hog pen feb 2013

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Official Magazine of the Rolling Hills H.O.G.足速 Chapter #9070



hotline: 01905 888358



The Director’s Chair

Gareth Swanson Director


re we all ready, and getting planned for the many events, rallies and tours for the year ahead? I know I would normally say, “As soon as the snow stops, I’ll start thinking about it.” But, truth be told, I have already been thinking about this year and even next year! “Why?” you may ask, and the answer is because I have spent the last weekend with the UK and Ireland Chapter Directors, where they have been discussing their upcoming rallies and events. Part of the presentation by H.O.G. to the Directors was the results of the Chapter Challenge from 2012, and with no surprise the 1066 Chapter have won again, with a massive 650,000 miles collected from their 181 registered members. Although we weren’t top this year, I believe we have a chance of achieving the most miles throughout 2013. If we’re going to do it, then we need everyone to register for the milage programme/Chapter Challenge this year. I will have more next month regarding registration including the registration form. If you can’t make it to Cheltenham HD to register your starting milage on or after 30th March, you’ll be able to register at your nearest HD dealer, then send your completed form to us. We’ll

compile them and remind you to complete another form at the end of the year (before 30th November) with your ending milage. Don’t forget, all of the miles you do on your Harley or on a rental Harley between those dates count towards the milage programme. If you are like one of the 36 going to the US in August this year, take a form with you to get the renting dealer to stamp your form with your starting and ending milage. It all adds up! It doesn’t end there either, this year H.O.G. are launching a concept called “Flag Rallies” which will be eight of the UK & Ireland rallies where H.O.G. will have a “Chapter Challenge” flag flying, and all we have to do is get five of our members with their Rolling Hills patches in front of the flag to gain 5,000 bonus miles to the challenge. If we get 10 of our members, we can gain 10,000 bonus miles. What better way for us to start our 25th Anniversary year than by having won this title! If you would like more information about the Chapter Challenge, how to take part then please don’t hesitate to contact me, or pop into Cheltenham HD and speak to Simon Boden. Moving on to other news, I am pleased to announce that we have filled the post of Historian. One of our founding members, Chris Ringer has volunteered to take it on. Also, we have an additional member to the Activities Officer team. Krzystof Matuszyk has volunteered his time to help out on the team. Thank you to both of you for your support and assistance. Please note that the Great Harley Bake Off has been pushed back to the 16th March, due to the Dealership move. And finally, this is your last chance to get Birthday Bash tickets! Don’t miss out! Keep on Smiling :¬) and See You Soon



Nelson Shield Assistant Director




WAS £6799 NOW £5995 £1200 DEPOSIT

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Nelson’s Column

i everyone, it’s February already and Spring is in sight! A bit of wishful thinking here, “It’s still blooming freezing,” I hear you say! Never mind, soon the council will have all the roads repaired, the salt will be washed away, petrol will fall to 99p per litre, income tax will be abolished, the jobless rate will fall to zero, the world will be at peace, the sun will shine, Gareth will be inundated with new articles for the Hogpen and Rolling Hills will have a great year! Of course, only one of the above will definitely be true, guess which one? The breakfast meet schedule is well underway, and they’ve been well attended so far. It’s an excellent way of keeping together socially and if you haven’t managed to attend one, please give them a try. No need to feel obliged to come on your bike if the weather is poor, you want to bring the family, or have to do the shopping on the way home! Just turn up anyway and enjoy the company. Rolling Hills HOG will buy breakfast for anyone who turns up at a breakfast meet on a bike before March (as long as there’s a foot of snow on the ground). Planning for the Exmoor, Scottish and USA trips is well underway, as well as plans for the various rally attendances and ride outs for 2013. Watch the website for details as they emerge. Remember to oil all the moving parts, polish the shiny bits, check the undercarriage, tension the belt and fill the tank. When you’ve done all that, then start on your bike!

