Invictanewsletter~july 2014

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Harley Owners Group 速



THE ADVENTURE BEGINS The views and comments contained in this Newsletter are the personal views of the contributors and are not necessarily those expressed by the Editor, Invicta Chapter UK, HOG UK, Harley-Davidson or their authorised dealers or agents.

Invicta Chapter UK, Harley Owners Group #9141 founded 1991

it sounds like a fantastic journey.


I have heard that there were a very large number of ‘Tilt’ incidents and, notwithstanding the WGOTRSOTR philosophy, I am looking for names (photos would be even better!)

IMPORTANT – In this month’s issue there is a flyer for you to vote for your ‘Clubman of the Year’. Please complete, together with your reasons for nominating and return to the address shown. Just returned from my beach holiday in Turkey, my better half doesn’t do motorbikes so the Croatia/USA type things are regretfully generally off limits to me. Anyway great time was had doing very little, and like the last time I flew, there was a guy in an MSHD Tshirt at the airport. He turned out to be a Lakeside member wearing a Maidstone shirt – the previous time it had been Pate Goulding from the Dealership! On my return I heard that our Hon. Sec., Darren Boyce, is quite poorly with an unpleasant nerve problem – get well soon Darren, West Ham’s home gates are down by half if you don’t turn up! Everybody is back from their amazing trip to the States and, from the photos (see inside) and the stories,

Please send in your articles, photos and blackmail for inclusion in the Newsletter, to the usual address: Finally must thank Past Director Andy Hill for the surprise presentation of a Lambretta T-shirt to me at the last Club Night. This harks back to the mods and rockers days (circa 64-65) when he was part of a gang of rockers who had a ‘lively discussion’ with me, no real harm done as, although there were 10 of them against me, some elements of ‘a fair fight’ prevailed in those days! I now have my twin pipes fitted and they are now adorned with their gorgeous fishtails, but… I’m still having trouble getting loud pipes - don’t know why? I’m still baffled!

Chris Thomson EDITOR

PS - Don’t forget The Dealership Summer Bash 26/27th July

Useful Information HOTLINE ~ 0845 094 2138 INVICTA WEB SITE view at INVICTA NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS email to Or send to Invicta News Editor, 36 Glebeland s, Ash, Canterbury CT3 2HZ Please send by 20th Month for inclusion in n ext months issue

Itjackdawgreat guide The Editor’s

2013–2014 Invicta Chapter UK Committee


Past Director


Ian Martin

John Felgate

Gill Whibley 01622 890598 01622 884429 01622 730626

Assistant Director ‘A’

Assistant Director ‘B’

Assistant Director ‘C’

Karen Melhuish

Colin Proudlock

Graham Chambers 01634 305037 / 07758 400055 01304 613117 01732 522809

Events Officer

Ladies of Harley


Andy Hill

Amanda Harding

Darren & Diana Boyce 01304 202072 07590 463616 01795 429032


Head Road Captain


Awaiting New Appointment – if you think you can do it, please contact a committee member. Chris Thomson

Lawrence ‘Rocky’ Whibley 01304 812731 01622 730626

Hotmail and Events Team – Non Committee Members

Nicky Whitehead

Simon Williams

Val Pilcher

Contact with the committee must be by email or telephone NOT Facebook or Twitter

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Maidstone Harley-Davidson速 Forstal Road | Aylesford | Kent | ME20 7XA

