Hello? Earth to the Political Class! BY JEN A.. I received a letter from a high-profile politician the other day asking that I send them money to help promote their agenda. Confused at first, I couldn't imagine why anyone would be asking me for money. I mean — you know — there isn't much room below the poverty line once you get beyond me. Then, suddenly, I got it. I'm a registered voter and I actually vote every time they open the polls. If dogcatcher is the only office on the ballot, I'm there doing my civic duty. I started to laugh as I thumbed through the collection of papers in the envelope. By the time I got to the four-color brochure, its only purpose to demonize and excoriate the other side, I was laughing so hard I almost choked. I couldn't help but think, Who are these people? Are they aware of what's going on in the world? Please don't try to bait me by telling me how evil the other side is and make me feel it's my responsibility to raise enough money to defeat them in the next election. Tell
me how you'll make things better for us poor schlubs out here in the trenches of America. Better yet, SHOW ME! Most of those in the political class I've seen don't look as though they've missed any meals. Their children are well dressed and have nice shoes. Their babies have diapers and they appear to be able to afford feminine hygiene products. They have multiple homes and vacation in exotic places. They're seen at upscale restaurants. They all have taxpayer-funded health insurance. There's a private gym at the Capitol. They have personal security that drives them wherever they would like to go. They are wined and dined and enriched by lobbyists and foreign heads of state. They can send out letters asking for money and pay no postage. Most Americans don't have access to any of those things. Let them fund their own campaigns! And that goes double for the political class in Tennessee. What have they done
for us lately? The state legislature did nothing to keep us in our homes. They reduced the number of weeks we can draw unemployment. They have demonized transgender folks, putting them in grave danger from our more sociopathic citizens. They refuse to extend healthcare benefits to our most hardworking, vulnerable citizens. They want to codify "right to work" statutes into our constitution that will disadvantage ALL of our workers. Both Tennessee senators voted against the Infrastructure bill even as our bridges crumble and towns like Waverley are washed away because of infrastructure neglect and unmitigated climate change conditions. As far as I'm concerned, we shouldn't get a dime of those funds. Our senators lack the courage and vision to do the right thing for our state. How could they vote no? Let the current political class of Tennessee foot the bill to improve our infrastructure. They're loaded!
Down here where I live it's all we can do to keep our heads above water. Our babies are hungry and our children have no shoes. The other grandmothers I know are scrambling for resources in an effort to keep their grandchildren from being tossed out of their homes onto the street. It's really bad down here y'all! And I'm sure it's not much better for those higher up on the social ladder. We've been sold a tragically hollow bill of goods by the political class. So I would ask, should you receive a letter, or email, or Facebook blast from someone in the political class asking for money for their campaign, I hope you stop to think about it for a minute. Invest instead in our community. Buy some diapers and drop them off at one of our community centers. Take some basketballs to one of our minority schools. Pay a single mother's back rent or car payment. Isn't it time the political class learned to fend for themselves. It's what they've always expected from us.
Recently (in late July/early August) an older couple June (the husband) and Shirley (the wife) stopped by to get the latest edition of The Contributor newspaper. June told me he’d just gotten out of the hospital — evidence of that was plain to see in the form of all the colorful arm bands that lined his right wrist. I told him I was glad he was out of the hospital and I hoped that meant he was feeling better and that he was on his way to a full recovery! He said, “I don’t know about all that, but since I was on this side of town, I thought I’d come and see you in person and get my paper in person.” (Sometimes when he wasn’t up to it he’d send Shirley to get it for him.) I smiled as he took the paper and he squeezed my hand and away they went. As they drove away, I remember thinking that he did look tired, weak and frail. As it turns out, “It Takes A Village” was his final issue of The Contributor. Shirley came to see me about a week and a half later and told me he had died on Aug. 14, and asked me to pray for him. I wanted to confirm their names. (It’s always good to be as specific as possible in your prayers.) She said it didn’t matter if I remembered or included her, but to please remember June (like the month of June) because, "he loved you SO much and he loved the paper," and of course I did. I figured it was the least I could do under the circum-
stances. She went on to tell me that they’d been married for 47 years! I told her I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to lose the love of your life, someone you’d spent SO much time with. Tears filled her eyes and she thanked me — though there really was no need for that, I just did what anyone else would do in that situation. I sincerely hope she continues to stop by to visit-some do to honor the memory of the one who died, others simply move on. Either way, if there is a lesson we can ALL learn from this it’s to let those we love know what they mean to us each and every day because no one is promised tomorrow. Ask yourself, “If tomorrow never comes will [those you care for] know how much you love them?” What we do know is how different possibly even more difficult our lives would be without them! I know it may be hard to do, family dynamics are complicated, but you can be certain it will definitely be worth any effort you make in the long run! In the meantime, I’d like to ask ALL our readers to keep Shirley and her family in your thoughts prayers so that she can get whatever she needs to get through this difficult time. Thanks in advance for your time, consideration and understanding.
I was told by a customer, a long-time customer, that I should write more positive articles. How much more positive can you get than God’s word? I know for the last month things was very very slow. I also basically knew it was because of an article I’d wrote. Ya see, I stepped on many toes. Even though I don’t make any money, I’m very happy because I know I touched base. I spoke the truth. Many can’t receive it simply because they can’t live it. See, Jesus was crucified because he spoke the truth, John the Baptist was beheaded because he spoke the truth, Peter was hung upside down because he spoke the truth, Martin Luther King was assassinated because he stood and spoke about what was the truth. The truth has to be told, otherwise the great pretender takes over. God says in his word we can’t be lukewarm. Many socalled Christians today are. They wanna praise God but their wallet and pocketbook tells them they can do whatever they like. We get up on Sunday and head for church as if we’re going to praise him when we truly know who our god is. Jesus say in the last days people will say, “Did we not prophesy in your name?” I never knew you says the Lord. “Spit you out.” There were many great men, I had to say Martin because we live in a very twisted country, where things have always been unequal. Thank you Lord, because I know you’re gonna change all that within time. God said in his word that we couldn’t be lukewarm and spend eternity in his kingdom. To all people of Nashville, “If you hate your Christian brothers and sisters because of the color of their skin, YOU ARE LUKEWARM.” Take these words to church with you. Spread the good news. Many have been led astray.
PAGE 18 | September 29 - October 13, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE