Hoggit february 2014

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February 2014 Volume 11 Issue 2


Trish and “The Photo Competition with a Difference” by Jack, our photographer. Both will have prizes for the winners, so don’t be shy-get involved.

Here we go, the days are gradually getting longer and the nights shorter. Of course, if we were a canoeing club, we’d be in business, but unless this rain ceases soon, we’re gonna sink! In this month’s Hoggit, we have some feedback from Cy’s visit to Sutton Coldfield for the director’s conference. Living the dream, Cy, living the dream.

The 2013 committee also had their committee dinner at the Spread Eagle which is just about 100 metres from Abingdon United Sports Club where we have Chapter night, so perhaps a bite to eat or cuppa before Chapter night?

Pete Davies has written a nice little potted history of the Jake Spicer Toy Run, which, for me, marks the real start to the riding season and reflects a real carnival atmosphere, proving that sometimes good things can come from sad things.

The Spread Eagle, Abingdon. Northcourt Road Abingdon, Oxon. OX14 1PL 01235 521594

Elaine has updated us on the final results of the Mileage Challenge, which, for a small (ish) Chapter, we did not do badly, thanks to Dorian and Elaine. As there is a posse doing the Thunder-in-the-Glen rally this year, I would urge all those taking part to enter, let’s see if we can show that we can put serious miles on them thar Hogs! Jay has kept us both envious and enlightened with events at the Golden Gate Chapter and the fact that they start the riding year on January 1st! California must be hell, all those coastal roads, mountains, forests and endless blacktop without the congestion of this small island. Where’s the fun in that? We have a new feature this month, ‘The Confessional’. This is open to anyone who wishes to unburden themselves of any sin committed against a fellow biker. If you read the piece, you’ll get the idea. This month’s contribution is anonymous as the ‘perp’ (or should I say ‘perve’?) does not wish to be named. I am okay with this, your secret is safe with me….

Mike Roachford, our Dealer Rep has an offer of a previously loved Heritage Softail, checkout the details on page 4 and contact him for other good deals on offer from Oxford Harley-Davidson.

New Ladies of Harley Officer Tamara has taken office and will be arranging a raft of events for the Ladies, and perhaps even allowing the odd Gentleman (and believe me, there are some really odd Gentlemen about!) to accompany them. Tamara will, of course also be marketing the merchandise on Chapter nights. The Barn Dance kicks off on the 1st March, and if you haven’t got your ticket, it’s just a tenner and for that you get a great fun evening with loadsa laughs and a hot meal thrown in. (I don’t mean literally thrown in, you will have plates…) Dress Western and bring your own alceehol. Yee ha! See San (Right) for tickets and check out the Hoggit Events Page for details.

Ride safe,

There are also not one, but two competitions launched this month, “Birthday Tombola” by

Ian. www.oxfordukchapter.co.uk


February hooray!!! Another winter month left behind, after this month things should improve and those wheels will see some action again. My wheels are suspended for now so I can strip and clean the difficult areas much easier and apply some corrosion protectant I think any protection is better than none at all and well worth the effort. So before we get moving maybe you will take some time to tune in to HD H.O.G and your chapter. Chapters are about enjoying your chosen pastime and don't let anything convince you otherwise. Chapters provide you with the opportunity to get out and socialise, enjoy your riding days make friends, exchange your knowledge of what life is about, what you do as an occupation to learn from others about what they do also. Between us we cover an enormous wealth of knowledge and information, fascinating how we become involved in what we do now as to where we started off, often unintentionally. Some encouraging info gained at the H.O.G Directors meeting in Sutton Coldfield. Oxford Harley Davidson is enlisted for its upgrade in 2014 . Harley Davidson sales gain a 25% market share during 2013! great news . BMW still take the no1 spot but nobody needs every inch of the market to survive so HD is in a great position and sport bike sales continue to fall, riders are learning what we already know ....sport bikes are not the best tool for practical all day riding or touring, but best at burning out the ass end after 3000 miles flying through the hedge and sliding down the road not to forget 'I got there 10 whole seconds before that Harley.' The newly advertised Harley Street 750 / 500 will first be seen and sold in Spain, Italy & Portugal, these are seen as the bigger market place, the UK will be supplied in 2015. Cider Rally in case you haven't heard is ON! Pontins have bought the site and are accepting pre booked events, tickets are available so move fast it's the accommodation that goes first. See Bridgwater Chapter website or Facebook page to get linked up. If you plan on going to the European Rally at Biograd to improve security and safety you will have to pay extra to park in the sea front areas. St Tropez rally ; rally packs are ONLY available if pre registered. Benelux Rally is of course as popular as ever accommodation again is the priority held on 4,5,6 June Luxembourg . Hogsback Chapter are again running their Iron Hogs ride. The rules .... It's an endurance ride you MUST visit as a minimum, 4 mandated dealerships Maidstone, Plymouth, Swansea & Edinburgh, within 48 hrs. Every additional dealership visited will buy you 30 mins extra time, you must get verified at every dealership visited and in any order you wish, the launch date is 1st - 3rd May but.... You can do this on ANY dates you decide. It's £15 entry which goes to charity,

