Tales From The Riverbank May 2017

Page 1

Cider Rally Pottery 'n' Prosecco Crocodile Zoo Hogs 'n' Dogs

May 2017

Ed Quarters Welcome to Tales From The Riverbank. You can really tell that the season is in full swing. There have already been many great rides and events. Looking at the upcoming events, this doesn't look like slowing down anytime soon. A few of these have been captured within these pages. The first rally of the year, The Cider Rally, was well attended by many of the TV Massive, even if one or two may have flagged somewhat over the weekend ;-) As with all things, sometimes plans change. So make sure that you check the web site or our Facebook page for the latest details. One event that has been unfortunately cancelled is Linda's 65th Birthday Party, which was to be held on the 16th July. The ride to Bletchley Park is still on that day. Why not join us there? We have had a really good response for articles this month for the magazine. I must thank everyone for their contributions. It's great to get the Chapter's stories and adventures. So remember, if you want to share, don't save it just for Facebook, but pop a copy over to me here in Ed Quarters. There are some great pictures in the magazine but don't forget to see the new photo gallery on the TV HOG website. We have recently created a flyer for the Chapter. I wonder how wide and far we can spread the word? Why not grab one and then send us a photo of it being displayed?

Ride safe and have fun!

Andy New Members.

ns to: bmissio u s r u o .org.uk Send y lleyhog a v s e tham editor@

We would like to offer a warm welcome to our new members. Please make yourselves at home. Ian Taylor Neil Somerville Sarah MacGregor

Teresa Taylor Frances Somerville

Inside this issue

May / June Birthdays

Front cover

Gill Major & her Trike

Page 2

Editor's Thoughts

Page 4 - 7

Westie Writes

Page 8

Ladies of Harley

Lyndon Davies 25th

Page 9

Pottery 'n' Prosecco

Mia Radacovsky 27th

Page 10 - 12

The Cider Rally

Page 13

Mr Smith's New bike

Page 14 - 15

Upcoming event & rallies

Gill Major 3rd

Page 16 - 17

White's Words

Simon Wolf 4th

Page 18 - 21

Cocodile Zoo

Sandy D 5th

Page 22 - 23

Hogs 'n' Dogs

Barry Adams 12th

Page 24

John Radcliffe Toy Run

May Dylan Augustus 19th Ian Tatton 20th

June Jack Parry 1st Lesley Lederer 3rd Pat Adams 5th

Ian Goldswain 14th

Page 25

Poker run

Page 26

Nelson's Diner

Page 27

Down at the Dealership

Neil Somerville 14th Gary Webb 15th

Happy Birthday

Back cover

Meet the Committee

to you all. If we've missed you or got things wrong, drop a quick note to the editor so we can put things right.

Huge thanks to all who have sent copy in for this month's magazine: Nick, Lou, Linda, CJ, Chris, Malc, Shirley, Lee, Lesley, & Jamie :-)

Hi All, I have been amazed at how quickly

this month has rolled by. Our busy calendar has meant that we have had many options this past month to join one of many fab events and rides. Poker runs continue to increase in popularity with very near thirty attendees in recent meetings. Malc is having to look for venues with larger rooms for us …. Great Job Malc! The other thing that has amazed me in the past month is the sheer number of members who are now looking to participate. Prior to this years Cider Rally I had heard a few of our members saying that they would opt out this year for a break from the norm and I was expecting a lower turnout as a result. The ride down to Weston Super-Mare numbered around twenty bikes which is about the same as usual and quite a number had to join us there due to other commitments on the Friday. In all we had 30-40 members at the first rally of the season, which was as good as ever. We were lucky with the weather over the weekend, which stayed mostly dry and offered the odd glimpse of sunshine. I was glad to see that Bernie and Shirley could make it to the rally after Bernie had a short but serious illness and that Simon and Mandy were able to make it along despite their previous doubts. A huge thanks to Mike Connolly and Ralph Ward for providing the snacks and bevvies for the Chapter pre-drinks on Saturday night. This is fast becoming a tradition … and a mighty fine one too. Whilst at the Cider Rally this year I was lucky enough to get some quality time with “Rocket Ron”, one of the very early members of the chapter from the late 90’s. Ron was safety officer (among other things) in the early days, and reminded me of the fact that he started the Jake Spicer Toy Run for Thames Valley HOG many years ago. Having just participated in the Toy Run a few weeks earlier I was interested to hear about its origins. Rocket Ron is now a member of the Oxford Chapter when the Oxford dealership opened early in the new millennium he moved over as it was close to his home. He continued to run the event from that chapter but Thames Valley will always be a valuable contributor to this special event. The Cider Rally this year was the scene of two serious crimes, the first was that

