September 15 email

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Hardly News September 2015

It’s holiday time Lets have some fun

Having fun on the road Submissions to

Contents Contents


Xmas photos


Chapter Committee


Xmas Bash Booking Form


Moggy’s Bits


Members Trade Adverts


Ramblin’ on

10/11 Riders Advert

Cider Rally


Fun photos




Deano’s Dodgy Deals



THE SMALL PRINT.... The views expressed in this magazine are those of the contributors or the Editor. They most probably do not represent those of HOG, Harley Davidson or their dealers. All contributors’ articles are published in good faith. The Editor reserves the right to modify or refuse all submissions.

EDITORIAL Hello everyone Hope you are all enjoying your holiday times, getting out and about on your bikes and having fun. David and I have been busy getting out in the garden when the weather was fine and catching up on all the other little jobs that we postponed due to our jaunt to the States. We also attended our Niece’s wedding in Clevedon. The reception was held at Dillington House in Ilminster and we were asked to follow the bridal car down the motorway as the Bride and Groom were travelling in a vintage Rolls Royce. I’m glad to say that the car made it in one piece, although driving at no more than 50 miles an hour was a little wearisome and not much fun although we made up for it later!. Our magazine is getting a little sparse and we would welcome more articles to fill the pages. Anything as long as its bike related and you think fellow members would be interested. Rallies, ride-outs or even a local BBQ event. Doesn’t have to be a massive article just a photo and a few lines would help. You will notice in Moggy’s Bits that I will be standing down as Editor at the AGM in November. I have enjoyed my time working on the magazine, but as David and I plan to do a lot more travelling in the future, before old age and bad health creeps up on us, we cannot commit to our positions. I look forward to reading future editions of Hardly News and, of course, will do everything I can to assist the new Editor. Ride safe and have fun. Linda x Please use the new email

SUBMITTING TO THE MAG Articles: Please send them through either in an email or a word document. Articles with photos: When you send in articles with photo’s for the mag, please send the photo’s separately and do not ‘embed’ them into your word document. Photo’s: Send Big photo’s!! It gives me a chance to smarten them up to look their best. Your Articles: I will do my very best to put your article in the mag on the next month it is submitted. Sometimes due to lack of space, it may go over into the next edition. Please bear with me!! Check the deadline! Usually by the 15th of the month

Website: 2

The Committed Director Gill Mogg (Moggy) 07771901668

Head Road Captain (Position vacant)

Assistant Director Paul Geary (2 Dogz) assistantdirector1 07788201758

Road Captain Photographer/Historian Mike Atterton (Cardiman) photographer-historian 07784284430

Assistant Treasurer Lorraine Wotton assistanttreasurer 07970732410

P.R. Officer /L.O.H Debbie Atterton (Buttons) 07540977261

Secretary Gordon Venables (Mr Furry) 07453 280260

Merchandiser David Dean (Deano) 07812 081249 or 01934 811312

Membership Secretary Gina Chapman (Muffin) membershipsecretary 07717615080

New Members Representatives

Mick Collins (Gizmo) Editor Linda Dean 07971 898501

Pete Ball

Webmaster Peter Parkes (Tiffin) 07966 361866

Committee Helpers Dawn and Chris (Snowman) Harrison

Dealer Rep Harvey King

Dealer Principal Phil Jessop

Submissions to 3

Moggy’s Bits So what we did get up to last month? Well myself Debbie Atterton, Elaine Sheppard and Jean Harding took on the massive challenge that is the Iron HOG. There are 3 basic rules to follow on this huge ride, 1. With a base time allowance of 48 hours, visit as many mainland UK H-D dealerships as you can, adding 30 minutes per dealership visited to the allowed completion time 2. You must start and finish at the same H-D dealership 3. You must visit these four dealerships: Edinburgh, Swansea, Maidstone and Plymouth. You can visit the mandatory dealerships in whatever order and add further HD-dealerships at your free choice within the allowed time window of 48 hours plus allowance (30min per dealership). We managed to do 25 which is all of them at present as a few have recently closed down

