N@n q3 2016 issue

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Nene Valley Chapter

Autumn 2016

Chapter No. 9946

Position Vacant

Director Paul Whiting p.whiting514@btinternet.com 07836 769624

Assistant Director Bob ‘The Bus’ (pass) Rhoades hdvrod@btinternet.com 07769 277867

Secretary & Membership Jan Harter’ janharter@btinternet.com 07913 071242

Treasurer John Nicholas johnnickretuired@gmail.com 07808 648575


Webmaster ‘Road King' Scot Haynes roadkingscot@o2.co.uk 07970 421716

Joint Safety Officer Mike ‘Groundhog’ Wakelin Mike-groundhog@hotmail.co.uk

07989 975444

Head Road Captain Mike ‘Mikey’ Ivers mike@maivers7.freesere.co.uk 07950 947681

Merchandising Officers Mike & Jacqui Wakelin mike-groundhog@hotmail.co.uk 07989 975444

Activities Officer Terry Baines maddadtel@yahoo.co.uk 07846 697237

Ladies of Harley Officer Martine Garland martine@garland.me.uk 07866 363 784

Joint Safety Officer Alan Price rambler883@yahoo.com 07847 201235


Autumn 2016

As an orphan chapter, one without a sponsoring dealership, we have to make ourselves noticed, we have to remind other chapters that we are still here, we have to attract new members by being good at what we do. To a greater degree of success we have done this by holding the Old Skool Rally again yet under a different guise than run by the former team. I accept that there was some opposition to staging this event mingled with some pragmatism that this would not be as good as previous showings so should not go ahead. The feedback I have had has been nothing but positive and the other chapters who joined us seemed to enjoy themselves and rave about how NV can put on a party. Yes the music cannot be to everybody’s taste but people were up dancing; yes NVC doing line dancing on facebook!? Sycamore decided late on in the day to send along a team accompanied by some of the Rutland guys. They all appeared to profit from it in one way or another and again NV got rave reviews for our hospitality. We always seem to put on a good display and I would thank those who gave their assistance, there are too many too mention but I will get to you individually in person. Finally on the Rally I would like to mention the venue, Northampton Men’s Own RFC, who could not have done more to make us welcome, continually supplying us with sustenance and joining in on the fun; remembering these were all doing this as volunteers for their club. As this will be the last magazine put out by Chris ‘Slow Hand’ Lapsley I feel it only right to again thank him for his efforts over the years. He has done a sterling job getting a monthly rag produced for the members and the other chapters when necessary. Chris is not leaving or standing down as a road captain and will still be an integral part of NV – so away weekends will still be on the cards. We have had a slight interest from a member in taking over the job as editor; this is being encouraged and I guarantee there will be tons of support for the new incumbent; again I would re­iterate that articles are needed from the members to keep this as interesting as possible.

The chapter continues to grow with member numbers up yet again; this re­iterates we are doing something very right. The ride outs continue to be well supported and I know there are some ideas to keep to the social events going throughout the coming months. I believe that we have a good balance of people who are willing to promote the NVC and represent us in making a good impression without demanding accolade for their efforts. I have attended a couple of the RATS, Wednesday lunch outings, lately. Apart from these being a chance to sit and chat we have presented to a number of venues our brand of behaviour and humour which has been well accepted; of course everybody without exception admires the bikes. I will finish this latest prose with the word Shalom to you all. This is a Hebrew word which can be used as a greeting or a farewell and means a number of things. As my finale I want it mean go in peace, enjoyment and prosperity. In this instance prosperity is to mean good health and a long life. I believe these are the things we would wish upon our friends everyday if we were to meet up. If you think about it this is what the chapter is about. Paul – The Director.

Nene Valley Chapter

EX Editor’s Farewell

Autumn 2016

So, the time has arrived. If you weren’t around at June I want to thank all those who have supported me over club night or have not heard on the grape vine, I have the years and hope that you and every other member decided to step down as Editor for the Chapter. will support a new Editor when one comes forward. I have been in position for 7 years and now I believe it is time to hand over the reins to some else. I think the role requires a new injection of imagination and vitality and after 7 years I am struggling. Also, my work and home commitments are not making it easy to devote the time necessary to keep things fresh and new.

There was no eMag last month so I have a variety of information for this issue.

However, due to mine (and others) adventures in Hillbilly Country, (refer the following pages) organised and booked before our rally was confirmed ­ I was not at our rally in August, and therefore not able to take the I have explained a number of times previously why I had usual pictures. I had expected loads of info on the rally to move away from a printed magazine. But, for a but thanks to Martine I do have some photos. new editor, ideally retired or part time, then going back to a printed mag could be the way forward. So that’s it – the lap top can cool down and I hope you like the last issue. Anyway – this is my last issue. It is the quarterly issue so it goes out to the other chapters and HOG. I hope you have enjoyed the variety of articles etc. over the years. I have always enjoyed producing the magazine Cheers and working with those who help support the Editor by writing articles, supplying photos or short commentaries Chris Lapsley, “Slow Hand” – No about their riding adventures or life outside of the Longer Editor chapter. I must say it is a very good way for new members to integrate with the chapter. I had only been a member for about 18 months when I took the job on. You also get the opportunity to have a say in how the Chapter is lead and directed by sitting on and attending Committee meetings. So it’s over to you the membership to consider giving something back to the club that gives you well organised events, the friendship and great riding that Nene Valley is renowned for. Also, you have the chance to support a very hard working committee team who all commit their own time and expense to make the club function the great way it does. I want to carry on and concentrate on the rides and my other role as Road Captain.

