The Art Group Signature Collection 2018

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Lush Tropical

Tropicals remains a driving direction for all things interiors, including bedding, where the palette

Signature Collection

​Retailers escape to the equator with pineapples, exotic flowers, flamingos and other colourful birds. Statement bird pillows and pineapple objects become a simple way to update a

grows deeper and darker with motifs that are lush and dense. Bright, juicy touches introduce exotic

space for the season.

flora and fauna to create vibrant coordinates that make for a summer-all-year-round look – especially when paired with accents such as wallpaper, wall art and decor.

Signature Collection

Tropical Butterflies by Ian Winstanley

Tropical Forest by Doug Eaton

Ian Winstanley was part of a family of engineers and musicians but eventually found his home in the field of Photography. Starting out working for a top photographic studio, Ian became involved in the advertising field, later working on fine art projects for London artist agency, Private View. Since setting up his studio, Ian has built a varied portfolio that ranges from cars to reportage, classic florals and still life to tranquil landscapes. There isn’t much that he can’t turn his hand to. His intention is to produce photos that preserve a delicate balance between the natural and the refined.

Doug Eaton studied at the Cheltenham College of Art. He now paints full time and draws inspiration from his surroundings of the Forest of Dean that he has such passion for. Doug uses a vibrant and unexpected combination of colours, from viridian, cobalt and violet, to amber, cream and plum. He is interested in marrying together contrasting elements: soft against hard, hot against cold, dark against light. He currently paints in acrylics favouring a painterly look over a clinical rendition, not minding the odd dribble and using strong lines to achieve an angular, refracted look that evokes the landscape.


Paul Villinski

Mike Seratt of the Prized Pig



Christian Fischbacher


Miniwiz La Redoute


Schlossberg Switzerland

Irene Van Vliet


S p la shes of b r ig ht colour enliv en the lush a nd d ense setting of a n exotic jung le. B ir d s, flow er s a nd g r eener y a ll come tog ether in immer siv e d esig ns w her e w ild life is d isg uised in the b usy p a tter n. The comp osition is la r g e-sca le, b ut fr om a d ista nce, the eye is tr icked into seeing a v ib r a nt, d ense, a b str a ct ca moufla g ed sur fa ce w her e lea v es, p eta ls, fea ther s a nd sha d ow s a ll mer g e a nd ov er la y for a n immer siv e Psychotr op ica l effect.

Zara Home

Marks & Spencer



Galeria Nacional

World Market

Looking for something with that extra special finishing touch? Our exclusive Signature Collection offers the very best in inspirational embellishments for a clever wall art statement that will be sure to catch the eye. With everything from textural gel and hand-paint finishes, to expert 3D papercut techniques, you’ll be hard-pressed not to find the perfect wall art product with that striking special finish.

Marks & Spencer

Butterflies continue to stand out as a prominent motif, renewed with 3D or low-relief applications, while dark backgrounds refresh and embellish wallpaper designs. Paper Source



Matthew Williamson Fancy Home Collection

HK Living

Eichholtz Françoise Paviot

Alexandre Turpault

Richard Ginori 1735

Canvas Home

Hunting for George

Dot & Bo

Jana Garin

H&M Home

Christian Lacroix

Modcloth House of Hackney

Alexandre Turpault


Floor-To-Ceiling Tropical


Eight Mood

​P R I N T & P A T T E R N

​ r op ica l is her e to sta y, a nd this ed ition celeb r a tes its lush la nd sca p es w ith floor -to-ceiling insta lla tions tha t offer a n exotic r esp ite fr om the T Ja nua r y cold outsid e. Pa tter n cla d s a ll sur fa ces, a s w a llp a p er , d ecor a nd textiles w or k this theme in comp ositions of colour a nd motif – either tona lly a s seen a t House of Ha ckney a nd Alexa nd r e Tur p a ult, or cr ea ting v ib r a nt contr a sts a s in F a ncy' s d isp la y.

Outliving Sunnylife


Mariska Meijers

​E xotic Birds


​P R I N T & P A T T E R N

B ir d s a r e a key a nima l a cr oss show s, a nd w hile a t Heimtextil the sp r ing theme is p r ed omina nt, a t Ma ison & Ob jet it' s a ll a b out the tr op ica l. Touca ns a nd p a r r ots join fla ming os a nd b ir d s of p a r a d ise, flutter ing in v ib r a nt colour s a nd p r inted , p a inted or emb r oid er ed r end itions a cr oss textiles a nd d ecor . Tr a d itiona l L a tin Amer ica n d esig ns g et r ew or ked into contemp or a r y exotic a ccents.


