Invictanewsletter~august 2014

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Harley Owners Group 速

INVICTA NEWS August 2014


The views and comments contained in this Newsletter are the personal views of the contributors and are not necessarily those expressed by the Editor, Invicta Chapter UK, HOG UK, Harley-Davidson or their authorised dealers or agents.

Itjackdawgreat guide The Editor’s


I remember Paul Newton was invaluable in assisting me into the Editors chair! This is being written before the Dealership Summer Bash on 26/27th July – I hope all who attended had a great time and no doubt photos will be in next month’s edition. Any tilting stories gratefully received!

IMPORTANT – In this month’s issue there is the annual Nomination Form for electing or reelecting your committee. Obviously this is important as the committee make the decisions that take the Club forward, so please give the nominations serious thought. Who is the mystery man on the cover? Seen at The Jackdaw’s East Kent Meet military night last month! By now you will have probably seen on the Hotmail that I shall be standing down at the next AGM. Come October I have been your Editor for a tad over 4 years and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfortunately I am no longer going to be able to devote the necessary time to the job as my mum, who is 92 in September, is losing her sight and will require a lot more of my time. I wish the new Editor all the best and, of course, will be only too pleased to help him into the job.

August will see our only BBQ of the summer at The Jackdaw – weather permitting please come on your bikes and try and support this, Colin is working hard to make it as successful as last year’s event. And last but not least…… Please send in your articles, photos and blackmail for inclusion in the Newsletter, to the usual address: I now have my twin pipes fitted and they are now adorned with their gorgeous fishtails, but… I’m still having trouble getting loud pipes - don’t know why? I’m still baffled!

Chris Thomson EDITOR

Useful Information HOTLINE ~ 0845 094 2138 INVICTA WEB SITE view at INVICTA NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS email to Or send to Invicta News Editor, 36 Glebeland s, Ash, Canterbury CT3 2HZ Please send by 20th Month for inclusion in n ext months issue

Invicta Chapter UK, Harley Owners Group #9141 founded 1991

2013–2014 Invicta Chapter UK Committee


Past Director


Ian Martin

John Felgate

Gill Whibley 01622 890598 01622 884429 01622 730626

Assistant Director ‘A’

Assistant Director ‘B’

Assistant Director ‘C’

Karen Melhuish

Colin Proudlock

Graham Chambers 01634 305037 / 07758 400055 01304 613117 01732 522809

Events Officer

Ladies of Harley


Andy Hill

Amanda Harding

Darren & Diana Boyce 01304 202072 07590 463616 01795 429032


Head Road Captain


Awaiting New Appointment – if you think you can do it, please contact a committee member. Chris Thomson

Lawrence ‘Rocky’ Whibley 01304 812731 01622 730626

Hotmail and Events Team – Non Committee Members

Nicky Whitehead

Simon Williams

Val Pilcher

Contact with the committee must be by email or telephone NOT Facebook or Twitter

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Maidstone Harley-Davidson速 Forstal Road | Aylesford | Kent | ME20 7XA

01622 711680


Director’s Dialogue August 2014 Another month already and I can’t believe that in 2 months’ time it will be the AGM again, date and time yet to be confirmed. We have 3 committee members standing down ie Gill (treasurer), Lawrence (HRC) and Chris (Editor) so definitely 3 new faces needed but as we are nearly democratic all committee posts are available, except mine as Director appointed by MsHD. So get your nominations in asap but please ensure the person nominated is wanting to do the post in question. At the July Club night we tried a different venue, The Red Lion, Charing Heath and had a great turnout, weather being good helped. There were a few problems with slow service for food because it’s all fresh. They did not realise the numbers that could attend and eat although they were advised. Me and Jane have been back to sort this and hopefully it will improve next time. This was chosen because Charing is the centre of Kent, the pub is a mile down a reasonably safe road from a major trunk road, good parking for bikes and they were really keen to have us which helps. I am still not sure if this is the right place, so if any of you out there has a better idea please contact me and we will have a visit. It has to be a central location in Kent which is why Charing was chosen in the first place. When the new clubhouse is finally built we may well be back there. All options are open. Last month we went to Magic Bike week in Rudesheim, great ride there with Jim, Corey, John Brooker, me and Jane on my bike (now with a better pillion seat and top box , Jane didn’t complain too much). The Felgates arrived first (they did leave a day before us) then all those from Croatia and us at the same time. Nice event, lots of fun and were looked after by our friends from Castra Bonnensis. It was good watching the parade with beer and Bratwurst which started right outside our hotel. A good ride back too. By the time you read this we will have been to Belgium on the Bulge extravaganza, so looking forward to that and then its RTTW in October. Myself and Dom Harding have also been busy with involvement planning SoFER 2015. All will be revealed soon! That’s all from me so enjoy your rides and keep taking pics to show all where you have been. Be safe out there Ian



