Tales From the Riverbank September 2012

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Magazine of the Th ames Valley HOG Ch apter

Don Wibberley

Pat Adams

Chapter Director

Assistant Director



Colin Wilkins

Sue Moyler

Chapter Treasurer

Chapter Secretary



Barry Adams

Nick West

Activities Officer

Activities Officer



Lee White

Fred Cotsford


Membership Officer



Sue Brown

Shirley Churchill

Ladies of Harley




“Bulldog� (Bernie)

Linda Friend





Nij Jones

Sadie Clarke

Head Road Captain & Safety Officer

Editor & Photographer



2. Biker Gang Your 2012 Chapter Committee

4. Start your engines Editor, Sadie Clarke

6. Words of Wibsdom In the Director’s Chair with Don Wibberley

8. Chapter Diva’s Ladies of Harley news and updates from Sue Brown

14. Get your motor running

FEATURES 10. EU Hands off Biking Latest updates from MAG (UK)

20. 110th Anniversary Models Just a sneak look

22. Capital Times Rideout to London via Ace Cafe

24. Creating Anarchy A look at the riders and bikes from SoA

Activities and rideout calendar

16. Chapter Chatter General news and information



Stay in touch, visit our Facebook page facebook.com/groups/thamesvalleyhog

Chapter and other videos on our channel youtube.com/user/tvwebmaster1

September already! Welcome to your late summer magazine... I have to say, it was nice to actually trust the weather enough to be able to bring the bike to the last Club Night. It‘s not made it to many so far this year - only two or three. What with the distinct lack of any decent summer weather, I‘m keeping the mileage down this year, especially compared to 2011. Don‘t think I‘ll be breaking any records this time around! Thankfully, quite a few people have done some nice lengthy road trips in 2012 so hopefully that will raise our Chapter total quite nicely for the HOG mileage program. We still have some time yet, so keep adding up those miles - they all count! I‘m still on the hunt for more articles for the mag. I have plenty of available space in forthcoming issues, so if you have a story, trip or something interesting or amusing to share, then please get in touch.

Post-Sofer rideouts and events have been much less than before August. As the season starts to tail off, so do some of the events. But the Chapter still managed a ride to the Brackley Festival of Motorcycling last month and it seems all had a great day. Bank Holiday weekend was yet another mixed bag as far as the weather goes, but the Sunday blessed us with sunshine for the trip to Ace Cafe, Hard Rock and Covent Garden. There‘s a brief piece on the event on page 22.

There was also a HOG Day at Brooklands Museum a couple of weeks ago with beautiful weather, and tomorrow is the start of the Three Rivers Rally, which the Chapter are taking a rideout to. Details for the time for that are on page 16. There‘s lots in the news pages this month, so take a look and make sure you‘re up to speed with all that‘s going on. Get in touch with the Editor: Email editor@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk Tell me what you want in YOUR club mag. All suggestions, ideas and contributions to TFTRB are always welcome!

Features In this month‘s issue there is an update on what MAG are up to with their ―EU Hands Off‖ campaign, since most of what is proposed will impact on Harley riders. Plus there‘s a little something different from the usual Chapter stuff towards the back pages - Harley related so hopefully an interesting enough read! Yet another new bike! It looks like I just managed to publish my husband‘s interview piece just in time last month - while he still had the XR1200. Yes, in true Spencer fashion, he‘s gone and changed his bike yet again. So that‘s now 4 Harley‘s in 2 years - not bad considering he kept the first one for 18 months! He‘s just taken delivery of a 2010 Nightster with just 9 miles on the clock. The previous owner had a special Harley paint job completed on the bike, but then never rode it. So Spence is the lucky person to benefit and I‘m happy the plastic rocket has gone too!

Birthdays Earlier this month, Russell Lovelock celebrated his Birthday on 3rd September as did Sue Moyler on the 15th - I hope you both had a great day. I am reliably informed that Tony Robson is 60 this month - all the best for your ‗big‘ day! I only know of two more to mention CJ has a Birthday on the 28th Sept and then my own lovely hubby, Spencer on 10th October. Many Happy Returns to you both. Don‘t forget, if you do want to get a birthday or special occasion mentioned in the club mag then just let me know. Keep it rubber side down!