Nene Valley Chapter

Mikey’s Natter

Summer 2016

Well a lot has happened since my last natter especially as there was no mag in August.

We have had some great ride outs. Mike ( Groundhog) led a great ride to Chatsworth for a picnic by the river. By comparison Becky led a short ride to Stanford Hall for Founders Day, which was a great day with loads to see. Milton Keynes also hosted their first motorcycle show on the same day so on the way home Becky and I popped in. It was towards the end of the day and it was quite a small event but it could grow so watch this space and it might be something we get involved in next year. They did ask us to come and display the bikes but we already had something on. We have also visited the Ace and Waltham Abbey for some pie, mash n liquor, some even had the eels. It was a damn hot day and it was good to have some new members with us too for the ride.

welcome and great food. Definitely worth another visit. It was also a very warm weekend, the roadcrew were trying to avoid tailing as our new orange jackets, whilst great on a cold damp day, resemble a boil in the bag in the summer. Thanks to Pasty and Ange who stuck it out all weekend!!

Sadly, about a mile before the Iron Horse Ranch Colin Bernard got a puncture, now it wasn’t a major issue as he got home before us, got fed as Fletch took him his lunch, but we could have had him with us if we had a tyre repair kit or flat mate. Now this has hit home because the same thing happened to me on the last day of our American trip and if it wasn’t for Kev who had a 8 year old flat mate kit I would have been snookered. Neil also experienced the same on his United nations Brett tour over the summer where one of the group had a puncture and it was able to be repaired with a kit. So the morale of the story is if you can ­ carry one! Watch out for more on this from our safety officer

July also saw another of chapter weekends away it was a Lapsley Tour, the Grimwolds, which took us through Lincolnshire, the Wolds and into Scunthorpe. The next day we travelled to Skeggy and then to Market Deeping to the Iron Horse Ranch House where we got a lovely

Nene Valley Chapter

Mikey’s Natter

Summer 2016

September is looking a pretty full on month with the chilli ride, Rickie’s ride to Wardington Classic bike day , Piston and Props ride on Saturday 23 rd with some there for the whole weekend and Neil’s Ride on Sunday 25th to Crofton steam engine beam gala. There is plenty to keep us all occupied. There are also a number of rallies Outside of HOG activities a number of us have also been and I know some of you are off to Hardelot and Jersey. I over the ocean. The Scarsbrooks had a great trip on am writing a separate article about the club run award route 66, Jon Page also did the same trip a couple of but do let me know when you go to these events its weeks later and we went to the Smokies taking in a stop me having to be a detective ( or stalker) on number of states with so much fun! I won’t bore you Facebook. Also in a few weeks we have RTTW and I with this yet but look out for future articles., especially know a number of you have put your hat in the ring to hillbilly moonshine. It’s also been great to see a lot of help with parking and marshalling. We have 6 new you having holidays at home on the bike. I have seen Marshalls this year. Thank you pictures from both end of the country Cornwall and Scotland. Lastly as the nights draw in (where did the year go) some of us start thinking about our next riding season. I have already had a number of ideas from you for next year and the RC’s have ideas and plans up their sleeves but we are always looking for interesting roads and interesting places to visit. Please pass on any ideas you have and we will aim to incorporate them and also let us know your favourites as there are always a few we like to keep in as standard items. Well that’s it for now. Ride safe and have fun Lots of you are also planning trips for 2017, with a good Mikey number planned for St Tropez and early discussions re Fakka See. This is on my hit list but sadly I can’t fit both HRC in one year but I am going to St Tropez and looking forward to it, especially route Napoleon. It seems a long time ago now but a number of us also “The Chapters at its best when it rides” attended a skills training day in July with the Milton Keynes Advanced motorcycle group. We did this for a number of reasons, I briefly mentioned it in Jul , we wanted to improve our skills and also pick up on techniques and share issues with others who do group riding and we also wanted to see whether there would be a benefit to other chapter members doing as Milton Keynes council were planning on doing some other events. The day lasted from 9­3.30 and we certainly had a great day. I would certainly recommend this day and as soon as we know of future events I will share the details July and August also saw a lot of rallies and lots of you have been all over, Wales, Norway, SOFER, TITG, Fenlanders and our rally , which I missed with being on holiday but by all accounts I hear it was a good one.

Nene Valley Chapter

Mikey’s Natter

Summer 2016

Could I ask you to pass on thanks to all the Chapter for making me so welcome today on the outing to Stamford Hall. After years of riding road bikes made in Hinckley, as well as being deeply involved in off­road bikes from Austria, I suddenly found riding “Streets” through traffic sometimes hurts! And with this altercation, suddenly, the fun had disappeared. The outcome of this accident made me realise that travelling between traffic and around corners at break neck speeds was no longer my idea of fun. I therefore needed to somehow get back the pleasure I found in motorbikes or give it up all together. Thus, after years of trouble free biking I wanted to get the fun back into it and, after much thought, I elected to buy a bike that was commensurate with speed limits and would be more relaxing. There were many options on the market but alas, very few with charisma. However time and time again one make kept on re­occurring and I eventually decided that a Sportster, would be a cost effective solution to my problem and also enable me to find out if my choice would be enjoyable. OK, perhaps the bike isn’t an iconic Harley but is a great introduction to the marque. So what was the outcome? Besides bringing a great big grin back to two wheel travel I have also found that the make brings with it some of the most honest and interesting bikers I have ever met. So thank you all helping me get back into bikes ! Kind Regards Peter Drabble

Nene Valley Chapter

Ladies of Harley Newsletter

Autumn 2016

Where does one begin! What with one rally or another, we have been away every weekend since the middle of July and with Pistons & Props around the corner the fun shows no sign of slowing up. A special mention has to go to our very own Nene Valley Old Skool Rally – what a weekend. The rugby club staff seemed to be having as good a time as we were.

