Koreana Spring 1992 (English)

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When the Power of a Nation Like Korea Is on the Upswing ... From the publish.er Lew Hyuck-ln 2 Profiles in Excellence 3 Parade of Brilliant Stars Enlivens Korean Music Scene 4 Contemporary Music Skyrocketing in Vigor Kang Sukhi 9 17 Western Music Causes All Manner of Change Suh Woo-suk Battle Went Right On under Colonial Rule Noh Dong-un 25 Some call Siblings the Chung Dynasty Kim Won-koo 36 Expanding Galaxy of Top Luminaries Kim Hyung-ju 41 Korean Sensibilities Fortify Musicality Hahn Myung-hee 54 Marvelous Venues for Music-Making Lee Jang-jik 59 Education Requires Wholesome Balance Cho Sang-hyun 70 Tons of Won Needed for Music Industry Tak Gye-seok 77 Uphill¡ Battle Goes On for Celebrating Opera Han Sang-woo 83 Pan Music Festival Opens New Horizons Kim Choon-mee 89 Interview/Brave New Tomorrow Awaits Korean Music Pak Yong-ku 94 Review/Theater Theater Fests Score Success Han Sang-chul 97 Review/Dance Dance Fests Help Provincial Troupes Kim Chae-hyun I0I . Review/Cinema No Blockbusters, No Critical Hits Lee Seung-ku I 05 The Korea Foundation

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