lower maintenance and men who are higher...



Something to Sa



If you have a story, event, joke or mes sage you would like inc luded in the News let ter please email Dann y at:



A unique Dawn to Dusk Challenge to ride from Coast to Coast in one day from Lowestoft to Lands End

JUNE 27th 2015 Open to all Harley Riders and their passengers The challenge is to set off at dawn, visit the four Harley Davidson dealers below, using your own choice of route and finish before Dusk at Lands End. There will be a programme of social events to accompany the ‘One Day Run’ and all entrants will receive a specially designed tee shirt. Those who complete the challenge successfully will receive a commemorative embroidered badge. For more details Ring Graham/Hilary 01935 891414 or email gjhaskett@btinternet.com or hperris@sherborne.org or pick up a form from the participating dealers 11

Black Bear HD Newmarket

PLYMOUTH HARLEY-DAVIDSON CAFE Serving a wide selection of hot and cold food and drinks to eat in or take away. Why not try one of our homemade specials:

Oxford HD Abingdon

Chilli bowl served with a roll

Riders of Bridgwater

Our popular all day breakfast which includes a tea or coffee

Plymouth HD Plympton

Omelettes with your choice of fillings

Pre-orders welcome

07842 571905

SUPERHIGHWAY : UK to US 12,400 mile superhighway from Britain to America: Plans proposed for VERY ambitious road across Russia Trans-Eurasian Belt Development would span half globe’s circumference Would link western edge of Russia to the Bering Strait and then Alaska Joining road networks in Europe and Asia, would link UK to United States Russian Academy of Science put forward plan to President Vladimir Putin Current longest road in the world is Australian Highway 1 at 9,000 miles Britain could be linked with America by road as part of an ambitious project to create the world’s longest superhighway spanning half the circumference of the globe. Proposals have been put forward to build the mega route stretching about 12,400 miles from the western edge of Russia to the Bering Strait where the country nudges Alaska. Linking into existing road networks in Europe and Asia, for the first time it would allow travellers a proper highway to drive all way from the UK to the United States. A Trans-Siberian rail link as well as oil and gas pipes would run alongside the highway, and plans have been mooted already for a rail tunnel connecting the far flung Russian region of Chukotka - where football tycoon Roman Abramovich once served as governor - and Alaska. While roads exist across much of Russia some are of dismal quality, especially in the east of the country. Among these is the notorious Road of Bones built by Stalin’s political prisoners. This new scheme is seen as a way of turning Russia into a global transportation hub, a bridge between Europe, Asia and North America, so revitalising the Russian economy and attracting new tourism. Vladimir Fortov,

the Head of the Russian Academy of Science, recently put forward the uncosted plan dubbed the Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (TEPR) to President Vladimir Putin. ‘The project is very ambitious and expensive, but it will solve many problems in the development of the vast region,’ he said, according to The Siberian Times. The current longest continuous road in the world is found in Australia, where Highway 1 runs around the entire country and spans some 9,000 miles. In Russia the Trans-Siberian Highway network is more than 6,800 miles long, meaning the new road would become the biggest and longest ever built, with additional sections in the west and east. Plans for the TEPR were unveiled by the head of the Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin who has been hit by Western sanctions over Ukraine - at a meeting of the Russian Academy of Science. Using tunnels or ferries from England the continent, and Russia to the US, a driver could use the highway to travel from Britain to the US for the first time. Its development is viewed as a ‘powerful and versatile’ corridor that would allow massive investment and the construction of pipelines for oil and gas, the laying of facilities for electricity and water supplies and the opportunity for new cities to be created. While roads exist across much of Russia some are of dismal quality, especially in the east. Among these is the Road of Bones, built by the political prisoners of Joseph Stalin. The team behind the project say they estimate it will require trillions of dollars but insist its economic benefits would far outweigh any cost. What is unclear is how a cash-strapped Russia could afford it. Giving a presentation


