News @ nene spring 2016

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Nene Valley Chapter

Spring 2016

Chapter No. 9946

Director Paul Whiting 07836 769624

Assistant Director Bob ‘The Bus’ (pass) Rhoades 07769 277867

Secretary & Membership Jan Harter’ 07913 071242

Treasurer John Nicholas 07808 648575

Editor Chris Lapsley ‘Slow Hand’ nenevalleyeditor@ 07709 205571

Webmaster ‘Road King' Scot Haynes 07970 421716

Safety Officer Mike ‘Groundhog’ Wakelin

Activities Officer Terry Baines 07846 697237

07989 975444

Head Road Captain Mike ‘Mikey’ Ivers 07950 947681

Merchandising Officers Mike & Jacqui Wakelin 07989 975444

Ladies of Harley Officer Martine Garland 07866 363 784

Committee Member Alan Price 07847 201235

DIRECTORS DRIVEL The year 2016 has started with us ordinary folks losing some of the icons we have admired, appreciated and looked up to; Lemmy, Bowie, etc. The winter has also proven to be the wettest on record. That is enough of the negatives what we have to look forward to is a packed riding season now only days away. The memorial ride traditionally starts our riding season where we remember those who cannot ride with us anymore and perhaps we can also think of those we have lost outside of the Chapter. So the road captains have been busy making their plans for the forth coming months and we all have our own trips planned outside of this to anticipate. As well as the scheduled rides I have been approaching various institutions to accommodate some rides for those sunny summer evenin gs; not long outings but a reason to ride, eat and socialise. More information will follow on these in due course. Another awards night has come and gone and I think a good time was had by those who attended and were able to collect their members tee shirt; big thanks again to Bob­the­Bus for organising all that. The night also marked the first anniversary of me becoming Director, some said I would not last that long. This has been a learning curve but one I have enjoyed and I thank all those who have supported me. The committee has changed slightly over the year but the core reasons for us being there has kept going very much in the right direction with many ride outs and away weekends planned. We have had out first social function thanks to Martine under her LOH banner which attracted some ex ladies to come back and see us. The Chapter has also during the year gained a number of new members who have proven to want to attend events and integrate, which is exactly what we need. Very recently we also have a couple of ex­members talking about rejoining – as you know everyone is welcome. The RATS Wednesdays are worryingly becoming more popular, is no one working anymore?

Spring 2016

I started this lot of drivel with negativity but wish to conclude with positives. I attended HOG Director’s meeting in Brighton back in January and the general theme seemed to be how to keep it all going. Well apart from the obvious of make the product less expensive and better quality it was about members. I spoke to a number of guys from other Chapters whose membership is falling only to see the surprise when I said how we kept getting new members, lose some gain some. When I explained that word of mouth about our Chapter was good enough and how welcome we make people when they turn up seems to be out of the ordinary, let’s keep it going. The days are getting longer and warmer we now just need them to get dryer. So whatever god you pray to THINK BIKE! Paul – The Director.

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Spring 2016

Editor’s View Point Finally, this is the month that kicks of yet another great riding season. Talking to members at Awards Night everyone was chomping at the bit to get back out riding again. Talking of Awards Night – what a great turn out and great night. Well done to Terry and his team. Pity I waited so long to join the queue for food though. A few gannets had got in before me and hoovered the Salmon and chips !! � Check out the winners on the front page and the gallery for the rest of the nights pics. A very big thank you to Val Groom who although not a member (yet!) spent a lot of the evening taking some great photos of the night. Val and other half Mick are ex­Rutland Chapter members and their friend Roger Woodward is convinced they will join Nene Valley. The night was completed by finally getting our own Chapter Tee shirts. Big thanks to Bob the Bus Pass for getting the sizes sorted in time. Mine fits a treat Bob. As Chris Ringer and Mike Sharp used rental bikes for their USA tour in 2015 their mileage didn’t count towards the Mile High Club Award. So, having put in a few miles last year I thought I might be in with a chance. I hadn’t bargained on the dark horse Jonny Nafzger who snuck up and beat me by 180 miles …… 180 in bloody 10,500 !! Well done Jonny – well deserved. Also well done to the other award winners – including Ex. Madam Sec. – Maria – who got runner up Rear of the Year – umm yes nice rear � At the beginning of February we noticed a wild life phenomenon right above our house. The sort of thing Kate Humble would be wetting herself over. Yes a Murmuration!! You know ­ flocks of Starlings – thousands of the things. Now this was a fantastic sight, and continued to be for the nights that followed. However, it’s still going on the pesky little shits – yes shits – cos that’s all they do all the time they are flocking or murmuring, or whatever it is they think they are doing.

It’s worse because they are all nesting in a large group of trees only a 100 yards from our house – which means when they fly as a flock they continually pass over our house. The cars are plastered in it, the road, all the house windows, the patio furniture. If you clean it, then it just gets covered the following night. At a certain time after sun set they all stop and return to the trees – then they won’t bloody shut up. I think they all sit in the trees telling each other how good their aim was and …did you see me shit on that nice clean car roof, or hit that cat as it ran for cover…. When they fly over all you can hear is beating wings and the constant splatter of shit on the road. Now… I am sorry to be moaning again – but I had hoped after my earlier pleas that some new contributors would have written an article about what they got up to last year. Members were off all over the place and the long winter nights provided the perfect amount of time for a few words, picture or the like….but no – not a dickey bird (oh no – back to those bloody Starlings). Anyway, thank you to my usual supporters for the articles included in this issue. Come on – someone else have a go ! The end of Feb gave us the LoH Skittles afternoon. Again, another great turnout for a good lunch and a good fun afternoon. Well done to Martine and team. Finally – check out the amended calendar on the back page resulting from the second RC meeting at the end of February. Cheers and enjoy the new riding season � Bring on Come Ride the Dragon III

Chris Lapsley, “Slow Hand” - Editor Last date for contributions to the Q3 2015 Edition :

Friday 21st August 2015 email :-

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Mikey’s Natter

Spring 2016

ITS HERE ITS HERE…The new bike and the start of the long awaited riding season. I know some of you have already taken advantage of brisk and chilly sunny days, but please be careful after the winter lay off , wash the salt off and think of your road positioning and what’s lurking around the corner

The awards night proved to be a great success, with some startled people picking up some awards. Some even tearful with their success.

Me, I cant even have my morning tea break without the sweet darlings taking advantage of our subsidised canteen. It did have its advantages, they said we will recognise its you when we see you riding around MK, when we see your new plate Michael…I said yeah at least its not black to match the bike this time. It must be your shout for the coffees then, came the reply.. 3 sugars off ica!!!

Mike , Chris and John Nazfger only a ride out between them would have changed the stats.

