Invictanewsletter~april 2014

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Harley Owners Group 速



The views and comments contained in this Newsletter are the personal views of the contributors and are not necessarily those expressed by the Editor, Invicta Chapter UK, HOG UK, Harley-Davidson or their authorised dealers or agents.

Itjackdawgreat guide The Editor’s


Also if you want your photos in Robbo’s next DVD, don’t forget to send them to him. New members should take the opportunity to look at one of Robbo’s DVD’s – normally rolling at main Clubnight on the TV – to say they are very impressive is an understatement!

By the time you read this I shall have returned from a week’s break in Poland. The timing wasn’t good as it meant I missed the Spring Ball (Hopefully Photos of the Ball next month), but I had a special reason for going, as I visited Auschwitz and the Schindler factory (as from the film Schindlers List) – as you can imagine it was an incredibly moving experience, but one everybody should try and do, as these things should not be forgotten. The Dealership held their Open / Test Day last month - photos inside. CAN I REMIND EVERYONE THAT THEY MUST KEEP THEIR MEMBERSHIP OF H.O.G. UP TO DATE, AS THEY ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OR CHAPTER FUNCTIONS WITHOUT AN UP TO DATE H.O.G. SUBSCRIPTION THANKS. Please keep your contributions coming for inclusion in the Newsletter, if I can’t always get them in the current issue, they will eventually appear.

Send in your articles, photos and blackmail

for inclusion in the Newsletter, to: I must admit I have been surprised at how few ‘blackmail’ photos have arrived, perhaps now some better weather is on the cards, more might appear…… I now have my twin pipes fitted and they are now adorned with their gorgeous fishtails, but… I’m still having trouble getting loud pipes - don’t know why? I’m still baffled!

Chris Thomson EDITOR

Useful Information HOTLINE ~ 0845 094 2138 INVICTA WEB SITE view at INVICTA NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS email to Or send to Invicta News Editor, 36 Glebeland s, Ash, Canterbury CT3 2HZ Please send by 20th Month for inclusion in n ext months issue

Invicta Chapter UK, Harley Owners Group #9141 founded 1991

2013–2014 Invicta Chapter UK Committee


Past Director


Ian Martin

John Felgate

Gill Whibley 01622 890598 01622 884429 01622 730626

Assistant Director ‘A’

Assistant Director ‘B’

Assistant Director ‘C’

