Mayflower Lineage Application Preparation

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Mayflower Lineage Application Preparation Help to speed up the process, save time and effort, and make life easier for all! 20-Nov-15


Purpose of this Presentation • To show what documentation is used to provide the verified proof which is the heart and soul of Mayflower lineage Without a certified connection to a Mayflower passenger, there can be no Mayflower Society membership

• To show how to prepare a well documented application with the least effort and one that can be efficiently verified



What will be covered • Walk through an application step by step • Discuss sources and information needed at each stage • Determine if lineage is proven at each generation • Show the simplest way to cite the proof • Avoid embellishments that slow down the process



Begin the application…

• Leave the General Number and State Number blank - UNLESS it is a supplemental application • Confirm your Member Society/State name - or add it

Some states may have updated their template with their society name • When filling out a regular application, the “center box” is left blank • The center drop-down box provides you with a selection of options This is used to indicate “Worksheet”, “Supplemental”, “Life” or “Junior Life” 20-Nov-15


Applicant Information…

• • • • • • •

The __th number is one less than your applicant’s generation number Put in the passenger name - format (all caps, bold, upper/lower) is state historian’s choice Put in exact name of applicant, as it will appear on their certificate, followed by mailing name if different Put in street address or POB. The right of that can be used for phone number (example next page) Put in city, state and zip + 4. The right can be used for email Occupation is important for future leadership as some offices are filled by occupation/training Whenever using a fillable template, be sure to “single” click or tab into the shaded box!



How Information Looks … filled out!

• Please line up any right hand information with the mailing name • Once everything is in order, and the applicant has had an opportunity to review and corrections have been made, the applicant should sign in BLACK INK. 20-Nov-15


Complete when the Signed Application is Returned…

• Remember – application must be signed and dated by the State Historian before sending to Plymouth • “Received by Historian General” is date stamped when the application is logged in at Plymouth • “Elected by State Society” is the date the member is elected. This may be the date a state number is assigned or another date according to your society’s bylaws or procedures. (This date is not filled in by the Plymouth office for supplementals – however, a state may note their member’s original date of election.) 20-Nov-15


The First Three Generations …

• # 1 is the name of the PASSENGER (all caps); font is pre-set to Times New Roman 11 You may include the spouse of the passenger if desired

• # 2 is the name of the CHILD of the passenger (all caps). The spouse name is in mixed case • # 3 is the CHILD of #2 20-Nov-15


Gen 3 and Beyond: Place and Date

• Place of birth & death is town plus state/province abbreviation, using two letters (MA is optional for Massachusetts towns; it is assumed if not there) • If baptism record only, put bpt before the place name • If only burial is known, use bur before the place name • Countries other than US and Canada are written out after the place, e.g. Plymouth, England • Date of birth & death is in day (1-2 digits), month (3 Ltr abbreviation), year (4 digits) format • If baptism date, put bpt before the date • Range examples: bet 6 Jan 1701 & 10 Jan 1702 or aft 10 Apr 1713 or liv 10 Jun 1715 • Quaker dates may be cited as they appear in the Silver books 20-Nov-15


References for Birth & Death: Beginning Generations

References for birth and death – places and dates MF = Mayflower Families (silver cover); JHMF = John Howland of the Mayflower (blue cover); MFIP = Mayflower Families in Progress (pink cover)

• MF, JHMF or MFIP books are sufficient as references for the portion of the lineage they cover

• Cite all current MF, MFIP and JHMF books that apply • Use this format for MF & JHMF: MF 12: 85, 153; MF 16:1: 36, 94; JHMF 4: 51, 75 • On the birth line, show 2 pgs from each MF book: one where the person appears as a child in their parents’ family and the second where their own family sketch is shown • Where the family appears on multiple pages and birth information is on page 112, cite that page



References for Birth & Death: Beginning Generations (how to cite MFIP volumes)

References for birth and death – places and dates MF = Mayflower Families (silver cover); JHMF = John Howland of the Mayflower (blue cover); MFIP = Mayflower Families in Progress (pink cover)

• For MFIP references, please use the descendant #, not the page number Example: MFIP Soule #462 or MFIP Brewster #533 [note the use the # sign]

• Do not specify the Brewster or Soule volumes: [e.g. not: “MFIP Brewster, Love #250”] • For the final generation in the MFIP volume, the small roman numeral is included as part of the citation, e.g. MFIP Brewster #550 vi Some Soule references continue with information a further generation or two. Please continue citing the person number with the roman numeral 20-Nov-15


References to Marriage Place, Date & Spouse

• Names after “married to”: capitalize only the first letters of these names; pre-set to Times New Roman, 11 pt, no bold is used • Spouse’s parents names are placed to the right on the “married to” line, enclosed in square brackets. Try to line up with the start of the reference section above. Use a dash between these names

