Invictanewsletter~june 2014

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Harley Owners Group 速



INVICTA IN AMERICA The views and comments contained in this Newsletter are the personal views of the contributors and are not necessarily those expressed by the Editor, Invicta Chapter UK, HOG UK, Harley-Davidson or their authorised dealers or agents.

Itjackdawgreat guide The Editor’s


So send in your articles, photos and blackmail for inclusion in the Newsletter, to: I’m still surprised at how few ‘blackmail’ photos have arrived, if I keep prompting, more might appear……

Last month the legendary Jackdaw quiz was hosted by Eric the Landlord, with the following results: in third place were The Whitehead Wonders (Nicky and Dave Whitehead, Andy Hill and John and Jenny Burden), second place went to Pilcher’s Professors (Gary and Val Pilcher with John and Mary Felgate) and although the lead changed several times, the winners were Proudlock’s Phenomenons, (Colin Proudlock, Debbie and Derek Mardell and Chris (Mr. Ed) Thomson – wonder why this got such big coverage!

Can I ask everybody to consider submitting contributions for inclusion in the Newsletter, single photos are just as welcome as batches from major Invicta events.

If I can’t always get them in the current issue, they will eventually appear.

By the time you read this, the lucky group which went to America will have returned, so watch for photos in future editions. Now, once again please look at the Events Page on the inside back cover – there are still lots of events going on and blank Sundays are rapidly being filled by impromptu rideouts. I now have my twin pipes fitted and they are now adorned with their gorgeous fishtails, but… I’m still having trouble getting loud pipes - don’t know why? I’m still baffled!

Chris Thomson EDITOR

Useful Information HOTLINE ~ 0845 094 2138 INVICTA WEB SITE view at INVICTA NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS email to Or send to Invicta News Editor, 36 Glebeland s, Ash, Canterbury CT3 2HZ Please send by 20th Month for inclusion in n ext months issue

Invicta Chapter UK, Harley Owners Group #9141 founded 1991

2013–2014 Invicta Chapter UK Committee


Past Director


Ian Martin

John Felgate

Gill Whibley 01622 890598 01622 884429 01622 730626

Assistant Director ‘A’

Assistant Director ‘B’

Assistant Director ‘C’

Karen Melhuish

Colin Proudlock

Graham Chambers 01634 305037 / 07758 400055 01304 613117 01634 828436

Events Officer

Ladies of Harley


Andy Hill

Amanda Harding

Darren & Diana Boyce 01304 202072 07590 463616 01795 429032


Head Road Captain


Awaiting New Appointment – if you think you can do it, please contact a committee member. Chris Thomson

Lawrence ‘Rocky’ Whibley 01304 812731 01622 730626

Hotmail and Events Team – Non Committee Members

Nicky Whitehead

Simon Williams

Val Pilcher

Contact with the committee must be by email or telephone NOT Facebook or Twitter

Meet The Team At Maidstone Harley-Davidson®






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Parts & Accessories Advisor

MotorClothes® Specialist

MotorClothes® Supervisor

MotorClothes® Advisor

MotorClothes® Advisor

Maidstone Harley-Davidson® Forstal Road | Aylesford | Kent | ME20 7XA

01622 711680


Director’s Dialogue June 2014

As our Director is roughing it in the good ol’ US of A at the moment, he has advised me that it is unlikely he will be able to get anything to the Newsletter before we go to print, so I shall add a few items which I hope he will endorse on his return: •

Check out the events on the inside back cover

Make sure you have registered your bike for the Chapter Challenge

Are there any volunteers for the position of Webmaster?

And just a reminder of roughly where he is…….

It’s a hard life, but someone has to do it. I know from my Route 66 trip that they will be having a fantastic time, I’m jealous, cant wait to go back. Ride Safe, both sides of the pond.