(date subject to confirmation)

The time has come again to start thinking about next year and that starts with the AGM. Everyone on the committee with the exception of the Director is required to step down or seek re-election. All positions with the exception of Director, Immediate Past Director and Treasurer are open to any full or associate member. The appointment of the Director shall be at the sole discretion of the sponsoring dealer. If you wish to stand for any committee position then you must seek nomination from at least one current member other than yourself and they must notify the Secretary beforehand using this form returned to him by 5th September 2014 to allow the nominated candidates to be published prior to the AGM. No one should be put forward as a candidate without his or her prior knowledge and full agreement. If you are going to attend the AGM please try and get there early as business will get under way at 8.00pm sharp. You will also need your 2014 Membership Card as proof of both membership and identity and to simply get into the meeting. Those members eligible to vote are Full HOG members and Associate HOG members and each membership carries one vote. If you have any queries please ask a member of the Committee.

Voting slips will be available on the night should there be any positions to contest. Should you not be able to attend the AGM you can nominate a Proxy to vote instead. This can be anyone but they must have a signed letter of authority from you to produce on the night to enable them to receive a voting slip on your behalf. By Order INVICTA CHAPTER UK Darren Boyce Secretary

Committee Nominations

INVICTA CHAPTER UK 2014-2015 COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM I wish to nominate the following people for the 2014-15 Invicta Chapter UK Committee in the positions as listed below:


IAN MARTIN (Not Contestable)


JOHN FELGATE (Not contestable)

I ______________________________________________declare that I am a current and fully paid up member of INVICTA CHAPTER UK. My Membership No. is ______________________________________ Signed____________________________________________________

Please complete and return this form to Secretary INVICTA CHAPTER UK 9 Rose Walk Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4EW

Minutes of AGM – 2nd October 2013

Present Colin Barden Graham Batchelor John & Cheryl Blandford Graham & Shirley Bliss Susan & Brian Boorman Kevin & Tracy Bourke Darren & Diana Boyce Gary Briggs John Brooker Graham & Carol Chambers Zoe Clark Ingrid Clayton Peter Cooke Alan Efford John & Mary Felgate Steve & Karen Fitzpatrick Keith Frenchum Stephen Friend Mick Gell William & Janetta Godfrey Dave & Gill Groombridge Brian Hanmore Dave & Jane Hanna Dominic & Mandy Harding Andy Hawley Andy & Lynn Hill Paul Hillier Paul & Sue Hobbs Donna Hooper Maggs Ivatts Ian Jenkins Chris & Pam Leavey Tony Mangili Ian & Jane Martin Rod & Cas McCaffrey James Miller Corey Mills Scott Montgomery Kenny & Lorna Morrison Paul Newton Paul, Norman & Trudi Ouzman Nick Ovenden Naomi & Mark Owen Gary & Val Pilcher Colin Proudlock Martin & Janet Rayfield John & Linda Robinson Dave Souter Marcus Sutton Raymond & Peter Thomas Chris Thomson Bob Turner John & Sharon Ward Justin Webster Gill & Lawrence Whibley David & Nicky Whitehead Jim Whitson Simon Williams Alan & Caroline Wright

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

Apologies A Nason, D Larner, K Melhuish, A Pearce Minutes of 2012 agreed Club subs not going up this year. Opt in to get h ard copy Lost G Thompson. Welcome to MSHD Birthday Bash next month Award Peter Golding. Thanks to Simon Williams. Thanked lots of people for help and assistance throughout the year. Thanked HRC and road captains. More Sunday ride outs. Four new road captains presented with certificates. Thanked Scott Montgomary. Thanks to Ian Martin and Andy Hill. Thanked Graham and Carol for Beatle trip. Sofer 10 Best ever. Won chapter challenge. MSHD - HP thanks club, good to get new members. 2nd November Birthday. Treasurer report Balance good and healthy. Charity report Serv. Blood runners John Graham Centre £767.04


Chapter Awards Chris Thomson John Blandford Dave Hanna Pins to: Des Larner, G Chambers, S Williams, Bob Turner. Chapter member of the year: Colin Proudlock.