​ onfirming S/S 17 trend Encounter Culture, vibrant colours and surreal tropical foliage prove important C across products, seen from bedding to tableware. Ditsy florals and lush leaves come in neon pinks and blues, ideal to stand out on black grounds. Drop shadows and grainy textures in contrasting colours enhance the surrealness of this tropical story. Butterfly wings appear in abstract illustrations and symmetrical compositions, creating an energetic kaleidoscopic story for the home.

Seed Heritage

Toucans are flocking to ​homeware products, with sugary pastels updating traditional tropical colours, making for a springlike direction. Featured as all-over repeats or placed compositions in eye-catching prints, bird shapes are rounded and stylised for a graphic and fresh take across greeting cards and cushions. The pastel colour-blocking is ideal for kids' rooms, while more detailed illustrations stand out on kitchen linens as seen at H&M Home.



Print & Pattern S/S 17 – Encounter Culture

Signature Collection Tropical Symmetry by Alyson Fennell

West Elm

Monique Vega

Ellie Mac Embroidery

Marcin Rusak

Raj Tent Club

Eva Bellanger

Urban Outfitters

Alyson Fennell is a Fine Art Photographer based in England. Her love for photography developed during her time as a make-up artist and hair stylist in London. Here, she worked with some of the most acclaimed international music and fashion photographers and gained invaluable knowledge from them. This experience gave her the skills she needed to return to her original passion for photography. She now loves to combine her love of nature with her appreciation of photography to create her fine art images. Alyson has exhibited at the famous ‘Royal Crescent Hotel’ in Bath.

Ohh Deer


Tropical Vibes

Linear Jungle Foliage Designers Guild



Urban Outfitters

Psychedelic Jungle


Urban Outfitters

Cantiere Galli Design


Refined Darks

H&M Home



Signature Collection

Popstic Icecream

Tropical Skull by Summer Thornton

Lush Mix

Alana Jones Mann

Tr op ica l p r ints g et a sur r ea l tw ist, injected w ith v ib r a nt a nd unna tur a l colour w a ys for a p syched elic a nd other w or ld ly look. Mir r or ed effects a d d a d ig ita l a nd p r isma tic d imension to textiles, cr ea ting extr a v a g a nt eye-ca tching p ieces for the home. Exotic a nima ls, insects a nd jung le lea v es a r e mixed tog ether or instea d left a s sing le sub jects for a nea ter outcome.

In line w ith S /S 17 for eca st theme Encounter Cultur e, noctur na l tr op ica l looks ta ke ov er the home, comb ining d a r k g r ound s w ith exotic flor a a nd fa una for a sop histica ted a nd fr esh ta ke on the tr end . Tona l tinted d a r ks show a d iffer ent a p p lica tion of this d ir ection, comb ined w ith luxur ious v elv et a t Ellie Ma c for a n enha nced op ulence.

The d eep tr op ica l folia g e look ev olv es fr om b eing a r ep etition of just one p la nt sp ecies to a ma shup of a v a r iety of lea v es w or ked tog ether in the sa me p r int. F r ond s a r e sup er imp osed , cr ea ting a tona l la yer ed effect comp lemented b y sma ll a r ea s of w hite a nd p a le p ink.

*Please make sure your copy does not fall below the guideline.

*Please make sure your copy does not fall below the guideline.

*Please make sure your copy does not fall below the guideline.


Summer Thornton grew up in Norfolk and studied Fine Art at the University of Arts in Norwich. After graduating, she worked in a theatre as a set designer and her first studio was on the top floor of a beautiful watermill! She moved to London in 2000 and set herself up as a freelance artist. Summer loves interior design and her bright studio in Clapham is the perfect creative space. She uses watercolour as she likes its unpredictable nature and the element of freedom and richness that it adds to her work, especially when the colours flow into one another.

Origin Fine Wallcoverings


Tropical pattern remain a must for summer, focusing on lush jungle foliage in a variety of renditions for S/S 17. Designs are dense and layered, theatrically oversized or paired with mysterious dark grounds, creating a year-round exotic look across the home.

#Monstera Styling

Signature Collection Flamingo by Louise Brown Louise Brown’s irresistible animal paintings appeal to a broad audience, and their cutesy charm is enough to make anyone smile. After an unfulfilling career as a radiographer, she decided to teach herself to paint. Based in rural Lincolnshire, Louise is surrounded by ducks, chickens and other animals that she loves and that inspire her as an artist. Her other subjects include cows, hares and woodland animals. She works predominantly in acrylics and oils and every one of her animals adopts their own quirky expression to add an element of humour into her paintings.