Mr Ed. pp Ian Martin (Director)


The Tilting Files. Assistant Director ‘C’ – Graham Chambers More rambling’s from West Kent… We are certainly flying through the year? You look back and think, where have the last few months gone!! By the time you read this everyone will be back from the USA trip, and by the Face Book entries they have had a great time – certainly looking forward to reading some of the write-ups. The fish and chip run to Leysdown went off well - the evening was dry, a bit on the cold side, but we had a good turnout. The good old “Dancing Dog” didn’t let us down, nothing like a nice pint after fish and chips or even a good cup of splosh as Rod always calls it. I didn’t get to the “Cider Rally” this year; owing to the fact that we were invited to the tenth anniversary of the FX rally in France, (where did those ten years go? Sue and Paul Thomas laid on a brilliant weekend, with a nice meal for everyone (about 50 in total) at the local village hotel on the Friday night, where we consumed a few bottles of red wine!!! Paul did an excellent ride on the Saturday to a Prehistoric Park

(I expect you remember it from new?)at a

place called Samara. The weather was hot and sunny so had a lovely stroll round and saw the various old crafts in action, even found a Scotsman who was the resident blacksmith, before taking a leisurely ride home with Obzie leading the way, and we just happened to find a nice French Saturday market and a good little ‘Tabac’ for a nice coffee; the owner was dressed and looked like Billy Holiday hence he chose to serve us himself. That evening Sue had laid on a band called the “The Bushman Brothers” and boy could the guy play that electric guitar!!I think he had been a sessions player for some top groups as he did seem to be friends with a few top artists. It was nice meeting up with some of the original French bikers that we have got to know over the ten years and they are always so pleased to see us, even if the language barrier is a bit difficult, but we still got our point over often with Sue’s help I must add. An excellent night ending up with us walking back to the hotel well after midnight, so we will definitely be drummed out of the Ovaltinee’s? On the Sunday we rode down to the Obzie’s farm cottage in the Somme and had two beautiful sunny days just chilling out with a bit of lawn cutting inbetween the aperitifs!!!! - A couple of lovely evening meals which always seem so much better in France, especially with all their lovely cheeses. (Contd.)


I got in touch with Stormin on our return to see how the Cider Rally went and they all seemed to have had a great time – loved the sun glasses guys and gals, and I understand Paul Ouzman did a brilliant ride out for you all – he is so good at that, we should use him more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Lord Hanmore has been Skypeing me whilst they were travelling around the U S of A; and they seemed to be having a great time with plenty of good riding, but it seems that the TILT Club has gained a few more member’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will have to make an International section? I did try to Skype him a couple of times, but the times were all wrong? I didn’t think he would appreciate a phone call at 2.00 o’clock in the morning. We had a fantastic ride out to Dungeness for a fish and chip lunch at the Pilot in May; the weather was just what the doctor ordered. I had just had some new pipes fitted and they are now nice and loud!!!, so much so Carol made me push the bike out of the close in the morning just in case the neighbours were having a lie in. There was a slight mix up over orders in the pub for fish and chips and Stormin got his first where normally he moans because they either forget his order or it comes up half hour late so he was gloating! But Paul and I were waiting for ours and at one point we only had two pickle onions between us, they were looking quite good and we thought we were going to have to share them if nothing came up. A big thanks to Cory and Scott for a brilliant ride, apart from some cyclists who didn’t think the traffic laws applied to them and nearly had me off, we had an excellent day. We followed Paul and Trudy home and as always Paul did a nice ride through the Sussex country side, but he did pass a few nice tea shops –I will have to have a word with him about that. I still have to remember that I have now moved, as I go sailing on merrily, with Carol chewing toffees on the back, I find myself having to suddenly deviate through Paddock Wood, to get home!! (I put it down to old age?) It seems that our Simon, of Hot Mail fame!! Has a new pub near Godstone on the old A25, so the club has wasted no time in getting a ride down there to try the beer and food…. Will let you know next month how it went? Might be a nice ride for a 5th Wednesday in the month!! Well, that’s enough from me although I have the “One Day Ride” to do this month; last year I lost my key to the bike lock on the way home, so Paul reckons I cannot be trusted to get home on my own so we are joining him for a night in Somerset visiting Trudy’s dad plus it Paul’s 50th birthday (he’s looking quite good for 50!!!) – Let’s hope the weather is better than last year. Ride Safe Tilt