Website & Forum The current club website is not so new anymore since it has just about reached a year old. Lee White is still keen to hear your feedback, ideas and suggestions about what you like, dislike, what works or doesn‘t work for you. We have had many discussions in the Committee Meetings about things we can change or do better to try and make it more interactive for members. Whilst we have our own thoughts and opinions, what we really need is YOUR input. If you have any thoughts about things you‘ve seen on other sites that you think we could adopt then please do let Lee know, or pass on your ideas to any other member of the Committee. 110th Anniversary, Rome 2013 There are plans afoot to organise a fully supported Chapter rideout to the celebrations next year in Rome. We‘ve had some advance news of Eurocamps prices and they are very good indeed. Nick West is in the provisional booking stages - there will be more announced [tonight] at Club Night. If you couldn‘t make it then flick to page 19 for more details. Possible prices for accommodation with Channel crossing are on the back cover. KSS Air Ambulance Run cancelled This event was due to take place on Sunday 30th September from Ardingly Showground to Dunsfold Park. Unfortunately they organisers don‘t have the resources to make the event as successful as they had hoped and have had to cancel it for this year. Anyone that had pre-registered will be contacted directly.

Welcome to the September edition of Tales from the Riverbank. As Sofer finishes in early August it seems to have been an anticlimax to the proceedings in the calendar, however plans for more ride outs and events are on the way for the last part of the riding season. Pat, Colin & I have a Sofer de-brief meeting booked for November and the Sofer committee would value your comments and views about this year’s rally. We had many changes to the rally format this year because of the bad weather, some of them worked very well from what I could see. Drop me a line if you have a view about this year’s rally - good or bad.

110th Celebrations - Rome & Milwaukee Eurocamp Group has an offer available for HOG members to stay at one of its sites which is midway between central Rome and Porto de Ostia. It runs from the 13th June for as little as £231 including Euro Tunnel crossing, and additional stop over’s on route are available for around £53/night. Hotels & Apartments can also be booked through the Harley Davidson website, where you can also get up to date information regarding the rally.

Rally News Bookings for the 2013 Cider Rally will be available from October the 1st... I hope to have application forms for club night from Bridgewater HOG - I’m sure a large turn out by Thames Valley will be riding down en masse to Bridgewater in Somerset on the 3rd May 2013.

Blazin’ Saddles is our next rally for 2012 – we’re meeting at Sportsable 9:00am for a 9:30 depart and picking up at Chieveley Services at 10:15 for 10:45 depart. We are mainly going to keep to the A roads on the way down to Weymouth, with a stop in a café for a coffee break and leg stretch. Blazin’ Saddles Rally T-Shirts are now available to purchase on line at www.southamptontrophies.co.uk and can be collected at the rally. New Forest HOG are holding an “Auto Jumble” at the rally this year, a photograph of your items and a description on a sale card can be put on the auto jumble board which means that there is no need to take the items with you. Bookings for Bridgewater Chapter’s Christmas Party are now being taken... the party is on the 15th December at St Audries Bay Holiday Club in West Quantoxhead, Somerset and tickets cost £45/person which includes accommodation, 2 course Christmas dinner & breakfast on Sunday morning. As rally information & booking forms for 2013 arrive, I will get the team to get them on the web site for you to book as soon as possible.

Thames Valley news The 2012 Mileage program’s chapter challenge comes to an end on 31st October, so there is still time to clock up more miles towards the Chapter’s entry in to the challenge and into our very own mileage challenge. We have Harley Davidson gift vouchers for the lady & gent rider who clock up the highest mileage within Thames Valley Chapter during 2012. The attendance at August club night was a little down which is not surprising with so many members on holiday (most I think were out in America enjoying Route 66 - a piece for the magazine about their amazing holiday will make great reading), a total of 59 members passed by Fred’s table that August evening.

Activities & events The activities team have put the final touches to our first Christmas party for many years, this year’s party is being held afloat - onboard one of Windsor’s largest river boats which carries 150 people. The boat leaves its Windsor moorings at 7:30pm on Saturday 24th November, tickets for this fantastic evening (which should be great fun) are £30/person, which includes mulled wine on arrival, Christmas supper with dessert and as much music & partying as you can take! We have asked Oxford Chapter to join us for the evening which should turn out to be a great party for both chapters celebrating Christmas. Club rides to RTTW & Hoggin’ the Bridge in October are getting closer, and booking in advance is strongly advised details for both rides are on the website and the news pages. Just one poker run remains on the calendar for this season - if you are short of any cards to turn your bad hand into a winning hand then you need to be there! The winning hand is announced at November club night & the prize money handed over. Finally, I know 2013 is months away (well three to be exact), which means it’s time to start thinking about our committee for 2013. Job descriptions for all the committee positions are going to be printed in next month’s magazine to give you an idea of a little of what’s involved in running a busy chapter like ours. All of the committee positions have to be re-applied for each year, so, if you can offer some time and commitment to the running of Thames Valley and would like to be nominated to join the committee, then nomination forms will be available at November’s Club night.

Ride safe and have fun!

Don Wibberley Director

In last month’s magazine I said "if anyone told me that in four years’ time I would be riding across America on a Harley I would have thought they were totally bonkers!” Well after realising that I was capable of achieving much more than I ever thought I would be able to in such a short space of time, it made me want to inspire more ladies to ride their own machine.