WAS £12099 NOW £11000 £2200 DEPOSIT

ONLY £128.01 A MONTH

WAS £12499 NOW £11399 £2300 DEPOSIT

WAS £8695 NOW £7995 £1600 DEPOSIT





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Regular Rollers


Now the riding season is on its way and we’ve got many new faces, we’ve brought back the Regular Rollers section, and we’re pleased to introduce our new Ladies of Harley Officer. Not to sound too much like Cilla Black, but, “What’s your name and where do you come from?” “Hi All, my name’s Dee Hooper, and I was made in Wales, and proud of it. I was actually born in Liverpool, but I grew up in Llandudno in North Wales until I was about 10 years old, before moving with my family to Reading. Then we moved to the Cheltenham area, to Pitchcombe. That’s how I met Vic, now my husband, on my 18th Birthday while out in Sheepscombe. We both moved to Chorley in Lancashire due to work, and then spent some time in Manchester too, before having to move back to the area, to Painswick, to look after Vic’s mum. We now live in the house where Vic was born.” Thanks for the background, now tell me about your passion for bikes and motorcycling? “I’ve loved biked ever since I knew what a bike was, but I never learned to ride a bike, due to the family coming along and the commitments that go with that. However, it was the family that eventually got me onto bikes, quite literally. For my 50th Birthday, our children arranged a pillion ride on Harleys, for myself and Vic. Vic absolutely loved it, and he had already got his motorcycle license, but he was taken by the Harley, which is what led Vic, and me, into the world of Harley Davidson. Vic bought his first Harley and joined H.O.G., with me as his pillion.” When did you get the urge to ride for yourself? “It was the Ladies of Harley in the Chapter that eventually convinced me to take my bike lessons and take my test. I passed my test in 2010 and pretty much straight away I got my first Harley, Sportster Low in white.

So, Vic and I look like ‘Mr & Mrs Sad’ having the same colour bikes and matching registration plates!” That’s not the Harley you’re riding now? “No, because one day when Vic and I were in Cheltenham Harley Davidson, Darren told me he had the perfect bike for me. It was a beautiful Sportster Low in Merlot Red. I just fell in love with it and had to have it. This is the bike I’m riding now and I still love it.” What would be your ultimate escape on your Harley? Where would you like to ride? “My ultimate escape would be riding in Snowdonia, not even on a sunny day, but when it is overcast and dry. It’s not too harsh on the eyes then and you get to take in the scenery.” That’s not so much of a dream, but very achievable, so why Snowdonia, somewhere so reachable, and even in a day from here? “North Wales is my home land, it’s where I grew up and it’s where I know. I know it’s just up the road really, but getting the right day for the ride is something more of a challenge. Vic and I have done it once before, and I just love the riding there, so I would just do this again and again.” As I understand, you are still in love with your bike, so I think asking you what your dream bike would be the wrong thing, so, money no

object, what would you do to your bike to customise it further? “For me it’s not a ‘Money No Object’ list, but a list of things I do have planned, as and when. Top of my list would be a Screamin’ Eagle engine upgrade to a 1200cc just to give it that extra power. Then a pair of passing lights to make it look more like the current models. I’ve already got the most important accessory, the fluffy dragon on the back. Other than that, I have pretty much got it how I want it!” What was your reaction when I asked you to be Ladies of Harley Officer? “Firstly, do you really want me to do that? Probably because I never thought about becoming the Ladies of Harley Office for the Chapter, as well as not being a member for that long. I also felt very daunted by the idea, but so far I am fortunate to have such good support from the other Ladies of Harley and the former Ladies of Harley Officers, and I am starting to settle into the post now. I just starting to plan some Ladies Only ride outs, so watch the calendar!” Thank you, Dee, for taking the time out to take part. One last question, do you have anything you would like to say to the members of the Chapter? “I would just like to say it is great to ride with like minded people, and I couldn’t want for better friends than the people Vic and I have met through Rolling Hills. A huge thank you to all of you.”


Starting the Year with a Breakfast

The Breakfast Social Meets have already started the 2013 year of events

New Date & Venue for Great Harley Bake Off




Saturday 16th March 2013 @ 10:00am PLEASE NOTE the change of Date and Venue! Yes, Cheltenham HD will be moving to the new premises at 593 Princess Elizabeth Way in Cheltenham, just 100 yards down the road, behind the Shell Station. Due to the move, which will occur around the previous date, we will be pushing back the Great Harley Bake Off and Charity Coffee Morning to Saturday 16th March and it will

be at the new Dealership venue! The rules remain the same, and you need to get your entry to the Dealership by 10:45am on the Saturday morning to be eligible to be judged for a prize! One final thing to say, get baking and good luck for the Great Harley Bake Off.