Assistant Director ‘A’ – Karen Melhuish Dear Invicta friends, The Cider Rally was a huge success, although I was unable to go on my bike I went in the car with Marty, he enjoyed it and says he wants to go again next year. We drank and ate too much and enjoyed all the dressing up, a fair few pictures were shared on Facebook. Bad news about my bike it’s the ECU, it’s being worked on as we speak and I hope it won’t be long until I am out on the road again, and I hate to think how much lighter my bank balance will be afterwards but it’s got to be fixed, it took a while for them to diagnose the problem (this is why I say I don’t want to talk about it) it’s not me being rude it’s just my heart keeps having a bit of sinking feeling when its mentioned. I have seen that all rides are underway I have to admit to being a bit upset about not getting out as much as I would like. I have even found myself looking at new and different bikes but decided I still love the one I have… I just need to get her mended. Still no decision has been made about our venue, I have a couple of options to look at pubs with plenty of parking and good food on offer, room enough for us to all be together in the bar. I am waiting for all to come back from America, Val is going to come and have a look at a place with me to see what we think of it. Location is also important we have decided it’s got to be close to Maidstone and surrounding areas. Apologies for my absence at meets recently but work has had to be a priority we have had a fair bit going on, I have had very little time to enjoy myself of late but hopefully this will improve soon. Oh well, see you all soon. That’s enough from me except have fun and I will update you on any events for the Pippin if we decide to stay there. Love and kisses, stay safe.

Karen X


The Incredible Shrinking Man

Well the weather is improving and I hope even better weather to look forward to. Chris and I had a ride out to Warrs followed by MSHD on the way home, great day out. I hope all you lucky lot that went on the USA trip had a fantastic time. The photos that I have seen look great. Also those going to Croatia ride safe and have a great time. Please note that the BBQ at the Jackdaw has had its date changed due to another event there - it is now 27th August - hope to see you there ON YOUR BIKES, weather permitting. Trees and I along with other club friends had a great weekend at the Cider Rally, we really recommend that one for next years diary. That's all from me. Keep safe out there. Colin.


Andy’s Almanac This month started with the new members ride out, which I hope was dry, and well attended, also up to the high standard of the ones that I have managed to be part of this year. Just to highlight one a few weeks ago, that went down to Dungeness, the drop off system works! The ride out was very much separated by horses, tractors, then a cycle race. I thought I would do the buddy riding bit, so slowed down, but then was forcefully told to get off the road to make way for these lycra clad cyclists. As it was a nice sunny day, thought I might as well pull over, ‘don’t they make a noise when passing in a group’. With all of this the Rideout was now completely split but it just shows how this system works. Well done every one having the confidence in the drop off and thanks Cory for planning the route, excellent day out. Recently we held a meeting for those off to Croatia next week, and in going through some of the things we tend to forget when travelling in Europe. Like check your E111 make sure it is in date, and your passport, (we have had members turn up with passport out of date, ‘Christine’ or no passport ‘Stuart’) remember this is a free service from the government but there are individuals out there that will charge you for doing the registration for you, don’t be conned its free! The other trips across the channel The Big Bulge & RTTW are almost to the point of being complete, but if you do have second thoughts and do want to go, you need to talk to me now! Sunday 8th sees us going down to Eastbourne to the Lions Club, at the Western lawns motorcycle show. On Thursday 19th in the evening is British Bike Night at the Wagon & Horses Faversham Road which is always very well attended and most worth while.

Saturday 21st Midsummer’s day is Lowestoft to Lands End visiting if you want to be part of this talk to leading the Rideout. You will also accommodation and get up before town in the UK, Lowestoft.

At the end of this month on a Rideout to the dock yard at Warrior, and the Mary Rose yard they have some problem reschedule this into next event here; which will be a whole week end. So sorry if Rideout but if it comes off worth the wait.

the Longest Days Ride from dealerships on the way, now Paul Ouzman as he is need to book dawn in the most easterly

the Sunday 29th we had planned Portsmouth, HMS Victory, HMS etc. On speaking with the dock for this date so we intend now to year. Bob Angel is planning a big fantastic day out, maybe the you were looking forward to this what Bob is working on it will be


There will be a ride out now to the Fort at Newhaven the pretty way to replace this so keep an eye on your Hot Mail & ear on the Hot Line ! Fancy a ride in the evening? Then keep the last Thursday of the month free. From the dealership, and organised by them, is a Rideout up to the Ace café, this leaves around 18-00hrs and it is not just for Harleys.

Looking forward and onto the end rally then Ron & Linda Hodgson members of Invicta invite you to the Bradford-Upon -Avon 25th>27th July

of July, fancy a camping both ex-committee Not Forgotten Rally at .

Ron is the founder member and Veterans which is an excellent club, Invicta members a very warm

president of the All Arms I know they will offer welcome.

Its £10-00 Prebooked and £15-00 on 07875034909 SAE to Not The Green, Lydd, Kent. TN29 9HA

on the gate, contact Dixie Forgotten Rally 2014, 74

How do you fancy being an Iron HOG® Rider this is what Marjorie Rae, has recently completed, being the first LOH to do so. She was with some of others calling into our dealership a few weeks back, where we welcomed them and then wished them on their way. There are just 3 rules to this:1. Within 48 hours visit as many mainland UK H-D dealerships as you can, gaining 30 minutes per dealership visited added to the allowed completion time. 2. You must start and finish at the same H-D dealership. 3. You must visit these four dealerships: Edinburgh, Swansea, Maidstone and Plymouth. So far we have 3 Amigos’ who are making plans, to start on the first Monday in July, they are Nigel Burnes, Marcus Sutton & Kevin Bradford, so if you want to join the hard butts, speak with them.

Andy Hill Events Officer

Members Trades and Services


LES BALLASTIERES BIKE-FRIENDLY B&B IN NORTHERN FRANCE RUN BY PAUL & SUE Comfortable accommodation in our 200-year old farmhouse Secure parking, drying facilities and workshop Games room with kitchenette & a BBQ area Plus: The Hayloft: “Indoor camping” for groups or individuals The Old Forge: Wheelchair-friendly studio The Old Stable: Self-catering for 2-5 people We are in the beautiful region of the 7 Valleys near WW1 battlefields, museums and pretty medieval and coastal towns – and a race track only 5 minutes’ away! For further information, please visit our website… or ask TILT 1 !!! Les Ballastières, 156 rue du Moulin, Gauchin Verloingt 62130 St Pol sur Ternoise, Pas-de-Calais E/m: Tel: 0033-(0) Mob: 0033(0)

South of France - Salles D’Aude Bike friendly self – catering holiday home 100 years old, spacious French beamed village house Sleeps 10, off road secure parking, wheelchair accessible, 5 large bedrooms, 2 sitting rooms, wet room & garden. 10km from Narbonne, 15mins to a beautiful sandy beach & within 45 mins for 4 low cost airports. 300 days of sunshine in the wine capital of Europe! Contact Keith & Jan Frenchum Tel: 01474 706786

Members Trades and Services



T. 01580 714616

M. 07837 959242


CLUB NIGHT AND AND AREA MEET VENUES Club Night Venue Charing Clubhouse Arthur Baker Playing Field The Moat Charing Ashford Meet held on Kent TN27 0JJ 1st Weds of the month

West Kent Area Meet Venue The Brookers Oast The Hop Farm Beltring Paddock Wood Tonbridge Meet held on Kent TN12 6PY 2nd Weds of the month

North Kent Area Meet Venue The Pippin London Road Maidstone Kent ME16 0DR Meet held on 3rd Weds of the month

East Kent Area Meet Venue The Jackdaw Denton Canterbury Kent CT4 6QZ

Meet held on 4th Weds of the month


New Members Invicta Chapter UK would like to extend a very warm welcome to the following New Members: New Members This Month Ian Spellar

Debbie Presland

Please speak to any committee member if you require any help or assistance.

Happy Birthday

John Allen Patricia Cooke Mary Felgate Sharon Lane Paul McSweeney Paul Ouzman

Graham Batchelor Joe Barrows Neil Clayton Sharon Cox John French Mick Gell Chris Leavey Tony Mangili Corey Mills Lorna Morrison Marty Pearce Colin Proudlock Sharon Ward

Lots this month!!

Graham Chambers John Felgate Dave Hanna Debbie Mardell Peter Mullaney Peter Thomas




SEPTEMBER 5th-7th 2014 Middle Farm – on the A27 at Firle nr Lewes, East Sussex BN8 6LJ Live Bands + DJ * Licensed Bar * Silly Games Custom & Classic bike show * Middle Farm cider!

