This story is about a prince who is turned into a monster and must fall in love to break the magic spell.

The narrators tell a story about the Old Beggar Woman who offered the Prince a rose. He turned her away so she turned him into an ugly Beast. To break the spell, the Beast must learn how to love and be loved in return before the magic rose loses its petals.

The Villagers sing about how strange Belle is for always reading and dreaming. Gaston tells Lefou that he wants to marry Belle.

Maurice travels through the forest and runs into hungry wolves. They chase him to the Beast’s castle. Maurice meets the magical objects. The Beast discovers Maurice inside his castle and is angry.

Gaston proposes to Belle. She says no. Belle finds out her father is missing and goes to look for him.

Belle arrives at the castle and finds her father. To free her father, Belle promises the Beast she will stay in the castle forever. The Beast tells her she cannot go to the forbidden west wing.

Gaston is disappointed that Belle rejected him but Lefou sings a song to cheer him up. Maurice tells everyone Belle is trapped in the castle.

The magical objects tell the Beast that Belle could be his true love and break the spell. The Beast invites Belle to dinner, but she doesn't come. He is angry.

The magical objects help Belle feel more at home and sing her a song called Be Our Guest.

Lumiere and Cogsworth give Belle a tour of the castle. Belle sneaks into the forbidden west wing and finds the magic rose. The Beast catches her and is very angry. Belle gets scared and runs away.

Belle runs into the forest and gets attacked by wolves. The Beast saves her and they go back to the castle where she helps him with his injuries. She thanks him for saving her life.

Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, and Chip think that Belle and the Beast could be falling in love because something is there that wasn't there before. The Beast gifts Belle a library.

The magical objec urse. They dream of

Lumiere and Cog tell Belle he loves her at di ogether.

The B is in trouble. He lets her go to save her father. The magical objects are scared the spell won't be broken if Belle leaves them.

Belle saves Mau away. Gaston tells Belle he’ll save her father if she marries him and that he must kill the Beast. Belle runs back to the castle to warn the Beast.

The magic spell is broken and the Beast magically transforms back into a handsome prince. The magical objects become human again and everyone lives happily ever after.