5 minute read
Bringing Back the Normal The Surrounding Like-Lava
from CNHS - DSPC '23
By: Leah Gie Castillo
Kenneth Jairos Pajarito
Artificial intelligence has cursed us with imcompetncies as people are more reliant of to bots than their fundamental knowledge, leading to the loss of self-confidence.
The dependence of technology had led to multiple catastrophes in the past. Creating a machine that is capable of learing,conversing and commanding, relinquishes all progress that people made.
The problem with AI is it’s tendency to malfunction causing harm to those who’s unfortunate enough to suffer from the shortcomings of bots.
Conversation bot or Chat bots poses threat to security as they collect tons of personal information that may be corrupted my outside interferances. This can be easily abused by someone with sufficient knowledge of the tech leading to massive leaks in information. Further adding distress brought upon AI.
The greatest horrors of AI is it’s ability to learn any information it gathers, this poses massive risks as often seen in movies. A problem solve by Machine learning opens more opportunity for disasters.
AI has many flaws to be viable for many tasks, it’s vulnerability poses threats that must not be overlooked, due to the promise of convenience the laziness brought by robots will only worsen our problems.
We must invest more on ourselves as the evolution of machine learning will never stop as there are many flaws yet to be discovered.
Multiple schools are suspending classes out of necessity as the extreme heat has lead to multiple student suffering from dehydration, nosebleeds and fainting causing massive hystoria.
This modular distance leaving system is merely a temporary fixed like a band-aid one might say, this is not a practical solution to a rising problem as the consequences will be always repeated if not resolved correctly.
Students yearn to return to the old school calendar system as it’s more practical than a weasly solution to a great calamity.
MDL (Modular Distance Learning) is not the long term solution as it only relieves some pressure of student not outright solve them.
To return the old school calendar system is the way to go as it doesn’t only solves the summer heat problem, it allow learners to study in a more familiar climate.
“The main rationale is to spare students in the summer. Because of the pandemic, reverting the old school calendar will be conducted next year. Demanding modular distance learning is one of the band aid solution. 180+ students had led to suffering from dehydration, nosebleed, and fainting, causing massive hysteria.”
Because of the extreme heat, students yearns to return to the old school calendar system as it is more practical to go to school with a great calamity. But allowing learner to study in a more familiar climate is a better way to return the old school calendar system. It became the struggle of the students and staffs as it is not
It is truly uneasy to be in these situations even in a while as it became a huge obstacle and couldn’t be avoided. At the same time, it shows advantages that aren’t valued enough while throwing anger and complaining something they are feeling unthankful and puzzled, why and how. Preventing this natural phenomenon isn’t possible, yet avoiding could be.
For some reason, it is the difficulty of someone who is one of the people that encounter this situation for many times. Despite all of it, the problem has always been a piece of cake of the life of his since it could be lessen as long as possible. It gives him feeling that is hard but can be overcome immediately.
“During in an extreme heat, so much struggles are supplied to all. There are the designated months to be in school.
It is said by the most outstanding journalist 2007, also an Assistant Department Head, Louie Bryan M. Lapat, having a press conference to the Collaborative Desktop Publishing players of the event DSPC 2023 about the said topic, extreme heat.
He stated that PTA cannot provide air conditioners but DepEd can as they accept recommendations and hear out the school’s request and now calling of the attention to conduct the old school calendar due to the sudden change of weather.
“DepEd can adjust pretty well since they receive

Beat the Surging Sun!
By: Leah Gie Castillo
some helpful advantages that are not well-appreciated because of the least help that could give. do get angry when some disadvantage such as exhaustion, heat cramps, and thirstiness attacks”.
The experience of a student from Maco District, Kent Pasadas also stated that it is a struggle to lessen the heat at school because he don’t receive all the lessons well as he is focused of the hot weather. Even though it surrounds the difficulties to avoid, he keeps to be healthy and do good routine such as dehydrating himself and breaking down the hotness.
An extreme heat is a problem to all people since then. The uncomfortable feeling is one of the factors why we hate this intense condition. A struggle to each one of us, yet could be a gift suggestions from other school. There is a possibility that the old school calendar will happen soon, next year. All schools are complyant of the attractive level of quality of learning”.
He also stated that it is allowed to suspend classes, and to harness various education. Modular Class is not really the solution but reverting the old school calendar. Students soon will attend class that is now arranged to the normal school calendar, it just needs solution so that it will be back to normal.
Have you ever encountered a boiling heat that melts your body? Well, most people experience it since it is a natural phenomenon and couldn’t be prevented. Some positive and negative actions could be with you in times of these situations, but helping yourself could lessen the heat you are encountering, which it makes you feel better throughout the day. The more knowledge you had, the more energy could rise you up!
As a young one, you might be able to serve yourself, or even other people your knowledge in all of these situations. However, being a helping hand to anyone might make yourself being the huge key to all precious lives and adds you more courage to be a hero for everyone. There are many ways you could avoid the surging sun, and these are:
First, Bath yourself with a warm water. It is advisable to stay cool during hot weather and makes you feel better. A lot of it is perfect for the day, especially a cold water to cool yourself is also a nice moment to relax and unwind for a while. Going outside is really recommended to be fresh throughout the day.
Second, avoid to go out for many times. When unreasonable, it is much better to stay in instead of making yourself adding sweat. If it is a significant reason, never let your body exposed too much, use things that covers you up such as umbrella or jacket and wear a loose clothes to reduce experiencing heat.
Third, stay hydrated. Lacking of water might add danger so filling up your body with more, more water is one of the advisable things you could mentain at a sunny day. It adds strength to feel calm. A better routine such like these are good from the sunrise and at the end of the day.
There is so much ways to avoid struggles in these conditions. There is no reason to be feel tired so you might add knowledge to anyone who needed to know in times of these weather. It is better to share tips and be a lending hand to anyone!