The Great Rolling Hills Bake Off

Terri and Bob Burton

Farm Restaurant on the 20th January. When we visited Beckett’s Farm (featured opposite) the snow was falling fast and roads were white, but we still had twelve people turn up for their breakfast, including Chris from Northampton and a welcome return of Jim Scott. Fortunately the venue had been well planned for bad weather being just a few miles off the M42. The Breakfast Meets have provided a brilliant connection for the Chapter members during the winter months, and don’t take my word for it, as I received the following message...

My husband (Bob) joined Rolling Hills last summer and I (Terri), have made sure that we have attended

club meetings; which have been informative and a way of catching up with other club members over the months. I want to say since the winter months came along we have also tried to get to as many as possible Breakfast Meets. We have managed a couple on the bike; which have been great, the one up to the Kettle Sings on Malvern Hills, it was bloody cold, freezing in fact, but the sun shone, the breakfast was enjoyable and the conversation was brilliant. Others we have gone along in the car, the thing that we have noticed about the Breakfast Meets is that because we all share a common interest in the bikes, it is so relaxed the conversation runs freely and is very informative, we have found that we get chatting to



them. I can’t promise to remember everyone’s name yet, but I’m trying and I hope that one or two people will remember us. Thank you to the team for organising the Breakfast Meets.

The last Sunday in January saw us return to the Aviator Cafe at Gloucester Airport for Sunday Morning Breakfast (featured on the front cover and above). It was a fantastic morning with sun shining brightly and the remanence of the snow had all gone. One adventurous rider, Kris, was there on his Harley! It was another opportunity to meet and socialise with our fellow Chapter members, catch up on the latest and generally have fun, as well as fill up on a hearty breakfast. I noticed discussions about rides and trips for the year ahead. It didn’t all start here either, as this was the third Breakfast Meet of 2013, having previously visited the Stables Cafe on 13th January and Beckett’s


y 16th M

so many different folks, different people to sit and enjoy breakfast with and learn all about their experiences and sharing our own experiences with them and about different things that are going on in the Club. Because it is not a planned meeting, there is no one you have to sit and listen to while they do their spiel, it is a great way to meet the other members and get to know


The Easy Ride for Fonda and Hopper Nelson takes a look at the journey and the route that the Easy Riders took in 1969 to reach the Mardi Gras.

The film “Easy Rider” was a “life changer” for many, especially in a dismal North Eastern England of 1969. It portrayed a land which was far away from the explosion of wealth and general prosperity that seemed all pervading in North America at that time. We were struggling to survive, let alone have the time and inclination to protest at anything, despite what you may read about the “swinging 60’s” and the “permissive” society. If it existed at all, as it may have in London, it certainly didn’t reach Tyneside! The “pill” may have just started to ease attitudes towards “free love”, but a cold winter’s night in Consett and nowhere warm to go has a certain prophylactic effect! “Free and Easy” may have had meaning in Southern California, but it seemed more like “Scarce and Quite Difficult” to me at the time. Anyway, back to the plot. I didn’t actually see this film until 1972, as our local council had decided in their wisdom that the sight of two ageing hippies (to us youngsters at the time) getting stoned in a New Orleans graveyard, accompanied by two women of dubious virtue, was more than our naive young minds could take. The film starts in La Conteta, just north of Taos, New Mexico, standing in for Mexico proper.

Here Billy and Wyatt buy the drugs to fuel their trip to Mardi Gras, and today it’s the Red Arrow Emporium and can still be visited. The drug sale takes place at LAX Airport, with a cameo role by famous record producer Phil Spector (now in jail for murder). The journey proper then begins, accompanied by one of the greatest film sound tracks ever, in Ballarat between Stovepipe Wells and Trona on the western edge of Death Valley. I visited here in 2008 but failed to find the ruins. That could be because they were demolished and a gift store now stands in their place, never mind. I enjoyed the two hours of trawling around in 115°F, nearly running out of water, gas and patience!