on completion a pin & patch are awarded. There are 28 dealerships and approx 1800 miles will be covered to complete the circuit. The Chapter Challenge mileage program; thank you for taking part we new were not likely to win but it's good fun and reveals interesting no’s I know Elaine has an article on this so I won't duplicate it here. H.O.G Customer services move to Dublin this should not have any detrimental effect but for your information the address is: HOG Customer Care Centre, The Arvato Building, Eastpoint Business Park, Fairview,Dublin 3, Ireland. Tel: 00800 1111 2223 Email: customerservices@hog-europe.com I will expect to have SOfER tickets at our March chapter night so bring your check books tickets are the same as a few years now @ £30.00 ea What do I get from H.O.G for my money ? Well more can be found on Hog.com website a lot more but how does this sound ? Discounted prices at : Macdonald Hotels Condor Ferries Best Western Hotels BMF shows and events Holiday Inn Nutt Travel Ÿ Eurocamp minimum of 2 nights must be booked, 167 parks across Europe stay as little as 1 night at any campsite . This is being used now by many Chapters And has already £27,000 worth of bookings for 2014 check them out .

So there is quite a bit of information for you to make note of . Roll on March Out of Gas,

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Mike’s Bike You Like?‘

2009 Softail Heritage Classic in White Gold Pearl, First registered 19th March 2009 to Harley Davidson Uk. Then owned privately since 29th May 2010 the bike has only covered 6,920 miles, this is reflected in its condition, the bike is standard but includes a detachable screen, rider footboards, rigid sissy bar and rack, a great value machine at £11,995. This price includes a 99-point check, full 12 months “Originals” warranty and 12 months road tax, Finance and Part Exchange subject to normal conditions

Well folks that’s the first dark, wet, windy, cold month out the way, only another six of them and we may, if extremely lucky, have a sunny hot day, when you call in at the shop Dave has a wall of accessories that he will fit for free, (I like free) have a browse, I mentioned last month our new Apprentice Patrick Garrigan “Paddy”- well by gad he has bought a Sportster 48. He is so pleased with himself and we too are happy for him, what a first big bike eh!!! Behind the drinks counter there is a chart with torque and power curves,”UNLEASH THE POWER” have a chat with Adam or Dave about this promotion; that reminds me Adam is on the mend and feeling a great deal better, May I take this opportunity to congratulate the Chapter on its new choice of Venue, Alan and I were pleased to find it warm and clean and the beer great value, looking forward to attending these evenings on a bike,,,, Harley Davidson finance are releasing a product in the near future that encompasses Servicing, Insurance, Road Fund, and Warranty, I will keep you posted. Does anyone know of a local supplier of main jets for an Amal Carburettor, I need a 260 main jet, just let me know? Here is a picture of Name The Bike Competition (manufacturer) you can’t just call it Shirley. mike.roachford@bladegroup.co.uk

Nearly forgot Our 2014.5 Model Launch evening is on Thursday 20th March 6pm till 8pm . Ta for reading, Mike.

www.oxfordukchapter.co.uk 4

Dates for the Diary Hi fellow riders, not long now until we have to start thinking about putting the bike back together, after its winter clean and rest. Still lots of other stuff to do though, start of the Season Meal at Shillingford 15th Feb then the Barn Dance Yee Ha!! on 1st March, so lots to look forward to. There is a Bike Show at Shepton Mallett on the 8th and 9th Feb, this is always a good day out.

