The Vine Church Annual Report 2018

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annual report 2018 the vine church

hey church, This month marks the fifth anniversary of my leadership as Senior Pastor, and as I reflect on all that God has done during this time, one word keeps coming to mind: faithfulness. I will be the first to tell you that leadership is not easy, and I know that without God’s faithful presence in my life and our church’s life, we wouldn’t be where we are today. For me, the reason we can look back on and celebrate 2018 is that we have a God who never gives up, always provides, and is constantly inviting us into a deeper expression of faith with Him. Over the past 12 months, we have seen many expressions of God’s faithfulness to us: His freedom in people’s lives; His ongoing faithfulness in our finances; His invitation to deepen our community with Him and one another; His presence with us during our gatherings; and His word that has brought life to us. Through this, there is much to give thanks for: our record-breaking Vision Sunday, Call To Community culture shift, growing missional expressions, rebranding and launch of Branches of Hope, and our sixth annual Justice Conference Asia.

And then, there are thousands of personal stories of what God has done in each of us. We could easily add our own victories to the ones found in these pages—this is the beauty of the Body of Christ. We are a testimony of God’s goodness and love, and we are grateful for each of you who have found a home here. So as you read these pages, my prayer is that you wouldn’t see simple programme reports or audits for the year, but a living testimony to our faithful God. Each page is a catalyst to worship, each section an invitation to praise. I invite you to read and pause throughout to pray and marvel at the work God is doing among us. He is faithful, and we have much to be thankful for. As we head into 2019, may we continue to press into community, maturity, and love. The best is yet to come,

andrew gardener senior pastor



opening address


elders address


call to community


sunday services


community groups


spiritual friendships


mandarin ministry


reflect on life together


youth and children’s ministry


build love




vine rebrand


branches of hope rebrand


i am God’s child


the justice conference asia


financial information




three years on...

Three years ago, we set out as a church with our vision to Grow Big People. Since then, we have covered a lot of ground. We have produced three feature series: Story of God, Story of Culture, and Story of Jesus. We have also hosted Justice Conferences, introduced Pathways of Maturity, and invested in our Community Groups. This is the question we are asking: Have we grown?

God is continuing to bless us. some things have definitely grown. Financially we have grown out of debt (HK$10mn) into surplus (HK$7.3mn) as we plan for the coming financial year and discern our strategy for the coming 3–5 years. Among the elder board, our gratitude has also grown exponentially for those of you who continue to faithfully support this church through giving. Numerically God has added daily to our wider church community. Three years ago, an average of 1,500 people gathered each Sunday. Now, we are stretching our facility with a peak Sunday attendance of 2,700 in the third quarter of 2018. As our building has a maximum capacity of 750 people per service, we will be discerning together how to accommodate the future growth of our church.

some things need to keep growing. Community As elders, we are acutely aware of the need to provide community for all. God has clearly shared a vision with us of The Three, The Twelve, and The Crowd. While we will continue nourishing our Crowd expression, we will seek to build additional Community Groups and build a culture of spiritual friendships so that everyone has access to authentic and intimate support networks for personal growth.

As we continue forward into the calling and purpose God has for us, I thank you for your ongoing support and passion for our church family. I invite your feedback as Vine Church members, so feel free to contact me at Finally, thanks to you too for your service, your support and your passion for growth!

nigel raymont

chairman of elders

eldership board Nigel Raymont Cliff Ma Susanna Lynam Hudson Tsui Damien Bos Sidney Yip Trudy Tam

Nigel & Cliff serve as directors for The Vine and Branches of Hope. Damien serves as director for The Vine. Susanna serves as director to Branches of Hope.


call to community To grow in Christ, we must be in community. If The Vine is your church, this message should sound familiar by now. Mid-way through the year, we taught on the defining characteristics of Christian community: Christ-centred, authentic, hospitable, active, committed and missional. All genuine Christian community looks like this. More recently, we issued a challenge for Vine members to form close-knit spiritual friendships, as the practice of meeting regularly with other believers to share honestly about our journeys with Jesus and pray for one another is a powerful catalyst for spiritual growth. We ask that you would prepare yourselves for more messaging on the importance of community along with tools and tips to help you practice it. We are far from finished in our efforts to call The Vine towards deeper expressions of community and in our commitment to strengthening every form of life-giving community that already exists or has yet to emerge within the church.