Karen Melhuish

Colin Proudlock

Graham Chambers 01634 305037 / 07758 400055 01304 613117 01634 828436

Events Officer

Ladies of Harley


Andy Hill

Amanda Harding

Darren & Diana Boyce 01304 202072 07590 463616 01795 429032


Head Road Captain


Awaiting New Appointment Chris Thomson

Lawrence ‘Rocky’ Whibley 01304 812731 01622 730626

Hotmail and Events Team – Non Committee Members

Nicky Whitehead

Simon Williams

Val Pilcher

Contact with the committee must be by email or telephone NOT Facebook or Twitter

Meet The Team At Maidstone Harley-Davidson®






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MotorClothes® Supervisor

MotorClothes® Advisor

MotorClothes® Advisor

Maidstone Harley-Davidson® Forstal Road | Aylesford | Kent | ME20 7XA

01622 711680


Director’s Dialogue April 2014 Good to see that the weather has perked up and bikes are out. We went out for an impromptu ride to Rye with a few club members on Sunday 8th ending up at the old harbour, (it was going to be a twist and go but too many bikes arrived, so controls were brought in). Good beer, food and company. A few hiccups with drop offs and two lost, but these things happen as people get used to group riding again, still all knew where they were going. Andy Hill in control as usual, me leading with him using 3rd man drop off and Gary Pilcher tail end. I think it’s a great system as it allows the lead bike to concentrate on direction and traffic leaving the number 2, Road Captain to pick best drop off point for safety and direction and takes pressure off those who stop to find best place. (NB this is only my opinion). Think Simon and Marcus need to diet, their combined weight snapped a wooden trestle table in two that day. That was funny! Shame no pics. It’s great to see our members getting together and riding at short notice via a post on our Facebook group. All I ask is that can those who post just contact Andy Hill, (Events) to ensure nothing else is planned that day. Obviously this will not happen when official rides commence. There was the Road Captains meet on Sun 15th to discuss all their rideouts for the summer. When I see the list, I will put in my ride, supported by RC’s of course. I missed that as we were enjoying a long weekend away in Malaga old town. Great weather, excellent food and reasonable prices. Well worth the trip. Difficult choice that RC meet or sardines and sangria at a beach bar in the sun. As usual I expect comments. We will soon have new pins, patches and stickers with our new Invicta logo for sale, just waiting for them to arrive, our own Honest Val will be selling these. Dom, Corey, Des and Scott went on the Road Captain’s course at H.O.G. HQ, the weekend 8th March and thoroughly enjoyed it which gives us 2 new road captains, Dom Harding and Corey Mills. Well done all! The USA trip is all arranged, just waiting for our tickets and Road Book now, and the ride to the Croatia European Rally is full. Andy is booking us a trip to the Ardennes for the weekend which was to be SofER, a good take

up already, I hear. Finally, our first official Club Ride out is on Sunday 13th April Maggs Ivatts in control. Be safe out there Ian


The Tilting Files. Assistant Director ‘C’ – Graham Chambers More ramblings………. We finally made it to our new home… My two daughters came over to help, they didn’t stop working all day, and it was like working with a couple of robots… I said to the removal men not to bother with the big Bay tree as it was too big and heavy to move, what with the steps and the sinking patio!!!!!!! It was still sinking on the day we moved with more structural engineers than removal men running in and out! Anyway the girls told us to leave, and go and get the keys to the new house!!! So when they arrived at the new place, the first thing to come in was the Bay tree… I said to the removal man, I said not to bother with that and leave it there!!! Ahh!!! Said the man “Your daughter said that it had sentimental value to her Mum, and she would be upset if it didn’t come? So there they were grunting and straining getting this Bay tree into the garden… (I thought that’s going to cost me in a big tip!!!) Mind you, it has not been straight forward here? It seems funny to me that BT can disconnect you in a millisecond (even though you give them a date a week on?), but it takes ten days to re-connect you up again… so in one way and another we have been either phoneless or Wi-Fi less, which means we were cut off from the world? Then for a laugh we tried to contact the Water Board three and a half hours later, and having spoken to every department the Water Board has, we finally got someone to accept our money… but that was easy compared to British Gas, now they have it down to a fine art, you are definitely ready to commit suicide after sorting them out for another two hours. We got the house pretty straight after a while, having moved everything to the second floor to get it ready for the decorator? Being pleased with myself having organised the lifting and shifting? Then my lovely wife! “She who must be obeyed…” decided that we would do the first floor first as she wanted a romantic bedroom? So within a space of two days we were in a mess again… so I decided to go out to the garden, raked the lawn, top dress it and seed it, (I have this thing about grass?) it didn’t look bad at the end, it will be better in a few weeks I thought when the seed takes? That will look o.k. with a bit of tender loving care, not realising that Carol was going to come out, walk all over it, and dig part of the lawn up? And then she moves all the pot plants across the seeded area? So I am not holding much hope of seeing any new grass in the near future? The weather has been wonderful and it was nice to hear that loads of you turned out for a couple of rides over the month, it will be my luck that the weather will turn when I get my bike back from my daughter’s garage and I can get out and about with you all again. That’s if I still have the energy left after shifting all those boxes? On a lighter note… I did see a nice new Glide in the Dealership and Andy did a wonderful job of showing me all its gizmos – very tempting, he must have known how I do prefer the old Glide!!!! – I wonder if I can persuade my lovely wife that we would have more fun on a Glide than a new kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simon’s doing a brilliant job on the Hot Mail, I have been able to keep in touch with everything while I’ve been on the move… so well done Simon, keep it up. Hope to see you all out there soon, rather than later. Ride safe Tilt