A big LOH thanks to everyone who made it the event it was; bands, beer and bikes – what’s not to like. Our ladies really out­did themselves with the 50’s theme – spots before my eyes!

The LOH meet & greet hosted by Dunedin and Edinburgh Harley­Davidson soon spiralled out of control as the Prosecco to Ladies ratio had been calculated incorrectly (in our favour), it was great to make new friends from Chapters all over the country.

Just a few days later and Tim and I are heading North for our Whilst at TITG I spoke to Elaine who, with Jo Green from first Thunder in the Glens. I can see why they call it the Oxford, has organised the Sparkle Tour I’ve been trailing for a Sturgis of the North, couldn’t believe the crowd­lined streets while now. You’ll have all hopefully seen the email about as we left Aviemore on the main ride out. meeting up with them on Sunday 18 th September at The Old Prison, Northleach to ride on the final leg to Harley­Davidson HQ in Oxford. I’m planning to leave Jack’s Hill around 10.30 to get there for 12.00, that said I’ve not had much response in

Nene Valley Chapter

Ladies of Harley Newsletter which case I may just ride from home rather than detour to Jack’s – let me know at club night, forum, Facebook, email if you want to join me (non­riders are welcome to join by car). I felt very proud to share with Elaine that 50% of the Nene Valley posse going to St Tropez next year were lady riders – we really are sharing the spark � Speaking of which – big congratulations to Jan and Jackie W for their 125 and 150 points respectively. Most of you have had your wristbands and camping passes now, if not see me club night or at Jack’s Hill before the ride leaves on the Saturday (and bring money if you haven’t given it to me already) If you are attending Sunday only – you need to see me somehow beforehand to get your wristband! And finally – after a long summer’s wait, the day finally arrived…

At time of writing, I’ve only ridden it home from Oxford – but absolutely loving it �

until next month…ride safe and share the spark Martine x

Autumn 2016

Nene Valley Chapter

Notes from the Safety Officer

Autumn 2016

Rider Training day run by Milton Keynes Advanced Motorcyclists in conjunction with BCC & IAM.

This course was brought to our attention by an article in a Mag and is a training day subsidised by the council to raise the level of rider safety throughout the region. It’s hosted by the Milton Keynes Advanced Motorcyclists at the fire station in Bletchley and takes about 6 to 7 hrs. Now I know what you’re thinking, “I’ve been riding motorcycles for 40 years and I don’t need some jumped up know it all telling me what to do or how to ride”. Yep, that’s probably what most experienced riders think, but wait! The aim of the course is just to heighten awareness of possible dangers, make you think about how you use the road and maximise its available space to minimise the risk to yourself. I don’t think any of us are too old to stop learning and none of us should be too arrogant to think we know it all and couldn’t possibly improve.

The rear rider then takes over the lead and does the same and finally, the observer rides a leg of the ride and you follow, observing his position, use of braking and road positioning before a final run back to the start where everyone goes back into the classroom for a quick run through of what they felt they learned & what they thought they gained. Usually there is also a draw to offer one person the chance to partake in a day’s ‘Advanced rider course’ that can help you on your way to taking the Advanced riding test.

The day finished around 3.30 and all eight of us came away with a positive feeling that we had achieved something. The The day starts with a simple round the table ‘who are you’ ride home is a good place to practice what has been said and and ‘what have you done’ introduction, followed by a couple run through the classroom techniques about observing your of hours of basic talk about motorcycling in general, road surroundings and road position. Solo riding is a different positioning, hazard perception and corner preparation using kettle of fish to group riding but many of the techniques can idioms like IPSGA (Information, Positioning, Speed, Gear, be transferred and tweaked when riding in a group. Acceleration) Most information is based on the police motorcycle riding manual but only scratches the very surface On the whole I (and all that attended) would recommend the of the subject as the actual manual extends to many simple one day course as a brush up on skills you may already hundreds of pages, but then we don’t have much call for blue have or a quick lesson in improving your skills. Either way, it light or close protection riding. can do no harm. After a sandwich (that you supply yourself) and a coffee or tea that are on tap, the day moves to outside where you will be teamed up in pairs with an observer from the group. These guys have been riding and instructing for many years and most of the ones we met have many years and thousands of miles of experience under their belts. You will be asked to ride up front with the observer behind and your partner behind. The ride is a no pressure bimble through the local A & B roads taking directions from the observer behind you at junctions. He (or she) will overtake you at a suitable moment after about 10 or so miles and will give a quick debrief of what he observed and how, in his opinion, you could improve your technique.

The club will look to making the course available to members and more information can be obtained from me or Mikey Ivers or you can contact the MK advanced motorcyclists yourself on 0800 970 8630 or email at secretary@mkam.org.uk Mike (Groundhog) Wakelin.