Mile High 2015

The chapter riding season kicks off with 3 great rides, firstly the memorial ride on Saturday the 19th March be at Jacks Hill at 10.00 am, our annual ride to the Rutland area and Sycamore dealership, an interesting 51 mile route awaits for you all to get you back in the swing of things and Mike Sharp and I will take your mileage for the start of the mile high club. Secondly the Brockleby’s Pork Pie ride, an absolute fantastic route and day where you can make your very own Melton Mowbray pork pie for a fiver! This riding day was such a big hit first time around I have been asked to do it again so for you new members amongst us and old get it in your diary, its on Saturday the 2nd April.

Mile High Club winner John Nafzger

10515 miles

Runner Up

Chris Lapsley

10303 miles

3rd Place

Mike Wakelin 10237 miles

Top Lady Rider

Marilyn Knight

Top New Member

Tim Garland

Lowest Mileage

Mick Gray­ Badger Ride it not dust it

Club Run award 2015 Saddle Tramp

Chris Ringer

Saddle Tramp Runner up

Mikey Ivers

Rear of the Year

Julie Ringer

Rear of the Year runner up

Maria Lapsley

Drop off award 2015 Simon Tompkins

Rob Mcgregor

Thirdly, the Terry Wire Memorial ride in aid of the Cynthia Spence Trust will take place on Saturday the 9th April.. keep an eye for more details. Making a spectacular entrance and departure for the Northamptonshire shoppers.

Jackie Mead ( she is to collect the award as she was the last culprit!!!)

Ladies of Harley Award Marilyn Knight Congratulations to all the winners and runners up..

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Mikey’s Natter

Spring 2016

And finally congratulations to 2 new lady riders, Lucia McIntyre and Julie Frohawk on passing their module 2 bike test.. Julie cant wait to join the ride outs on her newly acquired sporty! Mikey­ HRC The Chapters at its best when it rides



The Pork Pie Ride.. our very own Nene Valley

Lets get the 2016 riding season off to a great start

Bake off Saturday 2nd April 2016 Please be at Jacks Hill Café for 10.00am A fantastic scenic ride to Brockleby’s Pork Pie farm shop where we will have a tour of the factory and instruction for £5.00 and you will be able to make your very own pork pie. It will be baked off so you can take it away.. This was a fantastic fun event about 5 years ago and by popular demand I have been asked to lead this again This will be about a 150 mile round trip, heading across country to Market Harborough and then heading to Melton Mowbray on the B6407, returning via A606 to Oakham and past Uppingham Any questions please contact Mikey on: 07950 9476871

The Memorial Ride Saturday 19th March 2016 Please be at Jacks Hill Café for 10.00am After a short briefing and an opportunity to have a one minutes silence to remember those who no longer ride beside us We will leave Jacks at approx. 10.15 pm for an interesting 51 mile ride to Sycamore Harley Davidson ( I have visited Rutland Water and there is no way of escaping barriers so we are giving it a miss) Sycamore are providing do noughts and the burger van will be there with a good supply of hot food and hot drinks. We will leave here after a good mooch , rest and warm up and then head back towards Northampton , finishing the ride at the BP garage on the A45 near Buddies USA diner, Queen Eleanor Any questions please contact Mikey on: 07950 9476871

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RCs &

Winter 2015

Chris Fawcett ‘Jedi’ Email : 07964 775677 Mike Sharp 07748 913326

Becky Ivers ‘Becks’ 07901 716385

Andrew ‘Pasty’ Pugsley 07971 903581

Neil ‘The Ambassador’ Harrison 07810 870167

Bob ‘The Bus’ Rhoades 07769 277867

Rickie Anne Gee Email :

07969 809662

Head Road Captain Mike ‘Mikey’ Ivers

07950 947681

Chris Lapsley ‘Slow Hand’ 07709 205571

Mick Gray ‘Badger’ 07946 299447

Chris Ringer

Mike Waklein – ‘Groundhog’ 07989 975444

07897 729749

Getting Back in the Saddle Yo Dudes Well now any snow and the cold weather snap ( hopefully) is on the way out its time to think about taking the bike off the optimate and out of winter storage.. ( I know that doesn’t apply to some of you) If you do venture out remember to wash that bike down, road salt doesn’t like those shiny bits. Here at Maulden motorcycles we have everything you require to get you going again. We can check over your bike, we can pick up and drop off for a small fee and check over your bike, batteries, breaks, plugs and oil, tyre pressures, that “service” may just be required for you to enjoy the riding season Cheers Steve Tel: 07906 385484

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Ladies of Harley Newsletter

Spring 2016

It maybe too early for much riding, but that didn’t stop us Ladies having a good dose of February fun. First up, awards night and I was delighted to present Marilyn Knight with the 2016 Lady of Harley Award. Having only passed her test a few years ago, you now can’t keep her off the bike! Marilyn has covered many, many miles in the UK and abroad and is always up for a ride. Ironically on the night, this was evidenced by her first receiving the Ladies Mile High award So, back last month there was a ‘VIP Ladies Day Out’ at and then back up for the LOH trophy! Northampton Rugby Club. Jan, Sue and Anne went along and had a great time. There were lots of stalls selling all kinds of things and the three of them had such a good time it was decided a smaller version of that event would be wonderful for our ladies and their friends and relatives. So the Ladies Day for Ladies of Harley and their friends was born. Five of the exhibitors that were at Northampton agreed to come along and the Towcester Rugby Club was booked for the evening of Wednesday 20th April. It promises to be a good night and perhaps the first of many if enough ladies join us. There will be clothes, jewellery, Next up we had the Ladies of Harley skittles afternoon at the make­up, a beautician and aloe vera goods being Butcher’s Arms, Greens Norton. To build our strength for demonstrated and for sale. The event will start at 7.30 and a what was to come, 30 of us sat down to a big pile of carvery fashion show held at 8pm by Rock Those Frocks. The clothes goodness, and then the games began (mind you, if the are very reasonably priced and a little different from those in carvery had been any slower we’d have had our own version the usual high street stores and, as the models will of the Hunger Games). demonstrate, suitable for all ages and sizes. Tickets are available at £3.50 from me, Anne Bailey, Jan Harter or Sue Whiting at the March and April club nights or drop me an email. Your ticket numbers will be entered into a prize draw on the night and any profits from the evening will go to our club charity, The Warwickshire Air Ambulance. So ladies, get your tickets for you and your friends and let’s make this a really good evening. The bar will be open, tea and coffee will be available so if your men need to give you a Much fun ensued, and after many ‘cheese offs’, Colin Bailey lift they can have a drink at the bar or pop down to the pub at was declared the winner having hung on to his lives the Greens Norton while you (sssshhhh!) spend (?). longest. Irish Mike won top number of pins knocked down for the boys (72) and Julie Frohawk scored the highest for the girls (34) So that’s it from me for this month, Tim and I are off to Arizona Bike Week on the 1st of And finally a big thanks to Anne for April, so tune in next month and see how we explaining the rules and tracking our got on! lives and to Hazel & Mandy our glamorous skittle­picker­ upper/scorers! until next month…ride safe and share the spark Stop press: Julie on such a roll, she then passed her Mod 2 bike test a few Martine x days later!!

