News @ nene 2014

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Nene V alley Chapter

Spring 2014

Chapter No. 9946

Director Martin Dickinson ‘So Bad’ 07740 871983

Assistant Director Dave Burridge ‘Brumbo’ 07768 166490

Secretary Maria Lapsley 07984 122581

Treasurer John Nicholas 07808 648575

Editor Chris Lapsley ‘Slow Hand’ nenevalleyeditor@ 07709 205571

Webmaster ‘Road King' Scot Haynes 07970 421716

Safety Officer ‘The Reverand’ Steve Harris steve@harris 07779 877131

Activities Officer Dave Burridge ‘Brumbo’ 07768 166490

Head Road Captain Mike ‘Mikey’ Ivers 07950 947681

Merchandising Officers Mike & Jacqui Wakelin 07989 975444

Ladies of Harley Officer Shani Jan Harter’ 07913 071242

Historian Vacant Position

Photographer Vacant Position


Spring 2014

Well here we are, the month you have all been waiting for when you can get back in the saddle and ride with fellow members on organised rides It seems such a long time ago that the official riding season ended. I know some members have still been riding through the winter, and although there hasn't been the salt down to wreck all that lovely chrome the rain has been unprecedented, culminating in some pretty horrendous road conditions, including some severe pot holes that could easily have a rider off. The Road Captains provide a valuable service not only leading and tailing rides but also doing a pre ride, which if it means taking in A and B roads will be of a great reassurance to you all. Over the coming months we will be having a couple of presentations at club nights, something a little different to try and cater for everyone. I hope the March presentation was interesting and also the bikes they brought along? behind them and make this a must do event. The rally over the years has been at a number of different venues and seen Unfortunately for me the riding season will have to be put on figures from anywhere between 60 attendees and 700. I hold as I had a full knee replacement on 6th March (this is personally think we have found the right venue and the right written before my date so hopefully it won't be cancelled) number of attendees now, making it a small family rally which dependant how it goes will put me out of the saddle which is what Nene Valley is all about. for at least 3 months. Hopeful I will not have the p*** taken out of me too much going up to the Lakes at the end of April Along with the HOG chapter rallies and events in the UK in the CAR, that's if I can persuade the chauffeur to take me. there are also other events further afield and I know we have Please Chris don't put us on the top floor. members heading to St Tropez and Croatia. I also understand there are a number of smaller groups going away, one The first ride of the season as always will be the Memorial heading down to Barcelona and one heading over to the Ride which remembers members that we have lost and can States. Enjoy guys and keep safe. I will be going up to no longer ride with us. This is a very important ride for me for Thunder in the Glens this year for the first time. many reasons but unfortunately I will not be able to lead it. Mikey Ivers will be leading but I will hopefully be able to get At the moment I am planning the St Tropez trip for 2015. I along to see you all off. Might be worth reiterating the have 19 people going on 12 bikes and plans are going well. second man drop off Mikey after what happened last year :足) Euro camp will be coming to do a presentation at club night in July which should hopefully get a few more people In the post this week I received the new International Nene interested. Valley Chapter flag. It is the same size as the flag we use for our photo opportunities but has the new HOG logo on it. If Although I may not see some of you for a while, ride safe and anyone would like to use it for photo shoots please can you look after one another let me know. Martin Hopefully you are all now starting to plan the events you will be doing this year. If you haven't already heard SOFER has had to be cancelled due to financial issues but there are still a number of great events taking place, one of which is our own Rally. For those that attended last year I'm sure you will agree it was a great weekend, and I would like to thank the Rally committee that put on the event. This year the committee are pulling out the stops once again so let's all get

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Spring 2014

Editor’s View Point Finally, Winter is over and Spring is here and this month starts our full riding season. I say that but I took Vixen up to Robin Hood on Saturday 1st March. As I was booked in for a rear tyre change, then upto Bullwell for an MOT, I left home at about 07:30 when the frost and ice was quite solid on the cars and roof tops. Luckily the roads had dried out the day before so no ice on the roads ­ but it was BLOODY cold riding up the M1. That said the return ride was nice, sun was out, temperature had risen, took some nice country roads. Near home I pass the entrance to Mallory Park. For those who have gone there in the past – Mallory re­opened for racing again on Saturday 1st March. The previous owners went into Liquidation after having to fork out a £26,000 fine for failing to meet noise limits and timing. So the new owners better be careful, but the place was packed with bikes & cars for the re­opening. If you fancy buying a 2014 Project Rushmore Ultra Classic, Robin Hood H­D are throwing in a £1,900 upgrade to the Boom audio and Sat Nav systems. Times must be getting better as while I was in the show room they sold 3 bikes !!! For those that new it (Mr Ringer – Barwell Branch !!) Windy Corner Dealership is no more – previously H­D & Triumph more recently Triumph & Victory. This month’s mag is a bit short on new material so as I reported in Feb, I would re­print some older articles to re­ enforce what Nene Valley is all about. So check out the inaugural ride to the Orval rally, a group ride to the Irish bike fest in Killarney, Iron Horse Rally and 2010 Credit Crunch. However, it’s not all old stuff. Check out the gallery for the bowling night organised by Jan last month at Sixfields and a LoL Humour Corner piece. Mikey has put together an article to celebrate Tal’s brilliant 300 points haul in the club run award. The first member to get there!! Check out Mikey’s Natter on page 5. Now the RC team have had a follow up planning meeting, the 2014 Calendar is now set. So, if you made notes in your diary from the last issue – better have a look at the back page of this issue as some dates have changed and new events have been added. So, now you have had some time off – it’s now time to start putting pen to paper – or finger to keyboard – and start supplying some new stories about your biking experiences. Starting with the Memorial Ride on the 29th, I hope to get a bumper email box full of stuff during this year. Come on, ride routes, good places to stay or visit, good ride out

experiences, rallies; put it down and share with the rest of us. The sun prayers have started for a good weekend in the Lakes later in April, and I was surprised by the quick reaction I got to my “Not Quite” The Solstice Ride weekend ride for June. I had reserved 20 rooms in the Ebbw Vale Premier Inn and all were taken in about in about 48 hours. You will see from the front cover the NV 2014 Old Skool Rally II is open for tickets sales. Make sure you get yours either from the rally team at club night or via the website. Also note the request from Posh (bottom page 3) for Tombola donations. I thought this cartoon was a good laugh ! Ok that sit for this issue, apart from wishing Martin a speedy recovery from his knee op last week and hope you can get back on the bike soon. Don’t forget my request for supporting your magazine, and enjoy the 2014 season. I will see you all on the Memorial Ride !! Cheers

