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Thousands of bikes mostly HarleyDavidsons ride from various start points in the Midlands and assemble at the National Arboretum to remember the 16,000+ names engraved on the walls at Alrewas. Have a look at their Ride to the Wall website. This trip could be on your list for the first weekend in October. It would be great to see a larger number of bikes from Clyde Valley HOG making this one of their regular annual weekends.

One of the Memorials at the National Memorial Arboretum

This year it’s 5 October. “The plan” : _ Travel down Fri 4th, home Sun 6th. Take a hankie !


Hi Peeps. Here we go then , the 2013 riding season’s up and running. Loads of anticipation, looking forward to seeing all my riding friends again, having a laugh, riding together, admiring other bikes, sharing stories, meeting friends from other chapter members at rallies.

BSA C11G 29 April 1962. Riding gear : - best (only ! ) suit, winkle pickers. 1st bike

The salt has curtailed my riding over the winter a little recently, but plenty of layers and I had a couple of rides in January, February and March. That’s me when I was ?? years old !!! That’s who I got my love of bikes from : My Dad. Note the same riding gear as me but his suit was Harris Tweed and he had head protection !!

Articles for Vibes

Ariel 350cc Red Hunter. Some time in 1945

Scottish Bike Show I visited the Scottish Bike Show at Ingliston, it kicks off the biking season. I met lots of Clyde Valley and Dunedin enthusiasts and had a chance to pick up a few bargains. West Coast and Edinburgh H-D shared a very busy stand. The visitors were showing lots of interest in the bikes. I believe Nuala had a successful day, sold a Fat Boy. Alec and Elaine Shannon had their latest custom bikes on display : fabulous.

A short issue this time, more news and piccies in next issue.

It’s your magazine folks, and I know lots of you get out on yer bikes and do all sorts of reely interesting stuff. I and others want to read about it, we’re all looking for new things to do, new places to go, good cafes, chippies, routes, rallies, new gizmos, gadgets, techy advice etc. I can prattle on about stuff I’m interested in, but we want to read about your experiences/embarrassing episodes. I can make it anonymous or put your name to it. Photos are great, we all like to see pictures our friends and their bikes. So get in touch if you’ve done something that others ‘just might’ be interested in puhlease. I kan spell-cheque an editt your stoaries ! Interesting Kit I saw and bought a bit of useful kit recently. If you’re out in the wet your visor can get mucked up with dirty spray. There’s a new device for cleaning your visor called Visorcat. It’s got rubber blades for wiping water off your visor and a sponge which has cleaning fluid in it. It attaches to your glove. I like it; have a look at See what you think. The IAM can’t recommend it, but it’s well liked.


2013 10th Anniversary Gathering Pin

I’ve been watching the team that’s organising the 10th Gathering at Drimsynie. It’s going to be great, and it’ll be due to the extraordinary hard work and dedication of the team. They spend an awful lot of time and effort, and it’s just for us! So a massive thanks goes to , Nuala, Brian, Brendan, John McLean, John Ferguson and Kevin. But an extra special big thanks to Cath, Martin and Rob The work that goes into planning and executing our rally is incredible, and they do it for nothing !!!!! Volunteers : - We need volunteers from the Chapter for small jobs at the Gathering. Soooo many people have said in the past “no one asked me”. Well, we’re asking. Please contact one of the committee and volunteer an hour or so of your time at the Gathering.