There are women in our Chapter who have either returned to biking after having a family, or who have enrolled on a training course and passed their test more recently. I am sure there are a few lady pillions who might also be thinking that they would love to ride their own bike, but don’t have the confidence, finances or support needed. If you are one of these ladies then please talk to me or one of the other ladies who ride and I am sure one of us will be able to inspire you on your journey. One of the very first things to do would be to get a license (most car drivers will already have provisional entitlement to ride a smaller motorcycle). The next step would be to enrol on a day long Compulsory Basic Training Course (CBT) which gives you the entitlement to ride a small motorcycle on the road with L plates. They will provide you with a beginner’s motorcycle and all you would need is your own riding gear and preferably the ability to ride a bike i.e. a sense of balance!

If you are not sure if you are making the right decision about riding a bike then there are a number of motorcycle dealers who offer free off of the road familiarisation session to help you decide. Sadly at this stage you won’t be on a Harley, I think they are considering bringing in an entry level machine but not this year! Once you have done your CBT you are then eligible, after a period of practise, to take your theory and practical tests and then you can ride a Sportster (although it will need to be restricted to what they call 33 bhp for 2 years, but at least it’s your very first Harley and you can join in on rides). After the two years you can ride whatever you want or whatever your purse strings allow :-) There are other routes to obtaining a full license and you can find out more in this useful piece at http://www.bestmotorcycle-information.com/how-to-ride-amotorcycle.html

I have heard ladies say that they will learn to ride a motorcycle once they’re not so busy doing something else, like raising a family or building a career. There will always be an excuse not to put yourself first but the question is, how badly do you want to ride? For many women, “someday” turns into “never.” Many say riding is empowering, that the confidence a woman gets from sitting in the saddle of her own bike spills over into other areas of life. It's that "you don't know what you're missing until you do it" kind of thing

Whatever stage in life you are at now, if you want to ride at some time, either now or in the future, then you can. All it takes is a bit of determination and courage and of course a stash of cash. So start saving and you never know this time next year you could be the proud owner and rider of your very first Harley Davidson :-)

Sue LOH rep ladiesofharley@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Some of our ladies who ride (from L-R) Top: Elaine, Sue M Middle: Sue K, Lesley, Sue D Bottom: Sadie, Pat, Fiona

Back towards the beginning of the riding season, TFTRB brought you news and an update of proposed new EU regulations that, if brought into force throughout Europe, would have profound effects on Harley riders here in the UK. Now the Commission has published further proposals regarding Road Worthiness Testing (RWT). Here are the details and how it will impact on all bikers in the UK... In mid-July the European Commission published proposals to mandate regular Road Worthiness Testing (RWT) for bikes, trikes and other road vehicles, in all EU member states. MAG is investigating the implications for Powered Two-Wheelers (PTW) - mopeds, motorcycles, sidecar outfits and trikes, compared to the UK's current 'MoT' test with the proposals for RWT. Formal discussions on these proposals at EU level was due to commence on 7th September.

The proposed RWT inspections go far beyond the current requirements for a bike MoT. Riders and MoT stations would see some significant changes, and a ÂŁ50.00 test fee seems likely, based on the available data. MAG(UK) believes the effect of the proposed additional tests and minimum requirements would be to transform the MoT into a SuperMoT - more extensive, more invasive, more costly. Much of the evidence being offered to justify these changes appears to be flimsy and there is other evidence that indicates that any road safety or environmental benefits would be small compared to the costs of making the changes. MAG believe the proposals as they are currently drafted represent a real and genuine threat to biking as we know it.

MAG (UK) have been warning of these developments for more than a year, well before the proposals were published. During that time they have been campaigning to expose the EU's failure to consult the public correctly before drafting the proposals. After analysing the background material published by the Commission in July, MAG does not believe there is sufficient or reliable evidence to support the proposals. But in essence: PURPOSE OF THE REGULATION: The goal of road worthiness testing is said to be "to check the functionality of safety components, the environmental performance and the compliance of a vehicle with its approval". MAG's main concerns about the proposals include: 1. Modified vehicles: RWT is intended to check for modifications to the vehicle and ensure compliance with typeapproval; DfT say this may prevent most modifications to vehicles without further approval of the vehicle and will apply to many components. Even 'Historic' vehicles (over 30 years old) that were built before the Type-Approval system was introduced would be subject to checks - the Regulation allows them to be exempted from RWT, but only if they are of original appearance, including replacement components. This would be both difficult to administer and counterproductive as many historic vehicles were supplied in non-standard form and modified for improved reliability, better lighting, etc. throughout their life.