Nene V alley Chapter

Ladies of Harley Newsletter

Nene V alley Chapter

Spring 2016

Notes from the Safety Officer Riding a motorcycle is dangerous. Luckily, bikes also give you the best possible tools to avoid crashing — incredibly powerful brakes, obstruction­free vision, excellent handling and very grippy tires. Here’s how to use those tools, and your very own brain, to avoid one of these common motorcycle accidents. Motorcycle Safety: Want to reduce your odds of dying in a crash? Get educated. New riders should complete a basic rider course from the MSF or similar while advanced tuition is available at race tracks. It can be cheaper than you fear.

Spring 2015

You Hit Gravel In A Blind Corner You’re out riding the twisties when, seemingly without warning, you round a corner to find a patch of sand/gravel/leaves/horse dung/whatever in your path. You put your front tire in it and wipe out.

How To Avoid It: Don’t hit it in the first place. Ride at a pace where your reaction time and ability to take action fit within your range of Safety gear doesn’t just help prevent injury in a crash, but can make vision. On the road, “Slow In, Fast Out” is an effective rule of riding more comfortable, put you in better control of your bike and thumb. Enter a corner wide, to increase your vision and at an easy help you be seen by other drivers. Bright colours on your helmet pace. You can pick up the speed on the way out, once you can see and jacket/suit will help car drivers see you, potentially avoiding all the way through. some of the common accidents detailed below. Trail braking is a slightly more advanced skill that you’ll need to A Car Turns Right In Front Of You ­ The most common motorcycle learn and practice on a track before applying on the road. Using it, accident. A car fails to see you or judges your speed incorrectly, you brake all the way to the apex using the front brake before turning in front of you at an intersection. Blame inattention, swapping brake for throttle. Since you’re already on the brakes and distraction, blind spots and even psychology; a driver looking for the bike’s weight is distributed forward, compressing the front cars perceives merely an absence of cars, not the presence of a suspension and increasing the size of the front tire’s contact patch, motorcycle. you can easily tighten your line by applying a little more brake or widen it by letting off. Doing so should help you avoid obstacles How To Avoid It: Simple, you just need to see it coming. Part of such as gravel. your job as a motorcyclist is to develop a precognitive sixth sense. Look for signs that could indicate someone may turn in front of you: Another advanced skill, which is oddly controversial in rule­loving a car is at an intersection waiting to turn, there’s a gap in traffic America, but which is taught by advanced police riders abroad, is to near an intersection, driveway or parking lot. In either situation, maximize vision by using the full width of the road, regardless of slow down, cover your brakes and get ready to take evasive action. lanes. Vision equals safety equals speed. Again, learn this from a Yes, you do need to take something as innocuous as a car waiting in trained professional before trying it yourself. a turn lane as a major and immediate threat to your life. You also need to account for objects outside of your vision. Gaps in traffic You Entered A Corner Too Fast ­ And now it’s unexpectedly indicate the possibility of someone coming through that gap, even tightening and you’re just not going to make it around. Oh no. if you can’t see them. Again, MAJOR THREAT, PREPARE FOR How To Avoid It: Don’t be a dummy. Only ride as fast as you can EVASIVE ACTION. see and use visual clues like telephone polls and signs to judge a And once you’ve identified said threat, you can work it through road’s direction, even if that road is disappearing over a blind crest. levels of severity. Is the driver clearly able to see you, without obstruction from their window pillars, trees or signs? Is that person If you do find yourself going too fast in a corner, the best approach actually looking? Are they looking at you? How are they situated in is to trust the bike and try to ride it out. The bike is likely more capable than you are, so it’s really you that’s not capable of making the road? What is their speed? Where are their wheels pointing? around. Take as much lean out of the bike as possible by hanging Look at their wheels, not the car, they’ll give you the first clue of off, look where you want to go and be as smooth as possible on the movement. During all this, also be aware of what’s behind and to controls. Do not whack on the brakes, chop the throttle or do your side. Should you need to take evasive action, you’ll need to anything else that may upset the bike and cause a loss of traction. know your routes of escape. It’s no good braking in time to avoid a Don’t panic if a peg or knee or something else touches down, just turning car, only to be swatted from behind by a tailgating SUV. try to hold that lean angle, look for the corner exit and ride it out. What’s the road surface like? Is it going to be able to handle the full This is another situation in which trail braking can be a real help, force of your brakes or are you going to lock them? You do know allowing you to safely shed speed while already in the corner. how to use the full ability of your brakes, right? Under no circumstances should you “lay the bike down.” Your best chance of survival comes from shedding as much speed as possible pre­collision, and you’re going to be able to do that best with the bike completely upright, using both brakes. Even if you only have time to lose 10 or 20mph, that could be the difference between going home with bruises and going home at all.

A Car Changes Lane Into You ­ You’re riding in traffic when a car in another lane suddenly veers into the space you’re occupying. Remember, our “tiny” motorcycles can fit into blind spots and drivers looking for cars aren’t psychologically programmed to see motorcycles. How To Avoid It: Be aware of where blind spots lie and spend as

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Notes from the Safety Officer

Spring 2015

little time in them as possible. If you can see a drivers eyes in their mirrors, then they have the ability to see you too. Beware of situations where lane changes become more possible. Is highway traffic slowing, with one lane moving faster than others? People are going to want to be in that lane. Don’t be where they want to be. Look for signs of a car changing lanes: turn signals, wheels turning, the car wandering around it’s own lane while the driver checks his mirrors and, of course, the driver’s head moving. Be aware of all that, in all the cars around you, at all times, and you’ll be good. A Car Hits You From Behind : You come to a halt a stop sign/cross walk/intersection/to avoid a family of baby ducks when, the driver behind you doesn’t see you or isn’t trying to and ploughs into you at high speed. The most common car accident is a “fender bender.” A fender bender can kill a motorcyclist.

and start practicing. From a set speed (say 30mph), start braking at a certain mark, then repeat ad infinitum until you’ve reduced your braking distance as much as possible. You should be able to feel the tire on the very edge of locking up and the rear wheel lifting off the ground. Then go and practice at higher and higher speeds until you can employ the maximum braking ability of your motorcycle reliably and safely. Or just buy a bike with ABS, remember you have it, and squeeze the lever as hard as you can when you need to make an emergency stop. A Car Opened Its Door : The biggest gap in traffic was between a line of parked cars and a stationary line of active traffic. So you go scooting through it when, all of a sudden, Nathan­no­look swings his door wide open right in front of you.