Nene Valley Chapter

Notes from the Joint Safety Officer

Autumn 2016

The riding season well under way, most of you will have been on some nice rides or looking forward to your next planned one. I hope you found the previous articles of some use. My previous articles have been based on personal experiences and as I said in previous articles we all learn from things that happen on a day to day basis. I always welcome anybody else’s opinion and will listen to anybody’s viewpoint . I am here to help members ride safely, not talk down to them, as though i know all there is to know about riding. Exchanging knowledge and talking about different subjects is a good way of gaining knowledge. So let’s talk about ride­outs. The Grim Wolds ride. I was in Skegness on Sunday the 24 th of July to get some pictures of the chapter riding in. What a fantastic day blue sky, hardly a cloud in the sky. Standing watching the guys ride in was awesome, they turned a lot of heads, lots of comments, and photographs from passers by. Chris did a fantastic job of leading everybody in; tail gunners made sure all were together. This was the second day that this group had ridden together and it showed, it all looked very well organised and professional . Chris had ridden this route before and as previously quoted road captains devote a lot of time and effort to ensure a good ride. By the time they arrived at Skeg the traffic was quite heavy and unfortunately they were split up into smaller groups. There is always the odd idiot that owns the road and hasn’t got the time to drive safely or be courteous, but all things went smoothly and before we knew it we were saying our goodbyes and they rode off into the distance. Congratulations to Chris for finding a good ride and doing the homework. Something that I always think is useful is knowing were fill ups are going to be, as owning an iron I know how frustrating it is to be constantly looking for fuel. Being in Skegness watching the guys ride in made me proud to wear a Nene valley patch, well done guys you did us proud. Let’s put the world to rights, no sod it lets have a drink and talk about bikes and riding, that’s the one thing we all have in common. The bikes we ride and the way our riding styles change vary, depending on what bike you are riding and the surroundings. A daily commute on a medium or small bike into a city centre is extremely different from cruising a nice relaxed road in the states admiring the scenery and at the same time looking for the best road position, so as to be safe, be seen and get the best view around the next corner, so you can carry the best speed to suit your surroundings. But beware the road situations can change very quickly all you need is one idiot texting or talking on the phone.

I had a near miss last year and was lucky to have been driving a car, driving on a single carriageway road just a little north of Nottingham there was only one car coming the opposite way, it crossed the white line onto my side of the road and kept coming at me I braked and hugged the left hand side, before the car got to me she looked up and swerved back onto her own side. She was close enough for me to see the look of horror on her face, when she decided to look at the road and realised what she had done. Hopefully she learned from her mistake and doesn’t do it again, it could be fatal next time. So you are faced with a quick reaction situation, the right one the wrong one, if I had swerved onto the wrong side of the road had she not looked up in time I could have missed her, the traffic behind might not have thought the same, but had more time to brake reducing the impact of a head on collision. If it was on a bike however do you go tight into the left and hope there is enough room and time to get through. Which is the worst of the two evils, rammed up the embankment, or out in the middle of the road, maybe even on the wrong side of the road. A difficult decision to make and sometimes even the wrong one, snap decisions do have to be made sometimes. And finally a very big thank you to Chris Lapsley for providing us with so many monthly mags , they won’t be the same without his input. But seven years is a long time so it’s time to move on. Ride safe Alan

Nene Valley Chapter

Patter from the Pillion

Autumn 2016

This was my 3 rd weekend away with Nene Valley and the 2 nd organised by ‘Lapsley Tours’ so basically I am a relative newby when it comes to packing everything that I think I will need into a little bag on a bike!

Windmill. This is the last remaining working 8 sailed windmill in the country. The dark cloud dropped a few spots of rain which put my ‘boss’ in a panic! But luckily this did not last. We ventured to the top of the mill which was interesting, however, this put us at the end of the queue for a sandwich!! A superb weekend starting with breakfast at Jacks and then a After an hours wait!! we sampled the bread that had been doughnut and coffee stop at Sycamore dealership ( just had made from the flour milled and then baked on site in the to purchase yet another top!) newly refurbished bakehouse. It was at this stop I decided that I was brave enough to start to take photos whilst traveling !!

One view that could Lined up ready to leave Uppingham. To get 30 bikes all on the be seen from the top of the windmill (too move at the same time did cause a little bit of a stir! far to get a clear photo) was the Boston Stump – more on this later… During the afternoon thanks to Chris we travelled through the delights of the Wolds with some amazing roads. Unfortunately I missed this view of Tattershall Castle ­ all I got was a tree so cheated (thanks to Google!!)

Sportsters fuel stop at Oakham, Those not fuelling were desperately trying to find some shade as temperatures were by now in the high 20s!

We then headed off in glorious weather across country through villages such as Cottesmore, Creeton and Helpringham where the 13 th Century church is a focal point of the village.

By just after 1pm we arrived at Heckington

Nene Valley Chapter

Patter from the Pillion

Autumn 2016

We all arrived safely in sunny Scunthorpe to stay overnight at The glorious sunshine continued as we set off again towards the Premier Inn. We all enjoyed a good evening at The Boston – ah yes the Boston stump! The stump is the large Anchor. tower of St Botolphs church which is the largest parish church in Lincolnshire. The name Boston evolved from Botolphs Bright and early (8.30am) we left riding through the nearby town. Just another bit of local trivia! Again I cheated with housing estate (bet they loved the noise of 30 bikes on a this photo as all I got from the pillion was the top of the Sunday morning!!) tower!

Last stop was for lunch in Market Deeping at the Iron Horse Ranch House where Rob sampled a ‘Phoenix Rod’ We set off in the direction of the east coast and travelled through the ‘quaint’ seaside towns of Grimsby, Cleethorpes and Mablethorpe before hitting the sights of Skegness. This part of the trip brought back childhood memories of the many holidays we had in the area, nothing had changed very much in 60 years!!

Nene Valley on tour! From the pillion it was a brilliant weekend with a well thought out route that took in the best of the Lincolnshire Wolds, the stops were well organised to allow time to stretch the ever ageing limbs!! Thank you to Lapsley tours. Anne McGregor

Nene Valley Chapter

NV Gallery – Grimwolds Tour – Arrival at Skeggy

Nene V alley Chapter

Autumn 2016

The Club Run Award and Club 300 What’s that all about I hear you say, what is he handing out at club night. I am very proud of being 1of 3, soon 2B4, to have collected 300 plus points for the club run award. Some have more, Panda has many more !!

With the influx of new members I thought I would explain what it’s all about. The club run award is a way of recognising those that are active within the chapter and at other HOG and Harley related events. In summary points are awarded in the following way � Ride out­ 1 point

Autumn 2016

The points are publicised on a monthly basis on the chapter website, but as it gets towards the end of the riding season we do not always publish this. This is because we also make some special awards at our annual awards night. Namely Saddle tramp ( those with the most points in one year) and Rear of the Year for the pillion with the most points. We also award a runner up in both categories. Beware this can become very addictive as most people always try to achieve 25 points in one riding season to be assured of a pin. I am a proud past winner of a Saddle tramp award. Becky did have a different view and says all it measures is the amount of money on petrol and the wear and tear on the bike!! If you ever have any questions about your point tallies please just ask as I always have the sheet and club night or text or email me. Mikey­ HRC mike@maivers7.freeserve.co.uk 07950947681 The chapters at its best when it rides

� Rally/overnighter in UK­ 2 points � Rally/overnighter anywhere else­ 3 points (basically where you have to leave land so includes Ireland and Jersey etc) Points are collected and then a club run award is awarded at 10 points and then pins at the following intervals. 25/50/75/100/125/150/175/200/225/250/300, and at 300 you get a club run patch and club 300 member T shirt Now the ride out sheet you sign helps me work out who’s been where but outside of this you need to let me know, I do pick up things on Facebook but as soon as you get rally tickets etc. let me know and I can be assured you get your points.

Nene Valley Chapter

Crofton Beam Engines Steam Gala Ride-Out

Autumn 2016

Come for a ride and blow off some steam on the 25 th Sept 2016. Leaving Jacks Hill at 10.00am. Neil (The Ambassador) Leading, for more information email: njharrison47@gmail.com Entry charge of £8 for the Steam Gala



Parking (free) is available

Route:­ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A43 south travelling past Brackley Exit at Ardley B430 to Weston­0n­the­Green Dropping onto A34 towards Oxford Exit A420 towards Swindon, exit A338 towards Wantage (for our first comfort break) Continue A338 towards Hungerford. At Hungerford we turn right picking up the A4 (west) just for a few short miles, then turn left for the village of “Little Bedwyn”. We continue along the banks of the River Dunn through some beautifull country lanes to Crofton. Arrive appoximately 12 noon. Total = 70 miles.

Leaving Crofton at 14.00hrs heading back toward Hungerford for Fuel Stop, then continue along A4 (east). Exit near newbury A34 north for Oxford and head back towards Northamptonshire and home. Total Distance = 140 Miles

Nene Valley Chapter

Autumn 2016

Pistons and Props Ride-Out

Piston and Props­ RIDE!! Saturday 24 th September Sywell Aerodrome Leaving Jacks Hill at 10.00am. Mikey leading For more information mike@maivers7.freeserve.co.uk

Nice ride towards through some country lanes en­route to Piston and Props where some are riding for the day, some are there for 2 days and some are making a weekend of it Our journey to Sywell is about 40 mins, once we are there we aim to stop as long as possible to display the bikes but there will be no chapter ride home, you will be free to find your own way. Days Total Distance = 27 miles (approximately)

Join us for this year’s Footman James Sywell Classic: Pistons and Props motoring festival, combining historic racers, hot rods and motorbikes with classic planes and vintage music to create a fantastic two­day event, celebrating classic motoring on the ground and in the air.

Watch amazing live action on the transformed ‘Racing Runway’ and ‘Sprint Strip’ with iconic Formula 1 cars, Group B Rally cars, Hot Rods, Dragsters and Motorcycles all in action throughout the weekend.

Up in the skies; expect to see a variety of breath taking aerial displays & acrobatics from a variety of display teams.

Live Music will be played throughout the weekend with a superb line of bands performing in the Footman James sponsored Scarf & Goggles bar

With a vintage fun fair and shopping village, make a weekend of it as camping packages are available. It's a great weekend for all the family.