01622 711680


Director’s Dialogue July 2014 As I pen this, am just thinking we have been back from the States for 2 weeks now, where does time go? It was a great trip, so much to see in so little time and all back in one piece. Would I go back, yes possibly 2 years’ time and do the latter part of the trip again heading south to New Orleans but on newer bikes! We were a bit shocked to see the age of some of our hire bikes as you will have heard but we are Invicta, if it starts ride it and have fun but check your tyres first. (2 bikes needed rear tyres and mine a clutch). Some members have gone to Croatia, weather looks fantastic and a few of us will meet them at Rudesheim on the 19th for Magic Bike Week. Then we have MSHD Friday 4th July Celebration from 5-10pm at the Dealership. There will be lots going on so watch the ads and please support this event and Harry said bring your mates too, it’s not just for Invicta and we may gain some more friends and members too. Followed by our Invicta tour to the Ardennes on which Andy has been working so hard getting the planning right. The time and effort he puts in for these trips is amazing, for which we all thank him. Alas Jane and I have to stop for a while as our holiday fund is nearly empty and our home is in desperate need of redecorating. I hate that job, but will it get done this summer? If the sun is shining at weekends probably not as I have to pass the bikes to get to the paint brushes. Then it’s the R.T.T.W. which we have never done. I am going to Ypres with my youngest son, Gordon who still has my first Harley the 2003 Anniversary 1200c and he is sharing a room with me. His mother has recommended the best ear plugs he can find as I may be tempted by that Belgium beer. Then he goes back home and Jane joins us to go to the Arboretum. And before we know it next year’s Rallies will be announced and the planning starts again, European or Faaker See or both! Whatever, next year will be amazing and don’t forget our new SOFER event, details for which will be with you soon. So while the sun shines enjoy the riding and be safe out there. Ian


The Tilting Files. Assistant Director ‘C’ – Graham Chambers We will soon be talking about Christmas the way this year is flying past? Anyway… the month started out with a ride to Simon’s new abode; Dominic (The Horse Whisperer) led the ride; I don’t think some of the roads they took us down had actually seen automobiles since 1920? - And of course we met not one, but two horses coming towards us? So like all good bikers we stopped and turned our engines off until they passed by as I didn’t fancy a galloping pair of legs coming my way, and then poor old Bill threw Jan off the bike at the traffic lights, (as you do!) so is now a fully-fledged member of the Tilt Club – Jan said before she started off she had terrible back ache, but Bill put his knee right in the middle of her back as he threw her off and she is now pain free!!! How’s that for a bit of Physio!!!! - On we went only to meet another horse but this time it was being walked by the owner sitting and driving a Land Rover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, all in all, the Horse Whisperer surpassed himself. Lunch was excellent, so thanks Simon and Dom for an excellent day, look forward to the next one. So can you all please bring carrots with you when Dom leads a ride as they are urgently needed!!! The following day we were up early as it was the Margate Shakedown ride out with Andy Hill - weather not good, bit on the cold side and wet but it was the first time that I had been to the Shakedown, and it was nice to see the old scooters again (took me back to my youth!!) We met up with a few old faces, Mike Jones, Pete Mullaney and Brian (Tug) Wilson who is now back from Devon - it was great to see them all again. The ride home was threatening rain, but we managed to make it back, got the bike in the garage and then the heavens opened up – Phew! That was a close shave. Then off to Snetterton Historic Racing the following week with the Lenham, with Ian going great guns, so much so that he won!!!! For the second race Ian had his five minutes of fame by leading out the cars in pole position?? But like everything just when you think you have it made, a big cloud of blue smoke appears and everybody wizzes past - God knows what happened, but then he sets off like a startled rabbit and has a good race, finishing first in his class… Although a car did give him a knock in the back but nothing to worry about (a bit of T-cut will sort that out) but the other guy had a few pounds worth of damage!!! We had a terrific ride home with no traffic whatsoever, it got to a point where you start worrying that something has happened and you haven’t heard about it? Think everyone was in watching the footie! Contd.


