6 minute read
Upon arrival at the Conrad, please visit the registration area to pick up event materials and to confirm the credit card on file for the evening.
All purchases are final; no exchanges or refunds on items. All items are sold “as is.” Unless otherwise specified, all auctioned items and services are valid for one year from the date of the event, May 13, 2024. All services must be redeemed by the listed expiration date. Dates and times are as designated or are to be arranged between the winner and the donor at their mutual convenience. It will be the winner’s responsibility to check expiration dates and restrictions on their items and gift certificates.
Langley is not responsible for certificates/vouchers that are misplaced or lost following receipt. Auction items are not transferable from the buyer to anyone else without the express permission of the donor.
All purchases made the evening of May 13, 2023, will be charged to guests’ pre-registered credit cards. Charge transactions will occur the week of May 15, 2023. Should a guest prefer to pay by check, purchase(s) must be paid in full the night of the event. Payment by check may be made at the check-out station. Checks should be made payable to The Langley School.
Check-out will open in the registration area outside the ballroom at 10:00 p.m. To the extent possible, the buyer should take home all items at the end of the evening. Any remaining items must be picked up from Langley’s Development Office (Claire Maxted Administration Building/second floor) by Friday, May 19, 2023.
Auction purchases are tax-deductible only to the extent that the amount paid for an item exceeds the fair market value of the item. The fair market value of live auction items is provided based on donors’ stated value only. All values are estimates only and are not guaranteed by the school. If any auction item is purchased below the market value, you are not able to claim a deduction.
The Internal Revenue Service requires that the school provide a good-faith estimate of the fair market value of each item purchased in excess of $75. The school will provide you with a receipt listing the items you purchased and a good-faith estimate of the value of each.
By their purchase, the buyer waives any claims for liability against either The Langley School or the donor of the property or services. Neither the school nor the donor is responsible for any personal injuries or damage to property that may result from the use of property or services sold.
Raffle tickets are not tax-deductible.
Silent Auction
The Greater Giving mobile/online bidding platform will be used for the silent auction. The silent auction will close at 8:15 p.m. on Saturday, May 13, except for the “Super Silent” category which will close at 9:50 p.m. that evening. Registered guests will bid using their smartphones on event night and on their smartphones/ desktop computers before event night. Bidding will open to all registered persons on Monday, May 8.
Please be advised that each item has a specified minimum bid and minimum incremental bid. Bidders will be alerted prior to the closing of the silent auction, and also the “Super Silent” category. The person offering the highest bid for an item at the close of bidding will be deemed the winner of the item. Bidders can view items they have won on their smartphones.
Mobile Bidding Instructions
Those already registered to attend the 80th Anniversary Gala will automatically receive a personalized URL for online/mobile bidding. For those who are not attending, but still wish to bid, you may register here: https://langley2023.ggo.bid/bidding/package-browse (click on the “Get Started” button).
Personalized URLs are intended for the recipient only and should not be forwarded to others. If you do not receive a text and/or email message, contact Connie Chou at cchou@langleyschool.org.
• After clicking the URL in the text or email, you can begin searching for silent auction items by number, keyword, or category.
• Select the silent auction item on which you wish to bid. You can bid the next increment or bid more than the next increment. If you choose to bid more, you can choose to set your max bid. If your max bid is the highest, the system will automatically bid in your favor until you are outbid or until the silent auction closes. If your bid is lower than the highest max bid on that package, you will be prompted to enter a higher bid.
• If you are outbid at any point before the silent auction closes, you’ll be notified by text message.
• To “watch” a package, select the star icon on the package.
• To view packages you are bidding on, click the menu button and select “bids.”
• To view packages you are watching, click the menu button and select “favorites.”
• Once the auction closes, the guest with the highest bid will win.
• Under the “bids” area, you can check your winning packages.
• Should you need help at the event, a “bid buddy” volunteer will be on hand to assist you at registration. There will also be a charging station at the registration area.
• Guests are encouraged to charge their phones before the event.
Live Auction
The live auction will begin during dinner and will proceed until every item offered has been sold or, in rare cases, withdrawn. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bidding at a minimum price and reject any bid that is not commensurate with the value of the item. If the auctioneer determines that any opening bid is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, she may reject the bid and withdraw the article from sale.
To enter a bid, the bidder raises their bid paddle, directing the signal to the auctioneer. An acknowledged bid is a binding offer to purchase the item. The bidding continues until the highest bidder is acknowledged by the auctioneer. In the event of a dispute between bidders, the auctioneer shall have sole and final discretion to determine the successful bidder or to resell the item in dispute. The bid number functions as a legally binding signature for your bids at the auction. The purchaser assumes full risk and liability for the item at this time.
Please note that auction items will be awarded to one purchaser only. Winning bids will not be split among participants who may have agreed to pay a portion of the winning bid amount. A winner who wishes to split the payment for an auction item must collect the individual payments to the cashier or accept those payments as reimbursement for the total payment the winner has made.
Absentee Bids for Live Auction
Absentee bids will be accepted for live auction offerings. If interested in placing an absentee bid, please contact Ricki Marion in the Development Office for an absentee bid form. Absentee bids must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 11, 2023. The form authorizes a designated auction official to bid on behalf of the absentee bidder. At the event’s live auction, bids will be made beginning at the initial bid level specified in writing by the absentee bidder, and will continue to be made in the increments suggested by the auctioneer as necessary to maintain the absentee bidder as the highest bidder, up to the maximum bid price established by the absentee bidder.
Absentee bids not meeting the minimum opening bid, missing credit card information, or lacking a valid signature will be disqualified. If the bid is the highest bid, it will be binding. Payment will be due upon notification of the winning bidder.

a r e p a s s o n a t e a b o u t c r e a t i n g e n v i r o n m e n t s w h e r e o u r c l e n t s c a n l v e h a p p i l y a n d t h r i v e t h r o u g h e n d u r n g d e s i g n n s p i r e d b y t h e l i v e s y o u l e a d e t s w o r k t o g e t h e r !
We are happy to support the professional development of Langley faculty and congratulate the school on its 80th anniversary!
The Zerbe Family thanks The Langley School’s amazing teachers for all you do!

The Langley School

80th Anniversary Gala celebrating our story
The Langley School is deeply grateful to Melanie Bielski, Aly Brokenshire, and Allie Miller for their outstanding leadership as co-chairs of The Langley School’s 80th Anniversary Gala
We are grateful for Langley teachers and the talent and generosity they demonstrate every day!
-Chris and AJ Andreas