Nene Valley Chapter

NV Gallery – NV Rally 2016

Nene V alley Chapter

Autumn 2016

NV Gallery – NV Rally 2016

Nene V alley Chapter

Autumn 2016

Page 5

Routes to Ride – Tail of the Dragon The destination or the ride, a arguable point I have to say, where on this day it was all about the ride!!! We all have our routes we want to cross off our tick list, Route Napoleon, The Grossglockner Pass, Hellbender, The Triple Nickel or Horseshoe pass etc. But on this holiday it was both the Tail of the Dragon and the Back of the Dragon The Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap can only be described as an awesome mountain pass with 318 bends and curves in 11 miles. The road is along the North Carolina – Tennessee state line bordering the Great Smoky Mountains national park, near the Little Tennessee River. There are no intersecting roads or driveways to hamper your ride and it is considered a destination for motorcycle fans. “Can you brave it they say, best be cautious the turns are tight.” Well it wasn’t too tough for the Nene Valley although one or two of the bends do have an adverse camber. We were also blessed as we did it a 4.10 in an afternoon mid week. If tried at the weekend it turns into the Nurnberg ring with additions to the Tree of Shame, not a trophy you wish to have. I would have loved to have done this one way, back to the start and back again but time did not permit. We also rode the Back of the Dragon which is a more scenic route with 32 miles of sweeping curves and bends in Virginia ending in a town called Tazewell. Pictures are of us all on the Tail of the Dragon Mikey Ivers

Autumn 2016

Nene Valley Chapter

NV Gallery – Tony’s Pie & Mash Shop

Nene Valley Chapter

Autumn 2016

Smoky Mountain Tour - 2016

Autumn 2016

So, this year our bi­annual group adventure – and boy was it an adventure – took us to Hillbilly land – yes the home of the KKK, Deliverance and ‘Shine’. It also turned out to be the home land for a certain D. Trump esq. and not a sight of a Hillary poster – apart from our black Ultra who I named Hillary. So we rode Hillary all over the Appalachian Mountains. 2 ­ Ultras’s, 1­ Road King and 3 ­ Heritage bikes rented from Jay at Eagle Riders, Falls Church VA. After celebrating Mikey’s birthday over breakfast (thank you Becky), we got to fly out on the top deck of an Airbus A380 but had to put up with a 747 coming back.

enough for all 6 bikes – which in Marion also acted as our drying room.

We rode into Chattanooga and slept at the Choo Choo Hotel (the old railway station). We rode the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Cherokee National Forest. We also rode through the Nantahala and Chattahoochee Nation Forests. We went up Brasstown Bald and from the top you can see into 4 States…… you can also see the rain storms with lightening as they develop !!! Luckily we avoided them all that day. It wasn’t far from here that Deliverance was filmed in 1972. We were introduced to the Mayor of Marion, West Virginia, who was supposed to join us for breakfast but was late. This then lead on to riding the 33 miles of “Back of the Dragon” This was a back water tour taking in the Skyline Drive & the R16, led by the Dragon Master Shenandoah National Park, the Blue Ridge Park Way – himself (Larry) and tailed by his including the ride up to Grand Father Mountain – and getting mate Steve !! up to over 6,000 ft, and including The George Washington National Forest and The Pisgah National Forest . We rode the Cherohala Skyway, the Brasstown­Russell Scenic Loop and we did The Tail of The Dragon R219 (318 curves in 11 miles). It’s not over dramatic but for American’s they see it as a very technical ride. No bits for the Tree of Shame from Nene Valley.

We rode through the worst down pour I have ever ridden in – down a mountain on a twisty road – with a large pickup truck up my arse. None of us could see and the road became a river. Eventually, In Waynesboro, Galax, Murphy & Marion we got to stay in after beautifully decorated old (by USA standards) houses – no finding a other guests. The house in Waynesboro was owned by place to Wayne and was on Wayne Ave. In Galax, once settled in, we shelter, 2 were left alone and had the run of the whole house to hours later ourselves. In Galax and Marion the owners garage was big it stopped

Nene Valley Chapter

Smoky Mountain Tour - 2016 and we could get Mikey to his dream location ­ the JD Distillery in Lynchburg and meet Jack himself. We drank under the counter Moon Shine. It tastes really smooth and is a nice sipping whiskey. On the road we had deer run out in front of us or standing by the road side or in the trees, some saw the black bear sitting in the tress, we had instances of dogs on the road ­ one attacking Kev’s bike and not winning. There were instances of snakes crossing the road. At night the cicadas in the trees are incredibly loud. We took in H­D Outposts and dealerships such a US129 Dragon, Cherohala Skyway, Lynchburg, Hillbilly, Smoky Mountain.

Autumn 2016

all 6 bikes we had a drying room for all the wet gear. However, all that wet and damp affected my bike so although it would start I had no speedo, odometer, auto indicator switch off and it cut out every time I pulled the clutch in. By lunch time it had dried enough for all functions to suddenly burst back into life and normality was restored. We turned up at our destination for the last 2 nights on the road – in the middle of the Monongahela Forest – only to find it closed !! After a discussion with an elderly lady neighbour we were assured they would return – which they did but had screwed up on our dates. However, the rooms were ready but there was no food so the owners daughter went to get us a pizza order – from somewhere – God knows where !! and we ended up having one of the best evenings of the tour with plenty of beer – some free for the cock up – and the owners Will & Jill playing/singing country come Irish music playing guitar and fiddle.

Hillbillies still wear dungarees ! We met a lot of good old boys all way too laid back for their own good. Not the person you want when ordering a drinks round or food (ask Kev about the Gin !!) One of the waiters said something to effect of “ we spend most days being busy all day doing nothing – good job we’ve got the tress to look at” Even Groundhog seemed to go native, and something affected the rest of us as we fell in love with trees !!