How To Avoid It: Never, ever, ever, ever ride between an active traffic lane and parked cars. Not just because of the opening doors How To Avoid It: Use cars as your very own crumple zone. A single thing, but because pedestrians step out, cars pull out so they can car stopped at a multi­lane traffic light, with more cars coming from see, and for a million other reasons. Just don’t do it. If you do, behind? Pull in front of it (wave nicely) and you’re cushioned from somehow, find yourself in a door opening situation though, follow any subsequent impacts. Between a line of cars works just as well. all the advice above and brake as hard as possible. Even if a collision is inevitable, shedding even a small fraction of your speed can really No free crumple zones available? Stop to the side rather than the help. Cyclist’s call the area next to parked cars, within a doors’ centre of a lane, rapidly flash your brake light by tapping a brake width “The Death Zone” for a reason. lever, keep the bike in gear and your right hand on the throttle. Pay attention to what’s coming up behind you and be prepared to scoot It’s Slippery! : Stuff is coming out of the sky! That stuff is cold, wet away should it appear someone’s about to come plough into you. and, surprise surprise, slippery. Don’t panic. Be particularly aware in situations where there’s bad visibility, at times when drunk driving is prevalent (do all the bars around you let out at 1am?) and when stops are unexpected, such as at pedestrian crossings on very busy streets. Your Riding Buddies Are Idiots : You’ve seen it happen. A group is out for a ride when one of them stops suddenly or something similar. His buddy is too busy day dreaming to realize and hits him from behind. This has happened to us, it can happy to anyone.

How To Avoid It: Does your bike have decent tires on it or were you silly and decided that running track rubber on the road was a good idea. Hint: it’s not. So long as you’re running reasonable tires and those tires aren’t worn out, you’ll be surprised at how well a motorcycle does in wet or even snowy conditions. Just slow down and be as smooth as possible on the controls.

In the wet, stuff like manhole covers become super, extra slippery and you’ll need to watch out for oil and Diesel on the road as well. Look for patches of rainbow and avoid those. If it hasn’t rained for a How To Avoid It: Make sure everyone is aware of proper group while, the first hour or so of rainfall is the most treacherous, it lifts riding etiquette and knows to ride in a staggered formation. You’d all the oils and whatnot out of the pavement, floating it on top. be amazed how many people are unaware of this simple technique. Treat yourself to a hot cup of coffee and wait for a solid downpour Doing so increases vision and moves bikes out of line with each to wash all that junk away. other, meaning a temporary lapse in attention wont’ result in a collision. Also beware of the limited visibility rain creates for other drivers and their general ineptitude; car drivers don’t seem to understand Oh no, a deer/cute girl/cop/stopped traffic. You grab a fistful of that slippery conditions necessitate longer following distances and front brake and, next thing you know, you’re laying on the ground, earlier braking. watching your bike cartwheel down the street. Ron Haslam advocates keeping revs up in the wet. The thinking is How To Avoid It: Learn to use your front brake. It might seem that, should your rear spin up, you’ll be using a smaller amount of counterintuitive, but that front brake is the most powerful and throttle opening, allowing you to regain traction much easier than if difficult­to­master component on your motorcycle; it can alter your you’re riding at 30mph in 6th, at wide open throttle. speed much more quickly than your engine. The Most Common Bike Accident : Alcohol ­ Don’t drink and ride. If you’re just learning to ride, have simply never mastered this skill or bought a new bike and need to learn it, find a big, empty car park Keep the shiny side up. Mike (Groundhog)

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Nene Valley – Awards Night

Nene Valley Chapter

Spring 2016

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Nene Valley – Awards Night

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Spring 2016

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Nene Valley – Awards Night

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Spring 2016

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Alpine Tour - 2015

Spring 2016

Having done the Alps as part of our tour to the European Rally in Lugano 2010, we fancied going back and spending more time taking in the scenery, the mountain passes, schnitzel and beer. I planned the route and locations for hotels etc., and over a beer or three with Groundhog and Jack­on­the­Back, they said they would like to join us as they hadn’t had chance to organise anything else for the summer. So having booked all the hotels in advance, only having to actually pay anything in advance for the 4 nights in Zell am Zee, all we needed was good weather. I remember our 2010 trip having fantastic weather but thought that was a one off. I couldn’t have been more wrong. For the whole 2 weeks the weather was fantastic – mid to high 30s, blue skies, dry roads and riding in just a tee shirt. On a few occasions it was too hot !! That dream was shattered on our last day – the ride home. We left Ypres on a cloudy day but warmish. Having seen the weather forecast we knew we would hit rain once we got off the Euro Tunnel train. But the rain when it came (around Maidstone) was relentless. However, that Friday every motorway in the country was grinding to a halt and the M25, M1, M11, A1 were no exception. It took nearly 6 hours and the temperature plummeted to 13 DEGRESS. It was like mid­winter compared the days before. As we were riding Ultra Limited’s we had CB radio – so it was great to be able to keep in touch ­ bike to bike­ throughout journey – especially when Mike could warn of the fact I was about to be overtaken by a CYCLIST on the way down one of the passes. Anyway, the trip :­ Sat 11 th July - Day 1 ­ Earl Shilton to Loan , France. Tunnel train approx. 10.30 ­ 361 Miles 6hrs 10 mins Hotel : le Banniere , Loan, France € 90 + 2x €9 breakfast + € 7 parking­index.html We had an idea things would be good as by the time we got down into Kent – about 8.00am – I already felt like taking my jacket off it was getting so warm. We met up with Mike & Jackie at Maidstone Services and did the usual bit of tunnel and A26 across Northern France. We arrived at Loan. It’s an old medieval cathedral town set on a hill overlooking the flat land around it. The hotel was up in the old part and was a traditional old style French set up. Our window opened up to look straight down the narrow street and we watched a local wedding procession of decorated cars tour round the one way streets blearing their horns. The hotel had a tight to get in and out of garage underneath – well I say garage – more of a large store room – but we got two Ultras in it easily. Some nice little street bars, cafes and restaurants – although it was quiet for a Saturday night – and very impressive cathedral.