Chris Lapsley, “Slow Hand” Editor Last date for contributions to the June printed END MAY 2014 Edition : email :- or phone me on 07709 205571 or 01455 450463

Nene Valley HOG Chapter (Editor) PO Box 9277 LEICESTER LE9 OBT

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Ladies of Harley Officer Well here we are, this is the month it all kicks off. We can ride again if all goes well. Our first ride­out is scheduled for the end of this month. Fingers crossed nothing prevents it going ahead. I know a few have already been out on the road grabbing a precious hour or so of dry roads. It has to keep getting better from now on.


lane available for the keenest to have an extra game. I don’t know about the others but I have to admit three games did tell on my right arm for the next couple of days. Chris was busy with his camera so I hope he has some good shots. The results are below. I have only given those for the first 2 games as not everyone played a third, and anyway most of us were tiring by then, with the exception of Carol and Colin who both improved with each game.

Off the road though I am pleased to say there was a good turnout for the night of bowling at Sixfields on 22nd Feb. We had three lanes of bowlers with 5 or 6 on each lane. It was good to have a focus for our attention but also to have time for a chat and a drink. I was pretty pleased with myself opening the whole proceedings with a strike (particularly as I had been totally useless when I went before with one of my It was quite late by the time we had all finished; I think friends to check the venue out). We had paid for three games everyone is up for a repeat night at some point but I think each but the strain was beginning to tell on a few after the perhaps we will stick to two games completion of the second one and some gave up, leaving the

Results for Mikey Dave R Chris Jan Zippie Sharpie Alan Colin Sue B Paul Sue W Beckie Maria Marilyn Bron Carol

Game 1 146 132 125 114 94 90 89 89 86 79 63 58 51 47 41 32

Results for Mikey Dave R Paul Sue B Colin Zippie Jan Bron Alan Chris Sharpie Carol Marilyn Sue W Beckie Maria

Game 2 116 113 100 100 96 92 87 81 79 78 77 72 63 55 49 41

Congratulations Mikey on your overall win but I’m sure Chris will be disappointed if I don’t point out that he managed to whip you in the third game (though still didn’t take the lead from you). Meanwhile I shall have to fit in a service for my bike before next month and I need an MOT this year too. I would like to actually make the whole journey to the Lakes for “Come Ride

Overall Result Game 1 Mikey 146 Dave R 132 Chris 125 Jan 114 Sue B 86 Zippie 94 Colin 89 Paul 79 Alan 89 Sharpie 90 Bron 41 Sue W 63 Marilyn 47 Beckie 58 Carol 32 Maria 51

Game 2 116 113 78 87 100 92 96 100 79 77 81 55 63 49 72 41

Total 262 245 203 201 186 186 185 179 168 167 122 118 110 107 104 92

The Dragon” this year. I put my name down for the “Not Quite The Solstice” ride as well but wasn’t quick enough off the mark so I’m on the reserve list. Isn’t it good that these weekend trips are so popular. Roll on summer. See you soon, on a ride. Take care. Jan

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Mikey’s Natter

Spring 2014

Hold on , hold on…… The riding season hasn't quite started yet, although I have seen some of you out and about as I have been riding about on the odd sunny afternoon. If you have not been out have you had the bike on the optimate and checked the battery? How many of you forget and expect to just turn up on the first ride out (spoken with the voice of experience!!)

is also a great chance to register your miles for the mile high club with Mike Sharp and myself.

You will see (below) my chat with Tal when he got to 300 Ride Award If you haven't been out yet it might be a good idea to have a spin out by yourselves, we are always a bit rusty after the winterisation period. In your points, we have a couple of other members who first group ride after the layoff remember to keep a safe gap, use your are close on Tal's tail. mirrors and keep the person behind you in view, and also command your Let's hope we have lots to celebrate and ride out pins to be given out in side of the road ­ kerbside or offside ­ and don't wander. We as a chapter command an excellent standard of riding with few incidents. Let's keep this 2014. up in 2014. Talking of 2014 we have now completed the plan for the year so keep a Ride safe and have fun close eye out for the details of up and coming rides. Don't forget to sign in for your points for both ride outs and rally's and look on the web for that Mikey ­ HRC odd impromptu ride. Our first ride is the Memorial Ride, (Saturday 29th March , leaving Jacks at 10.00am). We hope to see many of you there; this The chapter's at its best when it rides..


David Taylor known to you and I as ‘Tal’ became Nene Valley’s first member to achieve 300 points in the Club Run Award ­ and still plans to collect more. I recently took some time out to have a chat, coffee and kit kat with Tal to find out more about his life with bikes and the Chapter.

I joined the chapter in April 2004 and my first ride out was to the Oxford Dealership which Martin led and my first rally was the HOG on the Humber Mikey Do you have a favourite rally?



When did you pass your test mate, did they have them in those days.

Ours of course, there ain't anything better than a Nene Valley Rally although I recently enjoyed the Oggie rally. I went with Pug, Spike and Nutty. Spike rode all the way on his chopper, we had no gloves, Spike had a piss pot helmet and he was having to keep up with us and it poured. These are the moments you remember

Tal I passed my test in 1986 , you cheeky T~~~ my first bike was a Honda 125 twin. Oh I had one of them in 1981. Mikey


When did you get your first Harley? Tal That was in 1997. I had a 1200 Custom Sportster for 5 years, oh I had one of them in 2006' but before that I had lots of other bikes, I had a Honda CX500, a Yamaha X5 900 ( for 16 years) and a X5 400 US Custom

Do you have any othermemorable occasions? Tal

I had a 1972 Ural, a Honda 400 and a Ariel KH 500 Twin 1955. I had always wanted a Harley though.

I have had such fun with the chapter, every occasion is memorable. 2003 was a very good year when I did the most miles. I did the Round Britain Rally where the challenge was to visit 100 landmarks country wide with limited time to do it in ­ sometimes even camping on the roadside ­ although Pearl made sure we had some good B&B's



What Harley's have you had?

Achieving your 300 points is a fantastic achievement, have you won any other awards in your 10 years in the chapter?

Tal After my first Harley I got in 2002 and I still have ­ a Heritage Softail Anniversary edition, which now has 58,000 miles on the clock. At the same time as a winter bike I had a Sportser 883R which I rode for 7 winters and now I have a Sportster XR 1200 as an every day runner. Mikey When did you join the chapter and what was your first memory?