14th-16th February: London Motorcycle Show:

What it's all about... ? The Bath and West Showground provides the curtain raiser to a season of classic exhibitions. The Bristol Classic Motorcycle Show is almost as old as the International though and, despite the name, is held near Shepton Mallet rather than in the Bristol Dockland Warehouse where it originated. Naturally given the time of year most of the action happens inside and well away from any possibility of snow and wet. Attendance grows each year, with plenty of room to expand, with close on 20,000 people descending on the halls last year.

15th February: Early Season Dinner & Dance at Shillingford Hotel. Tickets are still available at £30.00 each. Now is a good time to start planning which Rallies you want to go to and get booking! Some you can get tickets on the day at the gate but others you will have to look up on web site and get well in advance as they are usually oversubscribed, also if you just pay on the gate you don’t get your badges or T Shirt? If you are anything like me you won’t want to miss out on another badge!! Or a T shirt! I don’t have very many you see! Most importantly don’t forget the love of your life on the 14th Valetines Day? Perhaps an extra polish of the headlights and an oil change maybe? She will love you for ever!

19th February: Wednesday Club. Speak to Paul Farmer for details. 22nd February: Ladies of Harley lunch at The Boat Inn, Thrupp. Speak to Tamara Davis for details. 1st March: Annual Barn Dance at Wootton & Dry Sandford Village Hall, tickets at £10.00 each, to include dinner. 11th March: Chapter Night.

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It was early Spring 1999 and Thames Valley Chapter was just under one year old. A kind hearted biker by the name of “Rocket” Ron Coles suggested to the Chapter Director that it might be a nice idea if the Chapter members got together and did something for a charity. Perhaps something to do with poorly kids? “Great idea”, said the Director and, being a master of delegation, followed this up with “Get it organised”. Rocket duly made contact with a charity by the name of Naomi House where he did his best to explain to some numpty in authority that a bunch of soft-hearted bikers would like to come along and bring a load of gifts to put smiles on the faces of all the poorly kids resident at the charity. “Oh I don’t think we can allow that”, says numpty, “lots of noisy bikes roaring up and upsetting the kids. No, not on. Perhaps one person in a car could deliver the gifts?” Being a polite sort of chap Rocket explained to numpty that this was not going to happen and thanked him for his time. Now at this point in his life Rocket was a paramedic and it dawned on him that he had a contact at the children’s ward of the JR hospital in Oxford. A quick call there to a lady named Sally established the fact that they would be thrilled if a load of Harleys turned up with stuff for the kids and since Easter was just around the corner hey presto the Easter Egg Run was born. On Easter Sunday 34 bikes left the TV Chapter house in Maidenhead loaded down with huge fluffy teddy bears and more chocolate eggs than Willie Wonka could eat in a lifetime. On arrival at the JR we all parked outside the (old) entrance to the children’s ward and unloaded our cargo. The smiles on the faces of the children were wonderful to behold and everyone departed with a nice warm glow. The following year the event was repeated, again on Easter Sunday, with more bikes, more teddy bears and even more chocolate. We also had a contingent of Belgian bikers from the Hannut Chapter. This provided an embarrassing incident when one of these guests gave his camera to the TV Chapter Photographer in order for him to get a group photo and the poor photographer dropped it onto a solid concrete surface whereupon it sort of – disintegrated. I know ‘cos I was that Chapter Photographer.

a tear at the joy on Jake’s face as he proudly sat on the Springer – with his drip still in his arm alongside the bike! Over the next couple of years the Easter Egg Run became bigger and bigger and bringing Jake down to meet everyone became a regular feature. Then came the formation of our beloved Oxford Chapter and things moved up a gear. TV very kindly invited Oxford to become part of the ride and the Oxford dealership reciprocated by offering the dealership as a meeting place from which to set off. It was at this time that Sally at the JR plucked up the courage to tell us that actually they would prefer that we didn’t bring chocolate for the kids but just toys and preferably not fluffy toys because of the risks of infection. Oh, and could we perhaps do the run either before or after the Easter weekend because many of the kids go home for Easter!!! So let’s get this straight, for the past 4 or 5 years we have been bringing the wrong stuff at the wrong time? Bugger. Given that the Oxford dealership were now hosting the Toy Run (notice the name change?) it was decided that Oxford Chapter might as well take the lead in organising future runs. It was at this point that young Jake Spicer, by now a regular visitor to both the dealership and Chapter events, was adopted as an honorary Chapter member and our Chapter mascot. Those who had the privilege of knowing Jake will never forget his courage and determination in the face of a serious and vicious illness. Sadly Jake lost his fight against cancer 5 years ago and in his memory the Toy Run was yet again renamed – The Jake Spicer Memorial Run. Please note, there is a correction to the printed version of this edition. The Jake Spicer Toy Run will retain its current name. -ed.