2. Cost and Complexity of the test: RWT tests would take longer, test more items, more rigorously and will require bike testing stations to invest in new equipment gas emission analysis / interrogation of OnBoard Diagnostic equipment (this will require new testing equipment) noise meter to decide borderline cases (this will require new testing equipment) brake efficiency testing (DfT say this is may require changes to brake testing equipment) brake fluid analysis (this will require new testing equipment) efficiency of shock absorbers on trikes (this will require new testing equipment) operation of security devices more invasive testing (the Commission appears to want brake pads/shoes to be visually inspected for contamination of their surfaces) all trailers capable of more than 25mph must be tested (DfT say this includes all trailers - eg; motorcycle trailers) annual re-training of RWT inspectors (added cost) creating an EU system linking national and manufacturers' electronic vehicle databases so that records and road worthiness information about all vehicles will be available everywhere in the UK

3. Other impacts on riders MAG believes there is a real possibility of a 40% increase in test fees to ÂŁ50.00 for solo bikes Riders would also be faced with increased servicing and repair costs in order to meet the new test standard. Fewer testing stations (the cost of new testing equipment may force small testers to give up RWT certificates must be kept on the vehicle (possibility of theft and damage to the certificate) The Commission wants a re-test after any modifications to safety and environmental systems or components (this would be a decision for the UK authorities) The Commission wants a re-test when the vehicle changes hands (this would be a decision for the UK authorities) Dangerous faults would result in vehicle registration being 'revoked' until the vehicle passes another test (this suggests a re -registration fee of ÂŁ25-55 based on DVLA's current charges)

The date of implementation is expected to fall sometime between 2014-16, depending on progress of the Regulation. There would be a transition period of up to five years after the new Regulations come in to force, during which time the existing MoT may continue. This is a significant package of measures, with detailed annexes and three Impact Assessment documents. All documents relating to the proposals may be accessed from the Commission web site.

The other part of the EU proposals... Though it’s now been edging its way through the lengthy corridors of the EU for many months, the proposed new EU anti-tampering legislation is getting closer and closer to entering the EU law books. The Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) Committee are due to vote on the legislation in early October and, if passed, will come into force throughout Europe from 2014. So, if you’re not already aware of the implications for bikers, here’s a brief summary of the main things it affects. If successful, the legislation’s restrictions and rules will mean, amongst other things: No modifications will be allowed on your bike’s complete power train, from air box to controlling the rear tyre profile. Compulsory ABS on all bikes over 125cc Headlights that are always on when you’re riding On Board Diagnostics (OBD) to enable easy roadside checks of emissions and also provide readouts of engine performance A ban on aftermarket racing parts bring fitted to road bikes Banning of motorcycles over seven years old in urban areas

These laws are in the main intended to improve safety for riders and other road users. However many biking groups have pointed out that the onus to drive more safely and foot the inevitable cost of these extra measures is now being put on to bike riders, not the drivers who statistically cause the majority of accidents. That’s why there are many active protest movements now fighting the legislation with petitions, rallies and email campaigns to keep the bureaucrats’ hands off our bikes. You too can get involved with letter writing to your MEP and other measures - all of which can be found on the MAG website. http://www.mag-uk.org Information sources: MAG (UK), Keep Britain Biking



III Rivers10th Anniversary Rally SportsAble 10am, Ride to Norfolk Check website for details and timings Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd

Britona SportsAble 10am - Brighton. Times TBC Sunday 14th

Harley Night Ace Cafe, 6pm Thursday 27th Blazin Saddles New Forest Rally Seaview Holiday Park, Weymouth Rideout from SportsAble with pick up at Chieveley Services. Check website or page 16 for details Friday 28th - Monday 1st (Oct) BBN Bike Show 3pm Stag & Hounds, Binfield, Bracknell Saturday 29th

OCTOBER Ride to the Wall 4 7.30 for 8am depart SportsAble, 9am prompt pick-up at H-Cafe, ride to Staffordshire National War Arboretum Saturday 6th Poker Run The Crown Wood, Bracknell, 7pm Wednesday 10th

South of England Real Classic Motorbike Show & Jumble South of England Showground, Ardingly, West Sussex Sunday 14th Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 18th The 19th Carole Nash Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show Stafford County Show Ground www.classicbikeshows.com Saturday 20th - Sunday 21st Hoggin the Bridge SportsAble to Chepstow. 7.30 for 8am depart SportsAble. Pick-up Cheiveley Services 8.30 for 9am depart Sunday 21st

Details correct at time of going to print. Check the website for updates and amendments: www.thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

OCTOBER cont. Harley Night Ace Cafe, 6pm Thursday 25th

NOVEMBER cont. Riverboat Xmas Bash Windsor. Details on website/see p16 Saturday 24th