Tal Yes, I won the Saddle Tramp in 2005 and Saddle Tramp runner up in 2006 and 2009 Thanks Tal for the time. I had a great chat and we are both looking forward to the 2014 season.. Nutty popped by when I was there, still can't believe he was on the water!!!

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RCs & Rides

Spring 2013

Chris Fawcett ‘Jedi’ Email : 07964 775677 Mike Sharp 07748 913326

Becky Ivers ‘Becks’ 07901 716385

Andrew ‘Pasty’ Pugsley 07971 903581

Neil ‘The Ambassador’ Harrison 07810 870167

Bob ‘The Bus’ Rhoades 07817 700958

Rickie Anne Gee Email :

07969 809662

Head Road Captain Mike ‘Mikey’ Ivers

07950 947681

Chris Lapsley ‘Slow Hand’ 07709 205571

Mick Gray ‘Badger’ 07946 299447

Chris Ringer

Mike Waklein – ‘Groundhog’ 07989 975444

07897 729749

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Skittles Night

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Spring 2014

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Orval County Chapter Belgium Rally


Some while back our Director “So Bad” Martin had the idea of twinning Nene Valley with a continental Chapter. He asked Phil “Cool Pipes” Eskrett to have a look around and see if there were any likely candidates. Phil happened upon the Orval Country Chapter Belgium. Orval is a beautiful part of south eastern Belgium close to the borders of France and Luxembourg and is famed for its beer, brewed in the local monastery, and its scenery. Orval Chapter is very small with less than 30 members, only 15 of which can be described as active. The plan was to attend their rally so Phil did a recce trip planning the route and checking out the accommodation. Plans were duly made and some 47 bikes and 60 Chapter members set off for the Continent. Most travellers stayed in or near Dover on the Thursday night and caught HMS Nene Valley the following morning. There followed a high­speed run to Florenville, just a few kilometres from the rally site. As you know Nene Valley never do anything by halves and we formed up to arrive en­masse. We enjoyed a reserved camping area in the shade of the trees. Those in the accommodation, which was on the rally site, installed themselves and all found local eateries and bars and finally congregated in the rather cramped chateau bar for a nightcap or three. After breakfast many went off on the organised Rally ride­out while others went off in search of tobacco, some even sought enlightenment at the magnificent Orval monastery. Following a pleasant lunch in Florenville’s square another small group went for a ride around the splendid countryside and happened upon a BMW rider who’d just hit a deer. The deer was killed but clearly didn’t suffer. The rider looked as though he’d almost got away with it but finally fell off and sustained what looked like relatively minor damage to himself and his bike. The group proceeded a little more cautiously after that! Martin and Debby’s arrival on the Saturday evening was something to behold. Word of their impending arrival got around and a welcoming party was hastily organised; sentries were posted at the site entrance, traffic was stopped and those doing the Nene Valley version of the Mexican wave made ready. It was quite a welcome for both of them and their respective passengers, having ridden hard all day to join us. The evening’s entertainment was, well, very entertaining

to say the least. Nene Valley were made to feel so welcome by our Orval friends and the exchanging of gifts and messages going on all around as well as on the stage. Martin presented Jean­ Claude, the Orval Chapter Director, with Nene Valley T­shirt and we received a large handsome Orval beer glass and a framed Rally rocker. Martin announced that Nene Valley and Orval Country are now twinned and we look forward to many reciprocal visits in the future. The beer glass was promptly filled with the wonderful, strong dark Orval beer, courtesy of the local youth club, and we all took our fill. Sooty and Vino assisted in the respective cabaret shows and the band and disco played on well into the night with Smoke on the Water featuring a little more frequently than even the most die­hard Chapter member could stand. The journey home was long and hot, made worse by a delay to the ferry carrying most of the party home and the traffic on the M2 & M20. Thanks to Phil for organising such a great trip, Chris the Rainman for driving the van and the Road Captains for getting the group there and back without incident. The weather couldn’t have been better, the Rally was great fun and our hosts made us so welcome – a perfect example of Riding and Having Fun if ever there was one.

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Rix Rally Rite Up – Iron Horse

Spring 2014

Friday 13th - My Birthday: After checking the oil and tyres and packing our bikes, we headed off to Jacks Hill Café to meet up with Martin and the others. 14 bikes, Martin leading, Mikey tailing. Martin was using his Sat Nav (a piece of paper with basic direction’s written on it ­ Old School). We had a fairly uneventful journey, apart from ‘U’ Turns and a second look at a roundabout. Kevin having a slip on some diesel the first time around, and trying very hard to avoid it on the second circuit. We arrived at Woodall Spa to be greeted by Knights in Armour and Fair maidens who fed us with sweets and chocolates whilst we waited to have our wrists and bikes banded. Then on to the reception to sign in and collect the keys to our caravan. Becky was working and would not catch up with us until about 6.00 p.m. When Becky arrived and unpacked she told us that all the way down she had biker’s trying to tell her that she was going the wrong way. (this was the same weekend as the BMF Rally at Peterborough). We went down to the bar/restaurant for something to eat. Food was good. More Neenies gradually started to gather together for the nights entertainment. Halfway through the evening Brumbo dragged me up to the stage and the band ‘Wrooted’ sang Happy Birthday to me …. Sooo embarrassing! Had a really fun evening. Saturday 14th Not much chance for a lie in. Had a big breakfast then down to reception to get in line for the ride out to Skegness. Very well organised, although some of the drop offs were a bit ‘iffy’. The scenery was beautiful, but very flat. I prefer a few hills and lots more trees to look at. We arrived at the beach and parked on a roadway covered in sand! Boy, did I mutter about that! Much worse than gravel (my other pet hate). It wasn’t too bad though. (I was making mountains out of

molehills again). Then it was off to find a Fish & Chip shop for lunch. Had a bit of a laugh when Oz, Martin, Sapphy and Blondie ordered their meal before us and ours arrived first. There was a spot or two of rain on the way back to the Rally site, but by the time we got back our jeans had dried out again. We didn’t make it to the bike show, but after ditching our bikes we headed up for the Chapter games. First game was a ’wheel barrow race with the passenger sitting on the barrow with a glass of water. Then Tug of war with Mikey and me screaming at our team and trying to put off the other team . (I am not going to say how we tried to distract them. If you were there then you will know). Then came apple bobbing and the Stocks. Yes, I got roped into this again! I borrowed an outfit from one of the St Ledger guy’s. Luckily for me everyone was such a lousy shot at trying to get water filled balloons into the buckets that I was holding that I didn’t get too wet. Last but not least came the Archery contest. It was so windy that I was surprised that any of the arrows found their target. At this point I thought that we had lost the competition or at least it was very close, but we would not find out until Sunday night. To finish off the afternoons entertainment we were treated to a display by the Escafeld Mediaeval Society. Sword fighting and dancing. I was surprised to see girls dressed as knights and fighting. Really going for it too. Didn’t feel like eating after the big lunch we had. The Band (Saint Harlot) Saturday night was brilliant. The Lead singer had a fantastic voice . But the Burlesque Dancers afterwards were even better! Incredible! At the end of their show they received a very big encore. Well, instead of the girls doing another dance, out walked six of the guy’s from St. Ledger (including Andy Coe their Director) dressed in wigs and dresses. Seeing these big hairy bikers trying to do a sexy burlesque dance was hilarious! We all fell about laughing.