This was also the year that we first met an amazing young man by the name of Jake Spicer. Many Oxford members will know this name but the newer members may not. Jake was about 6 or 7 and suffered from a very rare and pernicious cancer. On hearing the sound of the bikes he was determined to come down from the ward to see what was going on. He was attached to a drip and very weak and so his bed had to be pushed into the lift and then out into the car park. He was instantly smitten with all things Harley and insisted on sitting on a heavily customised and much fringed Heritage Softail Springer belonging to a great guy called “Gopher”. Now Gopher is a very hardy chap but he shed

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Hello to the Ladies of Harley, I was delighted when I was confirmed as the new LoH officer and still am however (and many of you will sympathise) I am now being hounded by that dratted editor of The Hoggit for my LoH contribution!!! Well here it is. I have been riding pillion for about 5 years when Ian went through a midlife crisis and bought his first bike. We Joined the Oxford UK Chapter when he bought his Harley and this has made an exciting change to our lives; we have had the great pleasure of meeting and making friends with a bunch of really lovely people. Ian became The Hoggit editor in 2013 and I have stepped into the role of LoH officer this year. It is a privilege to give something back to the Chapter that has given me so much. In addition to the role as LoH Officer I will also be looking after all of the Chapter merchandise. Most ladies in the Chapter will know about the LoH, but many may think that because they don’t ride they cannot be part of LoH. This is not at all the case, all the Ladies of the Oxford Chapter are welcome to participate in the Chapter’s fundraisers, activities and outings regardless of whether they own and ride their own bikes, ride as pillion passengers on their partners’ bikes or prefer not to ride at all. As such we welcome all ladies and hope that you will join in all, or some of the LoH outings and activities which will be planned throughout the year. I am a pillion riding lady and as such I need those dedicated ladies Elaine Shepherd, Kim Taylor, Jane Nash and latterly Lesley Skinner who are Road Captains to organise LoH ride outs during the course of the year.

Your input is essential to ensure that you get the most out of your club, so please contact me with your thoughts and suggestions for LoH events or questions and I will attempt to action them where possible. Please check out The Hoggit, the members website Forum and the Members’ notice board at the Dealership for LoH information and updates.

I can be contacted via the message service on the Chapter website Forum or via LOH@oxfordukchapter.co.uk or in person at Chapter Night.

Now down to the nitty gritty I am inviting all Ladies of Harley, Oxford UK to join in and share a lunch at the “The Boat Inn”, Canal Rd, Thrupp, Oxfordshire OX5 1JY on Saturday, the 22nd February 2014. We will meet at the Dealership and leave at 12.00 noon. The tables will be booked for 1.00 pm. Can you please let me know if you will be coming so that I can have some idea of numbers for booking? If it is easier for you to go straight there please let me know so that we are not waiting for you at the Dealership. I look forward to an exciting year with you all.

We aim to meet up on the last Saturday of the month for a pub lunch, a breakfast or perhaps afternoon tea, and this year we are planning additional outings based on your suggestions. I have already had a suggestion from Jean Harding who would like a trip to the theatre and that has been seconded by Julie Parry and thirded (is that a word?) by myself. So if you have some ideas about something you would like to do, please contact me with your suggestions. I am putting forward the idea of a visit to The Stitch and Craft Exhibition at Alexandra Palace sometime in October. I know that not all the ladies will be interested in this but some may. Not everyone may want to do what you suggest but it only takes a few ladies to make a really great outing and with it the opportunity of making friends with people who share your interests.

www.oxfordukchapter.co.uk 8

Next LoH lunch is on the 22nd Feb at 12 noon! For 1PM

If your age this year ends with a (e.g. 54 / 68 / 40) let your Editor know and he will be put you into a tombola draw for a prize which our brilliant Oxford dealership are kindly supplying. This will run for three months and at the end of that time the draw will be made at club night and Alan will present the prize. Contact Ian at: editor@oxfordukchapter.co.uk