• If a Marriage Intention is the only document, put int before both place and date 20-Nov-15


Additional Marriages – Format for all generations (except the applicant)

• Additional marriages are noted to the right on the line carrier’s name line using m #) to precede the name. Example: m1) Ruth Fuller • If multiple marriages, show the number of the line carrier’s marriage to the line carrying spouse preceding the marriage place name and preceding the line carrying spouse name • Additional marriages for the spouse are noted on their name line, to the right of parents and are also preceded by m #) • If spouse’s mother’s maiden name unknown, 5 dashes are used to replace the missing name 20-Nov-15


Before we leave page 1… • The “same as” information identifies the most recent application approved on this line from the Pilgrim listed at generation #1. • In the generations fields, the first number will most always be a 1 (Exceptions occur in the case of passenger whose children, parents or spouses were also passengers; in these cases the first number may be 2) • In the GS # field, there is never more than one application number shown • The GS # noted here is not used to indicate where documents are found • This number can be reliably obtained from the GSMD Library in Plymouth • Here are some examples:



Application Page 2, Generations 6 to 9 These are the hardest generations to document • If your line carrier at Gen 6 is not in the Silver book, please talk to us at the Plymouth office before starting an application. We may be able to help with more recent information • The same application protocols reviewed in first five generations apply throughout • Always check the abbreviations found in the back of the Historians Manual when citing information in the references column. These standard abbreviations help save space and time • In addition, short citations and abbreviations can be found in some Silver books. Please use these only for abbreviations that DO NOT APPEAR in the Historians manual • In general, shorter is better. However, when a source is used for the first time, a slightly expanded citation may be helpful • If the place or date of an event is not supported by the references listed, the place or date is excluded or placed in square brackets 20-Nov-15


After the Silvers … How to Cite Sources

• The first source in the birth reference section should be the best one for proving parents • Sources cited on the birth line are assumed to have full parents unless otherwise noted (see below) •Various abbreviations are used to denote the parental status found in the documentation • (pars) = Full parents meaning: first and last/maiden name of line carrier and spouse are found here • (nmnm) = No maiden name mother • (no mo) or (no fa) = No mother or no father named in the source • (ngnm) or (ngnf) = No given/first name mother or no given/first name father 20-Nov-15


After the Silvers … How to Cite Sources on the birth line

• As a convention, the abbreviation for full parents (pars) is not required for citations on the birth line. Other abbreviations are used when needed on this and other lines, e.g. (nmnm); (no mo), etc • When citations other than normal birth sources need to be used on the birth line, these are placed in parentheses, e.g. (M/C), (D/C). If further “content abbreviations” are needed, separate them with a dash inside the parentheses, for example (M/C - nmnm) or (D/C - dt, no pars) • On the birth line, when citing a source that does not name parents, please note what information is provided (place and/or date) and also indicate no parents; example: Holmes Gen 24 (pl, dt, no pars) or Douglas Co Hist 74 (yr, no pars) 20-Nov-15


After the Silvers … How to Cite Sources on the birth line

• Censuses can be used when parents are not proven by primary sources; please do not overuse censuses • Wherever possible use two censuses following closest after the birth • Census citations generally need to include only age: 1850 FC IN (5); 1855 SC NY (10) • When using the 1900 census, add the month and year of birth: 1900 FC SC (22; Feb 1878) 20-Nov-15


After the Silvers … How to Cite Sources on the death line

• Where parents are expected in sources shown on the death line, the citation needs to confirm (pars) or (no pars), etc. Examples: D/C (pars) or Holmes Gen 24 (no pars) or Jones Fam 157 (nmnm) or Obit (no mo)

• If the place or date of any event is not supported in the references listed, the death place or date is placed in square brackets. • Please do not indicate “pl, dt” or “no pl” or “no dt” etc. after sources on the death line. 20-Nov-15


After the Silvers … How to Cite Sources on the death line – gravestones

• Please note: gravestone photos are not expected to have parents. Therefore it is not necessary to indicate (no pars). • Gravestone photos are now referenced as gs photo (not ‘copy gs photo’ as in the Historian’s manual) On the death reference line, when a gravestone includes the age, it should be noted : Example: gs photo (74-10-2) or gs photo (82) No need to put “year” or “date” on the death line 20-Nov-15


After the Silvers … How to Cite Sources on the marriage line

• For sources cited here please indicate parents or no parents in parentheses as shown below: Holmes Gen 24 (no pars) or

VR 2: 156, 254 (nmnm)

or M/C (pars)