jim mcinnes

associate pastor




sermon series



7 jan – 25 feb

11 mar - 22 apr


call to community

10 jun - 5 aug

2 sep - 14 oct

sunday services average attendance per week


sunday service growth oct 2017 - sep 2018


6 may - 27 may


average number of volunteers per week (champions, prayer team, k4c, worship team and production team)


call to community:

spiritual friendships 28 oct - 25 nov




community groups attendees


partnering groups




Five years ago, a little group was born with a vision to support married couples. Even though our demographics have expanded, our goal remains to commune, celebrate, and grieve together. Specifically, in a world that encourages people to put up façades of happiness, we find it so special that this community allow us to be authentic with one another. The fact is, life gets real when we have conflicts, in-law relationships, miscarriages, depression, separation, death, or loss of employment. As we grapple with these life circumstances, it’s comforting to know there are people who are just like us—real human beings. We might be going through different seasons in our lives, but we can count on each other’s ministry of presence.

james lo

community group leader




spiritual friendships: prayer partners

During a men’s retreat, the speaker talked about the benefits of prayer partners. A prayer partner is a friend who will walk with you on the journey, who will encourage you and nudge you towards growth, and help keep you accountable. Shortly after hearing this, I took up the challenge and found a prayer partner. We started meeting weekly, and this continued for many years. Throughout our time together, we held each other accountable to the commitments we made, such as reading our Bibles regularly or spending quiet time with God. We discussed our work and home lives, and we made time to pray for each other. My prayer partner and I have been there for life’s ups and downs, which has been a great blessing to my faith and a source of growth in my spiritual life. I can honestly say that my Christian life has never been the same; I think every Christian should have a prayer partner.

matthew chu

I can honestly say that my Christian life has never been the same


mandarin ministry Our Chinese Community (pictured above) continues to grow and this year marked a significant milestone upon hosting the first Mandarin Ministry Evening on 29 June 2018. We gathered together and explored important themes like identity, community, and reconciliation. This was the first of many meetings for this community, and the hope is that all who come will find connection, support, and a desire to one day bring the Gospel to China.

身份 社群 復和


95.3% speak Mandarin

41.5% are young professionals

61.0% have been in Hong Kong over 10 years

84.9% plan to stay in Hong Kong long-term

61.3% are first-generation Christians

77.4% have been Christians for more than 10 years

51.5% started attending The Vine in the past two years

Goals for the Mandarin Ministry

identity community reconciliation

Participants in the survey felt that their top goals for the Mandarin Ministry should be: 1.

For Mandarin-speakers to come to Christ (79.3%)


To develop a community (55.7%)


To establish a Mandarin service (37.7%)




reflect on life together It’s been our desire to take our girls on a mission trip for some time. We have both been on Vine Missions Trips, even before we married, and have always found them eye-opening and impactful to our lives. Hong Kong is a place of extreme paradox – it looks and feels very wealthy and prosperous, but the reality is that there are far more people living on the opposite end of the spectrum. Mission Trips have encouraged us to keep that Kingdom perspective of love and compassion for the poor and needy and to use what God has blessed us with to be a blessing to others. This is the reason we wanted to teach our daughters through missions. Since we were struggling to align our schedules with Vine-organised mission trips, we decided to contact YWAM in Cebu, Philippines ourselves to see if we could volunteer over Christmas. They graciously accepted and arranged for us

to stay at the base for a 4-day trip, coordinating daily outreaches and sharing their lives with us. The outreaches included visits to villages where YWAM has regular outreach. There we sang, danced, performed skits, and played games with the children while also connecting with parents and distributing food. For my own selfish reasons, I wanted to bring the girls to show them how blessed we were to live in Hong Kong. But going there as a mother, it opened my eyes in ways I couldn’t imagine, mostly in our approach to parenting. One example is whether we are too over-protective. Kids run free in the places we visited. They play with bugs and spiders. They climb trees, poles, buildings, and machinery—sometimes to seemingly dangerous heights! They run barefoot outside, where there is trash and dirt, at least to our city eyes. At first, our daughters were hesitant and unsure of what to do during the outreaches. But after the first time, they understood and ultimately enjoyed playing with the kids. We hope that there will be more opportunities for them to experience and exhibit God’s love and compassion for others.