End of Mileage Program Rideout Destination & times to be deciced Sunday 28th

Broom Farm Toy Run Windsor Legoland Windsor, 11am for 12 depart Sunday 25th


Harley Night Ace Cafe, 6pm Thursday 29th

Remembrance Day Ride Windsor - TBC Sunday 11th


Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 15th

Reading Toy Run SportsAble to Foster Wheeler for 1pm depart. Timings TBC Sunday 9th

Classic Motorbike Show Birmingham NEC www.classicmotorbikeshow.com Friday 16th - Sunday 18th

Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 20th

Motorcycle Live Birmingham NEC Saturday 24th - Sunday 2nd (Dec)

JANUARY 2013 Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 17th

Instead of the traditional Winter Bash, this year we‘re having our Riverboat Shuffle and Christmas Bash in November. The boat will be leaving Windsor Promenade on the evening of Saturday 24th. We are expecting another Chapter to be joining us to make it an extra special occasion!

On Friday 28th September we are riding down to Weymouth for the New Forest Blazin‘ Saddles Rally weekend. Those going should meet at SportsAble at 9am for 9.30 depart. There will be a second pick-up at Chieveley Services at 10.15 for 10.45am depart.

This coming weekend (Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd) we‘re off to support the Three Rivers Chapter with their 10th Anniversary Rally. The rideout to Norfolk will depart from SportsAble at approx 10am - details were still to be confirmed at the time of going to print so please check the website if you plan on going.

There will be a seasonal BBQ plus glass of mulled wine on arrival included in the price, as well as disco from 7.30-11.30pm, fancy dress, raffle and anything else we can fit in! We are looking into booking some budget hotel rooms for those that have too far to travel home after the event. Details and costs will be announced as and when known. Menu for the BBQ: Turkey, Chipolata Sausage & Stuffing New potatoes, Coleslaw Waldorf Salad, Tomato & Grape Salad Christmas Pudding & Brandy Sauce OR Yule Log & Cream Coffee & Mince Pies Tickets are £30pp - book yours with a £10 non-refundable deposit. See Barry for details

This takes place on Sunday 21 October and this year the Chapter plan to ride the event. Recent years have been well organised and very well attended by other Harley Chapters as well as thousands of individual riders and non-Harley groups. Meet 7.30 for 8am departure from SportsAble with 2nd pickup at Cheiveley Services 8.30 for 9am departure.

The next Poker Run will take place on Wednesday 10th October at the Crown Wood, Opaladen Way, Bracknell, RG12 0PE. There will be a chicken stir fry buffet for £3 a head or meals can be ordered from the bar menu before 8pm. It‘s Spencer‘s Birthday that night so please come along and help him celebrate. Hopefully you will also complete your poker ‗hand‘ as well and be in with a shout of winning a prize.

Club Night Dates (and Magazine contribution deadline dates) Don W will once again be leading a ride to this very special event next month. It takes place on Saturday 6th October. Please be at SportsAble at 7.30am for an 8am departure. There will be a quick pick-up at H-Cafe at 8.45 for a 9am (prompt) departure. The ride takes us through a nice route to Staffordshire to the National War Arboretum where the official ride will arrive, before displays and ceremony take place. If you haven‘t been, then we strongly recommend you try and make it along - it‘s for a very good cause and is a very moving and memorable day out. Pre-registration is advised on the RTTW website www.rttw.org but you can donate and enter on the day.

Please send your mag contributions to editor @thamesvalleyhog.org.uk October 18th November 15th December 20th January 17th 2013 February 21st

(11th) (8th) (13th) (10th) (14th)

The riding season is starting to tail off with events and activities and 31st October is the official end to the HOG Mileage Program. To give the Chapter cumulative mileage (and individuals) a boost, we‘re planning a rideout on Sunday 28th October. The destination and times have yet to be confirmed, but planning is underway. So please make a note of the date and if you entered the program then please try and come along to give the Chapter a few extra miles on our total.

Last year we joined up with Hogs Back Chapter for our Remembrance Day ride. This year we‘re looking at organising our own rideout and remembrance service. There‘s a possibility of organising something within Windsor, but if anyone has any other ideas or knows of a particular church or memorial service we can support then please let Don W or the Activities Officers know

We‘re in with a shout of a prize this year as only 4 Chapters have entered for 2012. It would be nice to receive the cheque and engraved plaque from HOG, especially as we currently have no supporting dealership. Individually, the Chapter will be handing out vouchers to our male and female winners this year, so get riding and if you can come along to the October ride and add to our total then we‘d love to see you!

