2 minute read


By OLIVIA SCHATZ senior sports Writer

After months of preparation, the s ound of s U b music festival hit student eardrums Friday night.

“The goal of s U b is to create events that are going to get as much of the student body excited as possible,” said n icole c ampbell, s U b ’s concert committee chair. “And we really wanted to create a concert that would bring as many people in.” b ullock wowed the stage with a series of her own tunes. With a country twist and a few ballads, b ullock was clearly taking in her well-deserved spotlight. Fellow first-year Libby Garnett followed with a more indie take. c ompletely flipping from the previous performer, Garnett used her time to share her excitement, as well as her nerves, to the audience; at one point, Garnett turned around to make sure the audience was real and not a figment of her imagination. To finish out the student performers, junior Luke h olem took the stage. h olem was welcomed with a group of friends in the audience wearing a T-shirt with h olem’s face on it. b riscoe, a bluegrass duo of Truett h eintzelman and Philip Lupton, took the stadium by storm. Probably the most unexpected performance of the evening, it only took one song before half the audience was looking up the duo’s Instagram accounts. Filled with banjo breaks, harmonica and sax solos and a pair of twangy voices, b riscoe had the entire arena dancing to songs that very little knew. m ixed in with their set with an all-too-familiar cover of “Ain’t n o s unshine.” c helsea c utler came out branding a Kelly green n otre d ame long sleeve, which prompted a series of “Go Irish!” shouts from the crowd. d espite being ill, c utler performed just as lively as ever. c utler was banging her head and dancing across the stage, even jumping on her drum set (which she then stated she regretted). After a series of performances, c utler brought out her good friend n oah Kahan to sing “c razier Things,” a song Kahan was featured on in 2020. Kahan was tucked to the side for the majority of the song, allowing c utler to shine. After singing a few more songs of her own, as well as “ s tay n ext to m e,” a song she was featured on with Quinn X c II, c utler

At promptly 4 p.m., students began to line up outside s tepan c enter. d espite the chilly weather and lack of seating, the line continued to grow in anticipation.

“We looked for artists who would spark an immediate reaction,” said c ampbell, “and then we built up the festival aspect because we wanted to make sure there were things for people to do even if they weren’t here for the music.

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