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Alpine Tour - 2015

Spring 2016

Sun 12 th July - Day 2 - Loan to Wolfach, Germany ­ 280 miles 5hrs 40 mins Hotel : Hotel Gasthof Kreuz ~ €60 room with breakfast http://www.kreuz­ Heading further east across Northern France I had a route that took us off the motorway for a while. We followed this dead straight old Roman road with hardly a soul on it but some great views across the countryside. After skirting around Nancy we headed for the Rhine crossing near Strasbourg. But before the bridge I allowed myself to use the Harley sat nav inbuilt in the info system. We were heading for a Harley Dealership but I thought my memorised route would mean it would be closed by the time we got there. Well it took us through all sorts of back allies – but eventually we got delivered to the Alsace Harley Davidson Dealership – it was shut ! We missed it by about 30mins. I had used the hotel for the return route in 2010. Wolfach is in the heart of the Black Forest and the hotel is in its medieval, cobbled main street. You can securely park the bikes in the enclosed beer garden that has a roller door to seal it. Great if not many are staying – more about that later. ! English was not the proprietor’s second or 10 th language. Having booked a night going down to the Alps and a night on our return, they thought we had booked about 8 nights. I was not getting very far trying to explain my email booking to her. Luckily a nice German lady who did speak English came to the rescue and all was sorted. More about the language difficulty at this hotel later ! Plenty of street side bars / restaurants in this little town so no probs there and a nice river flowing through makes for a pleasant evening stroll to work up another thirst and more beer. Monday 13 th July - Day 3 ­ Wolfach to Interlaken, Switzerland ­ 168 miles 5 hrs Hotel : Alphorn £120 with parking http://www.hotel­­alphorn.php The road to ride through the Black Forest is the D500 running north / south Baden Baden to the Rhine crossing on the Swiss border at Koblenz (no not that Koblenz – but a small place with the same name). Wolfach is in the middle (hence our return on the way back to do the northern half). Now although I had memorised the routes I also had them loaded into Khaleesi’s on board sat nav (just in case). Today was the day I first found out Harley satnavs don’t like hair pins or anything approaching too many sharp bends in one go. As soon as it registers hairpins it’s looking for an alternative even if it means taking a far more dangerous route – just to avoid that tight turn. Once the road straightens out it’s fine.

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Alpine Tour - 2015

Spring 2016

The road through the Black Forest is very scenic but there did seem to be a lot of lorries in some places. Once over into Switzerland and away from the towns around border the country side opened up to views of lakes and mountains with loads of villages to pass through – but none of them with a decent place to stop for a drink and a wee. We were heading to Interlaken. After Lucerne the route through the valley is tremendous with twisty turns and climbs, and a lot of tunnels. We cut over to take the north shore route along the shore of Brienzersee as this avoided the long tunnels of the south shore and gives a great run into Interlaken the town between two lakes. One is fed by glacier water and is blue/milky looking – the other is river fed and deep blue. The nice lady at the Alphorn showed us a perfectly secure location behind the small hotel for the bikes and then just wanted to talk and talk – wasting valuable drinking time. It’s a shortish walk into town and the river through between the lakes. My remote for the head cam had failed and needed a new battery. We found a small jewellers to change the battery as I didn’t have a really small screwdriver but somehow they buggered up the on off button micro switches so that was the end of that. For the rest of the tour I had to feel for the switch on the camera – great when also trying to negotiate a 180 degree bend with cyclist taking your preferred line. We did find a really nice restaurant in an old square by a church and had a nice chilled evening but in the warm air. Tuesday 14 th July ­ Day 4 ­ Interlaken to Trafio, Italy ­ 200 mile 6hrs 10 mins Hotel : Bella Vista €90 with breakfast http://www.bella­ This day was the start for the high Alpine passes – Grimsel, followed by Furka (it was up here they filmed James Bond – Gold Finger car chase with Sean Connery). The scenery is stunning and – well you just have to go up there to experience it. Through many a chocolate box picture village scene, we travelled on through the Albula Pass, and The Swiss National Wilderness Park into Northern Italy and our destination that night the Bella Vista Hotel. Now I chose this hotel – not cos of the beautiful views as the sun set over the mountains, the amazing dining experience, the beer or the very fine figure of the owner’s daughter who served breakfast in a low cut traditional dress – no….. it was because it was situated on the first real bend on the Stelvio Pass. This meant we could get a good start in the morning before the general traffic had arrived to the pass and clog it up.

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Spring 2016

Wednesday 15 th July ­ Day 5 ­ Trafio to St Leonardo in Passiria, Italy (TBC when snow has gone !!) Hotel Theresia € 60 room has an indoor pool The morning broke and even early on the cyclists were starting their lung busting climb up the pass. Even before we set off I looked out of our window that overlooked this first bend and watched a few sports cars roar up the road and even an old Ducati with side car. Actually he was back down again as we set off – only to him again at the top. I think he was doing paid trips so the passenger went up in the side car. I had planned alternative routes if the weather was naff and made going over the passes a waste of time or dangerous. In particular for the 2,760m climb of the Stelvio. However, no such problem – in fact the problem was the heat. The views are stunning – as are the bends. Just check out my video :­­e_­7YK4Jmc 34, ­ 180 degree bends up ­ and 38 bends down on the route to Bormio – with not much at all to stop you flying off the edge ! From Bormio it was through the Stelvio National Park and Passo Del Tonal. The temperature this day was off the scale and boy were we glad to arrive at our hotel , park the bikes up in the garage, get in our rooms and strip off for a swim in their pool. The nice lady owner even brought us a tray of beer to drink in the garden. Thursday 16 th July ­ Day 6 ­ St Leonardo to Zell am Zee, Austria ­ 135 miles 4 hrs (Thur 16, Fri 17 th, Sat 18 th , Sun 19 th) Hotel Alpenrose – 4 nights has garage for bikes – bikers welcome € 80 per night incl. breakfast http://www.pension­ Leaving St Leonardo in the morning it was straight up the Jaufernpass and, after a night of warm rain, if was really eerie as the warm moist air formed a mist pushing up the side of the mountain. Once over the top it was just the normal hot clear blue skies! Our route took through northern Italy and we headed for the Staller Pass. However, just before the pass we stopped at the Antholzer Zee – a beautiful mountain lake – for an ice cream. I had forgotten that the pass was one way and you could only go up between half past and quarter to the hour – and we arrived at the lights just after this so had to wait for 45 mins before an amazing twisting ride through the trees to the top. The top of the pass is the Austrian border with cows wearing their large bells just wandering around. When you go down the other side it is very different as the road is much straighter so you have a constant view down the valley as you ride.