We had to detour over the top of a mountain and through the winter ski resort of Snowshoe – just because a half mile section of road was closed. We experienced the loss of a bike / rider up the top of the mountain. With me leading I eventually got out of the twisties only to find no one behind me. Eventually Rickie and Kev arrived to say the others had pulled up somewhere. Then Becks appeared to say Mikey had a puncture. Luckily Kev had a can of gunk and air although it was from 2008. But it worked enough to get Mikey off the mountain. However, we again had to trouble a little old lady to use her land line to talk to the rental guy. He told us of a Honda Kawasaki place 20 miles up the road so with a blast of air from a truck repair place we got Mikey to the dealership. We rode through a 2nd downpour a few days later. This They were just going on lunch !! They had to check if they time we could see it coming so put on water proofs – but by had a tyre and the Rental guy was not giving us any slack – the time we got into the twisty mountain roads – it was get back by 5:00 or we are out of here. He did pay for the lashing down so we just dug in and carried on. Eventually we tyre directly and by 2:15 Mikey had a new tyre fitted and test rode out of it but were only 10 miles from our destination. ridden. However, Google maps said 2hrs 30mins to Falls We turned up like drowned rats, but with a garage that took Church. No time for delay and no time to stick to the speed

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Smoky Mountain Tour - 2016 limit. Approaching DC on the Interstate and looking like we just might make it. Suddenly I thought s**t the Heritage’s will have less fuel than the Ultras. Sure enough with about 25 miles to go Rickie was gesturing 40 miles. Becky had been running less than Rickie all holiday so was on fumes. Having got off the Interstate (missing the next slip road) we got on R29 which lead direct to the rental place. About 5 miles and 15 mins – but loads of intersections with RED traffic lights. We made it with about 5mins to spare. These are the things that make it an adventure. In between we had a great time. Apart from the 2 down pours the weather was great – too hot in fact !! When we picked the bikes up from Falls Church VA, just outside Washington DC, the temperature was pushing 100 deg F – at 10:30 !!! We saw views, met people, rode roads, drank beer and ate & ate & ate ….. and it was epic – the vast mountains and forests and even the size of the rain drops.

Autumn 2016

We travelled through Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and West Virginia. There are a lot of trees in these States – and I mean a lot of trees. But now I’m back I’m already having tree with drawl symptoms.

That’s it. Just get out there and do it ­­ and tell the Dragon Master I sent you. Cheers Slow Hand

We went to the White House – but Barack wouldn’t let us in – you have to give months of notice before a visit these days. I wonder why. So we took to an open topped double decker to see the sights. Straight away we see a car pull out without looking and take out a Police car big time. The big cop that got out did not look amused. In Georgetown – the old part of Washington – we drove past just as 3 black guys did a runner with a load of clothes from a shop – jumping into their get­away car – only to be stuck in the same traffic jam we were in. They did get away up a side street.

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NV Gallery – Grim Wolds/Chatsworth

Nene Valley Chapter

Autumn 2016

RATs Ride – De Havilland Museum

Nene Valley Chapter

Autumn 2016

July Committee MoM

Autumn 2016

Towcester Rugby Club 7.15 pm on 13th July 2016 Please note that some of the items have been omitted since they are events past. The complete and unedited minutes are available in the member’s area of the website.

Committee Members Present: Paul Whiting (Director) Bob Rhoades (Ass. Director) Mike Ivers (Head Road Captain) Jan Harter (Secretary) Scot Haynes (Webmaster) Martine Garland (LoH)) Chris Lapsley (Editor) Terry Baines (Activities Officer) Mike & Jackie Wakelin (SO & Merch) Alan Price (SO) Apologies : John Nicholas Minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.

September/October. Information will be put on the Forum and a list of interested members created. Editor’s Update E­mag to go out tonight. There can be no mag next month as Chris is away. Chris then announced his wish to retire from the position of Editor having done it for several years now. Therefore the last mag he will produce will be the September one and meanwhile a new editor needs to be recruited. Hopefully as we have a large number of newish members someone may feel like taking the role on. Chris feels a fresh perspective may encourage contributions from the membership as these have been thin on the ground for some time. There was some discussion regarding the frequency and format of future mags but this will really depend upon the new editor.

LOH Financial Report An email has been received regarding the Pistons & Props Finances are still very healthy, and nothing much has changed. There are no real issues and no outstanding issues. event at Sywell. We have attended in the past and exhibited bikes for one of the days but they would like the Chapter there for both Saturday and Sunday. Camping is available at Membership Report a reduced rate if we do the 2 days. It is a good event and Two new members joined at club night last month so numbers are now up to 185 (114 members, 71 guests). Some Martine will gauge interest in the camping option. renewals are a little overdue and have been chased. Also Webmaster Update some members have let their HOG membership lapse and This month’s mag to go on. Updated next ride­outs are to go reminder letters will be sent to these. on. The web hosting costs have been paid for the next 2 years. Ride out sheets are not on the site so Scot to check Activity Officer Ticket sales for the rally are slow. They will be on sale tonight. and resolve. 100 people are needed for break­even on costs. A global email to be sent out to encourage support. Terry has spoken Merchandise Update New patches are going well. The link to the Tee shirt supplier to Biker Tidy and MK Advanced Riders to see if they would needs to go on the website. like a presence at the rally. A raffle and trophies needs to be discussed with Paul. The photographer who has been at the last few rallies is unfortunately booked elsewhere. Hopefully AOB Mikey requested to know how many rally pins to order: 100 another can be booked. agreed. Mikey had “300 CLUB” tee shirts made for the few members Head Road Captain’s Report having achieved that many ride points and asked if the club Points are up to date, although it was pointed out they are would reimburse him for the cost. The tee shirts met with still under a heading for Dec 2015 on the website. Some approval; Terry proposed this should be a club cost, Martine points are to be given out tonight. Several rides on the seconded and the vote was passed. Any future members calendar coming up. reaching the 300 target will also receive one. Chris asked and Jan agreed to take on the job of sending the Safety Officer Update global emails to members with his resignation. Eight members went to the Advanced Riders Group on Saturday. This involved a classroom session then a couple of Text Alert system is now ready and £20 paid. Membership hours on the road with constructive criticism. It was agreed should soon be receiving these. this was £20 well spent. There is another course in There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.10pm