But going there as a mother, it opened my eyes in ways I couldn’t imagine.

This trip was truly a meaningful and unforgettable time that allowed us to reflect on life together as a family. Whether it is a Vine-organised or a self-organised mission trip, we encourage everyone to go on one when you get the opportunity!

cliff and linnet ma




One of the youth texted me after a Friday night at Flight to say that the words of the worship song ‘I will build my life upon your love, it is a firm foundation’ were echoing in his heart and he wanted to be baptised.

chapman fu

youth pastor

youth & children’s ministry average attendance per week


mainly music average participants

25 families

vacation bible school participants


number of volunteers per month





home for christmas During the Christmas season, a multigenerational, multicultural cast worked together to deliver a powerful, hope-filled performance called “Home for Christmas.” Performers of all ages, including children from Kidz 4 Christ, met weekly to prepare for the musical, growing closer as friends, family, and cast members from October to December. The show was a wonderful display of the Christmas spirit, moving hundreds of people to laughter, joy, and tears across all four services. Better still, the same love and joy could be found just as easily backstage as it was found on-stage. Tragically, only a few months after their stellar performance, the cast lost its starring female actress, Rachelle Chau. In the musical tribute for Rachelle held this spring, the children of the cast who shared the stage with her were lovingly present to honour Rachelle’s life through song. This programme and all who made it possible were a shining example of what it means to serve God together, and we look forward to finding more ways to honour the creative gifts in our community in the years to come.

monique franz

children’s ministry pastor



build love

When I think of mission trips, first and foremost it’s about serving others and spreading the gospel. For my mission trip, our group and I were told from the start that we were there to build a house for a family, and we weren’t given many details. The reason for this is that the organisation we partnered with works hard to protect the people they serve. We were in an area near Phnom Penh, which is an area infamous for child prostitution. The Christian NGO we worked with is called Agape International Mission, and they have been fighting against this and other human rights issues for years. When Agape agrees to build a home for a family, the family agrees in return not to send their children into prostitution. Looking back on the trip, I’ve begun to realise that maybe building a house wasn’t the mission after all. When we left, we had completed 80% of the construction, but the walls were unfinished and there wasn’t much of an interior yet. As I think deeper, I think my mission on this particular trip is to bring you a story. The story of a 14-year-old Cambodian girl I met during my stay. When I first met her, she came up to me and said, “You guys are crazy. Why would you come build a house for us? Why not go to Angkor Wat to travel? My uncle and my neighbours always say, ‘You guys are crazy!’ You’re not building a house, you’re building love.”

She believes God has a plan for her

I sat with her, and she continued sharing about her parents, who are now separated, and her father and younger sister who she lives with. She also shared how she came to know Jesus. She used to shy away whenever friends spoke of Christian stuff, but she sought God when her family had troubles. She shared how today, she is a disciple at the NGO, and she believes that God has a plan for her life despite all she has been through. Before she left, she told us she will remember us whenever she moves into the new house—it was only in that moment I realised who we were building it for.

The reason I want to share this girl’s story with you is to remind you that God is working in magnificent ways in different people, across countries, and through unlikely circumstances—as long as you are willing to step outside of your comfort zone. This girl and her story have refreshed and empowered my faith. Seeing the kingdom of God through her eyes was humbling, and I’m so glad she allowed me to share her story with you. The only response I could think to give her was to pray for her and her family, promising her that I would pray for her every time I tell her story.

candice wong

pictured left 2018



courses Going to the baptism course, I was excited and also anxious, as I did not know what to expect and English is my second language. However, with engaging topics and the relaxed atmosphere created by Oliver [the Discipleship Coordinator], I was quickly able to engage and concentrate on the topics. I absolutely loved the small group discussions. There, we could share our own experiences and thoughts while also understanding other people’s stories and different perspectives on Scripture. During the course, a lot of topics helped strengthen my relationship with Christ, from the purpose of baptism to the definition of sin and ways in which the enemy works. It truly helped me understand that no one can avoid sin and that being a Christian will never be an easy road. I learned this is where God comes in, helping us go through each obstacle and resurrecting us through the process. After taking the baptism course, I know that I am ready to take on the upcoming challenges, as I know that God will always be there for me.

