TNP Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2018

Page 20

Sensory-friendly experience Dear Naples Players, Having never taken Abigail to a play due to the fact that her focus and concern for noise has always been on our minds, we really didn’t know what to expect. Last night from the moment we walked in, we knew this was going to be a good experience for the entire family. The Naples Players staff were amazing and made it very clear to everyone as they walked in that it was a sensory-friendly production. Everyone was given an information guide on what would happen, lights left on but lower, being able to move about, and being a ‘no clap’ per-


seats were sold, it made the night a lot easier knowing we would have to get up and move at some stage – again which we did – but I for once didn’t have to care about how many times we got up. I loved it, as I knew we were not going to get ‘tutted’ at. Abigail loved it all, got very excited to see the orchestra, and then to see ‘Santa’ for the first time on stage, and just in general watching the performance. I spent a lot of time watching her expressions of joy and we danced a lot in our seats during some of the songs.

formance. This then allowed me as a parent to

As a family we had a great evening. My son is

relax and know that my daughter and our fami-

now looking forward to his next visit to watch

ly would not be judged by anyone.

The Naples Players.

The theater had set up a ‘quiet’ area and had

The show was amazing, the performance was

noise reducing earphones available. Despite

great, and kudos to the actors and actresses,

Abigail wanting some, we decided we would

as it really must be strange for them with the

get them if she needed them during the perfor-

house lights up and no clapping.

mance (she didn’t).


Due to the fact that only about one-third of

Thank you to Neapolitan Family Magazine for

Along with the above accommodations, when

making us aware of the sensory-friendly pro-

we went into the theater we could sit wherev-

ductions, but most of all thank you to The Na-

er we wanted and move around if we needed.

ples Players for providing us with a ‘no judge’

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