someone forgot to bring the chapter flag (bring back hanging!) for which the individual concerned was ribbed, jibed and generally abused for the entire weekend (…. And rightly so!). The second crime committed by the very same individual was a poor drop on the ride back from Wells on Saturday resulting in the ride losing the Directors daughter … doh !!! Hayley, having been

brainwashed about not leaving a drop, stayed for about 40 minutes until I called her to see where she was. She was still at the drop (as instructed) which made recovery easier. Well done, and great job for demonstrating that the system works even when it goes a bit astray. As well as the John Radcliffe Toy Run and the Cider Rally, we have been treated to some other great rides including our very first Hogs and Dogs day, a very successful Pottery and Prosecco evening for the Ladies and a great ride to Little Nellies (Formally Nelsons Diner) to help Jo qualify for her Road Captain Badge. We had a little joke with Joanne Green about her qualifying ride as she encountered an unplanned and unexpected road closure on her route. I teased her that I had arranged the road closure to test her reactions and fortitude. Of course she passed with flying colours with a small set of perfect drops on unplanned roads to get us all back on track. Great job Jo! Jamie McLaughlin’s ride to the Crocodile Zoo near Brize Norton was another real treat. A great ride led us to the most unusual attraction. On recent Cotswold rides I had seen the signs for “Crocodiles of the World” but I had never really thought much about it. I was very pleasantly surprised on arrival. The zoo had a number of species of Crocs in heated indoor enclosures, talks about the animals and regular feeding sessions. Over 100 animals from twelve species, including meerkats, kookaburra’s, otters and a skunk to name a few. To be honest I was not sure what to expect before we arrived but I was pleasantly surprised and likely to visit again in the future.

Some of our ladies got together to ride out to the Bristol Dealership in order to participate in the International Ladies Ride Day. I hear that the ride was fun and the weather fair.. What more could you want? Well done to our Ladies Of Harley for joining the female riding community to mark this day. Reading Harley marked the launch of the new Street Rod 750 with a social customer event at the dealership. Some special guests arrived to help promote the event and caused quite a stir. Darth Vader and a small troop of Storm Troopers convincingly encouraged visitors to try out the new bike for size. If you like the look of the standard Street models you will be happy with the new styling of the Street Rod and certainly if you haven’t yet sat astride the new model, get yourself along to Reading HD for a mooch. The Thames Valley Poker Run continues to be well supported and if you don’t usually come along, check the calendar and join us one evening. We usually choose a location that will supply you with an evening meal for around £10-£12 so no excuses for missing out! At the time of writing, we will still have the Dealership Birthday Celebration too... Coming up in the next month, we are expecting a busy schedule of rides and events planned by your committee and road crew. Our annual Chill Out starts on Friday after Club night, meeting at the Bear Hotel in Hungerford for breakfast at 9am. If you cannot make breakfast, the ride will be leaving the hotel at 10:30am. If you are not doing the Chillout this year, watch the calendar and our Facebook feed for any ad-hoc rides and events being put on by our members. On Saturday 27th May the Chapter will be hosting a coffee and cake morning at Reading Harley Davidson. So, whether you are a master baker, a DIY cake maker or just a cake lover, (that’s me then!) please come and join us. All proceeds from the morning will be donated to the Alexander Devine charity which we are again supporting this year. The following day we have the Tring Triangle ride, organised by Chris Smith, which is shaping up to be a fine ride in the Chilterns. On the 3rd June we’ll be displaying bikes at Holyport Fayre in support of the Alexander Devine Charity and the following day we have a marathon ride into the Malverns organised by Michael and Thelma (the Five Counties Ride). This ride is a circular ride bringing rider back to our own stomping patch after a 240 mile ride taking most of the day. Especially designed for those who like to be on their bike, I am looking forward to this one.