Election of officers: Graham Bliss, John Blandford stepping down. John Fe lgate made presentations to both. Asst. Directors: West Kent – G Chambers. North Kent – K Melhuish. East Kent – C Proudlock L of H: Amanda Harding Events: Andy Hill Secretary: Darren / Diana Boyce (Secretary and membership) Treasurer: Gill Whibley Director: Ian Martin Tilt gave a speech of thanks to JF and presented him with a plaque and HD commemorative board. The meeting gave John a standing ovation. Ian Martin gave short introduction speech and presented Nicky and Val with flowers for helping in Events Sub-committee. IM drew raffle for left over cash. GW, MF, DH, MH, VP, CM, GP, JR


A.O.B Andy Hill (Events) reminded members of Brightona, line dancing, bowling night. He is planning information on Croatia 8 th June – 16th June (next year. Mags Ivatts proposed that JF/MF have a ‘slap up’ weekend at Invicta’s expense. (£500.00)


The Tilting Files. Assistant Director ‘C’ – Graham Chambers

More ramblings: Had a really busy July this year, talk about getting carried away with things. It started out with the “One Day Ride” from Lowestoft to Lands End with Ned, Paul and Trudy; for the first time in three years we had brilliant weather all the way, we made it without any mishaps, and for the first time in three years we were not last, in fact we had a few strokes of luck, as the hold ups seemed to happen after we had passed through, probably caused them!! But not so lucky was Bridgwater Chapter, who had to deviate their route several times as the M5 was closed with a couple of bad accidents and they had to go through Bath which everybody else was doing… they arrived at Lands End about eight o’clock just as we were tucking into our dessert but they did make the sunset? We stayed on for the Sunday, and did the walk to Lands End for the proverbial triple cone ice cream, and back for a cream tea in the harbour; the day was hot and sunny and we were hoping and praying that it would last a couple more days until we got back to dear old Kent. So that’s it now, DONE and DUSTED after the third time of doing it? Unless they change the destination, like going to the furthest point west in Wales???? (Carol is now looking worried?) It was Paul’s 50th birthday whilst we were away, so on the way back we stopped off at Trudy’s Dad place, and went out to celebrate at a pub of his choice, where we had a lovely meal for the BIG 50, I had to stop with Paul because last year, when he left me to make my own way back, I lost the keys to the bike lock, and had to call the RAC out if you remember!!!! So he reckons that I am not to be left alone anymore?

(We all think that, Tilt! – Ed.) He was a bit worried about the hotel, because he had left it to me to book but he needn’t have worried as it was all OK. I know I’m getting old because on the way home, my bum could only take 50 miles at a time! Still even Paul suffered, still when you reach 50 that is what you have to put up with Paul. We were only home a couple of days before we set off again to ride another 360 miles to Normandy to spend a few days with Jane and Charlie at their French cottage. Once again the bum played up! It hadn’t quite recovered from the One Day ride? Carol did do her best to get me to go in the car, but I held out?? As usual as we passed through Picardie it had to rain on us? I think it is part of the French law that it has to rain on you in Picardie?? Normally we can do the trip in a couple of hits? I have to confess that we stopped five times on the way down… the last one was only ten miles from Jane’s but the Butt would not take any more punishment, plus it was very hot and we were gasping for a cuppa. (Contd.)


On the way back we had arranged to stop off at the Frenchie’s place (The other Sue and Paul!) for a night, and as it so happened the “Tour de France “ was passing through their area, so Paul worked out where the best place would be to watch them go through. The four of us set off on the bikes and came across crossroads which was full of French, so we rode to the front and set about to wait for the Peloton to ride through; we waited a good hour but there is always the sponsor cars and team cars coming through throwing freebees to you, and when you see the helicopters coming you know they are imminent; they went through in about 30 seconds but a great sight to see in France. Paul then found us a nice French restaurant where we had a nice lunch before setting off back to Calais to catch the train, and Paul and Sue had to dash back as they had four guests arriving who had also came over to see the Tour de France. Sue and Paul run a brilliant Biker’s retreat, with B&B, Gites and the Hayloft for indoor camping, if you want a brilliant weekend just give them a ring (advert in the magazine) as there is loads to see within the area. Ask John and Fairy as they go back each year! Then it was off again on Dominic’s ride to Beaulieu… with Dom leading the way, I find that it is more a sense of adventure than a ride out? You never know what you are going to run into on the way! I looked at the weather forecast and all the wet weather was going through early in the morning or so they said! So up I got and set off for the dealership from Kings Hill, a matter of a ten minute ride - not raining when I left, but the heavens opened up and I arrived at the Dealership absolutely soaked, but never mind I was on my way. So when I got to the shop I struggled into my wets, and was ready to set off, only to have the sun come out - so now I am sweating like a good’un. First comfort break take off all the wet gear. We hit the New Forest, lovely scenery, yes, sure enough trotting along the road was our first HORSE and rider of the day! Only to be topped by a COW in the middle of the road - they don’t call him the horse whisperer for nothing, not sure if you need a cow whisperer though? It was a brilliant day and the bike show was excellent; the old bum was a bit sore but happy (that’s me, not my bum!) I decided to book a week away in Rome for Carol and myself for our 50th wedding anniversary, (I thought only old people had Golden Wedding Anniversaries!) Carol left it to me to make the arrangements? So there I am on the computer on the Easy Jet site, (no expense spared here lads!) Now do you book the hotel first then get a flight, or get the flight first then worry about the hotel…I did hotel first, then the flight? So with tongue hanging out the side of mouth…. I book the flight to Rome, I thought on EASY JET? (WRONG) somewhere along the way, the computer had changed pages, and I had somehow booked on a BA flight out of Gatwick, (that was no sweat) but….wait for it….Norwegian freight home!!! Carol was not impressed? But the hotel looks good. Just getting the bike cleaned and ready for The Big Bulge Tour which looks brilliant. Ride Safe – Tilt.