Birds are a key theme this season, appearing on decorative accessories, wall art and tabletop items. In Brazil, paper mâché birds have a playful craft feel, while Shanghai's Zen Lifestore's porcelain cups show a painted crane mid-flight.


Signature Collection


Roberto Cavalli Home

17 Patterns

Sunny Life

The Tropical look continues to drive designs so we couldn’t think of a better feature for our unique signature collection. Exotic birds, vibrant butterflies, jungle landscapes and lush florals are adorned with gel paint and printed on glass, wood, high gloss and parchment canvas to give that extra special touch. Butterflies continue to flutter all over interiors and our impressive 3D Cut butterfly design gives an exciting, updated look to this long-established motif. If it’s fashionable embellished wall art you’re after, then choose from this trendy Tropical collection featuring today’s most sought-after special finishes.

Signature Collection Toucan by Simon Howden


Thomas Porzellan


West Elm

Encounter Culture: Jungle Greens The d eep a nd lush g r een tones of the p a lette a d d a sop histica ted ed g e to p r od ucts, w or ked in tona l looks or comb ined w ith sp la shes of yellow for v ib r a nt tr op ica l-insp ir ed p a tter ns. Coor d ina te sets fea tur e v a r ious sha d es of g r een, or instea d use monotone to heig hten the lush immer sion effect.


​T ropical Foliage

Beijing Home Value


​P R I N T & P A T T E R N

B r a nd s p a y a ttention to the ev er -p r esent tr op ica l theme a nd exp lor e it using b r ig ht colour s a nd d a r k g r ound s. Pa tter ns r a ng e fr om b old a nd g r a p hic p a lms a nd flor a ls to a b str a ct styles, w ith exotic b looms a nd p a inter ly ov er g r ow n jung le folia g e. R ug S ta r ’s ha nd -knotted r ug echoes our S /S 17 Encounter Cultur e tr end . Ov er size p la cements w ith v ib r a nt omb r é sha d ing on b la ck g r ound s ma ke for a ca p tiv a ting r ug .


H&M Home

Maisons du Monde


Ferm Living

Simon Howden trained in fine art and has enjoyed a successful career in the graphic design industry for over 30 years describing himself as a Designer, Photographer, Painter & Illustrator. He uses both watercolours and oils in his paintings, influenced by the surrounding Wiltshire landscape. He has an illustrative approach to these mediums working in a broad mixture of styles, from photo-realism to loose abstract, using vibrant colours with sensitive mark making. Each piece takes on an organic flow of its own which can direct the work in an entirely different direction but always using elements of nature.

Flamingo Fun A fa v our ite a cr oss a ll home p r od uct ca teg or ies, exotic b ir d s continue to tr end , a p p ea r ing on ev er ything fr om textiles to kitchen a ccessor ies. Da r k g r ound s a nd w hitew a shed v a r ia tions b r ing a new feel to the cla ssic sug a r y p ink p a lette for a mor e sop histica ted outcome. Pr ints ha v e a ha nd -r end er ed a p p ea l w ith p a inted a nd d r a w n styles, or a r e p or tr a yed d ig ita lly w ith a p hotog r a p hic r end ition. Liberty




Zen Lifestore

*Please make sure your copy does not fall below the guideline.

The Tropical Trend 2






Tropical Butterflies by Ian Winstanley 3D paper cut detail in a contemporary distressed gold effect box frame. EMB10734 60x60x4cm Order in packs of 4

Tropical Skull by Summer Thornton 3D paper cut detail in a contemporary distressed gold effect box frame. Printed on parchment paper. EMB10742 60x80x4cm Order in packs of 2

Ian Winstanley was part of a family of engineers and musicians but eventually found his home in the field of Photography. Starting out working for a top photographic studio, Ian became involved in the advertising field, later working on fine art projects for London artist agency, Private View. Since setting up his studio, Ian has built a varied portfolio that ranges from cars to reportage, classic florals and still life to tranquil landscapes. There isn’t much that he can’t turn his hand to. His intention is to produce photos that preserve a delicate balance between the natural and the refined.

Summer Thornton grew up in Norfolk and studied Fine Art at the University of Arts in Norwich. After graduating, she worked in a theatre as a set designer and her first studio was on the top floor of a beautiful watermill! She moved to London in 2000 and set herself up as a freelance artist. Summer loves interior design and her bright studio in Clapham is the perfect creative space. She uses watercolour as she likes its unpredictable nature and the element of freedom and richness that it adds to her work, especially when the colours flow into one another.