Assistant Director ‘A’ – Karen Melhuish Hello everyone and happy sunny spells. Feels like summer’s arrived a little bit early, no complaints. For me this month has gone so quickly just a blink of the eye. My bike is poorly so I am a bit worried about getting it back in time for Cider Rally!! I’ve not a lot to say other than as we found out very suddenly that Simon is no longer the Landlord of The Pippin, so we thought we would look at various other options together, so far a few ideas have been shared by you, to me as below… • • • • • • •

The Pied Bull - which we found was closed. The Bull at Penenden Heath - we used to meet at this pub but apparently outgrew it there as there was nowhere inside big enough for us to all sit together? The Newnham Court Inn – not sure, we need some more feedback on this idea please? The Chiltern Hundreds - Not enough room for us in there, and it’s mainly just a restaurant The Robin Hood in Common Road - the road to this is not good for bikers at all! The Lower Bell - Need comments and feedback on this one please? The Dancing Dog – felt to be in the wrong location for our loyal Maidstone followers

If we want to stay in Pippin I will be happy for this to happen and then I can start arranging the things I hoped to do, but some people have felt they do not like the ambience sitting down in the back in, I quote, ‘the dark’ does not suit, I have been informed during summer we can use the front conservatory. Please let me know your thoughts? Mandy and I still need to deliver the charity cheque we will get photos for you when this is carried out. Looking forward to the Spring Ball and the Cider Rally now!! Oh well, see you all soon. That’s enough from me for now except have fun and I will update on any events for the Pippin soon if we decide to stay there. Love and kisses, stay safe. Karen X


The Incredible Shrinking Man

Assistant Director ‘B’ – Colin Proudlock Hi All, Chris and I went for our first proper ride out on Wednesday 12th, from Sandwich to Robertsbridge in Sussex, we visited the ‘Route 1066 café’ on the A21. It's worth a visit - great food. We'll last month’s Jackdaw meet wasn't quite as I planned it as an over running wake put paid to our Bingo Bangers and Booze evening lol, but the evening will now be going ahead in March instead. Disappointed there is now no SofER, but looking perhaps to attend another UK Rally – keeping my options open. That’s all for now folks.



I won’t mention the past month’s weather - what a bonus, rideouts in March! Whatever next? Toy Runs in December! Magg’s has put something together for the Pioneer Run on the 13th let’s hope it don’t snow this year. Uncle Norm & Graham will be doing the Chip Run to the Isle of Sheppey Wednesday 30th meet at M2 services coast bound for 18:45 leaving, after supper it’s off to the Dancing Dog. Wednesday 23rd its Quiz Night at the Jackdaw. Monday, May 5, Emergency Services Day. Brooklands. Next club night May 7 th is New Members night and it will be at the Dealership. Training day at Brands is the 30th June I hope that it has got through that the Training day at Brands is the 30th June and not as I announced in last month’s Newsletter. It was pointed out to me that the date in May was a day after the return from the Cider Rally. Being a shift worker I often don’t know what day it is and have no idea of what bank holidays are. That’s my excuse ! Please can you book yourself onto this as you will see it’s a bit hard for me to do it as they wish to take payment and make sure you have read all the blurb etc. When you do please let me know! Here is the link. The Big Bulge Doggy Tour July 31st > August 3rd Hotel de la Post Leaving on Thursday 31 st July return on Sunday 3 rd August a last minute substitute for the SofER week end. I have booked 20 rooms at the Hotel de la Poste, they will hold these for us until the end of next week. It was the one of a very few hotels I could get an adequate number of rooms

in. Bouillon in the Ardennes on the Semois River is a much missed and a very outstanding, beautiful part of Belgium which you may have whisked pass by on the motorway.


