6 minute read


By ANDY OTTONE scene Writer

I had the great pleasure of recently sitting down with n otre d ame alumnus s amuel b Jackson ‘20 for an interview regarding his recent work with the s teppenwolf Theatre c ompany in c hicago, as well as his journey after graduating.

Editor’s note: the audio for the first two questions was not recorded fully due to a technical error, but notes taken during the interview serve to fill in the gaps.

The interview began with m r. Jackson detailing his journey after his graduation. h is story with n otre d ame did not end after graduation, as he worked in admissions for some time before attending c olumbia University to receive his master’s degree in fine arts. h e joined the s teppenwolf Theatre c ompany in 2022 with the show “c hoir b oy.” s amuel b . Jackson ( s J): I also love the history of [ s teppenwolf]. The history of it really really intrigues me … There is a tradition that’s been around for a couple decades now where everyone who is in a dressing room writes one line from that show and then, of course, they date it. b eing able to go into my dressing room every morning or evening and seeing the great Laurie m etcalf or r ainn Wilson, just people like that, who are super super accomplished. It really inspires any actor really, but especially one just starting out. To know that they have made a space so graciously and have welcomed me so wholeheartedly and to their space and to their family, it really means a lot and you can definitely feel that in every interaction. s J: For sure! “ c hlorine s ky” is about the journey of the main character, the titular character s ky. A journey that largely revolves around becoming increasingly self-aware and self-secure regarding issues such as racism, colorism, texturism; and even issues as deep as abuse, manipulation and sexual assault and harassment. very deep topics considering all of the characters are in high school, but I think the subject matter is comple mented very well by — whether it be community promised to watch Kahan’s performance from the crowd. h owever, I don’t think she ever made it.

“And so through that I worked again, and I found jobs through ‘c hoir b oy,’ which is how I found my next gigs, including ‘ c hlorine s ky.’” I asked Jackson what he particularly enjoyed about s teppenwolf, and he placed an emphasis on the community and its available resources.

Andy o ttone (A o ): s teppenwolf has a long and storied history as a company, with you participating in their recent production “ c hlorine s ky.” Would you please tell our audience about the show in your own words?

With pigtail braids and overalls, n oah Kahan started his set off with an electric performance of “False c onfidence.” Kahan’s stage was filled with smoke, as well as neon lights that changed to fit each song’s mood. As someone who has been a fan of Kahan for quite some time, his performance was energetic and emotional all at once. Going through his repertoire of “ s tick s eason,” as well as some songs from previous albums, the audience matched his energy.

Although his performance was undeniably excellent, it also had a sense of whiplash to it. Kahan would frequently go from an upbeat song like “ s he c alls m e b ack” to a somber one like “ o range Juice,” forcing his audience to come along for the ride. Kahan then had a quick break before returning with “The v iew b etween v illages.” o ne audience member shouted for the extended version, which Kahan has teased online. This ultimately prompted a chuckle from the singer before the lights turned into a bright white. This was followed by his most known song “ s tick s eason,” the song that he said “changed his life” as well as the first single from his album.

Read the rest of this story on our website.

Contact Olivia Schatz at oschatz@nd.edu comments or nostalgic music or phrases used in the early aughts, which is the time setting of this piece. And, yeah, I guess more particularly for the plot, it’s essentially about two young girls navigating life as growing b lack female students and understanding how the aforementioned “-isms” kind of take place and root in their lives, and how that challenges their lives and their interactions, both with each other and themselves. s J: s ince the show deals with becoming the full version of yourself and loving that version that you see, whether it be when you look in the mirror and you look at yourself. d o you love that person? The show deals with those themes. o ur director thought it would be great to bring in elements of voguing, which is a style of dance that originated in n ew York by b lack and brown queer, particularly [transgender], individuals, and it was all about self-expression, among other things.

A o : n ow I want to talk about your time at n otre d ame. In your last year as a student you were our leprechaun at football games, where you typically did a move called the “death drop,” which I also saw you perform in “ c hlorine s ky.” h ow did this move find its way into “c hlorine s ky”?

Read the rest of this story on our website.

Contact Andy Ottone at aottone@nd.edu

Happy Birthday: Take your time; get organized. Preparation will help eliminate mishaps and misunderstandings. Stay in control and push forward with your issues and the goals that matter most to you. The hard work you put in this year will make a difference for years to come. Trust and believe in yourself, and refuse to let anyone get in your way. Think big, but be reasonable. Doors will open. your numbers are 7, 18, 21, 24, 30, 35, 48.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Distance yourself from anyone who tries your patience. Spend more time on personal goals, not arguing with someone about something that doesn’t matter. focus on your options and how to make the most of your time. Success will follow.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Pay attention to detail and present what you have to offer with pizazz. how you portray yourself and your lifestyle will flip a switch in someone who can help. Share what’s important, but not too much about your personal life.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Stick to the script and you won’t get caught off guard. If you want others to take you seriously, display what you can do with precision and detail. Share with people who have track records of living up to their promises.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): you’re all ready to go. Pour your energy into something concrete that will benefit you instead of bending to the likes of someone else. learn from the experience and you won’t make the same mistake twice.

Personal growth is favored.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Step in and take over. your insight and openness will encourage others to go to bat for you. Don’t let a change someone makes disrupt your plans. Avoid unpredictable situations or liability to your financial well-being.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Don’t waste time when you can accomplish so much. Put your blinders on to help you ignore interference that comes your way, and allow yourself to focus on whatever carries you to your goal. A personal change will give you the edge you need in a competition.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): keep your emotions out of the mix when dealing with professional situations. Protect your reputation by fulfilling your duties and keeping an open dialogue with your partners, peers and loved ones. Mix business with pleasure, and you’ll dominate what happens next.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): you’ll get the most done if you work alone. A home improvement project will pay off and put you in a better financial position. let your creative imagination take over, and you’ll dazzle everyone with your comments or propositions. romance is favored.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Don’t let anyone limit your achievements. Set your course and follow through. Build a solid foundation to satisfy your needs, regardless of what others do or say. Don’t let anyone disrupt your day or your plans. Distance yourself from liars and cheaters.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Stick close to home. getting into a feud with a friend, relative or colleague will stop you from getting things done on time.

Discipline will help you override any interference you encounter.

Pay attention to your personal goals and update your image.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): keep the momentum flowing and you’ll discover innovative ways to turn your attributes into a lucrative endeavor. keeping a low profile and working alone will prove beneficial. Don’t present your plans until you are prepared and confident; you’ll achieve your desired results.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Don’t get down; refuse to argue or let someone interfere with your plans. Working toward your goal will feed your imagination and encourage you to surpass your original objective. Believe in yourself and everything will fall into place.

Birthday Baby: you are outspoken, emotional and heroic. you are adaptable and pioneering.

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