• The marriage line (m.) belongs to the line carrier. Sources used in support of spouse’s additional marriage(s), are cited on the spouse birth line. • Wherever possible, marriages are supported with a marriage certificate (M/C) or a marriage record (M/R) (A marriage certificate (M/C) is a document applying to a single marriage event) 20-Nov-15

(A marriage record (M/R) is on a register or other listing with several marriages on the same page)


After the Silvers … How to Cite Sources on the marriage line

• When obtaining documents, a long form marriage certificate, one that names parents, is always preferred. • A marriage license and marriage certificate are often found in the same document and cited as M/C. • Names of the parents of the spouse are placed in square brackets to the right on the spouse name line • If the spouse has any additional marriages, additional spouse name(s) go to the right of parent names . 20-Nov-15


One and the Same at the Marriage? Same name does not necessarily mean same person Checking to be sure there are no same name problems Is the person documented at the marriage the same one documented at the birth?      

Are the parents named on the marriage certificate? Does the death certificate name the parents and the spouse? Does a parent’s will name the daughter by her married name? Is there a genealogy that names the parents and the spouse? Are they buried together and does the date of birth or age on the gravestone match the birth record or other birth source for the line carrier? Is there a census with spousal relationship and age that matches?

This subject will be covered in greater depth in a separate presentation.



Citing Documents filed with Older Applications When preparing a lineage based on older applications, please follow current rules for noting the location of documents (e.g. the GS#s is no longer placed after each individual document)

When documents from a previous application are cited, the file location needs to be specified to the right on the line carrier name line and after the name(s) of any additional spouses The GS #(s) will indicate where documents are located: (see examples below) Example (documents in one file): w/xx,xxx Example (documents in two files): √ = w/xx,xxx + = w/xx,xxx When documents for a generation are located in 3 or more files, the application can become cluttered. Please call Plymouth for assistance. In the case of previously approved applications that do not indicate whether the referenced document has (pars) or (no pars), this will need to be determined. Please check online sources such as,,,, etc. If the document is not available online, please contact the Plymouth librarian for help. 20-Nov-15


Page 3 and beyond -- Smooth Sailing! Just a few more references to complete

All available birth, marriage and death records for the lineage need to be obtained. The requirement that long form certificates accompany Mayflower applications is not limited to the last three generations. “Long form certificates� or full records (with parents) are usually available after modern record keeping began: 1880 in New York, 1867 in Michigan and earlier in most New England towns The documentation provided with the application will be on file not only for the member’s lifetime, but for untold generations in the future. Why would we not seek the best documentation possible! 20-Nov-15


Page 3 continued

When a birth certificate can’t be found, an (M/C) and/or (D/C) that names parents should be cited on the birth line. Both should be cited if both name parents (note that an M/C is a higher quality source for proof of parents and should be cited first) Just a reminder, please indicate (pars) or (no pars) for all sources on the marriage and death lines. Remember, full parents are assumed on the birth line unless otherwise noted 20-Nov-15



Gen # removed

Note: this format applies to the final generation only. 20-Nov-15


Helpful Suggestions for Historians Historians should always feel welcome to contact the library staff in Plymouth who gladly provide the latest/best previously approved application(s) to use as models. Subscriptions to, and perhaps are helpful is an excellent free source for documents, including ‘browse only’ data Use Familysearch Wikis for other tips, hints and links Take advantage of websites with old genealogies and county histories:;;; in ‘stories, memories and histories’; google books, etc Every book in the Plymouth Mayflower library is listed on the website: (scroll to library catalog)



Tape, Paper, Staples – Replaces Extra credit for figuring out which beats what!!! • 24 lb paper is suggested for applications to avoid bleed thru.

• Paper must be acid free • Special application paper is available for purchase from the Plymouth sales office • With this paper, folded look of application maintained!

• Tape to be used is 3-M Acid Free Scrapbooking tape

• If taping, tape should be on the outside of the full length of the application, all the way to the top and bottom, cutting off any excess • The two sheets of paper should be aligned neatly, no overlap • Tape is available from the Plymouth sales office or office/art supply stores

• Staples are used sparingly if ever

• Staples rust and ruin the document • They must be pulled for scanning, which can ruin the page • Consider using paperclips or alligators, but only if necessary



Please Use the “Goldilocks Principle!” When Preparing Applications Well documented

+ Not overdone = Just right If there is a B/C naming full parents, then the baptismal certificate, the report card or the baby’s footprints are not needed. (Not too much) Make sure the documentation supports the parent-child connection and it is the same child who turns up at the altar to get married! (Not too little) And that everyone in the lineage is easily verified 20-Nov-15

(Just right!) 30

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