The Incredible Shrinking Man Assistant Director C – Colin Proudlock

Hi all. Can I ask all that wish to come to the BBQ on 27th Aug to get their tickets from Chris (Mr Ed.) or myself? The cost is £10 each and provides plenty to eat. I was very disappointed in the turn out for June’s Jackdaw meet, only a handful of members attended. The same old regular faces, the weather was great for a ride out that night so where were you all? – but, having got that moan off my chest, a brilliant turn out in July! Great night. Anyway, Chris and I had a ride to Yorkshire last weekend (4-7 July), we did 909 miles, not bad for a long weekend. We called in at 6 dealerships and had a great ride out on Saturday with the Director of the Aire Valley Chapter and a couple of their Road Captains. I hope that the weather stays good. Ride Safe. Colin.

It’s that time of the year to pay for your Newsletter adverts. It’s £25 per advert for the year. Please send to the Treasurer, Gill Whibley at: 117 Spot Lane, Bearsted, Maidstone, Kent ME15 8UB.

Members Trades and Services


LES BALLASTIERES BIKE-FRIENDLY B&B IN NORTHERN FRANCE RUN BY PAUL & SUE Comfortable accommodation in our 200-year old farmhouse Secure parking, drying facilities and workshop Games room with kitchenette & a BBQ area Plus: The Hayloft: “Indoor camping” for groups or individuals The Old Forge: Wheelchair-friendly studio The Old Stable: Self-catering for 2-5 people We are in the beautiful region of the 7 Valleys near WW1 battlefields, museums and pretty medieval and coastal towns – and a race track only 5 minutes’ away! For further information, please visit our website… or ask TILT 1 !!! Les Ballastières, 156 rue du Moulin, Gauchin Verloingt 62130 St Pol sur Ternoise, Pas-de-Calais E/m: Tel: 0033-(0) Mob: 0033(0)

South of France - Salles D’Aude Bike friendly self – catering holiday home 100 years old, spacious French beamed village house Sleeps 10, off road secure parking, wheelchair accessible, 5 large bedrooms, 2 sitting rooms, wet room & garden. 10km from Narbonne, 15mins to a beautiful sandy beach & within 45 mins for 4 low cost airports. 300 days of sunshine in the wine capital of Europe! Contact Keith & Jan Frenchum Tel: 01474 706786

Members Trades and Services



T. 01580 714616

M. 07837 959242


CLUB NIGHT AND AND AREA MEET VENUES Club Night Venue The Red Lion Charing Heath Ashford Kent TN27 0AU

North Kent Area Meet Venue

Meet held on 1st Weds of the month

West Kent Area Meet Venue The Brookers Oast The Hop Farm Beltring Paddock Wood Tonbridge Meet held on Kent TN12 6PY 2nd Weds of the month

The Lower Bell Off Bluebell Hill Maidstone Kent ME20 7EF Meet held on 3rd Weds of the month