Tropical Forest by Doug Eaton Framed canvas with hand finished gel detail. EMB10735 80x100x3cm Order in packs of 2

Tropical Symmetry by Alyson Fennell High gloss canvas in a contemporary white hexagonal frame. EMB10737 60x50x3.5cm Order in packs of 4

Doug Eaton studied at the Cheltenham College of Art. He now paints full time and draws inspiration from his surroundings of the Forest of Dean that he has such passion for. Doug uses a vibrant and unexpected combination of colours, from viridian, cobalt and violet, to amber, cream and plum. He is interested in marrying together contrasting elements: soft against hard, hot against cold, dark against light. He currently paints in acrylics favouring a painterly look over a clinical rendition, not minding the odd dribble and using strong lines to achieve an angular, refracted look that evokes the landscape.

Alyson Fennell is a Fine Art Photographer based in England. Her love for photography developed during her time as a make-up artist and hair stylist in London. Here, she worked with some of the most acclaimed international music and fashion photographers and gained invaluable knowledge from them. This experience gave her the skills she needed to return to her original passion for photography. She now loves to combine her love of nature with her appreciation of photography to create her fine art images. Alyson has exhibited at the famous ‘Royal Crescent Hotel’ in Bath.



Flamingo by Louise Brown Printed on textured wood with hand finished gel detail. EMB10738 50x30x3cm Order in packs of 4

Toucan by Simon Howden Contemporary black box frame with art on plexi-glass with hand finished gel detail, parchment inner. EMB10740 30x50x3.5cm Order in packs of 4

Louise Brown’s irresistible animal paintings appeal to a broad audience, and their cutesy charm is enough to make anyone smile. After an unfulfilling career as a radiographer, she decided to teach herself to paint. Based in rural Lincolnshire, Louise is surrounded by ducks, chickens and other animals that she loves and that inspire her as an artist. Her other subjects include cows, hares and woodland animals. She works predominantly in acrylics and oils and every one of her animals adopts their own quirky expression to add an element of humour into her paintings.

Simon Howden trained in fine art and has enjoyed a successful career in the graphic design industry for over 30 years describing himself as a Designer, Photographer, Painter & Illustrator. He uses both watercolours and oils in his paintings, influenced by the surrounding Wiltshire landscape. He has an illustrative approach to these mediums working in a broad mixture of styles, from photo-realism to loose abstract, using vibrant colours with sensitive mark making. Each piece takes on an organic flow of its own which can direct the work in an entirely different direction but always using elements of nature.


Raw Materials


Signature Collection


Summer Landscape by Janet Bell Janet Bell’s work is traditionally British with a Scandinavian twist, her Danish roots evident in the colours and compositions so prevalent within Nordic illustration. She originally studied textiles and screen printing, but started painting the British coastline in 2001 when she became inspired by trips to English seaside towns together with memories of playing on the beaches of Denmark. In 2007, Janet and her husband moved to the Isle of Anglesey and opened the Janet Bell Gallery in Beaumaris. Starting out selling a few prints from a side street studio space, it quickly relocated to become a High Street success.

Na tur a l ma ter ia ls such a s b a mb oo, w ood a nd jute a r e left untr ea ted a nd a r e celeb r a ted for their r a w ness a nd uniq ueness. Thick-w ea v e p la cema ts, b a skets a nd la nter ns a d d a n or g a nic a nd ha nd ma d e a p p r oa ch to b oth inter ior a nd exter ior sp a ces. West Elm d yes its w ea v ed p la cema ts in b r ig ht tones, offer ing yellow , a q ua a nd na v y b lue op tions.

Signature Collection Birch Trees by Chris Forsey Beginning his career as an illustrator after studying art and graphics in Bristol, Chris Forsey has been an artist for most of his working life. With his studio in Dorking and The North Downs on his doorstep, Chris finds constant inspiration from the landscape around him. He embraces a mixed-media approach to his work, fusing watercolour, pastel and gouache. Using a combination of colour, expressive mark-making and powerful compositions, he aims to capture precise moments in time; sudden changes in light, a time of day or season. Chris has won The Matt Bruce Award and The Donald Blake Award for contemporary watercolour.

Rug Star by Jurgen Dahlmanns

Designers Guild

Raw Color

Bierbaum Wohnen




Sonn Haus

Signature Collection

Angus & Celeste

West Elm

Le BHV/Marais

World Market

The Reformation



Ellie Mac Embroidery

A s an E arthed i ns pi rati on grow s more pres ent, ferns come to the fore as an i mportant pattern di recti on. E i ther w orked alone or combi ned w i th other foli age, the fern's di s ti ncti v e s hape lends i ts elf to many i nterpretati ons , ei ther reali s ti c or more abs tract. E mbroi dered, i t makes for a great feature detai l on cus hi ons and beddi ng.