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Rix Rally Rite Up – Iron Horse

Spring 2014

else could drink it, it was so hot. About 9pm everyone made their way down to the bar. It was good to see everyone dressed up. Becky had bought some ‘flashing’ devil horns for everyone to wear. There were knights, damsels and devils everywhere. When it came to giving out the trophy’s, I could not believe how many Nene Valley had won! Best Sportster ­ Lee (Gypsy) Hurst Best Big Twin ­ Paul (Oz) Ward Best Custom ­ Martin (So Bad) Dickinson Best in Show ­ Martin (So Bad) Dickinson Best Costume ­ Dave (Brumbo) Burridge Slow Ride ­ Lee (Gypsy) Hurst Most members attended ­ Nene Valley ­ 42 members Chapter Challenge ­ NENE VALLEY Lincoln to have a look around. WOW!!! We asked the guy’s at the What a great way to end my Birthday and one of my last Rally’s as shop “where was a good Director. I could not have asked for anything better! Thanks to place to eat?” Out came a everyone for all of their hard work in making it possible. piece of paper and a pen (Martin’s Sat Nav again). Monday 16th Becky had a ‘Good Biking Guide’ and picked a All packed and ready to go. brilliant road with more It tried to rain but it didn’t twists than a corkscrew. do much. Not worth Lovely scenery and houses, putting waterproofs on. and no traffic. We eventually came to a small pub in the middle of nowhere. As it Rode back in a small was nearly 2.00 p.m. and the place looked a bit posh, I wasn’t sure group. Ended up doing a that they would serve us. Well, they welcomed us with open arms! huge detour…miles out of The food was amazing. So good in fact that we left them with a very our way. Everyone tired and a bloody Sat Nav good tip! playing up again. Still, it did take us through some beautiful villages (think Mid Summer Back at the site it was time for the slow ride. Lee as usual was on Murders). We ended up at the dealership at Uppingham for a top form and won the competition. Including a friendly ‘grudge’ coffee break. match between him and Sue on her V Rod. She beat him last year and walked off with his ‘T’ shirt. (all done in fun of course). I discovered that a Seagull had left me a very large present…. The Then it was time for a brief rest before getting ready for the front of my bike looked like someone had thrown white paint all evening’s entertainment. Pug & Sooz invited us back to their over it…… still, isn’t it supposed to be lucky? (Lucky I didn’t have a apartment so that Kevin could shotgun with me!) What a mess! try some Chilli Vodka. Much to 4 .00 pm ­ arrived home safe and sound. everyone’s surprise he drank What a totally great, fantastic weekend! the first glass and Rickie Anne then asked for another! No one Had a great night. Didn’t go to bed until 1.30 a.m. Sunday 15th At 11.00 a.m. most people went on the ride out to the BMF Rally at Peterborough. As this was halfway home for us, we decided to head off on our own. Kevin, Mikey, Becky, Martin and myself planned to go to the Dealership at Lincoln and then somewhere for lunch. After some wrong turns and Sat Nav problems we eventually made it to

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The Irish Bikefest June 2011 We woke up to a fantastic day. Sunshine, blue skies, etc. 14 bikes met up at Norton Canes services on the very posh M6 Toll. A quick cuppa and off we go. Nice ride up the A5 and into Wales. Mike Fletcher was leading and found the smallest, grubbiest fuel stop ever. The poor girl had never seen so many people and is still traumatised by the event. She spent the entire time hiding behind her desk smiling and giggling. Simple questions like ‘how much’ became impossible for her. Stopping for a pose in Betws­y­coed in the sun was smashing but very hot. Onwards to Hollyhead, and straight onto the ferry. The bikes were strapped very well by the crew and we all struggled to remember how to put the bikes into transport mode to stop the alarms sounding off, but decided not to bother as we couldn’t hear them anyway. The Irish Sea was a mill pond. I reckon we could have ridden across it was that flat. Ferry crossings are never fun and this was the same. The only baby on the ship decided to sit near me – and cry. The boredom was broken by the air sea rescue helicopter doing a training exercise above the ferry. All the girls were swooning at the burly crew. We had to stop Maria from jumping in to be rescued. Dublin. ‘Follow me’ said Mike and set off for the tunnel under the town at 90mph. 10 Euro later we emerged into the traffic and using all his local knowledge to the full, Mike got us stuck in a huge jam and missed the turning for the hotel. Who cares, the sun is out and we are in Ireland. Arriving at the Red Cow hotel, we parked the bikes round the back where you go through huge steel gates to get in and then realise that the rest of the car park is open to the industrial estate at the back where anyone could walk up unseen and nick your bike. There’s a bit of the Irish Logic for you. Much padlocking and covering and we were in. A shower and to the bar and the first of many pints of the black stuff. We had an inclusive three course meal that went on for ever and most of us were too knackered to manage the 40 minute tram ride to Dublin, so we hit the bar instead for MORE BEER.