on the scheme, Yakunin - a close friend of Putin - described it as ‘an inter-state, intercivilisation project’.He also said it would lead to Russia becoming the new world centre for the creation and development of high-tech industries because of its central position in the new global transport network. Five years ago Vladimir Putin travelled along some of the existing roads in the Russian Far East as part of a tour to meet voters before the presidential elections. Behind the wheel of a yellow Lada, he drove 2,000 kilometres across Siberia in a stunt intended to boost his ratings and the Russian car industry. But it backfired when he discovered much of the route was in a bad state of repair and his car was photographed on the back of a tow truck. The R504 Kolyma Highway - better known as the Road of Bones after the skeletons of those who died in its construction were used in its foundations - is the only main road through the remotest parts of the Russian Far East. Connecting Magadan with the town of Nizhny Bestyakh, much of the route is unmaintained and about 200km is completely abandoned and a challenge even for motorists in 4x4 vehicles. The rail network in Siberia was recently extended with the construction of a new line to a station across the Lena River from Russia’s diamond capital of Yakutsk. Potentially this line could be extended further east to Magadan and the northern Pacific. Plans for the TEPR were unveiled by the head of the Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin who has been hit by Western sanctions over Ukraine - at a meeting of the Russian Academy (Ed) of Science.

Spot the Difference

The 2015 Eclipse

Just for fun, spot 10 differences between the images

by Martin Thomas ‘Photographer/Historian

Keeping in Touch

Plymouth Harley-Davidson See our notice boards in the café or in the window

The best ways to stay in the loop and up-to-date ~


CHAPTER WEBSITE:  www.plymouthhog.co.uk

Weekly Email Updates Make sure we have your current email address or you could be missing out on some really exciting times to come this riding season!

Plymouth Chapter UK Our open page where you can see what we’re doing and without logging in or signing up to Facebook.




Plymouth Harley Owners Group (HOG) The place to have your say!

Caption Competition Get inspired and win a £10 dealership voucher! Have a go - enter our fab caption competition - this issues image pictured opposite. We are looking for pun-tastic, funny, brilliant, bizarre, thought provoking and always entertaining suggestions! Email your entry, with ‘Caption Competition’ in the title, to danny.frayne@yahoo.co.uk on or by 30 June 2015. Winner announced in the next issue of HD alongside the next caption competition photo!

The Winter 2015 issue Caption Competition Winner is Martin with:

“ I see you’ve been to my place. ”

That’s great Martin - a £10 dealership voucher will be winging its way to you soon! If you think you can think of a better caption, email your entry for the photo above to Danny and be in with a chance of winning a £10 dealership voucher for yourself! It can be funny, ironic, cheeky, suggestive and imaginative.

In 1957 Harley-Davidson created the Sportster.


This bike is the most favoured design ever created by Harley-Davidson. WWF’s Undertaker rides the Sportster Lowrider.

01752 898820 / 07941 730653 Family owned company, run by enthusiasts for the enthusiast


Harley-Davidson combined the design of both bikes in 1991 to create the Sportster Lowrider. This bike was mainly designed for cruising, but a word of advice, don’t try to out race this bike. This bike rivals all bikes that have been manufactured by Harley-Davidson.



Ken Dolton ‘Our Chapter Author’

“Spring has sprung, The grass is rizz, Wonder where the birdies izz?” This nonsense poem kept going through his head as he slowly dressed in his biker gear. Over trousers, boots, leather jacket, and neck muffler, all this ritual preparation performed with a dry mouth of anxious expectation. This was the first ride he was doing in seven months, previous rides being cancelled through illness or winter weather conditions.

Pressing the starter again, the engine went “Ruh, ruh”, then burst into life with a familiar roar, music to his ears. The Harley had now become a living thing as the engine warbled and the familiar vibrations pulsed through the seat and handlebars, reminding him of past memories. Letting the engine idle for a while he checked the lights and dash display.

“Spring has sprung, the grass is rizz.” kept going through his head.

Pulling in the clutch he gingerly selected first gear, a crunching, rattling sound came from the gearbox; the clutch had not been used for some time and was sticking slightly. Eventually first gear ‘CLUNKED’ into place; gently easing the clutch and accelerating he rode the Harley onto the drive and applied the brakes, that initially made a squealing sound. He put the Harley on its side stand, leaving the engine running, went back into the garage to don his helmet and gloves.