On the 11th June, Mike Connolly is running a ride to the Old Prison at Northleach in Oxfordshire and that takes us to the next Club night on Thursday 15th June. Sadly I will not be able to join you due to other plans but I will leave you in the very capable hands of Lee White. Please be gentle with Lee on his first Club night standing in as Director for the night. It will be a particularly busy Club night with some light entertainment and a barbeque. Hogsback Chapter will be joining you all to celebrate our Chapter birthday. Have fun guys … I am sad to be missing it! Tickets for the Riverboat trip are still available from the activities team; whilst places are initially limited we have the ability to move to a bigger boat so that members do not miss out. We also have tickets available for the Convergence Rally in Cirencester in August. The Lind Group is sponsoring the rally and will be a fun get together between Thames Valley and Guildford Chapters to fill the gap left by the absence of a SofER rally this year. The venue offers limited camping with onsite shower facilities inside the football club grounds as well as a great bar area and function room for your breakfast and drinks in the evenings. Thames Valley are organising a ride in the Cotswolds on the Saturday for attendees of the rally and local hotels are available if you want to join but don’t fancy camping. Please note that due to the lapsing of the MiD contract for HOG merchandise, some chapter specific patches and clothing items will be out of stock (top rockers and Chapter specific Tee Shirts etc.) temporarily. We still have some small rockers in stock but we are expecting a delay in the supply throughout the summer. You can still place your orders with Ann, our Merchandise Officer who will hold the items on order until they become available again. In closing I would like to mention our devoted road crew. Many of the road marshals make themselves available to help with rides and the Road Captains often spend hours of their own time planning the rides, speaking to destination hosts and researching their rides so that our members can enjoy a safe and fun ride on the day. These guys and gals are the lifeblood of the Chapter. Major respect to them all and a huge thanks from me and the rest of the Committee, Let’s Ride and Have Fun!


Ladies of Harley Another month has passed already. Well, what have the Ladies of Thames Valley been up to? The Pottery and Prosecco evening, we had ten ladies in attendance, with lots of bubbles 'n' nibbles to keep you going. The curry was delicious, as was Pearl's fantastic cruditĂŠ platter. Some beautiful pieces were created as you will see at club night, when I'll be calling the girls up to hand them out. Hogs and dogs walk amongst the bluebells. Fantastic turnout with nine dogs in attendance and their humans. All were very well behaved. This was followed by a BBQ. As this was a great success we are having another Hogs & Dogs gathering at Black Park Country Park, Black Park Rd, Slough SL3 6DS, UK On Saturday, July 22nd between 10:30am and 1:30pm. The next event for LoH, volunteers at the ready! I will need our lovely ladies to help sell, sell, sell at the coffee n cake day sat 27th May. We need all you budding Mary Berry's to get baking please and to bring cakes to dealership for 9am the day. We will kick if for about 10am and continue until all cakes sold. Oxford Chapter have been invited to join us for the day as well, so we hope to sell a lot of cake. All proceeds will be donated to Alexander Devine charity. The LoH Weekend in Weymouth is coming together nicely, just one last payment to do and we'll be off before we know it.. Buckets & spades at the ready.. Final note: The Theatre Royal Windsor are having a Lionel Richie tribute night on Sunday, 2nd July from 7pm. Will need numbers to get ticket prices as limited availability. That's all folks!