I'm writing this just a few days after our A.G.M. I had high hopes that we would have had an excellent ride out to the Falkirk Wheel prior to the A.G.M. Itself, but the weather had other ideas. Winter has not yet loosed its grip on us and it was bitterly cold with ice on the roads forecast on the day in question. Add to this the fact that every road had a layer of salt still on it, we thought it better, and safer, to cancel our proposed run. Never mind, perhaps we'll be able to slot this in at some later date. Respect to Ian and Janice Graham who, despite the weather, arrived at the A.G.M. On Ian's GoldWing. Once the hypothermia blankets had been issued and hot coffee consumed, they were none the worse for their experience. So there we have it! At a Harley Owners Group A.G.M. The only bike to arrive was a Honda! Our A.G.M. Was held, for the first time, in the Tradeston Ex Servicemens club. The attendance figure for the event was excellent with in excess of 60 persons present. We started with a buffet lunch which, from the feedback I received, appeared to be well appreciated by those attending. Having conducted a 'Straw poll' of members it would appear that this new venue was a big hit. It is my intention to meet with the clubs director in the near future to discuss future events we may wish to hold there, Octobeerfest etc. In regard to the content of the meeting, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank both my management team and all those attending for their support. I can only assume that you all got together prior to the start and decided collectively to go easy on me because it was my first time as Chairperson. A number of points were raised, questions posed and suggestions offered all of which will be discussed and, where appropriate, acted upon in the coming months. A few weeks ago the club staged a bowling night at Xscape. This was organised by Nuala and, despite this obvious flaw in planning, it turned out to be an excellent evening with 26 people in attendance.

Well done to Nuala and all those who attended. I'd love to be able to tell you that I actually won a prize. Unfortunately, I am to bowling what Hitler was to world peace!

Easter weekend is fast approaching and there will be a Bar-B-Q at WCHD and an Easter Egg run for us all to participate in. The 2013 biking season is definitely under way. Nuala has produced our calendar of monthly ride outs and other events which you should all have received by e mail. Please keep it handy and attend as many as your time and finances will allow. Ticket sales for 'The Gathering' have slowed down at present. It would appear that the same is true of other rally events also. It is reported that both T.I.T.G. And Wake the Lakes have not sold as many tickets as they might have expected for this time of year. However, there is no panic! Sales are still healthy and we remain confident that, come the event, we will once again be a sell out. However, if you have not yet bought your ticket(s) or know of someone who has not yet purchased, I would encourage you to buy and spread the word about the best wee rally in Scotland! Our club has approximately 135 members at this time and our finances are excellent. That makes us healthy, wealthy and wise. I'm not sure about that last word. However, as Meatloaf once said:'Two out of three ain't bad' Ride safe, have fun and spread the joy. Brendan Director : - Clyde Valley H.O.G.


What’s happening in the world of H-D in 2013 – answer? Plenty! By now you’ll have probably been aware of some of the early season activity such as new model launch, ride outs, and Easter Open Weekend. I’m delighted to say that that’s only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. In this 110th anniversary year we’ve set out to make sure that those new to the HOG will not be left wondering what it’s all about. Certainly H-D themselves are laying on some great events and you can even win a trip to Rome for the biggest 110th event in Europe. We’ll be doing our own version of celebrations throughout the year and hope you can join us for at least one of them. There’s plenty of action too on the showroom floor with new products and displays in pretty well every department so if you don’t mind this unashamed plug, make sure your contact details are up to date on our system and keep up to speed with what’s new at West Coast and if you haven’t been in for while I think you’ll notice some changes. I’m really looking forward to this year, we’re going to be launching some exciting new models and celebrating 110 years of freedom – hold on to your hats!

The new Harley-Davidson Breakout will be making its debut during Daytona Bike Week, and on 3rd & 4th May at West Coast H-D The Breakout, a premium softail chopper with a black-and-chrome twin-cam 1690cc engine. The pipes are also black and chrome, giving the bike a unique look with wide-spaced spokes on the Gasser wheels. Chopped fenders, front and rear, add to the muscular appearance.

Don MD West Coast H-D

The new Street Bob launched recently at West Coast.

Clyde Valley’s 2013 and the HOG 110 year pins



Nuala organised a really successful chapter bowling night during March. Tremendous fun especially for Fiona the booby prize winner.

Yes !!!!! She missed !!!!!!

Anybody see where Fiona’s bowl went ? I can’t look !

Oh dear !!