(Middle Farm hosts the National Collection of Cider and Perry)

Tickets: £15 in advance / £20 on the gate Day tickets: £10 / Cars: £5 (blue badge holders free) More info available from

Ann – 07954 138437 or Mitch – 07855 111946 email Ticket ordering available online (+ Paypal fee) via or by post from: MAG Lock Up Your Sheep Rally, c/o 191 Vale Road, Seaford BN25 3HH. Cheques payable to Uckfield MAG. Pre-book closes 5th August.

All proceeds go to aid MAG defend Riders’ Rights.


Hello everyone, I’m sorry I missed the last newsletter, I was away on a jolly in Holland with good friends. And we had good weather all the way with not a sign of the freezing temperatures and snow of last year. It was sun all weekend, which was a plus for April. New members night went with a bang and, I would also like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to Maidstone HD for donating raffle prizes, and a big ‘Thank You’ to all who brought raffle tickets we raised £116.00. I have still got my thinking cap on and will be looking at ideas on how we can raise money for our charities, so any ideas are welcome. Please have a chat with me, and I can get things rolling. We have seen some great ride outs already this year and so many more to go. Corey had his first ride out as Road Captain to the Pilot at Dungeness on Sunday. I finally got there to get my fish and chips. Unfortunately I was not able to join the ride but still had a pleasant ride on my own. I’m getting ready for a new adventure to the Europium HOG Rally. And this year I’m not going to be the one who gets the fine for the most luggage, I can still hear Val’s voice when we turned up at the services last year. And this year I will be one of the road marshals helping there and back. Dom has been attending SOFER meetings to find a venue for next year, so things are looking up. Hopefully we will find out more soon. Frank is now getting a very big and yes he does the Harley High Five. He looks forward to meeting you all very soon. Thanks for reading, hope to see you all soon! Love and Kisses Mandy x And a Harley high five from Frank x

New Members Night

New Members Night


Getting to know you …

Member Name : Chris (‘Mr. Ed’) Thomson What was your first bike What is your current Harley How long a H.O.G. member How long an Invicta member How long have you been riding Were you a mod or rocker What is your nickname How many times have you come off How many motorcycle related points have you had What was your best ride What was your worst ride

What’s the best modification/extra on your bike

Lambretta Ld 150cc Heritage Softail Since 2004 Since 2007 1963 Mod!! Lots! But ‘Mr. Ed’ in Invicta. 4 (3 on Scooters!) 0 Route 66 In the rain, coming home from an Invicta rideout to Bletchley Park. My fishtails!

Additional Information: First met an Invicta member (Andy Hill) back in the 60’s, when he was a rocker and I was a mod – interesting discussion, but we’re both still alive!

Cider Rally~2014

Chapter Challenge

Have you register registered egistered your bike for this years

Chapter Mileage Challenge! Sorry to nag, but it seems there are still still lots of you not registered – it only takes a minute. It’ It’s not too late, speak speak to Mary or Peter at the Dealership.

2013 – 14 Invicta Road Captains

Lawrence Whibley HRC

John Blandford

Graham Bliss

Graham Chambers

John Felgate

Mary Felgate

Dave Hanna

Dom Harding

Andy Hill

Mags Ivatts

Des Larner

Norman Ouzman

Brian Boorman

Nick Ovenden

Jim Whitson

Paul Ouzman

Scott Montgomery

If you are already a Road Marshall, consider upgrading to Road Captain – please speak to the HRC Corey Mills

Brian Hanmore

2013 – 14 Invicta Road Marshalls

Gary Pilcher

John Robinson

Amanda Harding

Paul Hillier

Have you thought of improving your riding skills and becoming a Road Marshall – please talk to the HRC This could be you

This could be you

Simon Williams


EVENTS DIARY - Lots Going On! June 2014

1 4 6 8 8 – 15 11 18 19-22 21 25 26 29 30

Sun Wed Fri Sun Sun - Sun Wed Wed Thur / Sun Sat Wed Thur Sun Mon

NEW MEMBERS RIDEOUT – More details later Club Night, Charing, TN27 0JJ Ride Skills Day at Brands Hatch Bike Show, Eastbourne Lions Club, Western Lawn Euro Rally, Biograd, Croatia. West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Pippin, Maidstone, ME16 0DR Magic Bike Week, Rudesheim, Germany. Longest Day Ride with Paul Ouzman East Kent Area Meet, - MILITARY NIGHT - The Jackdaw, Denton, CT4 6QZ Ace Café from the Dealership, time to be advised. Portsmouth Dockyard with Andy Hill - POSTPONED Training Day at Brands Hatch.