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Spring 2016

As we headed down into the Inn valley heading to Zell am Zee the temperature just went higher and higher – were we glad to get the bikes in their own private garage, help ourselves to honesty bar and sit in the garden having a cold beer or three. We had 4 nights at the Alpenrose run by an ex­downhill skier and her husband. Very relaxed, only a short walk down to the town and not much more to the lake. It’s a glacier fed lake but was great to swim in and the surface water was pretty warm. We had a couple of off bikes days to get up into the mountains on the cable cars etc, swimming in the lake and generally chilling. The day we did get the bikes out we had a run over to the Grosklockner – a must if you are out this way. You pay a few Euros to use it but it well worth it. The road surface is fantastic, the bends – well we were well used to the hair pin stuff by now but still brilliant. You can detour up to Bikers Point which a cobbled, steep, twisty road to the highest point possible on wheels 2,600 M. It’s hard enough – but with CARS using it as well and nicking all the parking space at the top – it’s a potential death trap – especially if it wet (which it wasn’t). The spur out to the glacier is well worth it as well. It’s a good full day out even just going from Zell am Zee, and you can play in the snow Monday 20 th July ­ Day 10 ­ Zell am Zee to Bach, Austria ­ 170 miles 5 hrs 15 mins Hotel Schonauerhof € 54 p/p incl breakfast & evening meal­­hotel/das­hotel.html Leaving Zell am Zee we headed west through Austria and after Zell am Ziller we headed north into Bavaria, Germany. This route has yet more superb scenery with steep twisty climbs and deep blue lakes such as riding the shoreline of Achensee, long and over Sylvensteinsee, and paying the small toll to ride along the narrow Risser Strasse which follows the Isar River. After a short detour to ride through Oberammergau to look at the painted buildings, we headed back over the border into Austria and the Tyrol region. We were heading to another hotel I used in 2010. The Schonauerhof is geared up to bikers. They hire out trial bikes and organise off roading and other tours around the Tyrol. There is a large underground secure garage for all bikes. The rooms are large, comfy and benefit from a shared balcony all round (typical Tyrolean building design). They have an outside deck for drinking beer and large nice restaurant for dinner and breakfast – you can’t beat it at EURO 54 P/P including 3 course meal and breakfast.

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The lady on reception even remembered us from 5 years before ­ as she reminded us we stayed on the same date in 2010. Sitting on the deck with a pint of good Austrian beer watching the sun set while the farmers work the hay – what more could you ask for !! ­ well actually the bloody monster horse flies could have buggered off – they bite !!! Tuesday 21 st July ­ Day 11 ­ Bach to Wolfach Germany 166 miles ­ 4hrs 30 mins Hotel Gasthof Kreuz ­ as above This day took in the western end of the Tyrol and crossing back into Switzerland. Our route ran along the southern shore of Lake Catherine (Bodensee) and back into Germany and the Black Forest for our return to Wolfach. Now – remember my comments about parking in the beer garden at this place – well when we rode in there’s a German plated Merc parked in there and with 4 other H­Ds parked along the side of the drive, we had to park behind the Merc. Having checked in we go upstairs. Mike and Jackie are ahead of us and already there is some shouting coming from a half dressed elderly, but very loud German guy – who doesn’t speak any English. However once he realises we are English it’s quite clear he’s not impressed. One – because we have blocked in his Merc – Two – we are English ! We are just hot and knackered and want to get in the shower and into our shorts. Maria however loses it and gives him a mouthful before going into our room. I decide to go and find the receptionist or some who speaks English. When I get down there Herman is waving his hands about going on about the English. Unfortunately it’s the same at reception – no speaka da English ! I gesture for Herman and Heidi to follow me out to the car to try and explain that if he wants to get his car out we will move the bikes and he can park behind us as we will not need the bikes again until 09:00 in the morning. But it’s like pulling teeth. Mike eventually comes but seems quite happy to stand back and laugh at my attempts to use broken Germany , English and sign language to explain. Heidi gives up and goes back in side. Meantime Herman is getting angry and starts trying to grab me. Luckily one of the other (Dutch) bikers hangs out the window and offers to translate for us. It turns out Herman though we were not going to move the bikes until 9 Pm the fooling day and he wanted leave in the morning. After repeating the whole story a few times tempers relaxed, we shook hands – and then held a long discussion – him talking German, me & Mike talking English – about his car, his previous BMW bikes, football ….. but then when he got to weak wrists and pointing to his “Pinkle” we

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Alpine Tour - 2015

Spring 2016

decided enough was enough. International relations were restored and that was enough. Time for another BEER ! Wednesday 22 nd July ­ Day 12 ­ Wolfach to Orval ­ 236 miles 5hrs Guest House Les Souces de Moulin Bob & Dani of Orval Chapter € 65 incl. breakfast + €25 pp dinner This route took us north through the Black Forest and over the highest part of it with views to the Rhine valley. Eventually it drops you down into Baden Baden. After crossing the Rhine our route went through Northern France just to the south of Luxembourg and around the edge of Metz. Our destination was Bob & Dani’s B&B in Orval just over the French border in Belgium. In time honoured fashion Bob was there waiting for us and the first job after the usual greetings, chat, look at the bike… was to get the beer out. They have a local brewery in the village so it’s choice of Monastery beer ‘Orval’ or the local microbrewery. What could be better than a good days ride, a beer or three in the sun and the prospect of one of Dani’s delicious evening meals. Thursday 23 rd July ­ Day 13 ­ Orval to Ypres ­ 185 miles 3hrs 30mins Hotel Ariane €115 incl. breakfast After a peaceful nights sleep listening to the water rushing under the building (it’s an old water mill – not that it was flooded !), we were off for Ypres, although we took a scenic route back through Northern France and cutting up into Belgium through the Parc Naturel des Ardennes. This is quite neat as the road follows the La Meuse river through its narrow valley and gorge. Eventually though, after riding through the woods where the signs warned of wild boar crossing the road, we hit the Belgian motorways to Ypres – trying hard to avoid the big potholes in the carriageways. You can always rely on the Ariane Hotel. The rooms are great (well we always seem to get a good one). After a look around the town, the walls and attending the 8.00pm Menen Gate ceremony, it was our last evening of beer and food before the long slog home for Calais and tunnel train. I refer to my opening comments as to how s*** that was. It was a great 2500miles and thanks to Jackie and Mike for the great company. The 2016 tour is already planned booked and in the bag. But that’s for another article

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Nene Valley – Loh Skittles

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Spring 2016

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Nene Valley – Loh Skittles

Nene V alley Chapter

Spring 2016

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RAT Runs – January 2016

Spring 2016

13 January 2016 The first RATs lunch of 2016 was well attended by 14 RATs. A warm welcome was given to the lastest Rat to retire Jan Harter. A list of 30 possible venues was agreed by the RATs for 2016 so it could be a very busy year.

27 January 2016 13 RATS turned up for lunch at the Cross Roads Hotel in Weedon. Great to see our HRC tucking in.

20 January 2016 6 RATS turned up for lunch on a beautiful sunny day by the Grand Union Canal at the Three Locks. It was disappointing to see a gritting lorry spreading muck on very dry roads. Dont know what Woody’s missus was doing with her hand there but she though he looked like some film star.

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Looking Back…..