Prices are: • Standard Room 2 persons £334.00 • Riverside 2 persons £394.00 • Single £394.00 I questioned the price of a single as it would seem a bit steep but that is what she said and confirmed it was so. I think some budding up here is needed. These prices are B&B with dinner on the first night. Bike parking is £6.00 a night, the tunnel is coming out at about £50.00 I hope I can get a few pounds off this for a group. I will not know this until I get numbers. I hope to arrange some memorable rideouts for the 2 days we are here as Bastogne, Dinant, La Roche are all less than 40 miles away. If you want to be part of this I need to know NOW, as I can’t hold the hotel any longer, so Email or Phone 01304 202072 to be put on the list then fill out the booking form and send it to me. If you don’t get conformation by email then phone me to make sure.

Booking form for Big Bulge Dodgy Tour Type of room at a cost of

Name Names Double Room

Name Type of room at a cost of

Name Single shared accommodation

Single Bike Reg (1) Bike Reg (2)

Name Name Model

Your Email


£100-00 >>>Deposit cheque enclosed made out to Invicta HOG Yes…………


New Members

Don’t Forget! ‘New Member’s Night’ Night’ is Wednesday 7th May At Maidstone HarleyHarley-Davidson Dealership.

New Members Night which coincides with our main Clubnight, does exactly what it says on the tin – it is particularly for our New Members, not only to officially welcome them to the Chapter, but to be there in force to answer any questions and advise on Rideouts, Group Riding, Ladies of Harley etc etc.

Don’t Miss It!

Members Trades and Services


LES BALLASTIERES BIKE-FRIENDLY B&B IN NORTHERN FRANCE RUN BY PAUL & SUE Comfortable accommodation in our 200-year old farmhouse Secure parking, drying facilities and workshop Games room with kitchenette & a BBQ area Plus: The Hayloft: “Indoor camping” for groups or individuals The Old Forge: Wheelchair-friendly studio The Old Stable: Self-catering for 2-5 people We are in the beautiful region of the 7 Valleys near WW1 battlefields, museums and pretty medieval and coastal towns – and a race track only 5 minutes’ away! For further information, please visit our website… or ask TILT 1 !!! Les Ballastières, 156 rue du Moulin, Gauchin Verloingt 62130 St Pol sur Ternoise, Pas-de-Calais E/m: Tel: 0033-(0) Mob: 0033(0)

South of France - Salles D’Aude Bike friendly self – catering holiday home 100 years old, spacious French beamed village house Sleeps 10, off road secure parking, wheelchair accessible, 5 large bedrooms, 2 sitting rooms, wet room & garden. 10km from Narbonne, 15mins to a beautiful sandy beach & within 45 mins for 4 low cost airports. 300 days of sunshine in the wine capital of Europe! Contact Keith & Jan Frenchum Tel: 01474 706786

Members Trades and Services



T. 01580 714616

M. 07837 959242


CLUB NIGHT AND AND AREA MEET VENUES Club Night Venue Charing Clubhouse Arthur Baker Playing Field The Moat Charing Ashford Meet held on Kent TN27 0JJ 1st Weds of the month

West Kent Area Meet Venue The Brookers Oast The Hop Farm Beltring Paddock Wood Tonbridge Meet held on Kent TN12 6PY 2nd Weds of the month

North Kent Area Meet Venue The Pippin London Road Maidstone Kent ME16 0DR Meet held on 3rd Weds of the month

East Kent Area Meet Venue The Jackdaw Denton Canterbury Kent CT4 6QZ

Meet held on 4th Weds of the month


THE 75TH PIONEER RUN TO BRIGHTON FOR VETERAN MOTORCYCLES On Sunday 13th April, Invicta will ride from Paddock Wood Hop Farm to Brighton to support the Pioneer Run. This historic event, promoted by the Sunbeam MCC, attracts the largest gathering of pre-1915 solo motorbikes, sidecars, tricycles and quadricycles in the world. It presents a unique opportunity to see so many historic machines in action. The Pioneers leave Epsom Downs early in the morning and ride to Madeira Drive Brighton. The route follows the A217 through Reigate to the A23 at Gatwick then into Sussex and down to Brighton. Sunday 13 April Invicta will meet at 9:00 at the Hop Farm and be ready to leave by 9:30 to ride across to Cowfold where we will stop at a pub for coffee and bacon rolls and watch some of the pioneer bikes come past. Then we will follow the pioneers route to Pyecombe Hill and on into Brighton. This is a great event with lots of bike stalls and exhibitions etc. To find out more about the Pioneer Run see www. Mags Ivatts will be the Road Captain for this and Cory Mills tail ender, if you have any questions please give her a call on 01424 461380 or email Hope to see you and sorry about the early start !!!