The BBC had the two Ronnie’s? We have the two Brian’s!! Who led the ride down to Eastbourne on a beautiful day, and I have to say for their first ride out it was excellent, I haven’t been to Eastbourne for years and was pleasantly surprised by it, very up market from the days when I went down there? Up to Beachy Head for the proverbial ice cream (a must) and then a great ride home, I still have to remember where I live as I still head for Chatham. Two new venues for the meets this month, North Kent moved to the Lower Bell pub on Bluebell Hill, which I have to say I think will prove ideal, it is well situated for all major roads and the food was very reasonable and very enjoyable. The Club is also trying a new venue for the main Club night as the cricket club is getting a bit small as they have put in pool and table tennis tables which has kind of limited the space!!!! Now I’m off on the “One Day Ride” over the longest day, (I know how to treat my women!!) so I will tell you all about that in next month’s magazine, if we make it? I just hope the weather is better than last year and they have fixed all those pot holes in Milton Keynes? I hope Jan and Keith Frenchum had a good birthday party and are now in possession of their bus passes!!! – Also Keith, you can get Senior Citizen rates everywhere you go, (that should go down well for a Yorkshire man!!!). Happy Birthday to you both. Ride Safe Tilt

Newsflash from Dennis Newman MBE Peter Freeman and his long suffering wife Carol have had enough of the ‘Kentish’ wet weather and decided to emigrate………. to Boreham Essex! Peter was a founder member of Invicta and with other members made our Club what it is today. As a committee member he lead from the front and his knowledge was second to none. He started with a Heritage Softail (which I pushed several times to start it) and progressed to a full grown Dresser and was then known as TOTR Peter, (Top of the Range). So, from past members, present members and future members, thank you Peter, enjoy your new home and we all hope to see you again in the future. Dennis the Fire……. (Dennis Newman)


Assistant Director ‘A’ – Karen Melhuish I will keep this brief…. I got my bike back this week!!! Yee-haa!! This Wednesday we tried out a new venue, the Lower Bell pub, most people’s feedback was very positive indeed. Some was quite negative such as, there was not enough staff on the bar and the food was a bit slow being cooked. On the day we went to see if this venue was right for us, not to make decisions there were 5 of us. We thought we should give this a try. To be honest so many people have complained about the Pippin for all the same reasons mentioned above, also that the back room in the Pippin is too tight and claustrophobic!! I have had a chat with Spencer the land lord of the Lower bell he was pleasantly surprised to see how many ordered food even though we had said a few people will do, he did not want to get on and pay too many extra staff for the night or or order in too much food for this occasion until he knows us better. I am sure therefore he will in future make plans to accommodate us on these occasions in a more fine-tuned way, there is a little time required to bedin on these things. We can all but try and I know we will never please all the people all of the time just some of us, some of the time. I say a change is as good as a rest and if we don’t like it then later we can have another re-think. I am now looking forward to trying out Ian’s new Venue for the Club nights, bring on the changes and never let it be said that I get myself stuck in a rut. I am so looking forward to getting out on my bike again, so who can I buddy up to next!! I am looking at the Hot-mail now with much more enthusiasm for the coming weeks ahead and hoping the weather stays good. See you all soon. Love and kisses, stay safe.

Karen X


The Incredible Shrinking Man

Hi all. I am glad you all made it back to Blighty in one piece - good oh! Hope you all had a fantastic time in the USA and Croatia. This month I had the pleasure of presenting a cheque to The John Graham's Trust in Canterbury. This is a centre for people with Learning Difficulties - this is one of our nominated charities. When I contacted them they had no idea that we were collecting for them and it was a great surprise to them, see photo!

I went to Karens new venue The Lower Bell and it looks good to me. The food was good and there is a nice area out the front. Well I hope the weather stays good for us all. Ride Safe. Colin.

Charity Thank You Letter


Andy’s Almanac Last month in the news letter I mentioned the E111 free from the Gov.UK site, well I fell foul of another and it is all legal. What happened is, I went to get a replacement driving licence for the Grandson. So go online to replacement of lost or stolen driving licences this is the site which I used, try it and see looks all kosher it is a scam. I only noticed it when on the bank statement I was charged £60-00 which should have been just £20-00. Here is part of the reply I received from the DVLA. The Office of Fair Trading has ruled that third party websites re-selling government services, and charging additional fees, are not acting illegally. As a result, Ministers recently met with Google, a major internet search engine provider, to address the reported concerns these websites are causing. Additionally, Google suspended some websites from advertising above However, this does not remove those sites appearing naturally or in other search engine results. So be warned !