East Kent Area Meet Venue The Jackdaw Denton Canterbury Kent CT4 6QZ

Meet held on 4th Weds of the month


Assistant Director ‘A’ – Karen Melhuish Hi all good Invicta friends, Here’s a venue up date for my area - thank you so much for such fantastic attendance. This Wednesday we had our second meet at the new venue the Lower Bell. Unfortunately we still had some teething problems with food orders but the feedback I am getting on the venue is good, especially on the location. I promised to have a word to sort things out. Let me try and explain… On the day we went to see if this venue would suit our needs (I had seen many that didn’t) we all said we thought about 20 to 30 people max would probably eat there, most having eaten before they come along to the meeting (or so I thought!) On the first meeting over 30 ordered food on the second over 60 ordered food. Spencer informed me 2 or 3 mixed grills and a couple of steaks ‘freshly cooked’ all takes a lot of space up on the grill and time to prepare this when its freshly cooked means an inevitable wait for food. Normally they would be preparing a table at a time with a family or such like but with such a range of menu and so many people all waiting together extends it even more. I have had a word and Spencer has kindly offered to do us a hot buffet next time, he can offer this at a fixed price (I think his meals are very reasonably priced and I will find out, I think he said about a fiver a head) all prepared ready for when we all arrive this will have a range of hot foods to pop on your plate, he is also happy to fire up a BBQ on other occasions. I think this sounds fair. Spencer the land lord was pleasantly surprised to see how many come along and so was I he has also offered themes such as chilli Mexican evenings or curry nights, ribs and chicken nights, or various other things on the menu which will cut down the waiting time to feed our hungry bellies. So friends I hope this will be some compromise for what has been a little bit of a transition into our new venue, I promise it will get much better. I too have ideas for later, when we get very much more settled there, if of course I am still an assistant director because its nominations time again soon. On Sunday 24th August at the Lower bell Spencer informs me there is a band and bungee jumping. All bikes are welcome it will be a bank holiday special, and I think he said there will be a BBQ, but if you visit the venue on any Friday and Saturdays there is a live band both nights and a jamming session on Monday evenings, Spencer will be happy to see you come along any time so he can get to know us all a bit better and gather more for any of your ideas.


I have been very busy with work recently not been out as much as I used to, perhaps a sign of my age but I enjoyed the new venue The Red Lion which Ian had arranged as a change of venue for us all but similarly we kept the chef very busy there, I know Ian will be doing the same as me to sort this out. A change is as good as a rest we have seen a few more people who we had not seen for many weeks previously in these new meeting places, so this must be seen as positive, we have missed you all.. you know. Lots of other things are happening each week, rides organised by our lovely road captains. Keep an eye out on these; I plan on going out on some now I have my lovely bike back. Right now I am giving some time to look about to see and share with Val and Nicky a possible venue for a Christmas party in my area…… and I can’t believe I typed that word already. I am looking forward to Colin’s area BBQ and I have got my tickets ready to go, I am taking my old mum and dad with me, Marty bought them a ticket to come along because that’s a special night for my family and I did not want to miss Colin’s meeting, because the BBQ was great last year. Well that all from me right now, thank you once again for all your support, it’s a wonderful club and it’s full of lovely people. See you all soon. Love and kisses, stay safe.

Karen xx

Just a Second Reminder to contact Colin to book your 27 August BBQ tickets on 07816 906052 or

Head Road Captain

Hi Everyone, With the riding season in full swing I hope you have enjoyed the ride outs which the Road Captains and Marshalls have arranged for you. I think you will agree that they have all done an excellent job this season and would like to thank them very much for their efforts. You will, I am sure, have learned a great deal about group riding and the drop off system. It is important to keep up with the group and ride as a group, as it is always an impressive sight to see everybody riding together in formation, rather than spreading out over miles. If you have any problems during the ride, or feel uncomfortable keeping up with the speed limits, then please pull over and the Sweeper with stop to check if you are OK or wish to leave the ride. The Road Captains know the importance of keeping to speed limits so that the ride is enjoyable for everybody, and the result is, that it stays together and arrives together. If you have any ideas for future ride outs or know of an event coming up please let Andy Hill know so that we can organise a ride out. It is not easy to find new ideas for ride outs although some of the Road Captains have already ventured as far as Hampshire this season, so well done them! That’s what I call a proper ride out! Lawrence Whibley (Head Road Captain)


What a month June was, the trip to the euro rally in Croatia was nothing but excellent with wall to wall sun shine which was a bit too much at times, in the mid to upper thirties. Very little problems just 2 punchers and that was it. I am still annoyed that I had not allowed enough time for the visit to the Plitvice Lakes, but we know a very nice cheap hotel not far away for a return you never know. We stayed 2 nights in Saltsburg on the way home so as to visit Berchtesgaden (the Eagles Nest), now Lynn and I had done this before so opted to go down the salt mines, yep that is why Saltsburg is so called. What fun that was with a boat trip and the huge

slides they have inside. If you are down this way they are a must. I won’t go on about this trip because I am sure those that went may have bored you already.