In the iconic opening credits, Billy and Wyatt ride along Park Moabi Road, south of Needles (now I40) on the California/Arizona border (“Born to be Wild” playing) before crossing the three bridges on the Colorado River at Topock and into Arizona. The first night’s intended stop, the Motel with the famous “No Vacancies” sign, was the Pine Breeze Motel at Bellemont, west of Flagstaff on Route 66. It’s now a biking mecca – the Route 66 Roadhouse Bar and Grill, and the old Motel and gas station are decaying nearby. Poetic license then takes over as in most films, and the route then heads north towards Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument which is where the hippy hitchhiker is picked up. The Wupatki National Monument, Cococino is where our intrepid anti-heroes spend the night out in the open at the Wupatki Pueblo. The Sacred Mountain gas station, where the guest tries to buy gas, is on Route 89, although closed and derelict, and this leads to one of my favourite rides, through the Painted Dessert and Monument Valley. There are two main routes through Monument Valley, 160 and 163. I’ve ridden them both and they are equally spectacular, with 163 perhaps having the edge as it has Goulding’s Trading Post as a much welcomed sanctuary from the heat. Mr Goulding was the man who shrewdly thought Monument valley would make a great venue

for Westerns – and he happened to own the only business there. He made the long trip to Hollywood where no film directors would even meet him, so he put pictures of this beautiful and unique location under the office door of John Ford, and the rest is history. The following scenes in a commune were filmed in Malibu, as the commune which inspired the sequence did exist, but was fiercely private and unavailable. Poetic license rears its head again, making following this movie trail a little demanding, as the water hole where our guys and gals go for a dip is Manby Hot Springs in the Rio Grande Gorge, north of Taos, New Mexico. Around 50 miles east of Santa Fe, our intrepid duo arrive in Las Vegas, New Mexico (not Nevada) and join a parade through the town. When thrown in jail (157 Bridge Street) they meet Jack Nicholson. The interior scenes were filmed in Taos, New Mexico, and when Jack toasts D H Lawrence as he takes his first Jim Beam of the day, he is in fact paying homage as here was D H Lawrence’s last resting place.

The route through Texas is missing completely from the film, and our next location is in Louisiana. Jimmy Hendrix track “If 6 was 9” plays as we see the LongAllan Bridge over the Atchafalaya River between Berwick and Morgan City near Lake Palourde in Cajun country. We then jump north for no apparent reason other than visual opportunities, to Morganza, north west of Baton Rouge. Here the café scene plays out, where rednecks start the inevitable decline to

tragedy. There is little left to see here, and we move on to the Mardi Gras of New Orleans. The St Louis Cemetery No. 1 hosts the scene which so offended the censors back in 1960’s UK, and it can be looked down into as you approach the French Quarter from the west on the elevated highway. Our final tragic scene takes place near Krotz Springs on North Levee Road, north west of Baton Rouge on Route 105 as the hapless duo set off for home. More American audiences cheered at the end than were shocked and saddened. Two less unpatriotic hippies to protest about the war in Vietnam I guess. Very much a film of it’s time, it still divided opinion, and although looking back, the war in Vietnam may have been a disaster for the US, at the time most people believed the government propaganda and thought the war could be won. The hippie and bike cultures were “outside the norm” and the film was banned in many countries and states throughout the world. Once the “genie” was out of the bottle, it couldn’t be put back, and films such as Easy Rider had a huge cultural impact, which while not being quite appreciated today, has had a very long lasting effect on us all. The attitudes of the 1960’s gave way to a much more freedom in the 1970’s and onwards we go, for better or worse! By Nelson Shield

What’s On?

Rolling Hills Trip to Bonnie Scotland Friday 17th – Saturday 25th May 2013 Highlights include: Edinburgh & Glasgow H.D Dealerships |Royal Yacht Britannia | Aberlemno the Harley Davidson Legacy | Balmoral Castle |Eilean Donan Castle |Inverewe Gardens |Corrieshalloch Gorge| John O’Groats |Sir Walter Scott steamer on Loch Katrine |Cairngorm mountain railway |Glen Coe | Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness | Ride to Mallaig |Talisker Whisky Distillery on Skye |Loch Lomond |More beautiful scenery than you can shake a stick at The price is £800 for 2 people sharing To secure your place, a deposit of £100 is payable by 31st January 2013. Payment can be made by Cash, Cheque made payable to Rolling Hills HOG or even by Debit or Credit Card (£2 Admin Fee if paying by Credit Card)

Are You Going to any of These Rallies?