Spring 2016

Now I have only been riding for 9 years, but because I have crammed so much in people think I have been riding for years. In those 9 years I have ridden about 60,000 miles, ridden on 4 continents, done some stuff on my own, been a road captain for the last 6 years, been LOH and supported Ride to the Wall. I am sure there is so much more. When you are doing all this it’s hard to imagine how I felt 9 years ago, well.. we have been doing some decorating and I found a note book of when I first passed my test, reading it made me smile and also made me realise what you can do if you put your mind to it. So I thought I would share some of those early entries and I have not changed a word… hopefully this may encourage anyone thinking about it just to do it!! Sunday 24th June 2007 Well its D Day, the day has come to collect my bike. A Harley Davidson Soft Tail custom in black with lots of shiny bits. My plan for the day was to collect my bike and ride off into the sun to Stratford upon Avon for lunch, pop across to Leicester to see Kate and then home. Well it was wet, so on a dry patch, collected bike, by the time I had finished talking it was pouring, so I rode my new bike as far as home, it didn’t quite match the dream as I had a wet arse and a filthy bike but it was fantastic

Thursday 28th June D Day, its dry and I have decided to ride to work. Easy for many people but the M1 in the morning towards London is a car park at the best of times. I felt really confident on the motorway, probably helped by astute drivers hearing the bike coming. Had a great run into work, could not pluck up the courage to do the zipping in between cars bit yet. Decided to explore even further that evening and met the ride out at J9 to ride into London to the Ace Café on the North circular. Wk 1 and London but thought I should go for it. Followed the gang, kept up, heart fell in my mouth when I saw the amount of bikes and people and then I was told where to park, in a long line of bikes. My God!! In I went, parked up, I was amazed at the amount of people looking at my bike and the amount of comments I got about being a girl on a bike. A couple of hours off the bike and then had to ride back , so had to exit in a way that I did not make a tw** of myself, succeeded and then rode home in the dark. Felt fab by the time I got home.. getting there.. (slowly) Friday 6th July Yes, there has not been much dry weather so decided to miss tea (a rare event in our house) and hopped on the bikes. I was predominantly driven by an urge to get out in the sunshine and I was riding with Ian the next day and he would have my life if I rode like a big girls blouse. Had a beautiful ride, stopped at Chrissybabes for a cuppa and then rode to Buckingham then Stony Stratford and then stopped for a kebab on the way back on the V4, then rode home. Great ride, really getting the hang of it and even managed to get home before Mikey!!! Saturday 7th July Mystery ride out today, first stop petrol, then onto the dealership, met Ian, Jules, Kevin and Tina and Frank. Headed to Jacks for a cuppa and to work out our route and then headed off on a 5 hour ride encompassing 21 beautiful Tuesday 26th June villages, but only covering about 40 miles and ended up in Market Harborough, lots of twists, turns, small villages, A dry spell (we didn’t have many in June) so grabbed the bike horses , so plenty to practice. Great watching Ian on the to practice some bends, rode up the A5 to Hockcliffe and bends, still so much to learn. At the rugby club rode with Ian then along the bends to Woburn. It felt great but I was really on the back.. much easier than I thought so once I have got anxious which clearly impacted on my riding and coming up my first 1000 miles in I’ll be able to give rides!! to speed. Mikey described it as pretty “shite” but I have only done 36 miles still loved it though.

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RAT Runs – February 2016

Spring 2016

3 February 2016

17 February 2016

10 RATs turned for lunch today at the Coffee Pot Tavern in Yardley Gobion. Some great food and venue – full english, eggs benedict, pulled pork and cheesy chips.

RATs lunch at the Barley Mow in Cosgrove. 6 Rats turned up, good to see our Treasurer allowed out to play. Poor old Roger was doing his care in the community role looking after Mikey.

24 February 2016 10 February 2016 Another great lunch with the RATs at the New Inn, Long Bucky Wharf – generous portions enjoyed by all at the canal side pub. 14 RATs turned up – well done and a special mention to the 3 RATs who turned up on their bikes. Nice to see Colin and Anne Bailey joining us for lunch.

Another bright sunny crisp day for lunch with the RATs at the Navigation Inn, Stoke Bruerne. 9 RATs turned up plus Sue’s daughter – 4 brave RATs turned up on their bikes despite the crap on the roads.

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Humour Corner

Spring 2016

As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed. "Yes! Yes! I won, I won!" She hugged each of the dealers, A Jewish grandmother is giving directions to her grown picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly grandson who is coming to visit with his wife. departed. "You come to the front door of the apartments, I am in The dealers stared at each other dumbfounded. apartment 301. Finally, one of them asked, "What did she roll?" The other There is a big panel at the front door. With your elbow, push answered, "I don't know ­ I thought you were watching." button 301. I will buzz you in. Come inside and the elevator is on the right. Get in, and with MORAL OF THE STORY your elbow, push 3rd Floor. Not all Irish are drunks, not all blondes are dumb, ..... but all When you get out, I'm on the left. With your elbow, hit my men...are men! doorbell. OK?" GLOBAL FACTS ABOUT SEX "Grandma, that sounds easy, but, why am I hitting all these buttons with my elbow? At any given moment: "What . .. . .. .. You're coming empty handed?" FACT: 79,000,000 people are having sex ­ right now. FACT: 58,000,000 are kissing. THE WISE ITALIAN GRANDFATHER FACT: 37,000,000 are relaxing after having sex. FACT: 1 old person is reading emails. An old Italian man in Brooklyn is dying. He calls his grandson to his bedside, You hang in there. "Guido, I wan' you lissina me. I wan' you to take­a my chrome plated .38 revolver so you will always remember me." ROOM 858 "But grandpa, I really don't like guns.. How about you leave A hotel guest calls the front desk and the clerk answers, "May me your Rolex watch instead?" I help you?" "You lissina me, boy! Somma day you gonna be runna da business, you gonna have a beautiful wife, lotsa money, a big­ The man says, "Yes, I'm in room 858. You need to send someone to my room immediately. I'm having an argument a home and maybe a couple of bambinos. " with my wife and she says she's going to jump out the window." "Somma day you gonna come­a home and maybe fina you wife inna bed with another man. The desk clerk says, "I'm sorry sir, but that's a personal "Whatta you gonna do then? Pointa to you watch and say, matter." 'Times up!' "? The man replies, "Listen you idiot. The window won't open... IRISH BLONDE and that's a maintenance matter." BOARDING PLANES IN ISRAEL An attractive blonde from Cork, Ireland, arrived at the casino. She seemed a little intoxicated and bet twenty TEL AVIV, Israel ­ The Israelis are developing an airport thousand dollars in a single roll of the dice. security device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full­body scanners. She said, "I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude." With that, she stripped from the It's an armoured booth you step into that will not X­ray you, neck down, rolled the dice and with an Irish brogue but will detonate any explosive device you may have on your yelled, "Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!" person.


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Humour Corner

Spring 2016

Israel sees this as a win­win situation for everyone, with none of this nonsense about racial profiling. It will also eliminate the costs of long and expensive trials. You're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter, an announcement: "Attention to all standby passengers, El Al is pleased to announce a seat available on flight 670 to London. Shalom!"