Sue Brown is planning on re-introducing the Saturday Social rides/meets again now that the riding season is becoming quieter. Once the Poker Run has concluded, then we hope to keep the Wednesday evenings as pub meets during the winter. If anyone would like to organise something or has any suggestions then please contact Nick West or email activities@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Sunday 25th November will be the 3rd annual Broom Farm Toy Run (weather permitting). Participants traditionally meet at Legoland and ride through Windsor to The Broom Farm Estate in Dedworth to deliver presents to the children of serving soldiers. All money donated is be given to The Forces Children's Trust Charity. We are currently looking for Road Crew for this event. If you can help please contact Nick West.

Barry [Adams] is currently looking into dates and venues for next year‘s Chapter Chill Out Weekend. Feedback about this year‘s destination in Tewkesbury was very positive, although some thought that more alternative accommodation to camping would be desirable. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions of possible locations then please let Barry know.

As most of you should all know by now, 2013 is the 110th Anniversary of Harley Davidson Motorcycles and one of the big celebration festivals will be in Rome. We have been passed details of some special accommodation offers courtesy of Eurocamps just for this event (see back cover). We are hoping to take a ride down to the festival, which Nick West is currently planning. Here are the details as things stand... The current offering is that Nick has provisionally reserved crossing places for 10 bikes in any combination of couples / single riders for the event in Rome. Confirmation is pending interested numbers - places will go on a first come first served basis. There will be a healthy reserve list in case of people backing out. The pricing is yet to be finalised, so Nick is just taking an ―interest list‖ for now and needs emails from anyone seriously interested in going. Dates: We will likely be leaving on Sunday 9th June - arriving in Rome on Thursday 13th and then leaving Rome on Sunday night (16th), or Monday morning to arrive back home on Thursday 20th. Dates are fluid and we are still waiting for confirmation of costs via the Eurocamps offer. They say more info at the end of September. Interested parties should email Nick at activities@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk with their details, how many people, how many bikes and their contact email address and phone number. As this will be a fully supported Chapter activity, we will need Road Crew for the event. Please see Nick if any Road Captains wish to go and can help out.

HISTORY REBORN Produced in limited quantities, the 110th Anniversary Edition Harley Davidson motorbikes are your chance to ride a piece of history. Exclusive upgrades such as ABS, Contrast Chrome Wheels and Smart Security System allows you to commemorate 110 years in style

GAS TANK MEDALLION Cast from solid bronze and plated with black nickel, each anniversary medallion is then distressed to highlight the bronze. Beautiful and completely unique.

NUMBERED LIMITED EDITION Each anniversary model has a uniquely numbered badge marking it as an exclusive part of history and proving its individuality

LIVING ART FINISHES From saddle inserts and medallions to engine element covers, each model features carefully crafted commemorative details

rley Day a H e f a - Ace C vent Garden n o d n o out to L ck Cafe and Co e d i r r e t Chap Hard Ro , h s a B l & Buel The extended weekend in August gave us a good opportunity for a rare ride into the capital city, via a stop to visit the Harley Day & Buell Bash at the Ace Cafe. Being a Bank Holiday, we were surprisingly blessed with glorious sunshine and warm temperatures - something we all know has been largely lacking this summer.

Tony Ferrier took the lead in organising this rideout, starting from the old dealership in Slough. Upon arrival, it was a sad sight indeed - a dark, barren edifice that was once our ‗home‘, still sporting the HD window graphics that once gave it life and identity. Maybe one day someone will come along and breath energy back into this melancholy old structure. Until then, it will have to make do as a handy meeting point for the occasional day out.

It was good to see a reasonable amount of people turn up to support the event, 13 bikes in total for the mid-morning departure. Even Don Pritchett turned up, much to everyone‘s amazement and he even volunteered to tail the ride! First stop was a trip of about 20 miles to the Ace Cafe, via the M4, A40 and North Circular. By late morning when the Chapter arrived it was already packed out with hundreds of Harleys of all ages, models and styles. There was plenty to see and admire over a refreshing drink as wave after wave of enthusiasts thundered in and out on their respective machines. But as with all of these events, there‘s only so much to see and do and it didn‘t take long for all to be seen and done. Time for the Chapter to move on. Spencer and Sadie left the rideout at this point due to other commitments, but the rest briskly saddled up and head off further into the capital city towards the Hard Rock Cafe. This part of the journey was only a short hop of around 7 or 8 miles into Piccadilly, but as with any ride or drive into London, it can be a busy challenge. However, everyone arrived safely and managed to find parking somewhere in amongst all the tourists.

After lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe, next stop was a couple of miles further on to Covent Garden. Tony had prearranged parking in the central plaza area with Westminster City Council to make things easier for everyone. The spectacle of 11 Harleys rumbling into town certainly provided plenty of entertainment and excitement for the Bank Holiday shoppers and visitors. There was plenty of the afternoon left for a wander around the market and soak up the unique atmosphere that only Covent Garden seems to create. Eventually the event drew to a close and people made their way out of the smoke and onwards home. All-in-all a wonderfully sunny day, great company and an enjoyable day out. Thanks to Tony and the road crew for leading, marshalling and getting everyone safely around London.