This coming Sunday 6th we are off to the old race track at Brooklands for the Ace café reunion the lead road captain is Des Larner.

The following Sunday 13th we are off to Beaulieu for a ride in show, of stunts, display teams, stalls etc. This time Dom & Scott are taking the lead. This will be an early start at 09-00 from the dealership picking up on the way so keep an eye on the Hot Mail and ear on the hot line.

Then on Sunday 20th we are off to Essex to the Dam Yankee American car club once again an early start of leaving the dealership at 10-00. The road captains for this are Norman & Paul Ouzman.

Sunday 27th if you are not at the All Arms Veterans rally then the Rideout will be going to Bexhill where motor racing started for The Bexhill Motor Fest.

Members Trades and Services


LES BALLASTIERES BIKE-FRIENDLY B&B IN NORTHERN FRANCE RUN BY PAUL & SUE Comfortable accommodation in our 200-year old farmhouse Secure parking, drying facilities and workshop Games room with kitchenette & a BBQ area Plus: The Hayloft: “Indoor camping” for groups or individuals The Old Forge: Wheelchair-friendly studio The Old Stable: Self-catering for 2-5 people We are in the beautiful region of the 7 Valleys near WW1 battlefields, museums and pretty medieval and coastal towns – and a race track only 5 minutes’ away! For further information, please visit our website… or ask TILT 1 !!! Les Ballastières, 156 rue du Moulin, Gauchin Verloingt 62130 St Pol sur Ternoise, Pas-de-Calais E/m: Tel: 0033-(0) Mob: 0033(0)

South of France - Salles D’Aude Bike friendly self – catering holiday home 100 years old, spacious French beamed village house Sleeps 10, off road secure parking, wheelchair accessible, 5 large bedrooms, 2 sitting rooms, wet room & garden. 10km from Narbonne, 15mins to a beautiful sandy beach & within 45 mins for 4 low cost airports. 300 days of sunshine in the wine capital of Europe! Contact Keith & Jan Frenchum Tel: 01474 706786

Members Trades and Services



T. 01580 714616

M. 07837 959242


CLUB NIGHT AND AND AREA MEET VENUES Club Night Venue The Red Lion Charing Heath Ashford Kent TN27 0AU

North Kent Area Meet Venue

Meet held on 1st Weds of the month

West Kent Area Meet Venue The Brookers Oast The Hop Farm Beltring Paddock Wood Tonbridge Meet held on Kent TN12 6PY 2nd Weds of the month

The Lower Bell Off Bluebell Hill Maidstone Kent ME20 7EF Meet held on 3rd Weds of the month

East Kent Area Meet Venue The Jackdaw Denton Canterbury Kent CT4 6QZ

Meet held on 4th Weds of the month


Hello everyone, Yet again the Invicta Chapter has done it again, and a great big thank you to Andy Hill for spending all his time arranging this fantastic adventure to Croatia European HOG Rally. A great time had by all. Then we made our way to Germany to Magic Bike Week - many thanks to Castra Bonnensis Chapter for making us feel so welcome. Well we all know what happens on the road stays on the road, but here are a few incidents that received the charity fine this trip and off course without names. • Three members of the Tilt club • A lost kidney belt • Using a hotel room as a HD garage to fix lights • Thinking that blue tack will hold a sat nav twice, which failed • A passport that flew away likely found • Unstable luggage x many And the list goes on. The money raised is approx. £60.00 I will work out the final figure once exchanged into pounds. Thank you all for donating and being such good sports. Every two years the committee chose two new charities to receive any money raised. I’m asking all members who have any suggestions of local charities who would benefit in any money raised. Please could you let me know? Thanks for reading, hope to see you all soon! Love and Kisses Mandy x And a Harley high five from Frank x

