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Grey-headed Lapwing in Moray & Nairn and Outer Hebrides, May 2023 - first Scottish records


Grey-headed Lapwing, Lossiemouth, 13 May 2023 - first Moray & Nairn record

JC: Each year in May, Moray Bird Club (the Moray branch of the SOC) holds its Big Birdwatch. Club members spend time birding during a 24-hour period, and we get together in a local hall in the evening for a meal and to compile a combined list of all species that have been seen during this time. The appointed date in 2023 was 13 May and the day proved memorable not only for the combined day total record of 128 species.

As usual on Big Birdwatch day the Cooks were joined by our friend Sheena Nicolson. Finishing time was 18:00 hrs and we intended having a look at Loch Spynie, a frequently productive site, while making our way slowly towards the hall. Martin suggested we have a quick stop at the nearby Balormie pig farm before reaching Loch Spynie, as a few interesting birds had recently been seen there. We piled out of the car onto the verge beside the pool and while Martin was setting up the scope and subsequently peering at a couple of waders to the left, I was scanning the pool to the right and called out ‘What’s that wader over there? I don’t recognise it’. Martin paid little heed at first (Martin is used to me not recognising the obvious!) but I persisted saying it was a wader with long yellow legs and a large bill. However, when he at last turned his attention to the bird he realised with a loud (and uncharacteristic) ‘wow’ that it was not anything obvious.

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