Art Resources


Ted Baker

Erman Aksay

​ onfirming S/S 16 trend Eco Active, textured leaves, natural strata and swampy textures provide inspiration for pattern and C tactility for rugs. Tall forests fill entire rug grounds in dark swampy colors and oversized falcon birds look into the distance, as seen at Art Resources and Rug Star.

Designers Guild


Gul Ahmed

ACS Textiles & Towels

Fern Foliage ​ r iv en b y the d esir e to b r ing mor e na tur e-insp ir ed d esig ns into inter ior s, v er d a nt p a tter ns exp lor e w ild er sur r ound ing s for insp ir a tion. D Und er g r ow th a nd fer ns a r e a fr esh lea d ing motif. The sha p e of these lea v es is w or ked in a v a r iety of techniq ues, fr om stylised a nd monochr ome to emb r oid er ed , r ea listica lly r end er ed or d ir ectly cr ea ted w ithin the fa b r ic w ith r elief.

ABC Carpet & Home


Craft techniques from far-flung places celebrate craftsmanship, slow living and global travel. Basketry adds pattern and tactile surface, while wicker frames and macramé knots hint to a retro 1970s look to walls. Whether as single statement pieces or multiples carefully displayed, raw forms of wicker, threads, bamboo and mirror add a new and rich sense of meaning to interiors.

Painterly Finishes Paints and pigments mix and blend into each other for a mottled look, while textures give way to surface plays of randomly layered patterns. On Atelier Biagetti’s closet, an inlaid mirror seems to seep into the pine wood surface.



This Country collection embraces the handcrafted look. Our exclusive images and special finishes have been carefully selected to reflect this ever-popular Artisan movement. Rural landscapes, farm animals and natural florals and ferns combine with hand paint embellishments and the honest textures of linen and parchment canvas driven by the growing influence of nature in interiors.



Deco Design Furus

Kentaro Kudo CB2


Monti By Monti

Nana Company


Arte NV



Domestic crafts will continue to gain importance in the coming seasons, in a trend central to the S/S 17 Edgelands story. Embroidery, cross-stitch, or crochet give interiors a slightly kitsch, nostalgic look. Lace and macramé are other key techniques, used as pattern embossed onto ceramics or printed onto textiles. Positive hand-stitched messages, as well as tiny running- and cross-stitches and vintage-look florals decorate and finish textiles. They are added to accessories as an accent, or across the whole surface as a tactile pattern. Japanese designer Kentaro Kudo soaks knitwear into porcelain, allowing users to sculpt shapes without having to use a mould.

Domingos de Sousa & Filhos

​ ranches of all kinds are presented across many exhibitors, worked in intricate and textured designs for both textiles and B wall coverings. Stylised and naked branches create a mysterious wintry forest look, while leafed sprigs are jacquardwoven for curtains and towels. Wallpaper manufacturers Zimmer & Rohde and Rasch add surface interest by layering the motif with other patterns using flocking, overprinting and embossing, resulting in striking designs.

Justine Lacoste

EMB10745 Home Edit


West Elm

Art Propelled

Simply Chi


Signature Collection

Chapel Parket

Zara Home

Signature Collection

Tree of Wishes by Sam Toft

Country Cottages by Louise O’Hara

Living by the sea in Brighton with her two dogs, Sam Toft enjoys making a living from drawing her imaginary friends: Ernest Hemmingway Mustard, his wife Violet, and their Jack Russell Terrier, Doris. In her seaside studio with only her dogs and BBC’s Radio 4 for company, Sam’s imagination runs free and Mr Mustard and friends come to life. Sam also likes to write and sculpt, recently creating a cast of puppets from her popular characters. The most recent project is her new shop and the smallest open exhibition space in the world in two red phone boxes in Brighton.

Louise O’Hara works out of her little studio in Cheshire, surrounded by sewing machines, boxes of vintage fabrics, typewriters and thread that she uses to create her richly layered artwork. While gaining her Masters Degree in Fashion and Textiles, she discovered the Japanese aesthetic concept of Wabi-Sabi and aims to capture ‘beauty in imperfection’ in her designs. Louise is influenced by aged textures and surfaces and loves to play with threadbare, hand dyed fabrics and hand painted papers. Substituting the pencil for her needle and thread, Louise stitches stories into her paper to create a sense of nostalgia and narrative.