Introduced into this year’s UK & Ireland Chapter Challenge is the opportunity for Chapters to earn “Bonus Miles” by having our Chapter Members photographed with their decorations (Chapter Rocker) next to the special “Chapter Challenge” flag at the following rallies (known as Flag Rallies). If you are planning to attend any of these, please contact me either by email at director@rollinghillshog.co.uk or by telephone on the hotline 01905888358 extension 601. Please state which rallies you plan to go to. I will contact you all to arrange groups where this will be possible. Thank you, Gareth (Director).

Contact Adrian Burden on 07905441732 or safety@rollinghillshog.co.uk for more information

REGISTR ATION E X T E N D until th e end of ED Februar


Rolling Hills Boyz Toyz Weekend Friday 30th August - Sunday 1st September 2013

For the full summary of forthcoming events check the Diary on the back page or call the Hotline on 01905 888358 for the latest details.

May 3-6 May 24-27 May 31-June 3 July 4-7 July 25-28 August 2-4 August 23-26 September TBD

The Cider Rally The Big Brum Bash Ireland Bikefest Wake the Lakes East of England Rally South of England Rally Thunder in the Glens Blazin’ Saddles

If so, Your Chapter Needs You!

Exmoor Escape Weekends I and II Only £45.00 per person for the weekend Weekend I: 27th & 28th April 2013 Weekend II: 14th & 15th September 2013

There is space for only 9 people per weekend, and our base will be the Exford Lodge B&B.

A weekend riding and taking in the Watercress Steam Railway, Dorset Steam Rally and either Beaulieu or Bovington Tank Museum. Ultimate Boyz Toyz Weekend £150.00 per person, with a £50.00 deposit to be paid by 28th February 2013. Call the Ticket Hotline now on 01242808575 to secure your place, or contact Adrian Burden for more information on 07905441732.

What you get for your £45.00: • One night’s accommodation in a shared-double, shared-twin or single room with a full breakfast plus off-road parking for your harley; and • A two-course dinner on Saturday evening.

Contact Brian Andrew to secure your place today. Call 01905888358 ext 602 or email treasurer@rollinghillshog.co.uk

A deposit of £20.00 is required to secure your place. The balance of £25.00 is due one month before your weekend. (Per Person)

What’s in the Sack?


Let’s take a look at the letters and emails we’ve received this month...


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Call the


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I HEARD that Hurricane Sandy cost the USA $200 billion or something like that. These Americans have clearly got more money than sense. If I had that kind of money I wouldn’t spend it on hurricanes. Instead I would get myself a bigger camper van and maybe a posh sleeping bag to go with it and maybe a one of those map things that talk. I would spend any remaining money on beer and Crunchie bars. Norbet Yes, Swindon I WAS taking down the Christmas lights the other day and I noticed the warning on them, “For Indoor or Outdoor Use Only.” Does that mean I can’t use them outside if they’re plugged in inside? Anyway, they looked great in the lounge. Frank Airylight, email

JUST THE other day, I saw on the TV that we only use 5% of our brains. If that’s true, then John F Kennedy would still be alive today. Except he’d be 95 by now, so he’d probably be dead anyway. Makes you wonder what the fuss was about. Patrick Ayres, Winchcombe

Certainly, Anna. Did you know that Larry ‘Shut That Door’ Grayson was married with eight children? I bet that cured your case of the hiccups.

