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Thank you very much to the many ringers, ringing groups, birders and the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) who provided the information for this latest round up. Thanks also to the many bird watchers and folk who take the time and trouble to read rings in the field or find dead ringed birds and report them.
If you have any interesting ringing recoveries, articles, wee stories, project updates or requests for information which you would like to be included in the next issue, please email to Raymond Duncan at: rduncan393@outlook.com
For lots more exciting facts, figures, numbers and movements log on to www.bto.org/volunteer-surveys/ringing/publications/online-ringing-reports
Interesting ringing movements
Chk = chick, Juv = juvenile, Im = Immature, Ad = adult, Unk = unknown, M = male, F =female
Sghtd = ring(s) read in field, Rtpd = retrapped
Barn Owl
GY05756 Chk 15/06/21 Invershin, Highland
Dead19/12/22 Achterless, North-East Scotland 128 km SE, 552 days
GY41231 Ch 18/07/22 Balbeg, Glenurquhart, Highland
Dead13/03/23 Ashentrool, Stirling, Upper Forth 139 km S, 238 days
LN79433 JuvM20/10/22 Holland, North Ronaldsay, Orkney
Rtpd 27/03/23 Grimstadvatnet, Hareid, More og Romsdal, Norway 563 km NE, 158 days
7619115 AdF 22/10/22 Slevdalsvannet, Vest-Agder, Norway
Rtpd 15/12/22 Clarkston, Clyde 709 km SW, 54 days
D479887 Juv 04/08/18 St Abb’s Head, Borders
Rtpd 10/04/23 Portland Bill, Dorset 599 km S, 1,710 days
17246808JuvF 06/09/22 Waremme, Liege, Belgium
Rtpd 19/11/22 Kinneil Lagoons, Falkirk, Upper Forth 836 km NW
74 days
Black-headed Gull
EY21806 Chk 14/06/15 Broad Law, Moorfoot Hills, Borders
Sghtd02/01/17 eastern Northern Ireland
Sghtd29/05/23 Downpatrick, Northern Ireland 235 km W, 2,906 days
Interesting movement of a Scottish chick apparently remaining to breed in its wintering area.
EH07056 ImM 29/08/14 Dividalen FS, Malselv, Troms, Norway
Rtpd 16/04/22 Comers, North-East Scotland 1,701 km SW, 2787 days
At nearly eight years old, this Brambling is seven months short of the oldest one on BTO records.