Many of you may be aware of the cult US drama series, Sons of Anarchy – either by hearing about it from fellow Harley enthusiasts, or by being an avid viewer of all 4 series to date. Season 5 has just hit the screens on FX Channel in the US and is due for UK release in a couple of months, so TFTRB this month decided to take a little look into the creator, the cast, the story and of course, the bikes.

Sons of Anarchy debuted on FX channel in the USA in September of 2008 and become an immediate hit. Now, it averages about 5 million viewers in the US, who tune in for the bad boys and ruthless behavior of the fictional Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club. It has successfully travelled across the Atlantic to Channel 5 in the UK, with season 6 already commissioned and a seventh run also being planned. Basis of the story: Jackson (Jax) Teller, played by English Actor Charlie Hunnum, is heir to the throne of the Harley-riding motorcycle club that his late father helped found. His mother, Gemma, married the next leader, Clay, but the ‗ghost‘ of Jax‘s father appeared in an unpublished manuscript to help shine a light for Jax through this dark, immoral and complex world of violence and chaos.

The foundation of the series is to explore the world of outlaw motorcycle gang culture through a fictional creation. And, to help give everything a ring of truth, show creator, Karl Sutter spent quality time with a real outlaw motorcycle club in Northern California, as well as considerable research into the history of these organisations. ―I spent quite a bit of time with these guys in an outlaw club. Like most people, I had a preconceived notion of bikers being hard a$$, or teddy bears on Harleys. I was moved by the sense of loyalty. Brotherhood to the club had precedent over everything: personal lives, the community, the laws of the land. Everything else fell behind.‖

The bikes & riders One important element that came from the real outlaw club experience was an emphasis on motorcycles and riding. The bikes, of course, are Harleys. ―That iconic machine really represents ‗the life‘,‖ Sutter explained. ―It‘s important to me to incorporate the bike as a character on the show.‖ Riding scenes are included as much as possible and not shot with trailers – every key cast member that rides in the show was either already a rider or had to learn, an stunt riders are only used where necessary. Ron Perlman, who portrays Clay, who was the club leader until the end of season 4, only learned to ride for the show. Unlike many of the other cast, he had no desire to ride his own bike – it is a job and not something he liked to socialise with. As season 1 ended, he recognised the need to improve his comfort levels with the bike and took lessons from an ex-bike cop to hone his skills. But even at the end of season 3 he still admitted to hating the bike and riding was merely part of his characters role rather than something he felt really at home with. In fact, right in the finale of season 3 he dropped his ride and slid 20ft along a gravel road – and it wasn‘t part of the script!

Alex ‗Tig‘ Trager, played by Kim Coates, does have a riding background. ―I‘ve been on a bike my whole life. There‘s no one here who can ride better than me‖. As a late addition to the cast, it wasn‘t his riding ability that got him the part. ―We brought Kim in literally the day before we shot the pilot,‖ Sutter said, ―and he knocked it out of the park. And he could ride a Harley, so he got the job!‖ Mark Boone Junior, who plays the part of Bobby, started riding when he was 11. These days he can be found on a 2003 Road Glide offscreen, which he admits to being scared of initially. But now he‘s accustomed to the big fairing he says he prefers it to the custom hardtail chopper he rides in the programme. Charlie Hunnum grew up in Newcastle-uponTyne and knew many guys not unlike his own character, Jax. His father lived in a world similar to that of the Sons of Anarchy, although not around motorcycles, but more around the subculture of crime, so he shares a familiarity with the moral struggles Jax continually finds himself in. His acting career took him to America some 12 years ago after the show ―Queer as Folk‖ shot in the UK attracted attention in the US. There he wrote a screenplay before the Sons of Anarchy script came his way and he‘s not looked back since. As for motorbikes, Hunnum grew up riding bikes as a kid, mostly dirt bikes. He fell in love with Harleys and the Dyna he rides in the show – so much so, that he now rides a very similar bike himself.