At the start of our ride

This all came about last year when were just talking about what we could do and this idea came up, there has only been one lady to date that has completed the Challenge which was Marjorie Rae but we would be the first all-girl team to do the run. So 16th July came and our adventure started. As the two other ladies are from the Oxford area and we are the South West we decided to start and finish at Riders of Bristol, so a very early start from Riders taking us over to Swansea, Riders of Bridgwater, Plymouth, Southampton, Guildford, Warrs Kings, Warrs Mottinham and ending up at Shaws, this was around 665 miles with us finishing our day around midnight

Friday 17th another early start heading for Maidstone, Lakeside, Newmarket, Rutland, Nottingham, Chesterfield, Leeds and Edinburgh, we should have stopped just after Edinburgh but because we were way behind we decided to truck on and decided to go on to Glasgow and then down a bit further so we were way ahead on Saturday. But as we arrived in Edinburgh the weather turned for the worse so our journey up to Glasgow was horrendous with horizontal rain and high winds, we could only go around 40mph as we had to fight against the wind and rain even the lorries were sucking us in which I must admit was bloody scary, don’t think I have ever ridden in weather like that but hey ho all adds to the adventure. After 600 odd miles we stopped in Lockerbie around 1am so as you can imagine we were all knackered, then after a few hours’ sleep we were up again ready for the last day of our adventure. So the 1st Dealer was Preston then Chester, Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Cheltenham, Oxford, Reading and after 1700 odd miles we reached our final destination Riders of Bristol. Once we got to Bristol we had just over an hour in hand so if we had not ridden into the early hours each day we would not have made it. I cannot describe the feeling I had when we rode into Riders, just seeing my friends and Bazzer just got the best of me and I can honestly say it was very emotional, think it was the relief of actual completing this massive challenge, being so tired and then realizing

Website: 4

Moggy’s Bits cont…. what an achievement it had been, everyone was just great with lots of praise, hugs and kisses, it was brilliant, but this reception was not just at our final destination as at nearly every Dealer folk had taken time out of their day to come and wish us well, they gave us Bacon butties, cakes, bananas, drinks, tea, coffee, Dealer/ Chapter goodies etc, everyone was just amazing, whether it was silly o’clock in the morning or stupid o’clock at night. I never imagined that we would get soooooo much support on our journey, and I think what made it fun for everyone is that Gareth Swanson the Director of Rolling Hills lent us a Tracker that is connected to the bike, so for the weekend we became a virtual game, folk could follow us every minute of the day, we even had folk texting us saying why we had not gone to bed and why were we still traveling and they couldn’t go to bed until they knew we had stopped, then as we turned the tracker on the next day folk would text us almost instantly wishing us well for that day. Folk told us we became very addictive with folk watching us all the way, again never would have believed that we would get so much interest, so I would like to personally thank each and everyone one of you for all your support and friendship however you gave it, big or small, you were all amazing and cannot thank you all enough. This was not just a ride as we wanted to raise money for Charity so we decided to choose “Overcome”, this is an Ovarian Cancer Charity and am glad to say we raised over £1300 but still think we have monies coming in so again would like to thank each and every one that donated on line and gave us money along the way. So was it worth it, too bloody right it was, yes it was very hard and at times wanted to just give up but the buzz of this adventure made me go on and finish this massive trip. Would I recommend others to do this? yes I would, the feeling, buzz and sense of achievement I got from Finally at the finish. finishing was amazing and would love others to get that same feeling, so yea get out there and do it. Let’s have some more girlies take on the challenge. So finally I would like to thank my riding buddies, couldn’t have done it without you guys, each of you helped me in different ways to get through this and hope my opera singing got you guys through it lol, every time we got stuck in traffic I blasted out a bit of opera, got a few strange looks but hey ho made it more fun, but seriously a fantastic adventure with some brilliant girlies, think this little adventure will stay with me for a very, very long time. It was great to get my badge at the Sofer Rally, well sort of, due to work could not make the Rally so when the other 3 got their awards they face timed me so I could be there in spirt if not in body, so I was in the photos but just a little face on their phone. So if any of you want any info on this trip give us a shout.