Lou White TV LOH Officer

Cider Rally - Sand Bay 2017 Well our first big rally of the season has come and gone, and I think it was very successful. I enjoyed the ride down to Weston Super Mare which this time included two Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) on the A4 along the North Wessex Downs and the Mendip Hills, some great rolling countryside. We picked up Barry Adams on the way through Froxfield and we also picked up Kev and Ann Mcloughlin at the pub in Warminster. Fed and watered, we rode on to Weston and avoided the wet stuff, which was nice. Sand Bay was decked out and looking good with various sales stands in reception and some small medieval looking tents outside where you could practise throwing your chopper amongst other things. It was a case of in the room, drop the bags and outside in the late afternoon sun for a few bevvies on the benches socialising with other Hoggies. I developed a taste for hot chocolate with a splash of Jack Daniels in, it was quite nice actually. Friday night entertainment seemed to have something for everybody and went down really well. Most of us ended up drinking far too much, but that’s the beauty of the Cider Rally you haven’t got to go anywhere in a hurry. Saturday we split up into various groups, Nick lead a posse on a ride around north Somerset taking in Wells, Cheddar Gorge and of the course obligatory dealership at Bridgewater. We went off with Sue and Malc to Lynmouth, which was a bit of slog, two hours nearly but well worth it. For much of the ride you had Exmoor on your left and the sea on your right with great views and Lynmouth itself was a very pretty little seaside town, which still had evidence of historic floods down in the valley. Then it was back to Sand Bay a bit more internal lubrication and then dressing up in medieval attire. Credit to those that got dressed up they did a great job, everything from wenches, to monks, to knights and princesses.

The Smurfs were there but they were in disguise so you had to look hard to see them. There were far too many lazy dudes who didn’t bother, and I can say that because I was one of them, but a good night was had by all. Our numbers were swelled by the appearance, somewhat unbelievably when Shirley and Bernie Churchill arrived in time for the party looking as good as ever. Sunday there were a few sore heads around and the constant threat of a down pour, not many, if any, made it for the flag ride, which was a shame really. Still it’s an excuse to come next year. Finally there is a little story of a "packing malfunction". Yes, that old chestnut!!! But it's not my place to tell stories; You'd better ask Nick. In fact that sounds like a good catch phrase, "You'd better ask Nick."

Chris Smith

Chris Smith's New Toy I was at the Reading Dealership on Saturday and had the privilege of seeing Chris Smith unveil his new bike. We all watched as Adrian passed the keys to his new bike. Chris revealed his new bike to cheers from all the staff and everyone else that was there. Chris was over joyed with smiles from ear to ear. There stood his gleaming new CVO, and I must say what a beautiful bike! Later we watched him ride off on his new bike smiles all over his face. Bernie and I would like to wish him safe riding on his new bike. Keep smiling Chris xxx


Thursday, 18 May Club Night (closed event)

Friday, 9 - Monday 12 June The Gathering

Friday, 19 - Sunday, 21 May Chill Out Weekend

Saturday, 10 June Froxfield Beer Festival

Thursday, 25 May Reading HD Open Bike Night.

Saturday, 10 June Committee Meeting

Saturday, 27 May Ladies, Coffee and Cake Day

Saturday, 10 June Riverboat Shuffle - Chapter Birthday

Sunday, 28 May Tring Triangle (closed event)

Sunday, 11 June Old Prison Northleach

Saturday, 3 June Holyport Fair

Thursday, 15 June Club Night (closed event)

Sunday, 4 June Five Counties Ride (closed event)

Friday, 16 - Monday, 19 June Welsh Weekend

Wednesday, 7 June Loomies Bike Night (closed event)

For all rides, check the website or call the hotline to confirm. See in this magazine, TV HOG website or Facebook for details.

Dates, events, ride-outs and activities. Details correct at time of going to print. Please check the website for updates and amendments.

RALLIES 2017 Iron Horse Rally 12th - 15th May The Gathering 9th - 12th June Hogs in the Hayfields 16th - 18th June Roar on the Moor 30th June - 2nd July Wake the Lakes 6th - 9th July Proud to be Rutland 14th - 16th July Dragon Fever 20th - 23rd July East of England Rally 27th - 30th July


June 15th July 20th August 17th September 21st October 19th MAGAZINE CONTRIBUTION DEADLINES June 8th July 13th

August 3rd September 14th October 12th

Thames Valley Birthday Bash June 10th 07:30 to 11:30 pm

Heart 'n' Soul Rally 28th - 30th July

Convergence Rally 11th - 13th August Back to the Forest Rally 18th - 20th August The Old Skool Rally 20th - 21st August Thunder in the Glens 25th - 28th August Circus Maximus 7th - 10th September Blazin' Blitz 29th September - 2nd October

Celebrate our 18th birthday on a party boat cruise with disco & BBQ supper Get your tickets now.