HAS ANYONE ever seen a more hopeless-looking boat out on the canal? James Brown, Newbury

M for Motorway Trivia about Britain’s Motorways M5 West Bromwich to Exeter


I HAVE a really bad case of the hiccups. Please can write something very surprising for me? Much obliged. Anna Ying, Cheltenham

Welcome to the first of a new series in which we will be looking into trivia, facts and stories about the UK’s Motorway network. In this first one, we will be covering our local Motorway (well local to Cheltenham), the M5. Did you know, the M5 first opened to public traffic in July 1962. It was only 26 miles long and consisted of only two lanes in each direction, linking A38 at Lydiate Ash near Bromsgrove with the M50. There are currently 9 Motorway Service Areas on the whole M5, but there is planning approval for the 10th to be built between J11a and J12, originally to be called Gloucestershire Gateway. The area is considered to be an area of

Please send your letters to: Rolling Hills, c/o Cheltenham HD, 593 Princess Elizabeth Way, Cheltenham, GL51 7PA. OR email them to the editor on hogpen@rollinghillshog.co.uk

natural beauty, this along with further planning complications means that construction has been significantly delayed. During 2005 and 2006, as part of widening work between J19 and J20, the 9 mile section became Britain’s longest Motorway Contraflow. It was also one of the most complex due to the carriageways being split level as it clings to the side of the Gordano Valley. The M5 has junctions with only 4 other Motorways, those being the M6, M42, M50 and the M4, despite it’s length - we’re not going to tell you this month how long, as it’s our competition question... Your turn to take part. Can you guess the distance in miles of the current M5? The first correct answer (or closest to it) received before 15th February, will win a £10 merchandise voucher. Answers via email to hogpen@rollinghillshog.co.uk with “M for Motorways 1” in the Subject.

Chapter Officers Primary Officers Gareth Swanson Chapter Director

director@rollinghillshog.co.uk 01905 888358 Ext. 601

Nelson Shield Assistant Director

Brian Andrew Treasurer

Cathleen Burden Secretary

Christina Stewart Membership Officer

Dee Hooper Ladies of Harley Officer

Adrian Burden Safety Officer

Roger Stewart Photographer

Agnieszka Matuszyk Photographer

Chris Ringer Historian

assistant.director@rollinghillshog.co.uk 01905 888358 Ext. 605

treasurer@rollinghillshog.co.uk 01905 888358 Ext. 602

secretary@rollinghillshog.co.uk 01905 888358 Ext. 606

Secondary Officers membership@rollinghillshog.co.uk 01905 888358 Ext. 603


loh@rollinghillshog.co.uk 01905 888358 Ext. 604




Activities Officer Team Wayne Honey Primary Activities Officer events@rollinghillshog.co.uk 01905 888358 Ext. 608

Road Captain Team Paul Mason Head Road Captain

head.road.captain@rollinghillshog.co.uk 01905 888358 Ext. 607

John Stewart

Craig Bridges

Martin Russell

Vic Hooper

Donna Collins

Krzystof Matuszyk

John Stewart

Nelson Shield

Martin Russell

Vic Hooper

Adrian Burden

Roger Stewart

Krzystof Matuszyk

Rob Webster

Brian Andrew

Gareth Swanson

Dennis Artus

Dee Hooper

Tim Price

Glyn Davies

Road Marshalls

Christina Stewart

Donna Collins


Chapter Diary FEBRUARY

Call the Chapter Hotline on 01905 888358 before you leave home for the latest update on events and ride outs

MARCH (continued)

Club Night: Mr & Mrs Gupshill Manor, at 8:00pm Wednesday 6th

Club Night: Midlands Air Ambulance Presentation Gupshill Manor, at 8:00pm Wednesday 6th

Breakfast Meet: Route 46 Truck Stop A46 south of Evesham, at 10:00am Sunday 17th

The Great Rolling Hills Bake Off and Charity Coffee Morning Cheltenham HD, at 11:00am (entries to be presented between 10:00am and 10:45am) Saturday 16th

Breakfast Meet: The Kettle Sings Upper Colwall, at 10:00am Sunday 10th

Breakfast Meet: The Highway Star (Joe’s Place) A40 near Whitchurch, at 10:00am Sunday 24th


Rolling Hills Birthday Bash Bowden Hall Hotel, Upton St Leonards at 7:00pm Ticket only event, see inside for details. Saturday 2nd

Breakfast Meet: Royal Hop Pole (Weatherspoons) Tewkesbury, at 10:00am Sunday 10th

Breakfast Meet: Olde Swanne Inn (Weatherspoons) Evesham, at 10:00am Sunday 17th Breakfast Meet: The Mail Rooms (Weatherspoons) Ride from McDonalds Cheltenham, at 9:15am OR Ross on Wye, at 10:00am Sunday 24th

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