Mags x

Getting to know you …

Member Name : Maggs Ivatts (Member No. 63)

What was your first bike What is your current Harley How long a H.O.G. member How long an Invicta member How long have you been riding Were you a mod or rocker What is your nickname How many times have you come off How many motorcycle related points have you had What was your best ride What was your worst ride What’s the best modification/extra on your bike

Fatboy Fatboy Since 1992 Since 1995 1987 Neither – a Hippy! ‘Maggs’ About 6 9 – All for speeding! The last one from Faak am See In the rain, coming home from the Bulldog Bash. My awesome paint job.

Additional Information: Maggs said: “I have had some of the best times of my life with Invicta. I’m so glad I’m a Member – it’s really important to me.”

Head Road Captain

Hi Everyone, LOOKING FORWARD TO THE 2014 RIDING SEASON Yet another riding season is about to start and what a busy one it is going to be!! The first of our many rides is being lead by Maggs Ivatts, to the Pioneer Run on Sunday 13th April. Remembering the many bikes from yester-year! One of our newly appointed Road Captains, Corey Mills will be tail end Charlie for this ride. It’s going to be a great day out so please come along and give your support! Details of times and meeting arrangements will be on the hotmail nearer to the date. Tilt and Stormin’s fish and chip run to Leysdown is on the Wednesday 30th April. This has proven to be a firm favourite with the club, so keep your eye on the hotmail for further details of this. There are many more ride outs planned for the season, so again please support your club, enjoy yourself and ride safe. More information in the Diary on the penultimate page! Rocky HRC Lawrence Whibley (Head Road Captain)


New Members Invicta Chapter UK would like to extend a very warm welcome to the following New Members: New Members This Month James Bates Karen Webber Please speak to any committee member if you require any help or assistance.

Happy Birthday

Darren Boyce Shaun Fitzgerald Ray Lancaster Sara Rowan

Susan Boorman Keith Frenchum Andrew Nason Eve Hillditch

Steve Bovis Gillian Gilling Kevin Williams Pam Leavey

Apologies to Colin Barden whose Birthday was accidently missed last month – The Big FiveFive-0!!


Hi Everybody I hope you are all keeping well and looking forward to the riding season ahead, I know I am. Thanks to Maidstone HD my 5,000 mile service did not cost me a penny, I won the mileage challenge last year for the ladies. So if you would like to be in with a chance make sure you take your bike and complete the form for this year at the Dealership. Well you may year has started with a new addition to the family, He is a French Bulldog and is now seven months old, - Frank hasn’t had it easy and only a couple of week ago Frank collapsed with breathing difficulties. I took him to our vets who said he needed specialist treatment. So off I went to Bedfordshire with my daughter and Frank. He had surgery that same day and I went back home without him. I was later told that he had a massive growth in his throat, they managed to remove most of the growth and then we had to wait to ensure it was nothing nasty, thankfully it wasn’t.(Thank goodness for the Insurance) Frank now has his very own HD jacket, see picture below! Already the weather is improving and we have been out enjoying the good weather. It’s been great, feeling the warm breeze on my face. But on the way home last Sunday it did get colder. Dom went on his Road Captain’s course with Des, Scott and Corey and the weather remained good for them.

Dom is planning some great rides out so watch this space with the other Road Captains. (Contd.)


Ladies of Harley (Contd.) I have got my thinking cap on and will be looking at ideas on how we can raise money for our charities, so any ideas are welcome. Please have a chat with me, and I can get things rolling. Thanks for reading, hope to see you all soon!

A Harley high five from Frank x Love and Kisses Mandy x

Don’t Forget to Register your bike for this years Chapter Mileage Challenge!