Signature Collection Bull by Louise Brown Louise Brown’s irresistible animal paintings appeal to a broad audience, and their cutesy charm is enough to make anyone smile. After an unfulfilling career as a radiographer, she decided to teach herself to paint. Based in rural Lincolnshire, Louise is surrounded by ducks, chickens and other animals that she loves and that inspire her as an artist. Her other subjects include cows, hares and woodland animals. She works predominantly in acrylics and oils and every one of her animals adopts their own quirky expression to add an element of humour into her paintings.


Kristen Meyer

Yumiko Higuchi Tokketok


Cloud Nine Creative


Coral & Tusk

​WINTRY GREENS Li ght and deli cate, the pres s ed plants aes theti c embelli s hes i nteri ors w i th artfully s cattered compos i ti ons . E mbroi dered, pri nted or real- li fe ex amples , leafage blends w i th florals i n v erti cal, panelled des i gns ov er li ght grounds . I deal for li ght s ummer tex ti les as a moti f, pres s ed leav es als o make for a great DI Y ki t i dea for ki ds ' gi fti ng.

Vegetal tones of evergreen, forest green, hazelnut and chocolate brown are paired with limestone grey and ecru white, inspired by woods coated with the first dusting of winter snow. Bright ochre evokes the last of the autumnal leaves. Left to right: 18-0328 TCX, 18-0920 TCX, 19-5918 TCX, 16-4702 TCX, 13-0905 TCX, 19-0912 TCX, 17-1048 TCX


Coral & Tusk


Jab Anstoetz Group

Kris Atomic

Kazuhito Takadoi

Inspired by the natural beauty of dried plants and flowers, vertical stems and simple, delicate foliage are embroidered onto canvas and linen for an honest textile story.

​N atural Tactility


FB Houtdistributeur

​K E Y T R E N D

Signature Collection

​N o ted in previo u s trade sh o w s, tactility is a k ey driver fo r textiles an d n o w is impactin g th e w o o den flo o rin g secto r. Origin al Ch apel P ark et's co llectio n

Ferns by Shyama Ruffell

tak es in spiratio n fro m cath edrals an d castles o f Eu ro pe. Flo o rin g is flamed w ith co lo u r effects, h an d- scraped o n th e edges an d ro u gh ed u p. Wican ders

Shyama Ruffell grew up in the Sussex countryside. Her childhood memories of discovering a magical world of colourful wildflowers and insects are a significant influence on her paintings. Shyama’s images are full of colour, texture and pattern reminiscent of ceramic and fabric designs (another source of inspiration). Fresh flowers always fill her studio and provide fantastic reference material together with drawings and photographs. With their semi-abstract edge, her paintings become “A cocktail of William Morris and Rousseau in an English meadow, with a splash of Klimt”.

blen ds textu res o f co rk w ith sto n e an d w o o d w ith its Co rk tech tech n o lo gy fo r a co mfo rtable an d n atu rally th ermally in su lated flo o r co verin g.

Rifle Paper Co


Encounter Culture: Raw & Natural The concept of a balanced life enhanced by simple design endures. Traditional craftsmanship and the cabin chic of country hideaways combine with the modern desire for decluttered spaces. Provenance, functionality and beauty are equally important in creating visual harmony. The home is a sanctuary that offers chances to turn away from digital interfaces and interact with materials harnessed from nature.

Ma ter ia ls includ ing b a mb oo, r a tta n, w ood , hemp , linen a nd cor k a r e p ulled d ir ectly fr om na tur e for p ieces tha t a r e p er fectly imp er fect. A hug e tr end in stor a g e, na tur a l, d ecor a tiv e b a skets continue to b e a key item.




Rhianna Ellington

Rory Gardiner

Mia E Göransson



NG Photo


The Reformation



​ rown confirms as a strong directional colour, driven by the growing influence of nature in interiors – B presented in Earthed A/W 17/18. Rich, saturated tones of brown are fortified by the widespread presence of natural and untreated wood and clay. Brown is also a fresh option for backsplashes and feature walls. In textiles, velvets and coarse fibres have sophisticated yet retro appeal. In winter it pairs elegantly with deep blues, reds and greys, while in summer it grounds the brighter tones.