A leisurely breakfast with lots of ‘pudding’, a quick (ish) visit to the dealership and we were off in the sun for a slow ride through the Slievebloom Mountains. What views, what roads, what holes! It was fun for the first ten seconds but after hours of driving over corrugated iron shaped roads your arse and back just go numb. Mike managed to squeeze in stops at every conceivable place. The whole of Ireland seemed to have turned American for a time as Mr Obama had recently found his ‘roots’. OOhhh, that’s where his great great great grandfather lived. Wow, it looks like a normal terraced house in a line of fifty other terraced houses. Don’t bother, if you need to see it we have the photo. More coffee and ice cream and away…. Lunch was at Mike’s local in Roscrea. How organised were they? Drinks and food ready for us on arrival. Big portions with chips, mash and a potato garnish with some more chips in case you ate the first bowlful too quickly. We arrived at the Gleneagles apartments about 6.30pm. Very nice. Out for BEER and crappy food from a burger van. The bar was so noisy and we all felt old and had to move to the ballroom where the first band was good and the second, crap. More moving venues and BEER. Saturday. So it must be the ‘Ring of Kerry’. You have to ride it to understand how good it can be. We did it in brilliant sunshine, stopping at Sneem for a coffee and a surreal conversation with the barmaid who was about 19 but had the wit and wisdom of an eighty year old. Dinner in Portmagee where Gary Palmer decided the toilets were the nicest he had seen and took photos of them. Dinner was good but expensive, but look where we were, just about as far west as you can go without scuba gear. We detoured to the Gap of Dunloe where most (not me and Jack, I’m too tight) took a pony and trap up the pass. (That sounds vaguely rude). Back home late. More crappy food and watched a brilliant band called ‘Trainwreck’ play allsorts of very fast country and Irish tunes whilst drinking BEER, them and us, Murphy’s stout, yummy!

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The Irish Bikefest June 2011 Sunday. Some did the parade and some watched as hundreds had a near crash and burned rubber. Nearly all the group did the Dingle peninsular later. Mike led us into Dingle and although the sea was on our left, tried to find the harbour by turning right and travelling uphill. Strange logic but it got him where he is today – lost! Every pub, café and bar was packed and most had a burger from the van. Jack and I had superb fish and chips and paid Thirty bloody Euros for the privilege. Bastards!! It was getting late so we shortcutted over the mountains back to Tralee and home. BEER and table bashing diddly dee music in Kilarney for us and a taxi home later that we all still owe Mike Sharp for. Monday. Everyone saw this as a day of rest, except Mike Fletcher, Jan, Jackie and me. We don’t need rest, we rode the Beare Peninsular. It looked like rain and was a bit cold but WOW what a ride. It beats the ring of Kerry. Very narrow, very windy and with a tunnel at the top of the pass that has a huge invisible pothole halfway through and is pitch black inside with a sign that says beware falling icicles. The roads made the Devils Bridge road look like the M1 with hairpin turns and steep slopes. A long old day so dinner was from the local garage then it was the Antiques Roadshow and a bottle of wine for me. Heavy rain and wind (mostly, but not exclusively, outside) woke everyone up in the night and we all collectively prayed to all the Irish saints for it to end by morning. Tuesday. Apparently, Irish saints don’t listen to English bikers. It pi**ed it down as we loaded up to leave. Steamed up glasses and a wet arse were on the cards. We rode in showers through towns and villages into Mallow, where Paula met up with her auntie for ten minutes then onto Mike’s Brothers place up in the hills. Get this, he is a top hair stylist trained by Eve St Lauren or someone. Then he decided to become a butcher and started shooting things in his spare time. Now is about the largest


supplier of Irish & foreign game in Ireland. I said he must know my barber, he is a bit of a butcher as well. He supplied us with endless amounts of wild boar, duck, locally shot venison and burgers. We just couldn’t eat anymore. What a nice man he was so long as you are not a tasty animal. Mike led us through the mountains again to the pass named ‘Vee’ because of its shape. Stunning views. Took a ride into Waterford to the HD dealership there. Rocket Ron’s exhaust manifold had split and the guys there stayed open for an extra hour to fix it for him. You don’t get that service everywhere. Pasty, me & Jack stayed behind with Ron whilst the group rode to the hotel in Rosslare. We shot down through the rain later. The Hotel Rosslare stands above the harbour looking down the cliff, where, very soon, I think it will end up. Taps fall off the wall, the patio door won’t lock, the duvet is too small, there is no room heating, there is no hot water and mould seems to have the run of the place. Having said that, the food and beer in the evening was fantastic but breakfast was a shambles. Half of us never actually got any, just ask Mr Lee. Roll down the hill onto the ferry for the 8.00am sailing and a nice sunny crossing to Wales where it rained! Mike took the lead but seemed to have left sixth gear in Ireland so Mr Slow Hand was voted in as lead for the more direct route via the M50. More service station food and a blast home. We did over 1200miles amongst some of the best countryside ever. Ate well (mostly) Drank well (alot) and had a lot of fun. Mike put in some excellent work researching and planning the route, booking hotels and ferries, organising food and riding up front (never easy in a big group). Well done mate, I think you should be put up for Sainthood or even the job of Pope. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we all did and I also hope you enjoyed that big Black Bush you were asking about!!! Mike and Jackie.

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Credit Crunch - 2010

Spring 2014

Saturday morning ­ Credit Crunch day. Checked the weather forecast, this overcast wet look will be gone by 10.00am. Ride out start time 11.30 so good chance of riding down to Jacks in the dry and on dry roads (well I have just cleaned Vixen!). On my own today ­ Madam Sec. is down in London with her brother and family so have got the whole tent to myself. So I decided to have a late breakfast down at Jacks (well not sure what Brumbo was planning for evening food ­ might have to catch it, kill it, skin it and cook ourselves ­ so breakfast might be my last meal until Sunday lunch time !!!). Nice and sunny by start time. About 20 of us with more meeting at the secret location (how do they know where to go ­ its secret !! ) Bob the Bus leads us off on a very nice bimble round Northamptonshire ­ very nice villages and views ­ so nice he makes us go round one village twice. We take about 1.5 hours riding round and end up at The Chequers pub in Ravensthorpe. Even rode past Dunc Rennie's house while was out in the garden. Brumbo and the activities team are already boozing in the beer garden so we all pile in for a bit of light refreshment before going onto the credit crunch site, a mile or so up the road. Turns out Bob the Bus & Scooby live here too and are well in with he landlord ­ who is providing the evening meal ­ (great no chasing beef on the hoof round the fields) We all mount up and ride up to the farm where the camp site is. Bit of grass tracking into our field and here we are. The team had already got a good sized marquee up, kitted out with hot water urn, tea, coffee, gas cooking stuff and plenty of chairs. Camp fire is dug out and a good supply of logs is on hand. OK ­ first things first ­ check out where Kev Gee is sleeping then get the tent up as far away as possible (zzzzzz!!!). The sun is out, its warm but a bit of wind is blowing across the field. Just enough to make putting the tent up on my own a bit tricky. With a bit of help from Ann & Colin the tent is up. Umm ­ will my repairs to those tent posts after B2B stand up to this wind ­ NO !! ­ shit they are all breaking…... Next to me El Tel is have same difficulty getting his tent up. So I'm just about to get back on the bike to head out and buy a new tent when Tel says ­ I've got a three man tent and I'm on my todd ­ you can share with me. Well there's an offer you don’t get very often. There's Maria getting Shani to “look after me” and I end up shacking up with another bloke. No ­ good on yer Tel, we had very comfy night together ­ even though our sleeping bags were about as far apart as they could get without ripping the tent sides.

