Empowered by Official Expansion UEL AIESEC FTU HCMC - VIETNAM
The Project is held in the English school in which Interns will teach the Children from 3-15 Years Old through class activities. So they have the opportunity to develop their English skills, Soft skills, Life skills.
Provide English Education to Vietnamese Students Exchange culture through activities and multicultural study environment
1ST May 2016
th 30
August 2016
Teaching English Class for Children (3-15 years old)(30hrs per week), Prepare Content and Materials for English Class Create supportive environment for students and local teachers to develop English Skills Present about Intern’s Country to exchange culture ( gifts, presentation) to students. Join supplementary activities for Interns. ,take part in AIESEC exchange - related activities Fill in our AIESEC quality survey before, during and after the Internship (Compulsory)
Working in Phu Yen Province: provided materials with Projector ‌.
The Class Scale is about 15 -20 Students
The School will provide for Interns: free wifi, free accommodation, free food, free transportation Working hours: 20-25 hrs/week (Wed-Sun) Days-off: Monday and Tuesday
REQUIREMENT Good command of English Love Children Enjoy Teaching Job Enjoy Cultural Exchange Communication Skills Adaptability and Responsibility Proactive, Openminded and SolutionOriented
BENEFITS Personal Development: Self-Awareness, Communication skills, Teaching and Public Speaking Skills,... Social Impact Vietnamese Cultural Understanding Traveling Experience Relationships: friends,…
A country of long history and beautiful cultural Heritages
A country with attractive landscape, charming sites HUE - IMPERIAL CITY A World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO
HALONG BAY - a World Heritage Site
WHY VIETNAM Variety of Delicious Food
Buddy Service from AIESEC Airport Pick-up Free acommodation, free Wifi, Food provided, Free Transportation: HCMC-Phu Yen Province, Phu YenHCMC and Homestay to school Transportation: travelling coach that center supports, or sometimes travelling by bus.
Trainings, coaching from Center, from AIESEC.
Contacts: (Ms.) Trần Thị Hoài Giang +84 974756006 giangtran0508@gmail.com