Open/Test Day – Maidstone Dealership

Open/Test Day – Maidstone Dealership

2013 – 14 Invicta Road Captains

Lawrence Whibley HRC

John Blandford

Graham Bliss

Graham Chambers

John Felgate

Mary Felgate

Dave Hanna

Andy Hill

Mags Ivatts

Ian Jenkins

Des Larner

Norman Ouzman

Brian Boorman

Nick Ovenden

Jim Whitson

This could be you

Brian Hanmore

Scott Montgomery

Paul Ouzman

This could be you

2013 – 14 Invicta Road Marshalls

Roy Armstrong

John Robinson

Paul Hillier

Late News!

Simon Williams

Gary Pilcher

Corey Mills and Dom Harding are now Road Captains - the photos will be juggled round next month!

Corey Mills

Dom Harding


EVENTS DIARY Lots Going On! April 2014

2 9 13 16 21 23 30

Wed Wed Sun Wed Mon Wed Wed

Club Night, Charing, TN27 0JJ West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY 13th Pioneer Run to Brighton North Kent Area Meet, The Pippin, Maidstone, ME16 0DR Southend Shakedown – Bank Holiday Monday East Kent Area Meet, - QUIZ NIGHT - The Jackdaw, Denton, Canterbury Fish & Chip run to Leysdown with Tilt and Norm

Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open

Emergency Services Day, Brooklands, Bank Holiday with Des Larner Club Night and NEW MEMBERS NIGHT, Charing, TN27 0JJ USA Trip for Lucky Lot! West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Pippin, Maidstone, ME16 0DR Margate Meltdown – Bank Holiday Monday East Kent Area Meet, - MILITARY NIGHT - The Jackdaw, Denton, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Open Closed Closed Open Open Open Open

NEW MEMBERS RIDEOUT – More details later Club Night, Charing, TN27 0JJ Ride Skills Day at Brands Hatch Bike Show, Eastbourne Lions Club, Western Lawn Euro Rally, Biograd, Croatia. West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Pippin, Maidstone, ME16 0DR Magic Bike Week, Rudesheim, Germany. Longest Day Ride with Paul Ouzman East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Denton, Canterbury CT4 6QZ Newhaven Fort with Andy Hill Training Day at Brands Hatch.

Closed Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Club Night, Charing, TN27 0JJ West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY Beaulieu Ride – Details later. North Kent Area Meet, The Pippin, Maidstone, ME16 0DR Damn Yankee American Car Club, North Weald Airfield, Essex. East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Denton, Canterbury CT4 6QZ Bexhill Motor Fest. Ardennes Big Bulge Dodgy Tour

Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed

May 2014

5 7 9 - 24 14 21 26

Mon Wed Fri - Sat Wed Wed Mon



June 2014

1 4 6 8 8 – 15 11 18 19-22 21 25 29 30

Sun Wed Fri Sun Sun - Sun Wed Wed Thur / Sun Sat Wed Sun Mon

July 2014

2 9 13 16 20 23 27 31 – 3

Wed Wed Sun Wed Sun Wed Sun Thur - Sun

Key To H.O.G. Terminology Closed Event


Those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members and one guest per member

Open Event


Those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members, international H.O.G. members and other guests as desired

Member Events


Events only open to H.O.G. members

Remember, to participate in Invicta Chapter Closed Events, you must keep your H.O.G. and Invicta Chapter memberships current.

The Last Word

Why is the word 'Abbreviation' so long? Chris (Mr Ed.) Thomson WORDSEARCH ~ ZOOM

The GOV.UK website now requires you to have a more secure password... Please set a password to register. cabbage Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters. boiled cabbage Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character. 1 boiled cabbage Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces.


VERY HARD SUDOKU Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9 only once.

50soddingboiledcabbages Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character. 50SODDINGboiledcabbages Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively. 50SoddingBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYours, IfYouDon'tGiveMeAccessImmediately Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation. NowIAmGettingReallyPissedOff50SoddingBoiledCa bbagesShovedUpYoursIfYouDontGiveMeAccessIm mediately Sorry, that password is already in use !!!

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