These warm, glowing colours have an intensity that is reminiscent of autumn at dusk. Saffron yellow is accompanied by ochre, pumpkin orange, clay red and berry purple, while evergreen and hazelnut introduce a more grounded quality. Left to right: 18-0933 TCX, 19-2410 TCX, 18-1531 TCX, 16-1260 TCX, 18-0328 TCX, 17-1048 TCX, 14-0955 TCX



Lobster & Swan

Kristofer Johnsson

White Journal Standard Furniture


Zara Home


Home Autour du Monde


The Country Look 10



Summer Landscape by Janet Bell Framed parchment canvas with hand painted detail. EMB10745 60x80x3cm Order in packs of 4

Birch Trees by Chris Forsey Canvas with bark texture, finished with gold thumbstroke detail. EMB10746 80x60x2.5cm Order in packs of 4

Janet Bell’s work is traditionally British with a Scandinavian twist, her Danish roots evident in the colours and compositions so prevalent within Nordic illustration. She originally studied textiles and screen printing, but started painting the British coastline in 2001 when she became inspired by trips to English seaside towns together with memories of playing on the beaches of Denmark. In 2007, Janet and her husband moved to the Isle of Anglesey and opened the Janet Bell Gallery in Beaumaris. Starting out selling a few prints from a side street studio space, it quickly relocated to become a High Street success.

Beginning his career as an illustrator after studying art and graphics in Bristol, Chris Forsey has been an artist for most of his working life. With his studio in Dorking and The North Downs on his doorstep, Chris finds constant inspiration from the landscape around him. He embraces a mixed-media approach to his work, fusing watercolour, pastel and gouache. Using a combination of colour, expressive mark-making and powerful compositions, he aims to capture precise moments in time; sudden changes in light, a time of day or season. Chris has won The Matt Bruce Award and The Donald Blake Award for contemporary watercolour.



Tree of Wishes by Sam Toft Shadow floating parchment print in a rustic box frame. EMB10747 60x40x4.5cm Order in packs of 4

Country Cottages by Louise O’Hara Set of 2 framed linen canvases. EMB10751 40x40x3cm (each) Order in packs of 4

Living by the sea in Brighton with her two dogs, Sam Toft enjoys making a living from drawing her imaginary friends: Ernest Hemmingway Mustard, his wife Violet, and their Jack Russell Terrier, Doris. In her seaside studio with only her dogs and BBC’s Radio 4 for company, Sam’s imagination runs free and Mr Mustard and friends come to life. Sam also likes to write and sculpt, recently creating a cast of puppets from her popular characters. The most recent project is her new shop and the smallest open exhibition space in the world in two red phone boxes in Brighton.

Louise O’Hara works out of her little studio in Cheshire, surrounded by sewing machines, boxes of vintage fabrics, typewriters and thread that she uses to create her richly layered artwork. While gaining her Masters Degree in Fashion and Textiles, she discovered the Japanese aesthetic concept of Wabi-Sabi and aims to capture ‘beauty in imperfection’ in her designs. Louise is influenced by aged textures and surfaces and loves to play with threadbare, hand dyed fabrics and hand painted papers. Substituting the pencil for her needle and thread, Louise stitches stories into her paper to create a sense of nostalgia and narrative.



Ferns by Shyama Ruffell Framed linen canvas with hand finished gel detail. EMB10748 50x40x3cm Order in packs of 4

Bull by Louise Brown Framed linen canvas with hand painted detail. EMB10753 40x50x3cm Order in packs of 4

Shyama Ruffell grew up in the Sussex countryside. Her childhood memories of discovering a magical world of colourful wildflowers and insects are a significant influence on her paintings. Shyama’s images are full of colour, texture and pattern reminiscent of ceramic and fabric designs (another source of inspiration). Fresh flowers always fill her studio and provide fantastic reference material together with drawings and photographs. With their semiabstract edge, her paintings become “A cocktail of William Morris and Rousseau in an English meadow, with a splash of Klimt”.

Louise Brown’s irresistible animal paintings appeal to a broad audience, and their cutesy charm is enough to make anyone smile. After an unfulfilling career as a radiographer, she decided to teach herself to paint. Based in rural Lincolnshire, Louise is surrounded by ducks, chickens and other animals that she loves and that inspire her as an artist. Her other subjects include cows, hares and woodland animals. She works predominantly in acrylics and oils and every one of her animals adopts their own quirky expression to add an element of humour into her paintings.


Wooden Blocks Collection Embrace coastal living and choose from our brand new Ready-to-hang wooden block range. Natural textures in the wood gives each block a distinct finish so that no piece is the same; every customer receives their very own piece of unique rustic charm.