Show creator, Karl Sutter has always loved to ride and made his first cross-country trip to Los Angeles on a motorcycle many years ago. He rode a custom Sportster for a while in LA but eventually had to sell it. Sponsorship from Harley-Davidson for the show meant that he was able to ride again, but as much as he yearns for another machine of his own, his wife, Katey Sagal (who plays Gemma in the show) flatly refuses to allow it. With three kids and several dogs to come home safely to, he will have to wait a few years before he‘ll be permitted the V-Rod he ultimately craves. Whilst SoA may have received sponsorship and backing by HD for the show, it was the job of Chris Gorden and John Landon to supply the machines appropriate for the nature of the motorcycle club and the programme – ‗proper bikes‘ for a motorcycle gang, found, fixed and styled for each individual character. Almost all motorcycle clubs insist their bikes be American-made, which means Harley-Davidson is the manufacturer of choice. As Gorden says, there‘s a lot more to his job than ‖just buying a bunch of motorcycles‖. After getting the call to work on ―Sons,‖ he and John Landon, a mechanic he has worked with for years, had just two weeks to find nine bikes that would be right for the show. They had little time or money, so Gorden started at a motorcycle shop frequented by motorcycle club members. There he found ‖bikes that were pretty close to what we needed‖. Still, they had to modify them, adding and removing the right accessories, so each mount reflected its rider. Rival clubs ride bikes in bright colors with lots of chrome, outrageous exhaust pipes or super-high handlebars. Members of the Sons mostly ride Dynas, modified into minimal machines — blacked out, dusty and strictly business.

Jax's bike is a Harley Davidson Dyna-Glide, specifically a Super Glide Sport. As a Vice President of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, his ride is high-quality, with extremely detailed artwork featuring the Reaper (the club's insignia) amongst dark storm clouds and lightning. The bike has a black powder coated engine, wrapped exhaust and custom T-bar‘s with risers. Clay's bike is fit for a king. It gleams in the sunlight and almost every part is brand new. It‘s a 2008 Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide with a forward facing canon air filter, taped thunderheader exhaust and a 96 cubic inch twin cam motor. The artwork features the Reaper with the SOA rocker above and the California rocker below - Clay's is the only bike to feature all three of these images. Bobby has 3 motorcycles. His main bike in the show is a custom bobber, built on a hard tail frame, with mini apes and a solo springer seat. The front springer forks have been raked heavily to give the bike the classic chopper look along with the laced wheels. This bike is not a true Harley. It is a custom, built from the ground up. This bike has either an Evolution engine, or an aftermarket engine such as one from S & S (it has an S & S air filter) and it runs an open belt primary drive. The bobber's distinctive shape certainly matches its owner's personality.

Tig's bike reflects its owner's violent character it's big, fast, loud and covered in spikes. It‘s a 2006 Harley Davidson Dyna Street Bob with a lot of customisation. He has the twin cam 96 cubic inch motor and custom Harley air filter. The bike sports a lot of skulls and spikes in various places. These along with the engine are in chrome. This much chrome heavily contrasts with Tigs choice of matte black paint instead of the vivid black the rest of the cast have. Tig has a simple S.O.A. on his fuel tank instead of an elaborate reaper/rocker combination that is common among the club. Like Clay, Tig has the custom T-Bars with high risers. He has a matte black painted thunderheader exhaust and a bobbed front fender. Juice Ortiz is the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club's computer expert, an ace at various hacking jobs. While he has a brilliant technical mind, he is somewhat simpleminded when it comes to things like common sense and simple tasks. Juice's bike is pretty standard - efficient and capable though it does feature a custommade iPod holder in the centre of the tank to remind everyone that it's the "techie's" ride. Opie's bike is close to Jax's bike in many ways. It is a 2003 Super Glide Sport, with Front drag fairing, taped thunderheader exhuast and a custom Badlander seat. The engine has been black powder coated and he has drag bars with high risers for handlebars. Opie has embraced the SOA logo on a pile of skulls on the fuel tank.

As a self-proclaimed anarchist, Filip ―Chibs‖ Telford has more than one bike, but his Street Bob is a bike that reflects his beliefs - its featured artwork is simply the popular "A" anarchy symbol, matte black custom Z-bars with risers. Along with Bobby, Chibs is one of the only members of the club not to have the front drag fairing. He has the Saltire embroidered on the rear of his seat to show his true routes back to Scotland. Chibs' other bike, like Bobby, is a Harley Davidson Touring Street Glide which first appeared in season 3, he uses this instead of his Dyna for long runs with the club.

Whilst every episode of Sons of Anarchy is an addictively epic melodrama of sex, violence, criminal behaviour, brotherhood, love and loyalty, it is yet to fully break into mainstream popularity. The show is deliberately rough around the edges with raw language and violence aimed at developing the characters and portraying real life in an outlaw motorcycle club. Even [longtime Hell‘s Angel] Sonny Barger loves it and calls it their own soap opera. Sons of Anarchy may not be everyone‘s viewing of choice and plenty of Harley riders find the whole nature of the show an abhorrent misrepresentation of bikers and the biking community. But those that watch it quickly find themselves absorbed by the extreme storylines, deeply questionable morals and desperate character depictions. There‘s something about this bunch of violent, overdramatic bad boys that keep millions coming back for more, season after season and it doesn‘t look like ending any time soon. Watch out for season 5 coming to the UK in the near future...

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