2 minute read

Life is short. here’s my bucket list.

Hannah Hebda

Assistant managing editor

A couple of weeks ago on the drive to m idway before spring break, a friend asked me where I would go if I had to choose one place in the world to travel to. o f course, with how indecisive I am, I couldn’t pick just one destination. There are so many places I would love to visit and adventures I am eager to experience in my life. In fact, I have a rather lengthy bucket list I would like to accomplish in my lifetime. s o, in the spirit of this question, here is a condensed version:

1. Finish this column on time s elf explanatory. It’s already late … sorry c laire.

2. Sunrise and sunset on every continent s o simple. s o ambitious.

3. Skydiving, preferably in Hawaii s orry, mom. I talk about this all the time and it drives her insane. The h awaii part is great. The jumping out of a plane and parachuting (to my possible death) part … not so great.

4. Backpack through Europe m y best friend’s mom has talked to me, extensively, about how she took a few months after college and did this by herself. m y friend and I want to do it together. We’ll see if that actually happens.

5. Northern Lights

I really, very badly, want to take a trip, stay in a glass igloo and watch the n orthern lights. h ow cool would that be?

6. Learn how to play the piano

This one seems pretty achievable, but then again, I am quite possibly the least musically inclined person ever. Just ask my old piano teacher. s ister Geraldine was a sister at a local congregation, s isters of the d ivine r edeemer, and she was sorely disappointed by the capabilities of my brothers and I. I’m determined to learn for both her and my second-grade self.

7. Egypt o ne word: Pyramids. I want to see them. Also, the n ile r iver and the s phinx. All must-do’s in e gypt, or so I’ve heard. I mean, we spent all of that time in middle school learning about the e gyptians, so why wouldn’t I want to go see everything in person?

8. Visit every U.S. National Park with my brothers

A couple of years ago my brothers, my dad and I went on a trip to Las vegas, Utah and Arizona. We hiked in Zion and visited the Grand c anyon. The following year, we did a c alifornia road trip and explored d eath valley, Joshua Tree, King’s c anyon, s equoia and Yosemite n ational Parks. Along with a few others, I think we’re up to 10(ish) parks, and I want to make it to all of them.

9. Antarctica

I’m not really sure how I’m getting to this one. I’ve done the research; I just need to acquire the funds. When that (hopefully) happens, I’ll do the polar plunge and see some penguins.

10. Kilimanjaro

This is another ambitious one. I’ve always wanted to go to Africa, for plenty of reasons (African safari, mission trip, etc.), but for some reason, I want to hike Kilimanjaro. Just think about the view from the top.

11. Honorable mention: Run a marathon o f course, I’m open to hearing any, and all, thoughts, suggestions, edits or additions you wonderful readers have for my list — my email is below.

The h oly h alf counts. s tay posted.

I have about 100 more bucket list items that I would love to cross off, including more sentimental ones that pertain to family and friends, but I don’t want to be too sappy here. I’m not sure if I’m being naive or just too ambitious, but I’ll keep dreaming and, hopefully, I will make it through all of them. I just want to have a life well-lived.

You can contact Hannah Hebda at hhebda@nd.edu.

The views expressed in this Inside Column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

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