Picking up his helmet and gloves, he entered the garage; there stood the Harley, chrome and paintwork gleaming after the polishing session earlier that morning. Hopefully, with fingers crossed, the battery still had some charge left to start the engine, taking a drink of water from his water bottle to wet his dry mouth, he threw his leg across the saddle, raised his eyes to heaven and pressed the starter. An anxious “Ruh, ruh, ruh,” came from the engine, no ignition yet. Sitting back he took another swig of water. “Spring had sprung, the grass is rizz.”

“Wonder where the birdies izz?”

“Spring had sprung, the grass is rizz” yet again went through his head! Taking a final swig from his water bottle, he mounted the Harley and selected first gear that ‘snicked’ into place this time and rode out onto the road to Dartmoor. Suddenly he was back into an environment long waited for; “HOG Heaven”. The miles just flew by, he negotiated bends, cattle grids, horse manure, Dartmoor ponies and sheep, occasional motorists and farm vehicles, but he was in no hurry, just enjoying the biking experience.

At a place called “Two Bridges” he stopped for lunch. Oooooohhhhh, Eggs Florentine and a large glass of lemon and lime in the sun, lovely. Off again through Widdecombe, a short stop for coffee, then the leisurely drop down into Newton Abbot and home, via the back lanes. It was still light when he drove the Harley into the garage, switching off the engine the ticking of the cooling engine held him transfixed for a while. Going indoors he took off his biker clothing and sat for a while savouring the feeling of achievement and satisfaction, he began to think of future rides and biking activities which brought a smile to his face. “Yes, indeed spring had sprung” he thought, he was back into Harley mode again after a long absence. BUT most importantly, he had stopped hearing that infernal poem that had been bugging him by going through his head previously! Ken

Chapter Merchandise Goodies for you to purchase ... Large HOG Patch ....................... £15.00 Small HOG Patch ......................... £6.00 Large Chapter Rocker ................ £17.50 Small Chapter Rocker .................. £5.50 30th Anniversary Pin ..................... £6.50 30th Anniversary Key Rings ......... £6.50

Large Lady of Harley Patch ......... £10.50 Small Lady of Harley Patch ........... £3.50 Poppy Patch .................................. £4.00 Poppy Pin ...................................... £3.50 Small Chapter Flag ...................... £21.25 Please remember these are cash only 15

Just to let you know that all Chapter merchandise can be purchased from the Dealership, on the first floor, cash only. You can also purchase these either from me or Judith at our Thursday social night. Derek

Plymouth Chapter Info Chapter Officers - Who’s Who ... Sponsoring Dealer:

Richard Marsh


01752 332775

Chapter Manager:

Chris Iris


01752 332775


Clive Ball


07949 467439

Assistant Director:

Richard Lucking


07804 031050 01752 813973


Derek Mills


01803 843412


Elaine Ball


07855 454393

Activities & Events Officer:

Judith Mills


07733 030267 01803 843412

Lady of Harley:

Julie Butler-Waddon


07772 328437 01837 810799

Head Road Captain:

Derek Wood


07762 143591 01752 881566


Danny Frayne


07870 204443 01392 467778

Safety Officer:

Brian Haynes


07831 334913 01752 215785

Photographer/ Historian:

Martin Thomas


07799 427896 01752 291087

Membership Officer:

Richard Lucking


07804 031050 01752 813973

General Officer: (Road Crew)

Geoff Crocker


07836 625261 01579 346646

General Officer: (Public Relations)

Rob Butler


07944 524657

Chapter Liaison Officer:

Kev Tomlinson


07930 854604 01752 332775

Activities & Events Club Social

Dealership Day

Third Thursday every month

Last Saturday of the month, an ideal opportunity for everyone to meet up

January, April, July and October Quarterly Meeting at Plymouth Harley-Davidson Rest of Year: Hunting Lodge

please see the e-update for further info

Eat Around the World Will be back again in October on the second Friday of the month

Dawn of Crafty Cow will be there to sew on your patches

Dine in a different restaurant each month and sample a variety of cuisines from around the world

Ride Outs Our Riding season is now underway! Check out the Events & Ride Outs section on our website

Eagle Road Langage Business Park Plympton, Plymouth PL7 5JY

www.plymouthHarley-davidson.co.uk 16

Tel 01752 332775

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