Submissions to 5

Moggy’s Bits cont…. Around 20 of us went to the Calne Bike Show end of July, this was a great show with plenty going on, this does go on Sat and Sun and you can stay over Fri and Sat nights with live bands etc so maybe something to think about for next year, but defo a trip for the day. Beginning of August 30 odd of us went up to the Heart and Soul Rally in Newcastle, this is their 1st one for a fair few years, they always used to have the last Rally of the season at the end of Sept but folk found camping that time of year was too cold so it was stopped. Didn’t know what to expect but it was brilliant, around 450 folk there, even though held at a Rugby club it was a great little venue with a cricket club next door so you had the choice to listen to music etc. in both venues so again one to look at next year, so thanks to Barry, Trish and all the Heart and Soul crew for a great little Rally we all really enjoyed it, even if it took us hours to get home due to over turned caravans, so thanks again. Six of us attended The Starlight Charity Day at Popham Airfield, shame we didn’t have a few more but it was a weekday and I know folk have to work, this is a day where terminally ill children of all ages get together for one day and have rides on bikes, helicopters, planes, hovercrafts, buses, sports cars well every type of transport really, it’s just great to see so many kiddies happy and smiles all over their faces, a very rewarding day, this was their busiest year with over 1000 children turning up, this is on our calendar every year so hope we get a few more next year. Back in the beginning of the year a guy contacted me to see if we would escort himself and his bride on their wedding day, of course we could. It was only the bride and groom that knew we were coming so you can imagine the guest faces when we turned up at the church. A great little jaunt, they donated £100 to go towards our charity.

Website: 6

Moggy’s Bits cont…. So the AGM will be upon us very soon, so I can inform you who is and is not standing again, most of the secondary committee members are going to re stand, but as you know they all stand down first, so all of these positions are up for grabs, ideally you have to have been in the club for at least a year to apply for a position. All Primary Officers stand down and get voted back in, with the agreement of the dealer principle, so Dogz is Assistant Director, Lorraine is the Treasurer and Gord is Secretary, as in previous years all Primary Officers have to be someone already on the committee, but of course he/she will have to be voted in at the AGM. Vacant positions will be Editor, Merchandise and Photographer, along with all the secondary positions of course. For Editor you will need to know yourself around a computer and can always speak to Linda Dean/Gord who will talk you through what they have done in the past etc. and for Photographer ideally we need someone that goes to a lot of the events, ride outs etc. oh and of course has a camera, lol, as obviously that’s when we need the photographer. Primary Officers, will stand down but to be voted back in by agreement of the Dealer Principle and members Director – Gill Mogg Asst Director -Paul Geary Treasurer- Lorraine Wotton Secretary – Gord Venables All secondary officers will stand down and become vacant but some are standing again: Webmaster: Pete Parkes Membership Secretary: Gina Chapman Editor: VACANT Photographer: VACANT Merchandise: VACANT Historian: Mike Atterton Ladies Of Harley: Debbie Atterton New Members Reps: Mick Collins/Pete Ball, 1 position VACANT Committee Helpers: VACANT If you would like to apply for any of the positions then you will need to let us know by 20 th Sept. All nominees will be discussed at the next committee meeting after this date and discussed with Riders as they do have a say who represents them on the committee. If more than 1 person goes for a position then you will need to write an article about yourself for Octobers mag so that folk know who you are when it comes to voting at the AGM. No nominations will be accepted after the 20 th Sept. If you have any queries, questions about any of the above please give us a shout and we can explain how it all works. So your Cider Rally form is in this mag, this is for Bridgwater members only, for all you newer members this is for our own Rally, which is the first one of the season. It is held on the first May Bank Holiday weekend 2016. Bridgwater members get priority in September then it goes on sale to all NON Bridgwater members 1st Oct, so if you are thinking of coming and want to be on site then you will need to book this as soon as you get the form, as by about 6th Oct all the onsite accommodation will be sold, so don’t forget to get ya forms off as soon as you get them. As Mr Pontin’s use to say “Book Early” if you have any queries, questions please come and see us as we would not want you to miss out. Please note, Bridgwater members are not permitted to give your Sept booking form out to any non Bridgwater member, they wait until 1st Oct, we have had this in the past and it caused so much grief, it’s not fair on everyone that does wait til the 1st Oct, thank you.