Soon it’s back in the swing of things here and Wednesday is a Military Night at the

,(See Front Cover! – Ed.) normally only

Jackdaw so I gave the uniform an airing


coming out for the Queen but I do need a bit of practice on the bugle. This last month has seen some iffy weather for Sunday rideouts but in the end they have been great days out full of sunshine, if we are going to call off a ride listen to the hot line where there should be updated news. Sorry nothing was arranged for last Sunday as most were off cavorting somewhere but next week on the 10th we are off to Bletchley Park which will be an early start I would presume. Then on the 17th it’s down to Folkestone for the harbour festival for boat racing, ride in bike show, stunt show, fun fair, bands etc. The 24th we are off up the Ace café. The 31st is vacant so if you know of something going on let us know.


Monday (30 June) off to Brands for the Kent Fire Service Safety Day, (you were asked). On arrival I turned out to be the only one from the club, the only Harley there amongst all the sports bikes, the same happening

to Peter Cooke the following Wednesday (we could day)


get on the same

I know it was a Wednesday as Peter turned up at the Hop farm that evening straight from Brands in his Ninja suit complete with the hump. It was compulsory to have a full set of leathers & approved full face helmet. The day had the same effect on him as he was still much enthusing about it that evening, most thoroughly enjoying the day. So back to the plot here I am amongst the leather Ninja suit, clad riders. Eventually after lunch it was my first track session, so as we line up I turn on the stereo, (some thought it was the tracks PA system), I though Land Of Hope and Glory would be appropriate for the occasion. Then they let us loose on the track, boy why have I never done this on a bike before, where you really can ride free, no fear of cars coming the wrong way or that odd patch of oil. The chequered flag is raised all too soon and it’s back to the pits. This is where things change as the group I am with, and some onlookers are full of admiration and comments, one of the young riders coming up to me throwing up a high five saying RESPECT. I was then told they were going to black flag me as I had my visor up all the time! Then it was the EKAM observed ride I had a perfect ride and no mistakes, and Peter was the same don’t know what happened here, we ride Harley Davidson’s did they not know? That’s the trumpet solo’s for Harley !! Here is an invite from the Bridgwater Chapter for you all its their 25th Anniversary Summer Bash Fri 29th - 31st August Morganians Rugby club, Chedzoy Lane, Chedzoy, Bridgwater TA7 8QW Tickets required x …………………. @ £10 pp Your £10 ticket money will be refunded on your arrival, so a free rally for you all Camping Pitch, £7 to be paid on the day Cheques made payable to Bridgwater HOG Send self-addressed envelope and payment to: Gina Chapman 93 Old Street, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 6BT.


Hello everyone, It’s been a bit of a strange month for me, coming back from Croatia on Sunday, and then starting my new Job on the Monday. Which is going very well and I really feel part of a team and the best thing of all is I have most weekends off (result) and have most evenings off. I can now confirm money raised from the Croatia Trip in fines was £62. Thank you all for donating and being such good sports. I’ve been clocking up a few miles since Croatia had a great ride out to the Ace café weekend at Brooklands lead by Des. Had a great day, looking at the old Cars, Bikes Busses and Planes. Thanks Des for a great day and great company and the sunshine again was on our side Then the Beaulieu riding bike show lead by Dom, it was a slow start on the M25 then we did find the cause: a massive moving road block. There was not much interesting to see until we left the M27 heading down into the New Forest, and yes there was a horse, and a few cows which had taken a liking to Andy and Lynn. Again the weather was on our side. On the way back Simon had suggested that we come back to his pub for a drink. This seemed like a good idea, we ended up cutting across country which took longer than expected. I still can’t feel my bum. Well I will ask the question how many helmets one person should have. We went to the dealership to look at bikes, as my son Harry is looking to get one at last. We end up buying two FXRG Helmets. That was not our intention but again got a fantastic deal with our points which we had collected. Thanks Maidstone HD. Also I can’t believe that almost two years have passed and my restriction will be coming off in the beginning of September and I’m having the bike upped to stage 1 as well, there’s no holding me back! Thanks for reading, hope to see you all soon! Love and Kisses Mandy x And a Harley high five from Frank x