Closed Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

July 2014

2 4 6 9 13 16 20 23 26 27 31 – 3

Wed Fri Sun Wed Sun Wed Sun Wed Sat Sun Thur - Sun

Club Night, Charing, TN27 0JJ INDEPENDENCE DAY PARTY at Dealership – Bands, Bar-B-Q Ace Café at Brooklands West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY Beaulieu Ride – Details later. North Kent Area Meet, The Pippin, Maidstone, ME16 0DR Damn Yankee American Car Club, North Weald Airfield, Essex. East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Denton, CT4 6QZ

SUMMER BASH at Dealership, Music, Trade Stands, Food.

Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Bexhill Motor Fest. Ardennes Big Bulge Dodgy Tour

Open Closed

Big Bulge Dodgy Tour, Ardennes Club Night, Charing, TN27 0JJ West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Pippin, Maidstone, ME16 0DR

Closed Closed Open Open Open

August 2014

31-3 6 13 20 27

Thur-Sun Wed Wed Wed Wed

BIG BAR-B-Q East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Key To H.O.G. Terminology Closed Event


Open Event


Member Events


Those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members and one guest per member Those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members, international H.O.G. members and other guests as desired Events only open to H.O.G. members

***** Remember, to participate in Invicta Chapter Closed ***** ***** Events, you must keep your H.O.G. and Invicta ***** ***** Chapter memberships current. *****

The Last Word

I almost had a psychic girlfriend, ...... but she left me before we met.


A farmer named Paddy had a bad car accident. He was hit by a truck owned by the Eversweet Company. In court, the Eversweet Company's hot-shot solicitor was questioning Paddy. 'Didn't you say to the police at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine?' asked the solicitor. Paddy responded: 'Well, I'll tell you what happened. I'd just loaded my fav'rit cow, Bessie, into da... ' 'I didn't ask for any details', the solicitor interrupted. 'Just answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?' Paddy said, 'Well, I'd just got Bessie into da trailer and I was drivin' down da road.... '

The solicitor interrupted again and said, 'Your Honour, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the police on the scene that he was fine. Now several weeks after the accident, he is trying BANK, BARTER, BUY, CASH, CLIENT, COMMERCE, to sue my client for damages for injuries. I COMMODITY, COMMUNICATION, COMPANY, believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply CONTRACT, CREDIT, CURRENCY, CUSTOMERS, answer the question. 'By this time, the Judge DEAL, EARNINGS, ENTERPRISE, ENTREPRENEUR, was fairly interested in Paddy's answer and EXCHANGE, EXPORT, FINANCE, GAIN, GOODS, said to the solicitor: 'I'd like to hear what he IMPORT, INCOME, INDUSTRY, LOAN, LOSS, MARKET, MERCHANT, MONEY, NETWORK, PAYMENT, PROFIT, PURCHASE, RETURN, SALES, has to say about his favourite cow, Bessie'. SELL, SERVICES, SHARES, STOCK, TRADE, Paddy thanked the Judge and proceeded. TRANSACTION. 'Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my fav'rit cow, into de trailer and was drivin' her down de road when this huge MEDIUM SUDOKU Eversweet truck and trailer came tundering tru Fill in the grid so that every column, row and a stop sign and hit me trailer right in da side. I 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9 only once. was trown into one ditch and Bessie was trown into da udder. By Jaysus I was hurt, very bad like, and didn't want to move. However, I could hear old Bessie moanin' and groanin'. I knew she was in terrible pain just by her groans. Shortly after da accident, a policeman on a motorbike turned up. He could hear Bessie moanin' and groanin' too, so he went over to her. After he looked at her, and saw her condition, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Den da policeman came across de road, gun still in hand, looked at me, and said, 'How are you feelin'?' 'Now, wot da hell would you say?'

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