White's Words So another month has passed we are now heading into June, probably one of the busiest months on the calendar with so much going on. Going back over the last month I particularly remember visiting the John Radcliffe Hospital seeing the children and the staff, at these times it makes your problems seem very small and thankful for what you've got. It was a fantastic day seeing all the children with smiles on their faces as they were handed toys and being able to speak to us just for a brief moment and to have the opportunity to forget about any problems they are facing. I'd like to thank everyone for turning out for the ride and making this a special occasion. Another great evening was Reading Harley Davison's bike night, yet again we had a strong turnout and the weather was fantastic, great band and a great atmosphere well done to Reading for putting on such a good bike night. Have you seen the new photo galleries? They have now improved making it easier to navigate, if you have not looked at these already please take time to go and visit the website and browse the galleries. We also need all your photos so we can upload them to the website. Please send them in to photographer@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk Another event was put on by Louise our LOH officer, Hogs and Dogs. We all met up in the car park, put on the leads and did up our boots. We had a photo or two, then off we went crashing through the woods smashing down the bluebells and terrorising everybody else. What a fun morning as we headed back picking up our doggy doo doo’s, we made it back to the cafe for a cup of tea and a barbecue roll. I've had great feedback from this event and I believe Hogs and Dogs 2 has already been planned for July. Well done Lou for such a great fresh idea. Did anybody visit the Alexander Devine new premises? If so we would love to know how the building is coming on and if you have any photos. I take it by now you've all seen the new Harley Davison Street Rod. What a great little bike with a big attitude, for those who haven't seen the new bike Reading has a great demo bike, please speak to Adrian at the dealership to book your ride.

I've had quite a busy time helping Robin settling into his new role and making some changes to the current site. I will be looking forward to handing the site fully over to Robin soon, so watch this space. As you know in June and July there are some big events coming up which I will need some help with. The first event will be the Holyport fair, as you know this is a well attended fair and a good chance to show off your bike and help recruit any new Chapter members. If you are free on 3rd June and you are able to come along this would be much appreciated. The Chapter have also been invited to attended the Grosvenor Casino Bike Show on the 2nd of July. I know this also clashes with the lads weekend but I am still looking for help with this. So if you are free, and can spare some time to help promote our chapter then we would love to see you. Our 19th club birthday is approaching fast and we have some exciting events over June. On the 10th of June we kick off the celebrations with our Riverboat Shuffle. These have always been a well attended and great fun. We hope this year will be another one to remember, looking forward to digging through our fancy dress box for the children's TV theme... To carry on with our birthday we have planned and extra special club night in June. With the return of our club barbecue, birthday cake and live music plus special quests. Hogs Back Chapter will also be joining us for this evening, so make your plans now and help us to celebrate our 19th birthday party in style.... Thanks

Lee White

Crocodile Zoo Today was the day. The visit to the Crocodile zoo. Jamie and I got up bright and early, drew back the curtains and looked out of the window and what do we see? Dark clouds (oh no!!). We quickly turned on the BBC for the weather forecast and all looked good for the day. So we get dressed and off we go, it was a bit nippy though. First stop was the usual fuel and then on to Waterfronts Cafe/Bistro for a very good breakfast. Here we met up with Mike who was very restrained with just tea and a pastry. We then trundled off to H Cafe for the meeting point of the ride. We had some new members with us today on their first official ride out, so no pressure Jamie. After Jamie did the usual briefing we all set off. We passed through some really lovely villages (if only we had won that lottery last night). We arrive at the World of Crocodiles, the weather has cheered up and we are greeted with blue skies and white fluffy clouds. It is then time for the usual group photo, we did have a small interloper, but we had to remember where we were. The clue was in the name. twenty four of us arrived,