anthony lau

baptised 11 nov 2018

I learned this is where God comes in...

number of total participants baptisms





marriage prep


cleansing stream

105 133






the vine

rebrand & website relaunch Two years ago, we started the process of rebranding The Vine. This creative shift has been a direct result of seeing how our church has grown over the years and how we can better represent our mission and vision visually. Our creative team worked tirelessly to actualise a vision that embodied where we’ve come from and where we’re going. One of the most notable changes is the updated logo. In today’s world, a logo is often one of the first things people see of an organisation. For this reason, we gave the typography and composition a warmer, friendlier appeal, as this reflects how we want each person to feel as they walk through our doors. In addition to updating our logo, we also launched two websites. Our original website,, became a visitor-centred site, focused on helping newcomers understand our DNA as a church family. The new website,, was launched as a hub for our congregation to grow spiritually and find new ways to engage in authentic community. This outward change is ultimately a reflection of our heart for a continued growth in all that God has called us towards, and our hope is that you would be inspired to come along with us.

airam dato-on

graphic designer




branches of hope rebrand & launch

Since 2012, Vine Community Services Limited (VCSL) has served the vulnerable, pursuing its mission to be a beacon of hope to the marginalised of our society. 2018 marked a significant change in season, and VCSL took on a new identity as Branches of Hope. Branches of Hope’s rebrand originated from a vision—of a large, lush tree with deep roots, growing healthy and strong. Above the tree, birds flew, some of which were tired and struggling to fly. These weary birds landed on the branches of the tree and found safety, shelter, healing, and nourishment. And once ready, they flew onward, healthy and strong, just like the branches that nurtured them. From this vision, the mission of Branches of Hope was planted: to restore dignity, justice, and hope to the vulnerable and marginalised in Hong Kong. Having pursued this work for over 15 years now, Branches of Hope looks forward to continuing its mighty work of restoring dignity, justice and hope in Hong Kong for years to come.

thomas franz

ceo, branches of hope




i am God’s child I have faced a lot of rejection in my life here in Hong Kong, and I find it difficult to trust or forgive people. I struggled with thoughts of worthlessness as if there was nothing good in me. I attended prayer sessions hoping these feelings would go away, but they wouldn’t. Things changed for me when I decided to take a chance and attend the Cleansing Stream course and retreat. At the retreat, I heard God’s voice calling me His son, telling me how valuable I am to Him. My feelings of rejection were overcome in that moment. I now had confidence knowing that God accepted me. This has forever changed my life— I now rejoice with the conviction that God has not rejected me, no matter how others see me.

noel kokanzo




all things new

The Justice Conference Asia (JCA) is our largest event each year, and it requires a lot of effort, time, and resources. As a Vine member, you may wish to know how this conference benefits our church community along with those who attend. These questions are as relevant as ever as we wrap up the sixth annual conference and begin to reflect on its purpose and future. In many ways, JCA is more for others than it is for us. It is a place for like-minded Christian NGOs and justice workers to meet, encourage one another, and find hope in work that is often deeply challenging. By hosting, we provide a safe space for ideas to be shared, for dreams to take root, and for those on the frontlines to find courage to continue in their restorative work. This recent conference was no different, as many tears, conversations, and prayers reminded us why we open our hearts and doors each year.

tony read

chairman, the justice conference asia




krish kandiah jca speaker

ann voskamp

jca speaker

total number of delegates


first time delegates


overseas delegates


countries represented


churches represented


ngos represented


speakers and moderators


practitioners’ day participants





operational expenses oct 2017 – sep 2018


43% salaries & benefits

16% giving

4% event expense

27% rent & utilities

7% general admin

3% repairs & maintenance

income distribution oct 2017 – sep 2018


93% tithes/offering

2% events

3% income for services rendered

1% vine centre rentals

1% pacific coffee rental



29 Burrows Street Wan Chai, Hong Kong

+852 3527 6000 thevinehk

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