Getting to know you ‌

Dave Hanna (Member No. 11) What was your first bike What is your current Harley How long a H.O.G. member How long an Invicta member

Greeves 200cc scrambler (1965 yr) Heritage Softail Classic (2002 model) 19 years (Life Member) 20 years

How long have you been riding 45 years Were you a mod or rocker ROCKER all the way What is your nickname Dodgy Dave How many times have you come off

Once run over by a bus 1971 Once Knocked off bike by a friend 1969

How many motorcycle related points have you had What was your best ride

None To Swiss Lake Lugano Rally.

What was your worst ride Back from Dartmoor What’s the best modification/extra on your bike Music system

Additional Information: Committee positions previously held: Canterbury Area Representative East Kent Area Representative Editor First Webmaster Assistant Director Historian (present, non-committee role)

Invicta’s USA Music Tour

Invicta’s USA Music Tour

Invicta’s USA Music Tour


New Members Invicta Chapter UK would like to extend a very warm welcome to the following New Members: New Members This Month John Dewy Gillian Dewy Simon Lichfield Alan Clement Judith Clement Please speak to any committee member if you require any help or assistance.

Happy Birthday

Sue Angel Ian Blacker Kevin Bourke Roy Coppard John Eisenhammer Stephen Friend Rita Hollands John Hutchings Simon Loveridge Mark Owen Marcus Sutton Paul Thomas Robert Turner (50th) Nicola Whitehead (40th) Jim Whitson Susanna Wilson Karen Woodcock

And Alan Wright who lasted a month longer at a younger age!


Ardennes Big Bulge Dodgy Tour Hi All,

I am sure there are lots of you out there who may say who are they as we have been somewhat lacking in our presence of late and as we know the club is forever refreshed with new members. Indeed we have just missed only our second new member’s ride since Jane’s inception of the event at committee (when she was East Kent Rep). This event took place on 16th May 2004 at the American Diner in Ashford and attracted 30 new members and 17+ old members culminating in creating two rides of both old and new. So the excuse for our absence is that 18 months ago I started to take on a condition called adhesive capsulitis (Frozen shoulder) which started to affect the ability for me to ride my bike as well as causing me to be unable to work in a manual sense. In July last year Andy and I along with a few others embarked on a ride to Prague in The Czech Republic (over 2000 miles). This trip rather took on its toll for my shoulder and I had to seriously think about not riding for a while. We decided to stand back for a while having spent two decades of full on club life and see where my injury took me. Well here we are 1 whole year later and following a shoulder operation in February and lengthy Physiotherapy sessions I am hopefully about 90% better. Anyway going back to the beginning of this year Andy Hill asked me if I would be able to do another Dave’s Dodgy Tour around August due to the loss of SOFER, but I was a bit unsure if I could take on the task. We did however chew over a few destinations for a Dodgy Tour and I left him with organising it and with the seed of choosing Bouillon as a base. I had first visited this pretty town set just inside Belgium in the Ardennes region on a previous DDT ride out in May 2005 when we were based in Givet in Contd.


France and indeed had suggested a visit there on our way back from Prague last year to give the place a try out for a couple of days. Well I left Andy to organise the trip and he indeed pressed ahead with Bouillon as our base and was kind enough (even though he had done the hard work of setting it up) to still give it the honorary title of a “Dodgy Tour”. Thank Andy!