To my 'selected' strange­minded friends: Only great minds can read this. This is weird, but interesting! If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid, too. Can you raed this? Olny 55 people out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit CAN YOU MEET THIS CHALLENGE pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it We've seen this with the letters out of order, but this is the whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not first time we've seen it with numbers. Good example of a raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig Brain Study: If you can read this OUT LOUD you have a strong huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! mind. And better than that: Alzheimer's is a long long, way down the road before it ever gets anywhere near you. 7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17,

B3 PROUD! 0NLY C3R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15! PL3453 F0RW4RD 1F U C4N R34D 7H15.


No English dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference between these two words. In a recent linguistic competition held in London and attended by, supposedly, the best in the world, Samdar Balgobin, a Guyanese man, was the clear winner with a standing ovation which lasted over 5 minutes. The final question was: How do you explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand? Some people say there is NO difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED. *Here is his astute answer:* When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED and when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!!! He won a trip around the world and a case of 25 year old Scotch.

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January Committee MoM

Spring 2016

Towcester Rugby Club 7.15 pm on 13th January 2016 Please note that some of the items have been omitted since they are events past. The complete and unedited minutes are available in the member’s area of the website.

Safety Officer Update Committee Members Present: Paul Whiting (Director) Mike Ivers (Head Road Captain) Jan Harter (Secretary) Scot Haynes (Webmaster) Martine Garland (LoH Officer) Chris Lapsley (Editor) Mike & Jackie Wakelin (Safety Officer &Merchandising) John Nicholas (Treasurer) Terry Baines (Activities Officer) Alan Price Minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed. Financial Report

Mike has written another article for this month’s mag but has nothing further to add until the new season’s riding starts. Editor Update As there is no club night next month due to the Awards Night Chris proposed there be no mag either as he has no material. Hopefully he will have received some for March. LOH Martine circulating a sheet tonight for people to register their interest in the proposed skittles afternoon.

Finances are still very healthy, and nothing much has changed. There are no real issues and no outstanding issues.

Webmaster Update

Membership Report

This month’s mag will go on the website tonight. Scot has new templates for the website and the change over to the new look is scheduled for February.

As we start the new year a check of records was carried out. We currently have 104 paying members + 65 guests = 169 in total which is exactly the same as this time last year. Activity Officer Some tickets have been sold for Awards Night and expecting to sell a lot more tonight. Trophies are in hand. The possible alternative venue at Marston Moretaine was checked for next year’s rally but proved not possible. Bob offered to check Market Harborough, a previously used site and also the rugby club near to Bedford Water Sports Centre. If either are available he was authorised to book it. We are still in need of an alternative store for all club equipment. Head Road Captains Report Patches have been ordered, and trophies are being engraved ready for Awards Night. Mikey gave details of new high­viz jackets that are required.

Merchandising Update Sample Tee Shirts with the new logo were shown by Bob and by Mike. The one brought in by Bob was most popular so it was agreed he should collect required sizes from membership after Chris has sent out a global email about them and then place the bulk order from the supplier. Members to be told tonight about one free per member and guest being given. After that orders for other items with the logo can be placed directly with the supplier. AOB No progress made with the Facebook page. Chris has created a video review of 2015. It was agreed this could go on the public page of the website. Terry thought it should/could be previewed at our Awards Night. Jan had details of a “VIP Ladies Day Out” at Northampton which may be of interest to LOH. She will post details on the website forum. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.00pm

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Wed 9th Sat 19th

Club Night Memorial Ride

Sat 2nd Sat 9th Wed 13th

Pork Pie Ride Lord Mayors Ride Club Night

22­24th April

Come Ride the Dragon III


Thurs 28

Ace Cafe

Sat 7th May Wed 11th Sun 15th Sun 22nd Thurs 26th Sun 29th

Breakfast Ride Club Night Tank Museum Cream Tea Ride Ace Café Ice Cream Ride

4­5th June Wed 8th Sun 12th

Dam Buster Weekend Ride Club Night Nene Valley Railway

18th ­19th June

Oval Country Chapter Rally OCCB


Tue 21 Sun 26th Wed 29th Thurs 30th

Longest Day Ride Abbey Pumping Station Wootton Beavers Evening Ride Ace Café

Sun 3rd Sun 10th Wed 13th Sun 17th 23­24th July Thurs 28th

Bibury Trout Farm Chatsworth Club Night Founders Day Grim Wolds Weekend Ride Ace Café

Sun 31st July

Bombay Sapphire Gin Distillery Ride

Sun 7th Wed 10th Thurs 25th

Pie & Mash Ride Club Night Ace Café

Sun 4th Wed 14th Sun 18th Sat 24th Sun 25th Thurs 29th

Chilli Ride Club Night Wardington Classic Bikes Meet Piston & Props Steam Rally Ace Café

Sat 1st

RTTW 9 & The Return

Wed 12th Thurs 27th

Club Night Ace Café

Wed 9th Sun 13th

Club Night Remembrance & Baps

Location March 2016 Towcester Rugby Club Rutland Water April 2016 Melton Mowbray Northampton Towcester Rugby Club The Lake District London May 2016 TBC Towcester Rugby Club Henley London TBC June 2016 Peak District Towcester Rugby Club Northamptonshire Belgium TBC Leicester Wootton London July 2016 Bibury Peak District Towcester Rugby Club TBC Lincolnshire London Laverstoke Mill, Hampshire August 2016 TBC Towcester Rugby Club London September 2016 Waddesdon Manor Towcester Rugby Club Wardington Sywell Salsbury London October 2016 National Memorial Arboretum Towcester Rugby Club London November 2016 Towcester Rugby Club Bletchley

Information From 7.30pm Mikey Leading – Details to Follow Mikey Leading – Details to follow Badger Leading – Details to Follow From 7.30pm Slow Hand Leading ­ Fully Booked – reserve list in operation Check the Website Rickie Leading – Details to follow From 7.30pm Bob the Bus Pass Leading – Details to follow Becky Leading – Details to Follow Check Website Bob the Bus Pass Leading – Details to follow Jedi/Pasty Leading – Details to Follow From 7.30pm Bob the Bus Pass Leading – Details to follow Check out Groundhog Leading – Details to Follow Slow Hand Leading – Details to follow Details to Follow Check Website Panda Leading – Details to Follow Groundhog Leading – details to follow From 7.30pm Becky Leading – details to Follow Slow Hand Leading – Details to follow Check Website Slow Hand leading – Details to follow Mikey Leading – Details to Follow From 7.30pm Check Website Mr Ambassador Leading – details to follow From 7.30pm Rickie Leading – Details to follow

Check Website Mikey / Slow Hand Leading – Book on Line From 7.30pm Check Website From 7.30pm Mikey Leading – Details to follow

Disclaimer: The Editor accepts no responsibility for the views and comments expressed in this publication. All views and comments contained are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Nene Valley H.O.G®, Harley Davidson®, their agents, or authorised dealers. All H.O.G.® Logos and marks are used under licence in accordance with article X of the current H.O.G.® Annual Charter for H.O.G.® Chapters.

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