LATE NEWS ~ Bridgwater HOG One Day Run 21 June 2014

This was now Bridgwater HOG’s 4th running of this event and saw Graham and Carol Chambers, Ned, his friend Hazel, and us, heading to Lowestoft the day before. The plan is to watch the sun rise at Ness point at 4.30am, before riding to Land’s End, the same day, to watch it set at about 9.30pm. On route you have to get a “Passport” stamped at dealerships in Newmarket, Oxford, Bridgwater and Plymouth. This is not a race, and there is no prize for coming first, but all entrants get a T shirt and the finishers, a sew-on badge. 3am the alarm goes off and by 3.50am we are all ready for the 10minute ride to Ness point, the furthest point East in Great Britain. This year, although clear skies, there was a cloud bank on the horizon, that prevented us seeing the sun rise out of the sea. Never mind, photos taken, we were off at 4.40am for the 70 odd miles to Black Bear at Newmarket. If you travel via Diss, this is a lovely run on fast country roads with hopefully the sun on your back. The dealership opens at 6am for our arrival with a chuck wagon dispensing bacon and egg rolls for the hungry. Lovely. Those intent on a quick time (why?), will just stamp and go, but for the 6 Invicta crew, we were among the last to leave. Next leg takes us to the Oxford dealership, the longest at about 110 miles. The Sat Nav wants to take me all motorway (M11, 25, 40) but there will be enough of that later, so I programme it to take us via Milton Keynes. Last year poor Ned binned his bike there on a wet roundabout and DNF’d. This year no problems and we arrived at 9.30am. Having consumed coffee and cake and checking out of any bargains, we are off again. With the sun now getting warm, we pick up the M4 at Swindon. An accident near the junction with the M5, saw us filtering for a bit before we reach Rider’s at Bridgwater at 12.30pm and 90 miles further on. Tea and sandwiches were provided, but Graham and I would have eaten the lot! So a half pound burger and cheese had to be consumed as well! We stayed nearly an hour (extravagant) for what then, is the shortest and worst leg of the trip. The route to Plymouth is all motorway M5, and hilly dual carriageway A38. Tired, and with already nearly 300 miles on the clock, it’s a real drag but the only way unless you want excessive delays. Hot and exhausted we arrived for the last dealer stamp at 2.45pm. A quick drink and look around and we are on the last leg. A few miles later we cross the Tamar Bridge and are into Cornwall. The road becomes single track each way and far more interesting with so many twist and turns, ups and downs you could think you were on a rollercoaster! We pick up the A30 near Bodmin and head off to Penzance. You think you’ve made it, once there, but it’s still another 10 miles to Land’s End - groan. 5.50pm see’s us pull into the Land’s End car park, the furthest point west, and, 460 miles later, we’ve made it. Apparently, two thirds of the bikes were still out on the course (an accident near Plymouth would see the last arrive just before 8pm ) with the first arriving at 2pm!!!!! Photos by the signpost taken, we were then off to celebrate in the Old Success Inn at Sennen Cove. If you fancy giving it a go, let me know and I’ll give you all the details. Paul and Trudi Ouzman.

VERY LATE NEWS ~ Review of the 2014 Cider Rally

The 23rd Cider Rally was upon us, because of the confusion over whether or not Sand Bay was staying open we had decided to give it a miss this year. But as the time got closer & the fate of Sand Bay had been decided we were wishing we had got tickets after all. Luckily for us while at a Wednesday meet Norman Ouzman informed us that there were some tickets up of grabs, we couldn't believe our luck & snapped them up before anyone else had chance. We had done the Cider Rally a couple of years previous so we had a good idea of what to expect. We were told to meet at Clackets 10am, the weather forecast was good for the weekend but maybe some rain on Friday! On arrival it seemed nearly everyone had got their wets on & the sky looked very gloomy! We decided to take the chance & as luck would have it, it was a dry ride all the way. On route we stopped at the same pub we had stopped at previuosly to discover that the staff were on a go slow. We were a group of thirsty hungry Harley riders in need of sustenance, it seemed as if anyone behind the bar were being viewed in slow motion! How hard can it be to make a pot of tea without having to go to Ceylon to pick the tea leaves & milk a cow & if we had wanted sugar well don't even go there. Eventually we were on our way again in the hope that the next stop would be a little better. As we pulled into the next stop we were greeted by suicidal lambs running toward us along the driveway. This stop proved to be much more efficient, coffee & carrot cake galore. With a second wind in our sales we were off on the final leg. Riding along the coast to Sand Bay felt good we had all arrived safe & sound. We collected our goody bags, T-shirts, pins & the rest, signed in & found our rooms. The accommodation leaves a little to be desired but, it is warm & the hot water would scold you're hands if you were not carefull. The beds were like sleeping on a pile of rubble, but softish rubble & the pillows were about as thick as "odour eaters" you know those things some people put in their shoes to stop them smelling! We had a twin room with single beds, I don't know where they get the beds but it looked like they had bought one bed & cut it in half to make two! As luck would have it I sleep on my side so as long as I got into bed & didn't move I would be fine. I suppose reading this you may be put off from staying on site at the Cider Rally, but the place holds a form of charm that I can't quiet put my finger on & if I could it would be covered in dust. I think it takes me back to my childhood & the memories of those chalets down in Cornwall my parents used to book for our holidays. After a quick spruce up it was off to the resteraunt for dinner, the que was a mile long, thank heavens the staff from the pub earlier wasn't serving us or we would still be there now! The one thing I will say is that for ÂŁ70 per head for dinner bed & breakfast for three nights you just can't go wrong. The beauty of the Cider Rally is that it is all under one roof, it keeps you together as a chapter & its great for getting to know one another. For that purpose its the best rally to go to. Also the organisers have got it spot on with live bands to suit their target audience, its a cheap weekends drinking for me too as Sarah is on the dance floor all night she only has time for a few sips inbetween dances. The parade is one of the weekend highlights, the roads are shut off the crowds gather & all you can see & hear are Harleys, who could ever get bored with that? Thanks must go to Paul & Trudy Ouzman & Norman of course for leading the rides & I must say that the ride to Blue Anchor Bay & along the moors was one of the best rides we have ever been on. So to sum it all up, If you have not yet done the Cider Rally & like great value for money, good music, as much food as you can eat & great company. Get yourself booked in for 2015. See you there. Kevin & Sarah.