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Credit Crunch - 2010

Spring 2014

So my tent is in the bin, I'm squatting for the night, so what’s next. Get the beer out. We all congregate around the main marquee. And within no time Scooby is serving up strawberry souffle her daughter made for us and flan. More beer and it’s time for games. I'm captain of Blue team. First game is wear the frozen tee shirt. El Tel stands up to put the shirt on for Blue Team, but unlike the 2 Mike's in the other teams, Tel decides to wear it over his own shirt (the Mike's strip off !! ­ in Mike Sharp’s case ­ literally). Of course, after a lot of pulling and concern about finger nails for our lady team members, Blue Team wins. Kev Gee even resorts to cheating using water from the hose pipe to soften their shirt. Next game ­ toss the helmet. Some interesting techniques used in this game. Yvonne tries the backwards over head lob. Some try a running lob, others a stationary lob. However, one or two are being released at the wrong time and are way off target ­ but very close to Badger’s van. When Kev gets it completely wrong and lobs it over the van ­ just missing the roof and nearly killing Bob The Bus' dog ­ Badger decides it’s time to put his van in the next field !!. In the play offs Blue Team are again winners. The slalom with a ball was a bit of a failure but Blue Team recovered to win the two person sack race ­ well done Rickie and Jacqui. After a lot of laughs it’s time for more beer and a trophy presentation to the winning team ­ yep that will be my Blue Team again. Turns out the trophy is a knackered old pot Brumbo & Bob found somewhere in the farm yard !! Beer followed beer and the sun was setting low in the sky. Time for the camp fire. Brumbo has his trusty can of petrol to throw over the wood ­ trouble is he can't light a wodge of paper to set the fire going. A bit more petrol and problem is solved. We have a great view over the country side and we get a brilliant orange sun set ­ but in the distance you can see the rain falling. Next up its the landlord from the Chequers pub with our meal. One big pot of chilli, one big pot of rice, one smaller pot of veggie curry and bread rolls and naan bread. Quick warm up on the gas ring and we are well stuffed. Just in time, and good job we had the marquee, as down came the rain for about half an hour. The evening/night was spent trying to finish off the bucket of booze, thirds of chilli and ­ listening to Rainman, Brumbo, and others wringing the neck out of the Karaoke machine ­

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Credit Crunch - 2010

Spring 2014

with chorus provided by everyone and Rickie and Jacqui as backing group dancers. By 1 o'clock the sky was clear, the camp fire still warm and Brumbo decided to cook toast on the patio heater. After talking utter boll**ks about the stars, constellations and the Milky Way ­ oh and by the way that’s not a star that's a 747 heading to Heathrow ­ it was time for my sleeping bag. Morning was a fresh but sunny start ­ plus a wet one having stood in the puddles in the outer sections of Tel's tent (who didn’t tie the flap down then !). But the hot water urn was on, coffee at the ready and then Bob gets the sausage, bacon & eggs on ­ what more could you want. All hands to the pumps to get the marquee and everything else dried off, cleaned up and packed away and I was home in time for the Grand Prix. All in all an excellent weekend. Well done and many thanks to all in the Activities Team for all your hard work and organisation. Looking forward to next years 'secret location' Slow Hand (Editor)

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Pasty’s Big One

Spring 2014

Following the very detailed instructions and agenda emailed to me, Sue and I set off from home with a full tank, spare pair of pants and tooth brush, Sue’s makeup bag, range of toiletries, spare jeans, shoes, change of shoes in case they don’t work, evening wear, spare evening wear in case the first clashes with someone else, etc, etc. The instructions were fully augmented verbally, in a slightly strange Cornish twange, at Jack Hill’s, by who was to be the supreme leader for the majority of the ensuing weekend. As is my wont in such cases I had no idea where we were going, staying or the route there; I knew it involved Wales and consequently somewhere along the way sheep (might get mentioned a few times). I believe a flock (collective noun for Harleys going to Wales) of twenty five bikes set off from Jack’s and collected a couple more near Daventry to make an impressive (as always) sight. Although everyone was in the ‘we’re all going on a summer holiday’ mood the riding was sedate, controlled and very ordered; again credit to the West Country gent leading. This was the classic I do not have to make a decision just follow (sheep) and as it was a good ride, mileage wise, plenty of time to chill out. When driving in a car one misses so much of the countryside. When riding on one’s HD, or I suppose other bikes, what benefits can be appreciated, the smells of farmyards and rape (not sheep this time) fields. The sights of beautifully manicured gardens, new born lambs (sheep) and other domesticated animals gallivanting across the fields fleeing from the noisy pipes. The first stop was for fuel and chocolate eggs, both a necessity for Mr. Foster who is paranoid about putting petrol into his machine, or is it more he just does not like the thought of having to push it. After not many miles more we arrived for lunch at Berrington Hall, where we were escorted to the Edwardian dungeon/kitchen for sandwiches and scones with jam. Sue, my darling wife of five years and one day, did mention that it was a long time since she had had tongue; my initial reaction was probably a bit over the top as I replied ‘well it’s a long time since I’ve had a sandwich’ in a sort of snotty manner. Conversation over the Bluetooth was curt for a while after that. We were made to feel special and had a group photograph taken for their website – to encourage visitors, yeah right? Pushing on we started to encounter a terrain getting slightly hillier which became Wales. You know when you have entered this Celtic homeland as they make you feel welcome with strange road signs and place names that require a pound of phlegm before you can do proper pronunciation. Of course sheep! This is where I encountered a phenomenon. I was second man for about twenty two miles before I had to drop off; imagine the panic that was setting in. Amazingly over a trip of approximately one hundred and fifty miles I only did SMD twice. There was another fuel stop and everyone was encouraged to fill up, not by Ian, as the next day would require a fullish tank for the first part of the journey.