So for those lucky enough to be embarking on this weekend at the end of July we can promise you that you will not be disappointed. We will have ride outs prepared for you on both days led by myself and Andy and one of these will centre on the town of Bastogne hence the Big Bulge theme. This town played a huge part in the Second World War at the time of December 1944 where a vast amount of American Airborne troops and other nations staged a great battle in an attempt to push the aggressing Germans back out of Belgium. You should (if you have not already seen) get hold of a DVD copy of the series “Band of Brothers” which centres on the 101st Airborne division and their decisive part in this battle (Episode 6). This was a great series indeed although I may be a bit biased as the actor Ross McCall (Corporal Joseph Liebgott) used to live next door to us and I used to go drinking with his Dad. We will also hopefully take a visit to Dinant which is as equally a beautiful town as is Bouillon and still try to make time to enjoy our base in Bouillon. So if we don’t see you before then we will see you on the trip. Dave Hanna Historian

2013 – 14 Invicta Road Captains

Lawrence Whibley HRC

John Blandford

Graham Bliss

Graham Chambers

John Felgate

Mary Felgate

Dave Hanna

Dom Harding

Andy Hill

Mags Ivatts

Des Larner

Norman Ouzman

Brian Boorman

Nick Ovenden

Jim Whitson

Paul Ouzman

Scott Montgomery

If you are already a Road Marshall, consider upgrading to Road Captain – please speak to the HRC Corey Mills

Brian Hanmore

2013 – 14 Invicta Road Marshalls Have you thought of improving your riding skills and becoming a Road Marshall – please talk to the HRC Gary Pilcher

Paul Hillier

Amanda Harding LOOK Surely you’re a better rider than these two (Left and Right)

This could be you

Talk to the HRC about becoming a Road Marshall

This could be you

Simon Williams



2 4 6 9 13 16 20 23 26/27 27 31 – 3

Wed Fri Sun Wed Sun Wed Sun Wed Sat-Sun Sun Thur - Sun

Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU INDEPENDENCE DAY PARTY at Dealership – Bands, Bar-B-Q Ace Café at Brooklands West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY Beaulieu Ride – Details later. North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF Damn Yankee American Car Club, North Weald Airfield, Essex. East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Denton, CT4 6QZ

SUMMER BASH at Dealership, Music, Trade Stands, Food.

Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Bexhill Motor Fest. Ardennes Big Bulge Dodgy Tour

Open Closed

Big Bulge Dodgy Tour, Ardennes Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF

BIG BAR-B-Q East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Closed Closed Open Open Open

Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Closed Open Open Open

August 2014

31-3 6 13 20 27

Thur-Sun Wed Wed Wed Wed

September 2014

3 10 17 24

Wed Wed Wed Wed

October 2014



Ride to the Wall, Part One commencing in Belgium, Part Two joining up at Lakeside Services for ride to Tamworth


1 8 15 22

Wed Wed Wed Wed

Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU (Date to be checked!) West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Closed Open Open Open

Key To H.O.G. Terminology Closed Event


Open Event


Member Events


Those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members and one guest per member Those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members, international H.O.G. members and other guests as desired Events only open to H.O.G. members

***** Remember, to participate in Invicta Chapter Closed ***** ***** Events, you must keep your H.O.G. and Invicta ***** ***** Chapter memberships current. *****

The Last Word

A dwarf goes to a very good but very busy doctor and asks "I know you are busy but do you treat dwarves?" The doctor replies "Yes, but you will have to be a little patient". Anonymous. WORDSEARCH ~ IN YOUR DREAMS

A man and a woman were having a quiet, romantic dinner in a fine restaurant. They were gazing lovingly at each other and holding hands. The waitress, taking another order at a table a few steps away, suddenly noticed the man slowly sliding down his chair and under the table, but the woman stared straight ahead. The waitress watched as the man slid all the way down his chair and out of sight under the table.


HARD SUDOKU Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9 only once.

Still, the woman stared straight ahead. The waitress, thinking this behaviour a bit risquĂŠ and that it might offend other diners, went over to the table and, tactfully, began by saying to the woman, "Pardon me, ma'am, but I think your husband just slid under the table." The woman calmly looked up at her and said, "No, he didn't - he just walked in the door!"

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