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The book reviews published in Scottish Birds reflect the views of the named reviewers and not those of the SOC.
The Peregrine Falcon Richard Sale & Steve Watson, November 2022. Snowfinch Publishing, UK, ISBN: 9780957173262, hardback, 526 pages, numerous colour and b&w photos and illustrations, £49.99.

With over 500 pages, the chapters cover falcons in general, with an introduction to Peregrines in particular, their diet, flight, breeding behaviour, movements, allies and enemies, population numbers and trends. The book is packed with information delivered in a clear and easily understood manner.
I was not looking forward to reading this, having
I was not looking forward to reading this, having been brought up on Derek Ratcliffe’s book of the same name. The challenge of this new book was that I would always be comparing it to his book published over 40 years ago in 1980 which was, in my opinion, fantastically well written. However, I am pleased to say that I was most impressed by the detailed and sensitive handling of huge amounts of data and also found it to be a very good read, even if some of the technical detail around aerodynamics and flight speeds pushed my simple brain to its limits. The book is full of useful illustrations, and the numerous photographs are of extremely high quality and well selected.
As a long-term raptor fieldworker, I was pleased to see that ten pages in the Population chapter are devoted to the human persecution of the Peregrine Falcon in the UK, confirming the negative impact in areas managed for gamebird shooting.
This beautifully illustrated book will be for a long time a major ‘go-to’ reference. It incorporates substantial new data using the latest technology which has become available since Ratcliffe’s pioneering monograph.
George Smith
New Books also received in the George Waterston Library
Flight Paths: How the mystery of bird migration was solved. Rebecca Neismann, 2023. Swift Press. ISBN: 978-1-800-752924, hardback, 263 pages. £16.99.
The (Big) Year that Flew By. Arjan Dwarshuis, 2023. Chelsea Green Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-645021919, paperback, 256 pages. £18.99.
The Green Woodpecker: A Natural and Cultural History of Picus viridis. Gerard Gorman, 2023. Pelagic Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-78427-436-8, paperback, 212 pages. £24.99.
The Archaeology of Wild Birds in Britain and Ireland. Dale Serjeantson, 2023. Oxbow Books. ISBN: 978-1-78925-956-8, hardback, 256 pages. £60.00.
In Eagle Country: Some long studies and short stories. Kate and Ken Crane, 2023. K&K Crane. ISBN: 978-1-3999-4752-7, paperback, 216 pages. £18 (incl. UK p&p).
The George Waterston Library is open for browsing and borrowing during Waterston House opening hours (check SOC website). Books can either be borrowed directly or can be posted out (UK only, conditions and p&p charges apply) by emailing the Librarian: Library@the-soc.org.uk