A Work Weekend by a Dust Bunny (as told to Dixie Mosier3Greene) Photos by Dollie McDonald
irst of all, it wasn’t a weekend, but two full working days. The Gamma Phi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Beta Zeta Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma from Stephen F. Austin State at Nacogdoches, Texas, came up to help. As a dust bunny, well hidden under a desk (I’m not telling whose!), I have seen “work weekends” come and go. Some
are short, some are long, some are very effective, some are “party-time.” This one was WORK! After two snow/ice storms, there was five inches of ice on the sidewalk outside. Matt Stuckey and Donny Warner pounded ice into chips for seven hours – they got almost all of it. And the stampin’ party was LOUD but productive. Angela Penkauskas, John Bobbitt, and Dusty Brown stamped “First Class” and the Headquarters return address on about 1100 envelopes, getting ready for the MidYear and National Convention mailers. Then they stuck mailing labels on all of them. Holley Floyd typed away updating the Chapter addresses for two days while wood12—The PODIUM, Spring 2001