We arrived at the Metropole Hotel, Llandridodd Wells (excuse me got to spit) just in time to sink loads of beer before having dinner; well there was actually about four hours. Some chose to go swimming or have a Jacuzzi or have massages or sit and drink lots of beer; guess which I did, no prize? The dining room was expertly laid out, we were all herded (nearly sheep) into our own section to save frightening off other guests, even though we had our very own Heston Bloomingheck, celebrity chef, lookalike. A fine meal was partaken along with copious amounts of house plonk and jolly banter with other Neneies. The after dinner speeches involved much back slapping, congratulatory and defamatory terms and vote requesting; throughout the weekend this became quite embarrassing. Not nice to see a grown man begging. I forgot to mention there was roast lamb (sheep) on the menu, and half decent it was too. After dinner many retired to the bar for some amiable socialising. Some possibly too sensible went to bed early to prepare for the arduous day ahead. Irish Mike got blown out by the two available women (not sheep). Mr. Editor wearing a shirt that his mum must have bought him; yes it will be alright when you’ve grown into it son. Martin was buying drinks for everybody, well those who said they had not cast their vote yet. Madam membership secretary was being her best secretive self regarding committee business, despite bullying from certain sectors. Sunday morning visited upon us nasty weather that only ducks or sheep would welcome; heavy rain and high winds. Luckily the former had moved off by the time we set out on our adventure over the hills. The road surfaces were dodgy and some of the bends quite hair raising (sorry Martin, Dave and Ian you did not qualify) and to add to this the odd sheep running out in front of bikes, well manoeuvred Ange. The scenery however – breathtaking, exceptional, awesome and other superlatives could be used, quite brilliant. The first stop involved Morris Dancers, Red Dragons and Celts dressed as sparrows or something like. Not sure what that was all about but we had hot chocolate and bread pudding so it was worth it. Then there were more of the roads, sheep and scenery to come. There were road captains acting as outriders to enable hairpin bends to be negotiated. All the time Pasty just glided along in front, calm and in control bordering on downright elegant. Come to think of it there was something almost Darth Vaderish about his control and demeanour gently cruising through the lanes on that machine. Sunday lunch was booked near Ledbury which saw the majority of the homeward journey behind us and they looked after us well. Not sure but I do not remember anyone eating lamb (sheep). On leaving there were goodbye’s said as some were filtering off on this leg to Chipping Norton where basically the planned ride ended. More goodbye’s were issued at the garage; many thanks given to the big guy who had proved a worthy organiser and leader. Although I do believe a little credit has to be given to Angelina. There was then a mad rush and frantic ride by some back towards jolly old Milton Keynes and home. Epilogue: Brilliant weekend ride out, well run, well performed, good fun and maybe there could be more of these. Obviously very hard work for the organisers but the accolades should say it all. Paul Whiting

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Humour Corner


So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a Lesson: 1 sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it. A priest offered a Nun a lift. Moral of the story: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. up. The priest nearly had an accident. Lesson: 4 After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg... A turkey was chatting with a bull. 'I would love to be able to get to The nun said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?' the top of that tree' sighed the turkey, 'but I haven't got the energy.' The priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again. The nun 'Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?' replied the once again said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?' bull. It's full of nutrients.' The priest apologized 'Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.' The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. branch.. It said, 'Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.' Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree. Moral of the story: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree. opportunity. Moral of the story: Lesson: 2 Bull Shit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there... A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to Lesson: 5 lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird They rub it and a Genie comes out. froze and fell to the ground into a large field. The Genie says, 'I'll give each of you just one wish.' While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. 'Me first! Me first!' says the admin clerk. 'I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to without a care in the world.' Poof! She's gone. realize how warm he was. 'Me next! Me next!' says the sales rep. 'I want to be in Hawaii, The dung was actually thawing him out! relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas, and the love of my life.' Poof! He's gone. He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy. A 'OK, you're up,' the Genie says to the manager. The manager says, 'I passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. want those two back in the office after lunch.' Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him. Moral of the story: Always let your boss have the first say. Moral of the story: (1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy. Lesson: 3 (2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend. An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing. A small rabbit (3) And when you're in deep shit, it's best to keep your mouth shut! saw the eagle and asked him, 'Can I also sit like you and do nothing?' The eagle answered: 'Sure, why not.'

5 Minute Management Course

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February Committee MoM

Spring 2014

Towcester Rugby Club 7.15 pm on 12th February 2014 Please note that some of the items have been omitted since they are events past. The complete and unedited minutes are available in the member’s area of the website. Committee Members Present: Martin Dickinson (Director) Dave Burridge (Assistant Director & Activities Officer) John Nicholas (Treasurer) Mike Ivers (Head Road Captain) Jan Harter (Ladies of Harley) Scot Haynes (Webmaster) Steve Harris (Safety Officer) Maria Lapsley (Secretary) Chris Lapsley (Editor) Mike Wakelin (Merchandising Officer)

Minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed. Financial Report Finances are still very healthy, and nothing much has changed. There are no real issues and no outstanding issues. Membership Report Membership currently stands at 181 with 112 paying members. 6 New members this year so far 3 paying members Activity Officer Update It was agreed that Awards Night was successful. The Fish & Chip Quiz is to be held 21st March and tickets are on sale tonight. The Credit Crunch weekend is back for 2014 on 10­11th May (date published in December N@N). Location is to be kept secret. Head Road Captain Update Nothing to report Road Captains meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 18th February to finalise the rides for 2014. Safety Officer Update Apologies ­ Nothing to report. Editor Update e­Mag for this month is ready to be added to the website May struggle for material for the next mag so may look to re­run some old articles. LOH Update A have­a­go­day at archery is arranged for the 26 th July and 35 members have already expressed an interest. It is currently priced at £10 a head and Bob Rhoades (Road Captain) has offered to lead the ride. 10 pin bowling is arranged at 6 fields in Northampton for 22nd February – all names to LOH officer by the 19th Feb.