Prize Draw will take place at April Chapter Night

All you have to do is, by the 20th March, submit a photograph that YOU have taken that clearly communicates a message, without the use of words. Please write on the back of your submission your name and what the message is. Judging will take place shortly after March 30th. The panel of judges will not know your message and the winner will be the one with the most correct interpretation. Send you entries to photographer@oxfordukchapter.co.uk or address to Photographer Jack and leave with Mike Roachford at the dealership. Remember to include a portrait of yourself. Good Luck! www.oxfordukchapter.co.uk 9

This was a short 50 mile ride for Dudley Perkins in South San Francisco to Arlen Ness in Dublin, and included about 20 bikes, all members of Golden Gate HOG, including myself. We left the dealership at 10am and headed south along highway 101 to the Dumbarton Bridge into Union City. We rode through the historic Niles District and then headed through Sunol, passing the local stream railway, and then onto more blacktop (the 680 Freeway) into Dublin. Arlen Ness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arlen_Ness) and his son, Cory, are custom motorcycle builders and had significant input in the design of Victory motorcycles including the Vision. Arlen Ness now retails Victory, Indian and the Ness’s own custom bikes. The second (first) floor maintains a museum of Ness Bikes.

The results of the 2013 Chapter Challenge Mileage programme have finally been released so we can compare how we all did but "Well Done" to everyone who particpated in this event, 15 chapters particpated (less than half of the total number of UK & Ireland chapters) and the results are: · We came 10th with our total number of miles travelled (the highest was 1066 with 596529) · We came 10th with our total number of particpants (the highest was 1066 with 189) · We came 9th with the number of individual average miles of 3893 (the highest was Plymouth with 12079 and that was for their only participant)

For those planning a visit to the West Coast, I highly recommend a trip to Arlen Ness. I will let the pictures explain why.

· Thanks to Dorian Burrows we came 6th with the highest individual mileage (the highest was Hogsback with 24887)

Happy Riding

Highest Mileage 1066 596529 Hogsback 392750 Rolling Hills 282371 Most Particpants 1066 189 Rolling Hills 86 Invicta 77 Highest Average Peak Riders 7335 Hogsback 6137 Belfast 5577

Jay tries one of Alen Ness’s creations for size. (above) Golden Gate Chapter get some early rideouts. (below)

Highest Mileage Adam Anderson 24887 from Hogsback David Hughes 19215 from Peak Riders Roy Radford 17994 from Sherwood Overall there were 639 participants riding a grand total of 2,477,165 miles and it has been good to see Oxford UK Chapter within the ratings. Looking forward to seeing you out on the road again.

www.oxfordukchapter.co.uk 10

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned against my fellow biker . It all began many years ago when I were just a lad. My brother, some three years older than me, had just put a deposit down on a brand new Kawasaki Z1000 with his first pay packet. It was a beautiful machine, in electric blue with silver pin striping and was the perfect ‘Babe Magnet’. I rode around on a hand-me-down Honda 50 which had definitely seen better days.

On the Thursday after school I stopped off at every supermarket and pharmacy on the way home and bought up every last bar of Ex-Lax. I got home and wasted no time in melting the delicious-looking chocolate into my Mum’s ice-cube mould, making sure the cubes were just about bite-sized. When they set, I mixed the hard chocolate with some jelly beans, liquorice allsorts and wine gums in a Woolworths Pick-’n-Mix bag.

I was just sixteen and loaded with hormones and these self same hormones wreaked havoc with my mental state when, one Friday night mid-summer, I met a girl at a party. Not just any girl, though, a first-year university art student. We danced, snogged, danced some more and when the night was over, we were an ‘item’. The only problem was she was nineteen and I was virtually a child. Now at sixteen I was big for my age and had just enough facial fluff to pass off as eighteen…maybe. When she; let’s call her Doris (because that’s her name) enquired after my profession I told her that I was waiting to go into the Air Force to become a fighter pilot. (if you’re going to lie, best make it a whopper!).

On the Saturday morning I left the bag on my bed in my room and the door open. I went out to play football and upon my return at around 1 pm, examined the bag and noticed that indeed there had been pilfering of the said contents. The trap had sprung. With an acting performance that would have won me an Oscar, I stormed into his room: “You thieving git, you nicked my sweets, you greedy gimp…well, you may as well finish the rest, since you can’t control your self…!” I flung the bag at him and strutted from the room with an air of abject disgust. He scoffed the rest. I estimated he had consumed roughly 51 times the recommended dose.