A Cosy Cuppa by Sam Toft EMB10796 20x20x3cm Order in packs of 5

Warming the Cockles by Sam Toft EMB10792 20x20x3cm Order in packs of 5


A Romantic Tryst by Sam Toft EMB10798 20x20x3cm Order in packs of 5

Happy Days by Sam Toft EMB10791 20x20x3cm

Order in packs of 5

A Midsummer Dip by Sam Toft EMB10800 20x20x3cm Order in packs of 5

Blowing away the Cobwebs by Sam Toft EMB10790 20x20x3cm Order in packs of 5

A word in your Shell like by Sam Toft EMB10793 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Close to You by Sam Toft EMB10794 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Waiting for Mr Lollyice by Sam Toft EMB10795 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

A Breath of Fresh Air by Sam Toft EMB10797 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Perfect Day by Sam Toft EMB10799 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Spotty Stripey by Sam Toft EMB10801 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

The Doggie Taxi Service by Sam Toft EMB10802 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Out for a bit o’ Brunch by Sam Toft EMB10803 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Her Favourite Cloud by Sam Toft EMB10804 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Cooling Off by Joe Ramm EMB10805 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Cornish by Joe Ramm EMB10806 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Cliff Top Ramble by Joe Ramm EMB10807 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Waiting For The Catch by Hannah Cole EMB10808 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Cornish Sea Dog by Hannah Cole EMB10809 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

After The Rain by Hannah Cole EMB10810 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Sea Parrot by Louise Brown EMB10811 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Double Trouble by Louise Brown EMB10812 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Little Owl by Louise Brown EMB10813 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Alpacas by Cat Coquillette EMB10814 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Tropical Toucans by Cat Coquillette EMB10815 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Unicorn by Cat Coquillette EMB10816 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Flamingo Sofie Rolfsdotter EMB10818 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

All You Need is Love by Balazs Solti EMB10819 20x20x3cm 5 Pack

Angel Wings by Hazel Bowman EMB10817 20x20x3cm 5 Pack


Framed Canvas Collection Our brand new framed canvas range is handmade here in the UK and is available in both black and white frame options to suit any space.

Our Daily Mooch by Sam Toft PFWDC97187W (White) PFWDC97187B (Black) 62x62x4.5cm

It’s such a Perfect Day, I’m glad I spent it with You by Sam Toft PFWDC97188W (White) PFWDC97188B (Black) 62x62x4.5cm

An Eternal Spring by Sam Toft PFWDC97189W (White) PFWDC97189B (Black) 62x62x4.5cm

Sam Toft Living by the sea in Brighton with her two dogs, Sam Toft enjoys making a living from drawing her imaginary friends: Ernest Hemmingway Mustard, his wife Violet, and their Jack Russell Terrier, Doris. In her seaside studio with only her dogs and BBC’s Radio 4 for company, Sam’s imagination runs free and Mr Mustard and friends come to life. Sam also likes to write and sculpt, recently creating a cast of puppets from her popular characters. The most recent project is her new shop and the smallest open exhibition space in the world in two red phone boxes in Brighton.


Icecream Stop by Sam Toft PFWDC100219W (White) PFWDC100219B (Black) 62x82x4.5cm

Watching the World go by by Sam Toft PFWDC100218W (White) PFWDC100218B (Black) 82x62x4.5cm

The Flowers, the Sunshine, and You by Sam Toft PFWDC100220W (White) PFWDC100220B (Black) 62x82x4.5cm


Framed Canvas Collection Our brand new framed canvas range is handmade here in the UK and is available in both black and white frame options to suit any space.

Jura’s Aura by Scott Naismith PFWDC97184W (White) PFWDC97184B (Black) 62x62x4.5cm

Thermodynamics 2 by Scott Naismith PFWDC97185W (White) PFWDC97185B (Black) 62x62x4.5cm

Chromodynamics 2 by Scott Naismith PFWDC97186W (White) PFWDC97186B (Black) 62x62x4.5cm

Scott Naismith Award winning Scottish landscape artist Scott Naismith has been painting full time professionally from his studio in Glasgow since graduation from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in 2000. The many lochs, glens and isles of the West coast are amongst his favourite subject matter for his vibrant and atmospheric oil paintings of the Scottish landscape. Scott uses vivid colours in a vigorous application to represent the fast changing light conditions of the West coast of Scotland.


Onich Orange by Scott Naismith PFWDC100217W (White) PFWDC100217B (Black) 62x82x4.5cm

Liquid Light 4 by Scott Naismith PFWDC100216W (White) PFWDC100216B (Black) 62x82x4.5cm

Matter by Scott Naismith PFWDC100215W (White) PFWDC100215B (Black) 62x82x4.5cm


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