Submissions to 7

Moggy’s Bits cont…. There is also a Xmas bash booking form in this mag but if you want certain accommodation then you need to do this form ASAP as have a feeling that they may go pretty quick this year, if you are booking by post then please ring to check availability before sending off form. Caravans need to have full occupancy to get the rates so get together with your friends and fill them. It is held at St Audries Bay, West Quantoxhead; this is where the Cider Rally really started all those years ago, it is a great little site and know it’s gonna be a really great little do. This year we have changed the nights over so Party night is on the Friday with live band and disco then Sat night will be Xmas meal and disco So what’s on in Sept Sat 6th Ride to Dartmouth Castle, watch site for details Sept 9th, Bridgwater’s French Adventure: Phil is leading the ride and is taking the scenic route down to Portsmouth so for anyone that wants to join Phil on the ride down to Portsmouth on the Wednesday, I have planned a scenic route to leave Riders at 2pm. There will be a pick up at Podimore for anyone who would rather meet there. His route includes the challenging Zig Zag Hill to get to Cranborne Chase and then on through the New Forest. With a bit of luck, we should have enough time for a leisurely tea in Portsmouth. Of course, there is no obligation to join this ride if you would prefer to make your own way to Portsmouth, we are allowed to get on the boat from 18.15 so if not on this ride see you all on the boat, we are thinking of doing a food, drink night Friday. We will go off to the supermarket, buy all the stuff, then split it between us. On the Saturday we are having a ride down to the Quimper Dealer and meeting their Chapter there. The town of Quimper is beautiful so we will prob stay there for a while to have a nose, but of course you can all do your own thing if you prefer, any problems queries give us a shout. 20th Sept, Sunday Ride, again details to be confirmed. Riders may be having an open weekend so this may be postponed. Saturday 26th, Wellington Carnival, as soon as we have details from organisers it will be on website, but meeting around 4pm at the Sky Lark pub just off junction 26, TA21 9AD, if times change will be on site. Dates for your diary Sat 3rd October Ride to The Wall, this is held at the National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire. Vince will be leading this ride leaving early Sat am usually around 6.30 am then some are staying over Sat night at the Ramada Hotel at Cannock, so if you want to stay over book ya hotel. More details will be on site when we have it. For more info on this event go to Sat 10th Oct Chard Carnival, Paul and Debs Dyer have taken on this little event, I’m away so won’t be there so if we can have as many as we can to help Paul support this. Sat 17th Oct Taunton carnival We take part during the day and evening of this carnival Fri Oct 23rd-26th 60’s weekend at Sand Bay 60's weekend, if you want to go just ring Sand Bay itself not the central booking office and book in. Just say you are with the Harley lot, speak to Liz if possible. A load of us went last year and a great end to the year, 2 nights £59 3, nights £79 normal price £99 so a good discount, more the merrier

Website: 8

Moggy’s Bits cont…. Wednesday 4th Nov, Chapter AGM. Sunday 29th Nov possible Chapter Xmas meal at the Admirals Landing, Meeting venue, tbc. More details of the above will be on site as soon as we have them and confirmed, if you have any queries then please just shout. Phewwwwww now breathe So that’s it for now Ride safe Moggy x

Fish & Chips at the seaside, oh what fun!

Even fun in the rain!