ACTIVITIES You all should have received Nuala’s email with this years proposed event for Clyde Valley and West Coast H-D. If you haven’t , get in touch with Nuala or Kevin Rooney to make sure they’ve got your current email address., or The list of activities is Nuala’s very best guess with the information she has at present. So keep in touch to ensure you don’t miss out. MEMBERSHIP Kevin started taking membership subscriptions for 2013 at the AGM. So if you couldn’t make it to the AGM get in touch with Kevin please. Kevin pointed out that Clyde Valley’s membership is less than most HOG chapters in the north of the UK. Not that we’re cheap folks, just excellent value

AGM Presentations were made by Brendan to our RETIRING OFFICERS of Clyde Valley Big Willie Corson, Director, Brendan’s predecessor. Willie and his wife Janice are planning to spend more time together on the bike and holidaying.

Rob Emery Assistant Director. He can be forgiven for nicking the sweeties !!! Rob is on the hard working Gathering Team. Ross Munro our Head Road Kapitan retires. He’s lead us on brilliant, safe rides for years (and me up the garden path !!) Who can forget his pre-ride talks His exploits at rallies, best not too much detail, especially the Italian rally “who left the disc-lock on” !!!! However, Brendan has announced that John Ferguson has kindly offered his services as High Heid Yin. John goes on a Road Captains course soon.


RIDEOUTS Unfortunately, the rideout planned to be ‘pre AGM’ didn’t go ahead. It was just too cold. I had decided the day before that it would be too cold, so I was delighted it was called off. The first one of the year is always very popular, so keep an eye on Nuala’s plans. As mentioned earlier, Ross has stepped down from the Head Road Captains position, John Ferguson will take over when he’s done the HOG Road Captains course. Meanwhile we have qualified road captains Brendan, John McLean and Ian McEwan who will lead our rideouts  Sunday 14 April CRAG annual get together with Red Rose. Option of an overnight stay on Sat 13th. Rideout to Moffat from Hillington Sun 14 April  Sunday 26th May Rideout to Dewars Whisky Distillery from Hillington  7, 8, 9th June THE GATHERING  Sunday 23rd or 30th Dunedin v CVH Chapter Games. Dunedin to supply date  Saturday 27th July East Fortune Air Museum from Hillington  Sunday August 18th Portpatrick from Hillington  Sunday 22nd September Tayvallich from Hillington  Sunday 20th October Mystery rideout.  There will be more. RALLIES Of course we have our GATHERING at Lochgoilhead. It promises to be really good as the team have managed to book Big Vern and the Shootahs. So it’s not to be missed. Got your tickets ?? As for me it’s The Gathering, Wake the Lakes, Back to the Peak, and TTIG so far. A bit too much going on with family this year to get Route 66 or the HOG European rally in Rome under my belt. I’ll be travelling so much I don’t think I’ll have time to unpack. Don’t miss Hog ‘n Bog in Coleraine this year too, last year it was great even though the Friday was a monsoon for our great ride to the Titanic exhibition organised by our Webmaster Brian Alison. The exhibition was great, if you get a chance—go see it. The run along the North Antrim coast is fabulous, stop for fish and chips at Ballyholme on the quayside brill! Some Clyde Valley members are going the Irish Bikefest at Killarney. If you’ve not done this one, give it a try. I saw Willie Nelson the last time I was there. Do the Dingle peninsular, a great rally. Like the Coleraine rally, lots of craic and Guinness.

DARK CUSTOM RIDES If you fancy a leg-over (no frills !!) Keep up to date with West Coast’s rides. They’re informal rides, not marshalled, just a group of enthusiasts enjoying their bikes and each others company. Details on CVH website too. BIKER’S BREAKFASTS Keep in touch with West Coast, they have dates arranged for their breakfasts. See the WCHD flyer for details. There are two statues in a park; a nude man and a nude woman. They’ve been facing each other across a pathway for hundreds of years. One day an angel comes down from the sky and, with a single gesture brings them both to life. The angel tells them “as a reward for being so patient through a hundred blazing ? summers and wet winters you’ve been given life for 30 minutes to do what you’ve wished for the most”. He looks at her, she looks at him and they run into the shrubbery, the angel waits as the bushes rustle, and she hears giggling. After 15 minutes they return out of breath, laughing. The angel tells them “Ummm you’ve got 15 minutes left, do you want to do it again. He says “shall we?” She replies Ohhhhh yes, but let’s change position. This time I’ll hold the pigeon and you dump on it’s head.


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