New Members Invicta Chapter UK would like to extend a very warm welcome to the following New Members: New Members This Month No New Members This Month Please speak to any committee member if you require any help or assistance.

Happy Birthday

Brian Denney Shirley Friend Mick Jones Nick Ovenden

John Dewy

John Ford

David Groombridge Des Larner

Jane Martin

Gary Sellers

Peter Freeman Gillian Groombridge Karen Melhuish David Strong


EVENTS DIARY August 2014

31-3 6 10 13 17 20 24 27

Thur-Sun Wed Sun Wed Sun Wed Sun Wed

Big Bulge Dodgy Tour, Ardennes Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU Bletchley Park – Rideout, see Hotmail for details West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY Folkestone Harbour Festival – Rideout, see Hotmail for details North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF Ace Café – Rideout, see Hotmail for details

BIG BAR-B-Q East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open

Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Closed Open Open Open

Ride to the Wall, Part One commencing in Belgium, Part Two joining up at Lakeside Services for ride to Tamworth AGM and Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU (Date and venue to be checked!)


September 2014

3 10 17 24

Wed Wed Wed Wed

October 2014





8 15 22

Wed Wed Wed


West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Open Open Open

Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Closed Open Open Open

Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF

Closed Open Open Open

November 2014

5 12 19 26

Wed Wed Wed Wed

December 2014

3 10 17 24

Wed Wed Wed Wed

East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ - CANCELLED

Key To H.O.G. Terminology Closed Event


Open Event


Member Events


Those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members and one guest per member Those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members, international H.O.G. members and other guests as desired Events only open to H.O.G. members

***** Remember, to participate in Invicta Chapter Closed ***** ***** Events, you must keep your H.O.G. and Invicta ***** ***** Chapter memberships current. *****

The Last Word

Those who jump off a bridge in Paris are in Seine. Keith Frenchum. WORDSEARCH ~ ROUGH AND SMOOTH


MEDIUM SUDOKU Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9 only once.

A husband and wife are sitting quietly in bed reading when the Wife looks over at him and asks the question.... WIFE: "What would you do if I died? Would you get married again? HUSBAND: "Definitely not!" WIFE: "Why not? Don't you like being married?" HUSBAND: "Of course I do.." WIFE: "Then why wouldn't you remarry? " HUSBAND: "Okay, okay, I'd get married again." WIFE: "You would?" (with a hurt look) HUSBAND: (makes audible groan) WIFE: "Would you live in our house?" HUSBAND: "Sure, it's a great house." WIFE: "Would you sleep with her in our bed?" HUSBAND: "Where else would we sleep?" WIFE: "Would you let her drive my car?" HUSBAND: "Probably, it is almost new." WIFE: "Would you replace my pictures with hers?" HUSBAND: "That would seem like the proper thing to do." WIFE: "Would you give her my jewellery?" HUSBAND: "No, I'm sure she'd want her own." WIFE: "Would you take her golfing with you? HUSBAND: "Yes, those are always good times." WIFE: "Would she use my clubs? HUSBAND: "No, she's left-handed." WIFE: -- silence -HUSBAND: "Bugger!"

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