Fun in the sun

Submissions to 9

Ramblin’ on AN ALL TOO BRISK NATURE Well, after that trip to Devon and giving the Road King a thorough clean up it is now looking a little bit better. Someone asked me what I use to wash my bike and I explained that though there are a number of products out there that promise to do the job with minimal effort, I have found the old way to be the best. So for me, it's a quick rinse over with the hose to loosen the worst of the muck and get the thing properly wet. I take a two gallon bucket and a hearty does of Asda's own brand hair shampoo, yes really! A goodly dollop of that in the bucket mixed with warm water, it seems to work better, and you have plenty of foam that doesn't attack the polish, and can cope with the odd bit of WD40 that is used. A decent clean sponge and always starting in the same place and working around the bike sees me get the suds in everywhere. Two things are good about this, firstly the bike is properly cleaned and you don't miss any muck, and secondly you touch every part of the bike, so if anything has come loose, or broken you will likely as not find it. It gives you a chance to truly examine the bike all over, especially if you have just returned from a long trip and done a few miles. A full rinse with the hose and a careful chamois down with the leather and the job is nearly done. Now with the Road King I have saddlebags, the leather over hard shape variety, so I give both the leather and the hard backing a gentle soaping with the sponge and wipe them dry with a clean, damp cloth, those blue 'J-cloths are very absorbent for this task and are easy to rinse clean once done. Once back in the garage, I put the bike up on the lift and clean the original chrome wheel rims with WD40 and a clean cloth. This both preserves the chrome and cleans the muck off. I have white wall tyres on mine, and do these with a damp cloth and some Wilko's own brand bathroom cleaner, the sort of stuff that used to called Jif. I go round the wheel, getting the dirt moving, rinse the cloth and wipe all the horrible mess away and leave the white rubber sparkling. If you have cast wheels like the Low Rider I used to own with that textured finish, I found the bathroom mouse was good at getting the dust and dirt off, occasionally supplemented by a bit of old toothbrush action to agitate, it did a great job. The paint and chrome work is polished, either 100% polish, I use that Mer stuff, always found that very easy to get a good finish. Or, if I am sort of between full wax jobs, I have an old bottle with half water, half Mer mixed which I apply to a damp cloth and simply 'top up' the existing wax coat to rid my shiny bits of watermarks and any little dead bugs that have become welded on there. Another tip for removing those bugs, especially from screens and unpainted surfaces, is to take some baby wipes, you know the wet pack smelly ones, and spread them over the screen, leaving them to pickle for a good fifteen minutes or so, patted flat on the plastic screen. This 'dissolves' the bugs and their remains and allows you to simply wipe them off without using anything abrasive. It works on crash helmets and visors too as it happens. So to answer that one, that's how I do it. Of course, having sorted the bike, that left the tent to get dried, now that was different! Having had a wet pull down and ride home, it was soaking and weighed about a ton! I put it up on the garden lawn and let the sun get to work, by lunchtime it was tinder dry. This also gave me the opportunity to pack it real tidy and tight, ready for next time, always an advantage. Do you know, even the 'dry-sack' that I carry it in had retained about half a pint of rainwater when I opened it? I tipped it up and watched it pour out onto the grass, amazing! Keeps the rain out alright, but keeps it in too! Weymouth Bike Night is still proving popular, usually a good turn out of bikes there on any Thursday night from six of the clock. Nice to catch up with some mates and talk cams and sprockets for an hour or two, quite the mid week fix!