Webmaster Update Nothing to report A few front page updates required e.g. the RTTW date needs updating to 2014. Merchandise Update The proposed New Logo on some samples of Merchandising was displayed on club night in order to gauge the interest of the members. As the response was positive it was agreed by the committee that more discussions need to take place with the Designer of the Logo regarding ownership etc. At the HOG Directors meeting it was revealed that HOG is deciding on a new logo for the Chapter Badges. Rally 2014 A copy of the advert (Old Skool Rally II) was shown to the committee for the rally to be held 15 th – 17th August. The website is up & running for the sale of the tickets at £20 per person The Budget is for 150 attendees however capacity is for 200 and the expected attendance. It was agreed that the Rally does not need a separate bank account any profits or losses can be handled by the Chapter main account. Sycamore Harley Davidson is to attend the Rally to judge the Bike Show. Trophies are to supplied by the Chapter. Donations are needed for the Tombola – Director to request donations in the announcements. Security is needed for the Rally – Director is to see if he can source. AGM Tentative date set for the 4th of July. This is to take the same format as last year with Disc & Food to be provided. WMB “We Move Bikes” it was put to the committee if they should come along to give a talk and it was agreed that the service they provide is not of interest to the chapter. Euro Camp It was put to the committee if a presentation about the Euro Camp sites would be of interest to the chapter – it was agreed to invite representatives for April Club night. Thunder tours a tour company from Malaga has asked if the chapter would like a presentation – the committee agreed to invite them. A.O.B. Rally Prizes It was suggested that the Rally Prizes from the sale of Raffle tickets be limited to 3 or 4 good prizes. Keech Hospice Ride Neil Harrison is to lead the Easter Ride on the 20 th April Easter Sunday. There being no other business the meeting was closed at 8.15 p.m.

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Wed 12th Fri 21st Sat 29th

Club Night Quiz Night Memorial Ride

Wed 9th Sun 20th Thurs 24th Sat 26th 25th – 27th April

Club Night Easter Egg Ride Harley Davidson Night April Fools Ride Come Ride The Dragon II

Sun 4 th 2nd – 5th May 10th – 11th May Wed 14th Sat 17th Sat 24th 24th – 26th May Thurs 29th Sat 31st

Cream Tea Ride Cider Rally Credit Crunch Club Night Local Ride Breakfast Ride Big Brum Bash 5 Rally Harley Davidson Night Weston Cider Ride

March 2014 Towcester Rugby Club AJ Ramsbottom, Northampton Rutland Water April 2014 Towcester Rugby Club Keech Children’s Hospice Ace Café ­ London Northampton Lake District May 2014 Henley Western‐Super‐Mare Secret Location Towcester Rugby Club Gaydon Motor Museum TBA Tamworth Ace Café ­ London Worcester

Sun 8 th Wed 11th 14­15th June 20th­21st June Wed 25th Thurs 26th Sun 29th

Salcey Forest Tree Top Walk Club Night Solstice Ride OCCB Rally Beavers Ride Harley Davidson Night Old English Sheep Dog Ride

June 2014 Hartwell Towcester Rugby Club South Wales Valleys & much more Orval, Belgium Wootton Ace Café ­ London TBA

Fri 4 th Sat 5th 3rd – 6th July Wed 9th Sun 13th Sun 20th Sat 26th Thurs 31st

Nene Valley AGM Night High Peak Passes Wake the Lakes Club Night Ride the Gorge Secret Island Ride Have­a­go Archery Harley Davidson Night

Towcester Rugby Club North Derbyshire Kendal RFC Towcester Rugby Club Cheddar It’s a Secret …….. ! Edlesborough Ace Café ­ London

Sun 3 rd Ice Cream Ride Wed 6th Classic on the Common Sun 10th Seaside Ride Wed 13th Club Night 15th – 17th August NV Rally 22nd – 25th August Thunder in the Glens Thurs 28th Harley Davidson Night Sun 31st Dads Army Ride

Lincolnshire Croxley Green TBA Towcester Rugby Club Towcester RFC Aviemore Ace Café ­ London Thetford

Sun 7 th Wed 10th 12th‐14th Sept Sat 13th Sun 21st Thurs 25th Sun 28th

Chilli Ride Club Night Circus Maximus Rally Disco Boat Ride Ring of Fire Ride Harley Davidson Night Food Stop Café Ride

Waddesdon Manor Towcester Rugby Club Chester River Thames TBD Ace Café ­ London Bridgenorth

‘The Ambassador’ Leading – Details to follow From 7.30pm Check out Deva Legion H.O.G Chapter website for details ‘Bob the Bus’ Leading – Details to follow ‘The Ambassador’ Leading – Details to follow Check website for confirmation and details ‘Groundhog’ leading – Details to follow

Sat 4th Wed 8th Sun 12th Sun 19th Thurs 25th

RTTW 7 and The Return Club Night Brightona Hoggin the Bridge Harley Davidson Night

October 2014 National Memorial Arboretum Towcester Rugby Club Brighton TBD Ace Café ­ London

‘Mikey/Slow Hand’ – Details to follow From 7.30pm ‘Bob the Bus’ Leading – Details to follow Check website for confirmation and details

Sat 1st Wed 12th Sun 9 th

Halloween Ride (Provisional) Club Night Remembrance & Baps

Forest of Dean Towcester Rugby Club Bletchley

From 7.30pm See website for details or contact Brumbo ‘Mikey’ Leading – Depart 10.00 am Jacks Hill From 7.30pm ‘The Ambassador’ Leading ­ Details to follow Check website for confirmation and details ‘Badger’ Leading – Details to follow ‘Slow Hand’ Leading ­ Places already pre­booked. ‘Becks’ Leading ­ Details to follow Check out Bridgewater HOG website Over­night Camping – ‘Badger’ Leading – Details to follow From 7.30pm ‘Jedi’ Leading – Details to follow Rickie Anne Leading – Depart 09.00 Jacks Hill Check out Birmingham HOG website Check website for confirmation and details ‘Pasty’ Leading – Details to follow ‘Mikey’ Leading – Details to follow From 7.30pm ‘Slow Hand’ Leading – Details to follow Check our Orval County Chapter website ‘The Ambassador’ Leading – Details to follow Check website for confirmation and details ‘Groundhog’ Leading – Details to follow

July 2014 PROVISIONAL DATE ‘Slow Hand’ Leading – Details to follow Check Out Red Rose HOG website From 7.30pm ‘Groundhog’ Leading – Details to follow ‘Sharpie’ Leading – Details to follow 10.00 Jacks Hill Café – see website for details Check website for confirmation and details

August 2014 ‘Bob the Bus’ Leading – Details to follow ‘Sharpie’ Leading – Details to follow. Afternoon ride ‘Panda’ leading – Details to follow From 7.30pm Details to follow Check out Dunedin HOG website Check website for confirmation and details ‘Mikey’ leading – Details to follow

September 2014

November 2014 ‘Groundhog’ leading – Details to follow From 7.30pm ‘The Ambassador’ Leading – Details to follow

Disclaimer: The Editor accepts no responsibility for the views and comments expressed in this publication. All views and comments contained are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Nene Valley H.O.G®, Harley Davidson®, their agents, or authorised dealers. All H.O.G.® Logos and marks are used under licence in accordance with article X of the current H.O.G.® Annual Charter for H.O.G.® Chapters.

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