a few did not go in, however a few extras came along a little while later, that had come by car. We thought it was a really good turn out. Once we had all got in, we had a look around and then went to see the Nile crocodiles being fed. There are thirty six of them, all female, average age six years. You wouldn’t normally think that many young females in a small area would get on, but they did seem quite well behaved, only a few snapped at their neighbours. The talk was very informative, but it was no place to go swimming. Nick then had his customary ice cream, it was sunny after all. We then all moved to the mammal end of the Zoo. We watched the otters being fed (four brothers). Whilst we were waiting they had an almighty punch up, with one being a little bit injured. The keepers said that “boys will be boys”, mind you, we thought it looked a little more than that, but they were right and a little later in the afternoon they were all snuggled up together having a snooze. What can I say, so fickle and no hard feelings.

Luke then started to chat up the Kookaburras, Jamie said to Sam that “he had pulled another bird”. Con then joined in and won the day, the birds were in full voice and very loud. We all said it was because he speaks the same language being an Aussie himself. Next was a talk about the skunk. The keeper stood there stroking this skunk and all I could think was “any minute now”. Apparently they spray up to twelve feet away, and the scent itself can travel up to three miles. That is some bad weapon. The queue was a bit long at the end of the talk, I can’t think why, so we all left via the back door. Next was the Meekat’s feeding time. Today’s delicious meal was worms. Mmmmm. Mind you there some children that were getting more fun watching a worm sneaking off a rock without being discovered, it was funny. Next was another meal for the Nile crocs, it was starting to get really warm in their

enclosure. The keeper said that it was 35 degrees today. That’s what I call warm. It was now time for people to start to make their way home. Myself, Jamie, Fred and Yvonne found a lovely pub, next to a river on the way back. We had a nice snack and a couple of drinks before heading off home. All in all, a fantastic day, with good company, and we had a lot of fun. We got home, put the bike to bed, got out the BBQ and a cold beer/cider. What’s not to like?


Hogs 'n' Dogs The first Hogs 'n' Dogs event was held on 29th April at Fernygrove Farm. in Warfield. Nine happy dogs and their humans meet up for a lovely walk through the bluebell woods. The event so so much of a success that the sequel has already been planned (see page 8 for details).


John Radcliffe Toy Run Another year has passed, but the thoughts remain the same; the children in the John Radcliffe hospital, Oxford. After meeting at the Oxford dealership many, many bikes including over fifty from Thames Valley, made their way to the hospital. Toys in abundance were placed in the cages at the front entrance to overflowing.

Poker Run May's Poker run was held at The Cunning Man, in Burghfield. This a well loved and popular venue. There were many great choices being made of cards and food, by a wonderful group of friends. Eleven bikes and twenty nine people. Yet another good turnout from Thames Valley HOG.

Nelson's Diner This ride turned out to be a great day for a lovely ride for a lovely lady to qualify for her Road Captain's badge. Jo Green led a great ride, helped by Lesley, John and Michael. After a pick up at H's cafĂŠ, we headed out towards Newbury. With a couple of changes to the route, we all made our way safely to the newly named Little Nellies Diner. Meeting there with a few more Thames Valley riders, we all enjoyed our lunches. As you can see from the photo some enjoyed their ice cream even more.

Down at the Dealership

2017 Officers & Committee


Nick West Director

CLUB VENUE Grenadier Guards Club Maidenhead Rd, Windsor, Berks, SL4 5EY

Colin Wilkins Treasurer

https://www.facebook.com/ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Louise White Ladies of Harley

Lee White Asst. Director & Webmaster

Sue Moyler Secretary

Third Thursday of every month 7:30pm


Andy Tunley Editor

Ann Tunley Jones Malcolm Poulter Merchandise Activities

Chris Smith Membership

Linda Friend Photographer

Chris Earley Photographer

Sue Knight Historian

Robin Sasson Assistant Webmaster

Email any committee member at (position held)@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

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