Website: 10

Ramblin’ on cont‌. Of course I had to take Sportzilla the last time as the rear tyre on the Road King was getting a wee bit thin and quite frankly close to illegal, me officer? Perish the thought! A quick phone call to my local man and an evening dropping the wheel out saw me part with some hard earned and get a new one fitted. It is nice after running it in to feel a good grip behind! One of those consumables that can't really be avoided, and as we only have a few inches of rubber in contact with the road at any one time, it pays not to skimp on quality, or indeed run it so thin that it is downright dangerous! Whilst out sorting that tyre I popped into Riders and collected my service parts for Sportzilla, nearly ready for that, so two birds with one stone and all that. I saw our friend Mad Morris and his good lady Chrissy there, a nice chat ensued and he has been expressing an interest in another bike, one of those adventure style things. A good choice for him, but me being a short legs, I think I'll stick to what I can fit! I'm sure Riders will help him out, good to have someone you can be frank with and get the deal you need. This rain has returned the last few days, not making it much of a summer? I see that Popham had a decent day, and that the Heart & Soul rally in Newcastle was blessed. A good show of our number there, and a good time was had I see? Nice to share with some neighbours, and a good crowd to share with, the Geordie Chapter, a finer bunch of people you couldn't wish to meet. The rain has of course messed up things at a local level, I took Sportzilla to work Monday, and had to wash it again on Tuesday, flaming weather! Not my favourite just now. At least being a bit smaller, it is quick to do and can be back in a shiny state in a trice. I joined some friends on a trip round my home county of Dorset the other Sunday, our old friend Utility Tell and the ever fragrant Bev leading the party. We had a fine day, yes one of the few, and saw some favourite old haunts and some friends out enjoying the sunshine just as we were. Young Craig says a sunny hello, a man who never seems to show his age, bless him. And Big Roger, one time Head Captain for New Forest Chapter was also tucking into some lunch at Compton Abbas airfield when we dropped in, he wished to be remembered to all who knows him. He and his good lady were looking well, and his purple Road King as sharp as ever, gleamed in the car park. As I write we have the SOFER rally about to kick off, I do hope this rain clears and gives them a chance. This Sunday we have the Bristol Bike Show, the real one, in Bristol this time, at the Nails in Corn Street. I am going to try and be there, weather and home matters permitting, it's been busy down here at the bottom of the map don't you know. Apart from that we have been blessed with a few nice days and the miles are clicking up quick enough as we see the peak of our season pass by in an all to brisk nature. Rambling on... Portland Bill.

Submissions to 11

At the

Cider Rally this year

So book early!

Website: 12

Submissions to 13

Website: 14

Party fun !!

More fun !!

Submissions to 15

Website: 16

Deano’s Dodgy Deals Summer Stock Clear out

Hi everybody we are now looking to make room for our all new merchandise for next season. I hope to have something new and different available to be ordered before the finish of this season. If you have any idea’s, suggestions or needs please forward the details to me by e-mail at (the official communication route as laid out by HOG) All items on the first two pages are now priced much less than cost. Make the most of this great opportunity to grab a bargain as they will not be repeated. When they’re gone they’re gone. All these items can be purchased at the next meeting at the Admiral’s Landing or it can be arranged for collection at Riders Bridgwater


lear C k Stoc


25th Anniversary tee’s Most sizes available





ut o r Clea




HOG Chapter tee’s Size S only

ou r a e Cl

2014 23rd Cider Rally Tee’s Sizes S and L available

Chapter Tee’s Limited Quantities


ut o r a e Cl k c o t S

Short Sleeve Black Blue Grey White Long Sleeve Grey only

Sizes Sizes Sizes Sizes

S and XL only XL and 2XL only S, XL and 2XL only M, L and 2XL only


S, XL and 2XL only

Submissions to 17

Deano’s Dodgy Deals Summer Stock Clear out 1 only left 23rd Cider Rally Sweatshirt Size 2XL




ou r a e Cl


£7.50 k c o t S



ut o r a e Cl k c o t S



ou r a e Cl


ou r a Cle

Bridgwater Polo Shirts White only 2 remaining 1 Med and 1Large

24th Cider Rally Tee’s Several remaining Sizes M,L,2XL and 3XL

k c o t S

t u o r Clea £10

Neck warmers Last 3 in stock All Gold HOG Back Patch

£2 Each

Website: 18

Deano’s Dodgy Deals Summer Stock Clear out Flags £25 Each Mounts £14 Each

Various pins from Free up to £5

New style flag available one side Bridgwater Chapter and one side HOG as above. Or by order Just HOG on both sides The same flags with the old style Logo can also be ordered if required. Though it looks like hog will possibly phase out the old design. The top flag is on the Tour Pack Mount The bottom flag is on the Sissy Bar Mount

Studded HOG Patches Large £18 Small £8

Pin Grips £4.50 per pack of 10

Ladies of Harley Patches Large £12 Small £5 Ladies of Harley Patches with Diamante Large £17 Small £7

New or old style HOG Patches Large £15 Small £7

Submissions to 19

Xmas Bash

Christmas Fun!!!!!

Website: 20

Submissions to 21

Chapter Traders

Website: 22

Chapter Traders

Submissions to 23

Riders’ Advertisement

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