Well we met up a few times after that and things were moving on pretty rapidly, if you know what I mean. She had never been to my house, however, and was wanting to meet the rest of my family, which would have blown my evergrowing deception sky-high. (even for a fighter pilot!). Doris and I were going on a date and it required transport, in short, a motorbike. I was not going to take her on the Honda 50, if only there was a way I could get Sam, my brother to let me borrow the Kwakker. No chance. Nothing I could do would persuade him to loan me his pride and joy. I offered to clean it for a year, I offered to iron his shirts for a year. No dice. To make things even more critical, Doris was giving off strong signals that Saturday’s date would have a happy ending. I desperately needed this for two reasons: one, this would give me unbelievable street-cred with my mates (a sixteen-year old schoolboy and a nineteen-year-old art student…. the guys reading this know exactly what I mean!), and two, I was still a virgin and would be forever if I didn’t close the deal on Saturday night. That’s how the Universe works…right? I needed a plan. Not just any plan, but a fiendish, dastardly, evil plan. Fortunately I am gifted with a twisted mind and so a plan so corrupt, so devilish, so…so…so brilliant began to take shape. I was going to get that bike for Saturday night, I was going to escort Doris to the party and on the way home she would reward me for my lying sneakiness. Now Sam, my dear, dear brother had a weakness-he was addicted to anything sweet, but especially chocolate. The greedy git would eat the Crown Jewels if they were made of chocolate. This would be his ‘Achilles heel’. The plan could not fail.

Later, I went about my ablutions as I bathed, shaved and dowsed myself in pints of Old Spice. My tightest T-shirt (it was the seventies), leather jacket were donned and I was just about to add another glob of Brylcreme to my hair when I heard a muffled groan followed by the sight of a figure, hunched over and heading in the direction of the toilet. There was a sound from behind the door the like of which I had never heard and pray I never will. The smell permeated the house for days, like an evil spirit, refusing to leave, trapped between this world and the next. Sam dropped a stone in weight in two days and took a week before he had the confidence to be more than ten yards from the toilet. His raw bottom consumed two-and-a-half jars of Sudocrem. Shares in Andrex went though the roof. How was my date you are wondering? Well as Sam was too indisposed to stop me borrowing his blessed bike, I made off to collect the lovely Doris. We went to the party and afterwards stopped off in a quiet park where I had a life-changing moment in the petunia beds. I had got my wish. Doris dumped me the next day as it’s true to say that sixteen-year-old virgins are terrible lovers. My street-cred went up for a few days until Archie Blenkinsopp stole a milk float and rammed a shed on the local copper’s allotment and upstaged me. So, Father, I beg forgiveness for firstly deceiving Doris into believing I was an eighteen-year-old fighter-pilot in waiting and in fact turning her unknowingly into a paedophile. Secondly, Father forgive me for poisoning Sam, my beloved brother who from that day on never ate another sweet. I do feel that a certain amount of leniency should be dealt me as I saved him from a lifetime of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. Yours repentantly,

www.oxfordukchapter.co.uk 11

Oxford UK Chapter Committee 2014

Cyril Grieve Director

Jack McCaigue Photographer

Andy Spindlow

Charmaine Till

Assistant Director


Kay Gibbard Membership Secretary

Director Assistant Director Secretary Treasurer Webmaster Editor Photographer Membership Secretary Ladies of Harley Officer Head Road Captain Dealer Representative Safety Officer Activities Officer Merchandise Officer

Tamara Davis Ladies of Harley Officer

Paul Farmer

Julie Parry

Ian Davis




Geoff Kirby

Mike Roachford

Ian Ward

Head Road Captain

Dealer representative

Director@oxfordukchapter.co.uk Assistant-director@oxford.co.uk Secretary@oxfordukchapter.co.uk Treasurer@oxfordukchapter.co.uk Webmaster@oxfordukchapter.co.uk Editor@oxfordukchapter.co.uk Photographer@oxfordukchapter.co.uk Membership-sec@oxfordukchapter.co.uk Loh@oxfordukchapter.co.uk Road-captain@oxfordukchapter.co.uk Mike.roachford@bladegroup.co.uk Safetyofficer@oxfordchapter.co.uk Activities-officer@oxfordukchapter.co.uk Merchandiseofficer@oxfordchapter.co.uk

Keep in touch with Chapter news and events at: www.oxfordukchapter.co.uk & the Chapter Hotline 07876 6633327

Culham Publication Services 01235 464 904 www.cps.culham.org.uk

Safety Officer

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