Nene Va lley Ch a p ter

August Committee MoM

Autumn 2016

Towcester Rugby Club 7.15 pm on 10th August 2016 Please note that some of the items have been omitted since they are events past. The complete and unedited minutes are available in the member’s area of the website.

Committee Members Present: Paul Whiting (Director) Bob Rhoades (Ass. Director) Mikey Ivers (Head Road Captain) Jan Harter (Secretary) Scot Haynes (Webmaster) Martine Garland (LoH)) Terry Baines (Activities Officer) Alan Price (SO) Apologies : John Nicholas, Mike & Jackie Wakelin, Chris Lapsley Minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.

anyone would like copies of the photographs he is happy to send them. EDITOR’s REPORT Editor not present. There is to be no mag this month owing to holidays. Chris’s last mag is to be the quarterly September issue. Terry knows someone who could produce a mag for us given the content and proposed bringing her along for the October meeting. Meanwhile Bob is willing to temporarily stand in if necessary. It is hoped a volunteer from the membership will come forward to take over from Chris. LOH REPORT Martine has a good number of bikes attending Pistons & Props in September with 6 couples camping overnight. She has paid for the entry fees (£5 per bike) and will collect monies when the wristbands arrive. The ride there will leave Jacks at 10.00 to parade in to the event at 11.00

Financial Report Finances are still very healthy, and nothing much has changed. There are no real issues and no outstanding issues. WEBMASTER’s REPORT No mag to go on this month. Ride out sheets are now on the site, the link had been missing before. Membership Report We have two new members who have joined this month but MERCHANDISE REPORT for the first time this year have 3 non renewals*. Figures Not present. now stand at 114 members + 71 guests. ACTIVITY OFFICER’s REPORT 65 tickets sold so far. Hoping to sell a lot more tonight. Highly likely to make the 100 target. There was some discussion regarding day tickets but it was decided that full price should still be charged. There are to be no rally packs but rally pins will be given as people arrive. Terry will be organising a gate­duty rota. Plans are in place for the Saturday afternoon games. The ride out will be to a pub called The Chequers where there will be a buffet provided at £5 per head. The Awards Night has been booked for Feb 10 th 2017 at Towcester Rugby Club. There is to be a band rather than a disco. HEAD ROAD CAPTAIN’s REPORT Some points are to be given out tonight. Rally badges have been received. The next ride is not until September.

AOB Terry wishes to get some raffle prizes from Sycamore and asked if anyone was going over there before the rally. Sycamore have confirmed they are now having a presence at the rally. Ex member Debbie would like to attend the rally with a stall selling handbags and other goods made from recycled materials. This was agreed. Paul has had 28 replies regarding the move of club night from Wednesday to Thursday. Discussion ensued regarding the continuation of our use of Towcester RC bearing in mind their desire for over 300% increase in fees. It was generally agreed that after the rally, when everyone has seen the site there, the club members will be asked about possible moves to a new venue and therefore it may not be worth moving the night to placate Towcester RC. Jan and Alan gave their apologies for their absence at the September meeting.

SAFETY OFFICER’s REPORT There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm Alan was at Skegness when the Grim Wolds Tour riders arrived and he and his brother took many photographs of the ride in and out of Skegness. He said it looked very professional and overheard positive comments from the public. He has done a write up for the magazine and if

Nene Va lley Ch a p ter

Date th

Sun 4 Wed 14th th Sun 18 th Sat 24 th Sun 25 th Thurs 29 Sat 1


Wed 5

Event Chilli Ride Club Night Wardington Classic Bikes Meet Piston & Props Steam Rally Ace Café RTTW 9 & The Return


Wooton Beavers Ride

Wed 12th th Thurs 27

Club Night Ace Café

Wed 9th th Sun 13

Club Night Remembrance & Baps

Wed 14th

Club Night

Location September 2016 Waddesdon Manor Towcester Rugby Club Wardington Sywell Salsbury London October 2016 National Memorial Arboretum Wooton Towcester Rugby Club London November 2016 Towcester Rugby Club Bletchley December 2016 Towcester Rugby Club

Information Mr Ambassador Leading – details to follow From 7.30pm See Details in this issue See Details in this issue See Details in this issue Check Website Mikey / Slow Hand Leading – Book on Line The Ambassador Leading. Leaving Buddies car park Stoney Stratford @6:15pm From 7.30pm Check Website From 7.30pm Mikey Leading – Details to follow From 7.30pm

Disclaimer: The Editor accepts no responsibility for the views and comments expressed in this publication. All views and comments contained are those of the individual ® ® ® contributors and not necessarily those of Nene Valley H.O.G , Harley Davidson , their agents, or authorised dealers. All H.O.G. Logos and marks are used under licence ® ® in accordance with article X of the current H.O.G. Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters.

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