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from CNHS - DSPC '23
Elaine Jacob plucks gold medal against Kryzel Femiz
By: Julianna Gabrielle Verallo
Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School – Davao
De Oro Elaine Mae Jacob notched a gold medal against Kryzel Joy Femiz in DSCPC table tennis single A Championship 2023 with winless end run 11-9 11-8 in 10 minutes at 11 a.m today.

The first set was all Elaine Mae Jacob, leading the match with a 3 pointer away from Kryzel Femiz with her hard smashes that she was aiming for where Femiz’ opposite side leading her to lose focus on the ball and miss it a few times.
Kryzel Fermiz can be seen with a lot of pressure and struggle in receving the ball with Elaine Jacob’s amazing speed along with her aim and placing of the ball that she aims to smash in an empty spot and pounding the ball with full strength that made Femiiz lose track of it.
It was an intense match for both young players, however Elaine Jacob put an end to the first set 11-9 with her excellent strategy that gained her with 6 points, 4 excellent digs, and 1 service ace with a coclusion of 6 minutes match against Kryzel Fermiz.
It was a quick match between the two athletes on the second and last set, Kryzel Fermiz managed to draw level on Elaine Jacob with a good start that tied them 3-3, Elaine Jacob on the other hand maintained her technique until the end of the match that Femiz had her focus on as she was unable to come up with a solution to challenge it.
Kryzel Fermiz had her short momentum as Elaine Jacob soon got away from the rough tie and proceeded to led with 6 points away from Femiz.
The last set ended shortly afetr Elaine Jacob’s last hit, puting an end to the Championship match with a final score of 11-8, Jacob had her speed and Femiz with her strong factual point on the board, Elaine Jacob with amassed her with her great performance that put the gold medal on her palms.
“No hard feelings, wala
Big ambitions comes with great dedication
By: Julianna Gabrielle Verallo
For the past 7 years of playing table tennis, Elaine Mae Jacob has thrive to win and put her vision to reality, with countless trainings, tournaments and challenges, she managed to pass all of them with full confidence and strenght.
ko naka feel ug challenge pero nangulba ko.” Elaine Mae Jacob said pointing out the intense match that she just had with her long time friend Kryzel Joy Femiz. Kryzel Femiz on the other hand stated “Kulang ko sa practice, mao jud na ang kailangan para mas ma improve akoang pag dula,” to practice more is her way of gaining achievements and winning gold medals, it was a friendly game both young athletes said.
Kryzel Femiz was overpowered by Elaine May!
Kryzel was outplayed by Elaine in the DSPC Table- Tennis Women 2023.
She was disappointed of her loss as there were multiple onlookers watching and recording the match, not to back down now she promised to practice and one day come with different results.
The two young athletes shortly finished the match as Fernandez greatly lacks the capacity to mitigate her weakness, allowing her opponent to exploit her weaknesses.
It was great for Femiz to read the opponents’ strategy as this allowed her to predict most action of Elaine allowing for Kryzel to take a lead.
It was a bit challenging for Kryzel, ending in a loss 3 points down. She can read the opponents strategy and use it with great effects, but slightly lacking in her defenses, allowing the opponent to score.
For Kryzel to beat Elaine, she needs to practice more in her defense as her offensive capability is superb.
A Rough yet Friendly Fight
By: Julianna Gabrielle Verallo
“Akoang usually na gina buhat kay placing sa ball tas akoang gina obserbahan kung unsa ang weakness sa kalaban.” Elaine Jacob said after asked about her excellent strategy that knocked Kryzel Fermiz down with winless end run.
Elaine Mae Jacob beats Kryzel Joy Fermiz with 2-set victory 11-9 11-8 in DSPC table tennis women a single Championship 2023 held at Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School at 11 a.m today.

The short match between the two young athletes finished off shortly for 10 minutes, with Elaine Jacob’s strong speed that made her won a victory against Kryzel Fermiz, a lot of focus on with the placing of ball and finding out what the opponent’s weakness that gave her a huge advantage of hitting the ball hard on the empty side.
Kryzel Fermiz on the other hand had her focus on the board and how Elaine Jacob uses her strategies on her that eventually made her lose track of the ball often, it was a struggle for Kryzel Fermiz to come up with a solution as Elaine Jacob managed to edge her multiple times ending her short momentum on the second set. The first set started off with Elaine leading 3 points away from Kryzel Fermiz, it was challenging for Fermiz to draw level as she struggled to receive the ball from Jacob’s hard smashes that eventually titled her factual point on the game Fermiz, however, managed to catch up and end up a rough tie between Jacob but it was a quick momentum for Fermiz as Jacob took off and started to lead again by 4 points from Fermiz.
“More practice pa jud, para mag improve.” Fermiz said after facing the challenges she just had with Jacob.
Young athlete Elaine Mae Jacob is a 14-year old student player who started her journey as at the age of 8, Jacob stated that her tito was one of her inspirations that helped her grue and improve her skills, he supported her and was there to face struggles and challenges with her.
Elaine took home a silver medal from her tournament at Pantukan when she was there to fought for Provincial Meet, “Mao to akoang biggest achievement before ani nga match, naka silver ko ato nga time,” the young player is full of passion when competing and aher coach Mustiola Vista was also there to support her.
Elaine was a great smasher on the match, she had a strategy where she observes the opponent’s weakness and she uses it as an advantage to hit the ball at the empty spot making her opponent lose track of the ball, this technique of her has become her way of winning any competition.
Elaine stated that the match with her best friend was not that challenging for her, though it made her nervous as she beats her even though she was older and had more experience than her, this shook her and made her completely smile out of happiness, it was an unexpected victory for Elaine Jacob.
The student athlete stated “Naa koy pangandoy maka apil ug big competitions like DAVRAA and SEA Games, more practice para mag improve,” despite of being a young athlete, not only that but she is also a student who excells in her studies, this thought is hard for her as she needs a proper time management to do all her responsibilities.